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4x10 - Gaslit

Posted: 12/11/10 07:10
by bunniefuu
"Gossip Girl here, your one and only soucre Into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite.

I have to be blair waldorf Before I can be chuck bass' girlfriend.

If two people are meant to be together, Eventually they'll find their way back.

I gave up on your mother visiting a long time ago.

Just wish she could see how great you're doing now.

You tried to destroy my friendship with blair, My reputation, my academic career.

So who much will it take for you to leave my daughter alone? I could really use some help from the inside right now.

What exactly did you have in mind? We need to turn everyone against serena.

(serena) how could I have kissed either of you When I couldn't even get into the party? So someone dressed exactly like you just happened to be Attracted to both of us? (serena) I-I don't know.

I can't explain it.

Mom's not the only one who still sees me As a messed-up 16-year-old.

(lily) your sister just withdrew from columbia.

Alienate everybody, drop out of school, run away-- That sounds like serena.

(lily) I'm not sure there's anything we can do anymore.


Doubles Her Fun And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell.

You know you love me.





, gossip girl.

Fixed by yamia (gossip girl) thanksgiving-- my favorite holiday.

As always, I'll be spending it giving thanks For the bounty of secrets I've harvested from you this year.

But leave a place for me at your table.

I'll be back for just desserts.

Strolling the christmas markets with daddy and roman, Celebrating beaujolais nouveau at le tambour.

Did you remember my new burberry? Yes.

That's the double-faced.

I need the shearling.

Do you want me to freeze? Yes.

I want you to freeze.

Why aren't you excited for me? You know how much I love paris in autumn.

With everything that's happened with mr.

Chuck and miss serena, I also know that you want to get out of the dodge.

Out of Dodge.

It's a place, not a pickup truck, And I'm not leaving because of them.

Well, not entirely because of them.

It's ana's first holiday season.

So many traditions to share-- The breaking of op�atek, The waiting for first star, The singing kol�dy.

Do any of these traditions include getting to the point? I took liberty of making Harold's famous thanksgiving pie for you.

I'm not sure that's getting through airport security.

I thought we could drop it off at van der woodsens' On your way to airport.

Serena is the one who forced chuck and me into the open And tried going after my committee.

She's the one staying at lily's to avoid me.

Shouldn't she be bringing me pies? (blows raspberry) Forget I mention it.

I'll throw pie in trash.



It's fine.

But this is only about pies and traditions.

That's all.

Do they have a word in polish for "pain in the ass"? (mackintosh braun) this was made for us ♪ zawracanie g�owy (horns honk) We have relatives I don't know about? It's always a possibility.

Your mother wanted to pull out all the stops this year.

So this is about, uh, denial.

Have you heard from serena? No.

She hasn't responded to any of my texts.

And, granted, most of them included angry emoticons, But, uh, I was actually thinking of going over to blair's now To try to talk to her.

You will do no such thing.

Come on, lil.

It's the holidays.

She dropped out of college.

She refuses to return our phone calls.

She's a grown woman throwing temper tantrums Just to punish me.

When she is ready to take responsibility For her actions, we'll talk.

Until then, you know what? I'm done being punished.

You know, and everything looks so great.

Maybe just move the, uh, flowers a little closer.


How could they not have pumpkin pie? We're at foragers market.

I'm sure we'll find something.

How about the organic pumpkin tarts with gluten-free crust? (scoffs) do I look like I could have baked those? I told my dad I would.

You know how he loves his tradition.

Maybe you can tell him the new tradition Is being truthful about the origin Of thanksgiving dessert.

How about you come and tell him yourself? He told me He invited you but you weren't sure if you were coming? Well, I wasn't sure if you wanted me to.

Yeah, I-I do.

I mean, if it weren't for you, I would have let serena destroy my friendship with nate.

Friendships are important.

I saw the blast about what she did at saints and sinners.

Have you spoken to her since that happened? Nope.

Not planning to.

Neither is nate.

Kissing both of us proves that she doesn't care About either of us, so we're just trying to Move on, now really think about it.

How's that working out for ya? Pretty poorly, thank you, which is why I could-- I could really use you there today if she does come, So What do you say? Do I have time to run back to the loft? I have this amazing tofu sage stuffing recipe.

For tofu? How could I say no? I was gonna swing by before we left for grandfather's, If that's still okay with you.

Of course.

Can't wait.

Just you? She just needs more time, dad.

Well Time I got lots of.

Tell your mom I said happy thanksgiving.

She'll come around, I promise.

It's just, uh, it'd be great to see her, you know? I'd love the chance to talk to her So she could see for herself just how much I've changed.

Let me talk to her.

I'll see you soon, okay? Yeah.

(men shouting in distance) Mr.

Stahl, what are you doing here? Nathaniel.

Just, uh, dropping off some papers for your mother.

Well, on thanksgiving? Yes.

Well, they're time-sensitive.

(horn honks) You know what? She's She's not in right now.


She's getting her hair done, so I can give that to her.

Uh Well Okay.


Happy thanksgiving.

Have a good one.

You, too.

(elevator bell dings) What are you doing here? Thanksgiving-- the only day of the year It's acceptable to eat dinner before 8:00.


Of course.



We bring pie.

I should have asked lily if you were coming.

I can leave if you'd like.

Don't be silly.

I was just headed to j.



But even if I wasn't, We should get used to little run-ins like these.

I mean, if bruce and demi cod do it, It can't be that difficult.


Blair, dorota.

What are you doing here? Just bringing a little tradition.


(chuckles) I'm spending the holidays with daddy and roman in paris.

I figured since we usually spend this day together, That, you know Um, is serena here? We thought she was with you.

No, I haven't seen her since chuck's party.

She never came home.


All right.

Now I'm worried.

Charles? (chuck) she's not at the empire.

Well, then where the hell is she? (the limiñanas' "down underground" playing) (singing in french) ♪ (shatters) ♪ (telephone rings) (man) 9-1-1.

What is your emergency? My name is serena van der woodsen.

I don't know where I am or how I got here.

Please help.

Hey, man, I just got your text.

What's up? My mom's filing for divorce.

At least she's trying to.


I'm--I'm sorry, man.

That sucks.

What am I supposed to do? You know, how do I-- how do I stop this? You can't.

I know it's not what you want to hear, but if kids Could fix their parents' relationships, they would.

Hell, if we could fix our own relationships, we would.

That's your advice? Do nothing? No.

I mean, if it helps, I know my parents are happier now than they were.

And don't take this the wrong way, But I mean, it can't come as a total shock, right? It is.

I mean, she's had years to do this.

The guy embezzled.

He got arrested.

He tried to skip bail, and then he went to prison.

She stayed married to him this whole time, And now she wants out? (sighs) I mean, what's worse is that I feel he's--he's really changed.

I just-- I gotta get her to see that.

Well, good luck.

Thanks, man.

Actually, no.

No, thanks.

Your advice sucked.

(cell phone rings) (chuckles) I'm sorry.

Hold on a second.

Uh, hey, dad.

I'm at nate's right now, But vanessa should be there soon, though I should warn you, There is, uh, stuffing with tofu involved.

I hate to do this to you over the phone, But, um, I need to tell you something, And I prefer to keep it in the immediate family for now.

Serena's in the hospital.

Is everything okay? We hope so.

We're at st.


All right, well, I'm close.

I'll be there soon.


I understand, but when will we be allowed to see her? No one's telling us anything.

Well, just be patient, And someone will be with you soon.

Okay? Let us know when you can! Blair (alexi murdoch) the water ♪ is so cold ♪ and heavy on my mind ♪ All they could tell us is what we already know.

She dialed 9-1-1 from a motel in queens And that dr*gs were involved.

What are we supposed to do? For now (sighs) just be here when she wakes up.

I'm gonna go get a cup of coffee.

looking for a rose ♪ (beep) (cell phone chiming) (sighs) Hi, dad.

What's, uh, going on? Hey, sweetie, I wish I didn't have to tell you this, But Serena's in the hospital.

Looks like an overdose.

Oh, my god.

What-- We're hoping she's gonna be fine.

If it's okay with your mom, I'd really like you here with us.

I know you and serena have a complicated past, But at the end of the day-- No, no, uh, of course.

I'll get there soon as I can.

Dad, can Just tell lily how sorry I am.

I'm sure she'll appreciate that.

oh, the ice is stirring ♪ and spring is ♪ Hello? Is anyone home? (whispering) hi, hi, hi.



(lowers voice) what are you doing here? (lowered voice) holding down fort.

Why? Where is everyone? Maybe you should call mr.


(cell phone ringing) (ana fusses) though ♪ I'm not yet gone ♪ (phone rings) Hey, this is dan.

Leave a message.

Let me make a call, See if one of my doctors can get us some answers.


Where is she? Is she all right? What happened? She overdosed in some cheap motel in queens, alone.

Why didn't she come to me? I mean, no matter how angry we were at each other, she knows.

I don't know what I would do if anything happened to her.

What do the doctors say? Rufus and lily are waiting to talk to them.

What? dr*gs in a cheap motel-- That does not sound like serena to me.

Sometimes I forget How much of a recent addition you are, humphrey.

You met her as a girl coming home, trying to start over.

I wish it wasn't true, but Sounds a lot like the serena I used to know.


Humphrey? I'm dr.


It was a drug overdose, but it wasn't severe.

We have her on fluids right now, But her liver and kidneys look fine.


Uh, what now? Well, she's stable, so soon as she wakes up, We'll have to discharge her.

I was wondering if you wanted To discuss a place for her recovery.

I understand your family had a good experience With the ostroff center.

Well, she's not a drug addict, and she didn't mean To harm herself.

This was all sort of a stupid mistake, And as you said yourself, it wasn't severe.

The amount ingested isn't what worries me.

In addition to the painkillers and sleeping pills, We found nortriptyline in her motel room.

It's an antidepressant, but taken in conjunction With the other medications, it can be fatal.

Was your daughter battling depression? No.

Uh, not that we're aware of.

(lowers voice) I'll give you a minute.

Thank you.

Do you think she was taking something and not telling us? I don't know.

This was serena acting out, blowing off steam Like she always does.

It just went too far.

That's all.

Looking for this? Any other earth-shattering news You plan on having delivered today? You opened it? You're honestly gonna make this about me Not respecting your privacy? Mom, you're not even giving him a chance.

I mean, after everything that he's been through-- Everything he's been through.

What about what I've been through? I'm sorry, But your father walked away from us Long before he went to prison.

But he's there now, and he's changed.

The only thing that's changed is he's two years Into his sentence, and he's starting to see The light at the end of the tunnel.

That's not true, and if you talked to him, You wouldn't feel that way.

Mom, please.

Just come see him with me.

I mean, don't you owe him at least that? We need to be at your grandfather's by 6:00.

You can see your father tomorrow.

(indistinct conversations, telephone ringing in distance) We saw you talking to the doctors.

How is she? When can we see her? Doctor thinks it might be a good idea For serena to get some help.

What kind of help? Oh, my god.

They don't think she did this on purpose, do they? No.

No one's saying that.

(blair) but there's a chance? Have you made a decision? No.

We need to think.

Here's a crazy suggestion.

Why don't we ask serena and see what she wants? Well, she's not gonna go anywhere but home.

I can tell you that right now.

If you decide she needs treatment, We have grounds to sign off on an involuntary admission.

You can't be serious.

To admit her against her will is wrong.

And if you do that, you're not gonna be able to take it back.

But what if we don't, and it happens again? I-I'm sorry, but I'm scared for her.

It would be different if she never acted out like this, But she has.

It's your choice, lil.

We'll support you, Whatever it is you decide.

Guys? I just want what's best for her.

What if it's the only way for her to move on, get centered? Guys! Well-known manhattan socialite And former party girl serena van der woodsen, Was admitted to st.

Margaret's emergency room After e.



S responded to a 9-1-1 call From a motel in queens.

I don't know where I am or how I got here.

Please help.

Oh, my god.

No stranger to controversy, Ms.

Van der woodsen was recently the focus of There are news vans in the streets.

This place is Gonna be swarming with paparazzi in about five minutes.

So we'll get her out of here, Take her home where she can rest.


I'm sure that they're pitching tents Outside the apartment as we speak.

That's not what she needs.

She needs quiet.

She needs safe.


Humphrey, your daughter is waking up now.

Would you like to see her? Ostroff center.

And if she doesn't wanna go? Involuntary hold? Yes.




Your room is bigger than mine was.

How you feeling? Betrayed, thanks.

Serena, I know right now-- Mom, stop.

Your daughter wakes up alone, Drugged in an empty motel room, and you don't call the cops, You don't ask if she's okay or what happened.

You just have her committed.

What kind of mother does that? The kind of mother who wants her daughter safe.

Is that what you're telling yourself? That this is what's best for me? Well, serena, this isn't exactly what's best for me.

You know, it would be a lot easier to take you home And act like this never happened.

(sighs) But I'm afraid for you.

How could you let her do this to me? Because I love you.

When I was in here, I didn't wanna be, At least not at first.

I'm not in denial, eric.

I didn't do this.

It took me a long time to come to terms with what I did, too.

(sighs) I'm sorry I didn't tell you when we first found out.

I No, don't worry about it, man.

So what happened? She told the doctor she can't remember anything.

(scoffs) At the party, serena said she didn't kiss either of us, That she had no idea what happened.

And now this.

Now what--what if something else is going on? Or maybe you just wanna think that Because it's easier than the truth.

(cell phone alert chimes, beep) Look, I gotta go.

Uh Just tell serena "hey" for me when you see her, okay? Yeah, sure, of course.

Dan, I care a lot about serena.

I always will.

Whether she realizes it or not, This is how she pulls people back in.

And I'm not gonna let it happen anymore.

Neither should you.

(knock on door) We need to talk.

To my super about letting strangers into my apartment? No, about serena.

Her overdose? I had no idea she was so depressed.

She wasn't, until we made her that way.

I mean, we turned everyone against her--dan, nate, blair.

Anything serena did after she left that party Is not our fault.

Maybe, but we still need to tell her what we did And tell her that we're sorry.

I mean, her mom had her admitted To the ostroff center.

Serena needs to know she's not crazy.

I'm going there now.

Okay, wait.

No matter what we did, Serena still went on a bender and overdosed.

Maybe she needs the help that that center can provide.

Who knows? We may have called attention to a larger problem That could have been much worse.

But promise me that You're not gonna say anything without talking to me first.


I gotta go.

(beeping) (knock on door) I see my mom is sending in the big g*ns.

No, lily didn't send me.

In fact, I don't-- I don't think she's a fan of mine right now.

What happened? Honestly, I don't know, But I really wish I did because then maybe I could Explain it to everyone.

What's the last thing you remember? Like, what do you know for certain? Heading into the party to look for you.

You were the one that I came to kiss.

You and only you.

It's the last thing I'm certain of.

It's The only thing I still am.

Get your stuff.

(cell phone rings) I was just about to call you.

Have you heard from jenny? She just left.

Where are you? I'm heading to the ostroff center After talking to dan.

Oh, good, because jenny's on her way over there now To come clean about what we did.

Well, maybe she should.

I will tell you the same thing that I told her with one caveat.

We are not responsible for what serena did After she left that night.

If jenny wants to come clean, They will forgive her eventually.

(suitcase handle clatters) She's family.

You're not.

You will lose all of them, especially dan.

He will use you as an excuse To go right back to serena, And this time, that's where he'll stay.

If jenny wants to go down for something that we didn't do, Then that's her call, But she goes down alone.

(beep) (cell phone thuds) (inhales and exhales deeply) There you are.

I thought I'd go pick her up some comfort food from e.



Do you wanna come up? Sure, I guess.

I'm glad that we can be here together for serena.

I'd like to know that when push comes to shove, Maybe nothing has to change between us.

(footsteps approach) Blair.

Dad, I came as soon as I-- Sorry.

I had to tell him what you did to serena.

What I did? Vanessa told me she overheard How you were gonna turn everyone against serena.

That's the real reason you came back-- To teach her some kind of a lesson? Well, you sure did.

Are you proud of yourself? Rufus, I can't believe what just happened.

(sighs) What's wrong? It's serena.

She's gone.

To relieve five major symptoms, What could possibly hold together All the natural energy found in peanuts? Caramel works.


Crunchy roasted peanuts and soft chewy caramel Come together to give you sweet energy.


The sweet taste of energy.

Time to head in? Yeah, but you have another visitor joining you first.

I'll be right back to get you.


When you didn't show up at the car, I thought long and hard about what you said.

I'm not making any promises, but at the very least, I should hear your father out before I end things.

What changed your mind? We made a ton of mistakes in our marriage, But you weren't one of them.

If my son is asking me to do this, Then I need to try.

And, uh, grandfather's thanksgiving? It'll be nice to make him wait.

No one ever does.

(chuckles) How do I look? You look great.

All right, why don't you grab some food, Whatever you can for the trip? I'm gonna get some, uh, clothes and toiletries.


We got some, um, apples, but they're squishy and brown.

Uh, cereal Not much else except some old milk And tofu, if you like that, which you apparently do.

Mm, no, that's vanessa.

Where is she? That's a good question.

You know, there's a bodega by the bus station.

Come on.

I bust you out of the loony bin.

You're gonna mock my choice of transportation? We're fugitives, all right? We're taking the bus.

Are we really doing this-- just running away together? No, running away is what guilty people do.

We're just getting out of the city for a few days To get some space and clear your head.

It's a It's a vacation.

A vacation? I like that.


Thank you for believing in me.

How can I not? There you are.

Both of you.

I didn't wanna get into it in front of everyone, But now it's your turn to face the music.

(sighs) maybe I did try to trick serena At the saints and sinners party, but I didn't do it alone, And we didn't mean for it to end up like this.

"we"? Yes, me, juliet, and vanessa-- we were all in it together.

That's not what vanessa said.

What, are you gonna believe her more than me? Jenny, I'm not gonna argue with you About how responsible you are.

One-third, two-thirds.

You can't deny you did it, and I am not vanessa And juliet's father.

I'm yours.

Serena could have died.

I know! Dad, I know.

(voice breaks) I'm sorry! I It was supposed to be a prank to teach her a lesson.

I never should have come back to the city.

Well, on that we can both agree.

Then I guess there's no reason for me to stay.

Jenny, where are you going? You can spare me whatever you rehearsed On the way over.

I'm not going back.

Even if it's what's best for you? You don't get a vote.

I can't believe you took her side.

Serena-- Look, call whoever you need to call, but the only way I'm going back there is in a straitjacket.

Dan, you stay here for just a moment.

(door creaks) You may not agree with every decision I make regarding My daughter's well-being, but you have no right To intervene.

I am her mother.

I know her much better than you do, And I have been there for certain parts of her life That you have no idea about.

Really? Which parts are those? Because from the way serena tells it, It sounds like I've clocked more hours by her side Than you have.

Look, I love you.

You know that.

And you have a big heart just like your father, And just like him, you tend to see the good in everyone, No matter what they do.

No, not always.

She's not just the beautiful teenage girl You saw at some party anymore.

She's a troubled young woman, Avoiding some very real consequences.

And unless you wanna help her deal with those, Then I suggest you step out of the way so that I can.

With all due respect, Maybe I am only seeing the good in serena, But--but I'm at least looking at her and not at myself.

And what is that supposed to mean? You committed her because you don't wanna deal with her.

You--you don't even wanna talk to her.

Why? (sighs) Well, maybe I'm afraid of what she might say.

Maybe (gulps) what she did was a cry for help (voice breaking) and I'm the only one who can hear it.

Well, I I don't know, but if that is the case, You should know, and if it's not, Then we really should find out what happened, But regardless, the only way to find out Is to--is to sit and talk.

What makes you think I wanna talk to you any more than her? Do you remember when I had my problem? And I never wanted to go to dr.

Sherman? So you would walk me and wait outside the building To make sure that I went in, And an hour later you'd be standing there to walk me home, No questions asked.

If it wasn't for you, I'd never have gotten better.

Except I don't need to get better.

I didn't do anything.

So, what? Someone went on a bender and rented a room With your credit card and forced pills down your throat? I know how it sounds.

Good, 'cause it sounds Crazy.


I got that.

(cell phone alert chimes) (sighs) Afternoon, upper east siders.

Were your dinners as filling as mine was? Hope not, because have I got some dessert for you With sugar on top.

Mom, um I'm sorry.

It seems everyone's favorite party girl Fell off the wagon and landed in rehab.

Good luck getting a lohan-dle on things, s.

From the looks of it, You've got a lot to recover from.

Take me back to ostroff.

(knocks on door) Hey.

If I don't remember what happened in this photo, Who knows what else I did that I don't remember? Don't do that to yourself.

Thank you for being the one person who believed in me Even though it turns out you were wrong, too.

I wasn't wrong to believe in you.

I still do.

I always will.

(knock on door) Mom's downstairs.

You ready? (sighs) (door creaks) I really thought I was doing the right thing.

I'm--I'm sorry.

Why don't you come back to the apartment with us? I'm hoping it's where your sister ran off to, And maybe we can turn this thanksgiving around.

Thanks, but I-I-I really need to spend some time alone.

We're around if you change your mind.

Where have you been? I've been trying to contact you.

I was baking you a pumpkin pie with a file inside.

What's up with you? We have a lot to be thankful for.

Saints and sinners went perfectly.

Everyone turned against her.

I even got her to drop out of columbia.

That's great.

W-why didn't you tell me? Because it's serena.

She worms herself out of everything, And I needed to make sure that there was one more nail In her coffin- something that would force Her family and friends to look at her differently Forever.

What did you do? They took serena to st.

Margaret's On a drug overdose.

Oh, my god.

You drugged her? Don't worry.

I don't think there was any permanent damage-- To her health, at least.

(scoffs) that was not part of the plan.

Well, I made it part of the plan.

My financial support, Apartment, columbia, Nate Look, this isn't just about you anymore.

If there is a line that you wouldn't have crossed, You should've told me before I lost everything.

Happy thanksgiving, brother.

You know, I'd never even been to brooklyn Until serena met dan humphrey.

Now I know the drive way too well.

I missed my flight and I forgot to call daddy and roman.

They'll be worried.

I should do that when I get home.

It'll be way too late there now.

We should go back to my place, see what food I have.

Maybe watch a movie? Dorota downloaded a whole bunch of mgm musicals for the plane.

She said it would cheer me up.

I know how much you love cyd charisse.


I'm sorry.

I'm just a little bit of a mess right now.

After everything that happened today, The thought of losing serena forever Maybe a part of me is questioning What I said to you last week.

I showed up today for serena.

♪ What you said was right.

We need to be on our own, figure out where we go from there.

Otherwise, we're just torturing ourselves.

This isn't torturing me.

I can't be your friend right now, As much as I wish I could.

I'm sorry.

I'm not.

I got to spend a little more time with you.

Happy thanksgiving, chuck.

(eminem's "space bound" playing) (door closes) (eminem) nobody knows me, I'm cold ♪ walk down this road all alone ♪ it's no one's fault but my own ♪ it's the path I've chosen to go, frozen as snow ♪ Sorry.

Oh, no, it was me.

don't ask me why I have no love ♪ for these ♪ bloodsucking succubuses, what the Is up with this? ♪ I've tried in this department ♪ but I ain't had no luck with this ♪ it sucks but it's exactly what I thought it would be ♪ like trying to start over ♪ I've got a hole in my heart ♪ like some kind of emotional roller coaster ♪ something I won't go on so you toy with my emotions ♪ it's over ♪ Hey, juliet.

See you next week? I'm actually going away for a bit.

and I'm a ♪ I'm a space bound rocket ship, and your heart's the moon ♪ and I'm aiming right at you ♪ right at you ♪ Juliet? 250,000 miles on a clear night in June ♪ Oh, no.

and I'm so lost without you ♪ without you ♪ without you ♪ He's really spent this time getting his life in order, Hasn't he? Uh-huh.

And here I thought all the times he wanted me to come out here, He was up to no good.

I love saying "I told you so.

" Well, you have a right to.

I'm proud of you.

You've always held this family together.

All right.

Well, I'm glad you let me.

I'll see you at grandfather's.

I'm gonna say bye to dad.


Maybe tell him the good news? (chuckles) I'll call you a car.


(lily sighs) Do you know that once upon a time, Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday? I guess we should know better at this point.

At least serena's safe for now.

Did you find jenny? She texted she was on her way back to her mother's.

(whispers) oh, good.

Listen, lil, I don't totally understand this, But I-I think jenny had something to do With what happened to serena.

(normal voice) well, whatever happened, um, Serena did what she did.

And if anyone should accept responsibility, it's me.

It was my job to raise my daughter To make the right choices when life didn't go as planned, And I failed.

Parenting can only go so far.

And you and I couldn't be any more different In that regard, Yet we both have daughters we can't control.

Hey, what do you say to packing up some of this dinner We never had and, um, Spending the rest of the holiday at ostroff with the family? (cell phone ringing) Oh, my gosh.

Oh! You know what? I have one stop to make, And then I'll meet you there, okay? Absolutely.

(footsteps approaching) How many times do I have to go courtney love on your ass Before you get the message? I don't want you here! The girl in gossip girl's blast isn't serena.

What? It's juliet.

We had a plan to turn everyone against her.

When you and chuck were exposed at his party, that was me.

You? And while I was doing that, juliet was kissing dan and nate.

We were both dressed exactly like serena.

This is from her costume, And it's what she wore in those photos.

That's a pretty tall tale from a not too reliable source.

Blair, what reason do I have to come clean? Like it or not, you know me, And you know that I love a good game as much as the next girl, But I would never want to hurt serena for real.

Juliet did, and she used vanessa and me to do it.

Are you willing to go double agent, Help me bring juliet d I wish I could, but you were right In banishing me.

I thought I could change, and I didn't.

So I think the best thing for me to do is go And stay gone.

Thanksgiving without jenny humphrey What fun would that be? Juliet's apartment's empty.

I'm pretty sure she left town.

Good luck.

(alexi murdoch's "through the dark" playing) (elevator bell dings) During the holidays, We call customary patterns of behavior tradition.

And like any pattern, once established, They are not easily broken.

someone ♪ reaching for me now ♪ Right on time.

I like that.

You couldn't have waited till tomorrow? No, I couldn't.

I assume this will be enough to protect my daughter's history.

reaching for me now ♪ Like we talked about last week, As long as the check arrives every month, The past stays in the past.

Oh, and I heard about serena.

I am so, so sorry.

At least she's getting the help that she needs.

I'm a firm believer in people facing what they've done.

Happy thanksgiving.

someone ♪ Other times, we convince ourselves We can start new traditions Really nice seeing your mother up here after all this time.


Just in time, too, right? Just in time for what? Your father's parole.

He was talking about how much it'll mean to the parole board To hear who he's going home to.

And with your mom by his side, I'm sure he'll get out.



I'll see you later.

Only to realize it wouldn't be a tradition if it changed.

someone ♪ to love ♪ you more than I ♪ I didn't order anything.

♪ (clank) (cell phone chimes) even with ♪ (alert chimes) my heart ♪ in the way ♪ (beeping) ♪ Mom? Hey, it's me.

I think I'm gonna come home after all.

Can you pick me up? I'm gonna take the last train.


Did you find what you needed? Yes.

♪ Other times, ever things we never realized were traditions Can become one.

Whatever happens from here on out, We'll handle it together, okay? (speaking indistinctly) (lily laughs) But the best kinds of traditions Are the ones that bring people together, Even under the most unlikely of circumstances.

Vanessa? Oh.


I owe you an apology.

Juliet may have been behind serena's overdose, And I have no intention of letting it go unavenged.

I need your help to find her and extract a confession.

Are you in? Aren't I about the last person you'd want helping you? You love serena, don't you? So we have something in common.

What do you say we find that bitch And get his little friend here justice? Come together right now.





, gossip girl.