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03x21 - Into the Lion's Den: Part 2 - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Posted: 01/14/23 10:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on Farscape.

I don't see another option.

Scorpius has the knowledge
from my brain

and I'm not gonna let him
shaft the universe with it.

I'm going to stop Scorpius.


I grant you, John, and
your companions,

full diplomatic rights, immunities and
courtesies whilst aboard this vessel.

Those wearing the bracelets
will feel each other's pain.

And if one is k*lled?

Both will be dead.

Let's test the jewelry.

The rift between us is
finally breached.

Scorpius stole your command.

I knew he squeezed you
out of power.

What else do you know?

You could have come back.

I didn't want to come back.

It's magnificent.

He's harmless. His weapons
have been deactivated.

That's ship's biologics are
on minimal autosupport.

All its other systems are dead.

These are design specs, right?

To create an external field that
stabilizes the wormhole before entry.

Your project has cost us dearly
and yielded nothing.

The equations we need
are in here.

Don't touch me.

You give me what I want,
or I swear,

I will keep you alive so that you can
witness your homeworld's destruction!

And now, on Farscape.

Look at it!

Get the hell off me,
you son of a bitch!

You listen to me, John.

I don't care about
your homeworld.

Your entire species, live, die,
means nothing to me.

What interests me is that
they matter to you!

You think holding a frickin' g*n on my
planet is going to motivate me to help you?!

I have run out of time.

Oh, don't stop.

Let's see how much pain
you can take.

That Commandant bitch will
return here any time.

I must be able to report success or
she's going to scrap my wormhole project

and soon, the Scarrans will
rule half this galaxy!

Oh, Grasshopper.
You're so screwed.

If I am screwed, John,

things around here are
going to get very ugly.

But if Grayza's going to stop
the experiment in a few days then we have already succeeded.

No. Scorpius is in
Captain Queeg mode.

Somebody's stolen his strawberries and
he's not gonna let his pet project die.

How's he planning to
stop Grayza?

We're talking about Scorpius.
You prepared to bet against him?

Bialar. You look tense. Let's take a
little steam in that restorative chamber.

So we're agreed.

We stay no longer. We go.


All right folks, gather round.

New deal.

This whole Commandant Grayza's
strong arm routine changes everything.

We agree.

This could all get nasty
very quickly.

Absolutely. But it might not be
nasty enough to put a spike

into Scorpy's wormhole project
once and for all.

From the scuttlebutt
on the ship,

this Grayza's got Scorpius's
mivonks in one hezmana of a vice.

Are we all on the
same page here?

We came to permanently sabotage
Scorpy's project.

Now, I've been trying to k*ll it from
the inside, but we have run out of time.

We have one option left.

Only one.

We blow up the Command Carrier.

My name is John Crichton...
I'm lost... an astronaut.

I got shot through a wormhole... In
some distant part of the universe...

I'm trying to stay alive...

Aboard this ship...
This living ship...

Of escaped prisoners.
My friends.

If you can hear me...

If I make it back...
Will they follow?

If I open the door...
Are you ready?

Earth is unprepared... Helpless,
for the nightmares I've seen.

Or should I stay...
Protect my home...

Not show them...
You exist...

But then you will never know
the wonders I've seen.

Blow up the Command Carrier?

The entire Command Carrier?

All of Scorpy's data
is on this ship.

He's retro'd the entire damn hull into a
repeater necessary to stabilize a wormhole.

This boat is the Peacekeeper
Wormhole Project.

But this Carrier's huge.
Over a metra long.

Is it possible to blow up
the whole ship?

It's armed to the teeth.

We can blow the
munitions store.

Hell, we can stick a banana
in the tailpipe.

I do not care how we do it,
but we do it.

There are over 50,000 men, women
and children aboard this ship.

Then we find a way to get them
off before we blow it up.

John, there's no way...

Is this not what we
came here to do?


You commanded this ship.
Can we destroy it?

It's possible.

I'll need to see the specs on any
modifications Scorpius has made,

and any redistribution of power
and fuel since I was in command.

Good. We have a start.

And we will find a way to
get the people off.


we can do this.

And we have to try.

I did see what the Scarrans
were able to do.

Even if, by some wild miracle,
I manage to regain my throne,

I won't hold it for long if the
Peacekeepers have this technology.

I know what horrible destruction
wormholes can wreak.

Nobody should wield such power.


All available tech units to
Docking Bay Two.

I'm on my way to the
Leviathan hybrid.

Not anymore, sir.

The hybrid is dead.

There is no reason to
deny me access.

Scorpius's orders are
my reason.

This is all very pleasant, John,
but shouldn't we be working?

Or at least, well,
pretending to work?

Would he do it?


Oh. Would Scorpius actually
attack Earth

if you fail in delivering the
wormhole answers?

Would he set out on a 60 cycle mission
to destroy an insignificant planet? Huh!

I would never underestimate Scorpius's
resolve for retribution, John.

If he feels he's been...

No, wait...
- Hey!

Took your hand off.

Got any threes?

Ah-ha. Yes.

So tell me, John.

If you do develop wormhole travel
and gain the ability to return home,

would you really destroy
that information?

Got any sixes?

Go fish! Ah-ha!

Oh, yes!

Crichton... Crichton?


Crichton, you're no longer
writing on the tablet.

Crichton... Crichton...

Oh my Jenset, look what
you've done.

I... I think you've unlocked the
fifth level coupling anomalies!

So that's how it works.

I must get these figures
plugged in immediately.

We're close.

Yes. Oh, yes!

I can do this.

Disarming him was the final
step towards his resurrection.

Your experience with Talyn will be
invaluable to making that happen.

We must get you back
aboard Talyn.

They'd never let me
stay with him.

We don't know that.

Not unless I have
something to trade.


A talk with Crais, sir.

You have something for me?

Yes. A demand.

Get him out of... get him
out of my sight!

I demand that I suffer no repercussions
for any of my actions during exile.

I demand assurances that the
Leviathan hybrid will be resurrected.

That I will be leader of that project
working alongside Lieutenant Larell.


Let him speak.

You have something comparable,
I assume.

More than comparable.

Any deal you strike with me may not prove
enforceable once Commandant Grayza returns.

If you delineate my requests
in an Executive Order,

signed while you are still in
command of this vessel,

High Command must honor it, no
matter what dishonor you may endure.

I accept your terms.

Release him.


Crichton has no intention
of helping you.

He is determined that there is only one way
to stop you and your experiments with finality.

He is conspiring with some of Moya's
crew to destroy this Command Carrier.

Help! Let me go!


Ow... Ow...

Got an injury?


Let's have a look.

All right.

Well, this may sting a little.

When I was your age,

do you have any idea how many times
I was ambushed when I wasn't ready?

Let me see.

Hmm... Hmm... Hmm...

Cadet. At service, now!


Let it bleed. Let it scar.

You'll want it. Go.

Don't make her soft, Aeryn.

So much you don't know, Henta.

What are you doing here?

We need to talk.
There's a problem.

Follow me.

We've secured the information
about the ship's modifications.

We got word on the life pods.

Great. Let's get the
information, get it to Crichton

and get the frell out of here.

The equations they're
flowing from you like a Walteran fountain.

This is wonderful, Crichton.

It seems your subconscious
has blossomed.

Despite yourself, you are delivering the
secrets that will allow me to succeed.

And, ah,

no more distractions, John.

Your plot against this ship has
failed. Your friends are in custody.

You are dead!

You are a dead man, Crais!

If Grayza insists that they all complete
their sentences as prisoners, then so be it.

No, no, no.
I forced 'em to do it.

I demand you let them go,
if want me to keep working.

You demand nothing! You get me
my wormholes or I swear,

I will k*ll them all.

We didn't actually do anything.

I mean, all they have
is our intent.

They're Peacekeepers, Jool.

They're not into justice,
they're into enforcement.

Hey. Come on.

We've been in worse scrapes
than this.

I was a Peacekeeper prisoner
for eight cycles.

You don't think that I spent every
single solar day trying to escape?

Last time it took me
130 cycles to escape.

130 cycles?!

Huh, I was lucky.

You wanted to see me?

No, stop it!

It's safe to talk here and
you need to hear this.

I need to kick his ass.
He sold us out!

You can't destroy this ship by
simply throwing a few switches.

So you set 'em up.

No Crichton, I did not.

I needed the distraction

so that Scorpius would believe that
the plot against him had failed.

I kept Aeryn safe because
I need her.

You should come up with
a newer line.

And you should listen
to him now.

All that I have cared
for have gone.

My parents were taken away from
me, my brother dead.

So now I live, I plan, I do, all
in the service of my own interests.

In that, I believe, I am not
unique in the universe.

Snap this up.
I gotta get back.

Despite all of this,

I understand the power of the technology
that Scorpius is attempting to harness.

I understand the horror that will wash over
this galaxy if anyone wields this w*apon.

And last of all, I now know that I am the
only individual capable of stopping it.

Have fun.

Listen, we are all on the same team.
We all want this ship destroyed.

And the one way to do that...

is with Talyn.

Crais is proposing that
he and Talyn

Starburst while still inside
the Command Carrier hangar.

The Carrier will
collapse upon itself.

Outer decks first,
central core last.

It will take at least half an
arn for the ship to fully implode.

Giving the crew time
to abandon ship.

Tell me you believe this?

Do you have a plan to
destroy the ship?

Not yet.

D'Argo and the others are probably
in a holding cell and I can find them.

Where do we meet up with
you and Talyn?

You don't.

Starburst in a confined space
where the energy can't dissipate...


It will be the hero's death
that Talyn deserves.

You're gonna die?

I will need a, uh...

significant distraction to keep
Scorpius occupied.


I'll get you one.

19 through 27 to Cargo Bay 7.

F11217 to Dock Bay 6.

Yo, Harrison. Get your shoes on.

We're going on a little
trip to my module.

My dear Crichton...

You smell this?


We are this close.

But you gotta get Scorpy to
call off the watchdogs.

Crichton. Crichton!


What's happening?
- Nothing.

You forget how well I know you.

I can tell you're about
to do something.

You do know me very well.

If I suspect you're conspiring
against Scorpius, I must report it.


if you suspect anything,
you must report it.

Do not be disloyal to
Scorpius in any way.

Tell me. Tell me.

Tell Scorpius it's not
going to work.

Next time he sends someone to spy
on me, send someone I care about!


Crichton, we must hurry.

Scorpius said we must not
stay on Moya long.

Yeah, yeah. I'm on my way.

Quickly, check the stabilizers.

Moya understands.

She says it is best this way.

Talyn was always destined
for a violent end.

This then at least will
be a noble one.

We may never see any
of you again.

Pilot, just be ready to Starburst if
you don't see us hauling ass toward you.

You give Moya my love.

And her love to you.

As well as mine.

Check the nose cone.

Co-Kura, make sure those
sensors are far away from the head strut.

Attach one to either side.

I allowed you to get this
primitive ship.

How is this going to get
me what I want?

Read the middle finger, Scorpy.

I have a thought forming in my
head about why this "primitive ship"

with no shielding allows me
to survive wormholes.

I'm gonna check it out.

Which pilot is ready
for deployment?

Oh, no.

No, no, nobody flies
her but me.

One of your bozos screws up
and bye bye, birdie.

You could die, John.

Yes, I could die.

If I don't kick this project in the ass
before Commandant Cleavage gets back,

she's going to execute me
anyway, right?


Are you worried if I turn to
Silly Putty, so do you?

Why don't you come with me?

Come on, Grasshopper.
Come with me.

You spent your life in
search of wormholes.

Let me introduce you to one,
up close and personal.

Unless of course you're
too scared.

Co-Kura, how are the
sensors reading?

All sensor data flowing
at maximum.

All right, Scorp.
You ready to rumble?

Oh yes, John.

We are approaching
optimal attitude.

All data still flowing.

Entering the wormhole in
ten microts on my mark.

Check your drag
coefficient, Crichton.

Hey, what do you think?

This is without
description, John.

It's a real Kodak moment.

Sensor readings are
starting to oscillate.

Crichton, we're detecting
rantak thrust.

What is that, John?
- I don't know.

You're approaching a zone of
possible instability.

All right, buckle up back there.
We got a little problem.

What is causing this, John?

You may not know it, sir, but my orders
have been changed by Scorpius himself.

He said if you tried to board the hybrid
again, I was authorized to sh**t to k*ll.

Sensor readings, they're all
in the danger zone.

Do you read me?


Commander Crichton?!

Do you read me?

Do you read me?!

Can you read me?


Get me readings!

Are either of them still alive?

I'm going to enjoy this,

Not as much as me.


Co-Kura, we are experiencing
heavy instabilities.

Attempting to recover.

What is causing this, John?

Flying through wormholes ain't
like dusting crops, farm boy.

It takes a little finesse.

Okay, Co-Kura.
We are stabilizing.

Sensor readings confirm that.

Now you go.

I've never felt this...
connected, John.

You're not goin' all mushy on
me back there, are you?

The wormhole appears to be
experiencing wave fluctuations.

I... I strongly recommend that you
fly clear and return to the Carrier.


Yes, Talyn. I'm here.

No need to be afraid.


the firing mechanism on your cannon
was taken from you by the Peacekeepers.

The rest have been captured...

and Moya...

Moya will soon be
enslaved, unless...

we do something.

Something radical.

You and I.


You haven't got your
wormhole legs yet.

Don't worry.
First time is the worst.


I am just making my
final goodbyes.

Where are you, Crais?

I am standing in your heart.

And I am about to squeeze.


Find the source of this
transmission and arrest that fool.

It's coming from the hybrid in
the Gamma hanger on level 12.

The hybrid's powering up.

You are the most repellent
of creatures, Scorpius.

You weren't born into

You weren't conscripted
against your will.

You chose to be one.

I want the bay doors sealed.

All Prowlers scrambled.

That hybrid must not get away.

The hybrid's building to maximum
power inside the hanger.

I don't think he's planning
to escape.

The last time I left this ship,

my ship,

I did so under a
veil of secrecy.

You forced that situation.

You took away my command.

You stole my life from me.

Well, this time, Scorpius,

I am not leaving quietly.

Somebody find that fool and
get him out of that ship.

Somebody get that traitor
off that ship!

I suggest you hang on
to something.



What the frell?

Emergency. Emergency.


He's done it. It's going down.

Yes, Moya. I see it.

I see it.

Let us out!


It's Crichton. He's done it.

He's done it. He's k*lled it.

Yeah, but he's also k*lling us.

We're still frelling trapped.

I want out!

It's time to go!

Clear the area!

Move it!


Evacuation procedures now!

We have to go.

No, I must save our data.

This ship is dead.

The wormhole experiment
is over, Co-Kura.

It's for the best.

You had something to
do with this.


But you wanted this too.

More than you know.

To stabilize a wormhole.
To tame it, to tame its power.

It would have been the greatest
scientific discovery anyone could imagine.

It is not just science!

It is never just science.

It's a w*apon. It kills.

And I would not let the
Peacekeepers have it.

Do you understand me?
- Yes, I understand.

But you still hold the
knowledge in your mind.

Then I'll have to be very,
very careful.

Can you get to an escape pod?


Other than you, there's one
receptacle which holds significant data

pertaining to wormhole research.

If he lives, Scorpius
will find me,

force me to tell him
what I know.


What are we going to
do about that?

Only one thing to do.

The Aurora Chair will erase all
wormhole knowledge from my mind.

Yeah, but Co-Kura, the chair won't
wipe what I know and if it could,

I don't know that I could do
what you're doing.

You're a brave man.

D'Argo! Chiana!
- Aeryn!

Aeryn, this way!

Down here! Down here!

We're going to be Boolite goo
real soon!

It's bent the bars!

Now! Chiana, let's go.


Attention personnel.
This is Scorpius.

The Command Carrier is
collapsing in on itself.

Priority One Escape Procedures for
the entire ship are now in effect!


Come with me.

Crichton, are you still
with Co-Kura?

Yeah, Aeryn. You okay?

Yes. The others are attending to business
and then we shall be seeking transport.

Do not wait for me.
I'm gonna get to the module.

I'll meet you back at Moya.


It would have been nice to know
it could have been done.



Pilot, can you hear me?

D'Argo, is that you?

This Command Carrier is blowing to bits
and we cannot get an escape pod off.

I need transportation
out of here now!

What do you want me to do?

Patch me through to my ship.

Doing it now.

Voice activation on.

Weapons and defense
shields activate.

Prepare for rescue retrieval.

Officer Sun, drop your w*apon!

You did this, didn't you?

You and your fellow traitors.

There are 50,000 of us.

We gave you enough time.

Most of you will survive.
- Most.

I know that by destroying
this ship

I am saving millions of
lives, Henta.

Too bad you can't save yourself.

D'Argo, Moya's scans are
rising to critical.

If we're not away from here when
the Command Carrier implodes,

it will destroy Moya.

We're on our way, Pilot.
Give us 60 microts.

Looks like our partnership
is over.

John Crichton.

Commander John Crichton.

Generations will know
that name.

Because of you, very soon,

the Scarrans will destroy us.

One evil at a time.

That's the best I can do.

Tell me, Gandhi.

You still going after Earth?

To what purpose?

Vengeance against you?

The only vengeance I cared about
is no longer within my grasp.

While holding two lights,
depress 3-1-7,

then release.

Hold two, press 9-1-1,

and release.

We were close.

If we’re gonna get off this
boat, now would be a good time.

I may not be getting off
this ship, John.

Goodbye, Crichton.


Crichton, the others are
on D'Argo's ship.

I've taken a Prowler and
I'm leaving now.

On my way.



Fly safe.

We all knew the time would come
when we'd split up.

In the beginning I would never have
even believed it could take so long.

Don't think I'm going
to miss you.

Any of you. I'm not.

Well, maybe a little bit.

What are you going
to do, Chiana?

I think I might... I might try
and find the Nebari resistance.

Should we manage to reunite
you with your people...

will you be leaving us?

From what I can tell, Pilot,

I won't be the only one
leaving Moya soon.