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07x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 01/15/23 06:16
by bunniefuu
In a city in Sicily a prisoner recently extradited from Germany, Rosario Granchio, seeks to reveal a terrible secret to Judge Silvia Conti.

But before he can talk he's k*lled, practically under the nose of his minder, the young inspector Gianni Breda.

Silvia is granted permission to investigate.

It was in this same Sicilian city that Corrado Cattani had taken on the Octopus, a battle which resulted in his death.

Meanwhile, Rosario Granchio's death sparks a feud.

Sara, Granchio's daughter, kills the lover of NuZZo Marciano, the boss who m*rder*d her father and her fiancé Antonio.

The woman's young son, Nino Rodio, also dies in the attack.

Isolated and desperate, Sara joins her brother Biagio's g*ng.

Their w*r against Marciano's clan appears suicidal but the Mafia boss is forced to hold fire by the old godfather Aragonese, who is hiding in the mountains.

I n fact, Aragonese is running a massive operation laundering money into Russia along with Countess Olga Camastra, once romantically linked to I nspector Cattani.

Meanwhile, Saverio Bronta, an Italian expatriate in Russia, uncovers the dealings of the countess and her associates and returns to Sicily, abandoning his wife Chiara.

On learning this, Aragonese orders Marciano to k*ll him.

But Bronta gains NuZZo's ear thanks to an old friendship which also involved Rosario Granchio, and details the massive laundering operation he's discovered.

NuZZo decides to ally himself with Saverio against his boss and Countess Camastra and seiZe the illicit fortune.

OCTOPUS 7 I nvestigation into the Death of I nspector Cattani Part Three Luigi Aragonese, the head of the Family.

Our only clue to his appearance is a 30


-old photo.

But Rosario Granchio, who belongs to his clan, returns to Italy.

He wants to inform on Aragonese and is k*lled.

before a g*ng of youths took over.

And here, rackets mean Mafia and Aragonese.

Sara works as a maid in NuZZo's house.

And NuZZo's girlfriend and son are m*rder*d.

Sara disappears.

We find out that NuZZo works for Countess Camastra and you're enticed away with an overseas posting.

I get the retailer Altofonte to report NuZZo for extortion.

But he immediately retracts.

Maybe he was forced to.

But I'd like to know why Rosario Granchio asked to talk to you.

As if only you would understand.

He wanted to see you and was k*lled.

You question his daughter, she goes to NuZZo, then vanishes.

You investigate him and they try to remove you.

Someone's afraid of you.

I've finished.

This is Aragonese today.

With a 20% margin for error.

My men turned the town upside down Saverio isn't there.

I'm sure.

Otherwise, I'd have found him.

Saverio is here, so keep looking.

Why do you worry so much about him? He's alone now, without weapons or men.

If you take everything from a man you also have to k*ll him or you'll create the most dangerous animal there is a man who has nothing more to lose.

Not even his own life, which he doesn't value.

And if someone like that decides to return, it means he's found a way to make you suffer.

I'm always cold here.

My blood no longer warms me.

It's as if I had a raging wind in my veins that's freeZing me within.

Go into town.

Find out what NuZZo is up to.

We must get the money now.

Aragonese is suspicious.

If we take his money we'll always have to hide.

Let him keep it for now.

He'll protect his billions more closely than himself.

But we can't k*ll him.

He's on that mountain with Sarcone's men.

Let's get the money while we can.

NuZZo, I'm offering you much more than money.

Aragonese is the Family boss.

The Board must accept you as his successor.

They'll see we've done them a favour.

Once Aragonese is dead, the State will believe it is now free of enemies.

And what do you want? Why are you doing this? Someone else is behind Aragonese and Camastra The real owners of those billions That's who I'm after.

It's almost midnight here on Radio Tam Tam.

We'll be back after a bit of music.

When I saw you leaving the Judge's office and you didn't have the courage to tell me what had happened, I realised your silence would continue that evening at home the next morning and forever.

No one's right in this and no one's wrong.

Try to go on loving me.

But I need to be alone for a while, to think things over.

Hey there, it's midnight! And it's time for Radio Tam Tam.

Tonight is a very special night.

I'm meeting with a phantom.

If he dares to show up.

This city is full of secrets.

Secrets that only a phantom is brave enough to discuss.

Sit behind.

Altofonte's with that slime from Radio Tam Tam.

Yes, I'm sure.

We're almost there.

Don't go to sleep or you'll miss something really exciting.

A few minutes more and you'll hear the phantom.

Here we are Sure I won't be recognised? This will completely disguise your voice.

Go on, try talking.

I've never talked on radio before.

Come on Are you ready? It'll be fun.

You'll see.

Are you still tuned? I hope so.

A new segment on Radio Tam Tam is about to set the airwaves on fire.

Tonight we have "The Hour of the Unnamed".

Yes, friends.

We've decided to broadcast confessions and accusations from anyone prepared to talk.

Why? Because informing isn't a sin.

You've bottled it all up for years.

I know you're dying to talk.

Just dial a number.

116 646.

But now to tonight's guest.

Mr X, one of our city's shop owners.

- Good evening, Mr X.

- Good evening.

I feel very embarrassed.

I've never done this before, but I feel it's important You can leave it on.

Your craZy son is outdoing himself tonight.

What do you mean? Turn it on.

What will you talk about? I'm a shop owner, and and I've come to say I've paid protection money for years.

We used to pay the Mafia but now we must pay these new criminals known as "The Star g*ng".

What are you waiting for? Are you scared? Congratulations, Mr X.

One nil to you.

Not so hard, is it? But don't stop now.

Who are these people? Can you name them? I don't know their names, but they emerged after that child was k*lled.

I think they k*lled him.

That's a start but we need more.

Tell us their names.

Don't keep us hanging, Mr X.

No, you can't ask me that.

It's too dangerous.

A bit of suspense is good, don't you agree? But stay tuned.

You'll be rewarded.


It's them! Let's get out of here.

They're following us.

They're coming at us.

They're going to k*ll us! Keep talking.

They're after us.

They're on their bikes.

Call for help.

Say where we are.

Quick, we're in Via Medina.

Got that? Help us! The Star g*ng is sh**ting at us.

They're out to k*ll us.

They're sh**ting! It's Breda here.

There's a sh**t

-out in progress.

Two cars are on their way.

- I'm going.

- Me too.

- No way.

- Altofonte's our only witness.

Get moving.

Keep talking.

Don't stop.

Tell them.

Talk! My name is Mario Altofonte.

We need help! They're after us on bikes.

Help us.

They'll k*ll us! I accuse NuZZo Marciano of years of extortion.

He took all I had and made me his accomplice.

Can you hear me, Giulia? Go on.

Don't stop.

Tell them everything.

Keep talking! We must help them.

Call NuZZo.

There's nothing I can do.

But he's my son.

Don't you understand? I'm sorry.

Your son asked for it.

The money we struggle to pay makes somebody rich.

That's it.

Now name them.

Name names.

Don't stop now.

From her beautiful home, she sends out her men to collect the protection money.

Go on, name them.

Olga Camastra.

She's the one who's ruined me.

She's in with NuZZo Marciano.

Cover me.

sh**t! Get him to the car.

Quick! Go! Go away.

Go on, sh**t.

sh**t! Altofonte! We must help him.

He's dead.

Come away.

No, he's just fainted.

There's nothing more we can do for him.

No! We must help him.

- Breda! What happened?

- Take care of him.

You okay? I did it.

It was me.

It's okay, he's just wounded.

Come on Let's go.

I k*lled him.

I did it.

No, he's just wounded.

Altofonte didn't make it.

Granchio's daughter Sara was with them.

Sara? Are you sure? Yes, I got a good look at her.

She could have shot me, but she didn't.

I don't know why.

You needn't have come.

I'm fine.

You could have got yourself k*lled.

- Someone did get k*lled.

- Oh, yes That poor retailer.

What was his name? Why don't you ask Olga? She knows.

I heard what he said.

But you mustn't overdo it.

I n the market place the weak are victimised.

- That's business.

- Business! Then I'll never be a businessman.

Dad, why did you give Olga control of our estate? There are many things you don't know.

- Olga's done a lot for us.

- Sure, dirty deals in our name! I'm sorry, Dad.

I didn't mean to say that.

I don't expect you to love her.

But at least respect her because I love her.

I'm sorry, Dad but I'll continue to say what I think.

I'm sorry, but you have to have an X

-ray now.

Come on.

For your radio.

Continue to say what you think.

Please give this to Daniele Rannisi.


Ready, boys? We're the first.

Remember to get a close

-up of her face.

Excuse me, madam, I'm Lucio Panarea from Diana TV.

- What's happened?

- The whole city feels for you.

You've got the wrong person.

There's been an accident.

Your husband My husband? What's happened to him? Madam Be strong, madam.

He's in hospital.

He's dead, isn't he? He's dead! What do you feel right now? Get out!

- We're doing our job.

- This is too much.

- Don't touch me.

- Leave now.

- We have a duty to

- Get out! Did you get it all? Good.

You can't question me.

I have to stay in hospital.


- How old are you?

- Twenty.

Do you have parents? A girlfriend?

- Are we still at school?

- Answer me! Sure, I have parents and a girlfriend.

- Do they know about you?

- Know what?

- You'll get life for this.

- Are you craZy?

- I haven't k*lled anyone.

- Really? Altofonte's dead.

So? I was lying wounded.

You know that.

What about Granchio, Marcella Rodio and little Nino? Your g*ng k*lled them.

No, it wasn't us.

Who then? It's a w*r over protection money.

We're not involved and it isn't over protection money.

Then what's it about? The charge is m*rder.

Take him away.

Wait! I'm not involved in the kid's death.

I swear! Who k*lled him? It was Sara.

Sara Granchio.

Careful of what you say.

She did it to punish NuZZo for k*lling her father and her fiancé.

She's ruined us all.

It seems deserted.

They've left.

He's gone.

If we'd got here five minutes earlier A tip


Issue a nationwide warrant for Marciano.

I loved my husband.

We had a home, a job and healthy children.

But when you're too happy, the devil sends you grief.

Why had your husband fled to Germany? He and the others had done important people a favour.

- What sort of favour?

- A big favour.

He said our life would change completely.

But important people don't like having debts.

They came one summer night.

They k*lled his friends.

He ran away and I never saw him again.

Who are these important people?

- I swear I don't know.

- NuZZo Marciano maybe? No, NuZZo was Rosario's friend.

He kept us while Rosario was away.

Come on! I receive monthly payments at the Due Mari Bank.

Then why would Sara k*ll NuZZo's son? Because she knew NuZZo k*lled her father.

And because she knew that you had taken money from NuZZo for years.

She knew her father's K*llers were supporting you.

Sara's gone mad.

She isn't my daughter.

She's also ruined her brother.

Poor Sara.

Let's go.

Find Sara Please help her.

Don NuZZo is coming.

Now we'll see.

He won't like this one bit.

He can tell Sarcone.

What's going on? What do you want? Your job is to mind the goats.

It's your fault.

Don Aragonese asked you for a favour.

- I'm sure Saverio isn't here.

- Maybe you're too busy to look.

So Don Aragonese, who's fond of you, said "Sarcone, help him search the depot "and send him to me.

" Tell him I'll go as soon as I can.

The police are after me.

They could follow me to Don Aragonese.

Don Aragonese won't like that.

I refused to go to Aragonese, as we agreed.

Now he'll know I'm a traitor.

Listen, pal, what's in there? Hospital equipment for the Croce del Sud.

That ship is better equipped than the Palermo hospital.

Yes? Are you sure? That bastard, Aragonese, is escaping with the money.

He's leaving on the Croce del Sud.

He's afraid we'll take his load as it leaves the depot.

So he'll try to k*ll us.

He'll try to get to you through someone you trust.

Soon a friend will offer to arrange a reconciliation meeting with him.

A traitor?

- Where are you from?

- From far away.

Where, exactly? Russia.

- Is this your home?

- Yes It's my home.

The key's gone.

He's taken it.

It's locked.

No one must know you're here.

Don't call her.

What do we do now?

- Break a window?

- No, he isn't here.

I'm sure he's somewhere here in Sicily.

He won't come home.

It's too risky.

And we can't stay here either.

And he didn't tell you where he was going? Or won't you tell me? I must find him.

All I know is that we'd better leave now.

There's only one person we can turn to.

We have to leave this house.


We're through to the Due Mari Bank.

I can't access the memory.

It's protected by a program I don't know.

Strange for a small bank.

So what do we do? Man must be more intelligent than computers.

- It's destroying everything.

- No It's a very common virus.

If the program weren't protected, it would erase it.

But this one certainly is.

Look I've beaten it.

The computer has identified the virus and it's producing a backup copy.

I can't access the memory but I can steal the copy.

There What did you want to know? All Giovanna Granchio's account transactions.

Two million paid in each month.

Since when, can you see? October '89.

It's printing.

When her husband fled Sicily.

But NuZZo Marciano didn't pay it in.

The C A.

RAN Group did.

The C A.

RAN Group built half the city.

Its director is Rannisi, Camastra's husband.

But she calls the sh*ts.

- What's her husband like?

- A gentleman, but a spendthrift.

- Camastra is the boss.

- Shall I summon her? No.

Let's start with her husband.

Come on, Chiara, let's go.

They're ignoring us here.

Where else can we go? I'm not moving until we talk to that judge.

Oleg, I'm tired of hiding.

I want to know! They tried to k*ll us just like Rosario.

Saverio's disappeared.

He's in danger, or worse.

Only Judge Conti can help us.

Breda will bring him in but it'll cause an uproar.

We'll have to tread softly.

Rannisi has heart trouble.

- It's her.

Judge Conti!

- She's busy.

You'll have to wait.

How long? When will she see me? When she's finished.

I have to see her.

It's important.

What's important? I knew this man.


Saverio never used to tell me the full story but I understood him.

All his life he tried to be somebody And soon after we married, it seemed he'd succeeded.

He'd been promised a brilliant career.

He was educated.

He knew about business, politics Then something went wrong.

He came home desperate and shaking.

He was out of his mind.

He said "We have to leave now.


- Did you find out why?

- No.

He said he'd made a mistake and had to pay for it.

I had to stay out of it.

Did you know NuZZo Marciano?

- Was he threatening you?

- No, he helped us escape.

- He saved us.

- How did you get to Russia? First we went to Germany with Rosario Granchio.

They'd been like brothers but now they always fought.

So we split up.

We kept changing cities, always living in fear and ended up in St Petersburg.

It seemed we could finally stop, but no, he couldn't because it was his head that wouldn't stop.

He kept saying he'd return to Sicily some day.

He used to read and study.

He had books and newspapers sent from Italy.

Until this came.

Rosario m*rder*d.

From then on, life became a nightmare.

You know that NuZZo is a mafioso? No, I don't, but Saverio If he's done something bad, he was forced to.

He just wanted to make something of his life and they ruined it.

Help him or he'll get himself k*lled.

That's enough for today.

You must rest now.

- Have you somewhere to stay?

- My place.

Better not.

It's dangerous.

We'll find somewhere.

Maybe they could stay with me.

You'll be fine there.

He's a nice guy.

Countess I hope I haven't missed our goddess of justice

- Our anti

-Mafia judge.

- She'll be here shortly.

May I have your attention, please? This precious statue of the Virgin and Child was donated by an ancestor of mine over 300 years ago.

But a few years after the donation, fire ravaged the cathedral that housed it and damaged the statue.

So my family decided to take it back because the city that had allowed it to burn didn't deserve it.

Today, I will reverse that decision.

What my husband means to say is that our dear mayor will run for office again and to show our complete confidence in him we will return this statue to our city.

To our mayor.

This splendid gift is a clear indication of the cooperation and mutual respect between business and the city.

What's going on, I nspector? Judge Conti wants to see Mr Rannisi He can help with her inquiry.

What is this? Couldn't she wait till tomorrow? I'll call her.

- She did it on purpose.

- We have nothing to hide.

I'm sorry, but your presence isn't required.

Only Mr Rannisi has been summoned.

May I know why? For information about The C A.

RAN Group.

You'd better stay here, Olga.

We can't desert our guests.

Very well.

All right, I'll come with you.

I'm sorry, Countess.

How long have you been director of The C A.

RAN Group? A long time.

Like my father before me.

But I I've never followed the business.

My wife sees to everything.

Do you know Giovanna Granchio? Your company has supported her for years.

My client can't remember every charity case.

Mrs Granchio's husband was k*lled a few weeks ago after years on the run.

Come now! The company can't demand an anti

-Mafia certificate from its charity cases.

No, don't get up.

I'd like to sit in on this interview.

I'll send you the transcript tomorrow.

I'd rather be present.

Payments to Mrs Granchio began just after her husband disappeared.

It's almost like reparation money or silence money.

We have a document signed by you.

October '89.

I don't know I sign so many things.

- Who recommended them?

- I don't know.

I swear I don't know.

You don't know NuZZo Marciano either? He asked you to do it? I don't know.

He no longer works for us.

- So you admit you know him.

- I'm sorry, but I don't I don't feel well.

I'm not involved with the company.

But you're legally responsible.

Answer me.

With all due respect, I object to these methods.

- My client has heart trouble.

- I just want an answer.

From your client, not from you.

I swear I don't I think that will do.

Mr Rannisi isn't well.

- He's been most cooperative.

- Yes, but remain available.


Thank you.

Thank you for coming and deserting your guests.

Good night, sir.

If you interfere once more I'll complain to the Judiciary Board.

Now you listen to me.

We're honest here.

You're not the only depositary of justice.

I won't tolerate your offensive attitude towards us all.

- I'm doing my job.

- You see evil everywhere.

Rannisi shouldn't be treated like a mafioso.

- He'll be treated justly.

- I hope so.

Good night.

I've always done what you wanted.

But that's enough! I'm the one who's answerable.

That man has to go.

I mmediately! Tonight, in fact.

C A.

RAN has countless properties.

Why should they check just that one? But if they find Aragonese there I'll go to jail.

But for me you'd be there now! I'm just asking you to send him away.

I've always let you use my name for your business deals.


Your name! Your name! I bought your name when I saved you from bankruptcy.

Why do you think I married you? No, that isn't true.

It's not! Stop being naive.

You've always known.

For years I've kept you and that parasite son of yours.

Who's there? Who's there? It's me, Dad.

Were you there all the time? Yes.

So you heard what she said.

But it isn't true.

I know it isn't true.

Maybe in the beginning she married me for my name but then some things you can't fake.

No, she loves me.

You know where Aragonese is.

You're hiding him.

I told her to get rid of him.

You heard me.

I won't accept that responsibility any more.

What are you saying, Dad? Aragonese means Mafia.

He's a m*rder*r.

We must go to the judge.

The judge? The judge? You have to go to her.

If you don't, I will.

And I'll tell her everything.

You? You want to report me? You want to send me to jail? Why? I haven't done anything.

It was her, Olga.

She organised it all.

I'm innocent.

I found myself caught up.

What could I do? I was frightened but I haven't k*lled anyone.

Promise you won't do it.

Daniele Promise me.

I'll ask him.

You're him, aren't you? The guy from the radio.


Since you started doing programs on protection money, the shop owners in this street have stopped paying.

Yes, and it's thanks to you and that poor Altofonte who died.

We want to thank you for what you're doing.

No, I'm afraid I'm not what you think I am.

I've taken you for a ride.

You're listening to Radio Tam Tam.

I'd like to play some music, my friends, but I can't.

They've broken my toy.

I don't know if you can hear me.

But this is my last program, so it doesn't matter.

I've duped you all along.

I played the hero but it was just a game.

Rich boys all play dangerous games.

They do 200 km an hour with their lights off.

But speeding wasn't enough for me.

But I've had enough.

I've just discovered I have a family too.

And as you know, the family is sacred.

You're right, Olga We're all accomplices.

What right have I to accuse? I'll do as you taught me.

I'll keep my mouth shut.

I'll mind my own business.

Like everyone else does.

Because everyone here has something to hide.

Even if they've done nothing to be ashamed of.

Sure I won't be recognised? This will completely disguise your voice.

Go on, try talking.

I've never talked on radio before.

My name is Mario Altofonte! Keep going.

Don't stop.

Tell them everything.

I accuse NuZZo Marciano of years of extortion.

He took all I had and made me his accomplice.

Can you hear me, Giulia?

- I was expecting you.

- I couldn't get to sleep.

I bambooZled that poor Altofonte with all my talk.

- I got him k*lled.

- They almost k*lled you too.

Yes but you see, at my age it's just an exciting game.

It's doing what he did that's difficult.

Having the courage to spit out the filth.

- What have you to spit out?

- Nothing.


I've just realised I'm nothing but a clown.

It was all so clear to me.

There were the goodies and the baddies.

You just needed to be on the right side.

But I was born on the wrong side.

People should be respected for the choices they make, not for their background.

When the life of someone you love is at stake When you know you'll hurt them Then what? I had a husband and we loved each other.

I was a judge, but I thought my private life could co

-exist with my professional life.

But then one day I met Corrado Cattani.

And I suddenly discovered a different world.

And I realised that that life wasn't for me.

So I left my husband who didn't oppose our separation because he respected me too much.

But then he did something I'd never have expected.

He did something as courageous as it was rash.

He decided to denounce a mafioso politician.

And that's why they k*lled him.

Do you think you pushed him to do it? So he could prove to you he was as good as Cattani? I think that he wanted to show me his love.

And that he approved of my choice.

But I'm responsible for his death.

Your husband is dead.

But the person I'm thinking about would suffer something far worse.

Their life would be dragged through the mud.

They would go to jail.

I know it would destroy them.

If this person loves you, they've lost the most important thing Your respect.

And perhaps suffering will help them regain it.

Only you can decide that.

Good night, Daniele.

Silvia, wait! That person is my father.

I've sent Rocco to sound out Sarcone's men.

Once he's gone they'll come over to us.

They're professionals.

We just need to pay them a bit more.

Okay, but remember they'll send someone you trust to betray you.

Villa Ramonte.

It's been closed since Prof.

Ramonte vanished.

Even before, it was often empty.

You're right.

No one will look for us here.

Everything's fine, Don NuZZo.

The caretaker is one of us.

How long have you waited for this moment? The last time I was 15 and used the servants' door.

When I was a boy I thought a king lived here.

I hated you because you could come in here.

It's better not to enter heaven if they won't let you stay.

But now you're here and Ramonte is buried somewhere in hiding.

It doesn't matter.

I carry his disease inside me.

I'd sneak into this library as a child and I'd read these books.

My parents couldn't afford to keep me at school.

This house was empty once Ramonte went to Rome.

But once he came back and found me here.

A street kid with holes in his shoes, holding a book.

I still remember it.

It was Marcus Aurelius.

He who owned half of Sicily, instead of punishing me, took my case to heart and paid for my schooling.

He was your benefactor.

No, NuZZo.

He led me to think I could be someone.

But he just exploited me and then threw me away.

All I have left is dreams.

There's no reason to dream now.

You have things.

This house is ours, this town will be.

Do as I do.

I never dream at night.

I sleep.

All done? I saw Sarcone at the Camastra depot.

He has a proposition for you.

What kind of proposition? He said Don Aragonese is old, sick and senile.

That you must talk and set your differences aside.

That this town is big enough for both of you.

Is that what he said? Good for Sarcone.

And how can I trust him? He'll meet you and me at a place of your choice.

I'll vouch for everyone.

Tell him we accept.

We'll meet tomorrow night.

At the new greenhouses on the autostrada.


I made Rocco what he is.

He was like a son to me.

Sons make the best traitors.

That's a deserted tourist complex.

Get an overall shot, then details of the houses.

Settle down, Black.

What's that noise? Check it out and come back.


Get all those buildings down there as well.

It was just a fire brigade helicopter.

I don't like it.

Tell the men to hide and to send that damned doctor with my injection.

They just look like ruins.

It was a tourist complex built by C A.

RAN in 1982 with an EC grant.

When funds ran out, building stopped.

Can you do an enlargement? Sure.

The house on the right.

No, there's nothing.

How many properties does C A.

RAN own? Wait, let me try something.

Well done.

That's a nice wall.

Yes, it's too nice.

Look at the other houses.

They're abandoned.

Water seepage and moss everywhere.

But this one's perfect.

And look, there are two garbage bags.

I'd say someone lives there.

Here we are.

What's the signal for Sarcone? Strange, that was the signal.

They must have forgotten it.

Let's take a look.

- What is it?

- Something's not right.

He isn't answering.

Didn't you organise everything? Go on, get out.

Go on.

Don Sarcone, it's us.

- Any problems, Turi?

- No problem at all.

Don't k*ll me.

I'll serve you better than before.

I won't k*ll you, Rocco.

You've k*lled yourself with your own hands.

Don NuZZo, I beg you! No, don't k*ll me.

Let's hurry.

We have a lot to do tonight.

They mustn't see us too soon.

We'll stop a kilometre away and surround the area.

At the signal we'll move.

I need Aragonese alive.

He's a mine of Mafia secrets.

Black! Here.

Sarcone, where are you? Bastards! Where are you, you bastards? Where are you?

- Don Aragonese.

- Don't touch me, you pig.

You wanted to skip Sicily with all the money.

And the Family could sink.

Do you want to save it? I'm not alone.

Of course.

Traitors always go in pairs.

The jackal is too stupid to act alone.

He needs the serpent.

What you said is right.

I've spent all these years under a rock like a snake waiting for you to lift it.

I wondered which poison to use on your hand.

Now I know.

Remember? One day my friends and I had to do something you asked us to do.

But as a reward you only gave us death.

Because it was in the Family's interest.

Today you'll get what we got then.

What's that? You must die a good death.

That's in the Family's interest.

Remember years ago when Prefect Mori decided to destroy the Mafia? He had many k*lled and the rest were interned on the islands.

The Mafia bosses knew that their only hope was to make believe the Mafia was dead.

So the State forgot about them while they were making it even stronger.

You're the Mafia here.

If you take your life, it will be seen as the end of your Family.

And they'll forget about this town.

Why should I do you this favour? Because you'll die a king's death.

Kings aren't k*lled like dogs.

You're afraid to touch my blood.

You've always been a wimp, Saverio.

Even then you didn't like it, but you didn't refuse.

You shot Cattani in order to get ahead.

Did you vomit afterwards or did you go to confession? Take your hands off me.

I can manage.

Goodbye, Don Aragonese.

Beware of him.

He doesn't sin with his hands, he sins with his brain.

And how do you know what's in there? Now he's getting back at me, but he won't stop there.

Then it'll be your turn.

Clean up here.

Burn the lot, starting with the grotto.

- And Don Aragonese?

- Leave him.

- The State can bury the Mafia.

- Our man at Police HQ.

It's NuZZo.

Go ahead.

What? Forget it.

Let's get out now.

It looks like su1c1de but we'll have to wait for the autopsy.

- Where are Aragonese's men?

- The choppers scared them off.

He k*lled himself to avoid being captured.

This is the end of an era in our town.

Take this place apart.

Something strange has happened here.

Mr Rannisi, look this way.

Is it true Aragonese was found on your property?

- Were you hiding him?

- Give us a statement.

Countess did you expect your husband's arrest? We're being persecuted.

My husband is an honest man.

But Aragonese was on your property.

The property was abandoned.

How could my husband know? So you believe the judge is prejudiced against you.

I say one thing Why were you journalists told of this before we were? My husband wasn't even spared this humiliation.

There's something very ugly behind this persecution.

Personal grudges and perhaps even matters of inheritance.

Thank you.

Are you referring to Daniele Rannisi? Mafia dead.

Boss suicides.

Get out the lollies.

She has to taste them too.


Come on.

Won't you drink to that shit Aragonese? And to the city he's left us? You're a fool.

Who do you think you are? You're nobodies.

- You're just thugs.

- I've had enough of you.

Lucky you're my sister.

I saved you going to jail for k*lling that kid.

You keep quiet.

Leave it all to me.

This warrant is unjustified.

There's no proof my client knew those mafiosi were on his property.

There is proof.

A witness who states he heard Mr Rannisi discuss Aragonese's presence on his property.

Who could possibly have heard such a thing? I'm sorry.

That boy resents his family.

He isn't a reliable witness.

That's enough! Yes, I'll sign a confession.

I'll tell you everything.

But now I'd like to I want to go back to jail.

I don't feel well.

- Call a doctor.

- Quick, a doctor! Dad, forgive me.

I've ruined you.

Forgive me.

Thank you.

How far is this hospital?

- Is my husband here?

- Yes.

I suppose you're satisfied.

- How is he?

- He's pulled through.

- It was a serious coronary.

- May I see him? No.

Maybe this evening.

I'm afraid your husband is still under arrest.

You'll need permission to see him.

Will he also need permission to die? Don't worry.

It'll be fine.

You did the right thing.

- Breda here.

- It's Livoti.

Go ahead.

Tell Silvia Rannisi's pulled through.


See you later.

Put your hands on the wheel.

- What do you want?

- I nformation about NuZZo.

We know you k*lled his son.

- Why did you do it, Sara?

- Why? NuZZo k*lled my father and Antonio, but I don't know who ordered his death or why.

That's why I'm here.

You must tell me who turned me into a k*ller.

I didn't mean to k*ll that little boy.

Your father and his friends had done a favour for very important people.

Before dying, he told me he knew a secret.

An earth

-shattering secret.

That's why he was k*lled.

But I don't know the secret.

Liar! I'll k*ll you.

If I knew, I'd tell you because you have a right to know.

But I don't know.

Goodbye, I nspector.

Wait! I can help you.

But you must come with me.

You want me in jail? I experience far worse than jail every day.

So what will you do? Do you want to become like NuZZo? What can I do? Maybe that's what happened to Dad.

He made a mistake and couldn't go back.

So why didn't you k*ll me when you could? Italy has struck the Mafia a deadly blow.

One of its bosses, gravely ill, was hiding on an estate of Mr Rannisi, a well

-known Sicilian entrepreneur.

Here is our report.

Countess, it's me.

Activate the scrambler.

What are you going to do? His death changes nothing.

Reassure your partners.

And your husband's arrest? Conti will make him talk.

He knows very little about our deal.

He knows about the ship.

We can't risk it.

We must stop now.

Stopping now would be even more dangerous.

The ship has just docked.

The load will leave tomorrow.

That still leaves your husband.

Remember your commitments.

We've given you 50,000 billion.

You'll answer if anything goes wrong.

Understand? Yes, I understand.


You can't ask me to do such a thing.

Have you forgotten how you got your job? You got all you requested.

Now it's payback time.

You're an excellent doctor.

I'm sure you'll find a solution.

For your own good and everyone else's.

I'm sorry, but my orders are to stay on guard.

That's all right.

How are you? I'm glad you came.

I wanted to talk to you.

I've made a decision.

I'll cooperate with the judge.

But I'll try to keep you out of it.

I can't do otherwise.

My life wasn't worth living.

I'll shoulder all the responsibility.

I promise you.

It's my fault.

All those things I said to you at home They weren't true.

My life with you wasn't a whirlwind of passion, but you've been the best of husbands.

I'm here to ask your forgiveness although I may not deserve it.

I have nothing to forgive you for.

My years with you have been happy ones.

And there will be more.

I I've spoken to Daniele.

We sorted things out.

And you must sort things out with him too.

Promise me.

Yes, I promise, Aldo.

Excuse me, Countess.

Your time is up.

- Madam, aren't you well?

- It's nothing.

A doctor, quick! Here's the son.

- A question, Daniele.

- Did you report your father? Let me through.

I'm Daniele Rannisi.

Happy now? You've got what you wanted.

You did it! It was you, damn you! My lawyer will file a statement against Silvia Conti regarding her responsibility for my husband's death.

He had decided to cooperate.

I certainly didn't k*ll him.

Please, I'd like to be alone with him.

At least now.

She's right.

Let us go, Judge.

Not now.

By tomorrow I want a report on Rannisi's detention.

And I want an autopsy.

He was about to talk, but died after talking to his wife.

On my table by tomorrow.

Any remorse over Rannisi's death? Stand back! It's me.

Have the trucks left? Yes, Countess, they just left the warehouse.

- Reply to the signal.

- Those weren't Sarcone's orders.

Sarcone's dead.

Get it? He's gone.

Signal back.

- Follow that car.

- The jetty's over there.

We're not going to the jetty.

Follow that car.

It's no use.

There's no one left in the warehouse.

What are you going to do, Countess? k*ll me? Then who'll tell you where the money is? Where is it, you scum? Someone in that car wants to talk to you.

Don't worry, Countess.

We won't harm you.

Good evening, Countess.

You're Saverio! You're back.

I should have known that brute couldn't act alone.

- Where's the money?

- You'll do as I say.

You have no choice.

What will your partners do when they realise you've lost their money? What do you want? I want a list of all those in on this deal The owners of the 50,000 billion.

Arrange a meeting.

They'll never agree, unless you return the money.

I n that case, they'll lose the lot.

Do as I said.

Good night, Countess.