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13x10 - Fake It' Till You Make It

Posted: 01/14/23 12:34
by bunniefuu



Police, police! Don't move!

Don't move!

Cut the engine. Keep your hands
where we can see 'em.

Get out. Get out. Hands on the car.

That's the third luxury
car that's been stolen

in this neighborhood in
the past ten days.

You've been busy.

I got nothing to say.

Better think of something fast.

Come on, let's take a ride.

Come on. Let's go. We'll take our car.


We got a report of an armed
robbery at this location?

This man came in demanding money.

And you apprehended him yourself?

No, the officer did.

What officer?

A policeman came in
right after I called.

He grabbed the man,
took his g*n, and tied him up.

- Was he wearing a uniform?
- No.

But he had a g*n and badge.

Well, where's the cop now?

He left.

Said he had another call.

Less police work for us.

Let's take this clown in.


Looks like you saw something scary.

I did. Me.

Media training.

I'm supposed to watch myself
give a speech

and then critique the delivery.

That sounds smart.

It's completely unnecessary.
I've delivered hundreds

of closing arguments in front of a jury,

with damn good conviction rate.

Yeah, but when you're a candidate,

you're the one that's on trial.

In an election, the public is the jury.

And most of them vote for
the candidate they like best.

I know.

But I'm not an actor. I'm a lawyer.

You want to be DA? You got to be both.

You got your speech memorized?


Okay. Then do it for me.

Uh, no. Forget it.

Are you running or not?


I hate this.

Yeah, you'll live. Let's go.


I'm Erin Reagan, and I'm...

Okay. Stand up, please.

I'm Erin Reagan, and I'm
running for district attorney.

Okay, smile.

Not like you're on a blind date.
Come on.

My family has been fighting
crime in New York

for three generations...

Okay, eye contact.

And slow down.

Okay. Can you stop?

After years on the front lines,

I know how the battle
for justice is waged.

As your district attorney,

I will fight to keep you
and your family safe

every day.


Have at it.

By Jove, I think you've got it.

(CHUCKLES) Really?

Now, let's take it from the top.

One more time.


I'm Erin Reagan,

and I want to be your district attorney.


As you were.


Do you have update on our officer, Paul?

In surgery.

That's all I know.

(SIGHS) Sit down.

You've got a long day ahead of you.

What's the damage?

Took one in the upper thigh.

Missed the femoral artery.

Docs are optimistic.

Well, at least that's promising news.

What happened?

Perp jumped the turnstile.

Douglas grabbed him.

Perp pulled a g*n.

And our officer takes a b*llet

over a $. fare.

Yeah, I'd like to talk to his partner.

Not possible.


Officer Douglas was on solo patrol

at the time of the incident.


Well, maybe this will convince our mayor

that solo patrols
increase the risk to our people.

To be fair,
this incident could've occurred

even if Douglas had been
with another officer.

"And if one can overpower
he who is alone,

two can resist him."

All due respect to the good book,

in the ten days
since this program started,

no officers have been
seriously injured until today.

Today was inevitable, Paul.

I want daily updates
on this pilot program.

Yes, sir.

Give it a chance.

The mayor may be right on this one.

Sounds like someone's buying
what the mayor's selling.

And is hawking it himself.

♪ ♪

Got a tricky situation here, Bobby.

Think I might need to talk to a lawyer.

Which is your right,
but give me a second, okay?


you've clearly moved up in the world.

Part of a bigger operation.

No idea what you're talking about.

Let's say I'm right.

Big sh*ts you're working for?

They're gonna let you
take the fall here.


I'm low man on the totem pole
around here.

So when the brown stuff
starts rolling downhill,

I'm the guy it lands on.

Smart move?

You, uh, grab a shovel

before you get buried.

Not gonna happen.


But know this: with your sheet,
you're looking at years.

And if you don't start talking,
I'm gonna recommend you serve

every single day of it.

Let's go.


Thought I had him for a second.

A career criminal like Renner's not
gonna go, for the good cop routine.

Yeah, I was gonna go at him hard.

Why didn't you?

Didn't want him to shut down.

Which is what he did.

Working Intelligence,
all you got's your instincts.

Got to trust your gut.


I checked with communications
and the front desk.

No one put that liquor
store arrest over the air.

I'm sure they'll get to it.

Cop makes a collar on a gunpoint robbery

and doesn't call it in.

Not our problem.

That job was assigned to us.

It feels like we should
find out what happened.

We know exactly what happened.

- Some lowlife skel

tried to commit a gunpoint
robbery and got collared.

The question is: Who made the collar?

No, the question is: Who cares?

The clerk ID'd the perp.

Now it's up to the DA
to prosecute. We're done.

Not as far as I'm concerned.


This guy was in plainclothes, right?

So, maybe he's a undercover

who can't risk getting made.

That feels like a long shot.

If the case warrants
further investigation,

well, then that's
why God made detectives.

CHRISTO: Detectives
checked out the address

Renner put in the nav system
of the Mercedes he boosted.

Where was he headed?

High-end chop shop near Riverdale.

- Mm-hmm.
- Least it was,

till a couple hours
before our guys showed up.

Yeah, I'm sure they got wise to it

when Renner didn't deliver the vehicle.

Yeah, these guys are slick.
They steal a vehicle,

then either dismantle it
or change the VIN number,

and make a brand new registration.

Yeah, creating an untraceable vehicle

that they can sell anywhere.

Our guys found printouts

of cargo ships leaving the harbor

for South America, Europe, even Africa.

So they're not just sophisticated,

- they're international.
- Yeah.

Just a matter of time till
they set up a new shop.

Okay, time to talk to the boss.

According to Chief Gallagher,

subway crimes ticked down last week.

Well, whoop-de-doo.

We had an officer shot yesterday.

So that was then, and this is now.

His summary shows solo patrols
have a positive impact.

Not on my cops.

Officer Douglas will be back

on the street in a few weeks.

- With a partner this time.
- Amen.

Look, a couple of millimeters

from an artery is just dumb luck,
not good policy.


Mayor's office asked when you'll be

publicly endorsing the program.

And you thought it was
a good idea to ask me that?

It is in my job description.

I approved this initiative

fully expecting the pilot program

to crash and burn under
the weight of its own stupidity.

Probably not the endorsement
they're looking for.

'Cause it was a dumb idea,
any way you slice it.

And word is, the mayor's staff

consulted Gallagher on
the viability of solo patrols.

And let me guess:
Gallagher told the mayor

exactly what he wanted to hear.

Chapter and verse.

Which makes my guy his guy in this.

But you're the one who speaks
for the NYPD, not him.

I'd bust him down, it were me.

Not that it ever would be... me.

Do you get the feeling that
maybe Gallagher wouldn't mind

moving into this office one day?

If he ever sits in this chair,

I'm gonna leave a note in this drawer,

like outgoing presidents do.

It'll be very short, very simple.

Five words:

"Careful what you wish for."

DANNY: Whoever this guy is,
he's working really hard

to keep his face off the camera.

Thanks for taking a look at this, Danny.

Baez took a few vacation days,
so timing couldn't be better.

Well, my partner thinks
I should just drop it.

But my boss said I could take it
to a detective, so...

Well, you chose the right
one, because I agree.

DANNY: Guy not calling it
in doesn't make any sense.

Right? We canvassed the whole
area. There's no sign of him.

Badillo thinks he might be
undercover or off duty, but...

Yeah, well, even if he is
undercover or off duty,

he still has an obligation
to report the incident,

which he did not.

So, what do you think
we're dealing with?

Well, he doesn't have a...

cape or tights,

so we can rule out superhero.

That leaves only one thing.

Which is?

Police impersonator.

You're kidding.

No. You'd be surprised
how often it happens.

I've heard of perps pretending
to be cops

to take cash and dr*gs from dealers.

- Mm-hmm.
- But taking down bad guys?

- That's a new one.
- This happens so frequently,

IA has a Police Impersonator Unit.

- Should we take this to them?

I don't think so. Not yet, anyway.



Okay, we're on it.

Bodega was just hit on rd.

Perp was already disarmed
before the cops arrived.

- That's our guy.
- Yeah.

Except this time, a bystander was shot.

Easy. Yeah, we got him.

There we go.

You okay?


Hey. What do we got?

Owner states this guy tried
to rob him at gunpoint.

Until a plainclothes cop
showed up and saved the day?

Yeah. Had a w*apon, flashed
a shield. Took this guy down.

What about the bystander?
How'd she get shot?

OFFICER: Perp threw a shot
at the guy who intervened.

Vic took one to the leg.

Guy disarmed the perp,
secured him with zip ties,

then stopped the vic's bleeding

before he took off.

Mm-hmm. Okay.

We got it from here.

This guy pulled this twice.

I'd say he's not an undercover.

Well, then, who is he?

Don't know.

How is he responding to calls
before our people even arrive?

Well, maybe he's using a scanner.

This place is three blocks
away from the liquor store,

so he's coming from somewhere
in the immediate area.

Starting to sound like
a detective, Officer Janko.

Well, on the upside, he did save

our vic from potentially bleeding out.

Yeah, but if he didn't come
in here waving a g*n around,

our vic may have never
gotten shot in the first place.

So what do we do now?

We stop this guy
before someone gets k*lled.


Hey, you wanted to see me?

(SIGHS) Close the door.

What's going on?

The image consultant

sent a stylist.

Okay, so let's take a look.


- No, I can't see?
- No.

I-I don't, I don't know...

I don't know if I can do this.

Come on. It's just you and me here.



I know. It's a lot. Right?

You look fantastic.

It-It's not me.

It's just, it's too much.

Yeah? Well, whoever it is,
she's got my vote.

I'll tell you that.

I've spent my entire professional life

trying to be judged by the way I think

and not the way I look.

And you've succeeded.

But if you're easy on the eyes,
why not use it?

It's been my experience

that most people don't appreciate

when people use their looks
to get ahead.

No offense, that's BS.

It's like with movie stars.

Half the people want to be 'em.

The other half want to...

All right, stop.


I just want people to vote for me

because I'm the best candidate.

All due respect?

Who the hell cares
why they vote for you?

- I do.
- Let's face it.

There's a reason more
politicians look like you than me.

I do kind of like the color.

Now you're talking.



Looking for me, Sarge?


We got the, uh, go-ahead

for an undercover op on the car ring.

Sweet. Now we just got to get inside.

Yeah. Actually, I already
got that part covered.

Oh, yeah?

I re-interviewed Renner.

Leaned on him to reach
out to his bosses.


I would've brought you in,

but after you go soft
on a skel like that,

you can't un-ring that bell.

Yeah. I get it, I get it.

Renner reached out
to the head of his car ring

and told him he was in the wind

after a close call with the cops.

Recommended a wheelman out
of Chicago named Gary Stokes.

Who the hell is Gary Stokes?

You're looking at him.

Created a fictitious ID,

all the way down
to a juvenile arrest record.

You're going undercover?

Yeah, I know my way around a car,

and, uh, I've worked
my fair share of undercover ops.

Could get hairy.

I'm happy to take the lead.

Thank you.

But better you sit back,

watch and learn on this one.



Starting to feel like

I'm letting you down here, Sarge.


There's a learning curve to every job.

Yeah, but if you're thinking,
like, maybe this is a bad fit?

No, Intelligence is different
than working the street.

Maybe the street's where I belong.

Only you can decide that.

But right now we're going after
a real big fish.

I need you all in.

Yes, sir.

Terrence Simms?

That's right.

Detective Reagan. Officer Janko.

Can I help you?

You're security supervisor around here?

Yeah. I cover four
warehouses on the block.

That's kind of quiet.

Guess I'm doing my job.

DANNY: I think what she means is,
it's kind of quiet of a job

for a former NYPD detective
like yourself.

Well, the money's good, and, uh,

it's a hell of a lot less dangerous.

Seems like danger's something
you've been missing these days?

- Don't get your meaning.
- What she means is,

a guy fitting your description

has been answering calls

in this neighborhood.

Well, I don't know anything about that.

The lab lifted partial prints
from a zip tie in the bodega.

As a former cop, you must know

your prints are still in the system.

Look, I was just trying to help.

By impersonating a police officer?

I was in the neighborhood.
I keep a scanner in the office.

As well as a g*n and a shield?

- Hey, look...
- DANNY: No, you look.

You turned in your g*n and
your shield eight months ago.

Gave up all your police powers.

Well, you know what they say.
Old habits.

No one's saying
you didn't do some good here.

But you did break the law.

It's a crime to impersonate
a police officer.

You got your g*n on you now?

Nah. I'm clean.

Good. Why don't you take a ride with us?

And last but never least,

I want to thank you for your good work,

not just in fighting crime
in your commands,

but, just as importantly,
seeing to it that...

...our officers come home safe.

(SIGHS) And, as always,

that work is never done.

So back to it.

Stand by. Boss wants a word.


Paul... (SIGHS)

...solo patrols, on the subway
or anywhere else,

concern me.

I gathered that.

But not the mayor.

And not you.

Am I right?

The mayor's people solicited
my input as transit chief.

And you endorsed the program.

I didn't mean to be out of line.

Well, when it comes
to department policy,

one person does the endorsing,

and you're looking at him.

I know you're skeptical about
the wisdom of solo patrols...

For good reason.

But the mayor's concerned
about the spike in subway crime,

and solo patrols enlarge
our footprint underground.

They also thin our ranks.

On the street, the best w*apon
our people have is one another.

All due respect,

I was a transit cop for four years.

I worked most of my tours solo

and lived to tell the tale.

Well, question is,

were you that good or just that lucky?

Maybe both.

But you'd agree something needs to done.

And it will be.

But you'll know when I agree how?

When I tell you I agree.

Look, I just gave the mayor
my honest input.

I thought he deserved that.

After all, he is the boss.

No, he's my boss.

And I'm your boss.

And NYPD policy is decided

in this office.


Yes, sir.

That is all.

- You Stokes?
- Yeah.

You come highly recommended.

What are we doing?

Oh, not "we." You.

I usually work with a key fob.

We're going old-school.



Tick, tock.


Get it started.


We need a brand-new BMW X in hours.

Let me know when you find it.


Hey, Sarge.

We're in.


Sergeant Reagan has infiltrated
the stolen car operation.

Our next step is to identify

their base of operations, take it down.

All right, these guys ordered a BMW X,

so that's what we're gonna deliver.


We'll use the Bluetooth

in Sergeant Reagan's phone to track him

and slap a GPS under the vehicle.

We'll create a duplicate key fob
to get him inside.

JAMIE: Once we're in the car,
the suspect will

enter a location
into the navigation system.

Then you guys will follow us
to that location.

Who's your team leader?

Christo will run point.

No disrespect, but, uh,

this is a complicated operation.

We've got more
experienced officers here.

Christo can handle it.


Let's do this, gentlemen. No mistakes.

It's my first time
on this side of the table.

- Sorry to treat you like a perp.
- SIMMS: Yeah.

Even more sorry you decided
to act like a perp.

You're looking at criminal impersonation

and a possible weapons charge.

It's not like I could
go in there unarmed.

You shouldn't've gone in there at all.

We checked your service record.

First Grade Detective,

two medals, numerous commendations.

I had a pretty solid career.


Okay, it's over now.

How'd things go south?

Detective Squad was one
of the best in the city.

I mean, we ran like clockwork.

Then we get this new CO,
Captain Armbruster.

Called him Captain Ballbuster.

Prick tried to tell me
how to work an informant.

Could have got her k*lled.

I pushed back.

He gets in my face,
sticks his finger in my chest...

And you got bounced for
striking your superior officer.

One PP told me I could either vest out,

or face likely termination.

So, I retired.

And now you just look at empty
warehouses all day, every day?

Was it worth it?

I do what this guy says,
and someone dies.

Is that worth it?

JANKO: So you land on your feet.

What's with the vigilante routine?

All I ever wanted to do was be a cop.

Sadly, those days are over.

And I am trying to live with that.

I just don't know how.

As a career prosecutor,

I know how dangerous it is

when criminals don't pay
for their crimes.

That needs to change.

I'm Erin Reagan,

and when I'm DA, I'm gonna
stop the revolving door

of the criminal justice system.

Isn't this supposed to stop?


Someone cue the damn door.

Let's reset and go again. Back to one.

Please tell me this looks
less idiotic than it feels.

It's gonna be great.

Oh, yes. You know what that is?

That's politician-speak for "I'm lying."

The Fonz never lied.

Thank you, thank you.

Truth is, there's very little
the DA can do

about these lousy bail laws.

That's Crawford's problem. Not yours.

Oh, so we're just supposed to
lay all of the system's flaws

- at Crawford's feet?
- That's the way the game is played.

Well, then,
maybe the game is not for me,

because it feels dishonest.

It's politics.

What did you expect?

A reasoned debate would be nice.

And so would healthy ice cream.

Ain't gonna happen.

We need you to go back to one.

I have to go back to one.

For the record,

I'm allowed to hate all of this, right?



You're doing great.

Oh, yeah.

That's my girl.


- Sir, I have...
- Now he's eating off my plate.

By all means, come in.

This guy's got to go, boss.

Hey, hey, hey. Hey.

Alphabetical order.

Story on solo patrols is about
to drop on the Times website.

Quotes an anonymous

"high-ranking NYPD source"

supporting the program.

I wonder who, Sid.

I reviewed all solo patrols
in the pilot program,

like you asked. Two incidents

occurred involving
solo officers yesterday.

Neither one was reported.

(SIGHS) Let's hear 'em.

Two perps committed a violent as*ault,

eluded arrest by our solo officer,

and then committed a second attack
at the same station.

Another cop on solo patrol

was overpowered
by three suspected g*ng members

and barely escaped serious injury.

Gee, I wonder how
we were kept in the dark?

They were swept under the rug
by Chief Gallagher.

You got his fingerprints on it?

Yes, boss.

And you are certain that Gallagher's
the source for the Times story?

My guy in the mayor's office

says the press secretary
put him up to it,

at the request of the mayor.

But if I come down on him,

it's just gonna look like
I'm trying to silence

support for solo patrols.

- Not a good look.
- No.

GORMLEY: But he can't skate on this,
boss. He's way out of line.

You could make the case that
Gallagher publicly contradicted

department policy.

Come on.

The long and short of it is
the mayor needed NYPD support.

He couldn't get it from me,
so he targeted someone else.

So Gallagher's being used.

Yeah. And Gallagher
also believes he's right.

So, what's your move?

Well, actually, it's your move.

Share the incidents Sid reported
with our friends in the press,

without our fingerprints.

Let me just find my gloves.

And work my magic.


ERIN: You're really
working that sweater, Sean.

Thank you. It was my
favorite Christmas gift

from my favorite aunt.

JANKO: That's funny.

That looks just like the
shirt that I got Jamie.

Oh. Well...


Kind of 'cause it is.

He gave it to me.

I told you not to wear it.

Wait! You gave away my gift?

It just wasn't totally my style.

That's because he has no style.

- You couldn't find someone

outside the family to re-gift it to?

That's really not the point, Pop.

Yeah, seriously. I kept
that cashmere scarf you gave me.

You said you loved that.

I lied.


Have you ever seen me
wear cashmere anything?

ERIN: Oh, well, to be fair,

he wouldn't recognize it if you had.

Okay, thank you. I think.

You know, when it comes to gifts,

you should take a page from the master.

Cash is king.

I'm using mine to buy a new phone.

Not too shabby.

Yeah. Grandpa didn't give me

enough money to buy a new phone.

Well, the cash gets less
when the kids get bigger.


Well, look.

I-I think we can all agree

that, in the end, it all
comes down to that old adage:

it's the thought that counts.

ERIN: True.

We did put a lot of thought

into that watch we got you.

Not to mention a lot of cash.

And we haven't actually seen you
wear it yet.

JAMIE: Yeah.

What's up with that?

That's for special occasions.

Well, maybe you can make an exception

- for family dinner.
- Yeah.

Speaking of that,
isn't the food delicious?

Pop. Delicious food.

DANNY: Oh, yeah. Hold on.

Don't start changing subjects.

HENRY: Yeah, Francis,
why don't you go get

the watch and show it off?


Oh, my God. You returned the watch.

You returned the watch?



I appreciated the gesture.

(SIGHS) I really did. It-it, it was...

a very nice thing you did.

But it was just...
a little too showy for me?

DANNY: Well, that was
the whole point, Dad.

You're the PC. The PC deserves
a statement piece.

Yeah, that one we gave you when
we were kids is really old now.

No, this is a statement piece,

given to me by my wife and my, my kids

when I became Chief of Department.

ERIN: Yeah,
but what does that statement say?

That your kids grew up to be cheapskates

and won't upgrade my watch?


The statement is,

it still keeps perfect time.

And reminds me
of a perfect time, and I...


I really treasure it.

And this is right where it belongs.

In other words, you really
hated that new watch, huh?

That, too.



About time.

Dishes can't dry themselves.

Sorry. I was talking to Erin
about Terrence Simms.

- Why?
- She could take a look at the case.

Maybe cut the guy a break.

He already got a break.
We released him on a DAT.

Now it's up to the DA to
decide to prosecute him or not.

And if he's indicted and convicted?

Maybe he's looking at time,
maybe he isn't.

I don't really know.

Simms' story about his CO checked out.

The guy's a major assbag.

He got tossed off the job

a few months after their fight.

Okay, well, assbag or not,

you still can't
put your hands on a boss.

You've crossed the line
a few times in your life.

Well, if I did cross the line,

I paid the price for it, believe me.

Look, I'm not trying
to screw this guy over.

He did that to himself.

Look, I brought you this case.

Now, I want it back.

Well, unfortunately,
it doesn't work that way.

You don't have a gold shield.

So you brought it to me.
That makes it my case.

Are you pulling rank because
I'm, I'm assigned to patrol,

or because I'm your sister-in-law, or...

I'm not pulling rank at all.

If any other cop brought me this case,

I'd never see their face again,
and it wouldn't matter.

I got you the okay to ride along

because we're family,

because I know how important it is

for you to learn this side of the job.

Lucky me.

(SIGHS) Okay, if you don't

like the way I'm working the case,

you're free to walk away at any time.

This what you guys are looking for?

That'll work.

This should do the trick.


MAN: You drive.

Let's go.


What are you guys doing?



What the hell are you doing?

I'm trying to boost a car here.

I'm not looking to catch a m*rder rap.

Hey. Hey.

What's this?

Lost him. Me, too.

There goes your Bluetooth, cop.

Check the car.

All units, lost the signal.
Anyone got eyes on him?



First we're gonna deliver this car,

and then you're gonna die.

Now let's go.

Let's go.


What the hell is this?

Renner's boy turned out to be a cop.

- You brought him here?
- JAMIE: Look, you guys

are looking at grand
larceny and conspiracy.

For starters. But if you let
me go, you can cut a deal.

Or we could bury you in a hole
where no one can find you.

Police! Keep your hands
where we can see 'em! Police!

Hands up! Hands up!

- Hands where we can see 'em!



- You okay, boss?
- How the hell did you find me?

The hat.


GPS tracker.

Had a feeling things might go sideways,

so I bought a little insurance.

Anonymous and encrypted.

You trusted your gut.

Like a wise man once taught me.

You can't teach instinct.

You either got it or you don't.

- I owe you, Sarge.
- Yeah, well, seeing as

I'm standing here in one
piece, I think we're even.

Come on.


Why are we picking up Simms again?

Because he zip-tied those suspects.

And the DA wants us to re-arrest him

and charge him with
unlawful imprisonment.

You still refuse to put in
a good word for the guy?

We went over this already.
It doesn't really matter

what I think about the guy
and what he's doing.

He broke the rules.


But he did it to help people.

And he can explain that
to the grand jury.

All units, - in progress.

th Street.

That's right around the corner.




Hands where I can see 'em!

On your knees, right now!

Get down!


-! We got sh*ts fired.



Put down the w*apon.




g*n! g*n!

Give me your hand. Hey.

Come on. Go back. Stay back.


I guess I owe you one.

Now I need your g*n.


And your shield.

And I'm gonna have to take you in.

Come on.


As a prosecutor,

I've dedicated my professional career

to keeping this city safe.

As a mom, I know
there's nothing more important

than keeping our kids safe.

I'm Erin Reagan.

And I want to be your District Attorney.

What do you think?

Pretty damn good.

Smart to stress you being a mom
when Crawford don't have kids.

Well, just because I'm a mom

doesn't make me more qualified
to keep kids safe.

Doesn't mean you're not.

Well, that's a persuasive argument.

It's not about logic.

It's about connecting with voters,

and this does a bang-up job.

Well, I'm glad you like it,

'cause you're the only person
who's ever gonna see it.

What are you talking about?

I'm gonna fire the consultant.


Because whoever that is,

it's not me.

You're overreacting.

- Well, win or lose election,

I'm gonna be myself. Excuse me.


You're kidding me.

Yeah. I understand. Thank you.

What's wrong?

That was the consultant.

They tested the commercial.



it scored higher than any other spot

they've ever produced.

That's fantastic news.

And they predict a huge bump
in the polls when it airs.

Too bad you're pulling it,

and firing these guys.


I mean, it-it, it is already
paid for, so maybe, um,

maybe I just give them another shot.

Good thinking.

The thing is,

what if they start liking the fake Erin

more than the real one?

High-class problem.


Your mayor isn't happy.

There's no pleasing that guy.

As you know better than anybody?

Nice try.

At what?

Framing this as you and me
against the mayor.

- I wasn't.
- Yeah, you were.

So, let's just stay on our own sides

of the field right now.

I didn't report those incidents
to the press because

I didn't want to cause a rush
to judgment on solo patrols.


So you chose deception over duty

to bolster your position.

I should have brought those
incidents to your attention.

I apologize.

That train left the station.

But I still owe you the apology.


And we still have a problem.


In light of the reported incidents,

the mayor is being roundly att*cked

for advocating solo patrols.

He wants the program discontinued,

effective immediately,

with fireworks and a full orchestra.

I see.

He's also looking
for a scalp to cover his ass.

But his people reached out to me.

A word of advice?

It is a time-honored tradition
to kiss ass to get ahead.

The trick is

knowing which ass to kiss.

The mayor wants you gone.


But he doesn't run this department.

I do.


I told him you would be reprimanded,

but you will remain
Chief of the Transit Bureau.

But won't that put you
at odds with the mayor?

(CHUCKLES) What doesn't?

You're a good officer
with a bright future.

I trust you'll learn
from this experience.

Thank you, sir.

But substitute your judgment
for mine again?

You're gone.




Couldn't leave
well enough alone, could you?

I'm blocks away.

- I'm supposed to just sit on my hands?
- DANNY: Yes.

You are supposed to sit on your hands.

You're not a cop.

He saved our asses, Danny.

I'm aware of that.

No. No, no. He's right.

I'm not a cop anymore.

It's time I start acting like it.



Say hello to Lieutenant Gormley.

- Sir.
- No, sit.

What's going on?

I reviewed your record.

You crossed the line plenty.

Slugging your boss,

impersonating an officer,

- couple of misdemeanors.
- Yes, sir.

But you also kept businesses
from getting ripped off.

You aided a wounded civilian,

came to the aid of officers under fire.

So, provided the DA drops
the charges against you...

the commissioner's open
to considering reinstatement,

if you're so inclined.

Are you saying I could
get my shield back?

I'm not saying anything.

I'm saying we could talk about it.

We'll leave you to it.

That was a pretty cool move,
calling One PP.

Well, I mean, Simms did screw up,

but he deserves a second chance.

The guy was a hell of a cop.

Why the change of heart?

Well, could be that there
was this voice in my ear

that wouldn't let up.

I do that.

Yeah. Well, you were right.

And whatever good happens
to him, it's because of you.

Danny Reagan, I do believe

you just gave me an actual compliment.

I did. Keep it to yourself.

- I have a reputation to protect.
- (LAUGHING): Okay.