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03x02 - Suns and Lovers

Posted: 01/14/23 09:58
by bunniefuu
Work frell you, work!

See, to me it's unbelievable.
You know--

I can come to the Mall
of the Uncharted Territories,

buy anthing I want cause I'm rich--

and that leather S&M faced wacko Scorpy clone--
he's-he's, locked in

... so, you know, I--

--anything with all, you know, everything,
is going to be just fine, but no--

my friend, she's sick,

so we gotta find a place
where she can heal--

and you have no idea what
I'm talkin' about, do ya?


What the hell's goin' on out there?

Gamma disturbances are
quite common in this area.

Are you talkin', like, storms?

Oh, yes. They're no problem.


Hey yo, 'Heavy D'! Hey man, have you tried
one of these things? They're terrible,

but once you get past the blue slime...
underneath... pure aviation fuel!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look what I got me
and Chiana. They're 'Union Tattoos'.

They're burned into our skin!


You know, I... I never though I was going
to get married again, but then...

- What?
- What?

- Have you been talking to Chiana?
- No, no.

I know she's angry with me...
but when she gets these...

Yeah, D'Argo, look...
I could be wrong, all right?

Um... probably am...

She probably wouldn't, but...

Chiana could... say no.

How could she say no?


No more.

This is crazy.

- Yeah
- ...and creepy.

Why are we in here with these bodies?

Because it's cold. Your Dad... D'Argo...

D'Argo hates the cold,

so he won't catch us
if he comes back early.

I'm half Luxan...
I'm not crazy about the cold either.

I'll warm you.

Take those to our vessel.

Yes, your eminence! Thank you!

'Your Eminence' just gave them
a three hundred finek tip!

That's more than a year's wage!

The server class is
never rewarded enough.

Here... let me help you.

I'm dying Stark, I'm not an invalid.

Don't talk like that.
I've got maps here, maps!

We'll find a planet
where you can recuperate.

Just buy me an intoxicant.
That's all I need to recuperate.

She looks weaker.

Yes, she does.

So, what did you buy?

Just some essentials.

Wha'd that be? Floss? Lip-liner?


I traded a pulse p*stol for some
original Tarnek Deployers.


Are you Crichton?

Who are you?

And are you Crichton?

No he's not. And we don't
know who this "Cretin" is.

You know, I heard he destroyed
a Peacekeeper Gammak Base...

m*rder*d an entire Nebari battalion,
even laid waste to a Shadow Depository--

I heard he was a devil.
He r*ped and pillaged

- he popped eyeballs.
- Whoa, whoa... where...

where do they get these stories?

Let's set the facts straight.
First off...

there was no raping,

very little pillaging,and...
Frau Bleucher popped all the eyeballs.

I knew you were Crichton.

Look... I'm not here for any trouble.

I'm just lookin' for some
aviation fuel sh**t.

That's great.

That's great because, in here,
everything's on me.

We hate Peacekeepers.

Hey Moordil, Moordil! Intoxicants
for Crichton and his... his grunt.

I'm not his grunt.

Yeah, so... you here to k*ll somebody?
Can I help you?

No, no, no. My 'grunt' does all
my k*lling. I'm strictly R R.

What the hell's goin' on around here?

Moordil, what's the problem?

Watch out!!

Look out Zhaan!

My name is John Crichton...
* I am lost *

an astronaut...
* shot through one wormhole *

In some distant part of the universe...
* I'm trying to stay alive *

Aboard this ship
* this living ship *

of escaped prisoners
* my friends *

If you can hear me
* beware... *

if I make it back...
* will they follow? *

If I open the door...
* are you ready? *

Earth is unprepared
* helpless *

for the nightmares
* I've seen *

Or should I stay?
* Protect my home? *

Not show them...
* you exist *

But then you'll never know...
* the wonders I've seen *

Aeryn. Where's Aeryn?


Under a pile of dren!

Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nothing
like a b*mb to sober you up.

- Stark
- I'm fine. Anybody hurt?

- I'm bleeding! Help me! I'm bleeding...
- I'm here! I'm here, I'm coming...

Hey! What happened here?
Was it a b*mb?

The storm!

I thought you said the
storms were no problem?

Pilot. How's Moya?

We've been thrown into the docking ring.

Moya's elastic skin saved us...

but three hatches have
ruptured! Chiana!

Can you hear me?!

I, uh... I got you Pilot.

There's a hatch breach on Tier 7!

I'm onto it.

Is Jothee all right?

Oh, yeah. He's fine.

I better get out to Moya and see
if there are any survivors.

Check on her exterior!

- Chiana... this guy...this guy's moving!
- What?!

What'd you do to him?

I didn't do anything. The thing
busted open and he started moving.

- Well then, close it up! Just...
- I don't think you can just "close it up"!

What the hell's he wakin' up for?
I thought he was dead.

No, no, no. They were-- they were
quick frozen or something before they died.

- Stay with him.
- I don't want to stay here.

No. Just make sure he's okay.
All right? Crichton wants to talk to him.

He thinks he's-- he thinks he's,
uh... some kind of relative.

Chiana! What if he heard us
when we were... were...

Jothee! I've gotta stablize
the frelling hatch!

Whoa! Watch it.
Watch where your goin!

Watch yourself, slut.

What did you say?

Out of my way.

Zhaan needs these medical
supplies on the station.

What's the matter with you Ryge?

I heard you.

- You heard nothing.
- Freezer chamber...

young half-breed.Any of
this getting you wet?

If you tell D'Argo,

I will rip out your tongue
and shove it up your faddic!

You idiot! I won't have
to tell him. He's Luxan.

He'll smell Jothee all over you!

Keep your lips shut!

You do the same with your legs!

I'm in the transport pod, Pilot.

Three of the stations five
pods have been destroyed.

I can't find any signs of survivors.

How's Moya?

Well, her epidermis seems intact,

but she's tangled up in some
of the stations cables.

I'll see if I can reverse us clear.

Pilot. Wait.

There's another ship close-by.

It seems intact. Try to bring it
in using the docking web.

I'll try, D'Argo.

Don't move, Moordil.The beam
has pierced your monin artery.

What does it matter?
The station's destroyed.

There must be hundreds dead--

Shhh... stay calm, Moordil.

There's nothing we can do
about those souls, anyway.

Everything's gone.

Then those stories must be true.

- What are you talking about?
- You see...

there were once three Commerce
Stations near the twin suns of Qell.

But one has been
destroyed by asteriods,

one has been burned by fire,

and we are the last remaining station.

There were stories
that we were cursed.

Why would you be cursed?

Because this station is built
on what we call "The Sacred Stillness".

This is where some say
the great gods were born.

That's just dren! There's no curse.
It was-- it was just storms.

No, they weakened before
they reached us.

But you know, this last cycle,
it's been gaining in strength.

The storms have been compacting
to funnels just six parisms wide--

each storm getting closer.

It's as if they were aimed at us.

Can't aim a storm.

Then the curse must be true.

This is Gezma's revenge...

for buying and selling
in his Sacred Stillness.

Where am I?

On a Leviathan.

We found you in a medical lab.

You don't remember
how you got there?


I just...

I was on an expedition.

We were looking for the Dimordis
Tomb in the Berger Nebula.

I got sick...

Stanis and me got sick.

Jool found us.

When you were in there...
before you woke up...

you hear anything?

I sensed...

some movement...

kind of a thumping sound.

It didn't... last... long...

Are you okay?

Now, I'm supposed to look after you,
so don't do anything crazy!

Oh, frell!

Chiana, get down here!

I think this guy's dying!

Get down here!

Handle it yourself!

See if you can force it, Chiana!

Pilot... I've sealed the vent!


we've got another problem.

The child, ah...

the child your friend saw must
be trapped in the lower pod.

There is...

there was... a nursery there,

for when the parents were shopping.

- How do I get down there?
- You can't.

All the connecting
walkways are crushed.

No, no, no, no. There's
always another way in.

If those filtration vents have integrity,
they link to waste conduits in the lower pod.

Over here?

Yes, that's it.

All right, I'll check them out.

All right. I'm coming with you.

- What did you do to him?!
- Nothing.

He puked on me, then he died.

- You k*lled him, didn't you.
- What?!

What, did he see us?
Is that why you k*lled him?

No he didn't see us.
I didn't ki...

even if he did I wouldn't k*ll him!

He just died.


Yes, D'Argo.

You and Jothee get down to the transport hanger and
make sure that ship we're bringing on board isn't hostile.

We're on our way.

Go bathe.

What?! We're in the middle of this massive
khamshin and you want me to wash?!

What do you smell, Jothee?

Right now.

You smell me... don't you?

And you're only half-Luxan.

D'Argo will smell me all over you unless you
go bathe before he gets back on board.

Go. Go now.

All right, Moordil. Short incline,
and then it splits off.

If it's still intact, the lower vent
should lead to the nursery.

Got it. After me.

After you.

You know...

I've been thinking...

about us.

You want to talk about this now?

It's a good time...

no one here to bother us.

I know the pressures
of living close.

How it can affect the safety
of an entire battalion...

... unless tensions are relieved.

So, what do you suggest?

Well, in Peacekeepers,
it was common practice to, ah...

reduce fluid levels.

Fluid levels. Like... what,
like Valvoline, like brake fluid?

Like sex...

We can have sex, if you want to.

You know what... uh...

now is not a good time.

How about I, uh...

check my diary and get
back to you later in the week.

It would... relieve the tension.

Is this for you, or for me?

For both of us.

You know what?

I got...

two hands...

I can alternate, I can release all the tension
I want. I don't need your charity.

And I don't need your emotions.

But we can have sex if you want.

Watch that, that's broken.

Yeah, but don't change the subject.

What are you afraid of, John?



You okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Something smells completely
frellnik down here,

so I suspect I found the waste
conduit Moordil said we had to find.

Look, just stay where you are.
I'll go get some help and we'll get you out.

No, I'm going to follow this down.
See if it leads to the lower pod.

No. Stay where you are!

Tell Moordil I'll comm him
when I need directions.

- Damn it! You stubborn wench! Ju...
- Crichton.

Pilot-- I'll call you back!
I can't talk right now!

You have to talk.

I've run the residual storm
graph you wanted.

You were right.

The storm took a 90
degree turn to hit us.

90 degrees?

It seems to have come after us,
on purpose. And there's worse...

Pilot says there's another
storm on the way.

It's gonna hit us in less than
two arns and it's bigger than the last one.

Hit us? This station can't
take another hit.

Yeah, I know that...

Then let's all get onto
Moya and haul out of here.

I can't pull the spike out of Moordil,
and I can't just leave him here.

- Well, he's gonna die isn't he?
- Well, yes, but...

- Blue...
- What does it matter if we leave him?

Blue... Sparky... Just knock it off.
We've got at least two arns,

Aeryn can use that time to try
and free the trapped girl.

I don't give a siezil's ass
about a trapped girl.

Yes, and that's what makes you
a great humanitarian, Buckwheat.

But we are not leaving.

It's 'Scooby-Doo' time.

All right, here's the deal: Our Pilot says
that the storms are being attracted...

by a flux broadcast being generated
somewhere inside this station.

- The station?
- In here?
- Yes.

Someone's targeting
the storm at us?

- Yes.
- You see!

I told you the storms
weren't Gezma's wrath.

No. You just managed
to piss somebody off.

Now, do you have any idea who
would want to destroy your station?

Tell him.


Go on... tell him.

Probably going to die anyway.

There's a cult of religious
zealots... the Kampeks.

Some call them noble warriors.

But they're not. They're insane.
And you can't bribe them.

I tried when I thought they were responsible
for the destruction of the other stations.

Kampeks? This is their
Sacred Stillness?

You see, they say we're desecrating
their gods by buying and selling here.

They must be broadcasting
the storm signals.

Then let's destroy it. Let's find out where
the signals are coming from and smash it.

How? There are twelve
levels on this station,

you'll never search it in two arns.

We might. I got an idea.

Pilot says it's empty but he
can't sense how to get inside.

Defense shield is active all
the way around the ship.

Gimme a shot, I'll get inside.

What's that smell?

I bathed.I did.

Are... you wearing...
perfumed wash?

Yeah. I gave him some
from Zhaan's chamber.

Yeah, well, ah...
you smell very nice.

- Give me a break.
- No, no..

- really you do! You smell just...
- Find your own way into the frelling ship.

Jothee! I was only teasing!


You look attractive.

Do I?

Yes. Like you're happy.

I'm not.

I know I've been a trasnik,
and I want to apologize.

Look, don't worry about it, okay?


I am so sorry.

And there's, uh... something
I'd like to talk to you about if...

Uh... look, D'Argo, I'm not...

I'm not ready to talk now, okay?

- What do you want me to do, beg? I said I'm sorry!
- No! I don't want you to beg! I'm just...

I'm not ready to talk.

Just because you're ready to talk,
it doesn't mean that I am.


I'm sorry, I...

Pilot's- Pilot's got two more
hatches for me to check,

and I just want to do
that first, okay?




That's just about the
last of the DRD's.

If Crichton's correct,

they should give us some indication
of where the signal's coming from.

What's the matter?

Ah... nothing. Have you
got One-Eye working yet?

Not yet, I think it's the
energy exchanger, but...

that can wait.

Don't worry about me,
Stark. It's all right.

Let me look at your head.

- No, just stop!
- I said let me look at it!

Let me look at it now!!

The sores are worse.

The weakening is progressing...

- Stark... don't...
-...much faster,

much faster than we
predicted... much.... but I

I will find you a planet. A planet
with the right soil and moisture.

Calm yourself, Stark. Please.
You're the expert here.

You've witnessed more
death that anyone else.

So many dissatisfied souls
dying before they felt ready.

Yes. I'm an expert on dying...

I'm just not an expert
on you dying.

All right, Moordil.

Looks like some kind of binary
code followed by four circles.

You've reached the lower pod.

Keep going for another
300 metras.

Got it.



Hello? Is anyone there?


You think he knows?

- How could he know?
- He looked at me...

like he knew.

- What are you going to tell him?
- I'm not gonna tell him anything?

Tell who?

Crichton... We ah... we don't know
what to tell him about the guy cacking

I'm sure he'll understand
it wasn't your fault.

I thought Pilot wanted you to reseal the hatch.
I was on my way down to help you.

He did... he does.
We're going now.

What's that smell?

I told you, it's just the scented....

- wash.
- You know...

the perfumed wash.

No, no, no. There's
something else.

Well, I don't smell anything.

Why are you both in here?

I told you, we were just
checking on the dead guy.

I don't believe you.

Did you talk to Rygel?

About what?

You have betrayed me.

- D'Argo...
- With my own manin.

- I'm not your manin.
- Obviously.

- I didn't mean that, I...
- Well, what did you mean?

- D'Argo, let's not...
- Let's not what?

Get angry.


k*ll you?

Do you know what this is?

D'Argo, this is my fault...
mine, not Jothee's.

Get away from me now.

It's a Union Tattoo.

It's a Luxan symbol of courage,


and loyalty.

I was going to give it to Chiana,
but I was wrong.

I want you to have it.

- D'Argo, I don't want to have to...
- No, I insist that you have it!

- D'Argo let him go!
- Get away from me!


But you...

you will never get these.

D'Argo, listen to me.


I will never listen to anything
either of you have to say again.

I know what it was
I smelled before.

It was a burned out function
cell in the cryo-chamber.


What is it?

I don't know.

What'cha got?

The signal's coming from here!

From here?

Crichton, Borlik, back off!

But, I'm-I'm not sending
out any frelling signal.

See I told you.


Why is it making this noise?

Why is it making that noise?

Obviously, you haven't
fixed it properly!

You sure One-Eye's workin' right?
It's working.

No, it's broken!

Give him the Scooby Doo Snack, then.

Where's the signal coming from?

Dude, she's stuck, man.

She's still broadcasting.

Yeah, but where's the
signal coming from?

I think it's coming
from inside her.

Inside her? Is that why
she's stuck to the wall?

I don't know. She's somehow
magnetized herself to the pipe.

Okay. Enough.

Let's k*ll her, cut her off the
frelling pipe and chuck her out.

No, no, no, no. That pipe
is hydro-honium steel.

Frozen exhaust.
If you rupture it...

we'll freeze in ten microts.


Are you ready to die
in the cleansing apocalypse?

Worm?! Are you ready to
die in a cleansing ramming?

Rygel, cut it out.

I'm gonna k*ll the bitch now!

Rygel, we don't know
what's going on.

We don't know anything, so we don't know
if k*lling her will stop the damn signal.

Who cares?! It'll shut her up,
and make me feel good!


Stop it!

Go on, k*ll me! sh**t me!

Cut me into pieces and burn
my flesh with selic acid,

but my broadcast
will still be sent.

The apocalypse will
cleanse you all.

At least let me shut her up.

Shove it in deep, Rygel.

Pilot, how long before
that storm hits.

It seems to be
increasing in velocity.

Probably less than an arn.
But I was thinking...

since the pipe Borlik's magnetized to...

is made of hydro-honium steel...

perhaps if we found a
larger source of it...

It would pull her
away from the pipe.

Good, we have any of
that hydro-crap on board?

Running an inventory check now. might have to
forget about the kid.

Shhh... I think
I heard something.

Well, make it quick.
You've got less than an arn.

Yes, I'm here. I just need to know
where you are! Keep making noise!

Yeah, hang on! I'm coming!

I'll follow your voice!

I've located three
sources of hydro-steel.

Two are in the neural
cluster cooling rods.

Can we get to it?

Not in time. But the
third source is accessible.

The cryo-chambers you brought
aboard are lined with hydro-steel.

The attraction from one of
them could pull Borlik loose.

Good, so we drag
her on board Moya,

fly as far away from the station
as we can divert the storm.

But we're still trapped
by the docking cables.

I've tried to pull us
clear, but I can't.

Right, well, find D'Argo.
Tell him I need his help on this.

I've been signaling his comms,
but he's not answering.

Why not?

I think I might know why.

Hey, D.

How you doin'?

You know, don't you?


Did you know when
I showed you the Union Tattoos?

No, I didn't.

They're bragging about
it, aren't they?

D'Argo, it's not like that.

Rygel found out and he told me what...

We do not have time for this.

Yes, I know. I heard
you talking to Pilot.

You want me to go outside
and help free Moya.

While I go grab Borlik.

Well, why don't you get Chiana and
Jothee to do it? They like working together

D'Argo! They can't
free the cable.

They're not as
strong as you are.

They're not as brave,
they're not as smart...

Oh, look, don't!
All right, just don't!

They broke my heart, John.

I know that.

But if you don't go out on
Moya and pull that cable off...

we're all gonna die
when that storm hits.

Then we all die.

I can't hear you anymore!

Hello? Are you still there?

Can you hear me?


Frell! Hello!?

What were you thinking?

Obviously, we weren't thinking.


We didn't think
we'd get cau...

Do you know what you did?
You betrayed the one person on this ship,

who would have done
anything for you.

Both of you!

He would have died for you.

"Yeah, we need
you D'Argo."

"We... need you".
"Oh, and by the way...

would you mind putting your hands
against the wall and spreading your legs...

so I can kick you
up the mivonks?

'Cause you have got to
be one dumb tresnak."

I'm starting depressurization.

I've created an intertial field on Moya's
skin so you can move around some.

But be careful...

the winds are reaching
speeds of 300 nilits.

I've got a breathing regulator
in case I have to stay out there.

Crichton told me you
weren't going out.

Well, you know what?

I changed my mind.


Goodbye, Pilot.



I'm outside, Pilot.
Where are the cables?

Just looking now, D'Argo.

Hammond side.

Got it.

Take the gag out.

Oh, you want to hear this?

See, I see your fear, worm.

But the Holy Gezma will
embrace even you, if you repent.

Repent? We have
less than an arn.

I was a Dominar! It'd take me
longer than that to repent.

One about to die, you
should feel more shame.

Hey 'fridge magnet. I got
something for you to feel.

What is that?

Oh, what's the matter?
Is that your fear I see?

You're not so
psycho happy now.

What are you doing?

This is hydro-steel.
Just like that pipe.

Only this is bigger. So it
may be your turn to repent.

For all the souls
you've m*rder*d!

Don't! Keep it away!

Got her, Pilot.

We're coming back to Moya.
We'll try to free her up.

Crichton, don't you know?
D'Argo's already outside.

Pilot, I've cleared Moya of all
the cables except for two.

Be careful, those last
cables are pulse rechargers.

Can you shut them down?

I have no control over them.

They are linked to the
stations power source.

But I can't move them unless
they are neutralized.

Crichton's on his way.
He can help you.

No! I can do this alone.

D'Argo, listen to me.
Wait for Crichton, he'll...

No, Chiana! You can never
tell me what to do, ever again.

Crichton. Talk to D'Argo.
Talk to him now.

D'Argo. D'Argo what
are you doin' out there?

What you asked me to.

When I neutralize these cables
you'll be able to pull Moya clear.

Wait! Wait for me!

Goodbye, John.

No! Don't do it!

Pilot, why the hell did
you let him go out?

He didn't ask for my permission.

You could have stopped him!

I would shut-up and stop
wasting time, Commander.

You're tellin' the wrong
person to shut up.

We have less than a quarter of an arn
before the storm funnel reaches us.

Any signal yet, Pilot?

Nothing. Crichton, if you
are unable to save D'Argo...

Moya is willing to try to rip
free from the cables, but...

No, no, no. I'll
get us clear.

Is he dead? Is my father dead?

I don't know.

I'll go with you.

I'm half Luxan, I can survive
out there, I'll help...

You don't know that, Jothee,
and I can't be rescuing two people...

now get out of here.

Get out of here!
You're slowing me down!

Crichton, no...!

Do you see him?

Not yet, Pilot.


Pilot, he's not responding. I'm gonna
fix the ship first, then go after him.

Get to him.

Get to him, now.

Heading for the cables.

I'm coming out there myself.

No, Chiana! Stay the
hell where you are!


Help me!

Hang on, I'm almost there!

Help me! Please! Hurry!

Save them!

I should have known
Borlik was one of them....

a Kampek!

Pilot, I can't...

Right, I'm at the access hatch.
Moordil, what's the code?


What's frelling code?!

I can't hear you!


By the Goddess.

What's the frelling code?!

Aeryn, he's dead.
Moordil's dead.

Get back now, we've
got to get out now!

No way, not yet.

Just hope this works.

Frell me dead.

Have you reached him?

Not yet, I'll get
to him soon.

Get to him now.

Chiana, I'm busy, and if I don't... whoa!

John! I've got you.


Let's get the cable.

You all right?

All right, on my count...




That's it, Pilot. Moya's
free; we're comin' in.

Hurry! We must draw the
storm away from the station now!

Aw, man... what are you doin'?


I'm not goin' in
without you D'Argo.

Keep moving...

that way...

Zhaan, what's going on? We're getting
the dren knocked out of us down here.

Aeryn, hurry. You must get
back here! Moya's free,

but the storm may
still hit us!

Well, if it does, I don't think
we're going to make it.


Come on, move it!

Is he alive?!

He's alive. Look
after him.


Crichton, where is he?!

He's with Chiana.

Pilot, are we moving?

Attempting Starburst...

No! In Starburst the storm
won't be able to track Borlik's signal!

Accelerating, now.

I thought you were
going to die out there.

... hey, come here.

I want...

you both...

to stay away from me!


Commuter forecast on your travel day:
storms expected just for you...

I think I'll be able to
share my purification.

It took all my strength...

but I was able to reconfigure
the magnetics and stick here.

By the time you cut me down...

the storm will be upon us.

You're too smart.

Where are you going?

Uh, you win... we lose...

you, you outsmarted us.

But that door you're stuck to?

It's detachable.

- No!
- Yes.

No, you lie!

No, you will still
be purified!

The Holy Gezma's punishment
will be brought down upon...

Blah-blah, blah-blah, blah-

Pilot, I'm clear.
Detach the door...

and suck this bitch out!

There you go.

That's it.

Watch your head.


Thank the Goddess.
The children are safe.

Now we must find a planet
where you can regain your strength.

If she so wishes it.

Been, ah... thinking about
that thing we talked about.

About charity... and ah...


Maybe you were right.

We should do nothing.

What about body fluids?

There'll be a back log.

Fluid levels? Back log?
Is there some kind of problem?

Shut up.

What did I say?

- Shut up!
- Shut up!

You really gonna... gonna leave
without saying anything?


D'Argo's right.

I know nothing of Luxan
honor or integrity.

I'm a half Luxan.

I betrayed him...

and if I stay...

I'll probably do it again.

It wasn't all your fault.

Yeah, I never figured that bit.

Why did you do it?

I don't know.

D'Argo had plans for...

for me...

for a stupid farm.

I didn't want any of them.

I knew he wouldn't take
no for an answer, so I ...

I figured I had to do
something he'd never forgive.

You used me.

Yeah. A little.

But you enjoyed it...
didn't you?

Tell my father...

if he'll let you.

That I'm sorry...

and that one day...

I'll return...

and make it up to you both.

I'll tell him.