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03x07 - I'm Your Girl

Posted: 01/14/23 07:41
by bunniefuu
(R&B song plays softly
on stereo)

- Alright?
- Hi, my love.


Here's your stuff.

- What the f*ck?
- Don't get all worked up.

What happened?

Tripped over the rug
at the office.

Don't bullshit me, Fredrick.

Don't call me f*ckin' Fredrick.

Don't lie to me.
Spill it.

Look, I just...
I had a bit of a day, alright?

Oh, f*ck's sakes.

- It's fine. Just chill out, ok?
- Don't tell me to chill out.

Telling me to chill out's
not gonna chill me out!

I thought you sorted
all that shit.

I did, but...

So you're not gonna stop, then.

I am.

Just... Look, I haven't
gambled since...

...Since...The last time.

But, I mean, I've got these guys
who owe me money

and they haven't paid me, so...

So, what are you gonna do?

I'm gonna sort it out.

Why don't you talk to ray?

I'm not gonna talk to ray.

Oh, god,
you're a stubborn bastard.

What's for tea?


- Did you get the dunny paper?
- Oh, f*ck it!

(mutters) oh, f*ckin' hopeless.

(R&B song plays softly
on stereo)

(knocks loudly)

- I'm getting changed.
- Ok.

- How you doin'?
- Yeah, good, ray.

- How are you?
- Yeah, good.

What's happening?

Can we talk?

Sure, yeah.

What's up?

Uh, look, I... I know
that you know

Freddy's got a bit of
a gambling problem.

Yeah. Yeah.

But, um, he's in
a bit of trouble.


(serene classical music
plays softly on stereo)

(horse whinnies)

Oi, can I help ya?

- Yeah, I'm looking for Remy.
- Why?

A mate of mine
owes him some money.

- Who's your mate?
- Freddy vellah.

You're friends
with that piece of shit?

Beggars can't be choosers, mate.

So what do you want? You here
to pay your buddy's tab?

I'm not that generous.
Is he up there?

You tell that dickhead if he
doesn't pay in the next week,

he ain't gonna
be walking so good.

What... f*ck!

Arggh! Goddammit!

- f*ck!
- How you going, mate? Alright?

- Good. You?
- Yeah.

- Can we talk?
- We can do that.

(man groans)

(gasps) f*ck!

Sorry about that.


I'm a mate of Freddy's.



Everybody knows
he's a degenerate.

I was hoping you could, uh,
go easy on him.

And if I don't go easy on him?

I'm not here
to thr*aten anybody, mate.

I'm just here asking
for a favour, that's it.

Um, I know how to repay one,

Just ask around about me.


And who are you?

Ray shoesmith.

I thought you and Freddy
had a falling-out.

Uh, we just had a rough patch.

Fair enough.

Well, I can't wipe the debt.

Yeah, I don't expect you to.

You know, if you can just
give him a bit more time.

(sighs) yeah, I can do that.


- Good to meet you.
- Likewise.

Do you know who that was?

Some f*ckin' clown.

That was the magician.

The what?


Just, like, little things
all over the poster.

- Yeah.
- (chuckles)

Hey, what are you guys doing?

Making posters.

Oh, yeah. What for?

The climate change rally.

In the city.

Oh. Ohhhh.

Climate change, eh?

You guys don't believe
in that rubbish, do you?

It's not rubbish.

Come on, everyone knows
that temperatures are rising

because of the chemtrails.

- What are chemtrails?
- You know, the planes.

The planes are releasing
chemicals, you know,

like barium, aluminium,

It's carbon emissions
and it's not rubbish.

Oh. Ok, Greta.

Ok, boomer.

You even know what a boomer is?

- You're a boomer.
- No.

Boomers are born
after world w*r ii

and up until the late s.

- I'm not that old.
- You look that old.

- Yeah.
- (kids chuckle)

Hmm. (chuckles mockingly)

(rock song plays quietly)

- (knocking on door)
- I got it.

Oh, ok.

- How are ya?
- Yeah, not bad.

We'll go out the back.

(rock song plays on stereo)

Rafael: Five days.

No, no. You still need to do it.

Just talk to Cullen.

Yeah, he'll be here.

Anyway, I'll call you back.

Here he is.

Did you get
a good night's sleep?


Do you want coffee?

- Any decaf?
- (laughs)

No. We don't have decaf.

I'll give it a miss, mate.

How are ya?



Woman: Hi.


Zoe, I'd like you to meet ray.

- (musical ringtone plays)
- hey.



Yeah, well, that's not
up to you to decide, is it?

Yeah, well, whatever
he says, it's Tuesday.

- It's just f*ckin' Tuesday.
- Man: Ok, got it.

(exhales heavily)

Not nervous, are you?

- I don't really get nervous.
- Good.

It's a piece of piss anyway.


(serene operatic music
plays on stereo)


Radio announcer:
..Next hour, only on radio .

And we'll give you a chance
to win cash

with 'beat the buzzer'
right after this short break.

Woman: Weather!

Your all-important weather

for tomorrow
and the next few days.

It's cooling down in the city.

Clear skies, not much rain.
Maybe a shower or two...

So, where's your folks from?

- My mum's from New Zealand...
- Hmm.

...And my dad's from queensland.

And you grew up
in New Zealand, right?


- Have you ever been there?
- Nah.

Really? You should go.
It's so beautiful.


(serene operatic music
plays on stereo)

Cops coming your way.

Thanks, mate.

Radio announcer: Oh, Samantha!
You didn't yell 'stop' in time!

- Samantha: Oh, no!
- Oh, no! The pot gets nothing.

(radio show continues

Announcer: Sorry.
Let's go to our next caller.

That's you, Pam.
You know how to play?

Pam: I do.

Announcer: Ok, so I need
a nice big 'stop'.

(insects chirrup)

(ray sighs)

Rafael: No, no, no. I want
the main man, whoever that is.

Yeah, well, well, f*ck that.

You have to put it in
the little fishies, you know?

Oh, I like
the little fishy things.

You know, the kind
you get for your Sushi.

Yeah, yeah, just put it in that.

Oh, I don't f*ckin' know.
Gotta ship it out in something.

Man on TV:
They tend to struggle, I guess.

Potential to destroy them.

What's on?


Zoe: Do they have Netflix?

Ray: I don't think so.

Afl commentator:
Thought he was about...

...Thought he was about to run
over the top of him.

(Zoe grunts)

Commentator :
And another turnover, hodgy.

Reporter: On the university
of tasmania's new campus

in burnie, the green roof will
become home for local wildlife.

Man: I don't think
you'd be surprised

if you find mutton birds,
actually, burrowing in up there.


We've certainly had that in
the desal plant in Victoria.

Can you do me a favour?

- What?
- Can you walk on my back?

- Why?
- To crack it.



(ray sighs)

(TV continues playing softly)

Zoe: Ohh.

Ray: How's that?

Zoe: Yeah, do both feet.


(Zoe gasps)

- like that?
- Yep.



- Ray: That enough?
- Zoe: Yeah.

(Zoe gasps)

- (Zoe sighs)
- phew.

Zoe: Thanks.

- Ray: No worries.
- (zoe exhales)


(ray groans)



But the material delays

might mean no home at all
this year.

Man: So close...

(afl commentary
plays indistinctly)

So, what do you do
when you're not running dr*gs?


Bit of this, bit of that.




- What are you studying?
- Graphic design.

So if you need
any graphic design work done,

I'm your girl.

I'll let you know.

And they'll be harvesting
in the months ahead.

I can't wait to come back
later in the year

to see just how
this little city food oasis

is coming along.

So... Bit of this, bit of that?

That's what you do?


- Are you a bank robber?
- No.

- Are you a drug dealer?
- No, no.

Come on, tell me.


I'm not a cop.

I know you're not a cop.

(laughs) why won't you tell me?

It's just not the sort of thing
you talk about.

- Why not?
- You just don't.

What? Do you k*ll people
or something?

Only if they ask me
too many questions.



I really need to pee.

I'll pull over.

No, I can't go here.
I need a tree or something.

Well, you're not gonna find
a tree out here.

Why don't you just go
in the ditch there?

I don't want a ditch.
I want a tree.

(breathes heavily)

What about that?

Zoe: That?

Ray: What's wrong with that?

Ok, fine.

Have you got any dunny paper?



- What?
- Don't look!

As if.


(urine trickles)


- (shivers)
- how'd you go?

Thought I was gonna get...
Got by a snake.

- (pants)
- at least you got some exercise.



just watching me the whole time.

- What's that?
- Nothing.

(both chuckle)

U know tarot cards?

Ray: Mmm.

It's like tarots,
except there aren't any cards.


Anyway, I was reading this
introduction to the 'I ching'.

There was this guy and he was,
like, this taoist master.


And he said
that everything that happens

is for a good reason.


So, like, even if
something bad happens,

there's, like, a good reason
for it.

Yeah, I think... (clears throat)

(sniffs) ..One of the good
things about getting older,

like when I was younger
and something bad had happened,

I'd always get
really upset about it.

But then you get older

and you realise that
when something bad happens,

you know, something good

is just around the corner,
you know?

It all evens out.

Yeah, so...

So, an example is, like,
you know penicillin?

Do you know how
they discovered penicillin?


So, they were in a lab

and, like, they didn't clean
the equipment properly.

And mould grew on it.

And that's how
they discovered penicillin.

Like, that was where
they got penicillin from.


There you go.

Zoe: Hmm.

So, how long were you
together for?

Just over a year.

Are you still friends?


How about you?

My last proper relationship
was about three years ago.


And I was seeing this guy
a few weeks ago.

It was, like, a casual thing,

but I had to give him the flick

'cause he wasn't real good
in the old sack.

And, you know,
if I was more into him

it probably wouldn't have been,
like, a big deal, but...


...There's only so many orgasms
you can fake.

Tell me about it.

- Do you fake a lot of orgasms?
- Oh, heaps.

That must be quite hard
as a guy.

It's next level.

- Poor thing.
- Hmm. Thanks.

When was the last time
you had a real orgasm?


Can I ask you something?


Why do you fake it?

Because sometimes you know that
you're just not gonna get there

and you don't want to make
the guy feel bad.

So why don't you just say,
"hey, buddy,

"you're not doing it for me"?

'Cause I don't want
to hurt someone's feelings.

- (blows)
- (laughs) what?

- I'm a nice person.
- That's your problem.

- You're not a nice person?
- Pfffft! f*ck that.

What's wrong with being nice?

It's weak.

How is it weak?

You're worrying about
what people are gonna feel.

You shouldn't. You should
just tell them the truth.

I mean, this guy,
you could've told him

what the problem was,
you could've sorted it out.

But now, I mean, he's gonna go

and sleep with somebody else

and then he's gonna
sleep with somebody else,

then somebody else,

and then you've got
all these women

who are gonna
have to fake orgasms

because nobody wants to tell him
the f*ckin' truth, you know?

I mean, you're not really
helping out

your sisters, are you?

Well, it's not my fault
he was shit.

No. Of course not.

But, you know, you could've done
something about it, though.

- That's not my responsibility.
- No, it's not. Definitely not.

But you can't really complain,
can you?

I'm not complaining.

A little bit.

Can you roll me
one of those, cowboy?

- (scoffs lightly)
- what?

Well, I'm not a cowboy,
but there you go.

Thank you.

Ahh. Phew.

(downbeat rock ballad
plays nearby)




Are you gonna make a move or...

On you?

No, on her.

Ray: Hmm.

- It depends.
- On what?

Whether or not
you're gonna fake it.

Well, I won't have to fake it
if you know what you're doing.


I know what I'm doing.

We'll see.

'Chelsea dagger'
by the fratellis plays...

(singer howls)

Song: ♪ Da-da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da, da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da, da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da, da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da, da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da, da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da-da, da-da-da

♪ Da-da, da-da, da-da-da

♪ Well, you must be a girl
with shoes like that

♪ She said, "you know me well"

♪ I seen you and little Steven
and Joanna

♪ Round the back of my hotel

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Someone said
you was asking after me

♪ But I know you best
as a blagger

♪ I said, "tell me your name
is it sweet?"

♪ She said,
"my boy, it's dagger"

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Whoo

♪ I was good, she was hot

♪ Stealin' everything
she got... ♪