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10x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 01/15/23 06:26
by bunniefuu
I'm here.

I nspector Corrado Cattani, who openly challenged for years shady links between business, politics and mafia, falls victim to an ambush.

It is 20 March 1989.

Silvia Conti, a magistrate who fought the same battle at Cattani's side and became emotionally involved with him, swears over his dead body to bring his murderers to justice.

She succeeds years later after a long and dangerous investigation in the course of which she risks her own life.

Finally she brings to court Professor Ramonte, a prominent politician who heads a mysterious organisation called Extrema Thule.

Behind a facade of respectability this organisation conceals murky intrigues of power and money against which I nspector Cattani and Silvia Conti had fought.

But before he is sent to jail Ramonte hides the one thing at the heart of his power, a mysterious file where he's gathered classified, personal and state secrets.

Ramonte asks Vanja, his young protégé, to give the disks which hold his treasure to Tano Cariddi, a mysterious and contradictory character who was a pivotal figure in the events of those years.

A refined mind, obsessed with power, enslaved by the lure of evil, Tano has known the heights of victory and the depths of defeat.

Now, weary and haunted by his ghosts, he has retired to the ruins of an old castle at the foot of Mount Etna.

That's where Vanja finds him.

He hands him the disks which hold Ramonte's poisonous treasure.

The professor's files! This seed is all that remains of his power.

I'll let it rest here in this barren soil.

I'll watch over it.

I'll feed it with my nightmares and my regrets.

And maybe then the forces within this seed will awaken and begin to burrow their way towards the light.

On that day, my self

-imposed isolation will lose its meaning.

I n that case this seed will again yield forth, terrible and wonderful, the flowers of evil.

Tell the professor I'll gather them for him.

OCTOPUS 10 Professor Ramonte has already been given a life sentence.

The evidence against him has been overwhelming.

His own accomplices have indicted him as the head of the mafia business organisation which for 10 years has acted under cover of a bogus cultural society called Extrema Thule.

He has been responsible for terrible crimes.

It was he who ordered the m*rder of that loyal officer who strenuously fought against organised crime I nspector Corrado Cattani.

Therefore the prosecution asks you to uphold the life sentence for the accused for the m*rder of Corrado Cattani and for mafia

-style conspiracy.

I swear your name was the last thing we wanted to find associated with criminals.

It shames me, the citiZens who trusted you, and the country.

If I really am a criminal then everybody has been my accomplice.

The cross

-examination has irrefutably proven the inconsistency of the charge against my client.

Thankfully today we are free from the climate of persecution which poisoned the original trial, during which every fancy theory of the prosecution seemed to be a truth set in stone.

Thankfully today we have been spared the scandal of a trial where the prosecutor was a woman who had been in a relationship with the victim and who paraded as justice what was only a personal quest for revenge.

The court will now retire.

The hearing is adjourned.

Brilliant pleading.

Well done.

The trial's over.

Reaching a verdict won't be easy.

The prosecutor failed to play a few cards from the first trial.

And judging by the poor attendance at the trial, the public too seems eager to draw the curtain on this obscure page of our history.

I've been to see my son, sir.

How is he? What do the doctors say? He's better, sir.

Be there for him.

Here, buy him a present.

Give this to the hospital.

No no.

Anna, darling! Hello.

Look what I've got for you.

Does it look like Buck? When you come to stay we'll buy a real one just like it.

- When?

- Soon, darling, very soon.

Be patient a little longer.

But Silvia said it's all ready.

She'd better go inside now.

I want to stay with her.

Anna, we must all be patient.

Come on.

Don't worry, I'll be back soon, sweetie.

I promise.

I must remind you that the judge has not yet given you custody.

Surely loving her doesn't count against me.

Not unless you go too far.

Anna has seen her parents being shot dead.

She's suffered too much to have her hopes raised I think she needs hope.

She's only saying you should be cautious, for Anna's sake.

That woman goes too much by the book.

We have all the requisites for custody and adoption.

Yes, but as a magistrate you should know that legal procedures take a long time.

What's wrong, sir? Are you sick? There's mounting speculation over the verdict.

This long

-forgotten story is front page news again.

- May I?

- Come in.

Any news of my transfer? It's on the agenda for tomorrow's meeting.

I think this is it.

Yes? All right, I'm coming.

The jury is ready to return.

Don't you want to hear the verdict? No.

This Ramonte trial's your biggest assignment.

It belongs to the past.

I n the name of the Italian people, in accordance with Articles 194 Professor, does the verdict surprise you? No, I never had any doubts.

I trusted that in the end the truth would prevail and that justice would triumph over injustice.

You've been wrongly accused.

There are times in history when people look for a scapegoat.

But you've been to prison and your life's been disrupted.

Yes, but somebody will have to pay for all this.

Do you mean Judge Silvia Conti, your main accuser? That woman She persecuted an innocent man.

She did her job blinded by personal issues.

The love of her life, I nspector Cattani, had died and she wanted a culprit to sacrifice on the altar of her grief.

What do you intend to do now? I intend to submit a statement to the Senior Council of Magistrates as soon as possible.

Judge Conti, any comments? I didn't follow this trial.

I have nothing to say.

Cattani's K*llers haven't been found and you've asked for a transfer.

Are you giving up? I swear it, Corrado I'll never give up until I find them, all of them.

"I'll never give up.

" Isn't that what you said? It was a painful moment, and not just for me.

But now that chapter is closed.

You mean you've forgotten? Can you ever forget such grief? No, you can never forget.

a painful moment, not just for me.

But now that chapter is closed.

That Silvia Conti must be an exceptional woman.

And a liar.

- Why do you say that?

- Dad was Ramonte's friend.

He spent a lot of time in jail because of that woman.

She persecuted him.

She didn't rest until he was handcuffed.

Coffee's ready.

Let's have it outside.

I'm going to chambers.

Don't forget the Rome lawyers will come at 4.

- Here.

- Thank you.

- See you later.

- Bye, Mum.

Bye Always rushing.

I remember this from childhood.

His name was I nspector Cattani, wasn't it? Yes.

He was Judge Conti's lover.

Another fanatic.

But they k*lled him.

Some people ask for that kind of death.

I really must go now, sorry.

- How's your dad, Giulia?

- Better, thanks.

- His heart's still weak though.

- Give him my regards.

Thank you.

You made me a promise You're right.

A promise is a promise.

Come on.

Too much.

A small donation will do.

Go on, take it.

The Chernobyl kids will be happy.

Thank you.


Bye, my dear.

Give my best to your dad.

I know the hearts of men very well.

They always beat on the winners' side.

And I can assure you that we will win again.

Years of marginalisation are a heavy burden to bear and if you're innocent they're like a boulder.

I can forgive the justice system which is imperfect by nature because it's man


But there are other scores to settle.

Some people weren't meant to be imperfect, false friends who deserted me without saying a word in my defence.

- Hello, Hedy.

How's things?

- Fine, Miss.

- How's Dad?

- Fine.

The doctor's here.

He'll come looking for me.

Keep still, calm down.

You don't know, you have no idea.

You really think he wants to start again after what happened?

- His power is intact.

- He's just a has


I must go away, my life is in danger.


You know you can't.

What about Giulia? You're right.

Ramonte is a snake.

Giulia is in danger too.

- I must take her away with me.

- Where will you take me? Your father's thinking of taking a trip with you when he's better.

I'll be back in the morning.

Try to rest.

What's worrying you? Why did you mention danger? Tell me something.

You were at Rittone's house, weren't you? Dad, Marco and I are engaged.

Sometimes I have lunch at his parents' place.

It's normal.

You know I don't like them.

You've said so a thousand times, but never said why.

What did Rittone do to you? It's all in the past.

Never mind.

Come on, children! Come and get your presents!

- What's all this?

- I received a donation.

My little princess How are you, my love? Look, I brought you a lovely dolly.

Are you happy? Sorry, madam.

Dimitri's had a bad day.

This illness is unpredictable.

I'm afraid the news isn't good.

The white cell count is up.

- What does that mean?

- Don't be alarmed.

The therapy isn't very effective.

We'll try different doses.

He'll get better.

- When?

- We don't know that.

These types of leukaemia, produced by radiation, develop in strange, unpredictable ways.

I'll be back soon, darling.

Dimitri! Hello, my little chicky bird.

Did you bring me anything? A lovely aeroplane.

That's for you too.

Wasn't that Dimitri's mother? I've never seen her.

She rarely comes.

She works out of town.

Hello, Marco.

Sorry, the children wouldn't let me go.

I'd like to know how you find the time.

How are your little friends? How can children from Chernobyl be? It's horrible.

It's been 15 years since the plant blew up and babies are still being born with leukaemia, doomed before they're even born.

Taking me to dinner tonight?

- I thought that before

- What if I get hungry? Dad's old


Why upset him?

- You know what he's like.

- Actually, I don't.

- He refuses to meet me.

- No, he doesn't.

He just needs to get used to the idea.

Why does he hate me? I don't know.

Our parents used to be friends.

- Then

- Then they fell out.

Yes, but why? It's as if he's tried to blot out the part of his life that involved your father and Ramonte.

That's their problem, Giulia.

You and I have nothing to do with them.


- See you tomorrow.

Good night.

- Good night.

I'm here, Professor.

Good morning, Cariddi.

Thank you for coming.

Why did you want to see me? What do you want? I just want what's mine.

You have something that belongs to me.

Some years ago, when my enemies' arrogance stole my freedom, I entrusted you with my most precious possession.

Your files.

I hope you've taken good care of them because they're very valuable.

What will you do with them? I n those files there's my whole life's work.

Half a century of history, both official and secret, public and private crimes.

Whoever has those disks has an exceptional w*apon.

He has power over many powerful men.

What I'm proposing to you is to share in the profits that we can reap from the use of this w*apon.

No, Professor.

You've always loved power.

These days I'm only interested in having power over myself.

That's the hardest thing to achieve.

It's usually a waste of time to try it.

You don't have to decide now.

Think it over.

Meanwhile I'd like to have those disks as soon as possible.

Power is a sickness.

But it's also the cure.

Doctor Tripoli's waiting for you.

Don't worry, it's not too serious.

- Where's Dad?

- He's resting.

He had a mild heart attack.

Luckily Hedy called me right away.

I got there in time thanks to him.

- Any danger?

- Not now.

He just needs to rest.

He hasn't been able to since that man was acquitted.

That's just a coincidence.

Don't treat me like a child.

I have a right to know the truth.

I need to know so I can help him.

There's nothing to know.

- May I see him?

- Yes.

Try not to wake him.

Don't worry, I'm here.

"Be at my place, 3 p.


On Friday.

Ramonte" Men are like birds.

We don't like cages.

One day you too will want to escape.

But you belong to us.

I nsert key


Well done, Ramonte.

Nobody can read your files without the key


You're clever, but now we'll see just how clever.

Here's what I'll do.

I'll take my fight to the stock market.

I'll seiZe a huge business, one of the biggest.

The Italian stock market will be transformed.

It will be like going from the Old Testament to the New.

And you'll have not just money, but power.

I haven't signed any pact and don't belong to any Family.

That's right.

You belong to all the Families.

What will you drink? Last time we met, you were Ramonte's messenger boy.

You gave me something on his behalf.


Tano Tano Cariddi? You've changed a lot, Vanja.

You're a man now.

What do you want? Professor Ramonte was acquitted.

I know that.

And I don't give a shit.

He's cute.

A new friend of yours? I think the professor would be pleased to see you again.

That's all in the past.

I have my own life now.

Is this your life? This place? These people? You can have more, much more.

Why would it be any different with Ramonte? Because this time you'd be calling the sh*ts.

How? I make the rules and determine the stakes.

Here's 300 million for you.

And you'll have twice as much at the end of the game.

What do I have to do? Come with me to Ramonte's place.

We'll return his two most valued possessions.

These files and you.

The game resumes from where it was interrupted.

Vanja I missed you very much.

I'm only now beginning to live again.

Thank you.

This is the best present you could give me.

And this is something I owe you.

Yes but you also owe me an answer.

I've decided to try your cure.

Maybe power will cure me, as you said.


It arrived this morning.

The Judicial Board has approved your transfer.

I n a month you'll be working at the Children's Court.

That's it.

The curtain goes down on 15 years of my life.

This place won't be the same without you.

Many people will be pleased.

Anyway, it's the end of an era.

Times have really changed.

I've certainly changed.

I knew that when you applied to work at the Children's Court.

After all these years, it's time I started thinking about myself.

- Well?

- It's here.

- So you're actually leaving?

- Yes.

You can start packing.

"Transcendental aesthetics "as opposed to pure reason" How can you study here?

- Why don't you go home?

- Don't worry, Dad.

I can do it here with you.

I'm telling you, that man had a stroke.

- He can't have any visitors.

- Don't worry, Doctor.

He'll feel much better after I talk to him, and so will you.

He needs time to get stronger.

I've waited too long already.

What's going on? Giulietta You must be Giulietta.

She's all grown up.

You're a young lady now.

What do you want? You used to sit on my knee.

Remember, Paolo? It seems like a century ago.

But it's only been a few years.


- Yes, Dad?

- Let him in.

- But Dad

- Do as I say.

I'll only be a few minutes.

Why is he here? What does he want from my father? Come with me.

Just tell me where the disk is.

I'll go and get it myself.

I'm the only one who can get it.

Mercuri I've had enough of mysteries.

Dad's terrified.

That man's threatening him.

He could even harm him.

Maybe you're right.

He must be stopped.

But not by you.

You must stay out of this.

I gave you my most precious possession because I trusted you.

But you disappeared.

As soon as the wind changed you all ran like cowards.

But I'm back to claim what's mine.

Please, Ramonte, go away.

You can see I'm sick.

Call somebody Go away.

That's enough.

Goodbye for now.

You too have an appointment with me.

You know you can't miss it, don't you? Goodbye, Giulietta.


It's been years since we last met.

Thank you.

Thank you for being here again, my friends.

Today is an important day.

Along with my freedom, I was given back my dignity.

And we can all proudly resume walking the path that was interrupted.

Powerful and ruthless enemies tried as hard as they could to destroy me.

But even more painful for me has been the sad spectacle of betrayal.

To see so many who had pledged friendship and loyalty turn their backs on me, pretend not to know me, even take part in my lynching.

It is important that all of you remember the pact that binds us.

Mutual loyalty, mutual support.

- Where are you going?

- To see the professor.

- Wait!

- The professor has guests.

He's expecting me too.

A girl's coming in.

She says she's invited.

This pact brings great advantages to us but at the same time it binds us with a pledge of absolute loyalty that can only be terminated by death.

What's that? Wait Giulia! My father was invited too.

I'm here to take his place.

Of course, Giulietta, you're welcome to stay.

Giulia Mercuri.

This lovely young lady is the daughter of our friend Aldo Mercuri, who sadly is ill.

Believe me, your presence is an unexpected gift.

Our Academy needs young people, but your peers are so distracted that they're not interested in studying the origins of our land.

This is our field, history and archaeology.

Your father must have told you.

No, he didn't tell me anything.

He's frightened.

By something concerning you.

We have the greatest respect for him.

Isn't that true? His closest friends are here in this room.

You must leave him alone.

My father is ill.

After his stroke you threatened him in hospital.

That's enough, Giulia! Go home.

Wait, let me explain.

Giulietta has to understand.

Don't come near us.

Come on, I'll take you home.

Tripoli, what are you doing? Our meeting has just started.

You can't leave.

I don't want anything to do with you and your meetings.

Doctor Tripoli, be careful.

Leave now and you're on your own.

You're a has

-been, Ramonte.

You don't scare anybody.

Come on, Giulia, let's get out of here.

What does it all mean? Who are those people? Stay away, and forget you ever saw them.

- You shouldn't have come.

- Why? Tell me.

- Or I'll go to the police.

- Don't be a fool.

- I mean it, I want to know.

- I'll be at the hospital at 7.

Wait for me outside.

Now go to your father.

You can't control that man, and that puts us all in jeopardy.

I guarantee that he won't have time to take any initiative.

Any objections? So we all agree.

That man had a point.

We risk looking obsolete.

Who the hell is he? Who let him in? Your father ordered murders, bombed magistrates He thought he was omnipotent, but now he's in maximum security.

Do you want to start all that again? Is that what you're offering? More blood, more pointless deaths? Are we here to talk business or to hear lectures? Wait.

I know this man.

He's Tano Cariddi.

I say we should listen to him.

Go on then, say what you have to say.

For too long you've thought the answer was eliminating your enemies.

You've only managed to make them stronger.

Cattani has damaged us more dead than alive.

Yet someone hasn't learned his lesson.

Someone hasn't understood that blood can't wash away the past.

And above all, you can't build a future on it.

That's enough.

Our young friend is right, we're not here to be lectured.

Wait, Ramonte.

Let him speak.

I'm the one who asked Tano Cariddi to join us so we'll listen to his opinion if and when we decide to do so.

Meanwhile we take care of business our way.

And some decisions are entirely mine.

So be careful what you say.

You're just a guest.

You can be shown the door at any time.

Now, please leave.

Anyone else want to say anything? Any objections? Fine.

Unity is our strength.

Doctor Paolo Tripoli has walked out on us.

You all know the consequences of that.

Our reaction must be swift.

I'll leave the details to you, okay?

- Giulia, where are you?

- With my father in hospital.

- How is he?

- Better, thanks.

- Then I'll pick you up.

- No, not now.

We'll get piZZa.

I'll be there in ten.

You're wasting your time.

I'm not going anywhere.

Just a piZZa.

You'll be back in half an hour.

I'm not hungry.

And I don't want to leave Dad alone.

What have I done? Nothing, I'm not angry with you.

I went to see Ramonte at his place.

Ramonte? Why? He has it in for Dad.

I want to find out why.

- Did you find out?

- No.

There were others with him.

It looked like a meeting.

A strange meeting.

Your father was there, too.

So what? He told you they're friends.

What else are you after? They said Ramonte was a m*rder*r and a mafioso.

- He was acquitted!

- I don't care.

I want to know the truth.

No, you're chasing shadows.

- Is that all you have to say?

- What do you want to hear? That our fathers are mafiosi? They're monsters? Don't treat me as if I'm craZy.

- I don't.

- But that's what you're thinking!

- Wait, Giulia

- You'd better go, Marco.

Dear Tripoli, I would like to have lunch with you tomorrow.

I'm sure that we can work out our differences.

- Hello, Giulia.

- Hello, Paolo.

Come on, let's go for a walk.

Your father, Rittone and I we were all very close to Ramonte.

Your father managed the Academy's funds for years.

What's this Academy? It was a front, a facade of respectability hiding a network of power and shady deals.

The mafia? Giulia, the mafia couldn't exist on its own.

My father was involved in that? I n the beginning he knew nothing about it.

He'd been chosen for his honest reputation.

Another front, you see? He had to manage assets without questioning their source.

I'm the one who recommended him to Ramonte, and I'll never forgive myself.

So you knew everything.

Not everything.

I just knew that joining Ramonte's circle was very useful.

It meant important connections, a career, excellent clients And then? What did you find out? Business was good, and I didn't ask questions.

Until we attracted the attention of a stubborn policeman.

He started investigating some of our deals.

Cattani? Yes, Corrado Cattani.

Him and that judge, Silvia Conti.

So Ramonte and the others decided they had to be stopped.

Then it's true Ramonte had Cattani k*lled.


- What was the make of the car?

- No idea.

I know nothing about cars.

- What about the number plate?

- No, I told you.

We were talking, and suddenly that car appeared from behind.

So according to you it wasn't an accident.

They ran you over on purpose.

- They tried to k*ll me too!

- Calm down, please.

Tell me everything at HQ, okay? Did you know the doctor well? He was my father's doctor.

And he was a close family friend.

Any idea why someone would want to k*ll him? Paolo belonged Doctor Tripoli belonged to a secret organisation.

The Academy was just a front.

- A secret organisation?

- Yes.

He was describing it when the car hit him.

- What did he say?

- He'd discovered the truth.

It was a cover for murders, trafficking, the mafia Did you follow the Ramonte trial? Not really.

My father and the doctor mentioned it.

And I saw it on television.

On television everything is dramatised.

Dark intrigues, shady dealings That man was accused of crimes.

But he was acquitted.

He was found innocent.

That's what we were talking about.

Tripoli didn't think him innocent.

So they shut him up.

- You don't believe me, do you?

- I'm just saying you can draw hasty conclusions and see intent where there's only a tragic fatality.

It was no accident.

Paolo Tripoli was m*rder*d.

It's a miracle I survived it.

You're jumping to conclusions.

We don't know for sure what happened.

We have to check things out, inspect the site.

- We'll drive you home.

- No, thanks, don't bother.

- If you think I'm craZy

- Wait, don't go! Do you think I can take that? Take it, you deserve it.

You know, I've spent more time here than at home.

I hope things will be different now.


I'll say goodbye to the boss.

Do you have a moment? Come in.

Let's go to my office.

Come in.

Yes? I'm Giulia Mercuri.

I'd like to speak to Judge Conti.

Judge Conti doesn't work in this court any more.

Where can I find her? It's important.

You can't right now.

Maybe I can help you No, I must talk to her.

It's a very serious matter.

She's with the chief judge, but

- Thank you.

- Wait! Are you going to appeal? I'm waiting to see the sentence.

- Time to give up?

- The mood has changed.

Back then the public was with us.

Now nobody cares.

People want to forget, turn over a new leaf.

It could look like persecution.

It would jeopardise our work, and there's much to do.

I must go, my husband's waiting.

Give him my regards.

He's a great man, you're lucky.

- Will I see you tomorrow?

- The farewell Wait, Judge Conti, please, wait!

- What's the matter?

- I have to speak to her! She's gone.

Besides, she doesn't work here any more.

Judge Conti, please, stop! Just one moment, please.

- Were you calling me?

- Yes.

Please, I need to talk to you.

You can't stay here.

One minute, my wife's coming.

I really have to go.

What's it about? A man was k*lled today.

I was with him.

A car ran him over.

- And you saw it happen?

- Yes, we were talking.

Paolo was my father's friend and his doctor.

I'm Giulia Mercuri.

My father is

- Senator Mercuri?

- Yes.

It wasn't an accident.

The police won't believe me.

You must help me.

- I swear, it was no accident.

- Calm down.

I can't help you.

But the police will investigate and No, I know why he's dead.

He was telling me everything.

About Ramonte, the Academy, and the Cattani m*rder.

- How do you know about that?

- My father and Paolo Tripoli, the man k*lled, were both involved.

Now my father's in danger.

You must listen to me! Call me at home tonight.

I'll fix an appointment.

Thank you.

I'll call tonight.

This morning, here outside Villa Bellini, cardiologist Paolo Tripoli was run down.

Giulia Mercuri, the senator's daughter, was a witness.

The senator is a patient in Doctor Tripoli's hospital.

The president and friends of the Extrema Thule Academy regret the untimely demise of our beloved Doctor Paolo Tripoli.

Take care of this, will you? Now I'll have some tea.

The pain is coming back.


It will do you good.

Thank you.

It's as if my insides were on fire.

Those painful years have left their mark.

The doctor said it's nothing to worry about.

Doctors don't know anything.

Having you here makes me feel better.

Try to rest.

Lo Capo here, to speak to the Professor.

The Professor is resting.

Call back later.

Wake him up, it's urgent.

I said he's resting.

Call later.

Hello? Yes, I'll put him on.

It's Lo Capo, the lawyer.

He says it's urgent.

I saw Judge Conti talking to Mercuri's daughter.

They mentioned Cattani and Tripoli.

What were they saying? I couldn't hear them clearly.

But Conti gave the girl her business card.

- Did you tell Ramonte?

- I tried.

But that Bulgarian boy said he's sick.

- What's wrong?

- Who knows? He weakens every day, mentally too.

- What do we do?

- Leave it to me.

Thank you.

- No, Dad, wait.

- Let me help you.

Lean on me, Senator.

Careful I spoke to Judge Conti.

Calm down, Dad.

It's our only alternative.

Before he died, Paolo Tripoli was telling me everything.

He was my most loyal friend.

The only one I had left.

Now tell me everything you know.

- No.

- Yes, Dad, yes.

We must do it for Paolo.

We must tell the judge.

She's the only one who can help us.

Why did they k*ll him? What does Ramonte want from you? Why did he come to thr*aten you in the hospital? Ramonte has secret files.

It took him a lifetime to compile those files.

They represent the source of all his power.

He keeps classified information, state secrets A precious blackmailing tool.

Before his arrest, he wanted to leave it all in a safe place.

So he put his files on computer disks.

But in order to be read the disks need a key, another disk without which they are completely useless.

That disk is in my hands.

Ramonte gave it to me for safe

-keeping before being indicted.

Do you see now? So, by separating the disks from the key

-disk, Ramonte made sure nobody could read the files before he got them back.

But Mercuri's conscience started nagging him.

He's weak.

When he realised what he had, he panicked.

And his daughter is about to tell Silvia Conti everything.

That would be the end.

Does Ramonte know about this? I decided to tell you first.

He's not the man he was.

We must act fast and hit two targets at once.

That girl is a threat, and her father could crack at any time.

You mean we have to eliminate them both? You still think like your boss.

No, Rittone.

Some ties can silence people more than death itself.

I'll get it.

It's for you.

- Giulia Mercuri.

- Thank you.

- Hello?

- Good evening, Judge.

It's about our appointment.

Tomorrow at 11 a.


In my office? Actually, tomorrow I have an exam.

- Could we make it earlier?

- Is 8.

30 all right? Perfect.

I've spoken to my father.

I persuaded him to meet you.

He can't come because he's sick but he has important information.

- About Ramonte?

- Yes.

And the Cattani m*rder.

And he told me about a dossier.

So the dossier really exists.

- And my father has the key to

- Wait.

Not now.

We'll discuss it tomorrow.

And don't mention our meeting.

To anyone.

All right.

See you tomorrow.

Who was that? A girl who wants to tell me something about Ramonte.

- That story again?

- No, but Don't worry, that story is finished for me.

Come on, let's go to bed.

I'm going.

Bye, Hedy.

- Miss, your breakfast

- I can't, I'm late.

Dad's still asleep.

Give him medicine when he wakes and ask the doctor to come after 3 p.


- I won't be back before then.

- Fine.

- Good luck with your exam.

- Don't say that, you'll jinx me!

- Break a leg.

- That's better.

I almost forgot! For your girlfriend.

- What is it?

- A necklace.

Open it.

- Isn't today her birthday?

- Thanks, Miss.

You shouldn't It's nothing.

And stop calling me Miss.

- Isn't her name Sara?

- Yes.

Tell her happy birthday from Giulia.

Thank you.

Hi, Marco.

Where are you? I called your home.

I'm on my way.

Wait for me, I'll take you to uni.

No, I have to do something else first.

- I can be there in 15.

- No, thanks, Marco.

- Are you still angry with me?

- No, I'm in a hurry.

I'm late.

- Late for what?

- I have things to do, all right?

- What's all this mystery?

- There's no mystery.

- Why do you treat me like this?

- Like what? Don't be a baby.

- If you have problems

- I have to go.

We'll talk later, okay? What do you want? Let me go! Help! Go! I'm Edoardo Rittone.

I wish to speak to the senator.

This way, please.

Hello, Senator.

What do you want? Ramonte sent you, didn't he? I'm here because I'm your friend, Aldo.

What do you want? Your daughter Giulia What do you want from Giulia? She's not home now.

I don't know where she is.

I know where she is.

She's been held up by someone who wants to talk to her.

Nobody wants to hurt her.

She needs to explain things, then she'll come home.

It's for her own good, to ensure that nothing happens to her.

To show at Ramonte's place and then go to Judge Conti Many of our friends became alarmed and, as you know, there are a few hot heads among them.

Excuse me, Senator, Judge Conti's looking for Giulia.

She says they have an appointment.

Tell her she's not home and we don't know when she'll be back.

What did I say? Wait for things to cool down.

We must convince that meddling judge that Giulia was imagining things.

She'll keep looking for her.

She doesn't give up.

And you'll say that Giulia has gone to England.

And when that craZy bitch is tired of looking for her, only then will Giulia come home safe and sound.

Meanwhile, every day I'll bring proof she's alive.

Come in.

- May I start loading?

- Yes, everything's ready.

She was in shock and couldn't remember anything.

She said they'd run him over on purpose.

Then she told this absurd story.

- Plots, secret societies

- The Ramonte trial? Yes She mentioned the Ramonte trial.

It made an impression on her.

Are you investigating the death? Early autopsy results don't rule out m*rder but it could just be a hit



- Please keep me informed.

- I will.

You can call me any time on this number.

Thank you.

Meanwhile, could I see the accident report? Come with me.

I'll print you a copy.

- Who is it?

- Silvia Conti.

Come in.

Your daughter said your friend Dr Tripoli was m*rder*d in front of her.

My daughter Giulia is an emotional girl.

She was fond of him and was deeply affected.

She told me something else too.

A certain dossier is in Ramonte's hands How dare you question me in my own house? I I know nothing about that.

Could you at least tell me where Giulia is? She's gone away.

She left early this morning for London.

She's gone to London? So suddenly? That awful incident It deeply affected her.

She's very stressed.

I suggested that a change would do her good.

Is she contactable? A phone number? Sorry, I don't have any way to contact her.

Please, I'm a sick man.

Don't torment me any more.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to.

It was just a misunderstanding.

Don't touch that photograph! I was just looking at it.

You and your daughter seem very close.

I apologise for the intrusion.

Goodbye, Senator.

What time did Miss Giulia leave? I don't know, I was asleep.

You know she's gone to London? London? No I don't know anything.

Has something happened to her? I'm afraid so, but nobody's saying anything.

She had an exam at the university.

Is that what she told you? Does she have a mobile number? I'll write it down.

Here's the number.

Thank you.

Hello? Giulia, it's Silvia Conti.

Hello? Can you hear me? It's Silvia Conti.

Hello? Who are you? Where am I? Where have you taken me? What do you want to do to me? Take care of her.

Who are you? Help me.

Please, help me.

Please! Help me, please! Help me.

But I know you.

Who are you? I've seen you before At the hospital.

You're Dimitri's mother! Don't leave help me! Help me What do you want from me?

- Your herbal tea.

- Thank you.

What's all this? Papers, documents Ten years' work.

I didn't want it to rot in the archives.

- I love you.

- I love you too, Silvia.

I'd just like to be happy with you and Anna.

Is something stopping you?

- It's hard to forget the past.

- And it would be wrong.

But we must learn to keep it in perspective, to stop it taking over and destroying the present.


Only the present can make me happy.

And nothing can take that away from me.

No Give me another pill.

I'm very tired.

I feel drained of all strength.

Extrema Thule Mercuri Rittone Edoardo Rittone, lawyer.

Tripoli Paolo Tripoli.


Silvia Conti.

Did I wake you? No, no.

I'm listening.

I apologise, but it's about Giulia Mercuri.

- She's disappeared.

- Disappeared? Her father says she left suddenly for London, but he's lying.

Could you check this morning's flights to London?

- Now?

- As soon as possible.

I'll see what I can do.

I'll let you know.

Thank you.

Do you know what you're saying? Do you know what you're saying?

- Yes, and I know I'm right.

- But no proof.

Merely a few hasty words exchanged with a girl Who disappeared just before she could tell me more.

Are you sure she didn't go to London? I checked with the airport.

Giulia Mercuri wasn't on any London flight.

We can't start again, Silvia.

- Start what?

- Chasing shadows.

- You saw how it ended.

- It didn't end.

Ramonte is free.

And more powerful than ever.

He's been tried in two separate courts and the fact is, he was acquitted.

Giulia told me about Ramonte's files.

They give him huge power.

- What do you want?

- I nvestigation.

Of Ramonte, his men, and Giulia's disappearance.

You're no longer part of this court.

Stop my transfer, suspend it for a few days.

I can't.

You signed the transfer yourself.

Then put someone else on the case.

On what basis? No one was reported missing.

Her own father swears she's fine.

I understand.

Maybe I'd do the same in your place.

But try to understand my position.

The mood has really changed.

Thanks anyway.

To London? When did she leave? That's impossible.

She said nothing.

Yes, Hedy, let me talk to the senator.

All right, I'll call back later.

What's the matter? Anything wrong? Giulia's gone to London.

Just like that, without a word.

- Why?

- I don't know.

She's craZy.

- We had an argument and

- My dear boy That's women for you.

The number you have called is not available right now.

I'm going to get the car.

Make sure she eats and doesn't hurt herself.

If it's necessary, give her a sedative.

And if I'm not back in 48 hours let her go.

As you wish, sir.

I had to do it.

That girl was a threat to all of you.

A loose cannon, ready to go off at any time.

But now she's in our hands and can't do us any harm.

And neither can her father.

He knows his daughter's life depends on his silence.

The most stable balance is one based on fear.

Now we must ask ourselves who set off this b*mb? Who, with his irrational behaviour, made a harmless girl into a deadly threat? You know who I'm talking about.

Professor Ramonte.

He's the one who wanted Tripoli dead and had him k*lled in front of that girl, who then went and talked to Judge Silvia Conti.

Ramonte is old.

His time is up.

His mind is clouded by hatred.

He's in a delirium of death aimed at quenching his thirst for revenge.

If we don't stop him he'll lead us to our doom.

Nice words.

But what do we do to stop that judge?

- We do nothing.

- Nothing? Silvia Conti knows nothing she didn't already know.

After Ramonte's acquittal, she's finished as a magistrate.

Her trump card was Giulia Mercuri but I stole her before she could use her.

What do we do with Ramonte? The poor professor is sick.

And if you wish it, he will get worse.

His illness is from a poison administered to him on my orders.

Arsenic kills slowly but surely.

It's an ancient method with illustrious precedents and which acts silently.

But if you want me to stop, I will.

You can still save him, and in doing so hasten your own end.

If you follow him, you're finished.

This congregation is a relic that has to be swept away with all its ridiculous rituals.

You're here to secure a chair, to clinch petty deals, insider deals, extortion, illegal developments Rodents, scrounging around for a piece of cheese.

That's enough! I won't be insulted by a stranger.

Who are you? What do you know about us? A dying man's final sight is imprinted on his retina till the worms eat it.

If I pull the trigger, you'll have an eternity to get to know me.

Take it.

As you can see, I don't need it.

I've never belonged to a tribe like this.

I've always acted alone, for myself.

And alone I once built an empire.

And now what are you proposing? I propose we understand where the world is heading and the new paths along which the river of money flows.

I propose that you play a leading part in this process.

This is our big chance.

We can become the centre of this universe in motion.

How? There's no need to wage a w*r.

We'll just use the existing laws and force the central power to make new ones to suit us and our interests.

No more lowly separatist aspirations steeped in petty politics and small business.

Real autonomy will allow us to become the untouchable focus of the new financial power, the capital of the new economy.

What SwitZerland has been for industrial capital, and what tax havens are for financial capital today, we can and must become tomorrow for the new global economy.

A colossal free exchange, bound by neither laws nor borders.

Huge capital, legal and illegal, mixed and indistinguishable, can find its safest haven here.

What do we have to do to achieve that? We have two weapons that, if we use them well, will give us immense strength.

Ramonte's files will allow us to cast a net of poison and blackmail which will ensnare members of our ruling class.

It's a huge, diabolical power.

I n the end, no one will dare oppose our demand for new laws.

Our laws.

You are the second w*apon.

You will be our local police.

So, on the ruins of the Board, we will build the biggest financial haven in the world, sheltered from the anachronistic laws of states and open to the new logics of the world market.

So what shall I do about Ramonte? Should I stop or go ahead? I say he's right, we must move forward.

If you agree, declare it.

You can't join us right away.

I have to leave on important business.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

It's only a slight delay.

You'll love your room.

Alfredo and I haven't changed our minds.

Anna! Wait! I'm sorry, I don't understand your intentions.

I'm forced to refer it back to the judge.

I only sought a postponement.

You pushed for it and gave Anna false hope.

She'd already packed.

I n spite of this setback, I assure you our resolve to bring Anna home is unchanged.

I'm sorry.

I'll talk to the judge and try to obtain a new date for the adoption.

There's nothing to explain.

We waited months for this.

And you blew it.

- I must go to Rome, I told you.

- Yes, but I don't believe it.

I need some advice.

You said you'd take leave to be with Anna at the start.

You changed jobs for that.

- I'm going now.

- Have a good trip.

Please don't let me go away like this.

I'm sorry, I'm exasperated.

That story again It'll never end.

Someone's in danger.

I can't close my eyes and turn my back on it.

You said all this didn't concern you any more, that you weren't obsessed now.

I believed you.

I gave you my trust.

Sometimes our private life has to take a back seat.

There are worse problems to be faced that can't be avoided.

You talk like Joan of Arc.

Did you hear voices? All right, put it that way if you like.

I'm used to it.

Nobody listens to me.

Even my husband thinks I'm a visionary.

I'm just worried about you.

Nothing's changed.

What I want most in the world is to be with you and Anna.

Just be careful, Silvia.

If you keep chasing your past, you risk destroying our future.

Alfredo is right.

Maybe it is an obsession.

Yes, I hear voices.

As if a superior force were calling me.

Justice, the law the whole of humanity.

But I should learn to love human beings one by one.

Alfredo, Anna To be a wife and mother That's having a life, a private life.

Humanity is out of reach.

Maybe there will never be complete justice.

Meanwhile, I'll have lost my last chance to love and to be loved.

What happened to you? Why are you crying? What's wrong? Is it Dimitri? Is he sick again? Help me, please.

Please, help me.