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4x21 - Shattered Bass

Posted: 05/21/11 13:05
by bunniefuu
Gossip girl here-- your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.

Vanessa said if I helped Rufus, it'd help me get you.

He's under the impression you tried to sabotage me, and you happen to make a perfect villain.

My goal was to destroy Chuck.

My Uncle is my worst enemy.

Chuck tried to cover up the truth about my mother.

This one is from 8:00 P.


the night of the fire.

What's on it? Bart having an argument with a woman-- Avery thorpe.

My father and Avery thorpe were having an affair.

I'll explain it all in person.

I look forward to meeting with you, too, Jack.

Don't think I don't know it was you that sent princess Sophie that scrapbook from "Gossip Girl.

" Without the royal court's approval, it means even more.

Will you marry me? You'll never marry anyone else.

You're mine.

I said it's over.

No! Aah! Mom, I have some news.

I'm engaged.

You're not my dream anymore Good morning, sleepyheads.

Looks like "dream until your dreams come true" wasn't such a good idea after all.

So I thought I'd bring some luxury across the river.

Brooklyn needs it.

It's all bars, bakeries, and babies.

No hotel in sight.

Charles place.

You up to attend the ribbon cutting? No, thanks.

Still pissed I lied to raina about my father.

Yeah, well, it was a big lie Even for you.

That's why I'm stepping out from under his dark shadow and away from the Bass name.

Whatever you wanna call yourself or your hotel, you're still the same person.

And with everything going on, I still need my best friend by my side.

I saw what you did to Blair.

Going to stay with raina for a while.

If you walk out, don't be here when I get back.

Don't worry.

I'm already gone.

Really? You're trying me again? Does that seem like it's gonna work? You answered.

You're right.

My bad.


I know you don't like me, but can you at least acknowledge that everything I told you was true? Your point? You didn't need to have your cousin make me look like a crazy, jealous bitch to Dan.

Oh, you don't need any help with that.

She said I manipulated her to ruin Rufus' business dinner.

You're telling me that innocent cousin Charlie came up with that by herself? I'm saying you probably did whatever she said you did.

If Charlie's fighting back, good for her.

She's learning.

Good-bye, Vanessa.



Yellow! That's 0-for-4.

Okay, let's try sour patch kids.

I thought we were gonna have breakfast.

This is breakfast.

When I was little, sour patch kids were pretty much my best friends-- them and books.


Oh, me, too.

What was, uh, what was your favorite? I could try to be cool and make something up, but if I were honest "Flowers in the attic.

" My copy literally fell apart.

Really? What was it that you loved most, uh, exactly? Was it the gripping tale of teen incest or just the general fine quality of the prose? Oh, my God.

I totally should have lied and said Fitzgerald.

I can tell he influences your writing, um, especially that story in "the new yorker.

" Um was that about Serena? Uh, yeah, yeah, that was back when I was on the outside, not getting my own personal invitation to the constance/st.

Jude's black tie alumni fund-raiser.

Yeah, it's, uh I wasn't gonna go, 'cause I wasn't exactly the most popular kid in high school, so why relive that, right? But then I thought, you know, maybe--maybe if you came with me, it'd be fun.

Yes! Are you kidding? Yes! Um Blair is having this little engagement toast beforehand, and she invited me.

I figured I-I should go, so you want to meet me there? I'd love to.

So here comes the future princess.

Now what does that make us, I wonder.

Well, as of now, nothing.

In choosing me, Louis gave up his succession rights.

Well, fortunately, we are here to throw you an engagement party, so maybe we can fix that.

Well, while this looks delicious, I thought we agreed on a champagne toast.

Oh, of course.

This Is the vitaminwater design competition with the c.




Me and Joe zee and the vena cava girls-- we are the judges, and we will be picking the final t-shirt from a young designer to complete the collection.

We can be launching someone's career.

Well, let's keep our attention on my future, shall we? I really want the princess to understand that Louis can have me and his rightful title.

Not to worry.

I happen to be an expert mediator.

Serena, did lily get those dresses that I sent over? You know, the maxi ones from last year's collection? I'm on my way to spend the day with her, so I'll ask.

And be back in time for the engagement party, I hope? Or not.

I'd actually like to be engaged when it's over.

Blair, I'm sorry I sent those blasts to Louis' mother, but everything worked out great, so can we just enjoy it and move on, please? Like much else in your life, that apology was underwhelming.

Good to see you, Eleanor.

You must be Jack.

Thank you for getting here so quickly.

It was nothing.

Your father and I go way back, which won't stop me from inviting you to have is little chat someplace more comfortable-- your hotel room.

I see the Bass family resemblance.

So What's this about that old building my brother burned down? I just found out my mother was in it.

I didn't even know she was dead until recently.

But now that I do, I want the revenge my dad never got.

Chuchas proof that my mother's death wasn't an accident.

He's been covering it up ever since he found out.

While I love making my nephew suffer, what, besides entertainment, is in it for me? The reins of Bass industries.

You know all the right things to say, don't you? What the hl? Nate, I'm sure you know Jack.

Yes, unfortunately, I do, but why do you? I'll be in touch to discuss details.

Should've known you'd still be ding on my ney ew's leftovers.

You brought in Jack Bass? Is that panic's art? That looks great.


Hey, um, your mom called, and, uh, she was concerned that you were due for a refill on your medication and didn't get it.


I was so excited about going to the fund-raiser tonight with Dan that I forgot to pick it up on my way home.

I'll go right now.

I already did.

Uh, your mom told me that last time things went well, you stopped taking them.

And then they went from well to hell.

Trust me, I never want that to happen again.

Okay, neither do we.

You have nothing to worry about, unlike me who has no idea what I'm gonna wear tonight.

New York is always so gray, even in the spring.

And the angles everywhere-- they are so harsh.

I'll be happy to be back in Monaco.

The "Glenn ligon: America" exhibit at the Whitney is definitely worth the trip.

There's nothing gray or angular there, except the building.

I think I've had my fill of your city's ugliness for this trip.

Mother, please.

I'm sorry for the way Chuck behaved with the royal court.

He's out of my life for good, and you can rest assured that my family and friends are nothing like him most of the time.

I suppose.

I will see for myself this evening at your party.

And I was also thinking that we could go to my Alma mater's fund-raiser tonight afterwards.

Didn't one of Caroline's bastard children go to that school? Or was it Albert? Blair, do you know? Uh I-I-I'm sorry.

I just remembered that I have to get my dress for tonight altered.

I lost weight in the whirlwind romance, so, um, would you mind if I take a rain check for tea? Of course.

We'll see you tonight.


She's lying.

About losing weight? I had her followed.

If you are going to give up the throne for this girl, the least she can do is give up her bad habits for you.

The first place she went after you asked her to marry you? To see Chuck Bass.

Let's hope the only thing b.

Has in common with Marie antoinette is impeccable taste, or she just might lose her head before she gets her crown.

I can't believe how amazing these parties look.

Oh, that's the constance/ St.

jude's fund-raiser.

It's a shame we're missing it this year since my mom can't go.

Actually um Dan invited me.

Oh, that's--that's great.

Are you sure? You said that you weren't seeing him, and I can call right now and cancel if you want.

Don't be ridiculous.

Dan and I are barely even talking.

Um I've never been to a black tie affair before.

If only I had something to wear.

Your mom's been super generous, but I can't put a dress like that on her black card.


What about your trust fund? You're over 18.

Why haven't you gotten it yet? Maybe grandma and my mom's issues are worse than we thought.

No, I bet that that's not it.

My mom and Cece have basically gone "celebrity rehab" on one another, and she's never held it against me and Eric.

Let me call and find out.

You're like my fairy godcousin.

I'll let you get started.


Well, look who finally came to her senses.

Concierge at the empire said that you were here.

Louis and I are still very much engaged.

Then why are you here with me? I'm risking my well-being to tell you your Uncle Jack is in town.

I saw him myself this afternoon.

Makes sense.

Like building your way to hurt me.

I just came to warn you so you could prepare for whatever it is Jack is planning.

And how will I ever prepare for what you're planning? I should go.

Can't be late for my engagement party.

Already so royal, sensitive to the suffering of her subjects.

You have no idea what I've been going through since that night.

Chuck Just be careful.

And all this time, I thought you hated Bart because of his sunny personality.

I see you've spoken with my daughter.

And apparently you haven't.


She's holding on to some anger about this whole situation.

Can't say I blame her.

Doesn't mean I wanna do business with her.

Which is why you called me.

What raina's proposing suits me fine.

It's just, your daughter's history with Chuck, Nate Archibald crashing our meeting, looking like he just ran away from home-- the whole thing feels messy, juvenile.

I couldn't agree more.

What did you have in mind? My nephew is at the edge of a cliff again.

Nothing turns him upside down like losing Blair Waldorf.

All he needs is a push, and I'll have the men in lab coats waiting to catch him when he falls.

Let me know what I can do.

You can start by paying for drinks during which we'll discuss what else you'll be paying for.

Yeah, you know, there's one more thing.

I believe there's a box Chuck is protecting in his suite.

I'm guessing it's where Bart kept mementos, letters from my wife.

It would mean the world to me if I could have those things for myself.

I'll make sure you're well compensated.

I'll make sure you get a key.

Looks like someone got their trust fund.

Thank you for vouching for me.

I got a loan from the bank of Cece until my official checkbooks arrive.

I've also fallen in love with Nina ricci, or whoever designs her dresses.

Ooh, let me see.

Oh, sh**t.

It's my mom.

I better get this.

I'll show you later? Of course.

Hi, mom.

I just got the most amazing dress for this fund-raiser at St.

jude's tonight with Dan.

Uh, with my trust fund.

No, don't be mad.

Everything's perfect.

I promise.

Nothing's wrong.

No, I'll talk to you later.

I don't think that's what the doctor had in mind when he said, "use as directed.

" How can you have an engagement party without the prince? Oh, right.

He's not one anymore.

I invited you to attend, not to speak.

Here, try the '91.

Did you know that princess Sophie is an avid ornithologist, just like me? I cannot concentrate on vintage with you droning on about insects.

My dear Ornithology is the study of birds, not insects.


I'm Cyrus rose, Blair's stepfather, and this is my wife Eleanor.

Princes Sophie, welcome to our tasteful and appropriate home.

Thank you.

Now I'm a hugger.

Hope you don't mind.

Oh! Princess Sophie, I apologize for not greeting you properly.

Ou est Louis? He said he would meet me here.

This is good work.

I figure two weeks.

Excuse me.

Your highness, you'll forgive me if I'm too busy to bow.

I don't appreciate the sarcasm, or, for that matter, anything else about you.

Then we're equal.

Except I'm not pursuing your fianc�e.

I know Blair came here to see you.

Maybe your fianc�e is pursuing me.

I highly doubt that, after you humiliated her in front of the royal court.

So why don't you tell me what's going on? Shouldn't you be asking Blair that? I want the truth.

If you can't trust Blair to tell you the truth, you've got bigger problems than me.

All I'll say is get used to it.

Blair is nothing without her secrets.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a real foe to fight.

What did you do to your hand? It will heal with time, unlike you, who's facing a lifetime doubting Blair.

What are you still doing here? Uh, bringing mom dinner.

She's in a bidding w*r for a vintage birkin on ebay and can't leave the computer.

But don't you have Blair's engagement toast? I know you both have your issues.

I can't force Blair to want me there.

But come on.

It's Blair.

She might have trouble saying it most of the time, but she loves you as much as she loves anybody.

Of course she wants you there.

Hey, sorry to barge in, but I'm thinking about going to Blair's party after all.

I just wanted to check that there's a dress in my closet.

No problem.

Ugh, this is terrible.

I can't even decide how to wear my hair.

Do your feet hurt after wearing heels all night? And does Dan dance? Do you prefer lipstick or lip gloss? Okay, breathe.

Lipstick lasts longer, but gloss is more fun.

Dan does love to dance, but he's terrible at it, so no laughing, and your feet won't hurt as long as you have just the right amount of champagne.

Other than that, just be yourself.

That's what I did at cotillion, and Dan and I had the most magical night ever.

And your hair looks great down.

I-I can't reach Louis, and I've barely had any time to bond with princess Sophie thanks to Cyrus' kibitzing.

She looks like she's enjoying the conversation.

Your stepfather is wonderful, Blair.

Yes, I loved him at first sight.

No, you didn't.

His knowledge of birds is magnifique.

Perhaps I judge you too harshly after the consulate affair.

Cyrus has told me of your job at "w" and your straight "a" average all while dedicating yourself to avian welfare.

You would never let a duck go hungry.

And you do make Louis very happy.

You and Louis may make your first formal appearance as an engaged couple this evening, if you like, at constance/st.


Your first royal appearance.

I have ways of swaying the court.

There are certain dalliances that they would rather not have exposed.

It feels like we're family already.

But what is this? Oh.

Oh, uh It's true what they say about diamonds.

They cut not only glass but porcelain as well.

Oh! Did you hear the good news? I did.

Let us all raise a glass to the newly reinstated prince and princess-to-be.

May your lives be as full of love as the skies are of birds.

We need to talk.

Your attempt to destroy me will have to wait.

I have a meeting.

Oh, I'm not doing anything Except getting you the help you need.

Little unsteady, are we? It's okay.

It's understandable you'd succumb to substance abuse after all you've been through-- a mother who scammed you for profit, a stepmother who cut you out of your own company, and, of course, the love of your life leaving you for a monarchy smaller than Manhattan.

You're forgetting my Uncle that made me choose between my legacy and the love of my life.

Ah, yes.

Blair did jump at the chance to sleep with me again, didn't she? Hey! Hey! Hey! What the hell's going on? Get ahold of yourself.

Look who rode in on his high horse to tell me I told you so.

I'm coming to make sure you're okay.

I don't need your pity! Get out of the way or get hurt! First Blair, now me? You do need some help.

Which is why I've brought it.

You can't be serious.

After everything you've done, I'd have to be insane to not want to beat the crap out of you.

Yeah, well, they have experts who'll decide that.

Now you either go with these gentlemen, or I'll call the cops and file a civil suit against you.

Sorry, man.

You should go.

It's the only way.

Nathaniel, you're making a grave mistake.

Don't touch the suit! Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Sedate him if necessary now.

Oh, and I guess you won't be needing this.

And remember, it only works if you work it.

We hear one Bass is hitting bottom.

Nicely played.

Feel free to take whatever you want, including precious works of art.

Looks like the hotel isn't the only Charles that needs rehab.


What'd I miss? Oh, Cyrus charmed the princess into returning Louis to the throne.

But he's upstairs waiting to talk, and he didn't seem happy.

So I should probably go.


, I know you don't believe me, but no matter how much we fight, all I've ever wanted for you is true love.

I'm--I'm sorry that it took me so long to realize that.

You--you deserve this.

Well It's not as if I haven't done my share of subversion.

Penelope would've gotten far too much satisfaction out of being the maid of honor.

Spotted-- a lush headed for lockdown.

Let's hope this Bass can survive on dry land.

You okay? I know I shouldn't care, but I'm worried about him.

Not tonight.

Go be a princess.

Rehab is probably the safest place for Chuck and your engagement.

Hey, you came.

So did you.

I mean, that's--that's all right, right? We're good? Yeah.

I mean, Blair's getting engaged, and--and you're taking Charlie to her first black tie event.

So seems everyone's moving on.

Thank you.

Oh, I'm sorry it took me so long.

But now we can finally celebrate you getting back your rightful place in your family and the country.

Blair, I know you saw Chuck.

Well, I I wanted him to hear about our engagement from me.

Twice? And I had to warn him that his evil Uncle was in town.

All of which sounds very noble, so why didn't you tell me? You--you know we have a history, so I was worried that You'd think it meant more than it did.

I saw him before I came here.

If he told you something happened, he's lying.

He's just trying to get you to leave me.

I saw his hand.

It's not the ring that cut your face.

Blair, how can you lie to protect someone who hurt you? Since I'm not seeing him again, there's no reason to embarrass him.

I think you're the one who's embarrassed.

You have your own dark side.

I understand if you want to end it.

It's very unbecoming of a princess.

I want you, Blair.

But the only way it will work is if you show me all of the parts of yourself, even the ones you're ashamed of.

Maybe if we don't talk about them, they'll just go away? I hope you'll join me at this party to make your formal debut.

If you're not ready to share your life--all of it-- don't show up.

I'll leave with my mother tonight.

Hey, I'm worried about Charlie.

She should be here by now.

Forget I asked.

Take your coat? That's my dress.


What the hell is going on? Divine intervention If you consider Satan divine.

You did get in one good punch.

It was a long time coming.

He was the one who reached out to me to help.

You see, as much as I love to screw with my nephew, your using me to do it just didn't sit right.

So on that tape you just put in your jacket pocket I mean, I knew you didn't just want to read your cheating wife's love letters.

All that was in that box was evidence against my father.

Even if he went to the authorities, the implications are limited on a dead man.

So we played follow the leader.

Unless you're into arson porn, there's obviously something else of interest on that tape.

Bart m*rder*d my wife.

I can take my story to the press.

First, you'll stay for the viewing.

The time code is after my father left the building.

You're the one who locked the doors.

My father didn't set the fire that k*lled your wife.

You did.

Hey, you look great.

You want to, uh, you wanna grab a drink before we go? Ahem.

You should have asked me if you wanted to wear my cotillion dress.

I mean, you can borrow anything you want, but you do need to say something.

This isn't your dress.

I got this at Nina ricci, remember? You do have a lot of dresses, Serena.

Pamela Dennis made it especially for me.

I think I would know, and so should you, since you were my date.

Uh, I bought this myself.

I wouldn't steal from you.

Oh, okay, then let's see the label.

Well, it's in your mom's garbage.

It was jabbing me in the back.

I mean, I think I still have the red mark if you wanna see that.

No, no, whoa, whoa.

Stop, stop, stop.

Come on.

There are a million gold dresses.

Yeah, but there's only one with a Pamela Dennis label cut out.

Take it off.

This is obviously a misunderstanding.

Why are you defending her? You are not leaving here in that.

If you didn't want me to go to the party with Dan, you didn't have to humiliate me.

Okay, Charlie, this has nothing to do with Dan.


Then you won't mind if we leave together now.

You know, I was trying to take it slow with Charlie because I value our friendship so much, but Can we just call the cops? I'm hungry, and all you seem to have are olives and hallucinogenic mushrooms.

You have to believe me.

It was an accident.

Bart and I were partners.

I had proof that he was planning the fire, so when I found out he was sleeping with Avery, it was the perfect setup.

I was trying to keep my family together.

By k*lling the mother of your child? I swear to you, I thought it was Bart in that building.

I knew no matter what I said, he would never let Avery go.

It sounds crazy, but I still loved her.

And she loved you? I read the letter she wrote to my father ending things.

That letter was for me.

Bart called and said we needed to talk, that I should meet him at the building.

That was when I decided that he wouldn't be leaving.

That's what Avery and my father were arguing about on the tape? She wanted to tell you in person she loved him.

Unless we're close to the end of this sob story, I'm gonna order room service, okay? Your father and I made an agreement.

I would keep the proof of his involvement in the fire a secret.

I would give him the company, the insurance money, and go back to Chicago.

And he would say that he was responsible for the accident.

He always felt guilty about Avery being there.

I can't choose my entree with hallmark hall of fame playing in the background.

I'm calling the cops.


I'll pay.

I'll give you thorpe enterprises, anything you want.

But I can't let raina find out what I did.

I'll give you the same deal he did.

Oh, hey, girls, can we at least get my plane fare home out of this? Get out of New York and never come back.

Thank you.

If raina ever found out, I don't know what I'd do.

Blintz? No, thank you.

I've lost my appetite.

Well, how is that possible? You're returning to your Alma mater as the princess bride-to-be.

You and Louis are practically giddy about each other.

Not when he finds out who I really am.

You mean a brilliant and beautiful and Remarkably-strong- for-her-stature young woman? You may not be aware of this, but it's not all light and bright in here.

There are some places devoid of even a hint of sparkle.

Louis will love those, too, one would hope.

Chuck was the only one who ever did, but he couldn't see the rest.

Louis says he wants it all, but, ugh, what kind of a princess schemes and plays sex games and dreams herself into old Hollywood movies? Well, uh, pretending as your stepfather that I didn't hear the sex games part, the truth is The only way that you're gonna know if Louis is the one is to tell him everything.

But what if he doesn't love me after I do? Take it from someone who is head over heels for a Waldorf woman Even everything is not enough.


You're late.

I know.

I'm sorry.

Something came up.

It was really important, but not that late.

What's wrong? Jack Bass called.

He's backing out of the whole plan, says he just used me for the free flight.

Well, that's Jack for you.

I told you he couldn't be trusted.

Really? We're talking about my payback for my mother's death, and you're "I told you so"-ing me? Raina, punishing Chuck's not gonna bring your mom back.

Chuck knew Bart m*rder*d my mother, and he sat there and watched me get my hopes up about that waitress, and he tried to ruin my relationship with my father.

He should pay for that.

Okay, I know you're upset, but you have to trust me on this.

Chuck didn't do anything wrong.

First Jack, now you? What the hell's going on, Nate? I just think you've been through enough pain without digging up more.

I am not stopping until Chuck feels as bad as I do.

Chuck's father didn't k*ll your mother.

Yours did.

You gotta take that? Um no.

They say love is the best medicine-- that is, unless you don't take it.

Your dad was a nasty son of a bitch, but I never thought for a second he'd actually gone o.


Well, thank you for using your evil powers for good this time.

Ah, it was selfish, really.

I didn't want anyone else playing with my punching bag.

Dysfunction is best kept in the family.

It's true.

Plus what would I want with a company someone else owns half of, or a building in Brooklyn? Now if you still had Blair, things might be different.

On that note, I'm going to cut this reunion short and try to find her before the nice guy actually wins.

I'm counting on you not to defile the Bass name and lose her to a family of titled circus performers.

I know what you did, dad.

Honey, what are you talking about? You're the reason my mother is dead.

Did, uh, Chuck Bass tell you that? He's lying.

He's trying to cover his own guilt.

Why don't I come and take you to dinner, and, uh, we can talk about it? Don't come near me.

The only one lying is you my whole life.

Raina, please.

You're as dead to me as my mother is.

Thanks for coming.

I couldn't resist finding out what you think we have in common, but unless it includes an apologyi'm not staying.

You accused me of getting Charlie to turn Dan against you.

Well, she just did the same thing to me.

You think Blair's behind it? I mean, Dan's a good kisser, but that good? It's Waldorf-level scheming, but Blair's in love with her prince.

This was all Charlie.

Hey, Serena and Vanessa? I'm not even gonna ask what the two of you are doing together, but have either of you seen Charlie? Thank you.

I don't know why being back here makes me feel like I'm on the outside again.


Oh, you know why? 'Cause you're the only one talking to me.

What's up, kati, is? Nice to see you girls back together again, still dressing alike.

Do you hear something? No, nothing.

Come on.

You must have had some fun in high school.

Mm, not in actual school, no.

So you never did anything crazy like blow up a toilet or spray paint lockers or try to get some behind the bleachers? No, I was pretty much the anti-crazy.

We're gonna have to fix that.

You know, I was in here once after a swimming pool incident.

It was not the good kind of crazy.

Well that kind is better.

You shouldn't leave high school without doing it on a desk.

Call me Serena.

What? Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait a second.

I think maybe this is not a great idea.

Queller is not known for her sense of humor, and, um Why don't you get dressed? and I'll meet you outside.

null oh, have you seen a prince? Yes, I am engaged to him, and you should be green with envy But I don't have time to make you wallow in it because I have to take this call.

Hello? What? Of course.

I'll be there as soon as I can.

Serena's cousin.

Thank God.

Uh, I just got a call that Chuck needs me.

When Louis arrives, will you tell him that I was here and that I'll be back? Whatever you do, don't let him leave.

A dream is just a dream, or is it? So when you say Charlie went off her medication, you don't mean because the doctors told her to? No, her mother said it happened once before last time she was happy.

Ended pretty badly.

A place where fantasy and reality collide.

Chuck Bass.

What a disappointment.

I was rooting for you.

Have you seen the real Blair? Don't you read "Gossip Girl"? You lost her to the prince.

Not yet, I haven't.

I told you he wouldn't let her get away.

Everything you ever wanted seems possible.

Oh! Excuse me, sir.

Someone called me from the building and--and told me that Chuck Bass was up here.

He was threatening to jump and asking for me.

I'm Blair Waldorf.

Until you realize the nightmare's just beginning.





, Gossip Girl.