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3x19 - Dr. Estrangeloved

Posted: 05/08/10 19:07
by bunniefuu
gossip girl here-your one and only source Into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite.

We have to see this through to the end.

This is the end, chuck.

I didn't know you were applying To the tisch writing program.

I'm kinda not telling anyone.

That doesn't give you the right to tell me Who I can and can't see.

With carter, yes, it does.

I just got another call from my p.


About your dad.

He has his exact location, just a 3-hour plane ride away.

do you know where nate is? um, no, I don't see him right now.

If you find him, can you just please tell him To call me back as soon as he can? serena left with carter.

Uh, cece.

Hi, it's rufus.

I don't know where You and lily are, but I know it's not canyon ranch.

Hello? Dad? Serena.

On the upper east side, New days don't always bring new beginnings, But they almost always bring new surprises.

Oh, god.


You don't like waffles? It's not a matter of like.

It's-it's I'm a humphrey, so syrup is a food group.

Yeah, how are you not, like, 500 pounds? Nice shirt, by the way.


Yeah, sorry.

I, uh, it looked really comfy to sleep in.

Oh, yeah, it's serena's favorite as well.

So you still haven't heard from her? Nope.

Radio silence since she left with carter.

I'm not gonna be the first one to call her, you know? Yeah, well, hey, thanks For letting me crash here last night.

I'm sorry you had to sleep on the couch.

I have no idea how it got so late.

Well, time flies when you're having A wii tennis death match, humphrey.

Oh, did you call your dad, by the way? Uh, yeah, but I said that I was staying at sawyer's, So if anyone asks, you're an insecure brunette Who has an unnatural love for designer handbags.

um, hey, are we still on For the tim burton exhibit at moma? Absolutely.

Oh, it's serena.

"just landed.

So sorry.

Call you when I'm home.

" You know what? I think I'm gonna- I think I'm gonna shower and just go over there.

Um, are you sure? I mean, she said she was gonna call you.

You don't- you don't wanna push, right? Yeah, I think-just-if we talk, it should be in person.

Rain check on moma? Sure.



¶ oh, oh, oh ¶ You ready? To explain to rufus the real reason I've been lying to him? No.

But I know I have to.

Well, it's rufus.

He'll understand.

Yeah, let's hope.

You know, it's hard enough to tell him, But now with your father involved- William and rufus do not exactly get along.

Mm, nothing like a grunge-era love triangle.

Yes, well, complete with an unplanned pregnancy, A trip to a french sanatorium, my mother And a whole lot of flannel.

It was ugly In more ways than one.

Well, it'll be okay, mom.

I'm here for you.


It's a lot easier to sneak up on someone When you're not eight months pregnant And they're not standing in front of a full-length mirror.

Are the caterers all set up downstairs? Uh, yes.

Everything is set up.

Miss blair, I not so sure this party your best idea.

What if we go feed ducks in park, just the two of us? Dorota, why did I go to the trouble Of putting together an elegant brunch and inviting A dozen of manhattan's most eligible bachelors? So world can know miss blair's single again, And chuck bass thing of past.


But miss blair not yet grieve properly.

To rush back into dating- Will show everyone that chuck bass has no hold over me.

Dorota, you really need to stop buying your prenatal vitamins Over the internet.

For this I postpone honeymoon.

Will you toss out that box of junk? I never want to see it again.

Lily? Hello, rufus.

Will, what the hell are you doing here? I'm here to see lily.

Is she home? If she was, you still wouldn't be welcome.

You need to leave now.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

Yeah, I know about this summer.

You've done enough damage to this family, on all fronts.

This summer.

She, uh, she hasn't told you? Told me what? I think we should wait for lily.

We a all have a lot to talk about.

There is an outlet by the bed, And I will be in in a minute.

You look like hell.

Small price to pay to feel like heaven.

Where's archibald? Don't tell me you two finally Closed the deal.

I have no idea what you're talking about, chuck.


You've been panting at his loafers Ever since serena went m.



With carter.

Was it as you always imagined? Late night? You two engaged in a sweaty wii duel Your bodies touch He looks at you like he's never looked at you before.

Oh, you're an ass, chuck.

Besides, serena's back.

Oh, well, maybe now you'll actually have a chance.

Don't worry.

The odds of me remembering this conversation are slim.


What do you mean, I'll stand a chance now? Archibald's never gonna cross the line.

He's a good guy.

He would cling to serena's golden locks Until she pushes him away.

Yeah, but why would she do that? I mean, he's been totally patient and understanding.

You and I know that, But if she were to think nate had, in fact, betrayed her, She would drive him into your waiting arms in no time.

Why are you telling me all this? Because If I want my friend back, This would be done easier with serena out of the picture.

Now all you need is something to make her suspicious.

Lily told me that she renovated this place again.

It's come a long way since we first moved in.

There have been a lot of improvements since you left, Which is why you won't be staying.



Rufus, hello.




Oh, god.


Dad? Serena.

Paging serena van der woodsen.

After a lifetime in the daddy waiting room, It looks like the doctor is finally in.

William, what's going on? I was just about to ask you that, lily.

Rufus, um, It wasn't my mother who was sick.

It was me.

And that's why william and I were together last summer.

Uh, he wasn't treating cece.

He was treating me.

Mom said that's why you wouldn't see me When I came looking for you.

I wanted to see you, but as her doctor, I couldn't tell you why I was there, and I-I didn't wanna lie.

How are you feeling now? Good.

I'm feeling good.

And I just had my 6-month checkup, And, uh, we'll get the results soon.

Yeah, well, the one bright spot Is that lily's illness is very treatable.

We're just waiting on the last round of test results, But, uh, I'm highly optimistic that it hasn't returned.


Lily, I'm so sorry you've been, uh, Going through this Alone.

I would just like to move forward As if everything is normal.

And, uh, just please keep this between us.

And there will be no mention of the "c" word in this house.

and I am gonna go freshen up.


Lily, you-you and I still need to talk.


Uh, my family and I need some time alone.

Um Sure.

Listen, I, uh, Know that this is a lot for you to take in.

Can I convince you to go somewhere and talk? If eric's around, I would love for him to join us.

He's in andover with the debate team.

But, um, let me just change.

Where-where should I meet you? I'm at 60 thompson.

You okay? Yeah.

After all he's done for my mom, I at least owe him a conversation.


"we regret to inform you "that due to the high volume of qualified applicants, "the dramatic writing program At the tisch school of the arts" We, uh, have decided to crush your dreams With this form letter.

Apparently, there was- there's only one spot For transfer students, and I didn't get it, so This is really terrible.

No, vanessa, it's, uh, it's okay.

I mean, it sucks, yeah, but I'll survive.

No, it's not that.

it's just It was me.

I, um, I got the spot.

What? I should have told you I was applying For dramatic writing as well as film and tv.

I just-I honestly didn't think I had a shot.

It was only after I wrote that short that I started thinking How great would it be if we both got in? Wait.

So-so you got the spot? I would have never applied If I'd had known they were only taking one transfer from n.



You got in.



Well, I mean, congratulations.

No, seriously, seriously, If it wasn't gonna be me, um, I'm glad it was you.

You are? Yeah, sure, you know, And they-they also "wish me success in my future endeavors.

" So it's not a total loss.

Listen, I gotta get to a-a study group, But, um, I don't know.

I think we should celebrate.

There's an art party tonight in bushwick.

It should be tisch student central.

What do you say? Are you sure? Please.

Come on.

Ain't no party like a bushwick party.

I'll call you later.

All right.

Why didn't you tell me? I don't know.

You have every right to be mad at me.

I don't want to be mad.

I I just want to understand.

Lily Talk to me.

I was scared.

I was more scared than I've ever been.

And telling you, Having to see the look on your face- I couldn't bear it.

And then when will said that the minute People start treating you like you're sick- Especially your loved ones- That your body starts to listen to it, and I I guess I just used that as an excuse.

Um Because I knew the minute I told you, It would all become so real.

So, uh, will told you not to tell me? Everything that he has done And everything that he has said has worked.

I know, and that's all that's important.

Was I not clear? Did I not instruct you to send out invitations to my bachelors With the date, time and location clearly marked? I did.

All invitations go out.

Then how do you explain this? Did you send the invitations by carrier pigeon? I- is the elevator broken? A meteor headed for earth? You were against this from the start.

What did you do? I do nothing.

Then I don't understand.



Come here.

You're a guy.

I invited a dozen eligible bachelors today, And not one of them showed up.

You'd be thrilled to date me, wouldn't you? Yeah.

You're totally hot.

Miss blair.


Maybe this is sign.

I remember when I separate from first husband- Dorota, I need answers That don't end in "and then I came to america.

" Wait.

What did you say? Um, first husband? Oh.

Of course.


What is mr.

Chuck to do with this? Isn't it obvious? He's declared a dating fatwa on me.



W- when did you get back? I just got in, and by the looks of it, so did you.


I, um, I spent the night at a friend's house.

So what's up? Uh, for starters, I'm about to go see my father.

Your father? Wow.

That's amazing.


Look, jenny, I would love to catch up, but I gotta run.


Is that Is that nate's shirt? What? No.

You spent the night at a friend's? Um Look, serena, I kinda crashed at nate's last night, But we were just hanging out, And we totally lost track of time.

I mean, he slept on the couch.

Like, you have to believe me.

You-you do, right? Yeah, of course.

Look, my-my dad is waiting.


You'll probably see him before I do.


Dan! I'm glad I ran into you.

Oh, hi.

Are you okay? Oh, so I-I take it you heard? I'm so sorry.

I was really looking forward to you being at tisch next year.


Honestly, I never really thought she'd get it.


So even you knew that vanessa was applying? And you didn't.


That hurts.

Yeah, on a few levels, like the fact that her submission Was based on my story in "the new yorker," but Yeah, whatever.

Dan, you know submissions have to be original works, right? Well, I mean, I'm-I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose.

It's fine.

If I'm not gonna get in, It might as well go to vanessa, you know? You know how my dad's on the board of directors, right? He told me you were the runner-up, That it came down to you and vanessa.

Wh-you're kidding.

That was your spot.

The school has to know.

no, I'm not gonna do that to her.

She's my girlfriend.

You know, she got in, and I just- I have to deal with it.

Uh, so I'll see you later? You're-you're performing at that party in bushwick, right? Yeah, but All right, okay, well, I'll see you then.

Hi, daddy.

It's me.


You just called me.

Why didn't you answer? And what are you doing here? Call me crazy.

I thought we should talk in person.

But you're obviously on your way out.

I'm going to meet with my father.


Since when? What's he doing here? It's it's complicated.

I know that's not what you want to hear right now, But if you could just wait- I've been waiting, serena.

Yeah, and were you waiting alone, Or was someone there to keep you company? What are you talking about? Nothing.

You know what? Just- just keep your secrets, nate.

You're accusing me of keeping secrets? Are you kidding me? Can we not do this right now? I have a lot going on.

Yeah, and my guess is you're not gonna tell me about any of it.

I can't.

I just- I need you to understand that.

Yeah, yeah, and you're gonna tell me everything later.

I've heard it before.

You know what? This time I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Prep the o.


, kiddies.

Looks like jenny humphrey is scrubbing up To surgically remove a boyfriend.

So what's step two? Get him drunk.

Take advantage of him.

Do women just not get this? Chuck, he's not gonna go drinking with me.

He made me call my dad when I slept over.

Be here, 6:00 sharp.

And look like someone who doesn't even have a father.

You twisted, manipulative psychopath.

How could you? You're going to have to be a tad more specific.

It's been a busy few days.

My party.


I heard about your little rebound reception.

Good for you, moving on.

So you're just gonna pretend like you have nothing to do With the fact that no one showed up? That you didn't put a dating fatwa on me? We're over, chuck.


To set the record straight, I didn't put a fatwa on you.

The reason no one showed up today is Because no one could ever measure up to what we had, And I'm obviously not the only guy who knows that.


If you won't move on, I will.

There are plenty of guys outside the upper east side, And by this time tomorrow, everyone in the five boroughs Will know that chuck bass' threats mean nothing.

willa, hey.

What's up? Thank you.

I'm about to head out to bushwick, Get a vibe on the space tonight.


But I told my dad john about vanessa's submission.

The dean is gonna call for a review of her application.

She'll be rejected, and you'll be in.

You did what? Can't talk.

Gotta go tune my instrument.

No, no, no.

Willa- We'll celebrate tonight.

No, willa, don't- don't hang- And suddenly I found myself Caught in the middle of a civil w*r in the congo.


When was that? Well, that was, uh, after hurricane mitch And before kosovo, so '98, '99.

You know, my, uh, my '98 was, uh, actually pretty similar.

We were just coming out of the civil w*r Between lily and the republic of claus.


What do you say we get out of here, go to serendipity? I remember how much you used to love their banana splits.

I was 4.

You're right.

I shouldn't presume to even know you.

You know, this gulf, This chasm that's between us- It's gonna take some time, but We can make it go away.

You may be here for my mom now, But that doesn't explain the last 14 years.

You just left.

Um It-it wasn't Exactly like that.

Then what was it like? Thank you.

I'm glad you called.

How are you doing? I'm okay.

I'm okay.

Listen, um, do you remember how tisch required you To submit an original piece? Tell me about it.

I was so stressed, And then the night before the application was due, It just came to me.

Oh, what came to you? Um ¶ Um, I would love for you to read it.

Uh, what is this? It's my piece for the application- My first original play.

It's your first original? Oh, wow.

And while it's not based on anything you've written, It was based on you.

On us, really.

I don't know what to say.

I can't watch you read, so I'm gonna head back to the dorms.

But why don't we just skip the party And order pizza? Okay.

Sounds good.

Well, the plan was to find a new home base So I could get us all out of here.

What, you-you wanted us to come? Of course.

That was the plan.

So I took the post in tibet.

I tried to commute while I got settled in.

C- commute from tibet to j.



? Yeah.

And I promised your mother That I would be home on a Tuesday And I would show up on Friday, the following week.

It didn't take long before she, um- Wanted a divorce, yeah.

You know, I couldn't blame her For needing consistency in her life, in your lives.

Serena, I just don't want you to think that one day I woke up And decided that I was gonna leave you And never come back.

After a while, I just didn't know how.

So that's it? You just forgot how to be a father? Last name's van der woodsen.

Let him know he has a visitor.

If you'll excuse me for a moment I've got plenty of fresh towels, rufus, But thanks for checking in.

I'm actually here to make sure you check out.

Okay, um, You don't trust me.

I get it.

If I were going by the me of 20 years ago, I wouldn't trust myself either, but, uh, people change, rufus.

Really? Because telling lily to hide her illness From me and the kids is just like the guy I used to know.

Lily needed to remain positive.

And if I may say, it worked.

Well, for that, I'm eternally grateful, But now that I'm part of this, she gets a new doctor, One I can be certain has only one agenda.

Rufus, what are you doing here? Oh, I'm sorry for intruding.

I'll see you at home.


I'll-I'll come with you.


I just need some time to think.

Okay? this is willa.

Leave me a message.

willa, you need to call you father And have him undo whatever it was he did Before the dean calls vanessa, because it would be- It'd be a- humphrey.

I- I'll call you.

What do you want, blair? I'm about to explain, so if you'd remain silent Until you hear the full story, I'd appreciate it.

Th-this is really not a good time.


I'm not even close to done.

Okay, so chuck has put a dating fatwa on me.

So unless I find some guy to kiss me So I can splash it all over "gossip girl," I might as well just pack up and join a convent.

I need a night out away from the upper east side, Away from manhattan, actually.

Well, there-there was this art party that vanessa and I Were gonna go to, but I- oh, a party where you two are guests-perfect.

Brimming with young men who are not socially astute enough To fear the length of the bass arm.

Blair, I have more important things right now to- Um You know what? Actually, I'm sorry.

There is someone at that party that I need to talk to.


now I'll need a disguise if I'm to blend in.

Perhaps vanessa can loan me a serape? serena, stuff between me and your dad Goes a long way back, but don't let that get in the way Of your relationship with him.

I - I won't.

Right now I just need to keep things about my mom, Think about what's best for her.

I'll see you soon.

Uh, that was william, And, um, he got the test results.

They're not what we hoped.

Art party.


She wasn't kidding.

$500 it is.

I know an r.


Can use the money.

Well, you look like you could use a drink.

What's your problem? You know what you did to blair.

And I'm paying for it.

Yeah, seems like you're having the time of your life.

After all these years, You can't see through one of my smoke screens? I'm not asking for forgiveness, nathaniel.

I did what I did.

but we have been best friends Since before I can remember, and I thought I know serena went with carter, and I know she's back.

I just thought you could use a drink, Maybe get out of the city Even if it's with me.


Getting out of the city sounds like a good idea.

What do you have in mind? Brooklyn, actually.

And I invited along a local guide.

You guys ready? By midnight, everyone who reads "gossip girl" Will see me kissing some guy, Chuck's fatwa will kaput, and I'll have my life back.

Are you sure you wanna be here? Yeah.

I mean, it's not fair what chuck's doing to her, And I really don't want this tisch thing to come between us.

Me neither.

Okay, I'm gonna go find my sacrificial lamb and the bar.

Um, I should follow her, Because I do not want her to spill on my pleather leggings.

¶ I'll get some drinks.

I don't know why you invited jenny.

What, I thought you two were as thick as wiis.

Yeah, but not for a night out drinking.

I mean, she's still just a kid.

She's a junior, older than serena when the two of you Christened the campbell apartment.

And honestly, Does she look like a kid to you? ¶ So Columbia? I'm impressed.

This doesn't really seem like an ivy league party.

What are you doing here? Ah, I'm friends with the guy who owns the loft.

Oh, god.

Is that an aaron rose? Uh, pretty sure that's ikea.

not bad, columbia.

Name's cameron.


¶ Oh.

Is it suddenly unbearably hot in here? Oh, are you okay? Mm-hmm.

I'm better now.

thank you.



You're just in time.

I'm about to serve up a venti-sized serving Of artistic justice.

Please tell me that you got one of my 200 messages.


Told you I was getting in the zone.

Were you calling to thank me? Uh, vanessa submitted an original piece, So you need to tell your dad that there's been a mistake.

So she wrote something else.

Are you telling me she belongs at tisch more than you? You deserve it.

You can thank me later.


I'm I'm with vanessa.

You're "with" vanessa? What are you, 40? Hi, dan.

Who was that slut? Just call your father.
Hey, jenny.

Jenny! Please tell me what you're doing here, Starting with "dad knows" And ending with "these drinks are not for me.

" uh, well, Since I haven't actually talked to dad today, no.

But these drinks are for nate and chuck.

What are you doing with nate and chuck? Well, my nate's my friend, and chuck's totally harmless Unless this place runs out of ice.

Um, does vanessa know that girl who was hitting on you? No, she wasn't Wait a second.

Why do you go from zero to blackmail in 60 seconds? Dan, it was actually a question.

a relapse is not uncommon.

We just need another round of treatment, Make some adjustments.

That's all.


Rufus - I think we need a second opinion.

We're at the epicenter of the best medical care In the world, and whatever we need to do, We can do it together, here.

Well, if that's what you want, lily, of course.

I mean, I'll call a friend at sloan-kettering myself.

But, uh, even if you do go with another doctor, I'm gonna stick around, because I need to know you're well.

I think we should stay with dad.

He's already cured mom once, and-and he is family.

I think I prefer it, too, rufus.

He's already familiar with every aspect of my case, And I know what to expect of the treatment, And serena's right.

William is family.


If that's what you want, of course.

I'll make some calls.

We'll get started first thing tomorrow.

And, like rufus says, We're, uh, all in this together.


I wasn't expecting you.

Is this a bad time? I kinda need to talk.

No, no.

It's fine.

Are you okay? Um, things aren't really going so well.

Chuck wants us to do sh*ts.

Is that jenny? Yeah, we're-we're sort of at this party.

Hey, uh it's serena.

I can't believe this.

why? What's wrong? Nothing.

It's just I called to talk to you, And you're at a party with-with jenny humphrey? Well, so what? It's no big deal.

Just like her spending the night wasn't a big deal? What? How do you know about that? you know what? Never mind.

I changed my mind.

I don't have anything to say to you.

Ser- Chuck, your plan sucks.

He's on the phone with serena right now.

That's not necessarily a bad thing.

I'm so over this party.

Let's just go back to the suite and get hammered.

You two run along.

I'm gonna stick around for a while.

You up for it? Absolutely.

Spotted-nate archibald suffering from a broken heart.

Too bad he doesn't realize Jenny's oath is less hippocratic And more hypocrite.

Come on.

You're an art history major.

Wh-admit it.

This art is atrocious.

Oh, I don't know.

The ikea orb's growing on me.


Actually, I have a friend who goes to columbia, Though I don't think he attends that many classes.

Blair, do you want To make that guy who showed up jealous or what? Excuse me? I saw you two.

Let me guess- your ex-boyfriend? You want to prove to him you're over him, ready to move on? Just have to take the plunge.

Show him the past is the past.

I like you.

I'm game if you are.

¶ I'm game.

Vanessa, where are you going? Home.

Look, I don't know what willa told you, but keep in mind, She-she carries around lighter fluid.

You told her that my tisch sample Was adapted from your story? It slipped out.

But you wrote an original piece, So you don't have anything to worry about.

You mean because willa's gonna call her father And straighten it out with the dean? Thanks, dan.

You really made sure I was off to a great start.

You're not-you're not being fair.

That was not my fault.

I asked you if you were okay with me getting in.

Why weren't you honest with me? Like you were honest with me, going behind my back To apply for the one thing I wanted more than anything? I explained that.


No, you justified that.

You said yourself that if you knew there'd only been one spot, You wouldn't have applied.

What are you- what are you saying? You want me to withdraw my application? No.


No, of course not.

But what were you expecting my reaction to be? I, um, I don't know.

Not this.

You're taking off? I want to get started first thing tomorrow.

There's no time to waste.

I- I still don't know what I want from you.

You know, today I was Planning on giving you a big speech on regret, But, uh, your mother's illness, Her reaching out to me, Us reconnecting I have to believe there's a purpose behind all of this.

But you've missed so much.

I know.

Um I've followed you from afar, Glimpsed a photo here and there.

Wasn't thrilled about that horse at the polo match.

That was sort of the point.

Thank you, serena.

I know you have no reason to trust or believe me, So, uh, I really appreciate the second chance.

Everyone deserves one.

Well, I'm not sure rufus would necessarily agree with that, But, uh, For what it's worth, I plan to prove him wrong.

I haven't read any posts on "gossip girl" yet.

I guess my ban works in the provinces.

I knew it.

I knew you'd fatwa'd me.

And I knew you couldn't break it.

You're wrong.

I could have.

Then why didn't you? Because I suddenly realized it.

The way to get over you Isn't by hooking up with some random guy Or pretending like we didn't happen.

You and I loved each other.

And then you broke my heart.

I've been doing everything possible not to face that fact.

I'm gonna kiss somebody someday, And when I do, It'll be for me.

Good-bye, chuck.

I'm going home.

what the hell is wrong with me? Nothing's wrong with you.

I mean, don't you know how great you are? I'm serious.

I mean-look, I probably shouldn't say this, But you've said it to me once before- You deserve someone who's gonna treat you right, Not like serena does.

It's true.

I mean I would never treat you like she does.

You deserve better, nate.

Jenny, no.

In case you've never heard one before Nate? That's the sound of a relationship flatlining.

I know what this looks like.

Oh, you do? Great.

Well, as long as you know How it looks, then-then I guess I'm good.

That's not what I meant.



I mean, what are you even doing here? I came to apologize for not hearing you out earlier, And then I walk in to see her trying to kiss you? Yeah, but I didn't.

Nothing happened.

Same as nothing happened last night, which I would have Told you about, if you hadn't hung up on me.

Well, so what about all the things she said about me? Is-is that really what you think? Yes, he does.

I'm talking to nate, jenny.

Well? What, do I wonder why you don't trust me anymore? Yeah, I do.

And then you leave town with carter baizen.

And then you come back and you shut me out.

What am I supposed to think? I'm sorry.

I should have told you That I was looking for my father.

But I didn't leave town with carter.

You know that.

I even tried to apologize.

What are you talking about? The night of dorota's wedding, I- I called your cell to explain everything.

I even left a message with jenny.

What message? I never talked to her, nate.

For once, please, don't let her do this to you.

I left you a message, nate.

She said she would tell you.

She's lying! I never talked to her.

Just get out.

What? Seriously, jenny, just please leave.

You know, you two deserve each other.

Oh, sorry, miss blair.

I forget to take away.

I- I know you not want to see anymore.

Hey, no.

Give me that.

it's no use to deny the past.

Chuck is a part of me.

He'll always be.

it just hurts so much.

In poland, we have a saying- "love is like head wound.

" It make you dizzy, you think you die But you recover Usually.

That's a terrible saying.

Tomorrow can we feed the ducks? I already buy bread.


I had to talk to my mom first.

Nate, before I-I tell you what I need to tell you, I want you to know that I do trust you.

And if I'm guilty of anything, it's taking you for granted, For assuming you'd always be around.

And I-I promise, I- I won't do that again.

Serena, what's-what's going on? To revive a struggling relationship, There comes a point When we must stop protecting what we have The reason I couldn't talk to you earlier- It's-it's not about my dad.

It was about my mom.

She's sick, And I don't know what's gonna happen.

To allow for what we truly need.

moving forward can mean reaching out ¶ so I know which way to run ¶ Reaching back or reaching balance.

Thank you, rufus.

I know william being back is hard for you.

All that matters is you getting better.

And while new journeys can start with a single step, They can end just as quickly with a single misstep.

hey, vanessa.

It's me.

Listen, I just read your play, and it's, uh, it's amazing.

I'm so, so sorry.

Please call me.

and when even the healthiest relationship Finds itself on life support, it's important to remember It's will.

It's not working exactly as I'd hoped.

I need you to write lily another prescription.

Well, you can't back out now.

I need you to make this work.

And I doubt the authorities Would be pleased to know what you've been doing.

On the upper east side, Sometimes the wrong prescription Is just what the doctor ordered.





, gossip girl.