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02x22 - By Any Other Name

Posted: 01/14/23 09:01
by bunniefuu
No life-form readings, captain.
Continuing scan.

Well, somebody sent a distress call.

No sign of the spaceship,
no sign of debris.

I am getting readings
on small metallic objects, captain.

It's possible the ship
was destroyed in space

and the survivors proceeded here
in a shuttlecraft.

But where are they?

Captain, I'm getting a reading now.

Two human forms
at bearing 300, mark 7.


I'm Captain James T. Kirk
of the starship Enterprise.

We came in answer
to your distress call.

It was very kind of you
to respond so quickly, captain.

Now you will surrender
your ship to me.

You have a very strange sense
of humour, Mr...

I am Rojan, of Kelva.

I am your commander
from this moment on.

Any efforts to resist us

or to escape

will be severely punished.

Soon we...

...and you...

...will leave this galaxy forever.

You humans

must face the end of your existence
as you have known it.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its five-year mission:
To explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilisations,

to boldly go where no man
has gone before.

You are all paralysed
by a selective field

that neutralizes nerve impulses
to the voluntary muscles.

We can control you at will.

I will now release you.

- Shea.
- Captain.

- It's all right.
- Interesting. A neural field?

Yes, radiating from
a central projector.

- What do you want?
- Your ship, Captain Kirk.

It will serve us well
in the long voyage that is to come.

- Voyage? Where?
- To your neighbouring galaxy,

which you call Andromeda.

Andromeda? Why?

It is our home.

What brings you here?

Within ten millennia,

high radiation levels in our galaxy
will make life there impossible.

So the Kelvan Empire sent forth ships
to explore other galaxies,

to search for one which our race
could conquer and occupy.

Well, sorry, this galaxy
is already occupied.

Captain, you think
you are unconquerable,

and your ship impregnable.

But while we've talked,
the capture has already begun.

Something penetrating
from the planet.

Increase power to shields.

It's dead, sir.
All major power disabled.

Sound red alert.

Red alert! All personnel,
man your battle stations.

Go to red alert!

- Engineering, come in!
- Life Support, come in.

Drea, Tomar, report.

Life Support Control, secure.

Engineering is secure.

Rojan. Hanar here.

- Report, Hanar.
- The ship is ours.

We control the Bridge, Engineering,
and life-support systems.

Proceed with your orders.

What's the point in capturing my ship?
Even at maximum warp,

the Enterprise couldn't get to Andromeda
galaxy for thousands of years.

Captain, we will modify its engines
in order to produce velocities

far beyond the reach
of your science.

The journey between galaxies
will take less than

300 of your years.


Intergalactic travel
requiring only 300 years.

That is a leap far beyond anything
man has yet accomplished.

You made a voyage of 300 years?

Our ships were of
multi-generation design.

We were born
in the intergalactic void.

We shall die there
during our return journey.

And our mission will be completed by
a commander who is my descendant.

What happened to your ship?

There is an energy barrier
at the rim of your galaxy.

Yes, I know, we've been there.

We managed to break through it
with great difficulty.

Our ship was destroyed.

We barely managed to escape
in a life craft.

And now...

...we have the means

to begin our journey
back to Andromeda.

Why use our vessel?

Why not transmit a message
to your galaxy?

No form of transmission
can penetrate the barrier.

Rojan, there's no reason
to do this by force.

Let's take your problem
to the Federation.

Research expeditions
have catalogued

hundreds of uninhabited planets
in this galaxy

suitable for colonization.

We do not colonise.

We conquer. We rule.

There is no other way for us.

In other words, the galaxy
isn't big enough for both of us.

The Federation has handled
foreign invasions before.

Captain, we can control the Federation
as easily as we can control you.

The fate of the inferior,
in any galaxy.

All is proceeding
according to plan, Rojan.

Kelinda, take them
to the holding area.

We'll keep you
and your party here, captain.

Your crew will undoubtedly
wish to cooperate with us

if they understand
that you are hostages.

Move there.

Tomar has examined the ship.
The modifications are underway.

Space again, Hanar.

I do not think we could
have kept our sanity

living too long on
this accursed planet.

It is an undisciplined environment.
One cannot control it.

Yet there are things of interest.

Yes, but disturbing.

These shells in which
we have encased ourselves,

they have such heightened senses.

To feel, to hear, to smell.

How do humans manage to exist
in these fragile cases?

Since the ship was designed to sustain
these forms, we have little choice.

At least we'll be away
from all of this openness.

No, this is too strange for us, Hanar.

We are creatures of outer space.

Soon, we will be safe
in the comforting closeness of walls.

Fascinating material.

Similar to diburnium,
but considerably more dense.

I doubt even phaser fire
could disturb its molecular structure.

All right, we can't break out.
There must be another way.

Captain, what do they want from us?
What kind of people are they?

- That's a very good question.
- They registered as human.

No, doctor, more than that.

They registered as
perfect human life forms.

I recall noting the readings were
almost classic textbook responses.

- Most curious.
- Spock, what are the odds,

in such absolute duplication,

of life forms in another galaxy?

The chances are
very much against it.

Captain. Captain.

However perfect they are, there don't
seem to be very many of them.

- Why don't we..?
- They have the paralysis field.

Rojan mentioned something
about a central projector.


If we could put that out of operation,
we might have a chance.

Gentleman, I am constrained
to point out

we do not even know
what this projector looks like.

Those devices on their belts might
indicate the source of the force field.

Possible. I would have to
have one to examine.

Oh, you'll have one, sir.

If I have to rip one of the Kelvans
apart to get it.

You'll get your chance,
but you'll do it under orders.

Yes, sir.

On Eminiar Vll
you were able to trick the guard

by a Vulcan mind probe.

Yes, I recall, captain.
I led him to believe we had escaped.

Do you think you can do it again?

I shall attempt it.

- You all right?
- Yes, I will be all right, captain.

But we must hurry.

This cannot go unpunished.


That one. Take him aside.

Kelinda, the female.



As a leader, you realise
the importance of discipline.

I need you
and these other specialists.

But those two are unnecessary.

I'm responsible, let them go.

I think we're somewhat alike,

Each of us cares less
for his own safety

than for the lives of his command.

We feel pain when others suffer
for our mistakes.

Your punishment shall be
to watch them die.


Proceed, Hanar.

Bring them to me.

This is the essence
of what they were.

The flesh and brain

and what you call the personality,

distilled down
into these compact shapes.

Once crushed...

...this person is dead.


...that one can be restored.


Captain's log, stardate 4657.5.

Work is proceeding on the Enterprise
as my crew is forced

to make the required changes
in the ship for intergalactic travel.

I can't forget the picture
of Yeoman Thompson

crushed to a handful of dust.

Spock, are you sure you're all right?

Yes, quite all right, doctor.

You didn't look very well
when you broke that mind touch.

I did not break it, doctor.

I was thrown away by something
I've never experienced before.

What was it?

A series of bizarre
and exotic images

bursting on my mind
and consciousness.

Colours, shapes,

mathematical equations,
fused and blurred.

I've been attempting to isolate them,

but so far, I've been able
to recall clearly only one.

Immense beings,

a hundred limbs
which resemble tentacles,

minds of such controlling capacity

that each limb is capable
of performing a different function.

Do you mean
that's what the Kelvans really are?


If they look that way normally, why did
they adapt themselves to our bodies?

Perhaps practicality.

They chose the Enterprise
as the best vessel for the trip.

Immense beings with 100 tentacles
would have difficulty with the turbolift.

We've got to stop them.
We outnumber them.

Their only hold on us
is the paralysis field.

Well, that's enough. One wrong move
and they jam all our neural circuits.


Spock, if you reverse the circuits
on McCoy's neuro-analyser,

can you set up a counter field
to jam the paralysis projector?

I am dubious of
the possibilities of success, captain.

The medical equipment is not designed
to put out a great deal of power.

The polarised elements
would burn out quickly.

Is there a chance at all?

- A small one.
- We'll take it.

You and Bones have to get up
to the ship.

- How?
- Yes.

Mr. Spock...'re sick.

I assure you, captain,
I'm in perfect health.

No, you're not. Dr. McCoy's given you
a thorough examination and you're ill.

In fact, if you don't get to the Sickbay,
you're gonna die.

It's a good idea, Jim, but anyone
looking at him can tell he's healthy.

Vulcans have the ability
to place themselves in a kind of trance.

Complete relaxation
of every part of the mind and body.

We find it more restful to the body
than your so-called vacation.

Can you do it now, and come out of it
in the Sickbay, say, in half an hour?

It will take me a moment to prepare.

Go ahead.

Jim, his heartbeat really is slow.

His pulse is practically nonexistent.



What do you want, human?

Mr. Spock is ill.
The doctor thinks he may be dying.

This illness came on him
rather suddenly. Is it not unusual?

He's a Vulcan.
They don't react like humans.

He may die. If I can get him up to
Sickbay, there's a chance he'll live.

Stand away from the door.

I will have you beamed aboard.

Do what you can with him, Bones.

- Doctor, what happened?
- Prepare two cc's of Stokaline.

- Stokaline? But, doctor, that...
- Don't argue, nurse, just get it.

This may be the turning point.
Prepare another shot.

- But, doc...
- Please, just follow orders, will you?

There, that should do it.

Just let him rest now.

You see, it's a flare-up
of Rigelian Kassaba fever.

He suffered from it
about ten years ago,

and it recurs every now and then.

There's no danger
if he gets medication in time.

He'll be all right
in a couple of hours.

Very well. I will inform Rojan.
You will stay here.

What do you want from me now?

We will beam aboard
the vessel shortly.

I wish you
to understand your duties.

My duty is to stop you
in any way I can.

- You will obey.
- Or you will k*ll more of my people.

Captain Kirk,

I cannot believe that
you do not understand

the importance of my mission.

We Kelvans have
a code of honour.

Harsh, demanding.

It calls for much from us,

and much from those
whom we conquer.

You have been conquered.

I respect your devotion to your duty,

but I cannot permit it
to interfere with mine.

These are lovely.

Captain Kirk,
what is it you call them?

Flowers. I don't know the variety.

Our memory tapes
tell us of such things on Kelvan.

Crystals that form with such rapidity
they seem to grow.

They look like this fragile thing

We call them sahsheer.

A rose by any other name.


A quote from a great human poet,

That which we call a rose
by any other name...

...would smell as sweet.

Drea has computed
and laid a course for Kelva, captain.

We've jumped to warp 8.

And we'll go faster yet.
Increase speed to warp 11.

Increase speed to warp 11,
Mr. Chekov.

On course and proceeding
as planned.

We will approach the barrier
within an hour.

Very well.

Rojan, I'm going to Sickbay,
my first officer has taken ill.

Yes, I was informed. You may go.

- Anything?
- I've located their power source captain.

It's installed in Engineering.

We're just going to jam it.

I've tied in all the lab computers.

That'll give it a bit more power
to push with.

This is it. Now all we have to do...

Whatever it is we must do,
it is impossible.


This material
surrounding the projector

is the same as I discovered
on the planet.

Readings indicate it is impervious
to any of our weapons.

We cannot penetrate the casing
to get to the machine.

That's it, then.

There is one other possibility,
Mr. Scott.

The final decision, of course,
must be the captain's,

but I believe
we must have it ready for him.

The Enterprise is propelled by
matter-antimatter reactors.

The barrier we must traverse

is negative energy.

I see what you're getting at.

- I can't say I like it.
- Nor I.

But it must be made available
to the captain.

Captain Kirk to the Bridge, please.


Impossible, captain.
The power source is protected

by a material we cannot breach,
even with our phasers.

Mr. Scott and I
have prepared the means

for the only logical alternative
available to us.

What alternative?

The barrier we must penetrate
is composed of negative energy.

I have opened the control valves
to the matter-antimatter nacelles.

On your signal, I will flood them
with positive energy.


When we engage the barrier,
the ship will explode.

The Kelvans will be stopped here.

And so will we.

Are you mad? I can't just...

Take your places, gentlemen,
we're approaching the barrier.

Captain's log, stardate 4658.9.

With the Enterprise
under control of the Kelvans,

we are approaching the energy
barrier at the edge of our galaxy.

Spock and Scotty have devised
a su1c1de plan to stop the Kelvans.

They have rigged this ship
to explode on my signal.

Readings, Spock.

Sensors indicate density negative,
radiation negative, energy negative.

All instruments off the dial, captain.
We are in contact with the barrier.

Outside hull temperature rising, sir.

Over 2,000 degrees now.


Hold your position.


...made it.

Instruments returning to normal,

All decks report,
damage and casualties.

Several systems out, sir,
operating on emergency backup.

None affect flight procedure.

Life support systems
sustaining on emergency.

I'll have a full report on
ship's status for you in a moment, sir.

Your people are most efficient,

Thank you. So are yours.

Hanar, start
the neutralising operation.

What neutralising operation?

You humans are
troublesome for us.

We needed you
to get us through the barrier.

But there aren't enough of us

to efficiently guard
all of you all of the time.

Further, the food synthesizers

cannot manufacture enough food
for the entire journey.

We are therefore neutralising
all non-essential personnel.


The procedure is already under way.

Now, as to Bridge personnel...


We have no need
for communication.

And since Drea is capable
of handling the ship from here on...

Do you not agree
that this is a better thing for them

than exploding the ship,
as your engineer had thought to do?

We detected it, of course.

Tomar has devised a mechanism
to prevent any further tampering.

Please accept your situation,

It will make things
much less painful for you.

Is this all?

I have reviewed ship's personnel,

It appears we four are the only ones
the Kelvans consider essential.

Scotty tells me that you could have
destroyed the ship in the barrier.

- Why didn't you?
- I couldn't.

- If that was our only chance to stop...
- I didn't think it was.

- Jim...
- Bones that's enough!

Jim, I saw them reduce
four of my doctors and nurses

- into those little cubes.
- They've reduced the whole crew!

I do not understand why you
take the trouble to consume this

bulk material to sustain yourselves.

We have ascertained that these
contain all the nutritional elements.

Before you condemn it,
why don't you try it?

I believe I will. Assist me.

It's your idea, doctor, go ahead.

All right, I'll show you
how to work the selector.

Sir, why don't we try again
to knock out the paralysis projector?

I know the casing looks impenetrable,
but I may be able to do something.

It's out of the question.

We need that projector to bring
our people back to human form.

Then how will we stop the Kelvans?


It's quite good.

I'm delighted.

Most curious.

What is?

The isolated glimpses of things I saw
when I touched Kelinda's mind

are beginning to coalesce
in my consciousness.

The Kelvans have
superior intellectual capacity.

To achieve it,

they've apparently sacrificed anything
which would tend to distract them.

Perceptive senses
such as taste, touch, smell,

and, of course, emotions.

But then, Tomar shouldn't be
enjoying the taste of his food.

Yes, quite correct, captain.

But they have taken human form,

and are therefore having
human reaction.

If he keeps reacting like that,
he's gonna need a diet.

If they all respond to
stimulation of the senses,

then maybe we can distract them.

They can't have been able
to handle the senses yet.

If we can confuse them enough,

we can get those devices
from their belts.

- It seems reasonable.
- All right.

It may be our only chance.

Look for any way
to stimulate their senses.

I can think of one way right off.

Lad, you're going to need something
to wash that down with.

Have you ever tried
any Saurian brandy?

I don't know about that.

Please articulate.

Well, that body of yours
is a bit anaemic.

Comes from taking food in pills,
instead of solid sustenance.

- What are you doing?
- Gonna give you a shot.

High-potency vitamin concentrate.

You'll need three a day
for a few days.

And eat some solid food, will you?

No more?

Am I disturbing you?

What is it you wish?

I wish to apologise.

I don't understand, captain.

For hitting you. I'm sorry.

That is not necessary.

You attempted to escape,
as we would have.

Yes, well, I don't usually go around

beating up beautiful women.

Why not?

Well, there are better things
for men and women to do.

Like what?

Is this where I hit you?

No, the other side.

I'm sorry.

Is that better?

Was it intended as a remedy?

This is.

Is there some significance
to this action?

Well, among humans, it's...

...meant to express
warmth and love.

Oh, you are trying to seduce me.

I have been studying you.

- Me?
- All humans.

This business of love.

You have devoted
much literature to it.

Why do you build such a mystique
around a simple biological function?

- We enjoy it.
- Literature?

Kelinda, I'm sorry I brought up
the whole subject.

Do you really regard this
touching of the lips as pleasurable?

- I did.
- Curious.

Let me try.

Is there some problem, captain?

Not when I came in.

What did he want here?

He came to apologise
for hitting me.

Apparently, it involves
some peculiar touching contact.

In what manner?

Very odd creatures, these humans.

Do you have more?

Not of this.


Yes, humans are very peculiar.

I often find them unfathomable,

but an interesting
psychological study.

Well, I do not understand
this business

of pressing with the lips
to apologise.

I believe you are referring to a kiss.

But it is my understanding

that such apologies
are usually exchanged

between people who have
some affection for each other.

Kelinda has no affection
for Captain Kirk.

Your game is off.

Are you disturbed by the incident?

Why should I be disturbed?

You've known Kelinda
for some time.

She is a Kelvan as you are.

Among humans, I have found

the symptoms you are displaying
usually indicate jealousy.

I have no reason
for such a reaction.

Kelinda is a female. Nothing more.

Captain Kirk seems to
find her quite attractive.

Well, of course she is.

- You are not jealous.
- No.

- Nor upset.
- Certainly not.


I found this on...

What is it?

Well, it's...

It's green.

- Kelinda, I've been thinking.
- Yes?

I do not wish you to fraternize
with any of the humans.

- Why not?
- Well, they...

They offer such strange ideas.

They're not meant for us.
Not for Kelvans.

Have you given this order
to the others?

No. And I wish you
to particularly avoid Captain Kirk.

I will not.

You have told me over and over again
humans are no threat to us.

We are superior.

I will do as I please.

You will do as I say.

Or I will neutralise your Captain Kirk
and all the other humans as well.

How many more of these?

Well, now, let's see.
You've had three sh*ts.

I think you better stay on them
for a few days,

and then we'll see how you respond.

I see no reason for you
to refer to yourself in the plural.

You have more?

All I have is a bottle of
very, very, very old Scotch.


- Well, I will try it!
- I'll get it!

- I was saving you for...
- What?

Never mind. Give us your glass.

The thing is,
I can't tell if we're getting anywhere.

I haven't seen Scotty in hours.

We haven't seen Tomar either.

But my man Hanar is getting
more irritable by the minute.

I'm giving him sh*ts of Formazine.

It should have him
climbing the walls.

Rojan has exhibited
symptoms of jealousy.

I would like to speak with you,

Doctor, I'm due for
another injection of Stokaline.


You will pardon us.

- You had something to say?
- Yes.

This cultural mystique
surrounding the biological function...


You realise humans are overly
preoccupied with the subject.

Yes, we do think
a great deal about it.

I've done some supplemental reading
on it, and...

You have a question?

Yes, I was wondering,

would you please
apologise to me again?

- Rojan, I want to talk to you.
- Very well.

First, I do not like the way responsibility
and duty has been portioned out to us.

- It's the way it has always been...
- That is my second quarrel with you.

Further, I do not care much
for the way you run this ship.

Hanar, confine yourself
to your quarters!

Rojan has forbidden me to see you.

Yes, that's too bad.

Why do you defy him?

It's not a question of defiance.

We were told to find out
everything we could about you.

And how's the research going?

I need some more experiments.

Mr. Spock, you were not ordered to
the Bridge, what is your purpose here?

a*t*matic sensors
and various other recording devices

require monitoring
and periodic adjustments.

Very well, proceed.

Have you seen Captain Kirk?

If you wish, I shall
call him to the Bridge.

No. I was wondering where he was.

I left him in the Recreation Room.

- He was alone, then.
- No. Kelinda was with him.

She seemed anxious
to speak to him.

I told her to stay away from him.

It would appear, sir,
that you have little control over her.

Or perhaps Captain Kirk has more.

Very interesting.

But I feel rather


We did it. You and me.

Put him right under the table.

I'll take this to the captain.

Kelinda, I told you
to avoid this human.

I did not wish to.

I am your commander.

That's not enough, Rojan.

You did this to her. Corrupted her.
Turned her away from me.

If you can't keep her,
that's not my problem.

You will release her.

Why don't you use your paralyser?

You thought I was taking
your woman away from you.

You're jealous.

You tried to k*ll me
with your bare hands.

Would a Kelvan do that?
Would he have to?

You're reacting with the emotions
of a human. You are human.

No, I cannot be.

I'm stimulating him.

You have no choice.

To use this ship,
you have to use our form.

Now you're stuck with it, you and your
descendants, for the next 300 years.

You fool, these bodies are tools.
We remain Kelvan.

Look what happened in the short time
you've been exposed to us.

What do you think will happen
in three centuries?

When this ship gets to Kelva
the people on it will be human.

They'll be aliens. Enemies!

We have a duty, our mission,
to accomplish any way we can.

Your mission is to find new worlds
for your people to live in.

You can still do that.

We can bring this problem
to the Federation.

There are many planets in this galaxy
that can be inhabited.

You would really do that?

You would extend welcome
to invaders?


But we would welcome friends.


you were only a link in a chain,
following an order given 300 years ago.

This is an opportunity for you
to establish a destiny of your own.


Perhaps it could be done.

A robot ship could be sent to Kelva
with the Federation proposal.

But if we retain this form,

where could we find a place?

Seems to me that little planet
you were on is kind of nice.

And you... would wish
to remain with him?

He is most interesting.
But I wish to go with you.

I believe I owe you an apology.

It was most pleasurable.

Yes. Very curious.

You see, Rojan,

being human
does have certain advantages,

of being able to
appreciate the beauty of

a flower or a woman.

Bridge, this is Rojan.

Yes, commander?

I am returning command of this ship
to Captain Kirk.

You will follow his orders.


Turn the ship around.

We're going home.