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07x21 - What About Larry?

Posted: 01/14/23 08:23
by bunniefuu
( chuckles )

Hey... I know you.

I know you.

You're, um...

You're Petrone.

Joe Petrone, right?

I'm George Kennedy.
I know!

Petrone was the name of
a character I played

in the Airport movie.

I've seen
every one of them.

My favorite one
was the first one.

Man, they never
would have been able

to land that 707 safely
if it were not for you.

You were incredible.

Thank you very much.

I mean, when you
stuck that stogie

in your mouth, and you
barked orders to your men,

I... I...

I'd give anything
to hear you shout,

"Phone runway six!

"We got a jumbo
coming in on her belly!"

( laughing )

Yeah, I liked
that scene, too.

Do it.

I don't, I don't think...

Come on! come on, do it.
Do it, do it, do it.

Look, I appreciate
your enthusiasm...

but that was just a role
I played in the movie.

I wouldn't feel comfortable
doing it in public.

Besides, my flight
leaves in a second.

Sandpiper air passengers:

Flight Nine to Boston
will be delayed 30 minutes.

Wow, what a break, huh?

( strained chuckle )

Now we can talk about
all the Airport movies.

Heck, maybe we can even do
some scenes together, huh?


Excuse me.

What's the trouble
with Flight Nine?
Oh, oh, no.

There's no trouble,
Mr. Kennedy.

It's just that
sometimes things run

a little behind schedule
at a small airport.

( dry chuckle )

( sotto voce ):
I've got to get
out of here.

I want the pilot for
Sandpiper Flight Zero-Niner

to report to his aircraft
on the double.

Tower, give me a clearance
for takeoff in five minutes.

Ground crew, prepare
your aircraft A.S.A.P.

because I'm leaving
and I'm leaving now.

And somebody
phone runway six.

We got a jumbo coming in
on her belly!

Hey, George!

Hey, you're back!
Hey, hey, hey.

It's me, Brian Hackett,
from this morning. Remember?

Yeah. Nice to see you.

Hey, so, so what...
what are you doing

back on the
island, anyway?

I just went over to Boston
to have some lunch.

I'm on vacation.

My travel agent said
this was a nice, quiet place

where I wouldn't be disturbed.

Well, you came to
the right place.

There's nobody going
to bother you here.

All right.
Listen, George...

about this morning, huh?

I'm sorry
for bending your ear

about all
the Airport movies.

You must be pretty tired
about hearing all that.

Thanks for being
so understanding.

Oh, you're welcome.

So, listen,
about Cool Hand Luke,

I cannot believe
Paul Newman ate 50 eggs.

Say, what do you think
his cholesterol shot up to, huh?

Hey, Antonio.
Guess what.

Today, Joe and I start
interviewing contractors.

Oh! That...
that is so romantic, huh?

Starting out together,

building a little love nest.

A place where...
where you raise a family.

It's just... it's wonderful.

Thank you.

You know, sometimes I-I...

I just get so jealous of you two

that I lie awake in bed at night

and chew on my blanket in...

...rage and frustration
and despair.

Other times, I just watch Leno.

Hey, Antonio, guess what.

Helen and I are
going to choose
our contractor today.

A year from now,
we're going to be moving
into our dream house.

You know, sometimes I just
lay awake in bed at night

and chew on
my blanket...

I'll fill him in.

Uh, uh, Joe, Helen,

there's a contractor waiting
for you in the office.

At least I think
it's a contractor.

He's got a tape measure
in his pocket.

At least I think
it's a tape measure.

JOE: He's early.

( door opens )


Hi there. You
must be Jerry.

Uh, that's right.

And you must be
the Bulemans.

No, we're the Hacketts.

No, no, you're the Bulemans.

It says so right here.

Oh... my mistake.

The Bulemans
were yesterday.

Uh, well, so, Jerry,
did you have a chance

to put together a
bid for our house?

I sure did.


I'm all thumbs.

Uh, anyway...

here's the bid.

I think you'll find it
very reasonable.

Uh, I'm having trouble
making this out, Jerry.

Is that a three
or an eight?

Whichever one
will get me the job.

I haven't worked
in a real long time.

Build one house
that collapses,

and suddenly
you're labeled a risk.

And this is the extension

I put on Rudy's gym.

Well, I didn't
finish it,

'cause Rudy and I
got into a little beef.

That's too bad.

So... when do I start?

Well, um...

we'll let you know.

Oh, I see
what's going on here.

You're not going to hire me
just because I'm a woman.

Oh, no, no, no.

In fact, we don't see you
as a woman at all.

You don't think
I'm tough enough.

You-- pretty boy.

Come on, hit me.

Go ahead!

Hit me. Hit me!



And here's a
little Cape Cod

I did for a couple
in the Vineyard.

That's a
beautiful house.

Finished on time
and under budget.

And this one
in Hyannisport

is one of my larger projects.

Um... that...

looks like the
Kennedy Compound.

It is the Kennedy Compound.

And here's a little something
I built in Italy.

That-that looks like
the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

It is the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Oh, Joe,

we're going to be living

with Brian and Casey
till we die.

( knock on door )

Excuse me. I'm Larry Mohr.

I have an appointment
with Joe and Helen Hackett.

Come on in.

So, Lar, what's your story?

You on parole? Being deported?

Or are you just k*lling time
till the mother ship returns?

I see you've met my competition.

Yeah, there are a lot
of flakes out there.

And we've met them all.

Well, let me show you some
of the jobs I've done.

( sighs )

Now, here's one I'm
particularly proud of

on Sand Hill Road.

Joe, that's that house.

You know it?

Know it, are you kidding?
We love that house.

It seemed like that thing
went up overnight.

Well, when I take on a job,
I believe in doing it fast

and doing it well.


I've broken down my bid
into various categories

so you can see exactly
where your money's going.

This is the lowest bid
we've gotten now.

I can come in
below my competitors

because instead of subbing
out most of the job,

I do it all myself.

That enables me to
keep the costs down,

but more importantly,

to control
the quality
of the work.


Anyway, I don't
expect you

to make a decision
right away.

This is a big step.

Think it over and
take your time.

All right.
Of course.


You're hired!
You're hired!

To the person that makes
my life worth living.

Whose caring
and thoughtfulness

makes each day special
in its own way.

To Larry.
To Larry.

( doorbell chimes )

Hey, Larry!
Come on in.

We were just
talking about you.

Hey! Larry, we are so happy
that you're building our house.

( sobbing )

Oh, God.

Is... is something wrong?

What is it?

Is it the foundation?


A problem
with the permits?

My wife kicked me out.

So the foundation's okay?

God, she says
I'm never there for her,

(sniffling): that I...
that I'm married to my work,

that I put my clients'
interests above hers.

Listen, tomorrow,
why don't you sit her down

and just talk
this thing out?

Yeah. You know,
after work.

Work? I can't think about work.

Cathy is my life.

I don't know if I'll ever
be able to work again.


Helen, is there
coffee yet?

Shh! You'll
wake up Larry.

He was up till 3:00 a.m.
crying his eyes out.

He's gone.

Well, great,
maybe he decided
to go back to work.

Or maybe not. Maybe he
did something desperate.

Oh, come on. What makes
you think he did that?

'Cause all he kept
saying last night

was "I can't go on"
and "I want to die"

and "without her,
there's nothing left
for me on this earth."

Oh, you read
into everything.

I'm telling you, Joe,

this man is hanging
on by a thread.

Who wants pancakes?


Or-or I could make waffles
if you're waffle people.

Larry, it seems like
you're feeling
a lot better.

Oh, yeah, I'm fine.

Look, I want to apologize

about the way I broke
down there last night.

I... I hardly know you two.

Anyway, I'm really sorry.

Hey, it's no
problem, buddy.
Well, are you sure?

'Cause last night,
you were really upset...

Larry said he's
feeling fine.

What do you need,
a doctor's note?


the, uh, breakfast
is on the table.


Oh, uh, before I go,

I just want you
to know one thing.

There is absolutely no way

that I'm going to
allow my personal life

to interfere
with my commitment
to build your house.

I'm going to be on
that job day and night.

I'm going to give 100 percent

right until the moment
th-that wel... ( choking up )

that that welcome mat

is on that front step.

( sobbing )

Excuse me. I have
to go to work now.

Hey, hey, hey. Hey,
that's the spirit there, Lar.

I knew we couldn't
keep you down.

You're a pro.
Nothing's going to stop you.


( sobbing continues )

You two look terrible.

Oh, we had another rough night
with Larry.

Yeah. It got to be past 11:00.
He got overtired.

We just couldn't
put him down.

Up and down with him
all night--

bringing him juice,
reading him stories.

Joe said that we should
let him cry it out,

but I just didn't
have the heart.

You've got to be tough.

Once his sleep
patterns are set,

it'll only get harder
to change them.

You see?
Oh, boy. You guys

are so pathetic.

I mean, how could you let
a complete stranger

glom onto you like that?

Mmm! Hey, Georgie!

Hey, your hotel must not
be giving you my messages.

I must have left
at least 50 of them.

Hey, wait up!
Got a copy of Thunderbolt
and Lightfoot right here.

You know what,
Brian is right.

This whole thing with Larry
has gotten out of hand.

How long are we going
to let this go on?

Joe, the man's wife left him.

Yeah, but that
doesn't mean you
stop functioning.

Helen, you get up,
you go to work, you
get on with your life.

Is that what you would do
if I left you?

Well, I... I...

Okay, let me give you
a hypothetical.

Oh, no, please, not one
of your hypotheticals.

What if I caught you in bed
with another woman?

Okay, I'm listening.


Big Pat from the bait shop.
Oh, now...

Why would I sleep with
Big Pat from the bait shop?

Can't it be Danielle
from the tire store?

Because it is
my hypothetical,

and you'll sleep
with whoever the hell

I tell you to sleep with.

And by the way, from now on,
I take the car in for tires.

So, anyway,
I kick you out.

How do you feel?

Well, it depends.

If I slept with Big Pat,
I'm pretty depressed.

But if I slept
with Danielle...

You slept with Big Pat.

Well, then I'm depressed
and... slightly nauseous.

And I have no
reason to go on.


And that's how
Larry feels.

So we should nurture him
through this crisis

and not burden
him with work
until he's ready.

Okay? What do you think?

I don't know.

I still can't get the image
of Big Pat out of my head.

Guys, I just went by
your construction site.

It's a real beehive
of activity.

Ha, ha, that's very funny, Roy.

It will be just as soon
as Larry's feeling better.

No. No, no, no.
I'm serious.

There must be 20
construction workers out there.

They're all playing softball.

It's a real party.

They even have a piƱata.

Roy, they might as well
have a good time

as long as
they're not getting paid.

No, no, you're paying
them all right.

How do you
know that?

The plumber grilling
the hot dogs told me.

You guys should stop by.

30 minutes,
it's luau, luau, luau.

Okay, that's it.
Larry's fired.

No, you can't
fire him.

You give me one good reason
why not.

Because you can't fire
a man on his 40th birthday.

How do you know
it's his 40th birthday?

Oh, he mentioned it while
I was cutting his meat.

Helen, this has gone on
long enough.

I agree. We got to put
an end to this nonsense.

Okay, great.
What are we gonna do?

We're gonna throw him

a surprise 40th birthday party
that he'll never forget.

Oh, that'll teach him.


Don't you see?
Larry feels abandoned.

He needs to know that there are
people that care about him.

So, we'll call his friends and
invite them over to our house.

Helen, this is insane.

Now we're throwing
a surprise birthday party

for someone we don't even know.
I'm not doing it.

It'll get him
back to work.

You get the cake,
I'll get the party hats.

Hello, Fay?

What are you doing?

Oh, you're taking a footbath?


Well, we are throwing a surprise
birthday party for Larry.

Oh, you know Larry.

Larry the contractor.


Look, I'm in big trouble.

None of his friends showed up,
and I need bodies here.

So get those gunboats
out of that footbath

and get them over here now.

Hello, Roy?

What are you doing?

JOE: Okay, Larry,
we're home now.



"Happy 40th, Larry."

Oh, a party for me.

That's so great.

It's going to get
even greater.

Surprise! Surprise!

Look, Roy, I don't care
what you're watching.

Put it on pause.

It'll be there
when you get back.

Helen , what
is going on?

Where are all of
Larry's friends?

he doesn't have any.

They're all
his wife's.

Well, so, Lar...

Hey, were you

Oh, we were so worried
that you'd find out.


Look, I get it.

You tried to give me a party,
and nobody came.

What are you talking
about, nobody?

Are Joe and I nobody?

Is Brian nobody?

Oh, look--

he even brought you
a present.

Huh? It's my
Chinese food.

And what a thoughtful gift
to give Larry

on his 40th birthday.

But I'm hungry.

Give it to him.
All right.

Happy birthday, Larry.
Happy birthday.

I hope you enjoy
mushu shrimp.

I'm allergic
to shellfish.

I get puffy.

Well, it's the
thought that counts.

( doorbell chimes )

All right,
where is he?

Where's that
birthday boy?

There's my main man.

Happy birthday, Barry.


Of course.

Why do I always
get that wrong?

Because this is the
first time we've met.

Yeah, but it's a moment
I'll never forget.

I'm Antonio.

Well, all right!

This party's catching fire.

Oh, my shampoo girl
said there was an
emergency at home.

Is everything
all right?

It is now,
because you're just in time

for the big
birthday bash!


You made me race
out of the salon

and drive over here

looking like a radio
transmitter for Harry?!



( doorbell chimes )

Okay, Helen,
we're here.

You have got
30 minutes.



Now that Larry's surrounded
by all the people

that care
for him the most...

I don't know
any of you.

I'm Fay.

I'm ready to go.

Okay, well, we're
all gathered here

because Larry's having
a bit of a rough patch,

and he's feeling
a little down.

Hey, is that
mushu shrimp?

Get your own.

Well, I thought
now would be

a good time for everyone

to tell Larry
how they feel about him.

Yeah, that is
a great idea.

I want to go first,
and I want to talk about...

the Larry
that I used to know.

Larry the contractor.

Larry that had one dream
and one dream only--

to build Helen
and me a house--

and I know that that dream
still burns deep in your heart.

Am I right, big guy?

Can I go
lie down now?

No. We're
just beginning.

Here. Sit down.

Now, does anyone else
have anything to say?

Not me.

Not really.


Joe, Helen...

I want to thank you very much
for throwing me this party.

You've helped me realize
something very important.

I might not have a wife,

but now I know I have
no friends either.

The rest of you don't have
to hang around anymore.

Actually, I do

because Woo Fat
won't be here

for another
20 minutes.

( doorbell chimes )

Hey, they must have
gotten a new guy.

Does Brian Hackett
live here?


What are you doing
at my house?

Listen, you--

I have had it up to
here with the calls,

the notes,
the chocolates,

the following me
all over the island.

I'm on vacation here.

I don't want you

hounding me
every minute.

Now, you knock it off,
or I'm calling the cops.

You got it?

I can't believe
you came to my house!

George Kennedy.

Finally, somebody I recognize.

Wow! And he-he came
to my birthday party.

Hey... I don't mean
to burst your bubble, my friend,

but he's here
to see me, okay?

Excuse me,
Mr. Kennedy.

I'm Brian's brother.

And if you want to get him
off your back, I can arrange it,

but you got to do
something for me.


Make a speech for Larry.

Who's Larry?

He's that guy.

JOE: My contractor.

It's his 40th birthday.
His wife just left him.

He's a basket case.

Say something that'll
get him back on his feet.

And you'll get that
maniac off my back?

Yeah, if you get that
maniac back to work.

It's a deal.

Okay. Say something

You make me sick.

Take a look
in the mirror.

You ought to be
ashamed of yourself,

lying there,
wallowing in self-pity.

So your wife left you.

Big deal.

Get up off your ass
and be a man!

Happy birthday to you.

Wow, George,
that was some speech.

Where's that from?


Get one!

Well, I, uh, I've had enough
celebration for one day.

Hey, where are you going?

Oh, what's
the difference?

( doorbell chimes )

Uh, sorry, toots,
private party.

Just Gary's friends.

Huh? I'm Larry's
wife, Cathy.

Cathy, wh-what are you
doing here?

I thought you
might need

some of your
things, so...

Oh. Thanks.

Well... don't want
to interrupt.

Happy birthday.

No, wait!
You can't go, Cathy.

Yeah, Cath, stick around.

You two kids have
to talk things out.

Who are these people?

I don't know
all their names,

but they're my best
friends in the world.

Well, look,
you came all this way.

You obviously care.

Just tell Larry
how you feel.


You are the most
impossible man

on earth
to live with.

It's a start,
not a good one, but...

All right, Lar, why don't
you tell Cath how you feel?

I thought we were happy,
and then you threw me out,

( voice cracking ):
and I... I don't know if I...

Okay, Cath, what Lar is
trying to say here is...

I know what Larry's
trying to say,

but I can't go on
living with a man

who's married to his
work and not to me.

Isn't there anything we can do
to save this marriage?

Yes, there is.


Yeah, well,
a ray of hope.

I want a clean start.

Yeah, a clean
start is good.

I want to move to Miami

and open up that
little restaurant

like we talked about.

Get the hell off of
this island for good.

Oh, get real, Cathy,
nobody's going anywhere.

That's right,
there is no way

that Larry's
giving up contracting.

He is a building man.
It's in his blood.

I'll do it.

What? Huh?

I'll do anything

if it means keeping you.

Oh... now,

Let's go,

Uh, please don't go!

Your life is here.

Your friends are here.

Our house is here.

Somebody say something.

Bye, Barry.

What about us?

Who's going to build our house?

And here's a little something
I built in India.

That looks like the Taj Mahal.

It is the Taj Mahal.

You're hired.
You're hired.