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03x12 - The Empath

Posted: 01/15/23 07:47
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 5121.5,

orbiting the second planet
in the Minarian star system.

This star has long given evidence
of entering a nova phase,

and six months ago,
a research station was established

to make close-up studies of the star
as its end approaches.

Minara is now entering
a critical period

and the Enterprise has been ordered
to evacuate the station

before the planet
becomes uninhabitable.

Yet our attempts
to contact the station's personnel

have been, so far, unsuccessful.

Dust. Apparently these instruments
have not been recently used.

Record tape.

Maybe it'll tell us something
about the personnel that lived here.

Enterprise to Captain Kirk.
Come in, please.

- Kirk here. What is it, Enterprise?
- Scott here, sir.

Our instruments have picked up
a gigantic solar flare

with very high levels of cosmic rays
accompanying it.

- How bad?
- An enormous one.

Our sensors indicate the cosmic-ray
concentration measures 3.51

on the Ritter scale.

That'll play the very devil
with the crew as well as the ship.

At that rate,
it will take exactly 74.1 solar hours

- for the storm to pass.
- Get that ship out of here.

Stay at minimum distance
for absolute safety.

- Aye, aye, sir. We'll beam you up in...
- Negative. We're staying here.

The atmosphere of the planet
will protect us.

- Get that ship out of here, Mr. Scott.
- Very well, sir. Scott out.

Mr. Spock, what about that tape?

Remember, captain,
that what we see on this tape

happened approximately
three months ago.

I don't think I can stand another week
in this godforsaken place.

In his hand
are the deep places of the earth.

Psalm 95, verse 4.

Looks like he was listening.

Who's down there?!

What happened to them?

Where's that sound coming from?

Spock, can you pinpoint it?

Negative, captain. It doesn't register.



Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its five-year mission:
To explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilisations,

to boldly go where no man
has gone before.



Where are we?

Exactly 121.32 metres
beneath the planet's surface, captain.

- How did we get here?
- Residual energy readings indicate

we were beamed here
by a matter-energy scrambler

similar to our own
transporter mechanism.

- That's a nasty cut, Jim. Does it hurt?
- No.

Captain, picking up a life-form reading,
bearing 42, mark 7.

- One of the missing scientists?
- Negative.

Although humanoid,
it is definitely not h*m* sapiens.

- Identification?
- Impossible.

I can make no exact identification
other than it being humanoid.

Let's find out.

Phasers on stun.

Approaching the life form, captain.

- What is it?
- Still undistinguishable.

Be careful.

Well, she seems harmless enough.

The sand bats of Manark IV appear
to be inanimate rock crystals, doctor,

until they attack.

We're not gonna hurt you.

Is this your home?

Do you live here?

What about it, Spock? Analysis.

From what we know
of the specific gravity

and other environmental factors
of this planet,

a life form such as hers
could not evolve here.

Are you responsible
for bringing us here?

Don't be afraid.

Bones, what's wrong with her?

She's a mute, Jim. No vocal chords.

Not even vestigials.
And I don't think

- it's a pathological condition.
- Explain.

Well, she appears to be
perfectly healthy.

For the other,
her lack of vocal chords

could be physiologically normal
for her species, whatever that is.

A race of mutes.

Like the civilisation
on Gamma Vertis IV.

That's my observation,
for whatever it's worth.

Without speech,

how is she gonna be
able to understand us?

- Unless she's a telepath.
- An unlikely possibility, captain,

since over 98 percent
of the known telepathic species

send thoughts
as well as receive them.

She's made no attempt
to contact our minds.

Well, we can't keep
referring to her as "she,"

as if she weren't here.

Do you have any ideas?

Well, I don't know about you,
but I'm gonna call her Gem.

Gem, doctor?

Well, that's better than "Hey, you."

I wanna know why we're here.

I wanna know what's going on.

And she knows.

- I'm Captain...
- We are aware

of your identity, captain.

Who are you?

Why did you bring us here?

We are Vians. Do not interfere.

- What do you intend to do with us?
- Delay us no longer.

We come in...

Since you already know who we are,

you must also know
that we come in peace.

Our Prime Directive
specifically prohibits us

from any interference...

I can't seem to stand up.

Don't fight the force field.

There's something about it
that upsets the body metabolism.

Not quite, doctor.

The field draws its energy
from your bodies.

The more you resist,
the stronger the force field becomes.



There must be an exit
other than the one we just saw.

Correct, captain.

- Do you feel all right, Jim?
- Don't worry about me.

They may have hurt her.

Did they hurt you?

The pain is gone.

She touched my head
and the pain is gone.

The wound is completely healed.

It fits, Jim.

She must be an empath.

Her nervous system is so sensitive,
highly responsive,

that she can actually feel our
emotional and physical reactions.

- They become part of her.
- Thank you.


In this direction,
my tricorder is now picking up

a substantial collection of objects.

- Details?
- Electronically sophisticated devices.

I fail to understand why my tricorder

previously gave no indication
of them being out there.

Well, they're there now.
Let's go check them out.

Staying here alone
could be dangerous.

Come with us.


Look at this stuff.


Spock, come here.

Jim, Spock.

You're on schedule.

Some further simple tests
are necessary.

We've just seen the results
of some of your tests.

I found our missing men. Dead.

- Another one of your experiments?
- You're wrong.

Their own imperfections k*lled them.
They were not fit subjects.


- Time is short.
- Yes. Your time is running out.

This sun is about to nova.

When it does, it'll destroy you,

this planet
and this insane t*rture chamber.

Let's get out of here.

Readings indicate
the passage to the

surface lies in this direction.

Kirk to Enterprise.

Kirk to Enterprise. Come in.

Out of range.

Readings, Mr. Spock?

Research station six kilometres
in that direction, captain.

Let's get there as fast as we can.

If the Enterprise has a search party,
it'll be there.


Is it much further?

Just ahead.

Hey, Jim, look.
Scotty and the search party.

- Scotty!
- Scotty!

Stay there!

- Come on.
- We're coming!

Keep going.

Their will to survive is great.

- They love life greatly, to struggle so.
- The prime ingredient.

Where did they go?

I believe they were
never actually present, doctor.

It was a mirage.

Where's Kirk?


What are you doing here?
Where's Scotty?

- Captain, it was a mirage.
- Captain Kirk.

We have decided that one specimen
will be sufficient.

- You will come with us.
- What about the others?

We have no interest in them.
They may go.

- Very well.
- You can't go back there.

You'll end up like the other two.

- Captain, I request permission to be...
- Denied.

But, captain...

You have your orders.

- What happened to my men?
- They are safe.

One specimen.
You said one specimen.

What happened to my men?

- Indeed. The prime ingredient.
- Where are they? Tell me.

You said you'd let them go.

Mr. Sulu.

Will you give us an estimate
into how much longer we'll have

until those solar flares subside?

Aye, sir.

Readings now indicate
2.721 on the Ritter scale.

At the present rate of decrease,

we'll have to wait
at least 17 hours more

- before we even attempt to enter orbit.
- Aye.

Well, as long as we're
stuck out here,

we might as well relax
until the storm passes.

Storm's already lasted
four hours longer

than we've anticipated.

Do you suppose our landing party
could be in any danger?

That's not likely.

The planet's atmosphere
will give them ample protection.

And if I know Captain Kirk,
he'll be more worried about us

than we are about him.

What is it you want to know?

We seek no information
as you mean.

Your civilisation is yet too immature
to have knowledge of value to us.

You don't need any knowledge
from us,

yet you're willing to k*ll for it.

Is that what happened to
Linke and Ozaba?

We did not k*ll them.
Their own fears k*lled them.

Well, what did you expect
from them?

And what do you want from me?

We've already observed the intensity
of your passions

and gauged your capacity
to love others.

Now we want you to reveal to us
your courage and strength of will.


What is it you hope to prove?

If my death is to have any meaning,

at least tell me what I'm dying for.

If you live,
you will have your answer.

Come on, Spock,
the passageway was there before.

It's gotta be there.

Doctor, I'm unable to lock in
on the previous readings.

I can find no exit out of here.


Jim, what is it?
What have they done to you?

Help him!
Don't be afraid to help him.


You lie still.
I'll check her out right away.

- Will she live?
- She seems fine now.

Can you explain what happened?

Complete empathy. She must be
a totally functional empath.

Her nervous system
actually connected to yours

to counteract the worst
of your symptoms.

And with her strength,
she virtually sustained

your body's physiological reactions.

But she weakened. I could feel it.

Is her life in danger?

Well, it's impossible to say yet,

but supplying your body
with life support did drain her.

Her withdrawal seemed to suggest
the fear of death, doctor.

Only your urging her on
caused her to continue.

Well, that's true. Fear would
naturally be a first reaction.

Perhaps she doesn't know
our captain well enough yet

to offer up her life for him.

Could the strain
really have k*lled her?

Well, yes. However, I would assume
that her instinct for self-preservation

would take over to prevent it.
How do you feel?

I'm tired.

Can you recall
what happened, captain?

I remember the laboratory
and they wanted to know something.

- I can't remember.
- Take it easy.

- What's the matter with me?
- You have all the symptoms

of the bends.

Nitrogen bubbles in your blood
cause the pain.

Now, how would one
get the bends down here?

You'll have to ask the Vians.

Will I live?

Well, you could use some time
in our decompression chamber,

but otherwise, I'd say your recovery's
just about miraculous.

I wish I could take the credit for it,
but she did the work.

Captain, I noted
that a light preceded you

at the moment you were returned
here from the Vians' laboratory.

Spock, why do you have to get
so analytical at..?

No, he's right. Continue.

I conclude that such a light
is an energy-transfer point

linking this device
to the power source.

Can you tap into it?

If I can determine the frequency
at which this device operates,

I might be able
to cause it to function for us.

And get us out of here
the same way they brought us in.

- I would say so.
- And I would say proceed.

You are called "captain."

You are responsible for
the lives of your crew.

- Is this correct?
- It is.

We find it necessary

to have the cooperation
of one of your men in our efforts.

- We will not cooperate.
- When we resume our interrogations,

you will decide
which of your men we shall use.

It is essential.

There is an 87 percent chance
that the doctor will die.

And while Commander Spock's life
is not in danger,

the possibility is 93 percent

that he will suffer brain damage
resulting in permanent insanity.

- How's it coming, Spock?
- I do not know, captain.

I begin to understand
its operating principles, but that is all.

Spock, it won't be too long
before the Vians come back.

You'd better find out
how that thing works and soon.

Take it easy, Bones.

Men weren't intended
to live this far underground.

- It's just not natural.
- And space travel is?

Some men spend the majority
of their lives

in mines beneath the surface.

I'm a doctor, not a coal miner.

I've recorded my principles
and theories on the tricorder, doctor.

Should the Vians return,
there is sufficient data

for you and the captain
to complete the adjustments.

I'm not a mechanic.

I couldn't get that thing to work,
no matter many notes you left.

Possibly not, but you
and the captain together

will be able to do so.

In any case, Spock,

you are the logical one
to leave with the captain.

The decision's mine.

If there are any decisions
to be made, I'll make them.

If and when it becomes necessary.

- What is it? I don't need any...
- I'm still chief medical officer of the Enterprise.

I'll tell you what you need
and when you need it.

Would you rather have the bends?

That's it. Just lie down and relax.

How long will he be asleep, doctor?

Between the emotional strain
and that attack of bends,

he's in pretty bad shape.

I'm not criticising your action, doctor.
On the contrary.

I'm quite grateful for it.
The captain will be spared the strain

of making so difficult a decision.

You simplified
the situation considerably.


While the captain is asleep,
I am in command.

When the Vians return,
I shall go with them.

- You mean if I hadn't given him that shot..?
- Precisely.

The choice would have been
the captain's.

Now it is mine.

Your action is highly unethical.
My decision stands.

Not this time, Spock.

The choice has been made.

You stay here with my friends.
They'll take care of you.

Do you understand?

Come, then.

Doctor, please understand

that if there was any other way
to accomplish our purpose...

Get on with it.

Why did you let him do it?

I was convinced
in the same way you were, captain.

- By the good doctor's hypo.
- Anything?

A most unusual device.

It is a control unit,
but not a control mechanism.

- In fact, it is not a mechanical device.
- What exactly is it?

This control is attuned to only one
electrical pattern of energy:

The pattern produced
by the mental impulses

of the person who possesses it.

It is activated solely
by mental commands.

Can you adapt it, re-attune it,
to fit our brain patterns?

I shall attempt to do so.

However, it is not possible
to adjust the control

to fit more than one pattern
at a time.

I am, of course,
most familiar with my own pattern.

Therefore, with your permission, l...

Do whatever you have to do
to make it work, Spock.

What disturbs me is why
the Vians let us keep it.


They must have known
we were capable

of comprehending this control
and making use of it.

And that we would use it to escape.

The only logical assumption
is that they wish to let us go.

And they keep McCoy.

That is evidently
their intention, captain.


you're the crux,
the focal point of all this.

Even before we got here,
she was a prisoner.

They didn't hurt her,
they didn't even thr*aten her.

Indeed. The facts would indicate
that she is essential to their purpose.

Yes, there is a purpose,

but what is it?

Has all the pain
and terror happened,

or been made to happen,

for you?

Completed, captain.

The adjustments are delicate.

They may not survive
more than even one use.

However, there should be
sufficient energy

to transfer us to the Enterprise.

- Will it take us to McCoy?
- If you so desire.

The best defence
is a strong offence,

and I intend to start offending
right now.

Aim for the lab.



Get him down.

His wrists.

His pulse is almost gone.

- How is he?
- Severe heart damage.

Signs of congestion in both lungs.

Evidence of massive
circulatory collapse.

Don't talk.

Don't speak.

Take it easy until
we get you back to the ship.

- What is it? What's the matter?
- He's dying, Jim.

We can make him comfortable,
but that is all.

You don't know. You're not a doctor.

I am. Go on.

Internal injuries.

Bleeding in the chest and abdomen.

Haemorrhage of the spleen and liver.

- Seventy percent kidney failure.
- He's right, Jim.

Being a doctor has its drawbacks.

I always wondered why l...


How long?

It could happen any time.

The correct medical phrase,
eh, Spock?

You've got a good
bedside manner, Spock.

Can't we do something?

I'm afraid not.

Gem might be able to help him
the way she helped me.

But could his nearness to death
also k*ll her?

Uncertain, captain.
Dr. McCoy's analysis of her reaction

assumes that her instinct
for self-preservation would prevent it.

- However, we cannot be positive.
- If she could just strengthen him

and keep him from sinking further into
death, we might be able to save him.

No interference will be permitted.

She can save his life.

Let us help her to go to him.

She must not be urged or forced
to take action.

- All must proceed without interference.
- The purpose that brought us together...

What purpose can all this serve,

except the fulfilment
of some need of yours?

We have but one need left in life,

and that is to see the completion
of the final moment of our test.

- Be patient.
- Patient? Our friend is dying.


What purpose can be served
by the death of our friend,

except to bring you pleasure?

Surely, beings as advanced
as yourselves know

that your star system
will soon be extinct.

- Your sun will nova.
- We know.

Then you also know
that the millions of inhabitants

on its planets are doomed.

That is why we are here.

This arena of death that
you've devised for your pleasure,

- will it prevent this catastrophe?
- No, it will not.

But it may save Gem's planet.

Of all the planets of Minara,

we have the power to transport
the inhabitants of only one to safety.

If Gem's planet
is the one that will be saved,

we must make certain,
beyond any doubt whatsoever,

they are worthy of survival.

How will the death of our friend
serve this purpose?

His death will not serve it.

But her willingness
to give her life for him will.

- You were her teachers.
- We were?

- What could she learn from us?
- Your will to survive.

Your love of life.
Your passion to know.

They are recorded in her being.

Her planet will be fortunate.

Each of you was willing
to give his life for the others.

We must now find out
whether that instinct

has been transmitted to Gem.

- Time grows short.
- You were correct, captain.

Everything that has occurred here
has been caused to happen by them.

This has all been a great laboratory,

and we have been
the subjects of the test.

No. We only created
the circumstances.

That was necessary.

Your actions were spontaneous.

Everything that is truest
and best in all species of beings

has been revealed by you.

Those are the qualities that
make a civilisation worthy to survive.


That is most significant.

An instinct new to the essence
of her being is generating.

Compassion for another

is becoming part of
her functioning life system.

She is afraid.

She's saving herself.

She does not yet have the instinct
to save her people.

We have failed?


No, not yet.

Captain, Dr. McCoy's life
is not solely dependant on Gem.

The Vians, too, must be
capable of saving his life.

- True.
- Then you cannot let him die.

His death is not important.

We must wait to see whether
her instinct for self-sacrifice

has become stronger than
her instinct for self-preservation.

Don't touch me. Stay away.



- Are you here?
- Yes, Bones.

Don't let her touch me. She'll die.


I can't destroy life,

even if it's to save my own.

I can't. Now, you know that.

I can't let you do it.


- What is it?
- The intensity of emotion

is draining us
and building up the force field.

- Yes, I know.
- It draws its energy from us, captain.

In spite of what we see,
all emotion must be suppressed.

That might weaken the field.

I'll try.



You cannot use our powers
to change what is happening.

- You must save the life of our friend.
- No. We will not.

Her instinct must be
developed to the fullest.

The test must be complete.

It is complete.

Gem has earned the right of survival
for her planet. She offered her life.

- To offer is not proof enough.
- If death is all you understand,

here are four lives for you.

We will not leave our friend.

You've lost the capacity
to feel the emotions

you brought Gem here
to experience.

You don't understand
what it is to live.

Love and compassion are dead in you.
You're nothing but intellect.



- What is puzzling you, captain?
- I'm not puzzled, Mr. Spock, I'm...


I'm with you, captain. She awed me.

No, no. I wasn't thinking of Gem,

I was thinking of that
fantastic element of chance

that out in limitless space,
we should come together with Gem.

Captain, the element of chance
can virtually be eliminated

by a civilisation as advanced
as the Vians.

Not to dispute your computer,
Mr. Spock,

but from what little you've told me,
I'd say she was a pearl of great price.

What, Scott?

Do you not know
the story of the merchant?

The merchant.

Who, when he found
one pearl of great price,

went and sold all that he had
and bought it.

Yes, she was all that.

But whether the Vians
bought her or found her

makes little difference.
She was of great value.

Well, personally, I find it fascinating
that with all their scientific knowledge

and advances,

that it was good old-fashioned
human emotion

that they valued the most.

Perhaps the Vulcans
should hear about this.

Mr. Spock, can you be prevailed upon
to bring them the news?

Possibly, captain.

I shall certainly give the thought
all the consideration it is due.

- Mr. Sulu. Ahead, warp factor 2.
- Aye, aye, sir. Warp factor 2.