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03x18 - The Lights of Zetar

Posted: 01/15/23 07:51
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 5725.3.

The Enterprise is
en route to Memory Alpha.

It is a planetoid set up
by the Federation

solely as a central library
containing the total cultural history

and scientific knowledge
of all planetary Federation members.

With us is specialist
Lieutenant Mira Romaine.

She is onboard to supervise

the transfer
of all newly-designed equipment

directly from the Enterprise
to Memory Alpha.

You're the sanest, the smartest,

the nicest woman
that has ever come aboard this ship.

Anything else?

Anything else,
I'll keep to myself for the moment.

When a man of Scotty's years
falls in love,

the loneliness of his life
is suddenly revealed to him.

His whole heart once throbbed
only to the ship's engines.

He could talk only to the ship.

Now he can see nothing
but the woman.

I didn't think Mr. Scott
would go for the brainy type.

I don't think he's even noticed
she has a brain.

Mr. Scott.

Mr. Scott?

As soon as we're within viewing range
of Memory Alpha,

you and Romaine
will go to your positions

in the emergency manual monitor.

You will prepare for direct transfer
of the equipment to Memory Alpha.

- Aye, captain.
- We're ready, sir.

may I offer my congratulations

on what will be your first assignment
for the Federation.

- Yes, good luck, lieutenant.
- Thank you.

Captain, I'm picking
up a high-intensity reading.

- Is that Memory Alpha?
- No, sir.

Excuse me.

Magnification 8.

- What is that?
- Indications are a storm, captain.

Although I have never seen one
of such great intensity

or strange conformation.


All sensor readings
are at maximum calibration.

Captain, it is approaching at
warp factor 2.6 and accelerating.

Check that.

No natural phenomena can
move faster than the speed of light.

It is definitely doing so, captain,

therefore it cannot be
a phenomenon of nature.

- Deflectors on. Condition Yellow.
- Condition Yellow, sir
- Shields activated, captain.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its five-year mission:
To explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilisations,

to boldly go where no man
has gone before.

Mr. Sulu, get us
the devil out of here.

Full scan on the disturbance
that penetrated the Bridge.

Lieutenant. All decks,
stand at report.


- Dr. McCoy to the Bridge. Emergency.
- Mira!

What's that you're saying?

Was she hurt by the fall
or the action of the disturbance?

I don't know. Did you notice, Scotty?

Well, after the disturbance was over,
she just collapsed.

How's she doing, doctor?

Well, I think she's
coming around now.

Easy, now. Easy.
You had quite a fall.

I'm... l'm fine.

You let me be the judge of that.
Do you feel like walking to Sickbay?

I'm fine, doctor. Really, I am.

Is everybody else all right?

Aye, they are. Now, you just do
what Dr. McCoy ordered.

- Why? I feel...
- You get to Sickbay, lieutenant. That's an order.

- Yes, sir.
- Captain, would it be all right if I went along to Sickbay?

No Mr. Scott. You stay at your
post for the moment.

- Captain...
- Lieutenant Uhura.

- Yes, sir?
- Damage report?

- All stations are operative, sir.
- Mr. Spock?

Some equipment was temporarily
out of order.

My sensors were inoperative.

- Any damage to the warp engines?
- None, captain.

Good. From the action of that storm,
we'll need all the speed we can get.

Captain, it was not a storm.

Captain, during the disturbance,
Memory Alpha was hailing.

I wanted to respond,
I couldn't make my hand move.


It was not hands that were paralyzed.
It was eyes.

I could not force my eyes to look down
and set a new course.

No, no, it was speech that
was affected. I couldn't utter a sound.

Mr. Spock. Explanation?

Only of the result, not of the cause.

In each case, a different area
of the brain was affected.

Our voluntary nerve functions
were under some form of pressure.

Or attack.

Attack might be
a more precise formulation, captain.

And Lieutenant Romaine
seems most susceptible.

Are the readings corresponding,

Everything appears normal, doctor.

Thank you.

What's that you're doing, nurse?

Recording your responses
in this computer.

But why? I haven't had
a single response worth noting.

- Lieutenant, please.
- Well, have I?

Lieutenant, there are 430 people
aboard this ship.

You're the only one that passed out
and I wanna know why.

I want to know why too.
You're the doctor. You tell me.

This whole thing is
a new experience for me.

This whole thing is a new experience
for all of us.

All of you are accustomed
to new experiences.

It's part of your work.

I'm not.

She might have something there,
Dr. McCoy.

This is her first deep space trip,
and you know how that affects people.

Well, if we can get on with this,

we might make that determination.

Now, then, tell me. What did you feel
before you passed out?

- Nothing.
- Nothing?

Absolutely nothing.

- Lieutenant...
- Doctor, there is nothing more I can tell you.

Lieutenant, you're being
completely uncooperative.

Are you putting that into my record?
It's not true.

I'll put the facts into your record
if I can get them.

Come on, now, Mira.
We must help the doctor.

Tell us what happened.

Perhaps you can explain to her

that any career she hopes for
in Starfleet

requires discipline and cooperation.

Well, I'm sure that's
what the lieutenant wants.

She just didn't understand.

Did you, now, lass?

Well, with a bedside manner
like that, Scotty,

you're in the wrong business.

When the record of this is forwarded,
I'll be sent back, won't I?

Oh, you will not! That's ridiculous.

This getting used to space travel,
that takes some doing.

And not everybody takes to it.

- Did you?
- Well, me, that's different.

I was practically born to it.

- I want to continue.
- You will.

You passed your Starfleet
preliminary examinations.

And this is just getting used to what
you might call your space legs.

I hope that's all it is.

Captain, I've plotted the storm's path.

Mr. Lemli.

Main screen projection.

On its present course,

it will hit the Memory Alpha planetoid
as it did us.

Lieutenant, try
and warn Memory Alpha

of the proximity of that phenomenon.

- Give me an ETA for its possible impact.
- I cannot, sir.

It has the ability to change speed.

Sir, I'm unable to establish contact
with the planetoid.

I'm hailing on all frequencies.
No response.

It is of little consequence, captain.

Memory Alpha has
no protective shields.

- No shields?
- None, captain.

When the library complex
was assembled,

shielding was considered inappropriate
to its totally academic purpose.

Since the information on
the memory planet

is freely available to everyone,

special protection
was deemed unnecessary.

Wonderful. I hope the storm
is aware of that rationale.

Completing approach to planetoid.

It is already over Memory Alpha,

Its speed is incredible.
It's hitting the planetoid.

Are we within orbit range,
Mr. Chekov?

Making final approach.

Lieutenant, try and warn...

I'm sorry, sir. I can't break through
this interference.

Mr. Spock, how many people
are on Memory Alpha?

It varies with the number
of scholars, researchers and scientists

from various Federation planets
who are using the computer complex.

Captain, we are within orbit range.

- Lock into orbit.
- Aye, sir.

It is leaving Memory Alpha, captain.

Sensors give no readings

of generated energy
from Memory Alpha, captain.

- Any life readings?
- None.

Let's find out
what's going on down there.

Kirk to Engineering.
Mr. Scott, report.

Kirk to Engineering. Mr. Scott?
Where the devil is he?

Scotty, report to the Bridge.
Report to the Bridge.

Have the transporter Room, stand by.
I'm taking a landing party down there.

- Aye, aye, sir.
- Scott here.

Scotty, where've you been?
Where are you?

- In the Sickbay.
- Are you sick?

Oh, no. I was just checking on the lass.

She's going to be fine, though.
There's nothing wrong with her.

Well, I'm relieved
to hear your prognosis, Mr. Scott.

Is the doctor there with you,
or will I find him in Engineering?

- McCoy here, Jim.
- Doctor, how's the girl?

- Well, I think she's in good shape.
- Well, Mr. Scott seems to agree with you.

The two of you, meet me in
the Transporter Room on the double.

Captain's log, supplemental,
stardate 5725.6.

The storm has cleared Memory Alpha.
It is heading away at incredible speed.

We have been unable
to make contact with the planetoid.

Its silence is ominous.

We are beaming down
to investigate.

Somehow I find transporting
into the darkness unnerving.

Scotty, can you get us
some more light?

I'm afraid this light
will have to do, captain.

The generator is inoperative.

- Damage report, Spock.
- Disaster for the galaxy, captain.

The central brain is damaged.
Memory core is burned out.

The loss to the galaxy
may be irretrievable.


A very faint life reading
in the immediate vicinity, captain.

Locate him. Keep him alive.

We need more information
about this enemy.

Over here, captain!

- Bones, can you do something?
- Not a thing, Jim.

The same garbled sounds
Lieutenant Romaine made

when she fainted after the storm.

- Are you sure?
- Absolutely sure.

- Kirk to Enterprise.
- Sulu here.

Beam down
Lieutenant Romaine immediately.


Have you ever seen
anything like that before?


- Bones?
- She's dead.

- What did she die of?
- Severe brain haemorrhaging.

Due to distortion
of all neural systems.

Dissolution of
autonomic nervous system.

All basic personality factors, captain.

- The attack was thorough.
- What did the others die of?

Each had a different centre
of brain destroyed, cause unknown.

A different centre of the brain,
you say?

Yes, captain. I can be more detailed
when we return to the ship.

Use the ship's computers.


The captain has some questions.

- Yes, captain?
- Lieutenant.

When you were unconscious,
you were speaking.

What did I say?

I don't know. The words
were unfamiliar to me.

What did it sound like?

They sounded exactly like the last
words spoken by the technician.

What technician?

We found one person in there,
just barely alive.

- The rest were dead and we...
- Lieutenant.

- Lieutenant?
- We must get back to the ship.

- Why? Tell me, why?
- That storm, it's returning.

- How do you know?
- I know. You'll be k*lled if we stay.

Lieutenant, I assure you,
that unexplained phenomenon

was headed away from the planet.

- It is probably seeking other victims.
- I tell you, it will k*ll us.

- Enterprise to Captain Kirk.
- Kirk here.

Bridge, sir. The storm has reappeared
on the long-range scanner

and is closing fast.

- What's its course?
- Coming back in this direction.

Beam us up.

Mr. Sulu, this is the captain.
Get the Enterprise out of here.

Wait, captain, we've lost Mira.

- Delay that order, Mr. Sulu.
- Stabilise her.

Something's interfering with the transporter signal.
I have her coordinates,

but she is suspended in transit.

Let me.

All right, Mr. Sulu,
get us out of here.

Mr. Scott, check emergency manual
monitor for transporter control.

Captain, it's changing course.

Plot the new course, Mr. Chekov.

- Present course is 126, mark 20.
- Plot it.

Present course will bring it across
our starboard side, sir.

Mr. Spock, you made a statement
that phenomenon is not a storm.


No known conditions in space

would support that type
of natural phenomenon.

- What is it?
- Captain I'm having difficulty with the ship's sensors.

They seem to be under selective attack
by the phenomenon

as the unfortunate occupants
of Memory Alpha were.

Then deductive reasoning
will have to be substituted.

Ship's sensors are operating
at the moment.

Perhaps the elusive creature will
now reveal something about itself.

But I saw those men dead,
in their exact positions.

Listen to me.

I've told you what strange tricks
a space trip can play on your mind.

- Now, that's all it is.
- No, Scotty.

Have you ever had visions
of the future events before this?

- Never.
- And if you ask me, nobody ever has.

That seeing of the future,
it's pure bunk.

You know that, don't you?

- I've always believed it.
- And you were perfectly right.

Then what is it, Scotty?
What's frightening me?

Ever since that, that storm hit,
I've, I've had such strange thoughts,

such feelings of, of terror.

It's space. Space. That's all it is.

Then I don't have to report it?

Well, if you want to spend
the rest of the trip in Sickbay.

But what good would that do?

Dr. McCoy can no more cure it
than he can a cold.

Captain, it's heading straight for us.

- Activate shields.
- Shields activated.

Mr. Chekov,
change course to 143, mark 3.

- One-four-three, mark 3.
- Storm's course, Mr. Sulu?

One-four-three, mark 3.

- Take evasive action.
- Evasive action.

Hard starboard, 217, mark 5.

Two-one-seven, mark 5.

Still with us, sir.

Hard port, 117, mark 2.

One-one-seven, mark 2.

Still with us, sir.

Is it closing?

Negative, captain.
Maintaining its distance.

However, it is matching
each manoeuvre we execute

and I am receiving
increasing magnitude of energy.

Your analysis, Spock? What is it?

Not what is it, captain.
What are they?

There are ten distinct life units
within it,

all powerfully alive and vital.

Who are they?
Where are they from?

Impossible to determine without
programming for computer analysis.

It's clear we can't outrun them.
Can we shield against them?

I do not believe the Enterprise shields
would prove an effective defence.

There must be some defence
we can use.

Captain, we are dealing
with a community of life units.

Their attack is in
the form of brainwaves

directed against the brain
which is most compatible.

Maybe we can avoid another attack.

Lieutenant Uhura, open all channels.
Tie in the universal translator.

Mr. Spock says it's alive.

Maybe I can talk to it.

All channels open. Translator tied in.

This is Captain James Kirk
of the USS Enterprise.

We wish you no harm.

Physical contact between us
is fatal to our life forms.

Please, do not come
any closer to our ship.

Perhaps it did not understand.

Captain, change in velocity recorded.

They're passing our starboard side
and maneuvering in front of us.

Switching to forward scanner.

Captain, change in velocity recorded.
It has accelerated its approach.

Help, Scotty.

Hold me. It's happening again.



Perhaps it understands
another kind of language.

Condition Red Alert.
Prepare for phaser firing.

- Mira.
- No, Scotty! No!

- Lock in phaser tracking controls.
- Locked in, sir.

Adjust phasers,
we'll fire across its course.

Do not hit it.

- Locked in, sir.
- Fire.

Reaction, Mr. Sulu?

None, sir.
They're still approaching us.

Apparently a shot across the bow
is insufficiently convincing.

Prepare to lock phasers
into the heart of the community.

- Locked in, sir.
- Fire.




The phasers seem
to have stopped their approach.

They're holding position.

Lock in for another blast.

- Locked in, sir.
- Captain!

Captain, the phaser sh*ts
are k*lling Mira!

k*lling Lieutenant Romaine?

When you fired the phasers,
they stunned her and she crumpled.

Another shot and you'll k*ll her.

Get her to Sickbay at once.

Ready for firing, captain.

Cancel that order.

Another attack on that alien life form
will k*ll Lieutenant Romaine.

- It appears so.
- If she is to survive, we can't attack.

Not directly.

Can the computer supply a defence

based on the data
you've been accumulating?

Negative, captain.

I have not been able
to gather sufficient data for that.

Captain, there is only
one possible defence.

If we can find an environment
which is deadly to the alien form.

And yet isolate the girl
from its deadly effects.

- Captain Kirk to Dr. McCoy.
- Yes, captain.

Is the girl well enough
to be questioned?

I can have her ready
in a few minutes.

Have the lieutenant and Mr. Scott

in the briefing room
as quickly as possible.

Bring all available biographical material
with you. Kirk out.

Mr. Spock, come with me.

Go easy on her, Jim.
She's in a pretty bad state.

I'll try.

Lieutenant Romaine.

I didn't mean to be uncooperative,

Of course you didn't.
I told the captain.

We must get to understand
what is happening.

I'll tell you everything I know.

The ship's investigative procedures

are sometimes confusing
to a new crewman.

- Don't let us upset you.
- I trust all of you implicitly.

I want to help.

This investigation has been
prompted by two events.

First is the time
you passed out on the Bridge

and the second is when we fired
our main phasers

into that force that is attacking us
and seriously injured you.

- You mustn't worry about hurting me.
- Now, this is how we'll proceed.

Mr. Spock has all the information
available to us about our attackers.

Dr. McCoy has access to
Starfleet's exhaustive files on you.

A comparison of the two may turn up
some improbable connection,

which may protect you
and ourselves.

All right, gentlemen?

Dr. McCoy, will you proceed?

Romaine, Mira, lieutenant.

Place of birth,
Martian Colony Number 3.

Parents, Lydia Romaine, deceased.

Jacques Romaine,
chief engineer of Starfleet, retired.

Mr. Spock, are you prepared with the
background history of the attackers?

I am, captain. I have fed all obtainable
data to the main computer.

It should be ready to supply
whatever conclusions are possible.

Thank you.

Mr. Sulu, what is the status
of our friends up there?

Status unchanged. They're still with
us and keeping the same distance.

Continue evasive manoeuvres.
Keep me informed. Kirk out.

Doctor, do you have a medical record
of Lieutenant Romaine available?

Yes, captain.

I'd like a few items from
her psychological profile checked.

Any history of psychosomatic

Occasional, in teenage routine

Any evidence of involuntary
or unconscious telepathic abilities?


Any pathological or unusual
empathic responses?

No, captain, not empathic.

However, an extremely flexible
and pliant response

to new learning situations
is highly marked.

- Go ahead, doctor.
- Right after our phasers hit that thing,

I gave Lieutenant Romaine
a standard Steinman analysis.

- The results might be interesting.
- Go ahead.

A comparison of our Steinman
with Starfleet records

shows that Lieutenant Romaine's
fingerprints, voice analysis,

all external factors
remain exactly the same as before.

However, according to
two hyperencephalograms,

her brainwave pattern
has been altered.

- But that's impossible.
- That's what I was taught.

But the BCP is just
as consistent as fingerprints.

Let's see it.

Dr. McCoy,
according to your records,

Lieutenant Romaine showed
no abnormal telepathic powers.

That's right, Spock,
but exceptional pliancy was indicated.

But that might be a factor.

And you are sure that
this is the correct slide?

Yes, Mr. Spock.
That is Tape Deck D,

brain circuitry pattern
of Lieutenant Mira Romaine.

Gentlemen, it also happens
to be Tape H,

the impulse tracking
obtained from the alien life units.

Nurse Chapel followed this every step
of the way. There can be no error.

Check it, Spock.

As I said, captain, this is the tracking
obtained during the last shielded run.

run a detailed comparison,

brain circuitry patterns,
Tape D and Tape H.

Comparison Tape D, brain circuitry
patterns of Lieutenant Mira Romaine

and Tape H, brain circuitry patterns
of alien life unit.

Identical. Identical.


- There has been no error.
- Dr. McCoy is correct, captain.

There is an identity of minds
taking place

between the alien beings
and the mind of Lieutenant Romaine.

Their thoughts are becoming hers.

Bridge to Captain Kirk.

The alien is no longer
maintaining its distance.

Continue evasive action.
Keep me informed. Kirk out.

Mira has tried to tell me all along that
she was seeing things in advance.

Why didn't you report it?

You don't report space sickness.
That's all I thought it was.

- What did she see?
- The first attack on the ship.

The attack on Memory Alpha,
and the time we nearly lost her.

Those were all acts
carried out by our attacker.



Yes, Scotty.

What else?

I thought for a moment
there was something else,

but I guess I was wrong.

- Was he wrong, Lieutenant?
- Yes, there was one other time.

- What did you see?
- I saw Scotty.


- I don't know.
- What was he doing?

He was dying.

Now I understand
what's been happening.

I've been seeing
through... another mind.

I've been flooded with thoughts,

not my own, that control me.

Oh, Scotty, Scotty,
I'd rather die than hurt you.

I'd rather die.

All right, now.

What's all this talk of dying?

They've called the turn on us
three out of four times.

Now, that's a better average
than anybody deserves.

It's our turn now. We'll fight them.

So let's not hear
anything more about dying.

- Kirk here.
- Sulu, captain.

All evasion tactics
carried out as ordered.

- What success did you have?
- It's been useless, captain.

At their present force, they will get
through the shields this time, captain.

- Warp 8, Mr. Sulu.
- Yes, sir.

They'll be here very soon.

They may destroy you and us
as they did Memory Alpha.

You are especially
susceptible to their will.

But we have one chance to survive.

Don't resist.

Let them begin
to function through you.

If we can control that moment,
we have a chance. Will you try?

Tell me what to do.

- Captain Kirk to Medical Lab.
- Medical Lab here, sir.

Prepare the antigrav test units.
Let's go.

Attention, all personnel, attention.
Alien force has penetrated the ship.

Take defensive action.

Attention, all personnel. The alien
being has penetrated the ship.

Take defensive action.

General quarters,
Security Condition 3, intruder alert.

Repeat, general quarters,
Security Condition 3, intruder alert.

As soon as she has entered
the gravity chamber, secure all ports.

Don't touch me, Scotty. Stay away.

We've lost her to them.

- Stay where you are.
- She could k*ll us all in this state.

She will,

unless we are able to complete
what the captain has planned.

Stay with us, Mira. Please stay.

I'm trying.

I want to be with you.

They are too strong.

Don't lose yourself to them. Hold on.

I am Mira Romaine.

I will be who I choose to be.

I will...

Stay away, Scotty!

They're with me.

They will k*ll you.

You won't let them.

She cannot stop us.

You cannot prevent it.

Mira. Mira!


That's not Mira talking.

Captain, we must deal
with them directly.

Now, while she still retains partial
identity, we can speak to them.

They will answer using her voice.

I'm Captain James Kirk
of the spaceship Enterprise.

Do you understand?

Yes, we understand you.

We have searched for a millennium
for one through whom we can see

and speak and hear
and live out our lives.

- Who are you?
- We are from Zetar.

That is one of the planets where
all humanoid life was destroyed.

You can't be from Zetar.
All life was destroyed there long ago.

- Yes, all corporeal life was destroyed.
- Then what are you?

The desires, the hopes, the mind and
the will of the last hundred of Zetar.

The force of our life
could not be wiped out.

- All things die.
- At the proper time.

Our planet was dying.
We were determined to live on.

At the peak of our plans to go,
a sudden final disaster struck us down.

But the force of our lives survived.

At last we have found someone
through whom we can live it out.

The body of the one you inhabit
has its own life to lead.

She will accept ours.

She will not.
She is fighting for her own identity.

Her mind will accept our thoughts.
Our lives will be fulfilled.

Will she learn the way the people
on Memory Alpha learned?

- We did not wish to k*ll.
- But you did k*ll.

No. Resisting us k*lled those people.

We did not k*ll them.

The price of your survival is too high.

We only want the girl.

You can't have her.

You're entitled to your own life,
but not another's.

Life was given to me.

It is mine. I want to live it out.

I... will...

The girl's life reading
is becoming a match to the Zetarians'.

She's losing.

Do not fight us.

They will not accept
their own deaths.

They'll be forced to accept it.

You will all die.

Captain, if we cannot complete
the plan, they will carry out their threat.

We must get her
into the pressure chamber.

Jim, you realise the pressure needed
to k*ll the Zetars might k*ll the girl, too.

Mira will not k*ll me.

Told you she wouldn't k*ll me.

Secure the chamber.

Neutralise gravity.

The Zetars are growing stronger.

A weightless state has become
their natural condition.

Pressurise the unit.

Bring pressure to two atmospheres

and then increase
one atmosphere per second.

Continue increasing pressure.

Pressure, Spock. Pressure.

The pressure is dangerously high,

It may damage her.

Continue, Spock.


We've done it, Jim. They're gone.

It's all right, Mira. They're gone.

They're gone.

Reduce the pressure
very, very gradually, Spock.

We may tax Mr. Scott's patience,

Now, lie perfectly still, lieutenant.
Try not to move at all.

Take deep, regular breaths.

But don't hold it.
Continue to breathe deeply.

In... out... in... out.

That's it. Now, you'll be in there
another 20 minutes,

so why don't you just try to relax.

Now we have all the time
in the world.

Bones, are you able to judge

the long-range effects
on Lieutenant Romaine?

When the personality of a human
is involved,

exact predictions are hazardous.

Particularly where humans
are involved, doctor.

However, despite Starfleet judgement
of the pliancy of the lieutenant,

she put up a valiant struggle
to retain her identity

and I find that encouraging.

Dr. McCoy is correct, captain.

While the truth
was difficult to accept,

when it was revealed,
the girl reacted well.

I would say her struggle
in this experience

would strengthen
her entire ego structure.

Would either of you credit Scotty's
steadfast belief in her as a factor?

You mean love as motivation?

Humans do claim a great deal
for that particular emotion.

I suppose it is possible.

There are no howevers about it,
Mr. Spock.

It was a factor and it will be
a factor in the girl's recovery.

Do I take it both of you agree
that Lieutenant Romaine

need not return to starbase
for further treatment?

Well, I should think
work would be a better therapy.


- Captain Kirk to Mr. Scott.
- Scott here, sir.

Mr. Scott,
how's Lieutenant Romaine?

- Beautiful, captain.
- Yes, Mr. Scott.

Do I take it you say
that she is fit for duty?

- Positively, captain.
- Thank you.

- Kirk to Bridge.
- Sulu, captain.

Mr. Sulu, set course
for Memory Alpha.

Lieutenant Romaine
has a lot of work to do there.

Well, this is an Enterprise first.

Dr. McCoy, Mr. Spock
and Engineer Scott

find themselves
in complete agreement.

Can I stand the strain?