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03x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 01/14/23 06:23
by bunniefuu
This is the evidence and the charges in relation to all of those who in these years have scarred my life with their death.

This is the evidence and the charges in relation to Inspector Altero and Judge Borbonaro, k*lled by organised crime.

Here in front of you, your Honours, are some of the main culprits.

This is the evidence and the charges in relation to Colonel Ferretti, k*lled by the violent conspiracy of hidden power which he had fought against with the constancy and perseverance of his honesty.

This is the evidence and the charges in relation to my wife, Else, who died whilst protecting me with a gesture that I perhaps did not deserve.

This is the evidence in relation to Paola, of my daughter Paola, who was kidnapped, abused and forced by desperation to a dreadful end.

So there, you see, I feel like a lonely man in this big cemetery.

But it's from this solitude that I reiterate also on behalf of the deceased, my testimony and my charge.

I no longer have anyone around me or beside me.

The dramatic deposition that we have just seen again, given some time ago by the main witness for the prosecution, Inspector Corrado Cattani, was considered founded but insufficient by the judges.

After a meeting in the Court Chambers lasting more than three days, the trial of the year has therefore concluded.

This is the verdict handed down by the Court: the lawyer, Mr Terrasini was sentenced to three years imprisonment for the crime of Mafia
-style criminal association.

Olga Camastra was acquitted due to lack of evidence.

Five years instead given to Gianfranco Laudeo, proven guilty only for monetary crimes.

The judges have acquitted the accused from the most serious charge of complicity to m*rder.

Mr Terrasini will soon be released for already having served most of his sentence in a detention centre.

Mr Laudeo will be transferred during the week to a prison near Milan, whilst Olga Camastra will leave prison today.

This is how one of the most important legal chapters of the past few years has closed Daddy Daddy don't leave me.

Daddy Wait, I'll bring you to the train station Do you know what the atomic b*mb is? It's that b*mb that if it were to explode, it would destroy the whole world.

That's why it never explodes Like your b*mb Men like you never change.

But I'm sorry, you arrived late Sir don't you want to come with the princess? Sir Come come with the princess.

Hey? Come on! I'll have you spend two fabulous hours
- How old are you?
- I'm nearly sixteen years old.

Sixteen My daughter would have also been sixteen years old.

Why do you say would have? Because because she had to leave.

I didn't want her to go but she had to leave.

- Oh, it's like that
- They took her away from me.

Even even Else, they took her away.

I'm sorry.

- Listen, you now
- Hey, what are you doing? You can't stay here.

You have to go home.

- What do you want? What do you want?
- It's cold here.

Come away with me.

- I can't go away
- I'm going to take you away now.

- I have to stay here.

- No.

You can't stay here.

Let's go.

- No I can't leave me alone!
- Hey scum bag, looking for a fight? She's busy, can't you see? She's got a hot p*ssy and she can't waste her time with scoundrels.

- Who are you? Her brother?
- Yes, I'm her foster brother! Hey, go away! Stop it! She's got valuable goods.

She's not for you.

- You're coming with me.

Let's go.

- You've broken my balls.

Piss off! If you want to get it out of your system go to your wife.

She's free, isn't she? No, that's enough! Why? Stop it! Have you gone mad? Stop there! Cool it otherwise I'll k*ll you.

Have you understood that I'll k*ll you?
- Keep still!
- Oh he's got a g*n!
- I'll k*ll you!
- He's mad! Oh God! He's going to k*ll him! He'll k*ll him!
- Look at what state he's in!
- What on earth happened? It must have been an accident.

Be careful.

Sir sir, look, you need to go to the police station! Hey listen! You can't go! You need to first fill in a witness report! The Octopus 3 You need to help me.

I can't keep going like this.

Help me.

Why have you come here? Yesterday yesterday I nearly k*lled a man and I felt nothing inside.

You were about to commit the worst sin of all.

- Life is sacred!
- But life is by no means sacred.

- Do you know what they've done to my life?
- You're proud and you don't know what regret is.

- Do you believe in God?
- No.

- So why have you come here? What do you want?
- Peace! You're here for that, aren't you? Asking for peace isn't enough to obtain it.

It's an achievement! I can no longer distinguish bad from good.

Everything is confused confused for me.

- God is good!
- Yes, God is good and so what? In the sign of the cross there's a trick! Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

But there is a trick! You're blaspheming against God! Go away! Go away and go back to where you've come from.

- The Sacrament of Confession.

- No, there is a trick! There is a catch! Can't you see that it's here here! There's nothing here! Yes, the forehead is the Father, the heart is the Son and on the left there's the Holy Spirit.

But what's over here? What do you see? Who's the fourth one?
- Do you know?
- Go away!
- The fourth one is the devil! In the sign of the cross there's Good and there's Evil and Good is always defeated! Always! You have a fever.

You're not well.

Come on, come with me.

Come with me They're ripping off my clothes! The rope around my hands is hurting me.

- I have a headache.

They're throwing me on the ground
- Paola!
- Paola! Don't do that! Please sweetheart!
- No, my clothes That rock under my back is hurting me it's cutting me up! No!
- Paola! Paola!
- Leave me alone! Don't touch me! During your life, have you ever tried praying? In order to pray you need to have faith like them.

I no longer believe in anything.

Well then I'll pray for you.

Gianfranco Laudeo, fifty
-four years old, of Italian nationality.

Founder and president of "The Itala Association.

" He is currently in custody and sentenced to five years imprisonment.

Kemal Yfter, forty years old, Turkish.

He also uses Syrian or Lebanese passports.

Usual place of residency: Luxemburg.

He has an interest in import

What do you think? Should I paint the cloak light blue or green? I don't know.

Today I'm working on the shepherds.

Until this evening I'm working only on the shepherds.

Then tomorrow I'll do the hens And the day after that, the water vendors.

Why don't you give me a hand, hey? Grab a chair and sit here.

- I don't know I don't think I'm very capable.

- Just try it! It's easy.

Here take whichever you want.

I don't like the relics or the cells or the cilices.

I like the Sacred Heart, blonde with that huge red heart, filled with golden rays, it seems like the first prize of the 15th of August lottery.

I like the saints with the doves on their back the pink pigs and the little angels that play tricks on each other.

- And is this why you make the Nativity Scene?
- Well of course.

I need colours cheerful things.

This monastery, for example, is too dark.

Instead down in my village, the inside of the church is all pink and blue.

The sun enters through the open windows and sometimes while you're praying, if you stand on the tip of your toes you can view the sea.

Why aren't you working?
- No, I'm not capable my hands are shaking.

- But you need patience I told you that I can't do it.

However, you had chosen well.

He's the man with the lantern.

He's the man who seeks.

What a shame.

I was sure you would've done a good job.

You made a mistake.

There, as you can see, this fighter plane literally covers all targeted terrain.

It represents the highest level achieved to date in conventional warfare.

Instead here you can observe an unmanned automated craft capable of moving towards its target at a remarkable depth and can be detonated from a distance by a remote control.

The cost is absolutely reasonable.

And the result is before your very eyes.

The enemy craft is practically destroyed.

I'd like to show you something else.

We can provide you with even more sophisticated arms.

Intelligent weapons equipped with an internal electronic device and perhaps shortly, even with a high power laser beam.

However, can't complain about the cost.

Am I right, Mr Yfter? Oh, here, I now ask you to pay a lot of attention.

This fighter is capable of flying at a very low altitude undetected by radar.

And look at the precision when aiming for its target.

The monks tell me that you often walk the corridors at night.

Why don't you ask them to stop spying on me, hey? Instead, why don't you ask God to do something for me? No, you don't want anything from God.

You would like to forget things to feel some relief but in reality, you only want one thing.

To remember so that you can prepare your revenge.

- What do you propose instead?
- Forgiveness.

Jesus said, "Forgive them Father for they do not know what they are doing " He who does evil knows what he's doing! And you know that too! Your invitation to forgiveness is only hypocrisy.

I know why you chose the Church.

Years ago you were a powerful man.

You fought hard for that power.

Then when you discovered all the evil, you withdrew and you came here.

The world horrified you.

You withdrew yourself in here like a hero.

It must be a feeling that there, that goes to your head.

It's true that there are people who have become saints.

This is what you want, hey? To become a saint It would be enough for me to be good.

Justice does exist.

Yes, justice exists but justice is strength! Justice is on the side of strong people.

Instead, we are weak.

We are alone.

I've noticed that you're hands are no longer shaking.

You've noticed too? Why did they use to shake before? Did you used to drink, hey? A lot.

Why were you trying to destroy yourself? Life is so short Life is short Brother Bernardo but the days are long long.

I need your help.

- What for?
- Kemal Yfter does this name mean anything to you? No.

He's a Turkish man who is big into trafficking, weapons, dr*gs Everything is business for him.

He has companies all over the world.

Even in the United States.

Last year he organised a supply of sophisticated weapons for the Iran
-Iraq w*r.

He's now been traveling around Europe for two months like a famished wolf in search of prey.

Tell me why you're telling me all this.

- I'm asking you to work for me.

- And you who do you work for? For my conscience but also for the Government of the United States.

I'm a secret agent for the anti
-drug squad.

And why have you come to ask me of all people? Because you're someone who's lost a battle but you still feel like winning the w*r.


You've been greatly misinformed.

I now deal with I now paint, see little statues for nativity scenes.

Do you know the guy who looks after Yfter's business affairs in Italy?
- No.

I don't know and I don't even want to.

- Laudeo.

You remember him, don't you? The most cunning, the most powerful of your enemies.

Laudeo Before ending up in prison, thanks to you, he and Yfter saw each other continuously.

We need to make him talk scare him.

And the only person who can do such a thing at the moment is you.

How? Look, I have at hand, facts that will put him behind bars for at least twenty years.

And you can make him understand that.

Well if you really have all this evidence, why don't you speak to a judge? Because I don't give a damn about Laudeo.

- I want to know what Yfter is up to.

- Turn to someone else.

I'm not interested.

I'll wait for you at the Milan train station tomorrow night.


No way.

It's useless.

I'm not coming.

I'll be there at eight o'clock.

The other day yes, the other day, for the first time I thought that I perhaps could've lived here forever.

But then then that guy came, that American who spoke to me and everything has changed again.

What's happening to me? You're now wounded by the world in which you lived.

And this wound is deep and difficult to heal.

I had come here in search of peace and who knows maybe even God.

You're not a man of God.

I don't mean to say that you're a man of the devil but you're a man of the world.

A man of the people.

Do you understand what I'm saying? And however, you don't believe in God.

But I envy those who do.

Whoever comes here, chooses the annulment and delegates to the Lord the task of ruling the world.

But you're still convinced of being able to do it alone.

Man amongst men.

Go to them.

It's your destiny.

We're now going to the hotel but it's essential that we take a few precautions because after you've spoken to Laudeo they'll surely do everything possible to find you.

I can't give you my address but I'll give you a phone number.

In order to speak to me, ask for Mr Torri.

Remember, Torri.

Here, in this envelope are the things you need to say to Laudeo to scare him.

Read it, memorise it and then burn everything.

- This is for you.

The rest at the end.

- I don't want any money.

I was expecting that.

It's better this way.

Naturally, we don't need any heroes.

No grand acts, no outcries and no rash decisions.

Remember that you're not alone this time.

Sir, I'd like to meet with Laudeo in prison.

- You're joking!
- Not at all.

Look, I don't think that my client has any great desire to see you after what you've done to him.

Tell Laudeo that I have a few things to tell the judge that's working on his appeal.

I could have him add at least another twenty years, extra.

- Have you come here to mock me?
- Just mention the name Kemal Yfter.

- Excuse me, what did you say?
- Kemal Yfter.

You helped Kemal Yfter sell goods for a billion dollars or if you prefer, one thousand five hundred billion lire.

In fact, with Yfter, you sold missiles and a*t*matic weapons to both Iraq and Iran and you imported cocaine from Columbia valued at thirty
-two billion lire.

Thanks to your trafficking, an Eastern block country sold five thousand Kalanikov as*ault r*fles and five tons of advanced expl*sives to an Arab country.

Kemal Yfter earned five million dollars but I believe there was a nice slice of the pie for you too.

- What do you want from me?
- I want to know what Kemal Yfter is up to at the moment.

Ah, but I'm in prison thanks to you.

I spend my days reading and teaching a parrot how to talk.

I'm not looking for trouble.

I'm waiting for the judge to grant me house arrest so that I can return to Rome to my home, peacefully.

Laudeo, it would be worth your while to speak up.

Since you've been in here on holidays out there things have changed.

It's now clear you've been pushed aside.

It's not worth risking another twenty years of prison in exchange for a deal that will only leave you empty handed.

Leave! I expect a reply within the week.

You may receive some news but no reply.

What do you think that your threats scare me? I've got nothing left to lose.

You created this void around me.

Do you remember my daughter Paola? And Else? I have nothing left.

Therefore, I'm not liable to be blackmailed.

Guards! And don't forget, one week and not one extra day! I would like to speak with Mr Torri Cattani doesn't count, he doesn't have anything at stake.

He's been sent.

- But by whom?
- Oh, I'm not short of enemies.

Carlo Antinari, for example.

His bank's help is vital and all of a sudden, he has doubts.

Perhaps it's he who wants to ruin me so that the deal falls through.

We better help him clear his head.

- We need to do something decisive immediately.

- It could be very risky.

You're paid to carry out my orders, not to discuss them.

So, find the right people and get moving! Let's go, come on! Greta! Come on, we're nearly there! We did it! Hello, is this the police? Units five and nineteen, there's a suspected kidnapping of a young girl.

The car is a metallic blue BMW, registration BG 143117.

Please advise.

Attention all units.

Prepare to block all toll booths.

I repeat all Hurry up! Don't let them fool us.

They're coming towards us! Go back! Hurry! Hurry!
- No, no, Daddy, not the train! No!
- Keep your mouth shut!
- The police!
- Daddy no!
- Shut up!
- Let me go!
- Shut up or I'll k*ll you!
- Let me go!
- Stop, stop or I'll sh**t!
- No! Let me go! No! Go away! Go away! I'll k*ll her! No! No! What's happening? Out of the way everyone! I'll k*ll her! Everyone out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out! Please stay calm! Attention, please Leave the coast clear for the authorities! We're asking for your co

Stay calm.

Due to a police operation currently in place, it is prohibited to go near the café area.

Attention please.

Stay away from the crime scene.

If you try to come in, I'll k*ll her!
- Keep clear.

- Don't come any closer! I'll k*ll her! It's me, Bert.

Open up.

- Haven't you seen what's on television?
- No.

- Ok, look.

- The daughter of the banker, Carlo Antinari, young Greta, is still in the hands of one of her kidnappers while the other one has been seized by several policemen.

At this point, the man has locked himself in a café and he's asking for his freedom in exchange for the young girl's life.

The alarm was raised immediately and the police have surrounded the train station.

Even Judge Venturi is arriving, who together with Milan's chief of police will try to deal with the crazy criminal who has threatened several times to k*ll the young girl if his demands are not met.

Also arrived is the banker Carlo Antinari, father of the kidnapped girl and the general director of the Antinari Bank, Mr Dino Alessi.

- We can only but wait for
- Laudeo made the wrong move.

and we'll report back to you as soon as possible.

Excuse me, excuse me.

- Mum!
- Giulia, Giulia, oh my God! She's there! She's in there.

This is horrible.

Why Greta? Why her of all people? It's all my fault!
- No, this isn't your fault.

- But yes, it is.

I should've been there with her.

Try to calm down.

You'll see that they'll soon convince him to let her go.

What if he doesn't k*ll her! What if he k*ll her! I'm sure we'll all go home together now.

Where's Dad?
- I don't know anymore he's down there.

I don't know.

- Don't cry don't cry.

Can you hear me? I'm Judge Venturi.

You'll have everything you want but don't hurt the young girl.

Shortly a car will arrive and it will stop in front of the café and escort you to the airport.

Don't do anything foolish!
- I want to speak to that man.

- What do you want to say to him? I'll offer him some money.

You'll see that he'll let her go.

I'm sorry Mr Antinari, I can't allow that.

He's taken my daughter.

Do you understand that? I realise how you're feeling but I can't.

I'd like to see what you'd do if it were your daughter in there! You're gambling with her life.

Dad, Dad listen.

I know how you feel but let's make them handle it.

It could be dangerous.

Let's have the judge handle it.

The car is arriving.

It's only a matter of minutes.

Stay calm and don't hurt the child.

Understood? Don't forget! Stay calm come on.

It will all work out.

Please! Calm down.

The chief of police and Judge Venturi are currently in an office deciding what to do.

But as more time goes by, the situation threatens to worsen.

Young Greta is Carlo Antinari's daughter, the well known banker who was recently on the front cover of newspapers due to several important financial operations.

The kidnappers were intercepted thanks to the prompt response by the authorities.

Listen, explain to me what this banker has to do with Laudeo's case? Carlo Antinari and his bank has on more than one occasion given financial support to Laudeo.

I could be wrong but I'm under the impression that Laudeo is forcing his ex
-friends to bail him out of trouble.

In short, if I've understood correctly, that little girl's kidnapping is in some way our fault.

We couldn't have foreseen that he would've reacted this way.

- You bloody shithead!
- What's wrong with you? But now that the authorities are safe
-guarding the area, the people are staying put.

They're not accepting the thought of moving away.

They want to know, they want to see what little Greta's fate will be.

- I curse the day I met you!
- Hey, wait, wait! Where the hell are you going? That's enough! I don't want to wait any longer! If something doesn't happen, I'll k*ll her!
- I need to speak to him!
- Wait.

I can't stand this any more.

Did you hear what I said? Hey, I'll sh**t her! I'll k*ll her! Don't impede the police operation.

Clear the way, clear the way, please! I'll k*ll her! I swear I'll k*ll her! I've got nothing left to lose! I'll give you another ten minutes.

And then if you don't get me out of here, I'll sh**t.

I swear! Let the little girl go.

I'll come, if you accept.

All your requests will be met.

Try to be reasonable.

It doesn't depend on us alone.

Your requests have been accepted but time is needed to prepare everything.

Don't come closer! Don't move, judge! What do you want to do? Be careful, don't get any closer! Otherwise I'll k*ll you and her! The car that's going to take you away from here has already left.

Things are coming along well but don't you make a wrong move.

That's enough, please.

Leave us in peace.

Go away! The station is surrounded.

If you k*ll the child, you have no way of escaping.

Your only chance of salvation is that child's life! That man is going mad.

I'm sure that if we let more time pass, he'll k*ll her for sure.

Isn't there any way of getting in from the back? The chief of police has given orders to not let anyone through.

It's dangerous.

- Listen, I want to speak to the owner of the café.

- But excuse me, who are you?
- I'm a police inspector.

- Oh, ok.

Come with me.

- Thank you.

What does the prefect of police have to say? He's contacted the government no car.

- You understand that we can't allow him to escape!
- Let's try speaking to him again.

Let the little girl go This way.

Well really, the chief of police had asked me not to let anyone through.

I'm a police inspector.

I've already told you not to worry.

Well, if you take the responsibility There, it's here, see?
- Where does this lead me?
- You can reach the back of the shop.

- Get out from the second grate, the one straight after the sump.

- Good.

Stay calm.

Just a bit more patience.

We are doing everything to try and meet your requests The car which is about to arrive will take you to the airport.

There you will board an airline that will take you abroad.

The problem now is to find a country that is prepared to host you.

We are trying but it's not easy.

As you can see, we are doing everything possible but remember that if you wish to save yourself, you mustn't hurt the little girl.

Attention please, leave the police access clear.

Clear the way.

Clear the way please.

Attention please, leave the police access clear.

We're asking for your co

Well then, are you going to decide or not? Get this car here if you want the little girl alive.

I want the car! Do you hear me? Otherwise I'll k*ll her, understood? I'm serious about this.

Enough with the talking! Don't do anything stupid.

Let the little girl go.

Try to be reasonable.

It's not entirely up to us.

Your requests have been accepted but time is needed to prepare everything.

The car which will take you away has already left! Miss, please Greta sweetheart! Greta! Mum Greta! Let me go I'm Judge Venturi.

I must thank you.

Don't thank me.

I did it for the little girl.

All better now.


What's what's your name? My name is Corrado and yours? Thank you.

Greta hardly ever talks.

She only says a few words.

I on the other hand would like to say that No, don't say anything.

There is no need for words.

Thank you thank you.

Good bye.

Is everything ok? It seems only right, your honour, to apologise for what I said at the station last night.

- You'll understand that I was in no state to
- Don't worry.

If I'd been in a similar situation myself I probably would have done the same.

Tell me, do you think the kidnapping was an extortion attempt or a scheme against your bank? Well, you know, in my position, anything is possible.

But I couldn't tell you who would commit such a shameful act.

And you, as general director, do you think it's a scheme to hit the bank? Well, I don't know.

Why are you asking me this question?
- Have the kidnappers said something?
- No actually.

They've personally taken full responsibility for everything but I don't believe them.

They don't seem the type to haveorchestrated such an operation on their own.

What is your opinion then? I believe that it was an ordered kidnapping.

- How did it go?
- The judge was very nice.

- What did he say to you?
- Don't think about it.

It's all over.

- How's Greta?
- Like always, she's behaving as if nothing happened to her.

Well, I'm going.

What can you do, these are things that happen to rich people.

Nowadays kidnapping has become a sign of social distinction.

Luckily it ended well.

Thanks for everything, Dino.


See you soon.

Oh, inspector! Come come in.

I was just checking some hooks that I've just bought.

- Do you like fishing?
- Yes, I do.

And you?
- No.

- Are you sure? Please sit down Because you see, there are fishermen that prefer fishing on a lake others on the sea.

You on the other hand prefer Milan station.

- Why were you there?
- A coincidence.

It must have happened to you whilst on a boat that you just threw in the hook and by chance just at that moment the fish took a bite.

I'm a reef fisherman.

I never move from the seashore.

Only small fish then! Better still, when they happen to be too small, I often throw them back into the sea.

Why did you ask for me? You asked for some leave.

Therefore at the moment you're not an active police member on duty.

So I'm wondering why you wander around Milan playing the hero without consulting the chief of police? Because I knew how this would've ended up.

The chief of police would've asked you for your opinion
- and you would've said no.

- In fact.

You risked too much.

But the little girl is safe.

What effect does feeling so sure about things have on you? Is it nice? And to you? What effect does it have on you always requiring evidence, stamps, signatures? Doesn't it seem a bit boring? Often but I don't roam around armed.

So I therefore can't accomplish front page acts.

Listen you seem to almost have it in for me, hey? Why? I would like you to be available in Milan for a few more days.

- Ok.

Can I go now?
- Yes, yes, please.

Oh, I nearly forgot Be careful.

- After what you did, you might be someone's target.

- Well then?
- What do you intend doing?
- Me, nothing.

I wasn't wrong.

As soon as I saw you I understood that you were someone looking for trouble.

Oh, it's you.

You scared me.

Good morning.

Do you always enter rooms like this? I mean without making noise? And do you always enter uninvited? At home we were very very struck when we learnt through the newspapers that you're such a famous character.

Is it true that you tried to bring the Sicilian Mafia down to their knees all by yourself? Newspapers always exaggerate.

But they're also saying that you're out of circulation in order to avoid revenge.

Is this true? And if it's like this, isn't it dangerous staying here in the hotel? Aren't you afraid of someone trying to find you? It's the second time today that I've been asked that question.

- Would you like some?
- Thank you.

It appears that I'm not very appreciated here in Milan.

No! Actually I had really come here for exactly the opposite reason.

I wanted to invite you to our place.

My father would like to thank you and then I don't need to be thanked.

And furthermore, I have a lot to do now.

I don't have time.

- What do you have to do?
- You ask too many questions.

You should have the police employ you.

- No thank you.

I already have a job.

- What sort? I'm a journalist for a private television company.

In fact, to tell you the truth I had come here for two reasons.

That is, on one hand there's this invitation from my family who absolutely want to meet you.

and on the other I wanted to I wanted to propose an interview.

Which of the two things do you accept? Neither of them.

Perfect! Well then, there's no reason for me to stay.

Ok, good bye.

And my apologies.

Greta says hello.

Do you know that she always asks me about you? "Where's Corrado where's Corrado?" She must have asked me one hundred times yesterday.

- What's wrong with Greta?
- I don't know.

She's always been like that.

She's a strange little girl.

Sometimes she's sad and other times she's happy.

She laughs with no apparent reason.

She's closed up in her own little world where mysterious things happen that nobody seems to understand.

I also used to know a little girl who at a certain point had become so sad.

It was your daughter, wasn't it? Yes.

- Do you always roam around armed?
- Yes.

And why did you put it away now? I'm coming with you.

I don't feel like coming to Greta with a g*n in my pocket.

Let's go.

Listen, couldn't you go a bit slower? I'll go slower if you're less formal with me.

Well then go slower, ok? Don't tell me that you're scared? Someone who has put his life at risk so many times like you? No, I'm not scared but I've never liked silly deaths.

There, pull up near that shop.

- Why, what's up?
- Wait here.

- What is it? You've been very kind to come.

My family and I wanted you to know that in short, that it's something that we'll never forget.

- Thank you but I really didn't want to disturb you.

- Instead you did well to come.

Greta is madly in love with you, you know? She does nothing but repeat your name.

I hope you will give us the pleasure of having lunch with us.

- No no, I can't.

I'm sorry.

- Giulia told me that she had the intention of interviewing you.


Giulia moves very fast.

Even with the car.

It should tell you something it's dangerous.

Oh, I'd like to introduce to you the general director of my bank, Dino Alessi.

You, Mr Cattani saved us from a terrible misfortune.

If something had happened to little Greta, we would never have had peace of mind.

Imagine then the newspapers They would have said that such a rich family could have afforded security guards.

You wouldn't have been blamed for everything.

We didn't foresee that human wickedness could reach the point of kidnapping such an unhappy little girl like Greta.

- Perhaps they were aiming at something different.

- No, they only wanted my money.

And they would have obtained it without you.

Speaking about money Mr Cattani, you won't be offended if to thank you the bank were to decide to open up a small account in your name? Come on Dino, what are you saying? Mr Cattani is a police officer, although temporarily on leave as far as I know.

However, I don't think he's the type of man that acts on money.

- Sorry.

- Shall we have an aperitif?
- Good bye.

- Good bye.

- Where are you going?
- I'm going to Rome.

Why? Because well, because nearly all trains pass through Rome.

- Are you coming back tomorrow?
- Of course Corrado is coming back! Of course he's coming back! Corrado is coming back tomorrow and then after tomorrow and then after tomorrow again and then everyday, everyday, everyday