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06x17 - Remembrance of Flings Past: Part 2

Posted: 01/13/23 19:06
by bunniefuu
( upbeat piano theme playing )

Last week on Wings:

So, uh, ahem,
I just got off the phone

with the reunion
coordinator, right?

Guess who's coming back: Sara.

You're not thinking
of starting things up

again with her, are you?

So is your husband coming?

Oh, very subtle, Brian.

I know.

Actually, I'm not married.

What are the chances of us
having dinner tonight?

Great, great.

It'll be like old times,
you know?

Just-- Just you and me.

Hey, Mom,
look what the pilot gave me.


( dance music playing )

I'm having a great time.

Me too.

You know, I've never
come out and told you this

but you were quite
an inspiration to me

in high school.

And you are the reason
I became a mechanic.

The mother ship is landing
on the east side of the island.

Would you and Jason
like to move to the island

and live with me?

Well, I have
to think about that.

Joe, there's something--

Well, it's about Jason.

What's up?

There is a good chance
that Jason is your son.

( mellow upbeat theme playing )

Joe, I don't understand
why you wanted to talk here.

Well, because when Helen
was standing ten feet away,

I really didn't
feel comfortable saying,

( shouting ):
"What do you mean
Jason is my son?"

I know this comes
as a bit of a surprise--

No, no, no, no.

Seeing Steve Bennet walk into
the reunion with his boyfriend

was a bit of a surprise.

We-- We were only
together that one time.

Are you sure
I'm the father?

Well, there's
a slight possibility

that he's
somebody else's.

( sighs )

I-- I can't believe
this is happening.

What do we do now?

Well, I think you're
gonna have to take a test.

Well, that's no problem.
Ask me anything.

A blood test.

To make sure
you're really Jason's dad.

( sighs )

This does not work.

This does not
fit the plan at all.

Why did you wait
so long to tell me?

Look, Joe, I knew you weren't
ready to be a father,

and I didn't want my kid
to feel unwanted by anyone.

But in the last few days,

I just realized that Jason
needs to know his dad.

You know, seeing him
with Brian and--

Oh, my God!

Brian a-a-and Helen!
What about Helen?

You know, Brian and Helen
are very excitable.

They might not handle
this as well as me.

Yeah, you're a rock.

Okay, look, I-I-I--

I just want you to know,
Sara, that if it turns out

I am the father, I will do
whatever I can to help you both.

I'm not the kind of guy
that runs away

from something
like this, okay?

There's no shame involved.


But, uh, until then,

let's not tell
another living soul.

( upbeat theme playing )

Oh, now, Antonio,
stop it.

Valentine's Day is the perfect
time to ask Casey out.

Ah, I don't know.

Oh, now, Antonio, any woman
would be lucky to have a man

as charming as you.

Now take that toilet paper
off your shoe,

and go sweep her
off her feet.

Uh, Casey?

Fine, thank you.

You know...

I-I was, uh...

I was just wondering...

( stammers )

( sputters )


Let me ask you a question.

If you were sentenced
to die in the electric chair,

would you let me
be your lawyer?

No, but I would
let you sit on my lap.

Well, that's very nice.
( chuckles )

You know, I come to you when
I'm vulnerable, at a low point,

'cause I made a career choice
based on the advice

of my lunatic shop teacher.

You know, I could've
been somebody, Roy.

I could've been
an architect.

I could've
been a doctor.

I could've replaced
that dried-up dude

in the Rolling Stones.

Which one?

The one that looks like he's
been through a food dehydrator.

Which one?

( knock on door )

Hey, Hackett,

I couldn't help noticing

uh, you seemed
a little down this morning.

Wh--? No. No, no.
Everything's fine.

There's nothing the matter.
Are you sure?

You got that look on your face,
like, uh, I don't know, uh,

weather's a little dreary,
business is off,

your brother's girlfriend
accused you

of fathering her kid.

Oh, my God.

How did you know?

I was working late
last night in the terminal.

I overheard everything.

Look, Hackett, tell me
this is none of my business

and, uh, I'll butt out.

It's none of your business.

Sure it is.

All right, Roy,
what's this gonna cost me?


Hey, Hackett,
this is not about money.

I wanna be your confidant.


Why not me?

Hey, I can do sympathy.

Uh, I-I don't think so, Roy.

Oh, come on, Hackett, confide.

No, forget it.

Confide, confide, confide.

Oh, all right!

I-I gotta talk to somebody.
The guilt is k*lling me.

( sighs )

I guess...

maybe I should just
tell Brian the truth.

Yeah. Yeah, that's--
That's what I'll do.

And then...
somehow I'll tell Helen.

Come here.

( scoffs ):
You gotta be kidding me.

Come here.



What was that?

Listen to me, Hackett.

What good is it gonna
do you to tell them now?

If that kid turns out
not to be yours,

you're gonna put
everybody through hell

for nothing.

You know what?
You're actually right.

( laughing ):
Of course I am.

Boy, they say you get
a good warm feeling

when you help out
your fellow man.

( normal voice ):
Maybe it'll kick in later.

What did Roy want?

Roy? Ro--

( blows raspberry )

Uh, Roy.

What does Roy
ever want? He...buh.

What did I tell you about
sniffing that Liquid Paper, Joe?


Hey, there's my guy.
Mom's in the car.

Oh, great.
Well, I'll tell you what. Uh...

Wait right here.
Be back in a second, okay?

All right.

Is this your office?


( sighs )

Oh, my God.
You're neat.

I'm sorry.
Grown-ups usually like that.

Let me ask you something.

When, uh, one of your friends
breaks their arm,

do you hate it when everyone
writes all over their cast?

Yeah, it gets all messy.

And when you go to bed at night,
you put your shoes in the closet

do you make sure they're lined
up perfectly without touching?

How can you sleep
if your shoes are touching?

Come here!

I-I'm sorry
I wasn't there for you.


Here. Uh...

Why don't you go buy yourself
some bubble gum or something?

Fifty bucks?


You wouldn't give me 50 bucks
when I needed a tetanus shot.

Come on, Uncle Brian.

( chuckles )

Hey, um, he calls me
Uncle Brian.

Gee, get used to it.

( upbeat theme playing )

Hey, Antonio.

Listen, uh, you know,
I'm considering a career change,

and I was wondering

what's involved
with being a cab driver?

Oh, well, uh, um, people
ask me to take them places.

And I do.


That sounds too involved.

Hey, Fay.

What you got there?

Uh, it's a love note I wrote
to Casey for Valentine's Day.

Oh, oh, well, actually
I wrote it for Antonio,

but he doesn't
know anything about it.

I-I'm sort of playing Cupid.

Oh, there you are, Casey.

This arrived for you.

Oh, what is it?

Oh, it looks like a--
A note for Valentine's Day.

How intriguing.

"Meet me here
tonight at 6:30.

"I hope you won't think
it's too flirty.

We'll have dinner,
drinks and dessert-y."

Well, I think
it's kind of pretty.

( rings )


Yes, this is Mr. Hackett.

Blood test?
What blood test?

Uh, well, y-you must
be talking about Joe Hackett.

I'm his brother.
But wh-what's the matter--?

Yeah, all right.

Okay. I'll have him call you.

Oh, Joe, uh,
someone just called

about you having
had a blood test?

Oh, my God.

What were the results?

Um, well,

they just wanted to know
if you had your insurance card.

What's up, man?

Uh, no.

Hey, Joey, Joey.

Joey, if it's something,

I mean, let's go through
this together, okay?

Wh-what is it?
What is it?

Is it your kidney?
( scoffs )

No, Brian.
Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey.

Mi kidney es su kidney,
you know?

It's not my kidney.

Oh, my God, it's the ticker,
then, isn't it?

Look, i-it's--
Hey, hey, hey!

Mi heart es...

Well, it's mi heart.

But, you know,
we're gonna find you a new one.

We're gonna find you a new one.
We got the plane.

We're gonna get
Lowell's beer cooler,

we're gonna get some dry ice,
and we're not gonna stop looking

until we find one.

Be quiet.
Shut up.

Sit down
and listen to me.

All right. All right.

Well, God, I mean,
wha--? What--?

Look, uh...

this is not easy
for me to say.

A few months after
you and Sara broke up,

we bumped
into each other, and...

Well, a funny thing
kinda happened.

How funny?

Well, not-- Not funny
like laugh-out-loud funny.

More kinda...whimsical.

How whimsical?

Sara and I
slept together one time.

There's a good chance
Jason is my son.

You slept with Sara?

How could you
do this to me, man?

I-- I never would have done
this to you in a million years!


point of order, uh,
you ran off with my fiancée.

Aw, come on.
You can't compare that.

You can't compare the two, man.

It's like
apples and oranges.

No, it's not
apples and oranges.

That is apples and apples.

Oh, okay, so I take
your apple, right?

You take my apple?
No, no.

It's an apple thing now?

Hi, are you ready to go, honey?

Which, uh--? Which "honey"
are you referring to, huh?

I told him.


Look, Brian.

Um, I should have told
you right away but, um...

I just didn't know what
your reaction would be.

Okay, well, look.
Look closely, okay?

See? See this?

This is my reaction.

Just calm down a second and let
me explain the situation.

Fine, fine. No, no. Let--

Let us talk about
this situation, okay?

I thought that
we were gonna have an honest,

meaningful relationship.

And then I find out
that you slept with my brother.

That suddenly I'm the only guy
who doesn't know

that he's playing Daddy
to his own nephew here?

What I did after we broke up
is none of your concern.

Besides, you're the one
that walked out, remember?

Oh, oh, yeah.
I remember.

So you took it upon yourself
to go sleep with my brother?

Hey, I am not about to apologize
for something that led to

the birth of the best person
who has ever come into my life.

And one more thing,
nobody "plays Daddy" to my son.

Especially you.

( door closes )

Thanks, Joe.

You just wouldn't listen,
would ya?

( upbeat theme playing )

( knock on door )



Happy Valentine's Day, Joe.

Helen, you're
not ready to go.

Wrong. I haven't been this ready
since I saw Mel Gibson's butt

in Lethal w*apon.

Honey. Baby.

Could--? Could we just,
uh, talk for a second?

Oh, sweetheart, really,
I don't need that this time.

Look, um, do you mind
if I turn on the light?

Lights are on!

We're doing some
new stuff now!


Move something, kiss something,
or get the hell out.

There's something really
important I have to tell you.

( phone rings )


just second.

It's Roy.

( sighs ):

Don't do it. Do not tell her.

No, Roy,
I am going to tell her.

I cannot keep a secret
like this from Helen.

She has to know!

( sighs )


Honey, uh, what I am gonna
tell you is pretty bad.

It's gonna affect
our whole relationship.

It's about me and--

Oh, my God.
You and Roy?


No, no.

Me and-- And Sara.

Brian's Sara?

About seven years ago,
we spent one night together.

It meant nothing.

What? You spent
the night with Sara?

She's been here all this weekend
and you didn't tell me?

Just give me a second.


All right.
That was a long time ago.

We weren't
seeing each other then.

You know, if this is the worst
news we have to deal with,

we'll be all right.

Just remember,

you can always
tell me anything.

In that spirit, there
is one more little thing.

It seems there's a good
possibility that Jason is my--

How do I put this?


Just remember, you can
always tell me anything.

Helen. Helen.

( hyperventilating ):
You have a son?

Well, um, it's not
absolutely sure.

I took a blood test and, uh,
we should know tomorrow.

Is that it?

Any more bombshells?
Well, I--

Come on,
what do you take me for?

Sara and I slept
together one time.

We only have one
illegitimate child.

( crying ):
She is not supposed
to have your baby.

I am.

It doesn't matter.

Our children
will be our children.

Are we gonna be okay?

( tender theme playing )

( upbeat theme playing )

Hi, Lowell.

Oh, hi, Jason.

What are you doing?

Oh, I was, you know,
just drawing Wally the Walrus

to see if I have what it takes
to be a famous artist.

Don't you like being a mechanic?

Like it?

Ah, it's the reason
I live and breathe.

Then what's the matter?

( laughs ):
Oh, Jason.

Oh, if life were only as simple
as your childlike innocen--

Of course!

I-it's been staring me
in the face the entire time!

You're right.

If being a mechanic
is what I was meant to be,

then, by jukey,
I'll be happy doing it.

See ya.

Wait a second.

What other knowledge do you
possess, my wise little master?

( upbeat theme playing )

Come on, ring.

The lab was supposed
to call 20 minutes ago.

Any word yet?


Well, um, if you have
any room for a--

A pig-headed jerk who said
a lot of stupid things

and, uh, lashed out
at people without thinking,

I'd like to stay.

Sit down.

S-Sara, do you mind?

Sit down.

Can I have the comfortable--?

Sit down!

Agh, this is ridiculous.

We gotta do something
to get our minds off of this.

Hey, oh, okay. How about
we play, uh, Geography, okay?

I'll go first.

Miami Beach.

Miami Beach. Come on.

Brian, Miami Beach.
Ends with H,

so you name a place
that starts with H.

( snorts )


Sara, that's an L to you.


Y to you, Helen.

I'll give you a "Y":

why is this happening?

Why is there a little
Joe Hackett running around?

Why couldn't you two keep
your hands off each other?

That's an R to you.

( phone rings )





Are you sure?

Thank you.

I'm not the father.

Oh, yes! Yes, yes!

Not that he's not
a cute, nice little boy.

Hey, Helen, do you
think you could show

a little

Come on, I think
they need a moment alone.

Oh, well,
at least that's over with.

Now we can get back to us.



What's wrong?


Uh, Joe's not the father,

but Jason does
have a father.

Now I know who he is.

What difference does that make?

I-- I can be Jason's dad,
you know? I can.

And where--? Where--?

Where's this guy been
for seven years anyway?

In San Francisco.

He doesn't even
know he has a son.

I think I owe it to him and
Jason to call him and tell him.

But what about us?

I would love to stay
here with you.

But this is
something I have to do.

Jason has to come first.

You know,
m-maybe in a few months.

A few months? Okay.

Yeah, yeah.
In a few months, you know--

Hey. Hey!
--we'll call each other.

If you had a kid
like Jason out there,

wouldn't you wanna
know about him?

Oh, of course I would. But, uh--

Brian, wouldn't
you want the chance

to be a part of his life?

( mellow upbeat theme playing )

Oh, Antonio, now this time
don't even think about it.

Just go over and say
whatever's in your heart.

Casey, I just want to say
that I love you,

I adore you, you're beautiful,

and not-- Not a moment goes by
where you're not in my thoughts.

Oh, I'm sorry,
Antonio. What is it?

( speaking gibberish )

Jason, would you
give these tickets

to that nice man over there?

Yeah, or, um--
Or you can give 'em to Roy.

( sighs )



I wish that
wasn't a goodbye kiss.

Me too.

I got the tickets.

They said we can go right on.


Come here.

Come here, you.

Come here you guy, you.

( grunts )

Are you gonna
come and see us?

Uh, yeah.
I hope so.

I mean,
I'm gonna try.

Listen, don't you be too sad.

Uh, gotta go. Bye!

Uh, Jason, wait.

We never finished
our conversation

about fate
versus free will.

( upbeat theme playing )

( upbeat piano theme playing )