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01x07 - The Ostrich Bitch

Posted: 01/14/23 06:17
by bunniefuu
I have to talk to you.

One of your courtiers kicked me
in the stomach.


Who was it?

I will call the guards and they will
be banished from...





Do you like these? Let me.

So sorry, I...

What are you doing?

I couldn't wait for you any longer


But that's my job.

It's the other way around.


I think a bit tighter. Tighter?

Not so tight

Thank you.

You do know my heart is shattered.

It is with the greatest happiness

that I can announce the Queen is
pregnant with our first child.

We'll never get rid of her now.

Not unless it's a girl.

If it's a boy, we're finished.


You have grown two inches

since the th of August.

Is that normal?

For a pregnancy of six months,

perfectly normal.

God help us if it's a girl.

We will have plenty of opportunities
to have sons.

Please tell that to my mother.

Don't worry about Mama.

You have me now.

I do.

I'll go.

What is it?


Is this what they think of me?

Poor Louis.

How dreadfully embarrassing
to play the cuckold.

Mind you, Chartres does look


Well, you know what they say.
There's no smoke without fire.

What do you think, Prevost?

I couldn't possibly comment
on that filthy smut.

This isn't just about me.
This is a grotesque attack on us.

I will deal with it.

Like you dealt with the white doves.

I wasn't in charge of that
investigation, Majesty.

Steps were taken, but unfortunately
they were not completely successful.

That is why I have asked Maurepas to
begin his investigation immediately.

How can I trust him? He wanted to
lock me up in a convent

and throw away the key.

We have to put the past behind us.

We must act swiftly,

before the libelle spreads to Paris
and to Europe.

Let me protect you.

And how do you propose to do that?

We close the gates.

Nobody enters, nobody leaves.

Not until we find answers.

We'll show this court
that we mean business.

Search Versailles.

Go upstairs.

Absolutely outrageous.

You have any idea who I am?

It's amazing.

Get your hands off me.

Your disdain for the Queen is hardly
a secret.

Is that a crime?

It's certainly a sign of disrespect.

How far are you prepared to go,
Madame de Noy?

The libelle is the product
of a warped mind.

My mind, as you're well aware,
Maurepas, is far too straight.

The public rooms have been scoured,

hundreds of courtiers questioned,
and what have we found?


What do we do now?
We move closer to home.

Well, you have no choice.

Very well, do it.

Thank you, Maurepas.

Do you have a moment?

I'm working.

I feel obliged to voice my concern

Do you now?

Your sense of duty truly
knows no bounds, brother.

What is it?

It's about the investigation.

Have you even considered the

that Chartres is the father?

Your concern is unwarranted.

Come on. You've seen the way
he looks at her.

The question that's on everyone's
lips. Tell me.

Is this an accurate depiction
of the Duke de Chartes?

Stop that.

It's in the ballpark.

Though I'm not sure the artist
captures Antoinette
in her best light.

I wonder how she's taking it.

She's not like us.

She's a sensitive soul.

Do I detect an air
of wishful longing?

Am I speaking to a man
who has fallen in love?

Love is not a word I recognise.

Lust, then.

Primitive, insatiable lust.

Senor, come with us.

What's going on?

Thank you for coming to see me.

Did I have a choice?

I invited you here because you're
depicted in the libelle.

Has it caused you distress?

On the contrary,
it has lifted my spirits no end.

Do you have any idea
who may be responsible?

None at all.

As the heir to the House of Orleans,

wouldn't you benefit from casting
doubt on the Bourbon line?

It's not me who calls her
the ostrich bitch.

Why aren't you investigating
the Bourbons?

I'm investigating everyone.

This is an outrage.

Our pa would spin in his grave.

Ostrich bitch.

Those words first came out of your
mouths, did they not?

Dear Lord, have mercy.
What will happen to us?

Bugger all, we're not criminals.

But you must admit you said it.



We admit nothing.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself,

Without us, you wouldn't be sitting
in that chair.

Oh, for which I am immensely
grateful, Mesdames.

Nevertheless, I intend to be
thorough in my investigation.

Are you responsible, directly or
indirectly, for the libelle?

Perhaps inadvertently,

we might...

Be quiet.

Antoinette only has herself
to blame.

Are you suggesting that there is
some truth in the libelle?

That is all we are prepared to say.

Are you insane?

We can't be seen together.

I only want to know how you are,
my love.

They won't give up.

Not until they destroy me.

It will all blow over,
I promise you.

Please, please, Chartres.

You can't stay.

Imagine yourself drifting on a calm
and sunlit river.

As your body relaxes,

you can let go.

Drift and let go.

Now, turn your thoughts to the
source of your distress.

How do you do this?

How do you manage to calm me down,

even in the middle of this

It's my job.

When will you stop being
so stubborn?

Accept a position in my household.

Hold her image in your mind.

She is a small fly and you can
flick her away.

Try it now.

Flick the Polignac fly away.

There is somebody you have to meet,

Well, you're looking extremely
flushed. Who is it? I'm intrigued.

Dr Mesmer.

He was all the rage in Paris and now
he is all the rage at Versailles.

Dr Mesmer is an impostor.

He is a charming man.

And what do you know about charming
men, Superintendent?


How do I look? Oh, don't answer.

I've been eating for Austria.


You've been eating for France.


I'm sorry.

Maurepas has been interviewing
Mesdames this afternoon.

Well, I wouldn't be at all surprised

if those vicious old goats
were behind this.

They would never do anything
to hurt me. You, perhaps.

They would revel in my downfall.

It could be anyone.

Come on, it can only be a member of
your family.

And what exactly makes you
so certain about that?

It's obvious. To everyone,
except for you.

I need to know if there's any truth
in it.

Truth in what?

You and Chartres.

Your Majesty. Your Majesty.
Good evening.

So, tell me, who's next in the
firing line?

I don't want to talk about the

Oh, what shall we talk about then?

The weather.

Shall we eat?

Yes, let's.

Oh, will you have something?

I am not hungry.

Oh, try this.

It will do you good.

Have another oyster.
You're eating for two now.

I need you to keep digging.

She might be hiding something.

Chartres, for example.

Leave it to me.

This will barely keep me
in stockings.

If you're looking
for financial security,

why don't you take a position in her

A position? What do you suggest?

Lady of the bedchamber?
Mistress of the robes?

What more do you want?

I will accept nothing that requires
me to grovel to the superintendent.

You must be so excited
about the new arrival.

We are very happy.

May I touch your bump?
I don't...

Isn't it a joy to be pregnant?

When did you last feel it kick?

I can't be certain,
perhaps this morning.


Well, I don't feel anything.

No, nothing at all

Are you quite sure it's still alive?

I would have expected better of you,


That was remarkably callous,
even for you.

Why should she have a baby
if you won't let me have one?


May I come in?

How are you feeling?

You know, I feel on top
of the world.


Please forgive me.

Forgive you for what?

For accusing me
of committing adultery

or for your monstrous family?


How is life at Versailles, madam?

It can be a lonely place,
so far from your own family.

It's been such a difficult time
for you.

Pain, suffering of a failed

A strain on your marriage, no doubt.

How is this relevant
to your investigation?

There's been talk about some
distance between you and Provence.

But still, he is your husband.

You clearly feel a great sense
of loyalty towards him.

Do I?

Casting doubt on the legitimacy
of the heir

would work to his advantage.

If you suspect my husband,
why don't you speak to him?

Oh, yes, of course,
how could I forget?

Monsieur is above the law,
madame isn't.

Nobody, apart from the king,
is above the law.

But only the king can interview
his brother,

if he feels there is reason
to do so.

I admit, my marriage is not as happy
as I'd hoped.

I admit to feeling lonely
in this soulless place.

And I admit to the grief of not
being able to hold my own child.

But I am not so bitter
in my misfortune

to accuse an innocent man.

Why should I suffer the indignity of
being interviewed? I'm your wife.

Perhaps it was unwise to upset
my brother.

You upset him all the time.

That's different.

You should know that Maurepas was
more interested in you than me.

He can't touch me.

Sir, there is news.

What do you want?

Come on then, that's all right.
Get off me!

A tip off enabled us to locate the
printing press in the town.

I can finally confirm that the court
is now clean.

Thank you, Maurepas, thank you.

However, the original
is still missing.

So it can come back to haunt us.

Who's behind this?

Oh, no, no, don't take it

Versailles is a snake pit
spewing out poison.

The snakes generally end up
destroying each other.

If they don't destroy us first.

We must narrow down
the investigation.

The Orleans threat is obvious.

Is it?

On the other hand, the birth of a
Dauphin makes the crown

slip further away
from your brother's reach.

What do you suggest?

We close in on them.

The question of who is responsible
looms large in my head.

Provence or Chartres?

I think I know the answer.

This was discovered
in your apartment.

Well, obviously it's been planted.

You would say that, wouldn't you?

Whatever you may think of me,
I am not capable of this.

My feelings for her run
far too deep.

Are you confessing your love
for my wife?

I'm pleading my innocence.
That doesn't answer my question.

I am not responsible
for the libelle.

But the evidence cannot be disputed.

This is the original.

Let me speak to him.

You can't. He has been placed
under armed guard.

What is this really about, Louis?

Chartres's guilt?

Or your jealousy?

Does your loyalty to him come before
your trust in me?

You owe me an apology.

I have nothing to apologise for.

My apartment was ransacked

What the hell were you playing at?

It wasn't a game.

It was crystal clear from the start
your wife's lover was responsible.

One more word about my wife
and you will regret it.

How can you be so naive?

Not so naive, actually.

Josephine's miscarriage?

There was never a pregnancy,
was there?

If you can lie about that,
what else are you capable of?

I refuse to believe for a second
that he's guilty.

Chartres is a scoundrel.
I know him better than you do

Yes, of course, just like he knew
that Mesmer was a genius.

You can tease me as much as you
like, it's like water off
a duck's back.

You look pretty wet to me.
Shut up.

Shut up!

Leave me alone.

Antoinette? Both!

Both of you.


Thank you.

You know your own mind, Majesty.

I can't change that,

and what do I wish to try?

Please, I need you.

I need your help.

Dr Mesmer, I'm overwhelmed
with anxieties.

I don't have the spirit
to face them alone.

Oh, but you do.

The Princess de Lamballe was simple
to treat

because she's suggestible.

She lacks what I call
animal magnetism,

hence her delicate nature.

In your case, it courses through
your veins.

Then why am I so terrified?

Because you don't believe
in your own strength.

Trust your instincts
and you will find it.

You must have told someone!
Who was it?

Why would I discuss my fake baby
with another living soul?

Because you are a witless,
hysterical fool!

Is that the work of a witless,
hysterical fool?


Yes, me.

Look at me.

Look me in the eye and tell me,
was it you?


Of course not.

But unless you believe me, then what
good is a clear conscience?

I believe you.

You know how I feel about you,


You merely tolerate me.


Push. That's it, push.


Push. Push!


Shh, it's me.

Hold my hand. hold my hand.

Breathe, breathe.

It's OK. It's OK.

It's me, it's me, just breathe.

Please, just keep breathing.

It's all right, just breathe.

Only a few more. Right?
Only a few more.

OK, you can push. Push, push.

Push. I don't think I can.

Yes, you can. Come on, push.


Hold my hand. Come on.




Boy or girl? Boy or girl?

Madame. Madame?


Antoinette? Someone do something!

Madame, listen to me.
Listen to my voice, madame.



Is it all right?

He's all right!

Yes, yes.

May I present to you, Madame Royale.

Oh, my God.

My little girl.

Oh, you may not be the Dauphin,

but you are no less precious to me.

She's so warm.

She's so beautiful.


Thank you.

You have brought me great joy.

Good work, Yolande.

To Madame Royale.

To us, our positions are secure.

For now.

I have no doubt one way or another,

you will outlive your brother and
become the King of France.

Well, it won't be
for lack of trying.

Then I will be your queen.

Dear God!
I pray you'll be dead before then.

Try to be your best self,
just to amuse me.

We make a good team.


Come in.

Monsieur. The king
has asked to see you urgently.



I've been liberated to offer
my heartfelt congratulations
to my queen.

Louis finally came to his senses.

I am so happy.

Have they found the bastard?
Not yet.

I don't believe you.

I give you my word.

It was all her.

I had nothing to do with it.

You are a liar.

I could have you both ex*cuted
for treason.


But I can't do that to my brother.

The court will be informed that a
disgruntled equerry was arrested

fleeing with the original engraving.

Thank you.

But don't think for a minute
that I'm going to forgive you.

You may still be the heir
to my throne,

but you will never play a role
in the government of this country.

Do you understand?


Yes, sire.



Get out.

Get out.

Oh, she's a beauty.

Just like her mother.

My daughter's a Bourbon princess,

from the top of her head
to the tips of her toes.

Of course.

Oh, Chartres, you're back.

How did you manage
to slip the guards?

Oh, I persuaded them to release me
into your custody.

I refuse to take responsibility
for you.

However, this little one. Meet
Madame Royale's governess.

You trust her with your child?

I trust her with my life.

She is just beautiful.

It's true. It's true.

No, it's not true.
No, it's not true.

Yeah. She's got your mouth.

It's unbelievable.

How could she let us down again?

I doubt she was planning to, Ma.

If she's anything like you,

this is the beginning of a long line
of Bourbon babies.

We will hold off on Bavaria.


We can't rely on France
to send us troops

until our alliance is sealed.

And we can't wait any longer.

Prussia is closing in
on my territory.

We can.

And we will.

When do I get to make
a decision around here?

Not until I'm dead.

Mercy has informed me
of the new arrival.

I implore you to stop wasting time,

I can't wait another eight years
for you to deliver the Dauphin.

I suppose there's a strange
sort of comfort

in knowing who your enemies are.

They won't step out of line again.

Oh, my God!

Oh, she's here. Wait!

Ostrich bitch!


Marie Therese Charlotte de France.

I am delighted that you named
the child after me.

But producing a daughter is like
producing a mouse.

It counts for nothing
in diplomatic relations.

It's time for you to do your duty
to Austria, Antoinette.

Ostrich bitch!