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03x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 01/14/23 07:52
by bunniefuu
After the tragic event that have painfully shaped his life, Corrado Cattani begins to find peace in the monastery of Abbot Lovani.

This tranquility is short lived when federal agent, Bert Di Donato, asks Corrado to help investigate a massive trafficking of arms.

The international arms deal is being led by Kemal Yfter, who is conducting business with one of Corrado's old enemies: Gianfranco Laudeo.

Corrado accepts the challenge and goes to Milan.

After the kidnapping of a young girl, Greta, who Corrado manages to save, he meets with her father, Carlo Antinari, a banker.

He also meets Antinari's eldest daughter, Giulia, with whom he eventually falls in love.

Laudeo, after deciding to expose the workings of Yfter's operation, is k*lled in prison.

Corrado and Bert's investigation leads them to the tracks of Dino Alessi, a bank director.

Corrado is put in a difficult predicament.

On one hand, his love for Giulia renews his sense of life, while on the other hand, he realises that Giulia's family is involved in the very case that he and Bert are investigating.

Many events that follow, shape Corrado's life: Carlo Antinari returns to Sicily to seek help from his father Nicola Antinari, while another of Corrado's enemies, Mr.

Terrasini, a lawyer, is released from prison with only one thing on his mind: revenge.

The final straw for Corrado comes when Dino Alessi orders Bert Di Donato to be m*rder*d.

Corrado is alone again and decides to terminate his investigation and spend time with his beloved Giulia.

Together, they go to Giulia's family property on Semio island, to escape the madness in their lives.

But here, they find the dead body of Giulia's father, Carlo.

Dino Alessi succeeds in his dealings, as he secures for himself a quota of the bank's shares, thanks to Nicola Antinari.

Thus, Corrado has a new enemy on the horizon, Nicola Antinari, who is on the verge of a sinister business alliance with Mr.


The Octopus 3 No, there are no more problems in the bank.

The only one there was has been eliminated.

Yes, the autopsy has confirmed it as a su1c1de.

Did the old man believe it? He didn't make a fuss.

This man's too clever.

Yes, he confirmed the power of attorney.

I can sign the agreement.

I've got the documents we talked about.

It wasn't easy getting them, but now they're here in a safe place.

Can I come in? What are you doing here? You'd better close the door.

It's cold here in the morning.

You'll catch pneumonia.

You have to get out of the bank and out of the deal.


What's this piece of paper meant to mean? Nicola's furious.

So I have to give up everything like this? For what? Sign.

You can't do this.

Without me, the bank is ruined.

We've found someone to substitute you.

Who? That's not your concern.

No, you can't do that.

You can't finish the deal, without the documents from the secret service.

- Which documents?

- The ones I've got that are a payment to the countries who'll let the load go through.

You're lying, Dino.

Sign! Come on! I'm not lying.

It's true.

Show me those documents.

If you want to k*ll me, why should I? Because you don't have a choice.

And if I give you those documents? I'll spare your life.

Anyway, you won't count for much anymore.


There's nothing here.


And then then what'll you do? I'll get that paper, put it in my pocket and leave for Sicily.

Swear it.

I swear.

You've got a servant's character.

You'll never be a master.

Here put it in your mouth, and carry it like a dog.

Sure, but first Mr.

Antinari sends you his best wishes and from his son Carlo and from me.



I know the way.

- Is Dino home?

- No.

Come, I have to talk to you.

Sorry, I'm a bit muddled this morning Why isn't Giulia with you? I'll explain everything now.

Don't worry about Giulia, it's not her who's in danger.

Well who then? I could sense it Who knows, maybe I always knew but I didn't want to believe that it was him that k*lled Carlo.

Yes, but now Dino's got problems.

The mafia's become involved.

There that's Dino's briefcase.

I stole it from him.

It must be very important to him.

I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared.

It's the curse! They'll k*ll us all! They'll start with me then they'll k*ll Giulia, and then they'll k*ll Greta.

We're cursed! Why? Why? What have we done wrong? What have we done? I'm scared Help me.

We'll stop them, Anna.

I promise.


- Darling.

How are things?

- Good.

And how's your dog?

- Good.

- I'll take you to a great place.

- Yes Thank


Well done.

I really don't know how to thank you.

Given the situation in Milan, I personally took care of all the remaining liabilities.

You did this for me? Everything I've done in the last few years has always been done in the best interest of you and your family.

But this time, you've done even more.

Everything I am, I owe to you.

Here, you can put it in the archive.

Yes, it's what you said.

I think it's to do with the arms defense system as well.

This looks like the Veneto region.

This stuff here can't be stolen by a corrupt employee.

There's more to it than what we think, it's something sinister.

These documents have to be taken to a judge.

Yes, but first we have to prevent this operation from working out.

Maybe you can help me.

I'm asking if Well, you once lived in Rome? Didn't you? You were a politician of great importance.

I can't use my contacts from back then.

I left everything, for good and I chose God's way.

Yes, you're close to God with your gardens, your brothers, your prayers This is all very nice for you.

And us? The others, the men of men? That's what you call us What are we meant to do? Cheer up? Accept everything? Is this what you call being a Christian? Is this what God expects of you? Evil can prevail on Earth, but in heaven it can't.

We have to create our heaven here, on Earth.

You can't preach about believing in God when you ignore people trafficking weapons, and there are people being k*lled.

Leave these documents with me.

I want to take my time looking at them.

Tomorrow, I'll give you my answer.

This is the cow, and this is the little donkey.

They were Jesus' first friends.

And this is baby Jesus.

Did you know when he was born there was snow as high as this? And the poor baby was trembling from the cold.

But then, these two began to warm him up.

Do you want to paint? Do you want some brushes? Look, we've got all the colours of the rainbow! You're right.

What do we need brushes for, if God gave us hands? Well done! What do you want to do with the blue paint? Oh, I get it, a little navy jacket.

The cow? The cow was white, wasn't he? Who said he had to be white? Who knows how animals were back then? You know what? We'll make it all blue, okay? We'll even give it blue horns! The documentation that I provided for Dino Alessi was the result of clever persuasion.

You'll understand that it's not something you can easily obtain.

Though it must be done somehow, otherwise the whole operation may come to nothing.

- So it's my fault?

- I'm not blaming you.

Your job hasn't changed at all.

Before, you were dealing with Mr.

Alessi, but now you're dealing with me.

So, what do you want from me? You have to get a new set of the documents as soon as possible.

That's impossible.

There's too much risk for everyone.

Try anyway.

Otherwise you understand We'd have to start negotiations with the people who provided them.

In which case to be honest, I can't see what your contribution would be.

And if I couldn't do it? Well, I'd be in an embarrassing position.

You understand? We're talking about money here.

Back home, in Sicily we say, "When money sings, the music keeps quiet".

Greta, darling, what've you done? Your hands are all dirty.

- Good morning Brother Bernardo.

- Good morning.

- Have you seen the Abbot?

- Yes, he left.

- He said he'll be back tonight.

- Where's he gone? To Rome.



"Then, he saw a man named Matthew, sitting at the counter, and he said to him: 'Follow me.

' Then he, at first amazed, rose and followed him " Good morning Father.

Please, come in.

I know that in the grand scheme of things, my voice isn't loud enough to be heard.


-one listens to me, but they listen to you.

I'll try to do everything I can.

I've always considered you my best student.

But that's not why I'm here.

You are now an important man.

That's why you must do something.

There's something much bigger going on.

In your world, there's a terrible silence among people.


-one speaks, no

-one goes to the police, no

-one protests.

But I have faith in you.

You have to get someone to investigate what's behind all the handling of these secret documents.

There must be a lot of conniving activity going on.

What you're asking me is very difficult.

I might need all the documents to do it.

I'll have to show I'm not making things up.

Otherwise they'll call me crazy, no

-one will believe me.

This map will do for now.

The rest is safe at the monastery, but I'm going to give the rest to the judge as soon as possible.

Yes, it's best this way.

They'll be safe at the monastery.

I want to thank you for what you've done for us.

- There's no need.

- Giulia was lucky to have met you.

Really? But I'm not a very easygoing man.

The world is full of easygoing and stupid men.

But you're a man who has suffered and I know you wouldn't hurt my Giulia.

Why don't you stay here with Greta until you feel a bit better.

I like it here.

I feel like a little girl again.

I used to live in a college.

It seems strange but I loved that place.

I was very happy.

I'd like to be buried somewhere like that.

But I don't think I deserve it.

What will you do? I'll be able to tell you soon.

I went and spoke to them.

Now we just have to wait.

Well, what did they say? What possibilities do we have I have faith.

You try to have some too.

I'm tired, Corrado.

I want to get back to praying.

Sure, I'm sorry.

Yesterday I was unfair to you.

I wanted to Corrado, go and don't be so hard on yourself.

This old Abbot in front of you, sinned because of his pride.

He didn't accept that you were right.

Why would God have given us this difficult world, if not to earn our place in his kingdom, or to always test us? I'd like to have your faith.

I'd like to pray.

They say that those who pray feel less alone.

Yesterday, when you came in here and yelled, you were looking for God.

Men like you pray in this way.


Yes, I'll explain it all to you.

There's no need.

It's not up to me.

Yes, I know, I have to make a decision, but there are times when you can't do it on your own.

- Sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about.

Well Sir I think this time, you'll have to decide on your own.

We have to get those documents immediately.

- We're ready.

- Yes, but don't You know what I mean That's not up to us.

The Abbot knows everything.

But you wouldn't Well, definitely no scandals he's an important man, you can't treat him like a We'll do our best.

Do you feel like painting? Or do you want to do something else? Let's see Just a minute Greta, wait here.

What's the matter? You're not working? You need happiness to work.

I don't feel that way.

I just can't seem to forget what I saw.

Are you afraid of death? Not of death, but of the sin committed.

I've always heard about it, but I'd never been confronted with it.

- What you saw wasn't real.

- What are you talking about? It's the same as you putting one statue here, and one there.

They did the same thing with the Abbot and Anna.

So what really happened then? They k*lled him to steal a briefcase which was in his cell.

And now isn't there anymore.

So, if I shouldn't believe what I saw, that means my Abbot was a good man.

Yes he was a good man.

- Come on.

What did you have to do today?

- The water carriers.

No, the Madonna.

Well you really mustn't like water carriers.

Okay then, we'll do the Madonna.

Mother Mother, why? Why? I had so much to tell you.

We had to talk I had a ring to show you.

What have we done wrong? What? What do we have to repay that's so bad? And to whom? Why are they taking us? They're taking us away one by one.

Fine! I'm here! I'm here! Come and k*ll me too! Come on, come and get me! Come and k*ll me as well! Go away! Get away from here! Go away! I never want to see you again! It's your fault! Everything happened when you came along! Go away! Hold me tight! Hold me tight! I can't take it anymore.

I can't take it anymore.

- What's wrong Greta?

- I want the flower.

In Spring there'll be lots of flowers like that Lots and lots.

Brother Bernardo who's that lady? That's Federica, Mr.

Mattinera's wife.

He's a very important man.

- The one next to her?

- No.

That's Senator Tarsoni, a good man.

- Why isn't Mr.

Mattinera here?

- Who knows? He used to come a lot.

He was one of the Abbot's students at university.

Then politics divided them, and he took a different path one that led him far away.

We have all his books in the library.

Every time he got one published, he'd send it.

It's all in this room.


Mattinera would often come here to look at old books.

Before he got into politics, he studied Roman history.

Here are all the books he got published.

His thesis should also be here.

Here it is.

He got his degree with the Abbot "Agrippina.

An element of power in first century Imperial Rome.

" Agrippina? Yes, that's the title.

What's the matter? Did you know about his studies? You're Mr.

Cattani, aren't you? I'm Senator Tarsoni.

The Abbot told me a lot about you the other day.

- Did you meet the Abbot in Rome?

- Yes, he came to see me at the Madama building.

- Do you know if he saw anyone besides you? I think he saw Mr.


- Are you sure of it? I'm certain.

He left my office saying he was going to see him.

Why are you asking me all these questions?

- Thank

-you Senator.

- You're welcome.

- Look at it twirl.

Look at it now!

- It's beautiful! Up high! Down it goes! Now that you've told me everything, it seems more absurd.

Dino kills Laudeo then my father.

Then someone else kills him.

I don't get it! Why? Then my mother.

What did my mother have to do with it? I don't know.

I'm going to Rome to find out.

Come on.

- What are you going to do?

- I don't know.

I'll go back to my grandfather in Sicily.

He wants to speak to me.

He says it's important.

But I don't really care anymore.

And Greta? I'll leave her here at the monastery.

It's the first time I've seen her smiling like that.

Corrado Please be careful.

Be careful.

I don't know who has done this harm to my family, but I know they're powerful very powerful.


What infamy! What pointless cruelty.

Who organised all this? I think it was Mr.


That vile being! What was the point of all this savagery? And the way the corpses were embracing it was horrible! Anna is my son's wife.

I consider this crime as an unspeakable personal attack! Do you want me to let Mr.

Terrasini know of your indignation? No.

I don't want him to know anything.

- He's still useful for now.

- I understand.

- I presume you have the documents.

- Yes.

We just need your signature for the bank's surety in the operation.

Then the load can leave from Istanbul.

At the end of the operation, the sum will be paid into the Union Luxemburg Bank.

- There.

- Good.

We can start the operation.

All you had to do was get the documents.

And instead, you turned a piece of paper into a blood bath You see, when you're building you need carpenters and bricklayers Yes, I know your kind of bricklayers! To reinforce a cement pillar, they'd probably shove a dead body in.

That's a load of rubbish.

You're talking nonsense! That's exactly Italy's problem! And the way the corpses were arranged.

Is that nonsense too? Well, maybe the aesthetics of it was a bit much, but it was useful.

This way, they shelved the investigation.

You know why? Because there was the risk of getting their hands dirty if they went ahead To cover up one scandal, you need to create a much bigger one.

Unfortunately, Mr.

Mattinera can't see you.

He has a meeting and will be back late.

- Then I'll wait.

- But I've told you, he's in a meeting.

- That's fine.

I'll wait until the end of the meeting.

Look, it's pointless.

He has other appointments that he can't reschedule and he's leaving for Brussels.


Go tell him that I'm not leaving until he sees me.

Listen, I don't want to see anyone.

Tell him to get lost! Why didn't you bring the briefcase? I've already told you, we'll take care of everything.

You needn't bother going down to Sicily.

It'd be a waste to go.

We'll give the documents to the right people when the goods are loading.

You can relax, and in ten days, when the operation is done, you can get your three percent.

Three percent? But with Yfter we agreed on ten! This is an abuse of power! Unfortunately, ten percent is just too much given the huge expenses it took to get the documents.

You're all morons! Without me, this deal wouldn't have gone ahead.

Well, without us, it can't be finished.

This whole thing is a conspiracy! You've used me! And now you're saying you want me out of the picture.

So basically, I risked everything for a measly three percent.

- We're talking millions here.

- And how much will all of you be pocketing? The decision has been made, take it or leave it.

Count me out.

In this case, you're the fool.

You can't just get out of these deals by saying, "No, thanks".

- Are you threatening me?

- No.


I actually feel sorry for you.

Tell your friends that I'd prefer to hold my head high than to accept your pathetic offer.

You're not very convincing.

You have to be calm when you're trying to bluff.

Just leave will you just go! Go and get the car.

Tell Mr.

Mattinera that if he can see Mr.

Terrasini, he can see me too!

- He was here but he's had to leave.

- Oh, really?

- Let's see shall we?

- Where are you going? I'm very sorry.

Let's see if he's here?

- You can't! I won't let you

- Move! See? Like I said, he's not here.

I don't know but I think the real problem is that fellow there, a man who Carlo can call upon to save his family after he decides to end it all.

You do realise you're making huge accusations?

- You need evidence, you know?

- Of course.

I'm here because you'll help me find it.

A stolen photo, a bracelet, the name: Agrippina.

You're asking me to come up with something you know nothing about.

Yes, but maybe there's something you know quite well.

- I'm talking about the trafficking of arms

- Fair enough.

Well, you'd know that to run something like this you need the help of some big banks and criminal organisations.

With so many years in politics, why did you never notice anything? How did you never manage to get any evidence? This is why you have to find the evidence, not me! You see Mr.

Cattani, I haven't been doing this for a few years.

I annoyed people.

I talked too much and I wanted to know too much.

So I was transferred and I dealt with developing countries, famine, poverty, illness.

For what you're dealing with, I can't help you.

But you were a friend of the Abbot.

That means you have faith, that you believe in something.

Yes, I do believe And I often think of the time when God will ask me about my faith.

He'll show me the souls of the children who died of starvation, their swollen stomachs and distant eyes.

He'll say to me Your world has spent enormous amounts of money on weapons, but what has it done for these poor children? Have you helped them at all? Then, I'd have to tell him We've given these children absolutely nothing of our nation's money.

I think God would get very angry about this.

I understand.

Mr. Cattani Tell me what I have to do, and I'll do it.

Nice to hear from you, Tarsoni.

It's been a while.

Yes, that Cattani fellow was looking for me too.

Yes, I agree.

He must be crazy.

Actually, I'd like to know what he's after.

Okay, sounds great.

I'll see you tonight at your place.