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02x19 - A Private Little w*r

Posted: 01/14/23 08:59
by bunniefuu
- Yes, Jim.
- How much longer, McCoy?

Oh, about another 30 minutes.

I've come across some
most interesting organic compounds.

Hey, Starfleet was right.

These roots and soil cultures
can be a medical treasure house.

- Any problems there?
- No sign of the inhabitants so far.

Kirk out.

Large prints.

- The apelike carnivore in the reports?
- Yes.

It's the mugato. No problem though.

Those prints are several days old.
They seldom stay around in one place.

Aside from that,
you say it's a Garden of Eden.

Or so it seemed
to the brash young Lieutenant Kirk

in command of his first planet survey.

Class-M in all respects.
Quite Earth-like.

Except these people stayed
in their Garden of Eden.

Bows and arrows for hunting,

but absolutely no fighting
among themselves.

Remarkably peaceful

- and tranquil.
- Ho! Take cover here!

Bows and arrows, captain?

Villagers with flintlocks,
that's impossible.

They hadn't progressed
nearly that far.

Captain, look.

One of those men
walking into ambush

is Tyree, the friend I lived with here.

Captain, use of our phasers
is expressly forbidden.


Enterprise, alert.
Stand by to beam up landing party.

Spock. Your phaser.

No, captain. I can travel.

Beam us up, quickly.

Now, Scotty. Have medics stand by.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its five-year mission:
To explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilisations,

to boldly go where no man
has gone before.

What happened, captain?

Lead projectile. Primitive firearm.

Vitalizer B.

Pressure packet.

Lucky his heart's where his liver
should be or he'd be dead now.

Not good, sir.


- Bones, can you save him?
- All decks, red alert.

Battle stations. Battle stations.
Go to red alert.

- Kirk here.
- Uhura, sir.

We have a Klingon vessel
on our screens.

On my way.


- Bones?
- I don't know yet, Jim.

We're holding the planet
between us and the Klingons.

- I don't think they've spotted us.
- Make that definite.

They're sending a routine message
to their home base.

- No mention of us.
- Good. Go to yellow alert.

Yellow alert.
All stations, go to yellow alert.

Do you think you can keep us
out of their sight, Chekov?

- I can try, captain.
- Message to starbase, sir?

No point in giving ourselves away.
Not until we find out what's going on.

We can hide for a while, but may have
to go out of orbit to keep it up for long.

- Kirk to Sickbay.
- McCoy here.

I'll call you as soon as I know
anything. Sickbay out.

So they've broken the treaty.

Not necessarily, captain.

They have as much right
to scientific missions here as we have.

- Research is not the Klingon way.
- True. But since

this is a hands-off planet, how are you
gonna prove they're doing otherwise?

When I left there 13 years ago,

those villagers had barely learned
to forge iron.

Spock was shot with a flintlock.

How many centuries
between those two developments?

On Earth, about 12, sir.

On the other hand,
a flintlock would be the first firearm

the inhabitants
would normally develop.

Yes, I'm aware of that, Mr. Scott.

And, sir, the fact Earth took
12 centuries doesn't mean they had to.

We've seen development
at different rates on different planets.

And if it were the Klingons behind it,
why not give them breechloaders?

- Or machine g*ns?
- Or old-style hand...

I did not invite a debate.

I'm sorry.

I'm worried about Spock

and concerned about what's happened
to something I once knew down there.

You have the Conn, Scotty.
I'll be at Sickbay.

We've no replacements
for the damaged organs, sir.

If he's going to live, his Vulcan
physiology will have to do it for him.


- Sterilite off.
- Yes, sir.

He'll live or die now, Jim.
I don't know which.

Dr. M'Benga interned
in a Vulcan ward.

He couldn't be in better hands.

Then you and I
are transporting down, Bones.

- I can't leave Spock at this time.
- You just indicated you could.

There are Klingons here.

If their mission
is a legitimate research interest

in the planet's organic potential,

then you're the one man
who can tell me.

- And if that's not it?
- Then I need help.

Advice I can trust as much as Spock's.

I appreciate the compliment but...

Bones, I'm as worried
about Spock as you are.

But if the Klingons
are breaking the treaty... could be interstellar w*r.

- Kirk to Bridge.
- Bridge, Scott here.

McCoy and I
are transporting back down.

Inform ship's stores
that we'll need native costumes.

Captain, we may have to
break out of orbit any minute

to keep out of their sight. We'd be
out of communicator range with you.

I understand.
We'll arrange a rendezvous schedule.

Kirk out.

Captain's log, stardate 4211.4.

Keeping our presence here secret
is an enormous tactical advantage.

Therefore, I cannot risk contact
with Starfleet Command.

I must take action
on my own judgement.

I have elected to violate orders

and make contact
with planet inhabitants here.


Tyree's camp's a quarter mile away.

Wanna think about it again, Jim?

Starfleet's orders about this planet
state "no interference with..."

"No interference
with normal social development."

I'm not only aware of it,
it was my survey 13 years ago

- that recommended it.
- I read it.

"Inhabitants superior
in many ways to humans.

Left alone,
they undoubtedly someday

will develop a remarkably advanced
and peaceful culture."


And I intend to see
that they have that chance.

- Are you coming with me?
- Do I have a choice?

Contact the ship.

Took full poison.


Enterprise, McCoy.
Emergency, come in.

Enterprise, come in.
McCoy! Emergency!

They left, out of orbit.

Jim, there is no antitoxin
for this poison.

I can only keep you alive
a few hours with this.


Some of his men...


Are you hill people?

Do you know a hunter named Tyree?

A mugato att*cked him.

He's James Kirk,
he's a friend of Tyree's.

Blast it, do something. He's dying!

Take him to the cave.

I bring Tyree.

Medical log, stardate 4211.8.

Kirk is right about the people here.

Despite their fear
and our strangeness,

they are compassionate and gentle.

I've learned the hunter Tyree
is now their leader.

He is expected to return shortly
with his wife,

who they say
knows how to cure this poison.

My problem:
The captain is in deep shock.

I must keep him warm and alive
until then.

You and your Garden of Eden.

We must obtain
the same firesticks, husband.

You could be k*lling them instead.

We could take their houses,

- their goods.
- Nona. Nona, enough.

In time, the villagers will return
to their ways of friendship.

In time?

They k*ll your people.

I am a Kahn-ut-tu woman.

In all this land, how many are there?

Men seek us because through us
they become great leaders.

I took you
because you cast a spell upon me.

And I have spells
that help me keep you.

Remember this leaf?

The night we camped by the water?

The night of madness.

Oh, Tyree, did you really
hate that madness?



It brought up evil beasts from my soul.

Only one lovely beast, Tyree.

My huge angry man.

Forgive me.

- What is it?
- There are strangers in our camp.

One has taken a mugato bite.
He dies.


It is said the dying one
is a friend of Tyree

- from long ago.
- That one.

Bring him when his head clears.

The stranger, where is he?

Nona, where is Kirk?

- The cave.
- Tyree.

Do you wish me to save him?

You must. He is the one I told you of,

the friend of my younger days.

My remedies require I know
what kind of man he is.

All that is known of him.

I gave him my promise of silence.

He was made my brother.

And I am your wife, his sister.

I promise silence also.

- Nona...
- Quickly!

Or he dies.

Don't let these low panel readings
bother you.

I've seen this before in Vulcans.
It's their way of concentrating

all their strength, blood and antibodies
onto the injured organs.

A form of self-induced hypnosis.

- You mean he's conscious?
- Well, in a sense.

He knows we're here
and what we're saying.

But he can't afford to take his mind
from the tissue he's fighting to heal.

I suppose he even knows
you were holding his hand.

A good nurse always treats her patients
that way. It proves she's interested.

I am Tyree.

And I am Tyree's woman.

It is Kirk.

She will cure him.

- What's that?
- A mahko root.

A plant? It moves.

For those who know where to find it,
how to use it, how to pick it.

Take this of my soul.


...of my soul...

...into thine.

Into thine.



Your pain is mine.

Only mine.

Your soul in mine.



It is past.




I had the strangest dream.

How do you feel, Jim?

Tired, very tired.

You did a fine job, Bones.

I think I'll... sleep.

I wanna thank you for saving his life.

I would like to learn more about this.

Our blood has passed through
the mahko root together.

Our souls have been together.

He is mine now.

She must sleep also.

He is hers?

When a man and woman are joined
in this manner,

he can refuse her no wish.

But it is only legend.



What are you doing here?

Tyree. My old friend.

Yes. James.

James, it is good to see you.

What am I doing here?

A mugato bite.

I remember.

I told him to take me to Tyree's camp.

I knew you'd find a Kahn-ut-tu
to cure me.

The Kahn-ut-tu is
the local witch people here.

They've studied...

They've studied the

roots and the herbs.

I am a Kahn-ut-tu, captain.

I cured you.

My wife, Nona.

Yes, of course,
I should have guessed.


Tyree, we must talk now.
The villagers, their new weapons.

I wanna hear all about that.
We must make plans.

Good. It is past time to plan.

Much has happened
since you left, James.

- Come, we'll speak of it.
- And of things to be done.


We will speak of it.

- Readings are beginning to fluctuate.
- Just as they should.

This is Dr. M'Benga.

There will be someone with you
constantly now.

When the time comes, I'll be called.

As soon as he shows any signs
of consciousness,

- call me immediately.
- Yes, doctor.

After you call me,

if he speaks, do whatever he says.

- Do whatever he says?
- Well, yes.

Well, that's clear enough, isn't it?

The firesticks first appeared
nearly a year ago.

Since that time,
many of my people have died.

You say they make the firesticks
themselves. How can you be sure?

I have looked into their village.
I have seen it being done.

Have you seen any strangers
among the villagers?



Can you take us to their village
while it's still dark?

Yes, but the mugatos travel
at night also. You k*lled one.

Its mate will not be far.

- You've seen how these work?
- I've seen them also.

And I know you have many ways

to make your friend Tyree
a man of great importance.

Many ways?

What else does she know about us?

Tyree has told me much of you.

Do not blame him.

It was the price for saving your life.

We're simply strangers from...

From one of the lights in the sky.

And you have ways as far above
firesticks as the sky above our world.

You will not speak of this to others.

I will not if I am made to understand.
Teach me.

There is an old custom
among my people.

When a woman saves a man's life,

he is grateful.

I am grateful.

A splendid custom,
if not carried to extremes.

We once were as you are.

Spears, arrows.

There came a time when our weapons
grew faster than our wisdom,

and we almost destroyed ourselves.

We learned from this to make a rule
during all our travels:

Never to cause the same to happen
to other worlds.

Just as a man must grow
in his own way, in his own time.

Some men never grow.

Perhaps not as fast or in the way
another thinks he should.

But we are wise enough to know
that we are wise enough

not to interfere in the way of a man

or another world.

You must let the villagers destroy us?

You will not help your friend
and brother k*ll them instead?


I said I will not k*ll!

We must fight or die.

Is dying better?

You would let him die

when you have weapons
to make him powerful and safe?

Then he has the wrong friends.

And I have the wrong husband.

You will help in ways
she does not understand.

I have faith in our friendship, James.

Come, before we lose the darkness.

What's bothering you, Jim?

If we find the Klingons
have helped the villagers,

- there's certainly something we can do.
- That's what's bothering me,

the something we may have to do.

The guard. We must wait.

Tyree, supposing you had to fight,
what then?

Jim, this man believes

in the same thing we believe in,
that k*lling is stupid and useless.


Now, come.

g*n, amm*nit*on. Doctor.

You are late, my friend, Apella.

A quarrel by my people.

The division of some skins
and a hill woman taken this morning.

It's hard to divide one woman.

Give her to the man
who k*lled the most of her people.

The others will see the profit
in bravery.

I'll make a Klingon of you yet.

Now, your next improvement.

Notice what we've done to the striker.

See how it holds the priming powder
more securely?

Fewer misfires.

When I return,
we'll give you other improvements.

- A rifled barrel.
- What?

A way to sh**t further and straighter.


Coal for a forge,
sulphur for gunpowder.

Let's take a look inside.

Well, here's your forge.

People's exhibit number one:

A chrome steel drill point.

This pig iron is almost carbon-free.

That village furnace
certainly didn't produce it.

People's exhibit number two:

A cold-rolled g*n barrel rod,
fashioned to look homemade.

You were right about the Klingons.

Make recorder and scanner tapes
of everything.


It's a pity we can't include a live
Klingon. That would just about wrap...

Will it not be difficult to cut
the small groove into the barrels?

Quite simple.

- I'll show you the method.
- I thought my people

would grow tired of k*lling.
But you were right.

They see that it is easier than trading.
And it has pleasures.

I feel it myself.

Like the hunt, but with richer rewards.

You will be rich one day, Apella,
beyond your dreams.

The leader of a whole world.

A governor in the Klingon Empire.


Guards! Intruders!

Move, fast.


- Yes?
- Hit me.

The pain will help me
to consciousness. Hit me.

- Hit you? No, I can't.
- Blast you, strike me.

If I don't regain consciousness soon,
it may be too late. Hit me!


Again. Continue. The pain
will help me to consciousness.

What are you doing, woman?

- Leave me alone! He needs me.
- Have you gone daft?

- Have you..?
- Go. Let me...

That will be quite enough.

Thank you, doctor.

- Please, release her.
- What's this all about?

She was doing as I requested,
Mr. Scott.

A Vulcan form of self-healing.

As you saw, they must wait
until the last possible moment,

then fight their way
back to consciousness.

Will you let me help you, Mr. Spock?

Thank you, nurse.
I'm quite fully recovered.

Yes, I see you are.

Men, this is the pan.
This is the hammer.

A hammer striking the pan
causes a spark,

ignites the powder
and fires the flintlock.

Now, aim it as I showed you.

Hold your breath
and squeeze the trigger gently.

- Well done. Very, very, very good.
- Jim,

I wanna talk to you.

Not here, Bones. In the cave.

Yutan, your turn.

Do I have to say it?

It's not bad enough
there's already one serpent in Eden

teaching one side about gunpowder.
You're gonna make sure they all know.

Exactly. Each side receives
the same knowledge

and the same type of firearm.

Have you gone out of your mind?
Yes, maybe you have.

Tyree's wife said there was something
in that root.

She said now, that you can
refuse her nothing.


Is it a coincidence
this is exactly what she wants?

Is it? She wants superior weapons.

That's the one thing
neither side can have.


Bones, the normal development
of this planet

was a status quo between
the hill people and the villagers.

The Klingons changed that
with the flintlocks.

If this planet is to develop
the way it should,

we must equalize both sides again.

Jim, that means you're condemning
this whole planet

to a w*r that may never end.

It could go on for year after year,

- m*ssacre after m*ssacre.
- All right, doctor!

All right. All right, say I'm wrong.
Say I'm drugged.

Say the woman drugged me.

What is your sober, sensible solution
to all this?

I don't have a solution,

but furnishing them firearms
is certainly not the answer.

Bones, do you remember
the 20th-century brush wars

on the Asian continent?

Two giant powers involved,
much like the Klingons and ourselves.

- Neither side felt they could pull out.
- Yes, I remember.

It went on bloody year
after bloody year.

What would you have suggested?

That one side arm its friends
with an overpowering w*apon?

Mankind would never have lived
to travel space if they had. No.

The only solution
is what happened back then,

balance of power.

And if the Klingons give their side
even more?

Then we arm our side
with exactly that much more.

A balance of power, the trickiest,

most difficult, dirtiest game of them all.

But the only one that preserves
both sides.

And what about your friend Tyree?

Will he understand
this balance of power?

No, probably not.

But I'm going to have to try
and make him understand.

I never had a more difficult task.

Well, Jim,

here's another
morsel of agony for you.

Since Tyree won't fight,
he will be one of the first to die.


w*r isn't a good life, but it's life.

His wife is the only way to reach him.

If I tell her
we're going to supply g*ns,

maybe she'll convince him.

Position, Mr. Scott?

Entering distant orbit, sir.
Approaching rendezvous time.

- The Klingons?
- They haven't spotted us yet, sir.

Looks like they're beaming
someone aboard.

- Stand by to signal the captain.
- Aye, sir.

Nona, pardon me.

You are here
because I wished you here.

I thought it was my idea.

Yes, they always believe
they come of free will.

Tyree even thought the same
when I cast my first spell on him.

- Nona...
- Can you smell this fragrance?

Some find it pleasing.

- I would like to talk to you.
- Again.

Some find it soothing.

- Yes.
- I would like...


Yes, you feel good.

I feel dizzy.

Yes, you are lovely.

You're beautiful.

Kiss me.

Where's Captain Kirk?

Tyree, the firestick, where is it?

There! I left it there.

It's a fine thing to leave lying around.

Show us where it is.

I do not want it.



Who hit you?


I bring you victory for Apella!

- Tyree's woman.
- She's a Kahn-ut-tu.

We won't trust this division to Apella.

Take me to him.

He will have the strength
to use this new w*apon.

Touch me again
and this small box will k*ll you.

No! No!


No, I'm all right.

My phaser.

She took it.

This w*apon I bring you
is far greater than your firestick.


Hill people!

It's a trap. The woman's tricked us.

She's dead.

I want more of these, Kirk.
Many more.


two of those who k*lled my wife
have escaped.

Track them down.

I will k*ll them.


Tomorrow, in the palm of her hands.

- Well, you got what you wanted.
- Not what I wanted, Bones,

what had to be.

- Kirk here.
- Spock, captain.

- I trust all has gone well.
- Spock, are you alive?

An illogical question, doctor, since
obviously you are hearing my voice.

Well, I don't know why I was worried.
You can't k*ll a computer.

Spock, ask Scotty how long it'd take
him to reproduce a hundred flintlocks.

I didn't get that exactly, captain.
A hundred what?

A hundred...


Serpents for the Garden of Eden.

We're very tired, Mr. Spock.

Beam us up home.