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05x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 01/14/23 08:00
by bunniefuu
Come through.


The lock was not tampered with.

- Did you hear? How do you explain it, director?

- I don't know, I don't understand.

The locks in the corridor are intact.

The gate lock still has the key in it.

Are there any prints?

- No.

Forensics didn't find anything.

They really did a first

-rate job, it was a grand escape.

-How many people were here last night? In this unit, six agents and two nurses and externally there were other surveillance officers.

14 in total.

Inform those 14 to consider themselves under investigation.

Tomorrow they'll receive the 14 legal letters, the 15th will go to you.

I wasn't even present.


! Staying here won't do anything.

Let's go.

Shall I serve it? Ninni, come here.

Breakfast is ready.

Good morning.

I'm Dave.

- That's an American name.

Yes, until a few days ago, I lived in New Jersey.

Now I work here.

If you need anything Sit down.

-Thanks but I'd better not.

Everyone must sit in their own spot.

Do you mind if I don't shake your hand? It's a habit I've recently picked up: Avoiding physical contact, especially when it's unnecessary.

I discovered it with the lunatics.

The people there always touch each other.

Maybe to make sure that they still exist.

Thank you for getting me out of that living hell.

Now tell me what you want from me.

They k*lled one of my sons.

I want revenge.

Do you need someone who knows how to use a g*n?


The person I want to destroy is more afraid of downfall than dying.

This is why I need you.

- And who is this man? Annibale Corvo.

Annibale Corvo is tha Mafia.

He's highly protected He's untouchable.

So was I, a short time ago, until they k*lled Mimmo.

What you're asking is a risky job Impossible A good reason to say yes to you.

Naturally, for your collaboration I can offer you.


I'll be away for a few days with my family.

I'll be on the boat, far from here.

In the meantime, a very trustworthy person will organize a place for you in the city.

I want to know the whole picture: The dates of the problem, who the players are, who was involted.

I want to know everything about your financial situation: Bank accounts, inevestments, shares, quotes, transactions everything.


You'll have everything.

Ninni, where are you? Ninni, come here, let's play together.

Hello? Is this 748 236? I'd like to speak to the doctor.

Tell him it's urgent.


It's me.

There's some news here.

The old guy has got the lunatic.

Yes, really him.

Of course I'm sure, I saw it with my own eyes.

He put him in the old hunting lodge.

I told you not to call me under any circumstance.

Yes resolve the issue.

Call me back, I'll be waithing for good news.


Good news! Okay, speak to you soon.

Dad, can't you manage to get off the phone? You shouldn't have let anyone know we were coming to Rome.

You're right! Sorry, kids.

I should be like your dad, my dear: retire on a pension and whoever is seen, is seen.

He'd also be on the phone all the time.

It must be a disease.


! Yes, like that.

Bravo for you! Wait.

Here, look.

Hey, Riccardo? When these two get married we'll give them a villa on the hill top? We'll see.

We'll see That's strange She should have been here by now.

I already made a booking.

In a few days when we return from Lampedusa, you can go back to America.

Ah, here she is! Do you remember her, our boat? Who's at the helm?

- Filo.

And who's there with him?

- No one.

He's alone.

Maybe you should get ready.

- Come, Ninni, let's go to grandma's.

That's not Filo! It's a trap! Go! Whatch out for the child! Get on the ground! No, Andrea!

- Mom! Don't move Ninni! Ninni! There's no one here.

The lunatic isn't even here! Mom, Dad, help! Be careful Ninni, down! Mom!

-Hold the child down.

Don't move! On the floor!

- Mommy help! Come on! Giovanni!

- Dad! Dad

- Go away! Go! Mommy, help me! You have to worry about Gloria and Ninni! Take them away! No! I won't leave you!

- Go, take them away! Go to the car! Turn it on, hurry! Go.


! Go!

- Dad! Dad help! Hurry! You need to get out of here! Go! Get into the car! Harry! Get in, go! Get in!

- Hurry! Giovanni! No!

- Stop! Get in the car! No! My father is down here!

-Where are you going? I'll worry about your father! Lean on me!

- Be careful grandpa! No! Giovanni!

- No, Mom! Andrea is in Baviera and has to go He has to go to Garmisch.


Move over! Who was sh**ting?

- Down at the beach, there were 5 of them.

They arrived on the Star of the South.

And your father? Where is your father? Let's go to the beach! Quickly! Go! Hello? Hello? News from the beach? There are 5 bodies.

At least 300 sh*ts were fired.

We found a man tied up, but still alive, his name's Gianni Filo.

I repeat: Gianni Filo.

He's Baron Linori's employee.

He was meant to take the motorboat to the port.

Who are you? A friend.

- Your name? Carta.

Carta Giuseppe.

Were you present when

- I arrived too late.

The family is at the villa.

- Let's go.

Go slower, brake.

It's that American! What's he doing here? Go, don't stop.

Go! Go! Ninni, say something! Please, love! Please, talk to me.

Darling, Mom is here with you.

Don't be scared.

Talk to me, please! Ninni If he stayed with that fear in his eyes, he would have had those tears in him forever.

I want to thank you for back then and for now.

Hold him, hold him as tight as you can.

Darling They released Filo a little while ago, I already spoke to him.

While he was checking the motor, they hit him and he lost consciousness.

Then they tied him up.

And after all that, when it was time to run, instead of k*lling him they left him on the beach.

The motorboat was found set on fire at Punta Stella.


Who could have known that we had decided to leave? I knew the men who stay here at the villa knew Filo knew and that American too.

That American saved our lives.

Without him, they would have k*lled us all, even Ninni.

In your opinion, who wants us dead? Corvo.

And the Mafia High Command.


Why? Your father wasn't used bowing his dead.

He wanted revege for Mimmo.

And he got a man to help him.

Who is this man? Why do yo care? It's all over now! I'll decide when something is finished.

I want to speak to him.

Andrea, can you come upstairs, please? Ninni still shaken up.

I can't get him to sleep.

He's petrified, he's crying.

Tommorrow morning take me to him! You two can go.

Have a good sleep tonight.

See you tomorrow.

How are you meant to sleep with a heavy heart? If I'd left straight away without going down to check the oil pump, maybe right now It's destiny, Filo.

Don't think about it.

Everyone has their own and when it's time, it's time.

Let's go, Filo.

I'll accompany you.

Come with me.

He's just fallen asleep.

Andrea, what's going on? I don't understand anything anymore.

Try to rest a little.

Tomorrow I don't want to wait for tomorrow! I want you to talk to me now! I want you to explain! It's like being in a w*r here! Listen, Gloria.

It's all so difficult.

So scary.


- For years you didn't want to come here! It was your house! Your parents were here Your brother! Why? Why kept you so far away? I didn't get along with my father.

- Who was your father? Why are the Linoris hated by everyone?

- I don't know! I don't believe you.

I don't believe you! So Are you going to have a drink? I'm tired and those stinkers even smashed my face.

Two minutes, Filo.

It's good for you.

Take the rest of it home.

It will make all your aches go away.

Or, if you like Filo, I'll get you a blanket.

What do you say? How much does a blanket cost? It depends.

If it's got red hair, has green eyes, and keeps you warm all night, then the price increases.

But don't worry, tonight it's on me.

Let's go, Filo, go.

You're even charming! Careful because it's 40%!

- The secret is to go slowly but without ever stopping until the last drop.

Watch! Tell me who you work for? Who did you secretly call the other day from the study? How much did they give you to sell the old guy's life?! What the f*ck are you saying? What are you inventing? You don't know me jet! If you don't tell me everything you'll leave here dead! I won't say anything to Carta, but from now on, we have to be in it together.

Understand? So Who did you call the other day?

- Annibale Corvo.

Who is that?

- Someone big.

Someone ranked up there with the big sh*ts.

Tell me.

How long have you been working for Linori? 18 years.

- And how did you start? My brother Saverio called me.

I was just a boy and there were 3 shepherds to be k*lled.

- Why? What had they done? They had massacred a police squad, they knew too much.

They had to die.

And who were these policemen? 5 ball breakers.

The head's name was Giorgi.

Why were they k*lled? You're asking me? I was the last wheel on the cart.

You should have asked Linori.

- So, you're saying it was Linori who gave the orders for the m*ssacre? Answer me? Yes.

But it was a favor for someone else.

- For who? I don't know.

I swear After that, my brother Saverio became remorseful and scared and one day, he disappeared.

I should have k*lled him too because he wanted to tell the police everything.

But instead? Where did he go?

- 100 kms from here.

In the mountains, in a convent.

San Piero alle Mole.

A place where they can't look at anyone or speak to anyone.

This is all I have left of him.

Give me that ring.

- But Give it to me! And now get lost.

Go away.

I'll hold on this for now.

Outside! Are you happy with half of everything? Yes, that's fine.

But, hey! Be careful of what you do! Andrea Where are you going, so early?

- I have an meeting.

Something important.

- Andrea, listen to me.

I'm sorry about yesterday.

But I'm begging you, say something to me.

Don't keep it bottled up.

Excuse me, I have to go.

Andrea! Wait! Maybe I made a mistake.

I shouldn't have brought you here.

This is Palazzo Cardano.

He lives there.

But don't be too trusting.

Those who serve too many masters, are faithul to none in the end.

That is the asset situation of his family in Italy.

There's the complete picture of their business in foreign markets.

And over there, you can see

- I don't want to see anything! I just want to get out of this nightmare.

I'm here to find out if you can help me do it.

You see, common folk believe the hardest thing is climbing to the summit.

You demonstrate the opposite.

You handled your father's death with ease and got to the top of an huge mountain of money.

Your problem is descending.

It's not an easy task, I assure you.

To do it I'm prepared to lose some of my own assets.

Are you also prepared to lose your wife, and your son? You see.

20 years ago your father made a huge deal with the Mafia, a deal whick brought him many billions Recently, the Mafia has come back to life.

It needed Sicil Tekno Plus for a new and very big business deal and suggested your father substitute your brother Mimmo with a manager linked to the Mafia High Command: Annibale Corvo.

This time, your father said "no.

" The consequences of it are right in front of you.

Pulling out of dealings, even old ones, with Mafia is like declaring w*r.

And w*r means death.

What do you suggest I do?

- It's simple.

You must win.

Then you can do as you please.

But to win

- you must fight.


- There are many ways.

There's strenght: using armed men.

There's the heart: striking your enemy through his family.

A wife, a child, or a brother.

And there's intelligence, which is the only one to really work with a man like Corvo.

That is? Explain it.

-For the moment, you must pretend to surrender.

We must k*ll some time.

We must give Corvo the impression he's won, in order to strike him down at his weakest.

It's a good idea to invite him to your father's funeral, and there, let him know that you give in.

Invite him to the funeral You're crazy.

- Don't ever say that word in my presence! Maybe you don't know, but crazy people are rhe best people.

I don't have anything else to say to you, that's all! Just one thing What's the name of that man who risked his life for your father? Dave.

Dave Licata.

- I need him.

Tell him to come tomorrow night to the old entrance of the port.

If you want, he can come here.

- No.

No one is to know where I live.

Why do you want him? Because he's loyal.


- Stefano.

I saw you leaving the hotel and I stopped.

Sorry, but I'm busy right now.

- If you want I can accompany you.



- Yes, where? Where?

-Wherever you like.

As long as you get out of here, go! Where did you dig that up from?

- It's basement, it was there for years.

It was my father's.

-This chain was also your father's, but it had a golden tag on it.

With a blood type written on it.

- Really? What was it for? Well, I don't know in case of accident.

He must have been hateful, exact, rational What sort of accident could happen to someone who worked for the post office? Doesn't anything go well for you? How does your mother cope with you? You know, at the hotel we didn't bump into each other by coincidence.

I came on purpose.

I was waithing for nearly two hours.

That was obvious.

- How? When I got on the scooter, the motor was cold.

Do you always know everything?

- Yeah, sometimes! I don't even know your name.

- Everyone calls me Licata.

By your surname?

- Yes, like at school.

Listen, Licata.

What does my shit of a father do in America? Does he have a wife, children? No, he has nothing.

So, can you tell me who you are? I worked at the post with your dad.

Same room, same table.

And I'm also one who doesn't like people putting their hands on me! Take me to the city.

I'm late.

Hop on.

-How did you know to kick the magneto to start it? Come on, these old wrecks have the same problems.

Go, I'm in a hurry! You've told me a lot of bullshit.

- Let's go, don't waste more time! I work there, I'm a car

-park attendant.

- Good.

All right, I'll let you go.


- Where are you going now? If it's not a secret

- To a funeral.

Why do you always joke around?

- Don't you believe me? Listen, your father asked me a favor.

I had to give you some money, and I did.


-He didn't tell me to change your diapers.

Understand? So, leave me in peace! Okay? Go f*ck yourself! Did you only arrive now?

- I was back there.

You have to go to the cemetery to check if everything is in order.


Thank you for coming.

I know you were a good friend of my father's.

You stay here.

You watch that area.

Filo and I will inspect the chapel.

Let's take a look.

Have a nice trip.


Put him in there and then cover it.

Come in.

Go through.

It's nice, isn't it? I recently bought it at an auction.

Watches have always been one of my great pasions.

I like to open them, look at how they function and adjust the mechanics

- That requires a very steady hand.

My hand is steady.

I never tremble.

Even though, naturally, I'm not fond ef enemies: Certain judges certain cops who follow me as if I were a ferocious animal certain politicians, even those who were once my friends.

But that doesn't surprise me.

The art of "seeming" is the force that moves today's world: Being in the spotlight, showing off people like me, accustomed to darkness, have become a true rarity.

What stage are the African negotiations at?

- At a great stage.

I've finalized an agreement for you directly with an African head of government, a man who is a true champion of greedines.

In two months, they'll send the first 50 tons of heroin made in their new refineries.

You can by it at a quarter (25%) of the Thai price and you'll be able to avoid the risk of having refineries under houses.


- Naturally, they want to be paid in arms.

But that's not a problem, since the world has suddenly been overcome with peace, and there's heaps of arsenal they don't know how to get rid of.

Who will contact the countries who intend to sell the arms? Me.

How much do you want?

- For now, a kickback of 15% of the gross amount, naturally.

And also a tiny favor.

- What type of favor? I want you to get rid of judge Silvia Conti.

But that wasn't in the agreement.

The judge is a well known person.

For your crooks who have already freed us from Baron Linori it'll be child's play carrying out the tiny favor I've asked.

Simon Barth arrived at the Village Residence at 5:00 am in his car with a stripper, Elsy, from Night Club Inferno.

Did she talk?

- No.

She disappeared after that night.

Someone saw her at Castelvetro Station, just out of town.

A ticket inspector remembers her.

She wouldn't go unnoticed.

Keep going

- without cemments, please.

She caught the train to Rome at 6:00 am.

I contacted their police.

Maybe they have a clue.

Do you have a photo of her?

- Well yes.

But it's a bit Well, she wouldn't go unnoticed.

Send it to all the police stations and to the border control.

- Okay.

You check if the dates on Mimmo Linori have arrived.


Mimmo Linori.



The report says the g*n was a "Smith & Wesson", caliber 38 with a sil*ncer.

When did the homicide happen?

- Three weeks ago.

Three weeks ago we arrested a guy at the auction hall in New York.

He was only staying a short time.

Where's the report from America? Thanks.

"Masino Salierno, prosecuted twice for drug trafficking and attempted homicide.

27 years old.

Six years spent in jail.

" Prepare telex for New York and warn the extradition office.

The name of the suspect is Masino Salierno, on the charge of homicide.

Okay guys, that's enough for today.

You can go.

See you tommorow.

- Buy! I was waiting for you a while.

Go around the other way! Faster! No.

Let me go!

- I won't do anything, I promise! No! Let me go! Look who was at the funeral! Yes? Okay.

Quadri found the girl.

Let's hope she doesn't flip out during the ride Had you ever seen Simon Barth before that night?


It was the first time.

- Had he ever come to Night Club Inferno? No, not that I know of.

So, why did you let him accompany you home that night? He was trying butter me up Try to explain yourself better.

- He wanted to make love with me.

Do you accept offers for sex from any guy?

- He only accompanied me home.

Then what happened?

- I already told you! So repeat it.

- He accompanied me home and then he left.

Didn't he want to make love?

- He did, but I didn't want to.

I was tired.

I wanted him to leave.

- If I've understood correctly five minutes later you left home, without a suitcase, or anything and you ran away! I don't know.

I don't know.


! I heard g*n sh*ts, cars chasing each other, yelling.

I don't know anything! Take it easy.

Have a drink, and try to calm down.

In a few days I'll put you before a young American man: Masino Salierno.


- Do you know him? Yes I know him.

He k*lled Mimmo Linori at my house.

Then one night Simon came to where I used to work, and he found out everything.

That's why they k*lled him.

I was saved because someone I don't know, accompanied me to the station.

I said everything, then he left.

Was he one of Linori's men?

- Yes, I think so.

Can you describe this man to me? Maybe, but men are all the same to me.

Yes, that's him.

Welcome back, Dad.

I was searching, and what did I find? Your medal.

What's that? A g*n? Of course, in America you're a gangster! Did you drink it all? Do you want to give me a lecture? Do you want to give me a lecture? Shell we play as father and son? Here, have your medal.

Up there is a well oiled brain.

I understood very quickly you were a bit strange, the money, the scooter, the medal.


Why did you come here?

- You know why I came here.

To tell you that you're a worm, that you're disgusting! You didn't even have the courage to introduce yourself.

You're ashamed, aren't you? Leave me alone, you piece of shit! I can cope on my own.

I've coped on my own for 20 years.


Come here.


Stay here.

Don't move.


You must come with us to the police.

There's a warrant for you.

What am I accused of?

- Association with the Mafia.

Let's go.

Get your jacket.

The judge is waiting for you.

Don't you like the surroundings? Sit down.

What do you think?

-I think they're arranging an attack against you.

A prisoner was given strange pack.

- Stop making up stories.


It's the truth.

I swear.

Get those cells down there checked.

I will not get anything checked.

- Please listen! Get checked! Sit down now, Mr.


-My name is not Licata! I'm Davide Pardi! Years ago I was a police agent.

I was part of Chief Mobile Giorgi's squad.

Ever heard of it? Giorgi's squad was assassinated.

I survived! Quickly, get her out of this room! Watch out! No, stay here! Get out! Back then I had a beard and long hair.

I got around on an old scooter.

Giorgi assigned us areas: I had the old areas behind the cathedral, and down to the beach.

In a matter of a few hours it all happened.

First they k*lled Giorgi and my colleagues and then it was me next.

I lived with Marta.

We just had a baby.

Stefano was hurt How could I escape with a baby who was a few months old? Last week, I saw him again after nearly 20 years.

It was Simon who convinced me to gho back.

We were good friends.

Just a moment.

How did you find her?

- Trevi's at the police headquarters.

He passed on the information.

Seems like he found things on him too.

I'm sorry, Madam.

I'm judge Silvia Conti.

Why have you brought me here?

- I'll explain it all, come with me.

Do you know that man? Tha's Davide, the father of my child.

Now what do you plan to do? If you let me out of here I'll go back to where I came from.

What if I ask you for the information you were meant to give Simon? Can that be done? What I mean is, can a judge do that? Well, it seems like I'm doing it.

Anything goes, as long as you win, hey? All things considered, even someone like me can do well I don't get anything out of this.

At best, I can get a b*llet in my head, like before.

Well, why do you do it then? Because it's right.

And me? Why should I do it? Because it's right.

I came back here to get my life back together.

That's all I don't make deals with anyone.

I'll ask you one thing: To walk this road together.

I'm not offering you anything, not money, not medals.

When will you release me? Immediately.

And where can we meet? At this address, that's the private phone number.

What are you made of? Iron? What is it that makes you so strong?

- I'm not as strong as you think.

So sometimes you even cry.

A while ago in a large court full of people I cried in front of everyone I shed all tears I had.

Yes, I understand what you're asking.

But our Abbot left us last night.

So, I can't let you speak to a man who has voluntarily chosen to withraw from the world.

So no one has spoken to Saverio, for 20 years? That's right.

Brother Gillo, that's his name now spends the whole day in his cell.

I've never seen him face to face.

He lives in silence, and his silence is respected.

Where is he? Down there.

In the last cell.

The one furthest away.

Saverio Filo, open up! Open up! I've come to talk to you about your brother.

You called me by a name that I have tried to forget.

Now I am Brother Gillo, servant of Christ, nothing else.

And you with this ring.

Who are you? Your brother is dead.

Giuseppe Carta k*lled him.

But before he died he told me you came here to shut yourself off.

I came to this convent to be born again.


Your past doesn't cancel out because you stay in here praying.

What you did cannot be rapaid with silence! Never! Who ordered the m*ssacre of Giorgi's squad? Who was behind Giovanni Linori? Come closer.

You're a man who has cried, who has suffered a lot.

I can tell by the marks around your eyes, the heat of your forehead.

Who are you? I'm the only one from the squad you didn't manage to k*ll.

Tell me what you know! What will God do about your pain? Does he care about your silence? Tell me who asked Linori to carry out the m*ssacre! What' his name? I went to find the three shepherds, who were meant to do the job.

They lived on the mountains.

People who didn't know how to write their names.

They weren't men.

They were beasts, accustomed to blood.

They shot one of the policemen not even a meter from his face! They shot Giorgi and the other together.

But, when they came closer the young one was still alive.

To finish him off, one of those 3 shoved a knife.



The way you do the way you do with sheep! The next day Linori, the baron, told me that those three had to be silenced, forever.

My brother and I took care of it.

And then I went to collect my cash.

It was the last night of Canivale.

Everyone danced.

The appointment was at Palazzo Linori, where they were having a big party.

But it felt like my soul was on fire.

One of those three shepherds I had known as a child.

And when I placed the barrel on his chest and shot him, he tought I was joking around.

I said this to Linori, and the other man who was with him in that dark room.

Who was that other man? I don't know.

I only remember that while I was talking he was smiling.

And I also remember he was dressed as an old nobleman: He had a plumed hat, a silk shirt, with gold cuffinks.

And there was a triangle of diamonds on those cufflinks.

He was smiling And then when Linori placed the three million in my hands that he'd promised he added another two hundred thousand lires for that boy who I knew as a child, whose hearth I had just split open with a g*n shot.

So I decided to come here, but not to find peace, like you think.

No, not for that.

The thing I was looking for, with this poor confused mind of mine was a reason.

"Why?" Why did the Lord make us live in hell on Earth? That man, the demon come to life and all the Saverio Filo's, like me.

Why didn't the Lord cancel them from this world with a single stroke of his hand? Why? Do you think you could identify that man? My eyes only see shadows now.

And his voice? Could you recognize the voice? Yes, I could.

Yes Yes I have it there inside me and it beats, all the time During the day, and at night.

For 20 years! Who is it?

- Open up, Davide.

Marta I don't see Stefano very often.

You know what boys his age are like.

He wanted to stay in the city, with the excuse of studying.

He's even found a job.

Truth is, he didn't really like the idea of me getting married.

And he doesn't gel along very well with him either.

I tried so hard to forget you.

For years I waited, and waited Do you know what it's like to jolt every time the phone rang? Shaking with every letter that was put in the letter box.

Thinking they'd k*lled you.

I dreamt of you every night.

I imagined you in a ditch your hand tightly gripping a g*n You had one in your hand the last time I saw you, when you left Stefano and me at the hospital.

And this is how I find you Haven't you understood yet that it's pointless? Those you were fighting against back then you're probably still fighting now.

But you won't defeat them with it.

Is that why you've come back again, right? To start again at the same spot they forced you to stop at.

Isn't that right? I care about you.

- I do, too.

But there's aomeone else in my life now.

Davide, please go away.

-After I've done what I have to do.

But for now, hear me out, Marta.

You have to forget this place.

I mde a mistake looking for Stefano.

It won't happen again.

I swear.

But you must promise to never come back to this hotel.

Under any circumstance, Marta.

- What are you trying to do? Now go.

Davide, how can I help you? How can I make you understand that they'll k*ll you? Whatever you're trying to do For me it's like they've already k*lled me.

They did it years ago.

Don't go back to the past: No one can.

Are you tired of walking? Ninni can't stay here after what he saw.

We must leave.

There's no point waiting.

You were never involved in family affairs.

Besides I'm scared.

- After Dad's death everything is pretty well over.

- No, not everything.

This place, this house is making you ill! It's changing you inside! I don't recognize you anymore.

It's been days since you've spoken to your son.

You spend all your time closed up in here.

- You and Ninni can leave right away, I already told you.

But I don't want to leave without you!

- That's enough now! I decide what to do with my life.

Come in.

- Mr.

Licata is here.

Tell him to wait.

- No.

Tell him to come in.


I'm busy now.

Where were you all of yesterday?

- At a cemetery 200 kms from here.

My family is bured there Fine, fine.

I don't care about your family.

Listen Be in a car at the entrance of the old port tonight.

Someone will come, let them in the car, and take him where he tells you to go.

Who is it? I didn't tell you to ask who it is.

I only asked you to be his driver.

Anything else?

- You may go.

Don't turn around.

And don't switch on any lights.

I like the dark.

Follow the road indicated.

Drive slowly and don't ask questions.

Turn that mirror around.

Why didn't you come and see me yesterday? I waited for you for a long time.

It's been years that I haven't come, Maria.

I was far away, up north.

You didn't come yesterday.

I remember it perfectly.

Yes Maria.

It's true.

Tano, what does a seagull do?

- I don't know, Maria.

Do you know? You forgot.

Don't you remember anymore? It's been a while since we've played together.

The lady told me that you always stay inside.


I don't feel like going out.

- Why? Did they make fun of you? They're good people, they care about me.

But I'm fine here on my own.

No, people are bad but you have to get out anyway.

They can't believe you're afraid of them.

- They all care about me.

People are good People are good.

It's my fault, I'm the one who is annoying.

I even annoyied mom and dad, and they always kept me inside.

Even on Sundays, when they went to church.

They were ashamed of you.

And they had reason to be I'm not that pretty to look at.

No, Maria.

You're beutiful.

I don't want to go out.

I want I want to always stay here, at home.

It's too noisy outside, too much Too much noise.

Why don't you stay here? I'd like to, but I can't.

So, you're going to leave again? Come on, Maria.

Do the squirrel.

Maria, did you keep the key I gave you to the study? Of course.

I have it here.

Did you always have it? You didn't let anyone else see it? No one.

Like you told me.

Come on.

Take me down there.

I want to see.

You've been very good, Maria.


When we get to the city, post this parcel in the nearest box.

Addressed to Silvia Conti Subtitle made by Chalma, 2011.