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05x10 - Rapture

Posted: 01/14/23 17:30
by bunniefuu
That's it?

That's it.

"The City of B'hala"

painted nearly 20,000 years ago.



You're looking

at the most important
Bajoran icon ever painted...

the only known proof
that B'hala ever existed...

and all you have to say
is "hmm"?


It's just that you both
gave it such a buildup

I thought it would be
a lot... bigger.

We've been trying to force
the Cardassian government

to return this to us
since the end of the occupation.

It's good to have it back.

I thought you said
it was going

to be returned
to the State Museum in Ilvia.

It will be... tomorrow

but I couldn't let it pass
without stealing a look.

Sometimes, being the Emissary
isn't such a bad thing.

You see this?

It's a bantaca spire.

Ancient Bajoran cities
were built around them.

They were all
about 11 meters high

made from hundreds of stones

carved and fitted
so tightly together

they didn't need mortar.

It's said they marked
the city's place in the cosmos.

Beautiful markings.

Supposedly, they're
the coordinates of the lost city

but because we can't see

the markings
on the other two sides

they're impossible to decipher.

Which is why B'hala
is likely to remain lost.

Before you pack it up, have it
scanned into the computer.

You're going to study it?

Maybe see if you can find
the lost city?

I was just thinking
about Zocal's Third Prophecy.

It said only someone

who had been touched
by the Prophets...

could find the ruins of B'hala.

No pressure.

Computer, magnify grid C-4.

It's a reflection.

Magnify D-2.


Computer, process
Sisko image file 3-7-6.

Reduce in size 75 percent.



Superimpose grid D-2.

Reverse image and enhance.

Sorry to disturb you,
Captain, but...

But what?

It's after 3:00 in the morning.

3:00? Already?

Time flies
when you're having fun.

Quark, I want you
to save this program for me.

What is it?

An ancient puzzle.

You know, Captain,
if you like puzzles

I have a wide assortment
of pleasure mazes...

and they all come
with a surprise in the center.

Never mind, Quark.

I'll save the program myself.

Computer, Quark to Infirmary.

Medical emergency
in Holosuite 4.

You said yourself
the Captain's all right.

Lucky for you.

Then why am I being arrested?

I already told you
it was an accident...

a minor technical difficulty.

You can't arrest someone

for a minor
technical difficulty.

No, but I can arrest you
for negligence.

Your own records show
your holosuites

are in desperate need
of maintenance.

Which is what

I've been telling Chief O'Brien
for the past week.

I begged him
to have Rom fix them

but you know what he said?

"Rom's too busy upgrading
the sensor array."

Can you believe that?

Anyone can fix the sensor array

but no one can fix
the holosuites

like that idiot
brother of mine.

So, you see...

if anyone should be
arrested for negligence

it's Chief O'Brien.

Tell it to the magistrate.

Well, there's no sign
of any permanent neural damage.

Although, I am reading
some odd synaptic potentials.

Let me ask you something.

Does my uniform look
any brighter to you?

Yes. Everything does.

Colors seem more intense
and shapes more focused.

It's called "post-neural
shock syndrome."

Your neural pathways

were overloaded
by the plasma burst.

All external stimuli are
going to seem more pronounced.

It's going to take
a little while

for things to settle down,

so I'm going to put you
on restricted duty

for the next three days

and if you experience
any other side effects

such as headaches,
dizziness, even nausea

let me know immediately.


In the meantime, enjoy the show.

So, did dinner meet with
the Sisko stamp of approval?

Oh, Grandpa would be
so proud of you.

I was a little worried
I overcooked the lingta roast

but, uh... I'm glad
you liked it anyway.

Can I get you anything else?

Oh, no, I'm fine.

I guess, uh... you'll
be cooking tomorrow night.

Why is that?

To welcome back Kasidy Yates
to the station...

maybe cook
some of that jambalaya

that she likes so much.

We'll see.

Dad, Kasidy spent
the last six months in prison

for helping the Maquis.

She's paid the price
for what she did.

I suppose so.

I just hope you give her
a chance, that's all.

You two had something together.


Dad, what is it?

These shapes...
I know what they are.

Ops to Captain Sisko.

Go ahead.

Sorry to disturb you, Captain
but I have Admiral Whatley

from Starfleet Headquarters.

I'll take it in here.

Hello, Ben.


How've you been?

Never better.

Glad to hear it.

I know you've been waiting

for this news for a long time.

I'm glad to be the one
who tells you.

Bajor's petition
to join the Federation

has been approved.

It's about time.

Congratulations, Ben.

You've done a hell of a job
out there.

Thank you.

And we're not the only ones
who think so.

The Bajorans requested
that the signing ceremony

take place on your station.

So make sure you spruce up

that floating bicycle wheel
of yours.

Count on me,
and a lot of other brass

showing up for this one,

Shh! Shh!


Computer, spotlight.


"Welcome Klingons."

Not that one.

I see you're prepared
for anything.

Never hurts.

I take it you think
the, uh, Federation membership

is going to be good
for business?

Of course it is.

This station is going to be
busier than an Alvanian beehive.

I'm expecting to do

five times the volume
in root beer alone.

You see...

it's all about foot traffic.

The more people come in,
the more they drink.

The more they drink,
the more they talk.

The more they talk

the more they let slip
things that I shouldn't know

and that... oh, that
always leads to latinum.

Perhaps so, but
there is one problem.

What's that?

There is an ancient
Klingon proverb that says

"You cannot loosen a man's
tongue with root beer."

It is wonderful news,
Vedek Mera.

I'll see you
at the signing ceremony.

Enjoying the celebration?

As far as I'm concerned

Starfleet should accept
a new member every week.

And you, Major,
are you celebrating?

You know, five years ago,
I wouldn't have been.

I didn't think
Federation membership

was right for Bajor.

It hadn't been that long
since the occupation.

I thought it was important

for us to learn
to stand on our own two feet.

And what changed your mind?

A lot of things.

My time on the station,
my dealings with Starfleet...

but mostly the Captain.

He can be very persuasive.

No doubt about it.

He made me a believer.

Well, I'll drink to that.

Where is the Captain?

I'd like to congratulate him.

Well, he was here
for a little while

but I think he went back
to the holosuite.

Don't worry, I fixed it.



Is something wrong?




Are you all right?

I was there.



It was the eve
of the Peldor Festival.

I could hear them
ringing the temple chimes.

You were dreaming.


I was there.

I could smell
the burning bateret leaves

taste the incense on the wind.

I was standing in front
of the obelisk

and as I looked up,
for one moment

I understood it all...

B'hala, the Orbs, the occupation

the discovery of the wormhole...

the coming w*r
with the Dominion.

You could see the future
as well as the past?

For one moment

I could see the pattern
that held it all together.

You were having
a pagh'tem'far...

a sacred vision.

Hell, I don't know what I had

but it felt... wonderful.

The Prophets chose well

when they made you
their Emissary.

So how does it all fit together?

I wish I knew.

Someone woke me up.

I was worried about you.

I understand.

If I found you
in the middle of a pagh'tem'far

I'd be worried about you, too.

O'Brien to Captain Sisko.

Go ahead.

Sir, I've just received word

that Kai Winn is on her way
to the station.

She should arrive
in less than two hours.

Thank you, Chief.

Major Kira will greet her
at the airlock.

Make my apologies.

Tell the Kai

that I am busy today,
but I'll meet with her tomorrow.


Make something up.

Where are you going to be?

Right here.

The answer is in this spire.

I know it.

Kai Winn.

Greetings, my child.

You look... very sweet.

Looks can be deceiving.

But you don't need me
to tell you that.

Why isn't the Emissary
here to greet me?

I'm afraid Captain Sisko's
busy at the moment.

Still basking in the adulation
of Starfleet Command.

Well, something like that.

I'm sure the Federation

is very pleased
with the job he's done.

I thought everyone was.

Well, not everyone.

You know, our culture
has had only five short years

to recover from the occupation.

Only five years of freedom.

It hardly seems
enough time, does it?

Well, Bajor's still
going to be free.

Joining the Federation
isn't going to change that.

I see working beside Captain
Sisko all these years

has had quite
an influence on you.

I have to give you credit.

You just never give up.

I'm sure the Emissary

will consider everything
you have to say

and then Bajor's admittance
can go forward...


I await the will
of the Prophets.


Hello, Ben.


Jake said I could
find you here...

Something wrong?

Uh, no, not at all.

I'm just a little surprised.

I didn't know
you'd be happy to see me.

What are you doing
for the next few hours?

I don't know.

I just got here.

Why don't you come
to Bajor with me?

Right now?

I think I know
where to find B'hala...

the sacred lost city
of Bajor.

You see these markings here?

They're a coordinate system
keyed to mark

the position of stars
at a certain time of night.

You don't have
the faintest idea

of what I'm talking about,
do you?

Uh, not a clue.

Well, why don't you come
to Bajor and I will show you.

I'm not even sure
where I'm staying yet.

You can have your old quarters.

If you want them.

They're still available?

Everything is just
as you left it.

I have some pull
with the station's C.O.


I've missed you.

I'm glad you're back.

Now, what do you say
we go find B'hala?

Somehow, I don't think
you'll take no for an answer.

This way.

Uh, we must be
200 meters underground.

I don't want to be negative, Ben

but this doesn't look
like a lost city to me.

You're looking at 20,000
years of sediment here.

Come on. Stay close.

We're not far from...

Oh, what's the matter?

It's nothing.

I'll be all right in a second.

Julian said that headaches

might be a side effect
of the accident.

Or obsessing over
an ancient Bajoran city...

is that a side effect, too?

You're being negative again.

Come on.

It's just around the bend.

What is it?


Ben, it's a wall of stone.

But what's behind the wall?

These quarters
are not appropriate

for Admiral Colti.

She outranks Admiral Veta.

Then we'll put her in H-2

Veta in D-9,
and Rifkin in K-4.

That will not do.

Rifkin commands a starship.

Protocol requires
he be given equal quarters.

But he's only a Captain.

It is naval tradition.

So is keelhauling,
but right now

we should focus
on accommodations.

Don't you agree, Major?



I'm sorry.

I didn't mean
to interrupt your reverie.

I was just thinking about
Captain Sisko finding B'hala.

Bajoran archaeologists
have been searching

for the sacred city
for 10,000 years.

He found it in just a few days.

Your gods have granted the
Captain a powerful vision.

Or else he made
a very lucky guess.

It's a sign.

A sign from the Prophets.

I wonder if the Prophets
can help us

find quarters
for Captain Rifkin.

I hope I'm not interrupting.

I was wondering, could I have
a word with you, Major?

Of course.

Good luck.

I was about to say
the same to you.


you and the Emissary
are close, are you not?

I consider Captain Sisko
a friend.

So you know his mind

how he thinks, how he reacts
in certain situations.

I'm not really sure
what you're asking.

I'm asking if you think the
Emissary will forgive me.

Forgive you?

For doubting him.

He must have been
aware that I never

truly believed
he was the Emissary.

I'm sure it crossed his mind.

Well, I was wrong.
I know that now.

Only someone touched
by the Prophets

could have found B'hala.

Does that mean you're not
going to try to block

Bajor's admittance
into the Federation?

I'm going to follow the path

the Emissary has
laid out for us.


l-I must admit
I'm surprised to hear that.

It takes a lot of courage
to admit you're wrong.

And you think I lack courage?

I didn't say that.

But it is what you think.

Those of you who were
in the resistance

you're all the same.

You think you're the only ones
who fought the Cardassians.

That you saved Bajor

Perhaps you forget, Major

the Cardassians arrested
any Bajoran found

to be teaching
the word of the Prophets.

I was in a Cardassian
prison camp for five years

and I can remember each
and every beating I suffered

and while you had your weapons
to protect you

all I had was my faith

and my courage.

Walk with the Prophets, child.

I know I will.

Hello, Admiral.

Ben. So this is
the ancient city of Balla.


Missing for 20,000 years,
and you found it.

Pretty impressive.

Sure as hell
impressed the Bajorans.

How'd you know where to look?

You might say
it came to me in a vision.

I know that's
what the Bajorans think

but just between me and you,
what really happened?

I know it's hard to understand

but it really was a vision.

For the past few days, I've had
these moments of insights...

flashes of understanding.

And they started
after that accident.

I don't know, Ben.

This is a little strange.

You didn't come here to see
B'hala, did you, Admiral?


I came to see you

and I was surprised
you weren't on the station

when I arrived.

I'm sorry about that.

Not sorry enough

to return my com signals...
all three of them.

That could get an officer
in a lot of trouble.

Look, Ben...

I need to know
that I can count on you.

Now, Bajor's admission
is only the beginning.

Now comes the hard part.

Federation Council members
have to be chosen.

The Bajoran militia

has to be absorbed
into Starfleet.

There are thousands

of details
that have to be overseen

and you're our point man here.

That means we need to depend
on you more than ever.

Don't worry.

I won't let you down.

I'm glad to hear that.

Now what do you say we get
back up to the station?

I can't go back to the station,
not just yet.

Why not? I'm sure the Bajorans
can take it from here.

Or were you thinking
of digging up this entire city

all by yourself?


I just need a little more time.

For what?

For answers.

There's... there's clarity here.

L-I wish
I could explain it better

but I can't!

You're scaring me
with this, Ben.

I'm a little scared, too,

All right.

I'll give you some time

but I want you back on the
station by 0700 hours tomorrow.

You're to report to Dr. Bashir
for a complete physical.

I'll be there.


It's 0715.

Where the hell is he?

His runabout only docked
25 minutes ago, sir.

I'm sure he's on his way.

When he gets here

I want you to give
him a full workup.

I examined him
before he left for Bajor.

He didn't complain
of any new symptoms

but my scan still showed the
same odd synaptic potentials.

I was hoping the problem
would have cured itself by now.

But it hasn't.

Isn't there something
you can do to help?

I could try
neuropolaric induction

but that's
a very serious operation

and I'd rather not do that

unless it were
absolutely necessary.

So in the meantime, he's going
to keep having visions.

I knew we were
headed for trouble

the minute
he allowed the Bajorans

to call him "Emissary."

He didn't have much choice.

The Bajorans
are deeply committed

to their spirituality

not to mention
incredibly stubborn.

They believe that Captain Sisko
is the Emissary

and nothing's going
to change their minds.

I told you he'd be here, sir.

There's no need to worry.

The katterpod harvest will
be much better this year.

You don't belong here.

Go home.


What's wrong?

I'm fine.


What is it, Ben?

Your son.

You can stop worrying
about him.

He forgives you.

How the hell did he know

that Kevin and I
weren't getting along?

He's the Emissary.

That should do it.

I'll have the test results
in a few minutes.

Well, that wasn't so bad,
was it?




That's where it was going...
the cloud.

What cloud?

I was on Bajor.

B'hala had been rebuilt.

The people were in the streets

but then,
a shadow covered the sun.

We looked up
and saw a cloud filling the sky.

It was a swarm of locusts...
billions of them.

They hovered above the city.

The noise was deafening.

But, just as quickly
as they came, they moved on.

Now I know where
they were going... Cardassia.

What do you think it means?

I don't know.

At least the swarm
was moving away from Bajor.

That's a good sign...
isn't it?

But what do the locusts

And why Cardassia?

You were dreaming

and dreams don't always
make sense.

This was no dream.

why didn't you tell me

about these headaches
of yours?

I guess I was too busy.

Well, if you'd stayed...
busy much longer

you could have died.

The area of unusual
neural activity

has increased
another eight percent.

As a result, your basal ganglia
are starting to depolarize.

I'm going to have to operate...

try to repolarize
your neural sheaths.

How will that affect my visions?

That's not really
the issue here, is it?

It is to me.


Well, there's no way
to tell for sure

but I assume if I can complete
the procedure

your brain activity
will return to normal

and the visions will stop.

Then you can't do it.

Ben, that's ridiculous.

If I don't operate,

you could die.

I understand that

but something
is happening to me...

something extraordinary.

I have to see it through.

What do you mean
you're not going

to let Dr. Bashir
operate on you?

You have to.

Don't you see?

These visions are gifts.

I can't refuse them.

I cannot believe
what I'm hearing.

Listen to yourself, Ben,
sitting there telling us

that this mystical journey
of yours is more important

than watching your son grow up.

Dad, please think
about what you're doing.

These visions...

they're not worth dying for.

I remember...

the first time
I held you in my hands...

you were only a few minutes old

and I looked down at your face

and it was almost
as if I could see

your whole life stretched out
in front of you...

all the joys it would bring

and the bruises...

it was all there

hidden in that
scrunched-up little face.

The baby that I'm holding
in my hands now...

is the universe itself

and I need time
to study its face.

Look at the face of your son now

and then tell me
you're doing the right thing.

Come in.

It's time, Emissary,
if you're ready.

I am.

Ready for what?

The Emissary has asked
for help in his journey.

I'm providing it.

And you trust her?

Since when?


it'll be all right.

I love you...

both of you.

I've never seen the temple
so crowded.

Seemed like every Bajoran
on the station

was there to pray
for the Emissary.

Glad to hear it.

He's going to need
all the help he can get

if he's going to survive this.

The Captain is not going to die.

He is the Emissary.

The Prophets will take
care of him.

With all due respect, Major

I'd rather see Julian
take care of him.

Chief, I know you're worried

but the Prophets are leading
the Emissary

on this path for a reason.

Do not attempt to convince them,

They cannot understand.

Since when did you believe
in the Prophets?

What I believe in...

is faith.

Without it,
there can be no victory.

If the Captain's faith is
strong, he will prevail.

That's not much
to bet his life on.

You're wrong.

It's everything.

I hope you're right, Major.

I hope you're right.

He asks for your guidance.

Let him see with your eyes.

Lift the veil of darkness
that obscures his path.


I'm ready.

The Orb of Prophecy
is very powerful.

It taxes even the healthy.

Are you sure you want
to go through with this?

I have to.

I need to bring
the visions into focus...

tie them together.

I can't do it alone.

But you're very weak.

Perhaps it would be better
to wait till after the signing.

I may not have time.

I need to do it now.

As you wish.

May the Prophets reveal
their wisdom to you, Emissary.

He's already an hour late.

He's still consulting
the Orb of Prophecy.

How long do these
Orb experiences last?

Minutes. Hours.
Sometimes days.

Then maybe we shouldn't
wait for him.

Do you have any objections
to proceeding

without Captain Sisko?

I'm sure the Emissary
would want to be here...

but under
the circumstances...

May I have your attention?

I've been looking forward
to this day for many years

as I'm sure all of you have.

Welcoming a new planet
to the Federation

is the happiest assignment
an Admiral could hope for.

The Federation is not just
a union of planets.

It's much more.



Get him to the Infirmary.

No. I have to tell them.

What is it, Emissary?

Have the Prophets
revealed something to you?


they'll destroy Bajor

unless it stands alone.

Ben, what the hell
are you talking about?

It's too soon!

Bajor must not join
the Federation.

If it does,
it will be destroyed.

His entire central nervous
system is depolarizing.

We have to operate

Then what are you waiting for?

Captain Sisko made it clear
he didn't want surgery.

What are you suggesting, Major?

We stand around
and let him die?

It isn't about what I want
or what you want.

It's about Captain Sisko

and he told us that he
doesn't want anything

interfering with his visions.

Major, these visions
may be important

but I think
we're all in agreement here

that they are not as important
as Captain Sisko's life.

Start the procedures.

It's not that simple.

Captain Sisko refused surgery

and I can't go against
the decision of my patient...

not without the express consent
of his closest relative.

I guess that means
it's up to me.


I know you want to see
this thing to the end...


I need you.

I'm sorry.

Do what you have to do.

Prepare for surgery.

I'm afraid I'm going
to have to ask you all to leave.


Any news about the Emissary?

He's still in surgery.

I hope the Prophets
will forgive us.

We never should have allowed
the Federation to interfere

with the Emissary's visions.

It wasn't the Federation.

It was his son
and he had every right

to make that decision.

It was a selfish act.

He's an 18-year-old boy

who doesn't want
to lose his father.

What would you have
done in his place?

I would trust the Prophets.

Maybe we're the ones who need
to trust the Prophets.

For all we know,
this is part of their plan.

Maybe... maybe they've told
Captain Sisko

they want him to know.


I suppose you heard

that Bajor will
not join the Federation today.

The Council

of Ministers has voted
to delay acceptance

of Federation membership.

You must be very pleased.

I wish I were

but things are not that simple,
not anymore.

Before Captain Sisko found
B'hala, my path was clear.

I knew who my enemies were.

But now...
now, nothing is certain.

Makes life interesting,
doesn't it?


No! You took them away!

We had no choice.

You were dying.

I almost had it.

Almost understood it all.

Now it's gone.


How are you feeling?

I'm fine, Admiral.

Look, Ben, it's not too late.

You could contact
the Chamber of Ministers...

tell them you were wrong.

Convince them to accept
Federation membership.

I can't do that.

The visions may have faded.

Everything I said,
everything I did

still feels right.

When I said

that Bajor should wait
before it joins the Federation

I have never felt so certain
about anything in my life.

I was afraid
you would say that, Ben.

I could have
your commission for this.

I know.

But considering
how the Bajorans feel about you

if I pulled you from this post

we'd probably
lose Bajor forever.

Admiral, for what it's worth

I wish things
had turned out differently.

So do I.

But it's not over.

One day, Bajor will join
the Federation.

That I'm sure of.

Are you speaking
as a Starfleet Captain

or as the Emissary
of the Prophets?


In that case

I'll keep the champagne on ice.

Just in time, Dad.

What's this all about?

It's about jambalaya.

We never had that "welcome back"
dinner for Kasidy.

Welcome back...

the both of us.

Ben, I can't say I understand
what you've gone through.

I know you feel you've lost
something important

and maybe you have.

But believe me...

you've held on
to something important as well.