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03x05 - Is There in Truth No Beauty?

Posted: 01/15/23 07:42
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 5630.7.

We have been assigned to convey
the Medusan's ambassador

to the Federation
back to their home planet.

While the thoughts of the Medusans
are the most sublime in the galaxy,

their physical appearance
is exactly the opposite.

They have evolved into
a race of beings who are formless,

so utterly hideous,
that the sight of a Medusan

brings total madness
to any human who sees one.

Mr. Marvick.

- I am James Kirk, the captain.
- Captain, what are you doing here?

You'll have to leave before
the Medusan ambassador arrives.

Yes everything will be taken care of.
This is Mr. Spock, my first officer.

Oh yes, you're the Vulcan.
It's all right for you to remain,

but you, Captain, and
this other gentleman...

Montgomery Scott, chief engineer.
Call me Scotty.

Mr. Spock, do you have the visor?

You must be sure to wear it.

Humans who get even a glimpse
of Medusans have gone insane.

Thank you, Mr. Marvick,
I shall be wearing the visor.

We mustn't keep
the ambassador waiting.

If you'll go with Mr. Scott, I'm sure of
the two you will have a great deal in common.

Indeed. It's a rare privilege meeting
one of the designers of the Enterprise.

Lieutenant Uhura,

open a channel to Transporter
Control Centre on the planet.

Aye, sir.

This is Captain Kirk,
inform the ambassador and Dr. Jones

we're ready to beam them aboard.

Kirk out.

Are you sure this visor will work?

It has proved effective for Vulcans.

It's your human half
I'm worried about.

I shall endeavour
to keep it under control.

Inform me when
transport is complete.

Welcome aboard, Ambassador Kollos.
I am First Officer Spock.

I'm Dr. Jones.

The ambassador is most honoured
to meet you, Mr. Spock.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its five-year mission:
To explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilisations,

to boldly go where no man
has gone before.

Captain Kirk, we are ready.

Lieutenant Uhura,
open a channel to all decks.

Channel open, sir.

This is Captain Kirk
to all ship's personnel.

Clearance plans now in effect.

Clear passageways immediately.

The ambassador will be escorted
to his quarters at once.

Dr. Jones, may I congratulate you

on your assignment
with Ambassador Kollos.

Thank you.
But the assignment's not yet definite.

It will depend upon my ability
to achieve a true mind-link...

...with the ambassador.

I'm sure you will find it
a fascinating experience.

I wasn't aware that anyone
had ever achieved

a mind-link with the Medusans.

No one ever has.

I was referring to mind-links
I had attempted

with members of other species.

I've heard, Mr. Spock,

that you turned down the assignment
with the ambassador.

I was unable to accept.
My life is here.

Spock to Bridge, we have arrived
at the ambassador's quarters.

Thank you, Mr. Spock.
Notify all hands to return to stations.

All right, let's take her out.
Warp factor 2.

Warp factor 2, sir.

I would appreciate an opportunity

to exchange greetings
with the ambassador.

I'm sure the ambassador
would be charmed.

I almost envy you your assignment.

I see in your mind
that you are tempted to take my place.

Not correct, doctor.

Although I am aware of your mind
attempting to contact mine.

Were you born a telepath?


That is why I had to study on Vulcan.

I understand.

May I show you to your quarters?

I think I'll stay here a bit.

Ambassador Kollos often finds
the process of transport

somewhat unsettling.

I understand.

Our ship's surgeon
often makes the same complaint.

Do call when you are ready.

What is it he sees
when he looks at you?

I must know.

I can't understand
why they let you go with Kollos.

"They," captain?

The male population
of the Federation.

Didn't someone
try and talk you out of it?

Now that you ask, yes.

Well, I'm glad he didn't succeed,
otherwise I wouldn't have met you.

Thank you, captain.

Tell me, Dr. Jones, why isn't it
dangerous for you to be with Kollos?

Spock, I can understand,
nothing makes an impression on him.

- Why, thank you, captain.
- You're very welcome, Mr. Spock.

But as I understand it, no human
can look at Kollos, even with a visor,

without going mad.
How do you manage?

I spent four years on Vulcan
studying their mental discipline.

- You poor girl.
- On the contrary, doctor.

I would say that Dr. Jones
was indeed fortunate.

- Vulcan is not my idea of fun.
- Joy can be many things, doctor.

On Vulcan, I learned to do things
impossible to learn anywhere else.

- To read minds?
- How not to read them, captain.

I don't understand.

Dr. Jones was born a telepath,

Vulcan was necessary to my sanity.

What most humans
generally find impossible to understand

is the need to shut out the bedlam

of other people's
thoughts and emotions.

Or of their own
thoughts and emotions.

I was just noticing
your Vulcan IDIC, Mr. Spock.

Is it a reminder that as a Vulcan

you can mind-link with the Medusans
far better than I could?

Well, I doubt that Mr. Spock would don
the most revered of all Vulcan symbols

merely to annoy you, Dr. Jones.

As a matter of fact,

I wear it this evening
to honour you, doctor.


That's very interesting,
I might even say fascinating,

but back to your mission.

do you feel any way may be found

to employ Medusan navigators
on starships?

It would certainly solve
many of our navigational problems.

Well, the key is the mind-link
that I learned on Vulcan.

Once we have learned the technique

of forming a corporate intelligence
with the Medusans,

the designers,
that's where Larry comes in,

can work on adapting instruments.

I don't care how benevolent
the Medusans are supposed to be,

isn't it suicidal to deal with something
ugly enough to drive men mad?

Why do you do it?

I see, Dr. McCoy,
that you still subscribe

to the outmoded notion
promulgated by your ancient Greeks

that what is good
must also be beautiful.

And the reverse of course,

that what is beautiful
is automatically expected to be good.

Yes, I think most of us are attracted
by beauty and repelled by ugliness.

One of the last of our prejudices.

At the risk of sounding prejudiced,
gentlemen, here's to beauty.

To Miranda Jones, the loveliest human
ever to grace a starship.

How can one so beautiful
condemn herself

to look upon ugliness
the rest of her life?

- Will we allow it, gentlemen?
- Certainly not.

How can one so full of joy
and the love of life as you, doctor,

condemn yourself to look upon disease
and suffering for the rest of your life?

Can we allow that, gentlemen?

To whatever you want the most,

Some more Antarean brandy?

What is it?

There's somebody nearby
thinking of m*rder.

- In this room?
- It's gone now.

Who is it? Can you tell?

It isn't there anymore.

Captain, would you mind
if I said good night?

- Of course. Perhaps I'll see you...
- Escort you to your quarters.

Thank you, gentlemen.
You make a choice impossible.

Please, stay and enjoy yourselves.

- It was a delightful dinner.
- Sleep well, Miranda.

Are you sure you're well enough
to find your way alone?

Of course, Dr. McCoy.
Please, don't worry about me.

Where I come from,
that's what we call a lady.

- Yes, she is something special.
- Very special.

I suggest you treat her accordingly.

I've known Dr. Jones long enough
to be aware of her remarkable gifts.

Well, it's been a long day for me.

Laddie, would you like to stop off
at Engineering with me?

I have a few things to check.

And a bottle of Scotch says that you
can't handle the controls you designed.

Some other time.

- Good night, gentlemen.
- Good night, Scotty.

You're dressed up for the occasion,
Spock, very impressive.

I genuinely intended
to honour her, captain.

- Good evening, gentlemen.
- Good evening. Sleep well.


What's troubling you with the girl?

Well, she's not just another girl,
captain, don't make that mistake.

Oh, I didn't think that for a moment.
What else?

I don't know what it is exactly.
She seems very vulnerable.

We're all vulnerable
in one way or another.

Of course. But there's something
so very disturbing about her.

Meaning she's quite a woman.

I agree.

Good night, Jim.

Good night, Bones.


- Who is it?
- Larry.

I've got to talk to you.

- It's late.
- Please, Miranda, it's important.

All right. Come in, then.

I thought the dinner
was never going to end.

I rather enjoyed it.

Yes, I know you did.

I didn't.

You were so far away.

- I'll be further away than that soon.
- Please don't talk of that.

There's so little time.

Please, Miranda,
don't go with Kollos.

Now, we've been over this
time and time again.

Don't I know.

I've asked you in restaurants,
in the laboratory,

on one knee, on both knees.

Miranda, how can you do this?

Larry, please, try to understand.

I understand.

That you're a woman,
and that I'm a man,

one of your own kind.

And that Kollos will never be able to
give you anything like this.

- Why did I ever meet you?
- I've been honest with you.

I simply cannot love you
the way you want me to.

- Miranda.
- And I'm going away with Kollos.

That's final.

I think you'd better leave now.

So it's you.

I didn't know that it was you before.

Who is it you want to k*ll, Larry?
Is it me?

You mustn't keep this to yourself.

I want to help you.

So now you want to help me?

Now I know what a mere human male
has to do to get a reaction out of you.

Make you think he's a patient.

A great psychologist.

Why don't you try
being a woman for a change?


Where's Mr. Scott?



Hey, there, Marvick,
so you couldn't resist a wee wager?

Has the ambassador been hurt?

No harm has come to the ambassador,

Who could have done such a thing?

Larry Marvick.

Larry Marvick? Why?

Do you know
whether he saw the Medusan?

Yes, he did.

Then insanity
will surely be the result, captain.

Dangerous insanity.

The controls are all yours.

And the bottle of Scotch will be in your
room this evening if you handle them.

Captain Kirk to all ship personnel.
Red alert.

An attempt was made
to m*rder Kollos.

The m*rder*r is dangerously insane.

He is Lawrence Marvick.
Be on the watch for him. Kirk out.

Explain, Lieutenant Sulu?

I don't believe this myself, captain,
but we're travelling warp factor 8.5.

- And accelerating.
- Get Engineering, Uhura.

They don't answer, captain.

Warp factor 9 and accelerating.

Can't you disengage power
from there, Mr. Spock?

I'm trying, captain.
Mr. Chekov, your assistance, please.

- Captain, I have Engineering now.
- Put them on intercom.

We mustn't sleep! When you're
asleep, they come in your dreams!

That's the worst.
They suffocate in your dreams.

- We're making it out of here.
- Security to Engineering.

- I'll go with you.
- No.

I must. I can reach his mind.

We'll be safe on the boundaries
of the universe. We'll be safe!

- Scotty, where are we?
- I don't know.

Beyond the boundaries of the galaxy.
We made it. We're safe.

We're safe, Captain Kirk.

- Bones.
- No.

No. No, Captain.
We mustn't sleep. No. No.

No, they come in your dreams.
That's the worst.

They suffocate in your dreams.

- No. No. No.
- All right.

We'll take you to a place to hide.
Another place.

- Come on.
- No. No.

We must stay here with the controls.
Ready to speed!

Speed. Speed to the next galaxy!


Miranda, you're here. With me.

Yes, Larry.

I'm here.

I didn't lose you.

Oh, my beautiful love,
I thought I'd lost you.

I am here, Larry.

No. I can see what he sees.

No, don't.

- Don't think of it.
- Liar. Liar.

Deceiver. You're not alone.
You brought it with you. It's here.

It's here. You brought it with you.

Liar! Liar!


Don't love her! Don't love her!

She'll k*ll you if you love her!

I love you, Miranda.

He's dead, Jim.

Captain's log, stardate 5630.8.

As a result of
Larry Marvick's insane fears,

the Enterprise lies derelict
in uncharted space.

We have no way to determine
our position in relation to the galaxy.

We are in
a completely unknown void.

Where are we?

We are evidently
far outside our own galaxy,

judging from the lack of
traceable reference points.

When we exceeded
warp-speed factor 9.5,

we apparently entered
a space-time continuum.

I have the autopsy report on Marvick.

"Heart action stop: Cause unknown.
Respiration stop: Cause unknown.

Brain activity stop: Cause..."
Shall I go on?

You mean he just simply died?

I mean he evidently
could not live with what he saw.

Or what he felt.

Damage report, Scotty.

We need some repairs, sir,
but the ship is intact.

- Position report, Mr. Spock.
- Impossible to calculate.

We lack data to analyse.

Our instruments appear to be
functioning normally,

but what they tell us
makes no sense.

Our records are clear up to the point
at which we left our galaxy.

Then we should be able to
navigate back?

Unfortunately, we lack reference
points on which to plot a return course.

We experienced
extreme sensory distortion,

and we shall do so again
if we attempt to use warp speed.

And we cannot recross the barrier
using sub-light speed.

A madman got us into this,

and it's beginning to look as if
only a madman can get us out.

An entertaining suggestion,
Mr. Chekov, but not very helpful.

There is someone else aboard
who might be able to help us navigate.

The Medusans have developed
interstellar navigation to a fine art.

Could Kollos function
despite the sensory distortion?

Very possibly.

The Medusan's sensory system
is radically different from ours.

Perhaps for the purpose of this
emergency, I might become Kollos.

- Explain.
- A fusion.

A mind-link to create a double entity.

Each of us would enjoy the knowledge
and sensory capabilities of both.

- We will function as one being.
- Hazards?

If the link is successful, there will be
a tendency to lose separate identity.

A necessary risk.

Of course, Dr. Jones
will not wish to give me permission

to accomplish the mind-link.

I don't think
she'll want anyone to intrude

in the kind of rapport
she has with Kollos.

Dr. Jones has shown reluctance

every time I've asked
to converse with Kollos.

In some ways,
she is still most human, captain.

in the depth of her jealousy.

- I could confine her to quarters.
- Not sufficient.

Her telepathic powers
are formidable.

If it is at all possible,
her mind must be so engaged

that no thought
of what I am doing shall intrude.

I think that could be arranged.

I may be sentimental,
but this is my favourite place.


I've never been to Earth.

What lovely flowers.

- May I touch them?
- Certainly.

They have no scent.

Try these.

Let me see.

It's just a thorn.

I was hoping to make you
forget about this today.

It doesn't hurt anymore.

You mustn't blame yourself
because Marvick loved you.

I didn't want his love.
I couldn't return it.

Someday, you'll want human love
and companionship.

Shall I tell you what
human companionship means to me?

A struggle. A defence
against the emotions of others.

At times,
the emotions burst in on me.

Hatred, desire, envy, pity.

Pity is the worst of all.

I agree with the Vulcans.

Violent emotion is a kind of insanity.

You're willing to spend
the rest of your life with the Medusans

in order to avoid human emotion?


A meeting of minds is all very well,
but what about love, Miranda?

You're young,


and human.

Sooner or later, no matter
how beautiful their minds are,

you're going to yearn for someone
who looks like yourself.

Someone who isn't ugly.


What is ugly?

Who is to say whether
Kollos is too ugly to bear?

Or too beautiful to bear?

Miranda, I meant no insult. Please.

Here we are among the roses.
A very romantic setting.

I wish there were moonlight too.

Moonlight would suit you very well.

I see you're a very complicated man.

- Kollos, no, you mustn't let him do it.
- Miranda. Miranda, don't.

- Let me go.
- Miranda.

No. You have no idea of what
a dangerous thing Spock is planning.

We must stop him. Let me go!

The Enterprise is at stake.
It is not possible for you to be involved.


I've already committed myself
to mind-link

when Kollos and I
reach the Medusan vessel.

Why put yourself in jeopardy?

This is not a duty
that you can assume.

I'm aware of the fact
that your telepathic competence

might be superior to mine,

but there is a more important factor.

The object is to pilot this ship.
That is something you cannot do.

Then teach me to operate the ship.
I can memorize instantly.

Now, wait a minute.

I realise that you can do almost
anything a sighted person can do,

but you can't pilot a starship.



I'm sorry, Miranda,
but you must be realistic.

You are blind. And there are
some things you simply cannot do.

Evidently, a highly
sophisticated sensor web.

My compliments to you
and to your dressmaker.

Yes, of course.
It's the only reasonable explanation.

You can't see,
and Kollos can't hurt you.

An elegant solution.

But I fail to understand

why you apparently tried to conceal
your blindness, Dr. Jones.

I think I understand.

You said it. Pity is the worst of all.


Which I hate.

Do you think you can gather
more information with your eyes

than I can with my sensors?

I could play tennis with you,
Captain Kirk.

I might even beat you.

I am standing exactly one meter,
four centimetres, from the door.

Can you judge distance
that accurately?

I can even tell you
how fast your heart is beating.

Oh, that won't be necessary.

Mr. Spock will make the mind-link.
No other decision is possible.

No. I won't let you.


Do not fight us like this, Dr. Jones.

I appeal to you as a colleague.
Do not oppose us.


If we can't persuade you,
there is someone who can.

You'll have to
take this up with Kollos.

For your own sake.

Bones, why hadn't you told me?

She would have told you herself
if she'd wanted you to know.

I respect her privacy.

Yes, there's a great deal to respect
about that lady.

It seems I have no choice
but to obey you.

Captain's log, supplementary.

Our one chance
to return to our own galaxy

is dependant upon
the navigational skills

of the Medusan ambassador.

Without him in view,

Kollos has been brought to the Bridge
and placed behind a protective shield.

This is delightful.

I know you. All of you.

James Kirk,
captain and friend for many years.

And Leonard McCoy,
also of long acquaintance.

And Uhura,
whose name means freedom.

"She walks in beauty, like the night."

That's not Spock.

Are you surprised to find
that I've read Byron, doctor?

That's Spock.

Am I addressing the ambassador?

In part.

That is, part of us
is known to you as Kollos.


There you are.

Oh, brave new world
that has such creatures in it.

'Tis new to thee.

My world is next for us.

Captain Kirk.

I speak for all of us
you call Medusans.

I am sorry for the trouble
I've brought to your ship.

We don't hold you to blame
for what happened,

and thank you now for your help.

And now to the business at hand.

With your permission, captain.

Yes. Mr. Sulu,
release the helm to Mr. Spock.

Aye, sir.

Coordination is completed.

Then go ahead, Mr. Spock.

Warp 1 in six seconds.

Five, four, three,

two, one, zero.

Position report, please, Mr. Chekov.

Our position?

Our position is so close to the point
where we entered the void,

the difference isn't worth mentioning.

- Bull's-eye, Mr. Spock.
- Thank you, Mr. Chekov.

- Manoeuvre completed, captain.
- Take over, Mr. Sulu.

Thank you, ambassador.

Mr. Chekov, plot a new course.

New headings
will be plotted in a minute, sir.

How compact your bodies are.

What a variety of senses you have.

This thing you call language, though.

Most remarkable.
You depend on it for so very much.

But is any one of you
really its master?

But most of all, the aloneness.

You are so alone.

You live out your lives
in this shell of flesh.

Self-contained, separate.

How lonely you are.

How terribly lonely.


You must dissolve the link.

So soon?

There must be no delay.

You're a wise captain.



Don't look! Cover your eyes!

- Don't move.
- Jim.

No one is to move.

Spock, are you all right?


It's all right.

You're safe with us now.

He's hardly breathing.
Help me get him to Sickbay.

Unless Miranda can look down
into his mind and turn it outward to us,

we'll lose Spock.

Vulcan mind techniques,
they seem so untrustworthy

- now that Spock's life is at stake.
- Her knowledge of it

may be the only thing
that could save Spock's sanity,

perhaps even his own life.

But does she want to?

- She's been in there so long.
- There's nothing else to be done.

She tried to help Marvick,
and Marvick is dead.

That's different. Marvick loved her.

And Spock is her rival.
Is that any better?

Even Spock felt the v*olence
of her jealousy.

But they weren't rivals in love.


You shouldn't go in there.

Whatever happens, Bones,
don't interfere.

Who is it?

Dr. McCoy?

Who's there?

Captain Kirk.

I have no news for you, captain.

No change?

Only that his life
processes are ebbing.

- What are you doing about it?
- Well, what I can, of course.

Which doesn't seem to be much.

No doubt you think
I can wake him with a kiss?

It's worth a try, isn't it?
After all, he's not a machine.

But he is a Vulcan.

Only half, the other half is human.
Far more human than you, apparently.

Face reality, captain.

His mind has gone down
almost too far even for me to reach.

If you don't reach him soon, he'll die.

- But that's what you want, isn't it?
- That's a lie.

Oh, yes, it is. You want him to die.
What did you do to him on the Bridge?

Make him forget
to put the visor over his eyes?

- You're insane.
- Yes, you know your rival, don't you?

You couldn't keep him
from making a mind-link with Kollos,

something that
you couldn't do yourself.

With my words,
I'll make you hear such ugliness.

What Spock saw when he looked
at Kollos with his naked eyes.

- The ugliness is within you.
- That's a lie! Liar!

Your passion
to see Kollos is madness.

You can never see, never.

But Spock saw Kollos.

- And for that, he must die.
- Sadistic, filthy liar!

The smell of hatred,
the stench of jealousy permeates you.

Why don't you strangle him
while he lies there?

- Don't say anymore, please!
- Kollos knows what's in your heart.

You can lie to yourself,
but you can't lie to Kollos.

Please, go away.

- What did you say to her?
- Maybe too much.

What's she doing in there?

You may be right, Bones,
maybe I shouldn't have gone in.

She was blind, really blind,
really in the dark.

And if he dies...

If he dies, how do I know
that I didn't k*ll him?

How do I know
that she can stand to hear the truth?

Now, Spock, this is to the death.

Or to life for both of us.


You look like you've paid a visit
to the devil himself.


- You have what you wanted most?
- I am one with Kollos.

Well, I'm truly sorry
that you're leaving.


We've come to the end
of an eventful trip, captain.

I didn't think you'd even talk to me.

I have you to thank for my future.

Your words enabled me to see.

Miranda, good luck, health.

I have something for you.

I suppose it has thorns.

I never met a rose that didn't.

I know now the great joy you felt
when you joined minds with Kollos.

I rejoice in your knowledge
and in your achievement.

I understand, Mr. Spock.

The glory of creation
is in its infinite diversity.

And the ways our differences combine
to create meaning and beauty.

Peace and long life, Spock.

Live long and prosper, Miranda.
