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02x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 01/13/23 18:38
by bunniefuu
Taking over from the late Mr Cannito, I need to surround myself with people I know very well, shall we say, and who know me very well.

I understand.

And you know theres an inquiry into Mr Cannitos death and the circumstances surrounding it.

Can you contribute to this inquiry? I think not.

At this point it's up to you Either join the police force again or accept a different position.

I've made my choice.

I'll take a year off to have a good look around and decide what to do.

I think thats the best and most honest solution.

Sebastiano was a weak, fragile man.

He acted tough to mask his anxiety.

I'm not sure why, but I realised his conscience bothered him.

- He never said anything? - Never.

A few months ago, we went to town to buy flower seeds.

He was in such a good mood that we decided to walk back.

He was happy, but suddenly he became gloomy.

He stopped next to a blackberry bush by the side of the road.

He started to pick them.

He rubbed them clean with his fingers and silently offered them to me.

I found the courage to ask him to confide in me but he clammed up even more.

Sebastiano was ambitious.

That was his greatest flaw that lead him astray.

- Could he have stopped - I don't know.

I mean, before punishing himself like that? It's hard to tell.

I really hoped you would save him.

Yes - But it was impossible.

- Yes, I know.

Now lets go and get what you came here for.

- Thank you, madam.

- Come now, Corrado A few days before his death he brought me a briefcase.

Many have been looking for those papers.

They rang from the Ministry and even that vile fellow Laudeo contacted me.

There was even an attempted break in.

They looked all over, but it wasn't here.

The briefcase, madam.

Thank you so much, Mother.

Don't mention it.



I don't know whats in it and why so many people tried to get hold of these papers.

But whatever it's about, for Gods sake, please use it for good and not for evil.

Can I ask why youve given it to me? I think my husband would have given it to you.

The man who replaced Cannito What's he like? It's not looking good.

He's the type who, if you leave him a bag of money on the table, he'll return it and maybe report you! Just a minute we must think things over.

We could resume negotiations with Laudeo.

No! Until were clear about whats happening, we should keep a low profile.

- The project goes on hold.

- No, thats wrong.

I can explain why, if you'll listen.

He's right.

When I heard that Cannito fellow was dead, I was happy.

Then Terrasini opened my eyes.

Wed better stop.

Cant you see we run the risk of losing millions of dollars? The financial institution that you own has already received more than 30 million dollars.

And this money is deposited in your bank - It's here, at our disposal.

- But of course.

Yes, yes but I must take that money back to America.

My institution is accountable for it at any time.

But I don't believe we should stop the deal.

If anything, we should speed it up.

No, well do as Terrasini says.

I've already told New York to suspend the deposits.

I see.

I see.

You've made an irrevocable decision which I find disconcerting.

What I feared is about to happen.

So? We must prepare for the worst.

I'm ready, Daddy.

You're always good humoured.

You don't worry.

Why should I? I have faith in you.

You're so young.

So what should I do? Take everything out of our safety boxes.

Don't worry, my love.

Thank you.

Wait, Giovanni.

- Here.

- Thank you, sir.

- The briefcase you left me - Yes.

Mr Cattani, if you get any calls or any mail, do you have a new address? Not for now, but I'll let you know about the mail.

- Goodbye.

- Goodbye, sir.

- Enjoy your meal.

- Thank you.

With the project on hold, I'm afraid no money is coming into my bank and whats more, Carrisi and Terrasini want a large sum of money returned.

I'm in dire need of an injection of funds.

All I need is the approval of the technical commission.

Is it a large shortfall? - It's worrying.

- I'll see what I can do.

- Can I count on you? - I'd say so.

A few commission members belong to my organisation.

One of our specialties, gentlemen.

Magnificent! - Have you been here before? - No, it's my first time.

But I'll be back.

This is their specialty.

Lobsters flown in live from Sardinia and cooked with our chefs secret recipe.

- Perfect.

- Thank you.

Enjoy your meal.

Thank you.

Cannitos death has frightened them but they caused it with that scandalous pamphlet.

Cannitos death is a nasty business for all of us.


It's put your bank in serious trouble and I'm worried for other reasons.

Men in power with a streak of moralism are dangerous and Cannito was one of them.

I'm afraid hes left a trail he should never have left.

But you're well protected by that precious piece you have in your archive.

- The jewel in your collection.

- It's my old age insurance.

You're sure it's an only piece? Absolutely.

And you won't sell it? At least not for the moment.

So whats it about, officer? That's easy.

It's a list.

Maybe names that have been transliterated letter by letter, keeping the spaces between words.

Couldn't you put it more simply? Each letter has been replaced by another one a number of places away in the alphabet.

Lets say A with D which would be 3 spaces, or R with Z, which would be 5.

So we just have to reconstruct the spaces.

Not so simple.

Each letters position has been chosen by the computer.

Unless we give the computer the sequence, we cant go back and were none the wiser.

I'm sure theres a floppy disk with the sequence of numbers, which is the key to decipher it.

You put the disk in the computer, type the letters in the list and on the monitor you'll see the decoded letters.

Theres evidence of corruption and the complicity of Laudeos organisation Itala.

Arms and oil trafficking, exporting currency But particularly, collusion with shady political aims.

Who'll vouch for it's authenticity? Maybe you don't realise who I am.

- I realise perfectly well.

- So shouldn't we meet? Not much is known about this Professor Laudeo.

He's mysterious, always in the shadows In the documents I want to give you, you'll see who Laudeo is and what moves around him.

A man called Maurilli, that pseudo journalist who was found dead, had promised revelations about Cannito who was tied to Laudeo.

Are these the same documents? No, they're the other face of the coin.

Maurillis documents were used to blackmail Cannito but these documents were used by Cannito.

Did you give them to Maurilli? I know what you think of Maurilli but I had no option at the time.

Yes, I understand.

But now I must see both sides of the coin.

- The dossier is complete.

- One last question, Cattani.

Why are you handing these documents to me? Because theres a document in code.

Probably all the list of names I want to decipher.

I think theres a complete map of the people involved in plots.

If it's published, someone is bound to panic and I hope to get hold of the key to the code.

Maurilli butchered, Ferrettis bizarre death, Cannito committed su1c1de Do you want to be yet another corpse? I'm counting on your confidentiality.

I cant afford to die yet.

You can count on me not disclosing my sources, but this is dynamite.

It'll explode and you'll be the first target.

Many will be out for revenge.

Think it over carefully.

Publish it.

I cant stop now.

- A call for you, sir.

- Thank you.

Excuse me.

Yes Hello, there! What's new? Just a minute.

I'll take it in the booth.

I'll be right back.

Hello, it's me.

I'm listening.

As I was telling you I'm forced to publish it.

- Why? - You know him He's our top columnist.

He won't be dictated to.

Don't think I didn't try.

I did my best.

He'll kick up a stink if I don't publish it.

Think of the stink if you do! Everything will collapse.

Do you hear me, you idiot? I cant go against the journalists.

Besides, it's pointless, they're photocopies.

If we don't publish it others will.

I saw the dossier.

It's authentic.

Theres even a coded list of Itala members I have to publish.

How can that be? Who gave him the dossier? He wouldn't say.

He says hes bound by secrecy.

Dickhead! You're a bumbling idiot.

Why do you think I put you there? - Whens it due out? - Tomorrow.

Hello, it's Laudeo.

Can we meet right away? I'm selling the most prized piece in my collection.

47 48 49 Only you could get $5 million in under 2 hours with the banks closed.

It's been ready for months for any emergency.

I think we get along so well because were both far-sighted.

Yes, I'm sure thats it.

Heres the key.

It's all yours.

Excuse me, sir, may I ask why youve decided to sell it? Tomorrow everyone will read Cannitos dossier.

So I must leave the country immediately.

And youve offered it to me.

Were you sure I'd buy it? You're a player who needs to double the stakes.

But you need to win back your heavy losses.

You can pay a lot.

Why didn't you offer it to your protectors high up? Because they cant afford to pay what you can pay.

See that? A secret organisation thats involved with the Mafia.

- The names are in code.

- But three of them arent.

Well never know whats behind it all.

Whos that? Room service.

Take it easy.

What do you want? I know about it.

If thats what you came for, you can go.

Don't answer.

Actually, tell the desk to hold all your calls.

Go on! Drop that g*n.

Don't move and don't try that again.

Now answer that phone.

Hello No phone calls.

I'm not available.

Is it money you want? No, I'm not interested in your money, or in you.

I want the key to decipher this list of names.

Give me the key and I'll leave you alone.

Come with me.

I never believed in your conversion.

Terrasini and Cannito were naive.

Men like you never change.

But I'm afraid you're too late.

I've passed it on.

And in a much more lucrative fashion.


Who did you sell it to? To Mr Sorbi.

Your cynicism and cunning may save you, but your power here is over and you know it.

That's why you're throwing everyone overboard! A king once said After me, the deluge.

Good morning.

Go ahead, Sorbi.

I only have a few minutes.

- Did you see this? - Yes, I have.

The only ones named are you, Cannito and Laudeo.

The paper also refers to a secret list in code.

Theyve published a copy of it.

Arent you wondering who has the key to decipher it? Mr Sorbi, are you saying you have that key and are threatening to use it? I'm just saying it's a dangerous situation.

We must move before this avalanche buries us all.

I absolutely need approval for that injection of funds I requested.

It's urgent.

This is a very delicate time and this complicates matters.

That's why it's essential.

If my bank goes under, many other things will too.

Other institutions, other men I cant give you an answer right now.

Don't waste any time.

It's just a matter of wanting to.

I understand, but I need a few hours.

I'll call you later today.




Hello, Countess.

Any news of our friend Cattani? I've been looking for him for days.

- No one knows where he is.

- No, I wouldn't know.

I have nothing to do with him.

Are you playing games with me? I know about your relationship.

It's over.

I'm leaving for Sicily.

I'm finished with Cattani.

What did you want to tell me? I'm not happy with either of you.

I've been calling the house but no one answers.

- Isnt Mr Sorbi in? - No, they all left.

Thank you.

So let the papers have a field day! I don't understand this Italian stuff.

Why should we give a damn? Let the politicians worry.

No, Laudeo and Sorbi are in it.

And not just them, but other friends too.

What's your plan? Laudeo left his hotel and has vanished.

I'm trying to find him.

Sorbis a bit too agitated.

I wouldn't want him to vanish too.

Certainly not before he returns our $30 million.

Do as you like, Terrasini.

But I won't be ripped off by some Italian crook.

- Is that clear? - Lets keep a cool head.

If they're hiding, we'll find them.

And if theyve tried to screw us, well screw them in the end.

There have been lively and dramatic reactions in the world of Italian politics and finance.

Although toothless in a sense, due to the list in code, the dossier implicates some of our countrys big names.

It's perhaps the biggest scandal of the last 10 years.

It hasn't yet been possible to find Prof.

Laudeo who appears to head a secret organisation called Itala which it seems was plotting against the institutions.

Well? Publication of that dossier has complicated matters, as I imagined.

The transaction you're proposing is suddenly very risky.

We all run risks.

I won't be the only one going bankrupt.

It will also involve others.

Maybe you didn't explain that.

You will get the support, but you must be patient a few weeks.

No, I cant be patient for more than one day.

But tell them this There are over 100 important names on that list.

And I'm in a position to decipher it.

Alice, listen carefully.

I'll come and pick you up.


Don't worry, darling.

- Good.


- See you soon.


Don't worry.

Well do our best.

Don't worry, were already making moves.

As you wish.

You call me, if you prefer.


Sorbi has the key to that list in code.

Who told you? The man who spoke to Sorbi.

That was him on the phone.

So Sorbi has turned into a time b*mb.

What's more, it's over two hours since I had news of him.

Meanwhile, Laudeos left for who knows where Son of a bitch.

We've been screwed like dickheads.

Thirty million dollars! If we want to recover our money, we must at all costs find Sorbi and that key.

Particularly the key.

With that, well be in charge of the situation again.

We must find it.

Terrasini, thats up to you.

And no more stuff ups.

Find Sorbi.

Certain mistakes are unforgivable.

If mistakes were made, we made them together.

How could I have known about all these Italian problems? You were the one calling the sh*ts.

And I'll call them again.

Don't you worry about that.

Well get news of Sorbi very soon.

Theres someone watching his every move.

Italy is smaller than Palermo.

But New York is the capital of the world Don't you forget that, Terrasini.

Go back to Rome.

I'll call you.

Goodbye, sir.

- Hello, sir.

- Hello.

I'm at the airport, sir.


He's just left for Zurich.

Please - When does this train leave? - It's leaving now.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

Excuse me, I'm a police inspector.

- What is it? - Where is that girl going? Just a minute.

She's in Compartment 31.

She gets off at Horgen, the stop before Zurich.

- When do we get there? - About 9.

30 a.



- Do you have a berth? - No, they're all taken.

But theres room in first class.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Here.

- Thanks.

Coffee, rolls Horgen.

Horgen station.

Horgen station.

Alice! Here I am, darling.

Daddy! - How was the trip? - Fine.

- How are you? - Fine.

- Happy to see me? - Yes.

- I made it.

- Well done.

Mr Sorbi - Why did you follow me? - Calm down, dear.

- I hadn't seen him! - Please calm down.

Lets see what the gentleman wants.

I'm here also to offer you something.

Shall we continue here or shall we leave? Mr Sorbi, your flight ends here and you know it.

It's not just the police who are after you, but someone you may fear more, such as a former friend.

I could give you away with one call to Italy.

So thats your offer.

To be my accomplice.

Now tell me what you want.

The key to decipher the names in Laudeos organisation.

Who are you working for? Not for Terrasini, or even the police, right now.

For who then? I'm working for myself and for people who have died.

I always thought you were an idealist.

For a moment, I hoped you were doing it for money.

All those like you made the same mistake.

I cant stand him! Calm down.

It's pointless.

I'm afraid it's too late.

Forgive me, Daddy.

I've been a fool.

No, you're not to blame.

You were outstanding.

I ruined our plan, darling.

You'll never forgive me.

It's pointless now.

Don't think about it, dear.

We cant do a thing.

Were in his hands.

But we'll find a way out.

Very well, I'll give you the key.

But once I give it to you, you must disappear.

I need 48 hours.

Unless I have your word, you might as well call Italy.

The phones over there.

All right, you have my word.

But no more than 48 hours.

This disk costs 5 million dollars.

It's worth more, Mr Sorbi.

Read me the letters of the coded list.

I'll switch on the printer to print out the names.

List of Members Write D J S D, space.

A R C Y, space.

S K D W space.

Y Y M C D again, space.

P Z.

Mr Cattani, do these names mean anything to you? Of course they do.

Even though, when they're read as a list, they look like a phone book.

- Shall we continue? - Yes, I want to see them all.

F F Y Y O M N Answer it, please.


Hello - Expecting any calls? - No.

- Who knows you're here? - Only my driver.

We must leave this house immediately.

Daddy, lets get out.

Please lets leave now.

Lets go! Please, darling lets go.

- Please - Go on! Yes, lets go.

Mr Cattani, you gave me your word.

48 hours.

My dear Mrs Cattani! I hope you havent forgotten me or a small Sicilian town.

Show him in, Else.

How lucky I am! It's your husband I was after! Come in.

How nice to see you.

It's been so long.

- How are you, Inspector? - Fine.

And you? Better, now that I see you.

But I am rather tired.

I've been chasing you around Europe In Italy, in Switzerland and finally here.

But I was always too late up to now, that is.

I won't intrude, madam.

I'll only stay a few minutes.

- Sit down.

- Thank you.

Why were you looking for me? - I wanted to see you.

- What do you want, sir? To congratulate you.

You've done a splendid job.

What else? Give me that key.

And then I'll go and leave you alone forever.

You know how important that key is, Inspector.

You got it for us, unless I'm mistaken.

- No, I didn't get it for you.

- Do you want to get rich? First Laudeo, then Sorbi and now you.

Everyone offers me money.

But you're late again.

- What do you mean? - Your trip was pointless.

Yes, you could have stayed in Italy.

The key will be in tomorrows papers.

I sent copies to the police and the Judges.

This is the biggest mistake of your life, Inspector.

No need for threats.

I'm aware of the dangers.

This isn't about the dangers.

You think you can destroy a way of life, a balance our entire society is based on.

You think your insane gesture serves a purpose? You're the insane ones for thinking you can replace the State with crime and exploit peoples honesty.

You're so naive.

Yes, because you think you're holding a b*mb.

The list may well end up being published, but theyll say it's false and part of some power game so who do you believe? It depends who has the most power of persuasion.

No, don't kid yourself.

That list might have been useful but only as leverage.

That's all.

Now it's useless.

It's a piece of paper or plastic good for burning.

- This time you're wrong.

- No, Cattani It's like the Chinese boxes.

You know them? You open one and another one pops out.

Then another and another again They fit into each other, all alike, but all different.

So according to you, therell never be an end.

So you go from one box to another, doing your best.

That's the whole point You have to survive.

Except that it's usually the hunter who survives, not the hunted.

But this time, I know, sir and many others know too.

So itll be hard to establish which of us is the hunter and which is the hunted.

Yes, you're right, Inspector.

The facts will establish it.

It's over, Paola.

What I bring you isn't the justice that innocents like you imagine.

What was done to you will never be redressed.

But at least those responsible for your nightmares know they are no longer invulnerable.

And if I made mistakes with you, maybe now you'll understand me.

Come whenever you like.

Call me.

You too.

- How much is it? - Fifteen francs.

Thank you.

I'd like you to join me in Italy very soon.

Do you really think we could start over? Maybe we already have.

No, thank you.

See you soon.


Wait, I'll walk you to the train.

I'm not speaking just for myself.

This is the testimony and the indictment of all those whove marked my life in these years with their death.

k*lled by the corrupters and the corrupt.

It's the testimony of Leo De Maria, 25 years old, a police officer, who died in a hail of b*ll*ts in a bar.

It's the testimony and indictment of Titti Pecci Scialoia, persecuted and pushed to commit su1c1de just because she trusted me and my feelings.

It's the testimony and indictment of Inspector Altero and Judge Bordonaro, both k*lled by organised crime.

And here before you judges, are some of the main culprits.

It's the testimony and indictment of Colonel Ferretti, who was k*lled by the savage conspiracy of covert powers which he fought against with the tenacity of his honesty.

It's the testimony and indictment of my wife, Else, who died to protect me with an act I perhaps didn't deserve.

And it's the testimony of Paola, of my daughter Paola.

She was abducted and violated and pushed, through despair, to a horrible death.

So, you see I feel I'm all alone in this vast cemetery.

But it's from this loneliness that I renew, also for all these dead people, my testimony and my indictment.

I no longer have anyone near me or beside me.

All I have is the justice you judges represent.

The justice I've fought for and for which I offer my story today.

That is why I am here before you, and these defendants Grieving, but also at peace, because I have the hope that my battle as a citizen, on behalf of all honest citizens who await your verdict full of hope, hasn't been pointless.