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08x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 01/15/23 06:22
by bunniefuu

- Gianna

- Yes, darling?

- Where's Mum?

- She's busy, Paul.

Play with your truck.


Excuse me, can I wash my hands? Over there.

It's been five months since the project was approved.

Even the National Trust has agreed to it.

Everything was ready to start, then The council doesn't issue the permits.

What's the hold

-up? You're right, Baron.

But I didn't invent the laws or the red tape.

I can't believe it.

My husband's giving you a unique opportunity.

The project can turn this area into another California.

The factories will employ hundreds of people.

And the dam will bring water to fields and homes.

And at no cost to the council.

It's easy for the Baroness to say that.

She's used to America.

It's different there.

It's progressive And women stick their noses into business.

You say you want employment and development for Sicily.

I'm seeing a different picture.

The consortium of local firms I'm privileged to preside over offered you full co

-operation, and yet the local firms have been excluded from your project.

I have taken the trouble to inquire about the owners of your so

-called local firms.

Here they are Agostina Rendo, aged 80, a resident of St Agatha Hospice.

Salvo Mele, aged 75, farmhand.

Tonino Scarò, deceased and coincidentally, related to Councillor Silla.

Shall I continue? What for? Keep digging and all you'll find is trouble.

Who are you to talk to me like that? Are you threatening me? Sometimes the dog barks when there's no call for it.

We're aware of the respect we owe your family.

We served you for many years.

Ever had reason to complain? Never.

That's why we're here.

So that nobody will ever have to complain.

Maybe a few minor changes would speed things along.

Changes? What do you mean? For instance, too much importance is given to farming.

And not enough to development.

Oranges grow by themselves.

Sure, when the Lord sends rain.

But in times of drought they shrivel up and people starve.

You're daydreaming, Baron.

These dreams can change people's lives.

We only want to build a few houses to provide work for people and building companies.

Where would you build these houses? For instance in this area.


There's even a view of the Greek ruins.

You want to build in the archaeological area? My dear Baroness What good are those old stones to our people? They need homes.

Beautiful homes, like yours in America, with all the modern comforts.

Can't you see that those "old stones" are your riches? It's no use, darling.

They'd never understand.

I left my business in the US and came here with my family to bring change to this land and you suggest shoddy buildings and shady deals.

I won't make any deals.

My plans stay as they are.

What happened, darling? Don't worry, madam.

He's all right.

He's a brave little boy.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Everything's ready.

Plans, council approval, lots of money.

He's become a hero to the local farmers.

They only listen to him now.

We're left with shit


With a little patience we'll fix things.

I'll talk to the Baron alone.

We understand each other.

He won't defy us.

The Baron is a sick old man.

His son is the one who calls the sh*ts.

Even his wife has her say.

Did you hear her rattling on? I've had it with those Mafiosi.

Without those Mafiosi the commies would have grabbed our land.

You think like them.

You fear change.

We have ancient laws that can't be changed.

Your laws belong to the past.

Here time for your medicine.

Good morning, Donna Rosaria.

Rosaria, come and say hello to Don Biagio.

Saro take the councillor into town.

Don Biagio My respects.

You get more and more beautiful.

Come, Dad, lean on me.

What did you do today? I did some needlework, then went to the cemetery.

He clings to his daughter like a leech.

He won't let her marry, so that she can look after him.

He's old and sick, wasting away with diabetes.

Why would that stuck

-up American respect him? Do you want those contracts? I can get them for you.

Now it's time to go to sleep, you little devil.

Good night, Paul.

Mum, can I come with you tomorrow? You should be grounded.

You behaved very badly today.

And you must speak Italian.

All the time.

Please? Okay.

But only if you bring a book to study.

Good night.

Paul is becoming too mischievous.

Next year he'll go to the Jesuit school and mix with kids.

The man who grabbed Paul when he fell Who is he? Don Albanese's stooge.

His name is Pietro Favignana.

His mother was a maid in this house.

I don't like his expression.

He looks disturbed.

He scared me.

You think just like a Sicilian.

You see evil in everything.

They have no right to interfere in our business.

Don't worry.

They'll never set foot in this house again.

I love you.

I love you too.

"The fair maiden comes dancing from the meadow" You're a fair maiden, Gianna.

"This, the most welcome of all days of the week" Madam! Madam! Paul I've been looking for him for an hour I can't find him.

How could you lose him? Where were you? He's disappeared! It's okay, I won't hurt you.

What's your name? He's dead.

He's dead and no one's telling me.

Stop it.

Don't even think that.

Let's call the police.

By the time they show up Our servants know the ruins better than they do.

Maybe they've already found him.

It's all my fault I shouldn't have let him come.

Barbara, it's not your fault.

- Tano! Still sleeping?

- What, Dad? "What, Dad?" Here Off you go.

Run! Well done, Tano.

Now go back to the farmhouse.

Tell your father we'll let him know.

SaruZZo! Let the kid in.

Come in, TanuZZo.

What's the matter? Are you afraid of me? You've grown up.

Want a cigarette? Go on, take one.

What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Is the kid all right? Yes.

I gave him some food.

Good boy.

You must treat him well.

He's the son of a baron.

And you? Does your father treat you well? Yes.

If he works you too hard come and tell me.

Okay? Dad says you must work hard to survive.


But you can use your hands or your brain.

If you use your brain, you give orders.

If you use your hands, you obey them.

You have your mother's eyes.

Do you remember anything about her? Her scent.

See this watch? Can you tell the time? When this hand is here, and the other one here it will be six o'clock.

Keep an eye on them.

At six, do exactly as I tell you.

Take it, it's yours.

The Barons are a cultured family.

They like a bit of theatre.

I can't stand it.

I'll go and look for him.

Where are you going? Calm down.

Please calm down.

It's rough terrain out there.

My God! What does this mean? Paul's all right.

They won't harm him if we do as they say.

Who are "they"? Where is he? What have they done to him?

- What do they want?

- They want us to keep quiet.

They said that if we call the police You didn't eat anything.

Don't you like it? You should eat.

It's good.

Why are you crying? Don't be scared.

If you don't eat you'll get sick.

I'll leave it here.

When you're hungry I look at the facts.

The animals who kidnapped my son know our family habits they're from this area.

And who gives the orders around here? You do.

I swear, Don Albanese if anyone harms my son, this land will become a b*ttlefield.

I have powerful friends in Palermo and Rome.

One phone call and I'll have the army here.

I am a man of honour, Baron.

A man of honour doesn't kidnap children.

And if they bear the Altamura name, he doesn't touch them.

I want to believe you.

But that means someone is acting behind your back.

You used to know if even a goat was stolen.

The thief was caught and given just punishment.

Don't worry, Baron.

They'll get their just punishment this time too.

Just give me a little time.

Your grandson will be back.

I swear it on my daughter's head.

There are wolves out there.

You can't get out.

You hear? Haven't you got a tongue?

- That's mine!

- Think I want to steal it? Can you read what's written here? Come in, they're expecting you.

I can't sleep at night

- Please stop it.

- Only you can help me.

Please go.

They're waiting for you.

And I'm waiting for a word from you.

Pietro You're loyal to me, aren't you? Have you had reason to doubt it? No.

But I like to hear it.

When you get old you need reassurance, order.

You can sleep easily if there's someone who respects and obeys you.

Sit down.

Have some coffee.

Rosaria, bring him a cup of coffee.

Someone decided to act on his own initiative.

Maybe he thought he was doing good but he embarrassed me greatly with people I respect and who respect me.

Rosaria, go to bed, it's late.

Pietro you have to remedy this situation.

Tell me what I have to do and I'll do it.

Baron Altamura's grandson has disappeared.

You must find him.

And you must return him unharmed to his family.

Then you have to tell whoever took him that this time I'm going to forgive him.

But next time it will be different.

Now go.

And tomorrow I want you to bring me the news that everything's been done.

It will be so, Don Albanese.

Not you, SaruZZo.

I need you to do something for me.

You're not ready yet? They're all waiting for you.

Tell them I'm not well.

Try to pull yourself together.

If I'd cancelled the dinner they'd have wondered why.

I can't.

- I can't.

- You have to.

They mustn't notice anything.

You understand? No, I don't.

I don't know anything any more.

Paul's life depends on a Mafia boss and you seem unfaZed.

Do you think it's easy for me? It's our only hope.

That man can do more than the entire police force.

Francesco, you must promise me something.

You must give them anything they ask for.


Everything will be all right.

Promise me.

I promise.

But now calm down and come and greet our guests.

Answer me or I'll strangle you.

- Pietro did it.

- Where did you hide the kid? Answer me! At Salvatore's farm at Acquarossa.

He thinks he's already the boss, does he? He thinks he can grab everything that's mine.

Very well.

See to it that Pietro is at the farm tomorrow at noon.

And if you breathe a word, you're dead.

- What's this?

- I'm tying you up.

- No, please.

I'll be good.

- I'm following orders.

If you don't, I'll tell you what's in the book.

- Is the kid all right?

- Tano's taking care of him.

- What did you tell him?

- Nothing.

He needn't know.

TanuZZo's bright.

He's got brains.

My respects.

- My respects.

- At your service.

Would you like to rest? I'll rest when he's dead.

Archimedes, the greatest scientist of ancient times, invented solar mirrors to defend Syracuse.

They reflected sunlight onto enemy sails causing terrible fires.

How? Give me your hand.

That burns.

Archimedes was clever.

Pietro Favignana! Quiet.

Pietro Come out! Stay there.

Don't move.

Do you want to die like a man Or do I have to dig you out like a rabbit? Welcome, Don Albanese.

Was it hard to climb up here? It was a long walk.

You shouldn't overexert yourself.

You're old.

Are you craZy? Nino Salvo! I told you.

You're old.

Nobody listens to an old man.

Traitors You're all traitors.

Then k*ll me But be quick.

I wouldn't dare, Don Albanese.

It's the diabetes' fault.

You shouldn't have exerted yourself.

But you insist on hunting and on drinking almond milk.

You always liked it.

But it's like poison for you.

SaruZZo! Bring a chair for Don Albanese.

Drink it.

And you'll go sweetly.

Turn away.

I don't want you to watch.

You're still the boss.

Go on.

Francesco and his father left it to Don Albanese to find Paul.

I couldn't understand, but then I thought they know how things work in this craZy country.

I've lived here since the w*r.

I'd have done the same.

You diplomats would deal with the devil himself.

Anyhow, this morning Don Albanese died.

So even that hope has faded.

Francesco is afraid that calling in the police would put Paul at risk.

I don't know what to do.

It's a delicate situation.

Police intervention could be risky.

Then there's no hope? We just do nothing? There is another way.

A different way Let's say, a private way.

My respects.

Don Pietro Out.

Everybody, out.

That man who was here I saw him at my place.

What did he do to that old man?

- Make him drink poison?

- Shut up.

Do you love your mother? Then yesterday you didn't see anything.

If that man knew you'd seen him, he'd k*ll your whole family.

If you talk, I'll die.

But so will you and your family.

But if you keep it a secret, we'll be friends for life.

No, we'll be like brothers.

You mustn't tell anyone what you saw.

Swear it on your mother's life.

- Swear it.

- I swear.

He's harassed me for months.

But I always resisted him.

Did you tell your father? If Father was alive he'd k*ll him.

Don't talk like that.

It's not too late.

There's always a way out.

No, there isn't, Father.

He wants to marry me.

You've just buried your father! He said the wedding has to be next Sunday.

Nothing's sacred to that man.

What do you think? I don't think anything.

I have no right to think.

- You can refuse

- That's easy for you to say.

Your robe protects you.

But I'm not looking for pity.

When my father was the boss, no ceremony could go ahead without his consent.

Now Pietro is the boss.

He makes the decisions.

About my life too.

And that's how it should be.

What happened to your family is terrible.

But it's a sign of the times.

You know about my son.

You know who's responsible.

- Where is he?

- Calm down, Baron.

I don't know anything.

I listen.

Rumours, gossip I gauge people's moods.

- Tell whoever sent you

- Baron! Let's understand each other.

Nobody sent me.

I'm here because Don Albanese had an arrangement with you.

It's not me you must talk to, but those who bear you enmity.

You'll soon have the opportunity.

There's going to be a presentation of this wonderful project at the Town Hall.

What better place to clear the air and reach an understanding? Baron, all you need is one word.

A clear sign of assent to those contracts, to those small modifications.

You'll earn people's admiration.

I'm sure that your family, reunited and happy, will toast your foresight.

That's A, isn't it? Will you really give it to my mum? Yes.

But hurry up now.

Tell Dad that if he doesn't give them what they want, I'll have to stay here.

Good morning, Mrs Altamura.

I'm Lieutenant Carlo Arcuti.

I'm here to investigate your son's disappearance.

Who sent you? The Special Force HQ received a private request from the American Consulate.

I had orders to contact you.

You're so young.

Did they tell you That it's a delicate mission? I know this land very well even though I've been away for many years.

So you're Sicilian too.

Many Sicilians are law


I'm sorry I didn't mean that.

No, I'm the one who should apologise.

I understand your anguish.

You're my last hope, Lieutenant.

I feel as if I'm living in a nightmare.

You're not alone any more.

But no one must suspect I'm here.

You mustn't tell anyone.

Not even your husband.

Your nanny is lying.

Are you saying that Gianna's an accomplice? Either that or she left him alone and was afraid to tell you.

I can't question her.

You do it for me.

That girl knows something.

Make her tell the truth.


Best wishes.

- Your little girl's grown up.

- Yes, she has.

Pietro Favignana's here.

Well done, Pietro.


Look You're the one who's risking life imprisonment.

I know nothing.

Is that clear? I don't know what you're talking about.

The kid's in the States visiting his grandparents.

And he'll bring you back those contracts.

Don't let anything happen to him.

And pray that everything goes well.

Come here.

- Did he write it as you said?

- Yes.

How do you know? Don't tell me you've learnt to read.

A little.

Well done, Tano.

You're serving me well.

And I won't forget.

Come, I'll walk you to the altar in your father's place.

Cowards! Did you show Barbara? I didn't have the heart.

She's too upset.

I don't know what to do.

She sees me as an enemy.

She thinks I care more about my business than Paul.

She's from a different world.

What would she know? I'd give my life for Paul.

I dreamt about him last night.

He'd just been born.

You didn't see him when he was little.

I n my dream he was crying, so I was holding him.

But he wouldn't calm down.

When I woke up, I wanted to surrender, give them what they want, get my son back and leave.

Then I thought of those who trust me and believe in my plans to build something new.

What will happen if we give in to blackmail? What should I do, Dad? I don't know.

I don't know what to think any more.

But the child's life is at stake.

It's your decision.

But when you make your speech at the Town Hall you'll have to say what they expect to hear.

Leave it.

- How's your father?

- Better.

But he won't eat.

They told me someone came to see you today.

Any news? Did they make contact? No.

No news.

And you? Where did you go? You left early this morning.

I went for a walk to the ruins.

I try not to think about it but I can't.

I've already told you a hundred times.

- You love Paul?

- I'd cut my arm off for him.

All I need is the truth.

I don't care if you lied to me before.

I'm willing to forgive you.

But if something happens to Paul, it will be too late.

Accomplices in a kidnapping get life.

I'm not an accomplice.

I've got nothing to do with it.

All right.

But you must tell me everything.

Everything that happened.

Tell me the truth, then you can pack up and go home free.

It was that boy the driver of those men who came to the house.

His name is Saro.

He lives at Tr etorri.

- Ask at the caf é.

- Thank you.

Good morning.

I'm looking for a hotel.

There are no hotels in this town.

How about rooms to rent? There are no rooms to rent here.

There must be somewhere to sleep.

You don't get it, do you? There's nothing here.

How do you manage with strangers? Strangers don't come to Tretorri.

It's a pleasure to meet such helpful people.

Who are you, anyway? Why are you here? I'm a labour inspector.

The Ministry sent me.

You're wasting your time.

We're all unemployed here.

They have no Christian charity.

I've been saying Mass here for 4 years.

It goes in one ear I asked to be transferred, but so far no reply.

I've got an ulcer and my liver is shot.

Are the sins so great in this town? What about you? What have you done wrong? Me? Why? If they sent you here you must have something to expiate.

It isn't much, but you can stay here.

- The bed isn't very good.

- It's fine.

Excuse me, Father Do you know that young man I met at the caf é? Yes.

His name is Saro Vicari.

Mayor Albanese's driver? Maybe.

I heard that Don Albanese died.

Who's the boss in town now? You've just arrived, yet you know all the gossip.

Anyway, it's not a secret.

Pietro Favignana is the boss now.

But you won't find anything there.

I'll get you a blanket.

Thank you.

- Did you milk the goats?

- Yes.

- Did you attend to the kid?

- Yes.

Come and have a glass of wine.

- I have to finish this.

- Is that the way to answer? Getting too big for your boots, are you?

- You'll do as I tell you!

- Leave him alone! Don't you dare touch him.

Never again.

You hear? I'm sorry, sir.

Get me a clean glass.

I've been walking all day for one hare.

Do you like to learn? Good boy.

I should send you to school in town.

You're wasted here.

There's a stranger in town.

Keep your eyes open.

- Keep me posted.

- Yes, sir.

Anyone here? Anyone here? Good morning.

I'm here to do a census.

I'd like to ask some questions Go away Leave me alone! Evening, sir.

You have to come with us.

Someone wants to see you.


I'm very tired today.

He wants to see you now.

All right Anything you say.

How long have you been a labour inspector? Not long.

I used to do clerical work.

Why change? And to come to Tretorri! Not enough action.

You're right.

Life needs a bit of action.

No, thanks.

I have nothing against you.

I blame those who sent you.

The politicians.

I mean Unemployment in Sicily is worse than in Africa.

And what does the government do? Create new jobs? No.

It sends us an inspector.

That's normal, if there are irregularities.

We noticed the bogus employment of farmhands, black labour For instance, you're listed as a needy farmhand.

Yet, here It seems everyone works for you.

Sure! There may be a few irregularities, a few mistakes But why go snooping around? You should have asked me.

I have the answers.

Show me those papers.

Let's see what we can do.

Where there's a will there's a way.

I mean, one tries to give work to the unemployed and you want to tax him to death.


I see that gentlemen understand each other.

I wish you a good journey home.

Here a donation for the parish.

You can do some restoration.

Where does all this money come from? Money almost always comes from the devil.

Favignana gave it to me to persuade me to leave.

The devil's money can be used for good deeds.

You must have walked a long way today.


But I didn't get anywhere.

This town is full of secrets.

You have your own too.

You sleep on top of them.

It's safer here.

Take a walk around here.

Could be more interesting.

Why? Don't make me say any more.

I'm just a poor priest bound by the secrecy of Confession.

Someone's coming! I'll take care of the kid.

You get rid of him! Keep still!

- Who lives here with you?

- My father.

Just you two?

- What does he do for a living?

- He works.

Do you go to school? Can I talk to your father? What do you want? Who are you? Hello.

I'm a labour inspector.

I'm doing a census on farmhands.

- None around here.

Go away.

- I just want to know if you're a farmer, if you keep livestock Go away.

What's your name? I told you to go.

All right.

No need to get angry.

Bye, Tano.

- What did you tell him?

- Nothing.

He saw the book.

Stay with the kid and leave him tied up.

I'm going to town.

I've been chosen to speak on this occasion on behalf of the local farmers, sharecroppers and landowners.

We trust Baron Altamura.

We endorse whatever he wants to do.

Thanks to him we're united instead of squabbling.

Thanks to him a dam will be built which will bring water to every farm.

It will be like the North where agriculture is as profitable as industry.

He doesn't realise this is his last chance.

He does.

Stress is written all over his face.

If he keeps his word, we'll all be behind him.

You shouldn't be here.

The doctor Forget the doctor.

Think of yourself and your son.

I wish to thank you for inviting me to show you what I intend to achieve.

Some of the people here view my plans in a different way.

I think it's time to clarify once and for all the criteria I intend to follow to fulfil them.

First, the contracts will be open to tender and assigned on the best designs and prices.

I n eliminating private deals, we'll avoid any favouritism.

Second, we won't accept any modification, large or small, that aims to change the nature of the original plans and reduce a progressive work to vulgar speculation.

Calm down, Councillor.

You must return what you've taken.

I mmediately! I'm not one of your ushers.

You can't order me around.

Stay out of it.

I'll deal with it.

I know what to do.

Just calm down and stop talking shit.

My patience has run out.

The Baron thinks he can screw me.

But we'll screw him and his spy.

It had a train on the cover and the title was Modern Times.

- That's his book.

- Are you sure? Oh, my God This means that Paul is at that place.

What are you going to do? Don't worry I'll bring him back.


Take this.

Paul was wearing it that day.

Everything will be all right.

You'll have some news today.

What? You forced me to do what you didn't have the guts to do.

A police officer is looking for Paul.

You left me alone.

I thought I'd go craZy.

I told EliZabeth and her husband.

They put me in touch with him.

And all behind my back, without saying a word.

I tried to tell you.

I tried to keep calm, to be reasonable, to trust you.

But you were deaf.

Deaf and blind.

If they find out they'll k*ll Paul.

Don't say that.

What's happening now? The lieutenant has found out where they're hiding Paul.

He has to bring him back.

I'm afraid, Francesco.

Very afraid.

Saro's coming.

Come with me, TanuZZo.

- Want to sh**t the spy?

- I don't know how to sh**t.

You'll learn.

- Saro, is he alone?

- Yes.

He's coming here.

Let's go and welcome the labour inspector.

But first let's take care of the kid.

Salvatore! What do you mean? I mean there isn't any kid here.

And without a kid, there's no kidnapping.

Salvatore, get the kid and take him to the Pantalica well.

You know what I mean.

Well? Do you have anything to say? Pietro He's just a kid.

I know.

- Don't sh**t.

- Don't move.

They're waiting for you.

They'll k*ll you.

- Where's Paul?

- They're going to k*ll him.

- We must hurry.

- Where are they? They want to k*ll him! This way, quickly.

What happened? He should be here.

We'll go and get him.

Let's go!

- Stop or I'll sh**t!

- No, Father, no! It came from Pantalica.

Let's go.

It's okay, I'll take you home.

- Come here

- Let me go! Your mother sent me.

Your mother, Barbara.

Wait Look.

She gave me this for you.

Let's go.

Come on.

They're coming! Do as you like.

sh**t me.

I said sh**t me.

I'm as good as dead.

- No, Father.

- I'm not your father.

You weren't even three when they brought you to me.

Who is my father? Who? Let's go.

He can't be far.

Traitor Traitor! Traitor! Who is my father? Who is my father? Get lost.

Saro! Take Natale and Salvatore and go that way.

Filippo, you go down there.

Carmelo, you come with me.

- The voices come from there.

- Where? Follow me.


Get up here.

Where's that son



-bitch? My darling, you're back! He's fainted.

But he's fine.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Keep your hands off, you're just a cop.

Don't worry, he's just a cop.

Don't worry, boys.

Don't touch anything! Leave her alone.


Your husband had better show up or he risks a harsher sentence.

I won't ask you where he is.

Just tell him to come forward for his own good.

He kidnapped a nine


-old kid.

He was going to have him butchered.

That's what he is.

I don't know what Pietro does and I don't want to.

All I know is that he's the father of my child.

Do you know this man?

- What's his name?

- Pietro.

- And his surname?

- I don't remember.

Do you know him well? I saw him in town a few times, in Tretorri.

Ever seen him with your father at the farm? Are you absolutely sure? No one ever came to the farm.

Tano Did your father ever tell you why Paul was kept a prisoner there? He never told me anything.

He ordered and I obeyed.

What did you have to do with Paul? Feed him, look after him Is that all? He wasn't allowed to leave because he'd get lost.

When I saw what they wanted to do, I came to you.

And you?

- Have you seen that man?

- Yes, at the house.

He played with me.

He caught me when I fell.

Did you see him at the farm? No.

He never came there.

Thank you again.

- I'll be grateful to you for life.

- Gratitude costs nothing.

Excuse me.

- Baroness Altamura

- I'm so glad to see you.

- I thought you'd left.

- I forgot to give you this.

No, you keep it.

So you'll remember us after you leave.

I may not go very far.

They've offered me command of this area.

- Will you take it?

- Thank you for coming.

Friends I wish to thank the man who saved my son's life.

Lieutenant Carlo Arcuti.

He's the one who saved me! This boy had the courage to rebel against those who had destined him to a life of crime.

Not only do I thank him, but I make a commitment to offer him a different future.

What can I do for you? Don't be afraid.

My wife, my son and I owe you a great deal.

I want to go to school.

Your request does you credit.

I'll be happy to grant your wish.

And now, my friends, enjoy yourselves.

What have you decided to do? Will you accept the post here in Sicily? My feelings tell me to stay But reason tells me to leave and go as far as possible.

Which advice do you intend to follow? What would you do? I think I'd stay.

I'm going to school I'm going to school Are you sick? Shall I call someone? No, let them be.

Don't spoil their fun.

You stay.

You're not enjoying yourself anyway.

Just like me.

My God All that racket all that noise It sounds like an old gramophone.

Bring me a glass of marsala.

Do you understand? Marsala.

My son says that Sicily will become like California.

Francesco thinks he's strong, but he isn't.

Like all weak men, he hangs on to to his illusions.


Can they make wine like this in California? I never thought I'd see the son of a peasant wearing a tie and shoes.

That music

- I like it.

- Baron!