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09x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 01/15/23 06:25
by bunniefuu
We are now at the beginning of the sixties.

Colonel Valente of the Carabinieri gives Captain Arcuti a difficult assignment in Sicily, spying on the activities of a suspected drug chemist, a Frenchman working for the Mafia named Marten, in an attempt to prevent a vast financial business developing from the distribution of dr*gs.

They want to get to the organisers and the investors financing the operation.

Not by chance was Arcuti picked for the job, a few years earlier he had been involved in a scandalous love affair with the beautiful wife of land owner, Baron Altamura Barbara "You mean so much to me I shall always love you" Now her husband, Francesco, is suspected of being the banker for the new Mafia and Valente tries to get Arcuti to persuade Barbara to collaborate with the authorities, spying on the baron.

Carlo and Barbara find themselves in an impossible situation.

Barbara's home is being run by her husband's wilful cousin, Augusta, who has begun an affair with him while she was away in a clinic having a nervous breakdown.

Barbra finds herself a prisoner with her son in her own home, ruled over by her husband's mistress.

"It's impossible to go on Get someone to replace me" Carlo objects to being used as a pawn in the game as Valente takes advantage of the couple's relationship, especially since he realises how much he still loves her.

In order to obtain information, Barbara is forced to pretend that she wants to return to married life with her husband, who still adores her.

The carabinieri want the key to his private safe, where he keeps the accounts of all the illicit investments with the names of all involved.

Mafia boss, solicitor Torrisi, has a man, Turi, in the baron's home as chauffeur and spy, who quietly keeps an eye on everyone and everything.

Turi is fascinated by the lovely young American woman, but doesn't guess that she is working for the police.

The drug lab is set up in an old mill on Turi's property.

At a party to celebrate his sister Teresa's engagement to Nino, a local boy, Torrisi drops in "I hope we are not intruding you have dinner guests" "No, no.

Why don't you join us" Torrisi's brother, Carmine is instantly attracted to Turi's sister and is not afraid to show it.

Francesco leans heavily on his influential friend, the politically ambitious Cinisi, who is as yet unaware of the Mafia connection.

fight with Carlo.

Before he dies he reveals the whereabouts of the lab.

The prosecutor delays signing the search warrant for Carlo and Colonel Valente, and warns his friend Torrisi that someone's tipped the police off, adding that the investigation is led by Captain Arcuti.

In turn he informs the baron.

Meanwhile Barbara has stolen the key and found the notebook the police need in her husband's safe.

"You've been betrayed Francesco.

" Francesco realises his bank, his reputation and his whole life is at stake and he plots with Augusta to get rid of Barbara, although he still loves her.

On the pretext of a romantic evening of reconcilliation, he dr*gs her champagne and when she collapses, takes her out of the house However, Turi has seen everything.

OCTOPUS 9 THE PAC Part Two I can't.

What? What do you mean? After what she's done to you! Would you rather they k*lled you? A car! Paul wake up.

Wake up, Paul.

Do you recognise me? It's Carlo.

Where's your mother? Tell me where your mother is.

It's important.

Barbara! Don't! She was incinerated along with her husband.

- I'm sorry.

- Leave me alone.

We raided the old winery but they'd been tipped off.

Shut up! One day you'll win your w*r, Colonel.

But it will be the worst day of your life because you'll realise you're as bad as your enemies.

My God! They're unrecognisable.

It wasn't an accident, was it? Someone pushed the car down the ravine.

Why? Why? Can't you guess? Yet you were very close to the baron.

Meaning? You know all about Altamura's dealings.

- What are you insinuating?

- Who are you defending? I I want to defend the memory of Francesco Altamura.

He had a dream.

He had travelled the world.

He used to say Sicily could be heaven on earth.

To get that, you'd have to stitch up deals with the devil.

Law and order's a simpler way.

And you could do a lot about it.

We need openness.


-baked measures are no longer sufficient.

Today it was Altamura, tomorrow it could be someone much higher.

Francesco You'd better keep that blanket.

It's cold down here.

Where am I? Where's Francesco? Relax, you're safe here.

No one will find you.

Why am I here? Who brought me here? If you're hungry, eat something.

I'll be back soon with more food.

Did my husband order you to do this? Why is he doing it? Your husband can no longer harm you.

What do you mean? Wait, don't go away.

I beg you, wait.

What are you doing? I've resigned.

Do you think it will bring Barbara back? Is it to punish me? You can do that.

Prove my incompetence Find Barbara's K*llers yourself.

What will you tell her son Paul? That you won't find his mother's K*llers because of your pride?

- We can't stop now

- Let me go.

If you quit now, Barbara's death will have been in vain.

All right, then I'll stay, but only on my terms.

Go on.

I want carte blanche.

- Fine.

- Wait I haven't changed my mind about you or my resignation.

I'll quit after this case.

Your opinion of me is irrelevant.

Just do your job.

Do you manage to sleep at night? Or don't you care that you sent her to her death? What you're asking me to do is a grave thing.

I can't think with all this racket.

Tell them to keep quiet.

Your Honour I appreciate your uneasiness in signing those warrants but these are serious events.

Alderman, you are right.

But I'll be responsible for respectable people being named on the front pages by unscrupulous journalists.

Altamura was a figurehead for our ruling class.

One of us.

We cannot tolerate what happened.

Especially now, with elections coming up.

If we let this go, we'll never stop them.

I'll have them registered.

Was it m*rder? I'm not confirming or denying.

Excuse me now.

Colonel Major follow me.

Alderman, is your friend's death a Mafia crime? A good question.

Until now I've never used that word Mafia.

I saw it as alien to honest Sicilians' vocabulary.

But now I must painfully cry it out aloud.

What action will you take? If elected I'll call for special laws and the allocation of extra police.

And I'll support the Town Planning Bill to help deprive these criminals of funds and political cover.

You always opposed that bill.

Why change your mind? That bill is an extreme remedy which goes against my economic ideals.

But with Altamura's death, ideals have become a luxury.

- Why were you summoned?

- Is it Altamura's death? Are you suspected of Mafia dealings? What's your defence? Bill us.

I'm summoned like a common criminal.

What's this farce all about, Captain? Know him? He was chauffeur to the late baron I think.

It seems he was hired on your recommendation.


I try to help my fellow human beings.

But I don't usually mix with chauffeurs.

This chauffeur happens to have a lengthy criminal record.

And the winery, allegedly used as a drug refinery, happens to be on his land.

Why are you telling me? Find the fellow and deal with him.

We're trying to.

And this man? Do you know him? I can't say I recall ever seeing him.

I know so many people.

Maybe these will assist you.

It must have slipped my mind.

He's French I think.

A sales rep for a fertiliser company.

- I don't remember his name.

- His name is Didier Martin.

- Now he's dead.

- Dead? He had interesting things to say first.

He was a drug refining expert.

He was in Sicily to set up a drug refinery on behalf of If you know so much, why am I here? If you believe I'm involved in this business, why haven't I been arrested? I don't think you know much at all.

You lack evidence, so your imagination is running wild.

Where are your alleged informers? Bring them here before me.

- Don't be arrogant with me.

- I sympathise with you.

If I were in your shoes, I'd be just as keen.

But harassing decent people won't bring back what you've lost.

Admit you've been shattered by the baroness's death.

I won't give you that w*apon.

You'll walk out of here the way you came in.

You must get to court on your own feet.

I'll have you tried, I swear.

Help! Let me go.

Don't touch me.

Don't get excited.

You're still too weak.

What do you want from me? Do you want money? Answer my question.

Are you after a ransom? What do you take me for, Baroness? You haven't eaten.

It's not your usual food.

When the dust settles I'll bring better food, I promise.

You can wear these.

I got them from your wardrobe.

Before I came to your place I'd never seen such fine clothes.

I don't want clothes.

I want to get out.

Where's my son? How is he? He's fine.

He's in the best boarding school in town.

But you must forget about your son.

It's like you're dead.

What do you mean? I saved you, but if anyone finds out, you'll really be dead.

Now you're alive only for me.

How can that be? Someone must have seen her.

Is she a ghost? If Augusta Altamura were a ghost, we'd have found her.

We've questioned family and friends.

But to no avail.

- What about Turi Mondello?

- Even worse.

- People know where he is

- But no one will tell the police.

The usual story.

Keep looking for both of them.

They're either responsible, or know about the murders.

No one would have dared mention our names.

Now they're in all the papers thanks to Cinisi's electoral promises to clean up Sicily.

Wasn't it you who got him elected alderman? Then there's that captain who dares to investigate you.

You told us we could trust that banker.

Then we find out his wife is a mischief


That Turi, who was supposed to watch over the baron Where is he? I'll wring his neck with my own hands.

I invested a load of money in this business.

I want it all back with interest.

I think my view is shared by all those present.

Fair enough.

I can't deny that errors were made.

But it's the results that count.

Results? We've lost face and our money! That's not so.

The morphine has been refined.

It's in our hands ready to be sold.

The police have been left clutching at straws.

The French chemist and the baron are dead Let the captain question me, he has no evidence.

The captain is protected by your Cinisi.

He'll never be a member of parliament.

Unless we put him there.

There's a way to make them all happy.

They want a villain? We'll give them one.

When they find Turi dead, with heroin on him, they'll all be satisfied.

We'll circulate the rumour that he was punished by Mafia inner circles who oppose dr*gs and maintain law and order better than the police.

Those bastards have turned the town inside out.

When they got here, a cow was giving birth.

So I asked them to help and they left in disgust.

Trust townsfolk! You did well, Nino.

The French guy said one of these would buy 100 cows.

Must Torrisi get it all? Don't worry, we'll get our share.

Who works out what that is? You tell Torrisi that we risked 20 years in jail for this.

Nino I know what to tell Torrisi.

Don't tell me he hasn't arrived yet! Let's go and welcome him at the other gate.

Once we have the stuff, we'll knock him off.

No problem.

I'd hate to be late for my nephew's christening.

- A funeral and a christening!

- Such is life.

I feel bad about sh**ting Turi.

- Why?

- We were in the army in Milan.

The girls there were something else! One called Cecilia, she drove me wild FreeZe! I won't hurt you.

Son of a bitch! Go get him! Tell Turi that as long as he has my stuff, I'll do whatever I please with his.

Nino, don't do anything silly.

Nino! My poor boy.

My poor boy Don't worry, it's nothing.

Nothing! It's nothing.

They k*lled him because of you.

The only son I had left.

May you be cursed.

And cursed be the day you set foot in this house.

The Lord will settle it.

I want to see you dead.

I want to see you suffer before you die.

He hasn't cried or asked questions.

He eats alone.

He won't talk to me or the other kids.

Hello, Paul.

Father Pietro says he told you what happened.

It wasn't an accident, Paul.

Someone set out to k*ll them.

Evil people.


People your mother was helping us arrest.

Let me tell you something else.

I promise you those people will end up behind bars.

- I'll see to it they're punished.

- I don't care what you do.

Mummy and Daddy are dead because of you.

You're right.

It was my fault.

Father Pietro said you have things to show me.

I'm to say if they were Mummy's or Daddy's.

Only if you feel up to it.

Where are they? Was this your dad's? And this? Was it Mummy's? What's the matter?

- Paul

- I want to go now.

Wait, what's the matter? Wait!

- I said I want to go.

- Okay, but wait I'll call Father Pietro.

Hello Yes, I'll get him.

The priest from the boarding school.

Hello, Father Pietro.

What? I'll come.

He went to his room.

He wants to be alone.

Paul! Come here And calm down! Settle down.

That's enough.

What's happened? Why did you run away? Mummy is alive.

I know it.

I wish it were true.

I really do.

The earring isn't Mummy's.

It's Augusta's.

The one she wore to the party is missing.

White organZa with black roses.

So is the black sequin dress and the pink pleated one.

- Who could have taken them?

- I've never touched anything.

No one's accusing you.

Is anything else missing? Her books.

There was a pile of them here.

Could any of the servants have taken them? No, they were all trusted people.

A girl might have been attracted by those dresses.

But the books They were even in a foreign language.

- What about Turi?

- No, not him.

- Can you be sure?

- He wouldn't.

Did you know him well? You can't suspect him of stealing.

He actually kept everyone honest.

What do you mean? He was just a chauffeur.

He was the most honest of the lot.

Plus he showed special respect for the baroness.

Once a delivery boy made an inappropriate remark about that scandal Oh, God! What happened to the boy? Turi taught him a lesson he'll never forget.

Santino, show Turi the way.

What now? Nothing.

Things will be the same as before.

But the girl isn't the same as before.

I'm glad you've come, Turi.

Now we can discuss things, man to man.

Sit down.

I know there have been a few misunderstandings.

But we must make up for the mistakes we've all made.

I did go to deliver every last gram of the stuff.

But I was met by armed men.

The local bosses were very angry with you.

But I've asked the family heads to withhold their punishment and to accept you back.

Provided you deliver the stuff to us.

With the baron's black notebook.

The notebook burnt with the baron.

- Just as well.

- I too want things settled.

It's in our mutual interest.

But first I'd like to see my sister.

Vito! Tell my brother Carmine to bring the girl here.

Here's our dear Teresa.

You can see she's fine.

Teresa I'm bringing you the dr*gs the way I found them.

I ntact! My sister's life has been ruined.

You k*lled two of our men.

This situation must be redressed.

You said it yourself A man of honour must make up for his mistakes.

I'll bring the dr*gs on the day your brother marries her.

Are you craZy? Has the heat got to you? Think about it.

There's no other option.

Once we are relatives, I won't need to watch my back all day long.

What's he going on about?

- He's making a lot of sense.

- Are you craZy? Shut up.

The girl has been violated You must remedy the situation.

I know nothing, sir.

My son's death was an accident.

Of course.

Your son accidentally stabbed himself.

You've already lost a husband and a son to strange accidents.

A lot of blood has been shed.

And more will be shed unless we find Turi.

I can give you justice.

Go away and leave me alone.

You haven't eaten again today.

You must eat.

Have some meat.

Go on.


" Is that all you have to say? How do you expect me to? I don't even have a knife to cut the meat.

Or do you expect me to gnaw it like an animal? Maybe that's the way you do it.

If I give you this, will you eat? Your enemies are my enemies.

They wanted your husband and you dead.

Those very same people! They destroyed your family.

And now they're out to destroy mine too.

Who are you referring to? Who are "they"? Eat.

Who are they? It's those in charge.

But they've been there so long, they can't see being in charge is not enough.

You must command respect to demand obedience.

Do you understand? Respect! If what you are saying is true If they really are your enemies too Speak to Captain Arcuti and he'll help us.

Still thinking about Captain Arcuti? If it had been left to Captain Arcuti, you'd be at the bottom of that cliff, incinerated.

Stopping those people All the police in the world couldn't do that.

You You only have me.

Understand? Only me.

What do you want in exchange? You can go and wash.

But eat first.

Then come with me.

Go on.

Come on.


Go on.

Don't be afraid.

How is this possible? Where are the crowds? What organisation is this? We've been working a fortnight for this rally.

We've door


We've put posters everywhere.

So where is everybody? Who will hear me speak? Your mother? My respects to you all.

What do you want? To pay my respects.

My brother would like a word with you.

We came to hear your speech But the square is empty.

Has the rally been called off? Tell him that if he wants to see me, he should speak to my secretary.

I'll tell him that.

Word for word.

Enough of this farce.

I'm going home.

Allow me one comment, sir.

I speak as a Party activist and a personal friend.

If you antagonise Torrisi, not even dogs will show up at your rallies.

Just one other thing, Alderman.

Next Sunday is an important day for my family.

I'm getting married.

My brother and I want all our friends to celebrate with us.

We'd be honoured if you'd come.

If you don't, that will mean you have no time for us.

That you have no respect for us.

To avoid inconveniencing you, I'll send a car.

Goodbye, Alderman.

If I don't come back, who'll take care of you? Come on.

Drink our health with this fine wine.

This is genuine wine.

This wine is good for your blood.

How do I know if this is all you found in the old winery? Why would I steal from my own family? True.

We're family now.

I'm no good at speeches.

I only know how to sing.

The boys are having fun.

It's a pity the celebrations are secret to stop the police spoiling the party.

Not to worry.

When they have a child, we'll hold a christening party all Sicily will remember.

You must sing too.

Come on, let's hear you.

"The Sun.

" Where are we going? What sort of wedding is it? A shotgun wedding.

A low

-key ceremony for a select few.

The alderman accepted the invitation.

Cinisi is here.

You'd better clear off.

I'm glad you came, Alderman.

Please take your place.

Over a glass of good wine you can find a solution to any problem.

A virgin's honour may be restored by a shotgun wedding but I won't be screwed with the same ease.

You're here now, and that's an important sign for me.


Silence, please.

I want to drink a toast.

Today is special.

Certain subjects should be left outside the door.

On such an occasion, I'd like everyone to be happy.

Cheers! which robbed you of a close friend.

I will not hide the fact that we are deeply disturbed by the tense atmosphere resulting from that event.

Police everywhere.

Decent men being dragged through the mud.

You even hinted at special laws repression Mafia.

I believe what happened was the result of a mistake.

An unfortunate incident that will never be repeated.

When you go to the national parliament it's with our undivided support.

Next thing, he'll be apologising.

To our honourable member! I've risked my reputation to come here.

But my goodwill will be in vain unless we are in agreement.

Remember the early post

-w*r years? Hunger, rubble, poverty Who changed all that? We did.


Who directed billions to Sicily's reconstruction? We believed any development, albeit uncontrolled, was better than no development.

And you profited from it.

We even tolerated some v*olence But within reasonable limits.

It was clear to all men of honour whose hand it was that was feeding them.

And who it was holding the reins of command.

Now those reasonable limits have been overstepped.

I have had disgraceful threats and pressures on my electorate.

As well, I'm hearing about dangerous new trafficking which has nothing to do with the laws of honour.

Let me stress again Watch out.

Don't step out of line.

And don't forget who has the final say.

What are we going to do? You don't have to do anything.

to the newlyweds, starting a Christian family.

What you ask is no small thing.

But a man of honour knows when it's time to step back.

Cheers! Torrisi! Alderman! Aren't I allowed to have a toast with you? What's this about? You've finished talking bullshit.

You've finished talking bullshit.

Sit down, Alderman.

Turi, what the f*ck are you doing?

- Are you mad?

- My deepest sympathies! What are you doing? I don't want to die.

You tell him, Teresa.

I love you.

You tell him.

I'll be a good husband.

You tell him.

- Take it.

- Why? Do to him what he did to Nino.

Take that knife.

She can't do it.

She's my wife.

- Teresa!

- She can't do it.

Cut his throat.

Avenge Nino, avenge yourself.

I can't! If you don't do this, you'll be dishonoured for life and so will I.

Carmelo! Antonio! Tell everyone that Turi Mondello has wiped away the dishonour staining his family.

And from today he's in charge.

Come with me, Alderman.

Come on, don't be afraid.

I'll give you a lift into town.

Your Excellency has been served! Cheer up.

You're not going to die this time.

I'm letting you live.

I need you alive.

But don't give me any sermons like you gave Torrisi.

You mustn't say anything to me at all.

You must only obey.

If you do that you'll have your share of the spoils.

If you don't, all the police in the country won't be able to protect you.

I'll find you and slit your throat myself.

You have my word.

But then you already know that.

You've realised what suits both of us.

I'll give you so much power that no other politician in Sicily will be your equal.

Now go home and have a good sleep.

Dream of being in Rome, in the national parliament.

With the chance of being a minister one day.

Have a good night.

Go out and get some fresh air.

Obviously a shotgun wedding wasn't enough for that lunatic.

It was a Mafia payback, and you know it.

Torrisi and his brother were involved with dr*gs.

This business about drug trafficking is just a load of froth and bubble.

It wouldn't be the first time you've made this kind of error.

Find those responsible for this crime instead of dreaming up unlikely theories.

Poor girl, what did you have to do with this? Isn't this what you wanted? Your honour is intact.

Your son has been avenged.

But in her case, you're right What had she to do with it? Turi didn't k*ll all these people for revenge.

He's not interested in that.

He did it for himself.

He wants to be the boss.

He'll sacrifice anyone to achieve that.

Why protect him? What will you gain from it?

- You're a cop

- Other people will die.

And other mothers like you will weep.

I don't know where he is.

But he's a sneaky devil and devils go where there's fire.

Meaning? As a girl, my mother lived in San Martino delle Scale.

Then lava flowed through the town and now there's only woods and snakes.

Just bear in mind, it was fire that consumed that town.

- Good morning, Don VincenZo.

- You've caused a revolution.

Torrisi was well respected here and in the States.

But the king is dead, long live the king! Well done, Don Turi.

My partners say your price is too high.

I told them a man like you is worth the deal.

To us you're an investment.

Won't you check it? Don VincenZo I also can judge men.

See you at the next delivery hopefully.

What are you doing there? Are you ill? I have good news for you.

What are you doing? I need help.

I'm lost.

Please take me to your house.

Captain San Martino delle Scale is beyond that ridge.

We'll go around.

The man who kidnapped me is dangerous.

He held me c*ptive in that abandoned village.

I must contact the police.

The police are down at the village.

Eat something.

I'll fetch them.

Don't touch! No it's all right.

You may touch the dress if you wish.

You saved me and I don't even know your name.

Her name's Antonia.

Antonia That's a nice name.

What did she say? Nothing Please forgive her, madam.

My daughter's a bit strange.

She daydreams all the time.

Come here, Antonia.

What would you like to know? Go on, don't be shy.

You're a princess, aren't you? Well An unlucky princess.

Come with me.

I'll take you home.

Let's go.

- Where's he taking her?

- To the caves in San Martino.

Go or I'll push you in.

Go on.

Follow me.

This way.

Captain There are hundreds of hideouts.

We need more men.

We can't have any extra men.

Just carry on searching.

Forget all about your captain.

Down here, quickly.

- There's nothing over there.

- Keep looking.

- Officer!

- Yes, sir.

- Is this definitely San Martino?

- The whole area is Keep still.

Keep still.

I'll k*ll you before they take you.

Have you seen them? I already told you we haven't.

And leave the little girl alone.

Go and play, Antonia.

Are you going to keep me here for the rest of my life? Don't worry.

You'll be out of here soon.

And you'll have everything you want.

You can put that out of your mind.

You'll never have me.

Not in a hundred years.

You'll come round.

Poor princess.

Run away, poor thing.

Don't stop or the ogre will get you.

- What's your doll's name?

- She's a princess, not a doll.

You're right.

You can tell she's a princess.

This is the ogre.

Help, Antonia.

Help me Captain, nothing here.

Let's move on.

Bye, princess.

And he takes her away.

My respects to you all.

I called this meeting to show you that Turi Mondello means what he says.

And sticks to his promises.

This book shows all the money invested by the families.

And tonight the families will receive the fruits of their investment.

You can check for yourselves.

Don Antonio So you managed to pull it off.

Well done.

These millions these dollars are all yours, thanks to me.

Yet you would have handed me over to the police to appease the politicians.

Do you think politicians can be appeased? Do you think they'd let us carry on this business? For how long? Till election day, maybe.

Then, back to the old ways.

They'll send more judges, more police And we'll be pushed to one side.

I say it's time to change.

If we really want to be in charge we can no longer beg for favours.

All the decision

-making must be up to us.

How? Are we going to get you into parliament? Right.

Now, each family has its own politician, its own advocate.

One family votes for this Party, another votes for that Don Antonio has his own man.

But the fingers on their own are useless.

They have no strength.

But if they combine, they make a fist.

If we all vote for the one man an experienced politician Then, Don Antonio, he'll take our strength straight to Rome.

That's why I took the liberty of bringing along a man one worth much more than this money.

Because, my friends we mustn't be against the State but inside it.

Alderman, come down here.

Come on.

Don't be afraid.

This is a great day for you.

I swear allegiance to my brothers, never to betray them, to help them at all times.

I swear allegiance to my brothers, never to betray them, to help them at all times.

May my flesh burn like this holy picture if I do not honour this oath.

May my flesh burn if I do not honour this oath.

Welcome among us.

- Where are your parents?

- Out working.

Come here.

I've been thinking about the story you told me.

About the princess and the ogre.

The princess came here, didn't she? She came here to hide from the ogre.


You mustn't be afraid.

I just want to know where she is now.

Where the ogre took her after he came to get her.

Why? Because the princess has a child.

A boy about your age.

He's been crying because he's lost his mummy.

The ogre took her.

Yes I know.

But I want to know where he took her.

If you don't tell me the ogre is going to hurt her.

You don't want that, do you? Barbara! Carlo! I'm here.

I'm down here, Carlo.

You're alive.

You're alive! We have to get out of here.

Come on.

Go on.

Look at your captain.

Look at him! I n a few days, the dogs will have eaten what's left of him.

And you'll keep him company.

I just wanted to have you beside me.

So that I could look at you.

Thinking I was the only one who knew you were alive.

You could have had everything.

Just like a queen.

I wanted to give you the news myself.

I would like it to remain confidential.

You've been nominated for a command post in the north of Italy.

Captain Arcuti could follow you there.

I know you value his assistance.

- Aren't you pleased?

- There's an inquiry under way.

If we leave, who'll carry on with it? No one's indispensable and the inquiry must be near an end.


Mondello's arrest is only a minor success.

A lot more needs to be cleared up.

You mean the black book you're so keen to get hold of?

- What happened to it?

- Why do you ask me? Rumour has it, it contains names beyond suspicion.

I mportant figures It could be exploited at election time only to turn out later to be a fake.

I can't help you, Mr Cinisi.

It was you who searched Mondello's hideout after his arrest.

If I'd found that notebook, wouldn't I give it to the judge? Is it possible that further investigations are likely to have it turn up somewhere? Perhaps.

It depends on a lot of things.

Such as whether I stay here or get transferred.

Whether this investigation continues You're a military authority.

But in your own way, you're no different from me.

We are both required to rule.

Ruling means being aware of how far you can go and knowing where to stop.

I see We'll talk about it after the elections.

Who knows? What now look like insurmountable obstacles may by then disappear.

Or vice versa.

I'll be seeing you, Colonel.

My respects.


He could have a b*mb in his underpants.

Ninì, bring me my crutches and take this thing out.

I want to do my civic duty on my own two feet.

Have this room cleaned out.

It's full of rubbish.

My respects My respects.

Nurse! Do me a favour.

Buy everyone a coffee.

Good day.

- Please go to a booth.

- Why? I have no secrets.

- I'm not ashamed of my ideas.

- Go to a booth.

Easy Excuse me, sir.

My education is quite limited.

I didn't finish primary school.

How do you spell Cinisi? I want to get the accent right! So you're leaving this house? Yes.

I intend to renounce my share of my husband's estate.

I appreciate that, though not many would share your view.

I give up.

You've turned into a champ.

It's just that you can't play.

Provisional results show that Calogero Cinisi's success is such that his faction could win a relative majority at the Party's national level and therefore influence its policies Why not come to Rome with me? We'll get stronger, then return.

I can sense we're closing in.

Only a thin wall separates us from the interests behind Turi Mondello.

Right now we can't break down that wall.

These elections have strengthened it.

I can't believe that.

New powers are emerging.

A step back now means two steps forward later.

To change things here

- You need patience.

- I don't have patience.

Besides, the task you gave me isn't finished.

We need someone to shout out loud To denounce evil when they find it.

To denounce injustice.

To think you can win now is deluding yourself.

Your methods are too devious, Colonel.

Too similar to those of the people you fight.

Here's something to help break down that wall.

Remember If you don't succeed, or you change your mind, you can always count on me.

Wait, Colonel.

I may as well ask you now.

Please stay.

I must use my methods.

You're free to use yours.

Carlo Goodbye.

It contains names, surnames, dates and the amount each invested.

Here are the early findings of our investigations.

There's one major point.

There is no evidence of dr*gs.

A tip

-off prevented us finding the drug refinery.

By now the funds are back from America ready to be reinvested.

More and more money.

More and more influence.

More and more evil power unless we stop them in time.

These are well

-respected people.

You have only suspicions.

Give me the chance to pursue this.

- I'll bring you evidence.

- Prosecution is mandatory.

I did my graduation thesis on that topic! All right, Captain.

Let's go ahead and may God help us.

Thank you.

Will you marry me? Hey, wait! I'll have twelve roses.

What colour? Are they for your mother or your sweetheart?

- For my wife.

- Red, then.

An unidentified hit


-run driver has k*lled Captain Arcuti.

The brave officer had recently arrested Turi Mondello VincenZino, come here, please.

Do me a favour.

Take this file to the archives.

You said you'd act on it.

- All the captain's work

- The captain is no more.

Without him, it's not enough to stand up in court.

- But, Uncle

- Enough! VincenZino There's a lot to be learnt from this story about a judge's responsibility.

It's not always easy.

True This case has taught me a lot.

- The judge sent me.

- I know, he phoned me.

Do you mind if I see where you file it?

- I've been following this case.

- It's been much talked about.


Sir We'll put it here so it's handy to find.

- A lot of files go missing.

- Thanks.

I'm sure we won't lose this one.

Cowards! No one's turned up.

My condolences.

I shouldn't have left him on his own.

It's my fault.

It's all my fault.

Let's go.

Mrs Altamura! I met the captain.

If there's anything I can do for you Madam Forgive me This is not the end of it.

They had the nerve to say it was an accident.

We know that's not true.

It won't end like this.

I promise you.