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09x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 01/15/23 06:24
by bunniefuu
We're approaching Italy.

Where coffee is better but croissants are lousy.

I'm starving.

Why did you get dressed? It's a long journey.


Open up.

Come in.

Good morning.

May I see your documents, please? Thanks.

- Please come with me, Miss.

- What for? A routine check.

What did they want? It seems I look like a wanted criminal.

Two years is a long time in this place.

What you did was unforgivable.

You don't fall in love with a married woman especially if she's a key witness.

inducing you to lay those absurd charges.

I put it to you that Captain Arcuti did it on the basis of your intimate relationship.

Counsel, return to your seat! Leave the questions to me.

Your remark is i rrelevant.

I love you, Carlo.

I love you.

I'll love you forever.

it was a clear attempt to pervert the course of justice.

Do the people at headquarters still think I got off lightly? I'm not interested in your disciplinary record.

Headquarters thinks your exile should end.

Here's an assignment for you in Sicily.

Are you sure it should be Sicily, sir? That old affair is of no concern to us.

You had done a good job before the scandal.

I thank you for your trust, but I'd rather stay in exile.

I'm not here to listen to your opinion.

This is an order.

You're coming with me now.

If that's the case tell me what it involves.

I'm in charge of an undercover operation.

Officially an agent for a fertiliser company.

- A cover for drug refining?

- That's what we must find out.

Martin is now in Sicily.

Your job is to watch his moves day and night.

What about her? Who is she? She was a brave girl.

Martin will pay for that too.

Good morning, Baroness.

I'll take that.

Thank you.

Why aren't my son and my husband here? They're waiting for you at home.

- All the best, madam.

- Thank you.

My son Paul does he know I'm being discharged today? I don't know.

Maybe signora Augusta wanted to surprise him.

- Augusta?

- Yes, the baron's cousin.

It was she who sent me to fetch you.

You must have been hired recently.

It was when the baron moved to town.

What happened to Villa Altamura? Sold.

It seems there were changes during my absence.

I think so, madam.

Sign here.

Ten million from the Addusini family.

Who says we can trust this banker? Even God didn't trust man when He created him.

So He put the serpent with him.

Don't worry, I've taken my precautions too.

Everything's in this book.

Every last cent.

I can't tell what's in that book.

We give you real money and get a piece of paper.

Who'll guarantee us? You may not be able to read or write but I'm sure you can do your sums.

The banker too knows his books must balance.

Not only will you get your money back but it will multiply a hundredfold.

However, if you don't trust us you can always pull out of the deal.

It's twenty million.

Twenty million from the family of Vito Scuro.

Sign here.

Wait, madam.

I'll open the gate.

I n a few days, you'll pay the first instalment To a French businessman whom I'd like you to meet.


Then there are the accounts.

A delicate matter.

Every transaction is recorded here.

As of now, Baron, you are responsible for it.

There's no need for me to stress that these transactions cannot appear in a normal bank ledger.

Our merchandise No Say no more.

As a banker, I needn't know what's behind the numbers.

I'll just handle the required entries.

Very well.

As long as, in the end, the accounts balance.

If that's the case, there will be no trace left of this.

Apart from a large increase in your bank's profits.

On the other hand, should anything go wrong I'd rather not contemplate that.

My partners and I have total faith in you, and your numbers.

Too kind.

Here at last, my dear cousin.

How was the trip? I forgot to introduce myself.

Augusta Altamura.

My husband was Antonino Lavìa.

He passed away years ago, may he rest in peace He left me alone and penniless.

When Francesco moved to town, I helped him settle in.

At the time he was all alone too.

A house needs a woman's touch.

And that poor boy.

I felt so sorry for him.

Then Francesco asked me to stay.

He works so hard.

He can't take care of domestic matters.

I suppose you are paid for it.

My dear cousin, we Sicilians find no greater satisfaction than being able to help our families.

For you Americans, it's different.

I n your country everything is paid for.

People divorce.

Mothers abandon their children.

What are you waiting for? Take her luggage to her rooms.

And don't be formal with me.

Like you, I bear your husband's surname.

Come, I'll show you around the house.

It's all set up properly now.

You should have seen it when we first moved in.

This belonged to the Prince of Mussomeni.

Gambling and women lost him all his assets.

Look at this ceiling.

It was crumbling away.

Aren't those frescoes something! Those sofas must be changed I'll show you some catalogues.

- Aren't you listening to me?

- Where's my son? Practising his music.

He's making great progress.

Does he know I'm here? I'll tell him after his lesson.

He uses any excuse not to do his work.

I've had to work hard to instil some discipline in him.

Barbara! Welcome back, madam.

More attractive than ever.

American air must be better than ours.

Augusta, please see the gentleman out.

I wish I could take a holiday too.

- Goodbye.

- This way, sir.

How are you? Like someone who's had a long holiday.

- What was I supposed to say?

- The truth.

That your wife was in a psychiatric clinic.

I sincerely hope you are over your crisis.

I hope we can live without waging w*r on each other.


I'll show you your room.

Watch for anyone going in or out of the house and report to me at once.

As you wish.

This leads to the bathroom area and to Paul's bedroom.

Isn't he good? Come.

This wing of the building is for you.

- This is Nicolina.

- Welcome back, madam.

She'll look after you.

If you wish, she'll bring meals to your room.

You have no social obligations except for public functions when I'd like you to be seen at my side.

I've spoken to the director of the Archaeology I nstitute.

They need an assistant.

You could start tomorrow.

I didn't imagine my return being like this.

If you've no need of further clarification I want to see Paul.

What? Must you ask your loving cousin first? I'm very fond of Augusta.

I owe her a lot.

So does Paul.

The way she's cared for him is touching.

Thanks to her, he's enjoyed stability Stability you were incapable of giving him.

I want to see my son now.

Please I'll get him for you.

Paul thinks you were in America.

Don't upset him with useless explanations.

G natural! Good

- Careful!

- That'll do for today.

Just as well.

I've had it! Mummy is back.

- Is she back for real?

- Go and say hello.

Don't stay too long.

She's tired.

- Where is she?

- I n her room.

Pick up the scores first.

Tidy them away.

Darling! My darling I've missed you so much.

When are you leaving again? What's this nonsense? I'm here to stay now.

Why didn't you take me with you to America? You see, darling I just couldn't.

But I promise I'll never leave you again.

Why didn't you write to me? But I wrote to you every day! Enough, Paul.

Your mother must rest.

And you must do your homework.

What have you done? It was Francesco's decision.

A difficult one but fair.

He did it for the good of the child and you.

Those letters could have upset him.

I've ordered Nicolina to run a hot bath.

It'll relax you.

He's been sightseeing all day in an Aurelia coupé.

Another man paid all the expenses.

His name is Carmine Torrisi.

- Sugar?

- No.

- This is his brother Gaetano.

- You know of him? He rose to prominence through the coastal housing estates.

He could get the builders a licence in less than 24 hours.

A very powerful man in town.

A mafioso.

Why won't you say it? The term means too many things.

To Torrisi's father, it meant watching over the peasants on behalf of the landowners.

To him, it's mediating between politicians and developers.

What we don't know is what it means today.

I still can't see why you chose me for this operation.

- Anything else to report?

- Nothing important.

Only that he likes to have fun in his spare time.

He asked the hotel porter for a girl for the night.

Right He's keen on women.

Paul Is there anything I can do for you, madam? No.



Turi said you wanted to talk to me.

Why are you crying? What did they tell you about me? You left because you didn't love Dad or me.

- Did Dad tell you that?

- Yes, and Auntie Augusta.

Did you believe them? You weren't here and you didn't write either.

The truth is they hid my letters from you.

I wrote to you every day.

And I wasn't in America.

I was in hospital because I was very ill.

So they were all lies.

But I won't lie to you, darling.

Dad and I stopped loving each other long ago.

And we've been hurting you.

You must forgive me.

I beg you.

I love you.

I want to go away.

I want to leave here.

I want to go away too.

We'll find a way to leave.

Why aren't you sleeping? I was watching the sunrise.

I was dreaming.

That place where I saw you for the first time.

We were kids, remember? Where was that? The beach with the olive trees.

Once you gave me a whole basket of figs.

Then you ran off into the water.

You were such a skinny kid! Barbara is beautiful.

Better than in her photos.

Don't think about Barbara.

You're here with me now.

- I was declared incompetent.

- I had no choice.

But your personal estate is safe.

I've invested all of it.

You'll get it back with interest when you're better.

- Who'll decide that?

- I will.

Of course, you'll have money for personal expenses.

This is awkward for me too Having to watch over you and asking a court to settle our private matters.

I've done all this for your sake, and Paul's.

For our family's sake.

We aren't a family any more.

I can't go on with this.

Have me replaced.

I'm the one who decides whether you can go on or not.

I'll have nothing to do with the Altamuras.

You were prepared to leave the Force for her.

You'll also know she lied under oath.

You're being unfair.

After that outrageous acquittal, we continued investigating and recently learnt the truth.

I n a psychiatric clinic The baroness was admitted after a nervous breakdown.

She withdrew her testimony to defend you, Carlo.

To save your life.

The maid found her in this state.

Barbara Leave it.

At least it calms her.

So she won't do any more silly things.

- Good morning, madam.

- Good morning.

- Shall I return at one?

- Yes, thank you.

Barbara You shouldn't have come, Carlo.

I beg you, go away.

I don't want to see you.

You must let me be.

What do you want from me? I must talk to you.

We have nothing to say to each other.

Things have changed.

I'm leading a normal life with my husband and son.

Is this your normal life? It's none of your business.

What did you do, Barbara? I know now you saved my life.

Why make me believe you'd betrayed me? It was the only way to break away from you.

- Go away.

- I tried to forget you Even hate you.

But I couldn't.

I can't.

Come in.

The director wants to see you.

I'll be there in a minute.

Carlo, you must go away.

Meet me at five tomorrow at San Giuliano's church.

Like secret lovers again.

I'll be waiting.

Colonel Valente I understand.

They've lost track of Martin.

He left the hotel and vanished.

You knew Martin would lead me to the Altamuras.

We only knew Altamura was likely to be involved.

And that I was likely to come across Barbara.

You'll use your influence to convince her to help us.

- You're craZy.

- Listen to me.

Altamura and Torrisi are not your average criminals.

They're important men in this town.

Their actions are shielded by their respectability.

We'll never find any evidence without an inside informer.

Do you want to turn Barbara into a spy? I won't let you use our feelings But you used them to pervert the course of justice.

I'm giving you the chance to make up.

Barbara won't agree.

I'll do nothing to sway her.

You've already done a lot, Captain.

Now it's not only up to you.

Best wishes Happiness to you.

Well I propose a toast to these two youngsters.

To my sister Teresa, whom I love more than my own life.

And to Nino, who's like a younger brother to me.

A hundred years of happiness! Teresa will be a daughter in our home.

I give you my blessing, in the name of all the saints.

Giovanna, start serving the food.

A big hand for Giovanna.

She's cooked all day.

My respects to you all.

Be seated.

What a nice gathering.

What's it for? We're celebrating the youngsters' engagement.

- We weren't expecting you

- It's my fault, Turi.

My brother Carmine and I liked the idea of a surprise visit.

An excellent idea.

My home is your home.

Do sit down.

Congratulations, Nino.

You're a lucky man.

- To pluck such a flower.

- Thank you.

- Come and join us.

- I must talk to you.

My respects, Miss.

Gentlemen, be seated.

At ease It's these young people's day.

Let's celebrate.

Mrs Altamura I'm a police colonel.

Captain Arcuti is working for me.

What do you want? I want you to listen to me.

We'll set up the refinery on your land.

The La Zagara estate, in the old winery.

The French chemist must have all he needs.

Give him an assistant Someone smart enough to watch over him.

You know it's a big risk.

Don't say you'd rather herd cows.

To progress in life means taking risks.

I'm giving you a big chance.

Serve the families well and we won't fail to show you gratitude.

And with the proceeds, you can even refine yourself.

And my husband is involved in this? His bank provides the operation with financial cover.

But the mind behind it all is a man above suspicion The lawyer Torrisi.

Do you know him? Yes.

I saw him recently at our place.

But what do you want from me? For example, the next time Torrisi visits your husband, try to eavesdrop.

Look for traces of their partnership Papers, documents.

Any evidence could be valuable to us.

You're asking me to spy in my own home.

- I n your husband's home.

- What's the difference? That house is a prison for you.

And for your son.

- What are you saying?

- How long can you resist? One month, two? Then what? What will you do? See another psychiatrist? How do you know It's all very clear.

Captain Arcuti has told you all the details.

Why did he send you? Didn't he have the guts to come? I n fact, Captain Arcuti didn't want to have you involved.

Why should I accept? To save innocent lives.

For your freedom And your son's freedom.

You must have no scruples.

Your husband has none.

No, I'm not up to it.

You needn't decide right now.

You can reach me on this number.

I'll expect your call.

Well, I can't deny it I'm at the point of hating my husband.

But frankly you're asking too much of me.

At any rate you can count on my discretion.

No one will find out what you've told me.

Goodbye, sir.

- Captain Arcuti was right.

- About what? That whatever happens, you'll always be Baroness Altamura.

Tell the captain his opinion doesn't interest me.

It doesn't matter any more.

You're back at last.

You had us all worried.

- I just went for a walk.

- On your own? Francesco gets worried.

- And so do I.

- Really? How kind of you! Oh, I thought Francesco was alone.

- Forgive me.

- What is it? Nothing.

Augusta said you were worried about me.

It's always a pleasure to see you.

Mr Martin my wife.

You're a lucky man, Baron.

I've never come across such beauty.


I'll be off.

I won't interfere with your business.

Barbara, the gentlemen are staying for dinner.

But we won't talk business.


See you later, then.

I was spellbound I thought it was you playing.

No, it's my son.

This heat makes your blood boil.

It's the sirocco.

You have to get used to it.

What are you doing in Sicily, Mr Martin? Call me Didier.


What type of business? Business is always boring.

But now that I have met you I think there could be some pleasure in it.

Why do you think that? A woman's eyes are an open book, if you can read.

Yours say that you're not happy.

Don't use your routine on me, it won't work.

There you go You're being virtuous.

I hear your husband's experience has been rather different.

Tell your informers that men like you are no threat to my husband.

Mummy See you later.

- Did you hear me play?

- Yes, you're very good.

We must find a way to get out of this place.

Yes, Mummy.

Being inside an iron monster up in the sky The very thought makes my stomach churn.

You can rest assured, I'll never catch a plane.

Not me.

I would love to fly in an aeroplane.

Wishful thinking.

There's always so much to do.

We still have to finish setting up this house.

That's the destiny of us women.

Is it true, Baroness, catching a plane in America is as easy as catching a bus? Mr Torrisi, my cousin fears nothing.

She travels a lot.

What's wrong?

- You're so quiet tonight.

- You must be tired.

I'm sure our guests won't mind if you retire.

You're right.

Actually I am quite tired.

I was thinking a holiday would do me good.

I mean a real holiday.

Paul too.

But you've just come back.

- We'll discuss it later.

- No, let's do it now.

School is over.

Paul and I need some time together.

- Just two or three days.

- It's out of the question.

I want to go.

She always keeps me locked up.

That's enough.

Go to your room.

See what you've done? Let's go before your father gets really angry.

- Leave him alone.

- Barbara, please! Mummy, I'm tired.

I'll go with Auntie.

Good boy.


Sometimes Paul acts like a spoilt brat.

He's a lucky boy.

My father belted me.

But I learnt how to get by in the world.

If you'll excuse me Give me your jacket.

I'll have it cleaned.


No, leave it to me.

Excuse me for five minutes.

Well done, Baron.

You've turned an American into a true housewife.

Hold it.

I've already emptied your pockets.

There was only this notebook and your keys.


I warn you, Barbara.

Paul is my son and he stays with me, always.

You got out of that hospital because I allowed it.

Of course.

Forgive me.

It won't happen again.

- I'll get you another jacket.

- No, I'll do it.

Get back to our guests.

As you wish.

Pick me up at five o'clock sharp.

Colonel Valente? Good morning, it's Barbara Altamura.

I'll accept your proposal.


The address is on the paper I gave you.

She has accepted.

What are you going to do now? You can pull out, if you wish.

Thank you, sir.

You know I won't leave her on her own.


It looks like a lovers' hideaway.

That's just in case we're found out.

Rather credible, given our history.

- Colonel Valente's idea.

- Aren't you involved too? Am I to think you knew nothing? I knew nothing.

But I don't expect you to believe me.

Something to drink? Coffee? No, thanks.

We got it all wrong, Barbara.

From day one.

Every step we take bogs us down even deeper.

Why did you accept? I'm doing it for my son.

To break out of this nightmare.

To go away with Paul.

And you? I'm obeying orders.

Maybe I've uncovered something.

Yesterday afternoon, at my place Francesco had a meeting with Torrisi and Martin.

They talked of money transfers.

Lots of money.

Francesco's putting it in Martin's Swiss account.

- Did you get the bank's name?

- No.

But there's something else.

Francesco took notes in a small book.

I got a glimpse of it.

It lists names and numbers.

- Did you read them?

- Yes, but they mean nothing.

Except for Torrisi and Martin.

Next to each name is a sum and signature, like A ledger! It could be a ledger of transactions with the names of all those involved.

We must get hold of that book.

It's not easy.

Francesco always keeps it in his pocket, or in his bedroom.

One would expect his wife to be in his bedroom.

Maybe you're right.

We got it all wrong, from day one.

Yet, if I could have my time all over again, I'd do exactly the same without a single regret.

Unfortunately, we can't go back in time.

We can only go forward.

- What's it like?

- Looks good.

Purple means top quality.

Brown means it's shit.

Want to try it? You can inhale it.

I'm not touching that stuff.

You get addicted.

- Where are you going?

- To town.

Finish your job.

For the past week I haven't even stopped for a piss.

If I had to be a sl*ve, I'd have stayed in Marseille.

Pack the refined stuff and take it to your boss.

See you on Monday, boys.


Put those two over here.

We need more flowers.

Will six cases of champagne be enough? Don't forget almond milk for the alderman.

Put these two along the sides Look, this is stained! I'll change it right away.

As for the judge, I've ordered his favourite dessert.

From the convent, of course.

We have enough glasses but we're short on cutlery.

May I have the key to the silverware? I must have left it in the bedroom.

What's going on? What are you doing here? I was looking for something.

And guess what? I found it.

I think I've seen Augusta wearing them.

I can't see why they should be in your bedroom.

I'm sorry you have to find out this way.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

I thought you didn't care about what I was doing.

I live in this house and I am still your wife.

Had you remained what you were, no other woman would have taken your place.

I'm going out.

See you tonight.

I'm going for a walk.

Are you really French? I've never had a Frenchman.

You're in luck.

We're different from all the rest.

- I'll teach you new tricks.

- I'm not into anything kinky.

The procession! Let's see it.

Watch it! That's a proper lady.


- Go away.

- Are you craZy?

- Go away.

- Are you craZy? It's a special wax.

You just press the key on both sides.

We'll be able to duplicate it.

- It's too risky.

- It only takes a few seconds.

Then the rest is up to us.

We'll get into the building, open the safe, and photograph the notebook.

I'll try today.

During the cocktail party for his bank's anniversary.

- That way is too dangerous.

- The lady has the final say.

Barbara you can say no.

I want to do it.

Francesco won't be suspicious of me.

There's less tension between us now.

You're an extraordinary woman.

It'll soon be all over.

You'll be free again.

This time you don't have to protect your virtue.

But you owe your husband an explanation.


Don't! We have no choice.

The stakes are too high.

Barbara is an exceptional lady.

She'll make it.

If she doesn't, you'll find someone else to sacrifice.

Do you know how many people will die from that heroin? To most people, they'll just be statistics.

I appreciate that you fear for someone you care about.

But I must fear for those men, women and kids, who also have a right to live.

It's a question of numbers Risking one life to save a hundred.

Who decides who should be saved? Oh, God! Barbara, get away.

Go! Barbara are you here? I'm late, aren't I? I must have fallen asleep.

The guests are arriving.

All right, I won't be long.

Why don't you wear the dress with the black roses? It makes you look even more beautiful.

Here you are The guests are waiting for you.

Look after them till I come.

I have no right.

I'm not the mistress of the house.

Please excuse me.

Mind your manners! Your attention, please.

I've invited my closest friends here to celebrate the first anniversary of the Private Development Bank.

My bank.

I thank our Vice

-Chancellor for coming Monsignor Li Patti His Honour and Mr Torrisi, my dear friend and an excellent customer.

I would like to mention all of you, but allow me a special thanks for my closest adviser, my dearest friend, Alderman Calogero Cinisi.

My dear friends, I have no special merit.

Francesco Altamura must thank only himself.

I n fact, it is we who should thank him for his contribution to the wealth of this city.

Did you know he's had elocution lessons? Is he ashamed of his Sicilian accent? As a politician, I cannot forget that the elections are looming.

Therefore I hope that Baron Altamura's friends, when casting their votes, will remember his words.

My Party machine has seen fit to nominate me for the national parliament.

Our alderman already feels he's a member of parliament.

To think his father was a butcher! Did you hear about Rome's proposal to strip us of our land rights? Yes, the new Town Planning Bill.

That's communism! I'll be your voice.

This land's voice in the national parliament.

I'll demand from Rome new special grants to revive the Sicilian economy.

Northern businesses thrive on Sicilian migrant labour.

And the blood of many of our sons has been shed in defence of the motherland.

Sicily has given a lot.

This is my nephew VincenZo.

He's been admitted to practise as a junior magistrate.

- Nice meeting you, Mr Torrisi.

- You know who I am?

- Everybody in town does.

- Well done Good lad.

- Time for young blood!

- Hold on We're still going strong.

We're young at heart.

And in other parts too! Our businessmen await the sign to roll up their sleeves and get to work for the common good.

On behalf of those businessmen and anyone in favour of development I will oppose the barbaric Town Planning Bill, that, under the pretext of curbing speculation How nice to see you.

How are you?

- I'm very well, Baroness.

- I'm pleased to hear that.

My God, what a woman! Where's she been all this time? Away, mending a broken heart.

What happened in the end? The captain was transferred, she had a nervous breakdown.

- What about the baron?

- Yes, the baron The baron had to cut his losses.

- Why are you here?

- I'm looking for something.

What? It's a secret.

If Daddy found out, we wouldn't be able to leave.

What are you doing here? Shouldn't I be asking that question? We're in my house and this is my husband's bedroom.

Or are you afraid I might steal your jewels? Francesco doesn't want anyone entering this room.

He won't like hearing about you going through his things.

I didn't realise you were so talented.

Will you dance with me?

- Just the two of us?

- It never bothered you before.

It was different then.

Pretend it's those times again.

I must talk to you.

- Do it for me.

- It's important Later.

Maestro Play something romantic.

I only know Chopin's Andante.

How is he? I couldn't stop the bleeding.

I can do nothing for him.

So far I've given you all you've asked for.

Men, resources and total secrecy.

But the situation has changed.

It is my responsibility I'm only asking you to keep this quiet.

Any leak would endanger our informer's life.

Confidentiality is fine, but we need to inform the judiciary.

Martin Martin I'll kick the bucket, won't I? Yes.

There are many ways to die.

Do you remember Violetta? She didn't have time to realise she'd never get off that train.

Violetta was beautiful.

She was good at making love.

I nstead, you're lucky.

You can choose.

You can be better in death than in life.

You want a good deed? Tell me where the drug refinery is.

It's in a place where you make wine.

I n the country.

It's called La Zagara.

Give me something in exchange.

A cigarette.

You are the brightest light in this house.

Thank you.

Come and visit us again.

With pleasure.

It's good you're back.

At last I see happiness again on Francesco's face.

- Thank you.

- I'm indebted to you.

If you could speak to Torrisi before the elections I'd rather you had a word with those people.

I already have.

You have their votes.

You're a friend.

Your Honour Forgive me.

I told you not to wake me before midday.

Two gentlemen insist on seeing you.

- Send them away.

- They're police officers.

Even on a Sunday, they're on my back! I could sign a search warrant for that alleged drug refinery, although it all sounds a bit outrageous.

You say you've been on the case for some time.

Why haven't I been informed? That's why we're here.

The operation has been top

-secret in view of the delicate nature of the case and the people involved.

I need the names before I can sign the warrant.

A search of the winery is the first step in a complex inquiry.

Our sources of information suggest that Mr Torrisi, his brother, and Baron Altamura are directly involved in the trafficking The statements you are making are very, very serious.

I'm fully aware of that.

And evidence? Is it just a tip

-off from a discredited police informer? Or is it hard evidence that cannot be challenged, that will stand up in a court of law? It's more than a tip

-off albeit less than hard evidence.

That's why we ask you to help, confident you won't deny us.

I n Rome, they're very keen on this investigation.

You'll have your warrant.

But keep it confidential.

Tomorrow in my office.

- Tomorrow could be too late.

- The registry is closed.

See you tomorrow.

- Your Honour

- Have a nice day.

Wait, Major.

Do you have a minute? Of course.

Just one question.

Who are the secret informers the colonel alluded to? Sorry, Your Honour I don't know those details.

Aren't you involved in the inquiry? Surely the colonel isn't handling it on his own? No, not on his own But I'm not involved.

It's a captain who's assisting the colonel.

Who is it? A Captain Arcuti.

Arcuti? Isn't he the captain who was involved in that scandal? Have a nice Sunday and give your wife my respects.

Thank you.

Have a nice day.

Hello May I speak to Mr Torrisi? That's enough.

She was looking through your clothes.

She's spying on you, can't you see? I appreciate you may have it in for Barbara.

It's understandable, in the circumstances.

I owe you an apology.

That whore has you in her pocket.

Don't you dare! You're only a guest here, whereas she's my wife.

I know It's my fault.

I gave you false expectations.

It was a mistake.

A mistake that won't be repeated.

Please forgive me.

Can't you see I'm your only ally? I love you.

You're an idiot.

I should have left you where you belong.

On a farm! None of my boys ratted on us.

I can swear by them.

Is that so? Did you hear that, Carmine? So how do the police know about the refinery? The French guy has disappeared.

I can't speak for him.

He's your friend, not mine.

How dare you, you wretch? You must forgive me.

I meant no disrespect.

It's the French guy you should look for.

You needn't tell me what to do.

We'll find out who spilt the beans.

Carmine Check every brothel in town for that lousy Frenchman.

With pleasure.

Go and clear out the winery before they get their warrant.

Remember it's your responsibility.

If a single gram goes missing, nothing in the world will save you.

My respects.

- Was it him?

- No.

He has everything to lose.

It's on his property.

- The refinery's not the issue.

- What is, then? They've linked our names to the drug trafficking.

Who? How's that possible? The judge told me something.

If it's true Martin's disappearance will alert them.

Tomorrow, at the latest, they'll get rid of the notebook.

At this stage, only you can get hold of it.

Will you? I won't pull out after what this key has cost me.

I should make it by tomorrow.

How will you get in there without raising suspicions? You said it yourself You'd expect a wife to be in her husband's bedroom.

Francesco and I have made up so to speak.

Augusta suspects me, but now he believes me, not her.

When you get the notebook, call us and be ready to go.

We'll move you and Paul wherever you wish.

Good luck, Barbara.

See how caring he is? He's left us on our own.

This might be the last time we see each other.

You'll make it yet again.

You have a talent for this kind of work.

Your husband doesn't stand a chance against you.

Wasn't it what you wanted? Tonight you'll have your precious notebook.

I fail to see where I fit in to the police investigation.

I look after the money side, nothing else.

The worst thing is, they've linked us to this whole affair.

- They've named us.

- Who could do that? That's what's bugging me.

Maybe it was the Frenchman.

But there could be another explanation.

And a very embarrassing one at that.

Remember that captain Captain Arcuti? He's currently in town.

And he's in charge of the investigation.

- What are you insinuating?

- Your wife may be a suspect.

I can't afford any hypocrisy.

- You're insulting my wife.

- I'm not insulting anybody.

I n fact, I'm alerting you.

I'd hate to find out that your wife is cooperating with the police.

I could no longer do anything to protect you.

You're threatening me.

Threats are nothing more than words.

And words never harmed anybody.

Baron I tried to make you see.

She was searching your clothes for the keys.

I always had them with me.

She was with you all night long.

You must have fallen asleep eventually.

The notebook is there.

I just saw it.

Your wife is a spy, Francesco.

- Where is she?

- She went out.

On her own.

Where could she have gone? I can't believe it.

We'll have to settle this matter on our own.

Because if they find out, you're gone too.

- Did you do as I told you?

- Not a problem.

- Where's the stuff?

- I n a safe place.

- Anything else?

- The spy may be in this house.

- The baron?

- His wife Or both.

But we must be certain.

If that's the case, my word, I'll k*ll them! Both of them.

- Nicolina, are you here?

- Yes, madam.

- I hear your sister had a baby.

- Yes, a boy.

Then go and see her.

You can have the night off.

Thank you, madam.

To celebrate, you can all have the night off.

Time to go to sleep.

- It's not even dark.

- You'll have an early night.

Tomorrow's a busy day for all of us.

Have your milk and brush your teeth.

- Another half hour.

- I said now, no excuses! Drink it.

It's me.

I have it.

Yes, no problems.

I'll get Paul and join you.

I should be there in half an hour.

- I've been waiting for you.

- I'm going to give Paul a kiss.

Paul is asleep.

I've given the servants a night off.

This is a special night.

I want to be alone with you.

We must celebrate.

It's like getting married a second time.

To our new

-found happiness! No All of it.

Champagne makes you forget the past and puts off the future.

Tonight is just our present.

It's just an illusion.

The present is no more.

The past is following us like a shadow.

Hear this music? Remember? It was almost fifteen years ago We danced together for the first time to this song.

Francesco, I beg you.

There's something I've never confessed.

Before inviting you to dinner I asked your best friend what your favourite song was.

I bought the record and had the restaurant play it.

I wanted you, Barbara.

I wanted you to be mine for the rest of my life.

That was my ambition from the first day we met.

The first day we bumped into each other at university.

You were coming out of the library, loaded with books, so you couldn't see where you were going.

"I'm an archaeologist" you said, after crashing into me.

Books flying everywhere "I'm an archaeologist.

" That's all you could say.

I burst out laughing and one of your fellow students said "This could be the start "of a romance.

" Get up.