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03x11 - Wink of an Eye

Posted: 01/15/23 07:46
by bunniefuu
Ship's log, stardate 5710.5.

Lieutenant Commander Scott reporting.

While exploring an outer quadrant,
the Enterprise received distress calls

from an uninhabited, incredibly beautiful
city on the planet of Scalos.

Captain Kirk and a landing party
have beamed down.

What do your sensors read?

They register something,
but l can't figure out what.

- Specify.
- l can't get a fix on it.

Sensors don't pinpoint a location.

- l'm about to check circuits.
- You do that.

Uhura, does the location of the distress
call correspond with this area exactly?

Yes, sir. l'm still receiving visual contact.
l can see them but l can't see you.

- ls it the same area?
- Coordinates correspond, Captain.

Apart from the landing party, there is
no one here. There are no Scalosians.

The distress call is very strong, Captain.
They are pleading for assistance.

Check circuits for malfunctions. Kirk out.

This is a barren world. There's hardly
any vegetation, no animal life.

We should have some explanation.

But there is an insect life.

- My tricorder doesn't register it.
- Registers in my ears.

- Nothing?
- Evidently a civilisation of high order.

Rating number 7 on the industrial scale,
humanoid according to the paintings.

An abundance of literature, which
l shall have translated and processed.

Certain structures hold evidence
of recent occupancy,

while others are long abandoned.

- No sign of present life?
- Readings indicate life-forms.

But of an unusual
and intermittent nature.

They have no discernible form
or location.

A puzzling phenomenon.
l shall have to study it further.

Something was here.
We saw them on the screen.

- What happened?
- Unknown at present.

Mr Spock, l want you to run a survey,
using all ship's available instruments.


- What happened?
- l was looking at him...

l was looking right at him.
Then he just wasn't there.

Space - the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

lts five-year mission,
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilisations,

to boldly go
where no man has gone before.

Start a replay of the distress call.

ls the transporter functioning?

- Aye. Where's Spock?
- ln sickbay.

Dr McCoy is running a check
on the landing party.

- What is it?
- Malfunction, sir.

- Mr Sulu, l would like...
- Captain, it corrected itself.

There's trouble on the hangar deck.
The controls are frozen.

- Are repair crews assigned?
- Yes, sir.

- The tape is ready, sir.
- Play it.

To any and all space travellers passing
within range of the planet Scalos.

l send you an urgent appeal for help.

We are the last surviving members
of what was once a thriving civilisation.

We have taken shelter in this area.

We have no explanation
for what has been happening.

Our number is now five.
We were once a nation of 900,000.

Freeze it.

l assume this distress call
was pre-recorded.

What we received
was a delayed taped message.

That's why we received it while our
sensors picked up only the landing party.

When we beamed down,
we couldn't find those people.

They were there, now they're not.
Nor is Compton.

lt would seem that some force or agent
only partly discernible to our instruments

may have been responsible.

l want the ship on standby alert
while we continue the investigation.

Now l have readings
that the deflectors are inoperative.

Scotty, assist.

Ever since we beamed up
we've had malfunctions.

l want an investigation
and an explanation.

McCoy to Captain Kirk.
Captain's presence is requested.

- Can't it wait?
- Your orders, Jim. You're the last one.

- What do you read so far?
- Can we discuss it here?

On my way.
Mr Spock, you have the conn.

- What is it?
- Tell him.

Somebody's opened
all the medical supply cabinets.

- Anything missing?
- No.

lt's just as though someone
had picked up everything.

- Lie down.
- That fits with other disturbances.

Bones, what did your readings show up
on the other men?

All normal. Whatever happened to
Compton had no effect on anyone else.

Any of them report any unusual
experience since beaming up?

No, there's no mention of it.

- l'm not finished yet.
- Hold on.

Bones, could something
be making me hallucinate?

What do you mean?

Twice before, something touched me,
and there was nothing there.

And it's just happened again.

Could l be imagining it?

there's nothing wrong with you.

But am l hallucinating?

l'd say no.

Then we did beam something aboard.

Something has invaded the ship.

Kirk to Spock, come in. Spock, come in.

- l have a reading from life-support.
- Spock, l can't hear you.

- Check your circuits.
- lntercom system is breaking down.

Ship-wide order.
Use communicators instead of intercom.

lssue phasers to all crew members.

- Spock?
- l have a reading from life-support.

- Alien substances being introduced.
- Meet me on the double.

- Spock?
- lt is an unfamiliar force field.

There's an alien presence similar
to that on the planet's surface.

- But it has no exact location.
- Phasers on stun. Sweep the area.

lt seems that they intend to allow
only the two of us to enter.

l should advise caution.

What is it?

Unknown, Captain, but it is evidently
a device of alien origin.

Hooked into the life-support.
Designed to affect it.

Life-support is still operating. l'd say
that the installation is incomplete.

Disconnect it.

Destroy it.

Something shoved me back.
They're in here.

You! What are you doing on my ship?

Show yourselves!

lt seems that we may look at it,
Captain, but that is all.

- A show of strength.
- They think we cannot stop them,

and they wish to impress upon us
what they can do to us.

Have your readings been fed in?
Read out.

Computer, analyse and reply.
Have we been invaded?

- Affirmative.
- Description of enemy forces.

- Data insufficient.
- Number of enemy forces.

- Data insufficient.
- Purpose of the invasion.

lmmediate purpose - seizure and control
of starship Enterprise and crew.

Data insufficient for determination
of end purpose.

ls there a connection between this
and Compton's disappearance?

- Data insufficient.
- Are we capable of resisting?

- Negative.
- Your recommendations?

lf incapable of resistance,
negotiate for terms.

- We will not negotiate. You concur?
- Aye.

Your recommendations, Captain?

ls that coffee available or have
those circuits been damaged as well?

My recommendation?
Make them take the next step.



Would you mind explaining...

- Who are you?
- Deela. The enemy.

- You're the enemy?
- Yes. You beamed me aboard yourself.

Ridiculously long process,
but l've taken care of it.

- What have you done with my men?
- Nothing.

Mr Spock?


- This is nothing?
- There's nothing wrong with them.

They are just as they have always been.
lt's you who are different.



- This is nothing?
- To their ears you sound like an insect.

That's your description, Captain.
Accurate, if unflattering.

Really, there is nothing wrong with them.

- What have you done?
- Changed you.

You are like me now.

Your crew cannot see you or any of us
because of the acceleration.

We move in the wink of an eye.

There is a scientific explanation for it.

But all that really matters
is that you can see me,

and talk to me,

and...we can go on from there.

- Why?
- Because l like you. Didn't you guess?

Or are you used to being kissed
by invisible women?


ls this why you sabotaged my ship?

lt has not been sabotaged. We had
to make some changes to adjust it to us.

- You said "we".
- Yes, of course.

My chief scientist and his crew.

l am their queen.

You are going to be their king.

You'll enjoy living on Scalos.

What about my ship? My crew?

ln a few of their moments,
they will realise that you've vanished.

They will look for you,
but they will not find you.

You're accelerated
beyond their power to see.

So they'll go on without you.

Don't be so stubborn.
You cannot go back to them, ever.

ls it so dreadful a prospect?

This won't k*ll you,
but the stun effect is not very pleasant.

But that won't work.

You go ahead. Try.

Point it right at me.

My reactions are much too fast
for such a crude w*apon.

And l am quite good at self-defence, too.

This can be set
for stun and destroy, too.

Please. Accept what has happened.
There is nothing you can do to change it.

lf l agree to go with you,
will you set this ship to rights,

take out that device in life-support?

Don't be silly.
You'll feel better about it all in a while.

lt always happens this way.
They are very upset at first.

Then it wears off,
then they...they learn to like it.

You will, too.

He's on his way to you.
Be gentle with him.

Captain... Captain Kirk! He's gone.

- Did you see what happened?
- He drank his coffee and set it down.

- And then he vanished.
- Mr Sulu, do you verify?

Yes. He was there,
then all of a sudden he wasn't there.

- You've made it.
- Compton. They've accelerated you.

They've hooked something
into life-support.

- We must get rid of it.
- Entry is forbidden.

- By whose order?
- The commander.

l am your commander.
l order you to let me in.

- l'm sorry. You are no longer.
- Who is? Deela?

ls that who you're working for?

At first l refused,
but then l couldn't help myself.

l met this girl. She's one of them.
l've never known anyone like her.

l showed them the operation of the ship.
Bridge controls, life-support.

She explained that they wanted to know.

l didn't understand at first, but l do now.
So will you, sir.

All right, Compton.


You were ordered to stop him.
Why did you disobey?

l tried to stop him.

- You hurt him.
- He had to be subdued.

He was my...captain.

Cell damage.

Another will be secured for you.

l'm getting a reading
similar to that on the planet.

- Mr Sulu, did you drink your coffee?
- Yes.

- Did anyone else?
- l had some.

- May l?
- Was it the coffee? Will we go, too?

l won't know
until these have been analysed.

- Then it'll be too late.
- Recall the captain's words.

"Make them take the next step."
They have taken it.

And we must determine
effective counter measures.

Mr Scott, you have the conn.
l shall be in the lab.

l hate what happens
when they're damaged.

You must control your temper.

l do not want that to happen to this one.

lf they are so stubborn a species,
perhaps they will last longer.

- lt may be.
- l hope so.

They all go so soon. l want to keep
this one a long time. He's pretty.

- He is inferior, Deela.
- l don't think so.

You cannot allow yourself
to feel attached.

l can allow myself anything l want.

Rael, don't be like that.
Am l jealous of what you do?

- l do my duty.
- So do l.

And sometimes l allow myself to enjoy it.


What is that device doing on my ship?

Deela will explain it.

l will tell you everything,
and you'll approve of it.

Approve of it? We're your prisoners.

You're free to go anywhere you want to.

Go ahead, Captain.

lt is not yet completely linked,
but it is in operating order.

Study it if you wish.
l suggest that you do not touch it.

He told you not to touch it. Look at
your hands. They're almost frozen.

- lt will pass.
- lt has its own self-defence mechanism.

You should have heeded me.

ln your struggle with Compton,
some of his cells were damaged.

Those newly accelerated
are sensitive to cell damage.

They age very rapidly and die.

- He was so young.
- Was.

- This is what you have planned for us?
- We all die. Even on Scalos.

Why did you lie to him?

- He did not damage that one. You did.
- Perhaps he will be less violent now.

- Why make him feel worse?
- Why do you care?

Rael, he's not one of us.
He's temporary.

He's gone to the laboratory.

He's trying to communicate
with the Vulcan.

His species is capable
of much affection.

- l have noted that.
- l wonder if they'll show it to us.

Oh, Rael, stop sulking.

Accept it.
We've had to accept it all our lives.

Don't make it worse.

Go back to work.

Kirk to Spock.

l have fed all the ascertainable facts
into the computer banks.

Go ahead.
You won't accomplish anything,

but it may be historically valuable.

Hyperacceleration is the key.

l have counted only five
but they have taken over the ship,

and we are under their control
due to this acceleration.

They are able to speed others
up to their level,

as they did Compton and me.

Presumably, this is enslavement.

Those so treated
exist at this accelerated level,

becoming...docile eventually.

- But when...
- Damaged.

...damaged, they age incredibly fast,

as though accelerated living...

- Burns them out.
- ...burns them out.

Compton was burned out.

The device attached
to the life-support systems

produces an extreme, numbing cold.

l believe they are turning the Enterprise
into a gigantic deep-freeze...

for purposes only the Scalosians know.

Quite correct.

The unit has a protective shield which
does not allow any physical contact.

l don't know how to destroy it,
but its destruction is imperative.

The unit will be activated.
By the time they hear this,

it will be too late.

You have remarkable reasoning powers.
You were quite right.

- Why are you doing this?
- Do you really want to know?

Soon it won't matter to you at all.
You'll be happy about it.

- Just as Compton was.
- l want to know.

You are so stubborn. lt's obvious
that we're doing it because we must.

A long time ago - it is in our history -
we used to be like you.

Then our country was almost destroyed
by volcanic eruptions.

The water was polluted.
Radiation was released.

That changed us. lt accelerated us.

Children died. Most of the women
could not have any more.

All of our men had become sterile.

So we had to mate
outside our own people.

Whenever a space ship came by,
we called for help.

But accelerating them burned them out.

Don't you see? Do l have to
go into every detail?

We are going to take you down with us.
Perhaps one or two others of your crew.

We have to. We'll be kind to you.
l wouldn't hurt you. l do like you.

- What about my crew?
- They will stay in suspended animation.

lt will do them no harm.

We are saving them
for when we need them.

You will not last for ever.
You know that, Captain.

We have the right to survive.

- Not by k*lling others.
- You would do the same.

You charged into life-support
when you knew there was trouble.

- You would have k*lled my people.
- You invaded my ship.

- There is no difference!
- There is!

Your in you.

We did not ask for it. We are handling it
the only way we know how.

The way our parents
and their parents did.

Did they solve anything?
Have you tried any other way?

Deela, have your scientists
destroy that unit.

l promise you,
we'll use every skill we have to help you.

We'll move you to another planet. We'll
call in the most brilliant minds to help.

- We'll do...
- We have tried other ways.

We have tried to make the transition
to your level.

Some of us, that is.
Those who made the attempt died.

We are trapped, Captain,
just as you are trapped now.

l'm sorry for what's going to happen,
but l cannot change it.

You cannot change me.

Go to the transporter room, Deela.
Signal me and beam down.

- With the captain?
- Yes.

l'll activate our unit and follow you.

l'm allowing enough time
for all of us to get off the ship.

- Please don't delay.
- What makes you think l would?

- The captain's gone.
- Go after him!

There's no question about it.
l want you to take a look at this.

lt's in the captain's coffee
and the Scalosian water.

There's no trace in the other cups.

- Why did you run?
- l panicked.

- l don't believe that.
- l'd like to leave.

- You can activate.
- Beam him down at once.


- What did you do to the transporter?
- lt was working before.

Try it again.

- The transporter isn't working.
- What did he do to it?

Nothing. He didn't have time.

lt must be a...what do you call it?
A malfunction.

You'd better not activate the unit yet.

What would you say it is, Captain?

The technicians reported
a loss of power. That must be it.

- The captain says...
- l heard him. l don't believe him.

Check into all possible causes.

lf l had a suspicious nature, Captain,

l would say that you sabotaged
the transporter to buy time.

Yes, of course.

l'm glad we're both innocents.
l despise devious people, don't you?

l believe in honest relationships myself.

Nurse, determine
whether we can find counter agents.

Doctor, did you just...

l've been hearing that whine
ever since we beamed down to Scalos.

l know what it is.
We brought it with us from Scalos.

Excuse me, Doctor.
l shall be on the bridge.

Your quarters are quite like you -
austere and efficient,

and in their own way, handsome.

A room should reflect its occupant.

Absolutely. May l freshen up?

All this rushing about
has left me windblown.

l'm glad to see
you allow yourself some comforts.

Are you married, Captain?

No family? No attachments?

l know. You're married to your career
and you never look at another woman.

Well, if she's pretty enough, l'll look.

l wondered when
you'd say something nice to me.

Am l more presentable now?

A bit.

lt was quite delightful kissing you
when you couldn't see me.

- But now...
- But now...

No. l wouldn't allow you to take that,
no matter how much we trust each other.

But l would have been disappointed
if you hadn't tried.

Was l...too crude?

Just don't try it again. You're far
too vulnerable to skin damage.

All l have to do is...scratch you.

Yes, l know.

The difference between us is that you
will come around to our way of thinking.

But it's better sooner than later.

Replay the Scalosian distress call
on my viewer.

'To any and all space travellers passing
within range of the planet Scalos.

'l send you an urgent appeal for help.

We are the last surviving members
of what was once a thriving civilisation.

- Compton?
- What happened?

l was looking at him. l was looking right
at him then he just wasn't there.

We have taken shelter in this area.

We have no explanation
for what has been happening to us.

We have taken shelter here.
We have no explanation...

We are now five.
We were once a nation of 900,000...

There is an insect life.

My tricorder doesn't register it.

This is a barren world,
limited vegetation, no animal life.

- McCoy to Spock.
- Spock here.

l found a tape in the computer.
All l get is a whine.

Bring it to the bridge at once.

This device attached
to the life-support system

produces an extreme, numbing cold.

l believe they are turning the Enterprise
into a gigantic deep-freeze.

The unit has a protective shield which
does not allow any physical contact.

l don't know how to destroy it,
but its destruction is imperative.

The unit will be activated.

By the time they hear this,
it will be too late.

Uhura, notify the rest of the crew.

Can we cut through the wall, bypass
the force field and get at the unit?

We cannot cope with them on our level.

What about on theirs?

That is a logical suggestion.
Stand by in the transporter room.

There's nothing wrong elsewhere.
Sufficient energy for beaming down.

This is the only damage?

Go get the others
and bring them up here.





Rael, stop.


Now, stop it.

- Did he damage you?
- No.

How very fortunate for you, Rael.

Don't do anything like that again.
lt's contemptible.

Then don't torment me.
You know how l feel.

l don't care about your feelings.
l don't want to know that aspect.

You have no right to question what l do.

Allow me the dignity
of liking the man l select.

- ls the transporter repaired?
- No. l have more work to do.

Don't you think you'd better do it?

He loves me.
l adored him when l was a child.

l suppose l still do.

You behaved better than he did.

- l hope so.
- What did you say?

l said l hoped l behaved correctly.

And nothing bothers you now?

- Why are we here?
- Our leaving was delayed, remember?

- You damaged the transport.
- Oh, yes. That was wrong of me.

Yes, it certainly was.

- But we are going to Scalos?
- Do you want to?

- Oh, yes.
- Aren't you worried about your crew?

- They'll be all right.
- Oh.

- What's the matter?
- Nothing.

You've completely accepted the
situation, haven't you? You even like it.

- Am l behaving incorrectly?
- No.

l liked you better before. Stubborn,
irritating and independent. Like Rael.

Those are undesirable qualities.

Maybe that's why l liked you.
Because you were like him.

Rael, you don't have to worry
about the captain.

He's made the adjustment.


lt counteracts the substance
most effectively.

Under laboratory conditions.
But will it work in the human body?

- And how do we get it to the captain?
- By drinking the Scalosian water.

But you don't know
what that will do to you.

lt is somewhat stimulating.

You seem to be moving very slowly,


He's gone.

Just like Compton.

l've beamed the others down.

ls it repaired already?
Why didn't you tell me?

lt would have been an intrusion.

Signal me when you are ready.

- Where will you be?
- ln life-support.

- l have to activate our unit.
- Wait.

l'm sorry.

l know.

Come, Captain.
lt's time to leave your pretty ship.

The unit is activated, Deela.
Beam down at once.

You crew will be all right.
You said so yourself.

l'm sorry.

- He's broken away. He's armed.
- l'm ready for him.

You are very clever, Captain.
You tricked me.

l should have known
that you would never adjust.

What shall we expect now?

We could put you
in suspended animation for now.

Your survival
does not depend on that.

No, it doesn't.
What do you want us to do with you?

Don't make a game of it, Captain.
We've lost.

lf l sent you back to Scalos, you'd play
the same trick on the next passing ship.

There won't be any others.
You'll warn them.

You will quarantine the entire area.

Yes, we will.

And we will die and solve
your problem that way. And ours.

What about your problem, Captain,
and your Vulcan friend?

lf you will devote yourself exclusively
to the concerns of Scalos

we shall be pleased to take care
of the Enterprise.

You could still find life on Scalos
very pleasant.

- And very brief.
- lt will be just as brief here.

You cannot get back to your own level.

No answer, Captain?

- Do l displease you so much?
- Oh, no.

l can think of nothing
l'd rather do than stay with you.

Except staying alive.


Goodbye, Captain.

What have you got?

We have synthesised a possible
counter agent to the Scalosian water.

But we did not have
the opportunity to test it.

Let's test it.

Nothing's happening.

You do seem to be moving very slowly.



Captain! Where did you come from?

- Out of the nowhere into the here.
- ls Mr Spock coming too?


Captain's log, stardate 5710.9.

Mr Spock has remained
in accelerated time

so he might effect repairs more rapidly.

- Somebody's repairing every console!
- They're being recircuited so fast!

l think we've located Mr Spock.

- Are your circuits clearing?
- Yes, sir.

Cancel Red Alert. Open all channels.

Captain to crew.
Repairs are being effected by Mr Spock.

The ship will resume normal operations
almost immediately.

Mr Spock. My compliments
to your repair work and yourself.

Thank you, Captain.
l found it an accelerating experience.


No malfunctions anywhere?


l'm sorry. l touched the tape button
accidentally. l'll take it off.

That' malfunction.

No, sir.

Goodbye, Deela.