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02x10 - Journey to Babel

Posted: 01/14/23 08:50
by bunniefuu
Dress uniforms. Spit and polish.

I don't know how much longer
I'm going to be able to stand this.

I feel like my neck's in a sling.

The Vulcans are the last group
of delegates we have to pick up.

As soon as we get them aboard,
we'll be able to relax.

Sure. A formal reception tonight,
114 delegates aboard for two weeks.

Thirty-two of them ambassadors.

Half of them mad at the other half,
and the whole lot touchier

than a raw antimatter pile
over this Coridan question.

Kirk here.

Shuttlecraft approaching
with Ambassador Sarek's party.

Estimate arrival: One minute.

Bring them aboard, Mr. Chekov.

Stand by to recover shuttlecraft.
Honour guard to the Hangar Deck.

Clear Hangar Deck.
Clear Hangar Deck. Depressurising.

Recovering shuttlecraft.

Hangar Deck pressurising.

How does that Vulcan salute go?

That hurts worse than the uniform.

Captain James Kirk.


My first officer, Commander Spock.

Vulcan honours us with
your presence. We come to serve.

- Your service honours us, captain.
- Thank you.

Chief Medical Officer Dr. McCoy.

- Ambassador.
- Doctor.

My aides,
and she who is my wife.

Captain Kirk.

Our pleasure, madam.

As soon as you're settled,
I'll arrange a tour of the ship.

- Mr. Spock will conduct you.
- I prefer another guide, captain.

As you wish, ambassador.

Mr. Spock, we'll leave orbit
in two hours.

Would you care to beam down
and visit your parents?


Ambassador Sarek and his wife
are my parents.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its five-year mission:
To explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilisations,

to boldly go where no man
has gone before.

Captain's log, stardate 3842.3.

We have departed Vulcan
for the neutral planetoid

code-named Babel.

Since it is in our sector,
the Enterprise has been assigned

to transport ambassadors
of Federation planets

to this vitally important council.

The issues of the council
are politically complex.

The passengers, expl*sive.

This is the Engineering section.

There are a number of emergency
back-up systems for the main controls.

Over here
are a number of control computers.

After all these years among humans,
you still haven't learned to smile.

Humans smile
with so little provocation.

And you haven't come to see us
in four years, either.

The situation between my father
and myself has not changed.

My wife, attend.

Mr. Spock. A moment, if you please.

Yes, captain?

Explain the computer components.

I gave Spock his first instruction
in computers, captain.

He chose to devote his knowledge
to Starfleet

instead of the
Vulcan Science Academy.

If you will excuse me, captain.

I'm sorry, ambassador.
I did not mean to offend. I thought...

Offence is a human emotion, captain.

I'm returning to my quarters.

Continue, my wife.

Mrs. Sarek, I just don't understand.


I'm afraid you couldn't
pronounce the Vulcan name.

Can you?

Well, after a fashion
and after many years of practise.

Shall we continue the tour?
My husband did request it.

It sounded more like a command.

Of course. He's a Vulcan.
I'm his wife.

And Spock is his son.

You don't understand
the Vulcan way, captain. It's logical.

It's a better way than ours.
But it's not easy.

It has kept Spock and Sarek
from speaking as father and son

for 18 years.

Spock is my best officer.

And my friend.

I'm glad he has such a friend.

It hasn't been easy on Spock.

Neither human nor Vulcan.

At home nowhere, except Starfleet.

I take it that

Spock disagreed with his father
on the choice of career.

My husband has
nothing against Starfleet.

But Vulcans believe that peace
should not depend on force.

Starfleet force is used
only as a last resort.

We're an instrument of civilisation.

And it's a better opportunity
for a scientist to study the universe

than he could get
at the Vulcan Science Academy.


But Sarek wanted Spock
to follow his teachings

as Sarek followed
the teachings of his own father.

They're both stubborn.

A human trait, captain.

- Bridge to Captain Kirk.
- Excuse me.

Kirk here.

Captain, I picked up
some sort of signal.

Just a few symbols,
nothing intelligible.


That's what bothers me, sir.
Impossible to locate.

There wasn't enough of it.

Sensors show nothing in the area.

But it was a strong signal,
as though it was very close.

Go to Alert Status Four.

Begin long-range scanning. Kirk out.

Captain's log, stardate 3842.4.

The Interplanetary Conference
will consider the petition

of the Coridan Planets
to be admitted to the Federation.

The Coridan system
has been claimed

by some of the races
now aboard our ship as delegates,

races who have
strong personal reasons

for keeping Coridan
out of the Federation.

The most pressing problem
aboard the Enterprise is to make sure

that open warfare does not break out
among the delegates

before the conference begins.

Mr. Ambassador, I understand
you had retired

before this conference was called.

Forgive my curiosity, but, as a doctor,
I'm interested in Vulcan physiology.

Isn't it unusual for a Vulcan
to retire at your age?

After all, you're only 102.

102.437 precisely, doctor.

Measured in your years.

I had other concerns.


Sarek of Vulcan.

Do you vote to admit Coridan
to the Federation?

The vote will not be taken here,
Ambassador Gav.

My government's instructions
will be heard

in the Council Chambers on Babel.

No. You.
How do you vote, Sarek of Vulcan?

Why must you know, Tellarite?

In council, his vote carries others.

I will know where he stands...

...and why.

Tellarites do not argue for reasons.
They simply argue.

- No. You...
- Gentlemen.

Ambassador Sarek is quite correct
when he points out

this is not
the Council Chamber of Babel.

I'm fully aware that the admission
of Coridan is a highly debatable issue,

but you won't solve it here.

You are correct, captain. Quite logical.

My apologies, captain.

You will excuse me.

Have you met Gav before,

We debated
during my last Council session.

- Ambassador.
- Ambassador Gav lost.

Spock, I've always suspected

that you were a little more human
than you let on.

Mrs. Sarek,

I know about the rigorous training
of the Vulcan youth,

but tell me, did he ever run and play like
the human children, even in secret?

Well, he...

He did have a pet sehlat
he was very fond of.


It's sort of a fat teddy bear.

A teddy bear?

Excuse me, doctor. It has been
a rather long day for my wife.

- Captain.
- Ambassador.

A teddy bear.

Not precisely, doctor.

On Vulcan,
the teddy bears are alive,

and they have six-inch fangs.

Bridge to Captain Kirk.

Kirk here.

Sensors are registering
an unidentified vessel pacing us.

On my way.

All duty personnel on yellow alert.
Don't alarm the passengers. Kirk out.


A small ship, captain.
It's been there five minutes,

remaining outside phaser range
at extreme limit of sensors.

Identification, Spock?

Sensors indicate
the size of a scout ship,

but the configuration is unfamiliar.
Most unusual.

Does she answer a hail?

I've tried all frequencies
and hooked in the universal translator.

- No response, sir.
- Maintain translator broadcast.

Check records for authorised ships.

Starfleet records no authorised vessel
in this quadrant except ours.

- Care to guess what she is?
- Guess, captain?

I shall need more data
for my estimate.

Mr. Chekov, plot a course
to intercept that vessel.

I want to see what she looks like
close up.

Yes, sir.

You embarrassed Spock this evening.

Not even a mother may do that.
He is a Vulcan.

He's also human.

He's a Starfleet officer.

I thought you didn't approve
of Starfleet.

It is not a question of approval.
The fact exists. He is in Starfleet.

He must command respect
if he is to function.

Sarek, you're proud of him,
aren't you?

You're showing almost human pride
in your son.

It does not require pride

to ask that Spock be given the respect
which is his due.

Not as my son, but as Spock.

Do you understand?

Not really. But, it doesn't matter.

I love you anyway.

I know. It isn't logical.

Vessel changing course.
Heading toward us at high warp speed.

Ready main phasers.

Phasers armed and ready, sir.


They were travelling
at approximately warp 10.

Back on original course, Mr. Chekov.
Report on intruder's movements.


Starfleet acknowledges report
on our situation and confirms.

No authorised Federation vessel
in this quadrant.

Back on original heading, captain.

The intruder changed course
immediately after we did.

- It's paralleling us again.
- Well, we have a shadow.

Faster, more manoeuvrable,
and unidentified.

Mr. Spock, full analysis
of sensor readings.

I want to know who that intruder is.

Vulcan, I would speak to you.

It does seem unavoidable.

How do you vote
on the Coridan admission?

You seem unwilling to wait
for the Council meeting, ambassador.

No matter.

- We favour admission.
- You favour? Why?

Under Federation law,
Coridan can be protected

and its wealth administered
for the benefit of its people.

It's well for you.
Vulcan has no mining interest.

Coridan has nearly unlimited wealth
of dilithium crystals,

but it is underpopulated
and unprotected.

This invites illegal mining operations.

Illegal. You accuse us?

Some of your ships have been carrying
Coridan dilithium crystals.

You call us thieves?

Gentlemen. Gentlemen.

Whatever arguments you have
between yourself is your business.

My business is running this ship.
And as long as I command...

...there will be order.

- Of course, captain.
- Understood.

There will be payment
for your slander, Sarek.

Threats are illogical.

And payment is usually expensive.

Security to Captain Kirk.

Kirk here.

Lieutenant Josephs, sir.
I'm on Deck 11, Section A3.

I just found
one of the Tellarites, m*rder*d.

I think it's the ambassador himself, sir.

How was he k*lled?

His neck was broken.

By an expert.


From the nature
and the location of the break,

I'd say the k*ller knew exactly
where to apply pressure

to snap the neck instantly.

Who aboard
would have that knowledge?


On Vulcan, the method
is called tal-shaya.

It was considered a merciful form
of execution in ancient times.


a short time ago,
I broke up an argument

between Gav and your father.

Indeed, captain?

- Interesting.
- Interesting?

Spock, do you realise that makes
your father the most likely suspect?

Vulcans do not approve of v*olence.

Are you saying
he couldn't have done it?

No, captain.

I'm merely saying it would be illogical
to k*ll without reason.

But if he had a reason,
could he have done it?

If there were a reason,
my father is quite capable of k*lling.

Logically and efficiently.

Mrs. Sarek, I'm sorry to disturb you.

I must speak to your husband.

He's been gone for some time.

It's his habit to meditate in private
before retiring.

What's wrong? Spock?

You want something of me, captain?

Ambassador, the Tellarite Gav
has been m*rder*d.

His neck was broken, Mr. Ambassador,
by what Spock describes as tal-shaya.

- Indeed? Interesting.
- Yeah.

Ambassador, where were you
during the past hour?

- Captain, you're not accusing him..?
- Mother.

Only on circumstantial evidence,
he is a logical suspect.

I quite agree.

Then where were you during the hour?

In private meditation, captain.

Spock will tell you that such meditation
is a personal experience.

Not to be discussed.
Especially not with Earthmen.

That's a very convenient excuse,
ambassador, but...

Sarek. Sarek. What's wrong?

It's difficult to say
with Vulcan physiology.

But I believe it's something to do
with his cardiovascular system.

Can you help him?

I don't know that yet, either.

- Spock.
- Yes, captain.

I get sensor readings of tri-tritanium
from the alien ship's hull.

I'm sorry about your father.

Yes, it could adversely affect
our mission.

Aren't you worried about him?

Worry is a human emotion, captain.
I accept what has happened.

The ship's hull seems to have
a high density level

or is cloaked against sensor probes.

It is manned, but sensors
cannot make out specifics.

I see.

Well, the Romulans
have nothing like it.

Certainly not the Federation
or the neutral planets.

What about the Klingons?

- I think it unlikely it is one of theirs.
- Who then?

- Captain?
- Yes.

I picked up the last part of
a transmission just like that other one.

I put the recorder and the
directional locator on it immediately.

Mr. Chekov, directional locator
indicates source bearing 27 mark 8.

It's the intruder ship, sir.

Switch recorder to Mr. Spock's station
for decode, lieutenant.


The directional locator indicates...

...reception point somewhere
within the body of this ship.

A personal receiver?

Somebody onboard is in contact
with that vessel.

Possibly, captain.
But I cannot decode this transmission.

Why not?

It is in no known code.
There is no detectable pattern.

No standard references apply.

Are any conclusions possible
from the information?

Only negative.
It fits none of our computer records.

And it is alien.

m*rder? Somebody out there
playing tag?

Lieutenant, you've got your sensor
locator on a wide beam.

We've established a receiver
onboard this vessel.

Tighten your field
to the interior of the ship.

Yes, sir.

If that alien vessel
starts transmitting again...

...I want to know who onboard
the Enterprise is receiving.

Bones, how is he?

As far as I can tell
from instrument readings,

our prime suspect has a
malfunction in one of the heart valves.

It's similar to a heart attack
in a human.

But with Vulcan physiology, it's
impossible to tell without an operation.

Mrs. Sarek, has he had
any previous att*cks?

- No.
- Yes.

There were three others.

My physician prescribed benjisidrine
for the condition.

Why didn't you tell me?

There was nothing
you could have done.


when did you have
these att*cks?

Two before we left Vulcan.

The third, a few hours ago.

I was on the Observation Deck.

When the Tellarite was m*rder*d,
I was quite incapacitated.

There were no witnesses?


Doctor, do you propose surgery
for the heart defect?

I'm not sure.
It's tough enough on a human.

On a Vulcan, a ordinary operation
is out of the question.


Because of the construction
of the Vulcan heart.

I'd suggest that
a cryogenic open-heart procedure

would be the logical approach.

Yes. Unquestionably.

Bones, what about it?

I'm glad somebody's asking me
something around here.

Well, the procedure
they're discussing would require

tremendous amounts of blood
for the patient.

- Doctor.
- Yes.

I've checked the blood bank.

There isn't enough Vulcan blood
and plasma onboard

to even begin an operation of this type.

- There are other Vulcans aboard.
- My blood type is T-negative.

Somewhat rare,
even for a Vulcan.

Yes, I'd say that's rare.

My blood is T-negative, doctor.

We've run a number of blood tests
on Mr. Spock.

It isn't true Vulcan blood either.

It has human blood elements in it.

It should be possible to filter out
the human factors.

Even you couldn't give that much
blood, Spock. It would k*ll you.


Mrs. Sarek, you must understand,
the chances are extremely small

to find a way to produce
sufficient T-negative blood.

- Indeed. I would estimate the odds...
- Please don't.


I see it, Spock,
but that was Rigelian.

Rigelian physiology is very similar
to Vulcan.

Similar is not good enough.
It's still experimental.

But it does look promising.

Spock, we would need
such great amounts of blood

that even if the drug worked
on the Vulcans as well as a Rigelian,

which I am doubtful,

it would still drain Sarek
to a critical level.

I consider the safety factor low,
but acceptable.

Plus the fact I've never operated
on a Vulcan before.

Oh, I've studied the anatomical types.
I know where all the organs are.

But that's a lot different
from actual surgical experience.

So if I don't k*ll him with the operation,
the drug probably will.

What drug, doctor?

My husband's asleep. What drug?

A chemical stimulant
to speed up reproduction

and replacement of blood in the body.
It's only experimental.

It has been used successfully
on test subjects on Rigel V.

It places a tremendous strain
on the spleen and the liver.

In Sarek's condition,
the stimulant would k*ll him.

Miss Chapel.

I underwent a physical examination
last week.

Would you pull those records, please?

Already pulled.
You're perfectly healthy, Mr. Spock.

- What has that got to..?
- You're going to use it on yourself?

A transfusion from you to your father?

It would seem the only answer.

It could damage you internally.
It could k*ll you.

I'm sorry, Spock.

I can't sanction it.

And I refuse to permit it.
I won't risk both of you.

Then you automatically condemn
Sarek to death.

And you, doctor,
have no logical alternative, either.

If you do not operate, Sarek will die.

You now have the means
to perform the operation.

I am volunteering myself
as the blood donor.

I will be at my station
until you require me.

Bridge. Spock.

- Spock here.
- I'm on Deck 5 near my quarters.

I've been att*cked by an Andorian.


- Security team.
- Captain?

Captain? Captain?

Captain's log, stardate 3843.4.

First Officer Spock
in temporary command.

The captain has been
critically wounded

by one of the delegates
to the Babel conference.

The ship is on Alert Status.

We are still being followed
by the intruder vessel.

It's a bad wound. Punctured left lung.

Centimetre or so lower,
it would have gone through the heart.

I'll be in the brig
questioning the Andorian prisoner.

Doctor, the K-2 factor is dropping.


Your father is much worse.
There's no longer a choice.

I have to operate immediately.

We can begin
as soon as you're prepared.

- No, doctor.
- What?

My first responsibility is to the ship.

Our passengers' safety is,
by Starfleet order, of first importance.

We are being followed by an alien,
possibly hostile vessel.

I cannot relinquish command
under these circumstances.

You can turn command over to Scotty.

On what grounds, doctor?

Command requirements
do not recognise personal privilege.

I will be in the brig,
interrogating the Andorian.

He is Thelev, a minor member
of my staff.

I know nothing of him
except that he has served adequately.

He has been subjected to questioning
under verifier scan and truth drug.

He reveals nothing.

I suggest his mind
has been so conditioned

as part of a preconceived plan.

My people are a violent race,

but we had no quarrel
with Captain Kirk.

- Apparently Thelev did.
- Suggest the plot.

How could it profit us
to harm the captain?

I do not know.

There is no logic in Thelev's attack
upon the captain.

There is no logic in Gav's m*rder.

Perhaps you should forget logic.

Devote yourself to motivations

of passion or gain.

Those are reasons for m*rder.

Come in.

Spock, you must turn command over
to somebody else.

When I was commissioned, I took
an oath to carry out responsibilities

which were clearly
and exactly specified.

Any competent officer
can command this ship.

Only you can give your father
the blood transfusions

that he needs to live.

Any competent officer can command
this ship under normal circumstances.

The circumstances are not normal.

We're carrying over 100
valuable Federation passengers.

We're being pursued by an alien ship,
we're subject to possible attack.

There has been m*rder
and attempted m*rder onboard.

- I cannot dismiss my duties.
- Duty? Your duty is to your father.

I know.

But this must take precedence.

If I could give the transfusion without
loss of time or efficiency, I would.

Sarek understands my reason.

Well, I don't. It's not human.

Oh, that's not a dirty word.
You're human too.

Let that part of you come through.

Your father's dying.

Mother, how can you have
lived on Vulcan so long,

married a Vulcan,
raised a son on Vulcan,

without understanding
what it means to be a Vulcan?

Well, if this is what it means,
I don't want to know.

It means to adopt a philosophy,
a way of life,

which is logical and beneficial.

We cannot disregard that philosophy
merely for personal gain,

no matter how important
that gain might be.

Nothing is as important
as your father's life.

Can you imagine what my father
would say if I were to agree?

If I were to give up command
of this vessel,

jeopardise hundreds of lives,
risk interplanetary w*r,

all for the life of one person?

When you were five years old

and came home
stiff-lipped, anguished

because the other boys tormented you,

saying that you weren't
really Vulcan...

...I watched you, knowing that inside...

...the human part of you was crying.

And I cried too.

There must be some part of me in you.

Some part that I still can reach.

If being Vulcan
is more important to you,

then you'll stand there...

...speaking rules and regulations
from Starfleet and Vulcan philosophy...

...and let your father die.

And I'll hate you for the rest of my life.


Oh, go to him now. Please.

I cannot.

Dr. McCoy.

I'd like to get my hands
on the guy with the sledgehammer.

The one who hit you?

No, the one inside my head.

How long have l..?

Now, let that be a lesson to you.

Just lie there and be happy
you're still alive.

How's Sarek?

Not good. If I could only operate...

What's stopping you?

I thought you were all ready.

I was. When you became injured,
Spock assumed command.

He's going to stay there
till you get back on your feet,

even if it costs Sarek his life.


I can't damn him for his loyalty.

For doing his duty. But I'm not going
to let him commit patricide.

Jim, if you stand,
you could start to bleed again.


...Sarek will die without that operation.

And you can't operate
without transfusions from Spock.

I'll convince Spock I'm all right...

...and order him to report here.
Soon as he leaves the Bridge,

I'll turn command over to Scotty
and report to my quarters.

Will that fill your prescription?

- Captain.
- I'll take over, Mr. Spock.

You report to Sickbay
with Dr. McCoy.

Captain, are you quite all right?

I've certified him physically fit,
Mr. Spock.

Now, since I have
an operation to perform,

- and both of us are required...
- Get out, Spock.

Mr. Chekov, what's the status
of the intruder?

No change, sir.
Maintaining its distance.

Any further transmissions,

None, sir.

Call Mr. Scott to the Bridge.

Captain, the alien vessel
is moving closer.

Belay that order. I'll stay here.

Captain, I'm picking up
the alien signal again.

But it's coming from inside
the Enterprise.

- Specific origin?
- From the brig, sir.


Security to the brig.
Search the prisoner immediately.

Readings, nurse.

Mr. Spock's blood reproduction rate
is up over 200 percent.

Sarek's heartbeat
has risen to 324.

Blood pressure 90/40,

I wish I knew
whether that was good or bad.

Initiate sterile field.

Mr. Spock.

- Where do you think you're going?
- I must see the captain.

My patients don't walk out
in the middle of an operation.

The alien ship, I just realised,

if their power utilisation curve
is not the norm,

it should be possible
to identify them this way.

Very important.

So is your father's life.

Kirk here.

Security here.
We had to stun the Andorian.

He had some sort of transceiver.
It was hidden in his antenna.

Captain, the alien ship
has changed course and speed.

Moving directly toward us at warp 8.

Bring the prisoner to the Bridge.

Deflectors on. Red alert.

- Phasers stand by to fire on my order.
- Aye, sir.

Shields on,
phasers manned and ready, sir.

- Chekov, take over Spock's scanners.
- Aye, sir.

Target, Mr. Chekov?

Moving away, turning now.
He's coming around again.

Fire as he passes, ensign.

Clean miss, sir.

Report on his weaponry, Mr. Chekov.

Sensors record standard phasers, sir.

Standard phasers. Good.

They have more speed,
but they're not giants.

Captain, the intercoms are jammed.

All the ambassadors are asking
what's going on.

Tell them to take a good guess,
but clear that board, lieutenant.

Aye, sir.

It's coming around again.

One more like that
and I'm going to lose both these men.

Fire control
locked into the computers, captain.

On my order, fire photon torpedoes
two, four, and six.

- Widest possible scatter.
- Aye, sir.


Full spread missed, sir.
They're moving too fast for us.

- Doctor, his heart's stopped.
- Cardiostimulate.

The systems are off.

Then get me
that old portable cardiostimulator.

Call Engineering and have
Sickbay systems put on priority.

Yes, sir.

Number four shield has buckled, sir.

- Auxiliary power.
- Switching over.

Shields firming up.

Number four is still weak, sir.

If they hit us there again,
it'll go altogether.

Your friends out there are good.
They'll have to destroy this ship to win.

That was intended
from the beginning, captain.

You're not Andorian. Who are you?

Damage reports coming in, captain.
Every deck.

Damage control procedures, all decks.

That ship out there has phasers.
At least our weapons are alike.

Number two shield is gone, sir.

Engineering. This is the captain.

Cut power on the port side
except for phaser banks.

At my signal, cut starboard power.
Kirk out.

Who are you?

Find your own answers, captain.
You haven't long to live.

You're a spy, surgically altered
to pass as an Andorian,

planted in the ambassador's party
to use terror and m*rder to disrupt us,

and prepare for this attack.

Speculation, captain.

Engineering, cut power on starboard
side. Maintain until further orders.


What are you doing?

You speculate.

We're starting to drift, sir.
Shall I hold her on course?

No. Stand by your phasers,
Mr. Chekov.

Aye, sir. Phasers standing by.

He's just hovering out there, sir.

Looking us over.

We're dead, as far as he knows.

You're baiting him.
You're trying to lure him in.

Here he comes.

Range decreasing.
Speed dropping close to sub-light.

Hold your fire, Mr. Chekov.

Phasers locked on target.
Range closing.

Seventy-five thousand kilometres.


Got him!

Secure from general quarters.

Lieutenant, open a hailing frequency.

If they wish to surrender...

They could not surrender, captain.

They had orders to self-destruct.

Lieutenant, relay to
Starfleet Command.

Tell them we have a prisoner.

Aye, sir.

Only temporarily, captain.

You see, I had orders
to self-destruct too.

Slow poison.

Quite painless, actually,
but there is no known antidote.

I anticipate
another ten minutes of life.

Take him to Sickbay.

I seem to have miscalculated.

So did they.

Mr. Chekov, take over.


Are you quite through
shaking this ship around?

Spock, Sarek. How are they?

I don't mind telling you, you sure
make it difficult for a surgeon trying...

- Bones!
- Captain, come in.

That pig-headed Vulcan stamina.

I couldn't have pulled them through
without it.

Some doctors have all the luck.

- Captain, I believe you'll find the alien...
- We damaged their ship.

They destroyed themselves
to avoid capture.

Bones, Thelev's body
will be brought to your lab.

I want an autopsy performed
as soon as possible.

I think you'll find he's an Orion, doctor.


Intelligence reports
that Orion smugglers

have been raiding the Coridan system.

But what would they gain
by an attack on Starfleet?

Mutual suspicion
and interplanetary w*r.

Yes, of course.
With Orion carefully neutral,

they'd clean up by supplying
dilithium to both sides

and continue to raid Coridan.

The thing that confused me
was the power utilisation curve.

It made them seem more powerful
than a starship

or anything known to us.

That ship was constructed
for a su1c1de mission.

Since they never intended
to return to their home base,

they could use 100 percent power
on their att*cks.

The thing I don't understand
is why I didn't think of it earlier.

You might have had something else
on your mind.

It hardly seems likely.

No. But thank you anyway.

And you, Sarek. Would you also say
thank you to your son?

I don't understand.

For saving your life.

Spock acted in the only logical manner
open to him.

One does not thank logic,

Logic. Logic.
I'm sick to death of logic.

Do you want to know how I feel
about your logic?

- Emotional, isn't she?
- She has always been that way.

Indeed? Why did you marry her?

At the time, it seemed
the logical thing to do.

Bones. No, no, I'm all right.

Now, if you keep arguing
with your kindly family doctor,

you're going to spend
your next ten days right here.

If you cooperate, you'll be out in two.

Doctor, I think I'll return
to my station now.

You are at your station,
Mr. Spock.

Dr. McCoy, I believe
you're enjoying all this.

Indeed, captain.
I've never seen him look so happy.

Shut up!

Well, what do you know?
I finally got the last word.