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04x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 01/14/23 07:55
by bunniefuu
Part Two Place your bets.

No more bets.

No more bets, sir.

24, Black, 13 and 21.

You're sure it's our man, Yfter?

- just like the photo.

- And where is he? In there.

Wait here.

Excuse me.

Are you shareholder? No.

Then I'm sorry, can not enter the private room.

There you? I was looking for you for an hour.

You know I do not like to wait.

- Good evening, Miss Rasi.

- Good evening.

- Excuse me, but did not know that Mr.

- Yes, I got him.

Yes, but know the rules, only Shareholders Whoever is with me, can come in.

Bank 's 2 million.

Who makes the bank? Two million.


So? You're on a secret mission? How you figure ? By watching

- We will test this table later?

- Sure.

Do you play chemin de fer No.

You? Sometimes.

Let's try that table there.

Please, ma'am.



It pays.


Nobody sits at the table empty


Thank you for your participation.

New game.

Bank is 120 million.

You bet.

100 million.

It's crazy! You see how much he play?

- 100 million.

- Yes.

It counts up to 120 million.

That's how much? Ten thousand.

And add me.

Play and Mr? Yes.

With stakes this? Yes, with this stake.

Gentlemen, place your bets.

Bets are in.

Change it, please.

Change? The shoe deck? Yes.


Leave it on the table.

Deal them properly.

What? Deal them.

Thank you.

Wait! You Want him to win , don't you? We have something to talk about.

Police! Everybody out! Not you! We need to talk! And I? Yes.

Exit, please.

So, you have tried to help that man to win hundreds of millions.

You're in trouble.

I'm just an employee.

I did what I was ordered.

Who ordered you? Director Santelia.

Where is it? I do not know, I swear.

Where? Where I can find? Where is it? Maybe jeweler opposite knows where he are.

Give me the address.

The store is open all night, customers go there when they are in difficulty.

Quiet gentlemen .

The games resume.

- Will you help me?

- Yes.

Play a game, then.

How much the necklace? Much.

Furthermore, how? I do not know, is old.

200 million.

200 million to walk with you? Why would I? Come into let's play?

- Sure.

- Okay.

What game is it? I will let you know later.

Give me the glass.

Yes, but you understand, it's too much for me.

I can't risk such a sum.

Just a few hours.

I will refund the amount with interest 10

-15% Usually I take 40% Okay, 40.

But do not tell anyone.

I must pay a debt in a game.

We need 50 million quickly Wait a moment Your 50 million.

Want to check? No, thank you, have been very friendly.

I do not know how to thank you.

Thank you.

Good evening.

Good evening.

And now what? You'll see.

I'm concerned about a phone number that Trevi traced.

I'm Commissioner Cattani, Mr Santelia.

Follow us to the police headquarters.

The famous brigade Commissioner Cattani.

I did not think it was so stylish.

Excuse me, you never expected this.

I'll have a car to take you home.

Yes, but my necklace? Ah.

You will need to discuss it the judge, I'm sorry.

- It's not up to you?

- What? Will we see each other again? I do not know.

Maybe even to the movies.

No I never go to the movies I understand.


Somebody spoke and police closed the casino.

I was thinking.

The nightingale who sang was Yfter.

And? I Will close to his beak.

And his lawyer.

I do not care for Yfter and his men.

What will happen to the casino? will this be a risk to the bank? It depends on Santelia.

We have to stop the investigation.

Who is in charge of it?

- A woman.

- Can she be bought? No.

That's crystal clear.

Here yoy go.

The notebook of Mr Yfter.

I think it will interest more Mr Commissioner.


I'll tell him immediately upon his return.

he Must go to Mr Yfter.

He wants to talk.


The Commissioner knows he can be found.

He needs protection.

Be calm.

The office of Mr Commissioner Cattani, please.


It's Yfter's.

Tindari, Frolo, The Pisis.

The Pisis Well.

Thank you, good night.

I'm looking for Mr.


Mr Karam At 216.

Thank you.

One more k*lled in Milan.

The lawyer, Eghiras, was hit by a car, while he was at a payphone.

Where you the idea to do this? Driving the car into the payphone.

you even shot first? You're a beast, Salieri.

The Pisis.

I never heard that name.

I know of no one called The Pisis.


Recently, in Sicily.

Maybe it was from a rival family.

One who searched for you after you ran.

Try to remember your.

Name is not telling me anything.

I am sure, do not know.

- What Looking for?

- I do not know either.

It's finished, Commissioner.

The circle has closed.

Tindari m*rder*d, Tindari died.

He's under the ground and I do not mean anything.

I do not mind.

What are you looking for? Need to understand.

But I fail.

Why put the b*mb in the hospital? Who ordered that? It was a risky action, too disproportionate as to be a revenge.

You need to help me to understand.

You know something that some will you take with you into the grave.

I do not know.

The names that you told Judge Fiorani, Who were they? Small fry, the entourage of Don Vito Sorano.

No one else? One Who was over Don Vito Sorano.

One who was above all.

Who was he? I don't know his real name.

And he was lame.

He was called Dove or feet of Gugu or Tiuca.

How was he was above all? He was head.

Stayed in town, but no one saw him, ever.

ah and lame Il Puparo.

Yes, I Puparo.

I've been looking for him for ten years.

I did not know what he looked like, no one saw him, ever.

But maybe Yes! Maybe you have seen him.



Now you what's the story, what you know! People died! They k*lled two more! Talk! What do you want? I told you everything.

Not true.

You knew about Frolo.

And knew that he was wanted by mafia and that for that, he spent many years in hospice.

And you knew and kept quiet! And now you want to beat me? Some, courage! Where do you keep the money that you won ? I didn't get to use the money.

Why don't you tell me everything About Tindari? He k*lled Frolo's wife and daughter.

Yes, he did.

Frolo didn't do what a what man of honor should do.

He did not obey.

He never k*lled when he was ordered.

Two of his comrades died.

Then he fled.

One evening, they caught his wife and daughter, they stuffed them in a car and rolled it off a cliff It exploded.

Did you see the car? There wasn't much there.

Everything was burned.

Police didn't go near it.

But it was a gruesome sight.

The saw a frame of a woman sitting, and trying to to defend someone from the fire.

A Little girl.

Fiorani told me that Frolo came to him after four days.

He spoke their names, but Fiorani wanted to be cautious, to check everything, to find evidence.

They were waiting for him at home.

I never forgave Fiorani.

For what? How he died 60 Of b*ll*ts, almost all in the back.

Trying to flee.

Absurd, right? One that he who for me was the guiding light, When he faced as many as three or four, he ran Like a coward.

The heroes dont die like that.


When they come after you, Do me a favor.

Do not run.

I will not forgive you either.

Have you ever heard the name Pisis? Who is that? Someone linked Frolo and Tindari.

Do not know about that.

I need to swear.

Who was Fiorani to you? My brother.

Mr Santelia do not avoid the subject.

The man that I arrested the casino changed a million chips.

That was the ransom money paid for a kidnapping, money mafia.

You mean that it was mafia.

Well you should have arrested them.

But he won 800 million in your casino Millions "laundered".

Not in my casino, The thief used the croupier.

You accused your dealer.

Excuse me, I do not know than I'm not a lawyer.

I knew him a little and was always good to him.

Therefore I deny.

I deny everything.

You ordered your employees to help the man to win.

Why? Look.

It's a clean deck.

Without tricks.

But if I play with you 100 games, you couldn't win any.

That is cheating? No.

You do not know how play.

And I'm better.

So prove that I cheat, I must hide the ace up my sleeve.

But I do not.

And if you find another, What's it to do with me? Finish masquerade, Santelia.

I questioned your employees Your casino is only one channel recycling for dirty money.

I'll blame Association the crimes of mafia type.

You know you're risking At least 6 years in prison? What you want to know? I want to know Where the money went.

If I draw a less than a five I will tell you.

So? Antinari bank.


Cariddi was a privileged client.

How? When his company won the auction to build Tindari's casino Antinari bank and gave practically guarantees loans.

A very small loan with interest.

How much? 0.


We few steps together? Your welcome.

No one will not escape your eye? Even if you command it.

They'll hide, but I well never leave them alone.

You're worse than the Tano Cariddi, aren't you?

- What do your know about it?

- I read the newspapers.

Then you know that Tano asked to adopt little Greta Antinari.

Yes, I know.

For him, Greta is only a piece of the actions.

The 40% that they need to obtain control of the bank.

I know know the the judge dealing with adoption.


It's an honest woman, sensitive.

You can not do anything? How I it would violate independence of judiciary? You think he will adopt? Yes.

We have to keep in mind, and the facts say Tano Cariddi is trustworthy.

But if What? Just if we dont pronounce judgement on that day How's that? Don't believe Santelia, ask for an investigation of the Antinari bank.

I know an important person in Rome, I think Senator Salimbeni.

He can help us.

Tomorrow you will have Santelia's deposition.

You have the senator take it.

Thank you.

You are a strange judge.

And you're a commissioner strange.

Excuse me.

They told me to talk with you for my necklace.

Your necklace? Yes, I gave it to Mr Commissioner Cattani.

You know ? Yes, Slightly.

Yesterday evening at the casino, made I lost my head.

Who knows how he finds time and Anyway, He didn't say anything about the necklace.

You know where I can find him? Left a few moments ago for Rome by train.

Good afternoon.

What Looking for here? Going to Rome.

You? Did you talk to others about this statement? No.

I came first in your You did very well.

I can tell you're in a delicate situation.

Incidentaly, this document falls under a secret investigation.

I believe that it is possible to obtain urgent investigation Antinari bank? This is not my area.

However, I will review these documents.

I can't make any promises.

Return in the afternoon.

Thank you.

Activate the anti

-interception device.

( Can we talk? ) Yes.

I say the office documentation is very relevant to the relationship between your bank and casino It was brought to my atention by and old nemisis.

( Commissioner Cattani.

) What? Cattani again? Himself.

he's here.

Do not concerned yourself about it.

I will personally try to solve the problem.

You're a pal.

( I decided to accept your offer) (By the way, a friend who I spoke of is willing to meet with you, ) but will have to go with him, in Switzerland.

Frankly, I care more about stopping Cattani.

Sure he wants to deal with me? Sure, but to cover the maneuvers on your bank (will require some expenditure.

) What? Nothing alarming, do not worry.

Your offer remains valid.

We need to change some figures, so.

You like it? Yes.

But you are never bored? Why? You Have everything.

Come I'llshow my house.

When I was little my mother and I lived here, this was my room.

And the carpet was my world.

As the Muslims.

For them, the carpet is bed table, instead of prayer.

Each color represents a feeling Red means your wealth and happiness.

Orange, dedication and compassion.

White suffering.

And that blue is love.

Don't you think Here, over 200 years ago, wrote one Arab Weaver "I have made this carpet with the threads of my heart.

" I would like to you can give a drop of blue.

Let's make love.

And afterwards? Then tell me "You love you".


Better not.

Why? I always say "I love you", even if not true.

I do not.

It's a game.

Like children, playing mother and father.

little boy is husband.

Little girl is his wife.

And another one is the priest.

They marry.

A little after, is born a blond baby, a doll.

You have never played? A long time ago.

But it was not a game.

You asked me to privately investigate the bank's low

-interest demanded.

It doesn't seem pressured? You see, senator, to me it seems "pressured" as you say, sir, that a man like Tano Cariddi give a huge credit to a casino without demanding interest.

A casino, by his mere existence, refreshes tourism and local economy.

Indirectly help area banks.

It is a good investment.

Do not you scandalize it.

We live in extraordinary years.

Money flows, people discover pleasure of chance, risk.

You dislike this? Not at all.

I imagined.

A survey on bank Antinari has already been done.

A year ago, at the request magistrate in Rome.

Financial control bodies examined documents and a record sheet.


It's all here.

And the result? Bank is fine.

In my place, what you have done? Yeah

- When we meet again?

- Do not know.

- But I see you?

- Do not know.

You haven't asked me anything.

Why you scared? Wait! What? I just wanted to tell you that.

- Yes, but

- No matter if you never gonna see you.

But I want something of yours.

- What are you doing?

- Let me remind you.

- Goodbye, Mr Commissioner.

- Bye.

Passport, please.

Thank you.


It is Richelieu.

It's brilliant, right? You have named it? Yes.

All the great violins are named.

It's a way to differentiate them From one another.

It is a sacrosant principle.

And not only apply to violins.


In a few moments, you will have the privilege to take part in the miracle of her birth Renaissance.

I asked someone to play us.

A great violin should be used once a year.

But only one minute.

At that minute, it's life is vibrant.

The rest of the year, becomes an inert object, unnecessarily.

Like your money A unique inheritance, according our mutual friend, Salimbeni.

And however, he didn't waver.

Therefore I came to you Unfortunately, I defied Rasi.

The man's an unforgivable stickler for his position.

He is incorruptible.

I speak from personal experience.

But he has the obsession important peoples have: To survive.

That's true.

Therefore we must use this.

I think This will be helpful.

The registration of a call Telephone many years ago.

A little help of our intelligence services.

Related to the engineered death of Valenti, who was then president of International Insurance.

He was old


he founded a group of Italian

-American businessmen a large financial speculation the exchange rate of the pound and he was en route to Rome To depose to Parliament.

he also never got there.

His plane exploded in flight.

Rasi was his confidant.

Someone advised he by phone not to get on the plane.

Shortly after the death of Valenti, Rasi became president of insurance.

So he was complicit.

Not an accomplice.

He only committed a sin of omission.

A classic sin underlying any great wealth, including mine.

Perhaps you also.

It would be a too generous a gift.

Not exactly.

Let's say rather that it is exchange.

Your friends are Sicilian island that interests me more.

His name is Tirena.

Persuade them to put me to disposal.

To do what? I give you something billion worth.

Instead, we require an island.

And silence.

Without questions, without "why?".

That is correct.

So? How's it going? he needs Tirena island.

We'll give it to him.

Tirena? There live only goats.

The better.

Tell your brother that everything goes well.

Before long you will have a piece of good news.

There is nothing discreditable, Senator is right.

Impossible! I spent all morning reading the conclusions.


It's all legal, recorded and shown.

We have to ask for another check.

The National Bank to intervene, to challenge the data.

I'm sure they were counterfeited.


Mr Commissioner, this is a document officially signed by a judge.

If you want, he'll explain everything, but sit down.

I don't need an explanation! I want to know the truth! Just as applying most of your justice, you will not get anything.

But what do you want, Us to act like them? Illegality for illegality? I'm talking about some monsters, assassins who destroy our country.

Who can buy everything with their millions! And your want to treat them with kidgloves? They can't buy everything.

They can't buy you or me.

Why do you have this the obsession that you were betrayed by everyone? I was betrayed, and not once, a thousand times.

Commissioner Look how beautiful it is.

Hear that? Heart beat.

she beats because she loves.

she Loves you very much.

Excuse me, sir Cariddi.

It's Do not ever let anyone enter without my permission.

We have orders to not let anyone in.

I want to see Greta.

Go! Enough! So, you're an avengeing angel? Without a warrant, it means nothing.

You're just one operation and.

You should sit quietly in the office, You'd expect your pension.

Maybe you will get Greta and the bank, but I I will follow the paper trail.

I will always be behind you.

What are doing? What are you talking about? He's insane! Get out, get lost! I will track you to hell, if needed! What have you done with the clock that I gave you? being repaired.

Really? Strange, it has a five years warranty.

And the one where you found it? Looks a little shabby.

It look like I stole from someone.

Not goimg into the city tonight? No, I wanted to stay with you.

Are you in love with someone Who is ignoring you? I'm afraid so.

The driver brought you this Mr.

Cariddi, said it's urgent.

Thank you.

Dad, what happened? You went white.

Excuse me a moment.

( Am I speaking with Mr.

Rasi? ) ( Yeah.

) ( I speak as a friend.

) ( If you want to be President, do not get aboard Valenti's plane.

) ( Do not fly.

) ( who you are? Who is this? ) ( Hello ) Dad.

Tano Cariddi called.

He wants to have lunch with us.

What'll I say? Say that I concur.


These documents not only demonstrates the accuracy shown by Mr.

Cariddi in managing the assets of Greta, but also his generosity and his affection.

The little girl has not missed anything.

He treated her as his daughter.

I understand, sir lawyer.


Cariddi manage properly the inheritance of the little girl, he assures her,a carefree life and he shows her affections.

But the problem is different.

Greta is alone and lost Tragically in both parents.

Final Adoption is pending that the little girl has entered a a welcoming environment, in the family.

To live among children of her age.


Mr Cariddi May or may not be able to assure the basic needs? My client has shown the way as lead bank Antinari that Enough, sir lawyer.

A moment.

Have the little girl enter.

Come, sit down here in front of me.

I Want to talk a little? What is your name? Gre Greta A.




Greta, you know this man? Mister Tano.

And you.



you love him? It is enough to say yes or no.

Tell me something that you don't like about him.

- Mrs.

judge, I do not think

- Quiet! I hate his mouth.

Why? It does not laugh ever.


judge, I remind you that Mr.

Cariddi is a busy man, the girl's answer means nothing Please, sir lawyer! I have another request for adoption.

From Mr de Cristoforis.

You are very generous man Mr.


The little girl shall inherit an immense fortune, Not the gifts.

You say that the somebody asked to adopt Grete? Who is this gentleman Cristoforis? I.

He is.

Biaggio de Cristoforis, A Franciscan monk.

I am called brother Bernardo.


judge, may wonder Who is this man? He takes care of a community of children, sustained by private donations and state funds.

But Greta is rich.

She can not go there.

It is not ordinary.

Children do not know what wealth means, nor poverty, Mr Cariddi.

- And I.



- Greta! Keep in mind child, ox and donkey and yourself? What color was the ox? It was blue.

Blue! Give her to me, Ms judge.

Very well.

Take her.

But the rate of 40% of the Antinari bank shares will be entrusted Mr.


The bus, the bus! Bernardo is back! Let's see! He came! Children, she is Miss Greta.

Today will stay with us, is part of our family.

Let's paint.

- Are you satisfied?

- Of course.

Let's paint together.

I'll teach you.

I know already to paint.

How did you manage to bring her here? At the time I was not certain of what she would say.

I talked to social assistance, I requested But why did not you say something? What can you say? Silvia and I have solved everything.

You and Silvia? Yes.

Both of you yet? Why not us? Yes, and us .


- Can you do this?

- I'll teach you? Don't forget this.

Click here.

It will lit his nose.

I'll be back soon.

- With Silvia?

- Yes.

With Silvia.


Good night.

Good night.

She's falling asleep.

And you should rest too, you have tired eyes.

Maybe you need to apologize.

Since I met you, I mistreated you.

I was no better.

Anyway, I wanted to thank you.

For Greta.

Why are so quarrelsome with those around you? I do not want anybody attached to me.

Why? Because I feel like a luxury traveler.

One day, vacation is over and good night.

If you love few, few will mourn for you.

You're loved by many people.

Really? Who? Greta, Bernardo, Falisci, chief prosecutor, your people.

These are some special people.

Maybe you'd love to know.

Why do you care like the others? I care about you.

Why? I always see you as sad.

I am sad.

Is this were you live? Yes.

It's late.

Your husband must be worried.

- Well, good night.

- Good night.

See you tomorrow.

The other side of the lake, I saw a beautiful house.

It was built by a English countess, around 1800.

Yes, it's wonderful.

I asked my father many times to buy me it, but it's not for sale.

This house is too big for us.

It seems that the Countess built for one, Byron, but he was already in love with an Italian.

How do you know all these things? I like to poke in the past, to redicover long forgotten information.

And I like mysteries, so much.

- And you, Mr Rasi?

- Me? I like things clear.


Then I will speak clearly.

Soon we are going to sign an agreement.

One that will mark a historic date the Italian financial world and international.

We will join forces and will be first.

Be not concerned, sir Rasi.

At university, I studyed for your actions stock exchange so like a rabbi studying the Bible.

Everything was so easy, perfect.

You're the best.

Why be afraid? Nobody will believe in our agreement.

We too different.

We know.

But we can make a motion which will remove any Opposition.

One that will convince everyone of our good faith.

I will marry your daughter you want marry me? Only formally.

I talking about business.

I will not Please leave, Mr Cariddi.

Let me finish.

And you, Esther, listen to me.

Your father is going through a very difficult time.

You can help him.

All that has built so far, the vast Cathedral International Insurance, and can collapse at any time.

Your father is very proud, does not want to accept this reality.

But I can to save it.

I will invest enormous amounts.

It's true what he says? But I need the marriage.

We will live together only a few months.

You will have your room and if you want, we will never meet.

Then we can divorce.

Only a few months.

No more.

You want to know what I think about you .


I'm Not interested.

I Expect a response.

From me or from my father? Your father can only say yes.

And I say yes.

Esther! Why not, Dad? I want to help.

Well, Tano.

Take a seat.


Yesterday evening, the proceeds from the casino have been enormous, two billion.

Not bad for one day, ordinary.

According to these papers, the casino has never grossed more than one billion.

That is, the actual amounts are greater than those declared.

That is the question of accountants.

In addition, receipts are checked two functionaries of the City Hall.

What connection has the city hall? Town hall retains some of the receipts.

And who chose these people? Canoppio, the adviser.

Tell me about him.

I have nothing to say.

And you received two billion? I told you, I run the house, in all ways.

Especially now.

That's why you do not want to talk About Canoppio? You said it, not me.


Good afternoon.

Corrado is in? Mr.

Commissioner Cattani? Yes, Corrado.

- He's gone in a matter of service.

- You're looking for something specific? Yes, I brought flowers.

Flowers? Him? Why, does not like? I do not know.

How about, Giugni? You like flowers? I let them anyway.

You have a vase? Miss Wait, miss.

Let me see.

Are you afraid of a b*mb? Okay, okay They are very beautiful.

And this.

- By whom?

- It's Esther.

- Esther and what?

- Just Esther.

Less often.

We bring to our attention Good afternoon.

Hello, Commissioner.

Ms Conti called you , many times.

And I.



Where these come from? I was Just about to tell you.

Miss Esther stopped by Just Esther.

she said.

(Hi, Commissioner.

I'm getting Married.


) Giugni, give these to your wife.

- Hello.

- Bye.

She shall receive you in her room.

This way.

Thank you.

Be right there, one moment.

- I wanted to

- while you wait, put on a record.

Excuse me.

But what is Glad you came.

Why did not you say last time that you were engaged? Because I did not know.

In fact, barely know my future husband.

So it's a love match.

What are marriages of love? What's that? Sound effects.

Seagull screamed and parties.

Nice, huh? And this is the sound wave.

So marriage that's not a joke.

You do not joke ever.

What is his name? I know him.

What is his name? Tano Cariddi.

- It's not true! Not possible!

- Yes! Tell me that's not true! Yes.

Why? Why him? What does that mean? Let me go, I'm scared! Let me go! Not so you can do this! You do not know who the man!

- Do not know!

- Let me! It hurts.

Enough! Stay away.

Do not touch me! Go! do you love me? Answer me! If you say yes, I'll stop the marriage.

Tell me you love me.


I am Filipo Rasi.

Who do I have the pleasure of? You have arranged this marriage? What? What did you say? For him, it's just a matter of money.

Tano doesn't care about Esther.

You know that? And you are the father.

- How long will you be gone?

- I Don't know.

The committee begins work tomorrow.

I think that will last for months, But this week I'll be back for the weekend.

It was better to stay the University? Who knows? Maybe it will be better for us to have some space to separated us.

Why'd you say that? That's what I think.

I 'm sorry that I can't attend.

How goes the investigation? Today, when we questioned the casino manager, The counselor, Canoppio, name came up in the discussions.

He does not seem to be too honest.

Small wonder? Not too many politicians study ants all their life.

I have to go.

I even have an excuse to kiss you.

We are concerned.

They are transferring Frolo next week.

We need to organize better, We have a lot of time.

This time it should not wrong.

Tonight I want a woman.


You take charge and get her.

Yes, I understand.


Guys, next week will be Frolo transferred to the prison in Alessandria.

I need you, all four.

Just us? There will be two cars escort.

But you two bring Frolo, in an armored car.

Armored car? they're too slow.

If you have to run We will not run.

If you run, Who would be left? Yes, I understand.

But I do not like armored cars.

Can I drive the Alfa Romeo?

- Why?

- Because it gives me security.

I'll go with Frolo in front, in the armored car, you will follow.

What do you think? It is better to have a quick car.


Then Trevi,Quadri and I, will accompany Frolo.

You two, that is, Gonzales and Giugni go to the front, with the quicker car.

There will be two cars, Front and rearguard.

So, I will not see you again? You're a good man.

I wish to ask your one favor, if possible.

Say it.

If you can, find where they buried my daughter and if you happen to pass by there, Lay a bouquet of flowers.

To let her know that her father never forgot her.

Very well.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

They're here! Road work, the road's blocked, we're signaled to the detour on the left.

Go ahead and but pay attention.

Keep your eyes open.

God bless these rings they are a sign of love and fidelity.

The name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Esther, receives this ring as a sign of love and my fidelity.

The name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Tano I receive this ring as a sign of love and my fidelity.

The name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I'll go ahead, I want to control the road.

- Warning! It's an ambush!

- Stop! It's a trap.

Turn! What are you doing? Turn, gotta get out of here! We hit the wheels.

We're imobilized! We can not stay here! We;ll all die! Must get out! No, car's armoured! We must stay inside! Here comes Gonzales! Come on! Quick! Get in the car! Gonzales!

- Take him away!

- Do not leave him alone! Only you can do it! Go! Go! Draw!! Come on, Draw!! We have to cover on Gonzales.

Fire! We have to cover! sh**t, Trevi! sh**t, why're you waiting? he's going to be alright.

Corrado, are you okay? As you see? They waited for us.

Poor Gonzales, without him I would not have escaped.

He turned back to helped us Okay, it's over.

I saw Gonzales.

He Looks like A wretch! Keep your head up, son! We must be men! You understand? Yes, I understand.

I understand Good evening, ma'am.


We are home.

This is the villa of Countess.

It is my wedding gift.

Come show your way.

Yoy should not have done that.

This is your bedroom.

Mine is there.

I can't accept Our understanding does not provide Good night.

An armed escort of police was att*cked.

Commissioner Cattani escape with life.

Three agents were k*lled and Two wounded.

The prisoner Salvatore Frolo is in critical condition.

Acidduzzu will never chirp again.

I finally clipped his wings.

Shut up! I do not want to hear you! It hurts my foot.

I'm sorry to hear.

For years we were never known I got a C and now knocks all the time! You have k*lled too many! For what was needed? What else could we do? I wanted only Frolo! And the Commissioner! Now Frolo is alive, suffering, and the Commissioner is unharmed! Live and dangerous! Do not worry.

We'll deal with the Commissioner immediately.

And about the island, tell Tano we give nothing, without knowing why.

Why does Espinosa want this island? Did you ask? No.

I But he wanted this? You're a fool! It's not what he wants, but what we want.

he can not use this Espinosa secretly against us! Only after Rasi decides to tell us what he wants it for! No more mysteries! Cosa Nostra is the mystery! Tell that to the married man! He is paralyzed, he can not move, and can't speak.

But he understands? I do not know.

Wait, you will be sorry to see him.

It does no good Excuse me.

can you hear me? If you hear me, answer me.


Try to Blink.

I promise you, when you get better, we go together at your daughter's grave.

And I'll take lots of flowers.

I promise.

I swear.