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02x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 01/13/23 18:37
by bunniefuu
Your wife called and don't forget your midday appointment.

At 3 p.


you have a meeting.

- The Under Secretary rang.

- What did he say? It's about tomorrows meeting.

He wants you to call him.

Very well.

The Prefect from Turin will call later.

- Did you call them in Padova? - Not yet.

- Do it right away.

- Certainly.

- Are my meetings confirmed? - Yes, sir.


I'll be in my office in 10 minutes.

Yes, sir.

How's it going? Have you settled in? I'm not used to all these files.

The pulse of the nation is controlled from here.

Italy is very interesting seen from behind the stage.

Very interesting, if you have a sharp eye.

- Have you heard from Terrasini? - No.

I'm sure he'll call soon.

What do you think I should do? You'll tell me everything, then we'll decide what you do.


Come to think of it, why don't you contact him? Terrasini and his friends are having a cocktail party.

You go too.

Go and enjoy yourself and have a look around and listen carefully.

They'll talk about an ambitious project.

It'll be a lively press conference! You'll tell me about it.


Good luck with your work and have fun.


I'll go.

Inspector, how nice to see you.

- But I'm surprised.

- Why? You public servants are so busy we don't see much of you.

- You might get bored here.

- No, I'm curious.

It's a big project.

There's going to be a lot of work.

Maybe for you too.

- For me? - Yes.

The official part wont last long and there are lots of ladies.

And here's the prettiest.

She's all yours.

Alice, meet Inspector Cattani.

- Hi.

- Pleased to meet you.

- See you later.

- Okay.

Would you play that game? - Which game? - Monopoly.

Pretending to have billions.

But those billions are real.


Do you know what real billions look like? Of course I do.

They have 9 zeros.

Gentlemen, please Please take your seats.

Your attention, please.

Thank you.

You've been given a detailed brochure about the project but I'd like to specify certain things.

First of all, I'm proud to announce the birth of a city dedicated to electronics.

An Italian silicon valley.

My bank, with other local banks will finance this project.

It will employ over 2000 tradesmen in it's first stage.

And later, we anticipate creating another 5000 jobs.

He gives me the creeps.

- Who? - My daddy.

- Do you know him? - No.

- Is he the one talking? - Yes.

I call him Daddy.

He gives me the creeps when we're intimate, because I think hes got billions on his mind.

How can you have billions on your mind at those times? I wouldnt know.

But he adores me.

And I adore him.

Where will this new complex be built? I take this opportunity to thank Tollana Council who fast-tracked the sale of the land for the complex.

The mayor, Mr Salvatore Salemi, is here with us, so let's give him a hand.

So it's like a charitable project.

- Who's that bastard? - Your sarcasm is unwarranted.

They're long term investments by businessmen who want to use Italian labour to operate on an international scale.

It's not about charity.

It's about making a profit on investments.

Is it true your electronics will be of strategic importance? I don't understand what you mean.

There's a law in the States banning the export of electronic equipment for military use.

But from Sicily, you can flood the Middle Eastern market with all kinds of sophisticated weapons.

We follow the laws of the country we live in.

That's all I have to say, besides refuting the allegations.

Isn't Mayor Salemi the same Salvatore Salemi who was arrested last year for Mafia crimes? I'm Solicitor Terrasini.

There's a simple and straightforward answer to the ladys question.

The inquiry cleared Mr Salemi of any wrongdoing.

And he was re-elected mayor almost unanimously.

But he received another summons two months ago.

We're waiting for the investigation to end.

Unless the lady would like to pronounce a verdict now.

You're a Sicilian solicitor famous outside your region.

But what's your role in this project, Mr Terrasini? Legal advice.

You were indicted by Judge Bordonaro for Mafia-style conspiracy.

As we know, the Judge was then k*lled.

I felt respect, friendship and admiration for Judge Bordonaro.

I co-operated honestly with his inquiry and was never indicted so your allegations are false.

Quiet, please.

Your attention, please.

Countess Olga Camastra who will build the complex in the model before you, will talk to you about the projects operating aspect.

I must start by saying that it's an honour for my company and it's subsidiaries to have been chosen to build such a large project.

Do you know Mr Frank Carrisi? Certainly.

Is Mr Carrisi representing the interests of the Italo-American consortium? - Precisely.

- Can't Mr Carrisi reply? Mr Carrisis Italian isnt very good.

I'll reply for him.

Five years ago, the US press wrote about Mr Carrisi and a clan tied to Cosa Nostra.

Mr Carrisi has no legal issues pending in his country.

Gentlemen, please! What do those bastards want? I know who's put them up to this.

Then do something.

It's Laudeo and Cannito.

But rest assured we'll do something.

Just a minute.

- Who is it? - It's Olga.

Come in.

Well Well, this is a bit better than last time.

No I've come to get you.

I have a surprise for you.

Lets go.

Like it? Don't your friends know about this place? Only you and me.

I bought it yesterday.

Really? So you'll be spending time in Rome.

As much as I can.

Because of that project? Not just that.

I didn't understand that press conference.

And even less when I read todays papers.

There's hardly a word about that circus.

Terrasini knew the papers wouldnt cover it too much.

They wanted to make it clear they could create problems.

- Who would do that? - Laudeo and Cannito.

But that's enough now.

Lets discuss it later.

Aren't they Terrasinis allies? Maybe there's a problem between them.

I don't know.

But I don't really care.

As long as the deal goes ahead.

You wont tell your Cannito all these things, will you? You're obsessed with betrayal.

- You're unbearable.

- I'm sorry.

But it's the truth.

I'm not obsessed with betrayal as I respect a deal.

And so do my friends, as you call them.

Say what you like, but they respect a deal.

It's their religion.

I didn't mean to upset you.

I'm sorry.

Then lets forget about this nonsense.

Why? I'm beginning to like this kitchen gossip just like servants.

Silly boy.

The deal looks aboveboard.

Or they wouldnt have publicised it.

But we don't yet know whats beneath it.

That Laudeo and Cannito would try to hinder the Sicilian-American group, is very strange.

I don't understand why.

Didnt you get anything more out of your countess? No.

She might get suspicious.

The conflict between the two groups, if it's true, can represent a new, very important fact.

A w*r where they might end up destroying each other.

Terrasinis mafia group and Laudeo and Cannitos organisation, Itala.

And we must fuel this w*r.

Cautiously and progressively.

In our field, it's called poisoning the enemy, isn't it? And don't forget Terrasini got you out of jail.

You're indebted to him.

And I must keep paying.

After all, he expects it.

You want too much and we refuse.

You're treating it like a cattle market, if you'll pardon the term.

But we also raised political reasons and other issues.

Words I don't give a damn.

I know you want 15%.

That includes everything.

You understand, don't you? What does everything mean? The technical expenses Press, television The press Press and television are free, because its a worthwhile project.

Why don't you use your profits to pay the people we need? Your press conference wasn't a huge success.

A handful of bastards who wanted to put on a show.

And it isn't hard to work out who sent them.

It's taken all my influence and my goodwill to silence what surfaced at that press conference.

And up to now, I've received nothing, but it's clear that there's a limit to this goodwill.

I don't underestimate your influence with the press but I believe there are other ways of using the media.

Why don't we speak frankly? This discussion wont get us anywhere, Mr Terrasini.

You may have friends in Sicily, but Sicily isn't Italy.

Italy doesn't count in America.

Palermo counts more.

As far as New York is concerned it's number one in the world.

If you're important in Palermo, you're important all over the world.

Our aims go beyond a simple business deal.

With all this bullshit about politics, deep down, you just want to make money.

How dare you? I dare even more, my dear Cannito.

In America, a man in your position isn't worth a cent when he begs for charity.

You don't know what you're saying.

We don't need you, you need us.

You wont get far without us.

Get it into your head! Your conceit and arrogance are very offensive.

As for you, Mr Terrasini, youve forgotten our ties and you'll pay for that.

Well see about that.

No one tramples on us.

You're a bunch of parasites.

A disaster! Pity things were cooling down when I got there.

Cannito took ill and Laudeo looked awful.

- And the others? - Terrasini was poker faced.

Sorbi tried to compromise but Carrisi is a tough nut.

- Sorry, where's the cutlery? - Yes, wait.

- Here.

- Thanks.

What happened to Cannito? I thought he was dying.

He wasn't breathing.

After 5 minutes in the bathroom he was perfectly fine.

I think he snorts.

- Is the pasta ready? - Yes, it is.

You know, it's a Sicilian recipe.

I hope you like it.

I do it my way.

It smells good, even though I cant quite picture you as a cook.

Every woman aspires to being a wife and mother.


- So how did the summit end? - Almost in a brawl.

Carrisi called Laudeo and Cannito blackmailers and said he'd report them.

- What did they say? - Not a word.

So he threw them out like beggars.

I don't understand why it's got to this.

Believe it or not, they want a 15% cut on the entire deal and Carrisi wont pay up.

Hey, call off the dogs.

- They're savage.

- Only with strangers.

- Can I help you? - Can I get out? You can kick them, if you like.

I've come about the car.

It's become an antique now! It needs restoration.

Good boy Do you have two lamp rims and a fan? I'll have to see.

I'll ask the boss when he comes.

I've been to all the wreckers around Rome and Lazio.

It's a 1968 model.

Remember 68, Chief? Sure.

There were the student demonstrations.

- Then all the industrial unrest.

- Hey, you know a lot! And where were you? Where was I? In front of the TV with a flask of wine! You're the best! Keep me in mind.

1968 model.


Don't you worry.

It's the usual procedure.

You find a printer who'll lend his name.

Then you print elsewhere to dodge any controls.

And every 15 days we'll put out 1000 copies.

800 for members of parliament, 200 for journalists, captains of industry Everyone who needs to know what we want them to know.

I have an editor-in-chief.

Then you'll tell me whos giving us the information You know the dirt.


When did Mr Maurilli last work for you? - Last year, I think.

- No, sir, it was 7 months ago.

Two members of parliament tried to kick up a stink about Mr Sorbis bank.

But we found a couple of things that shut them up immediately.

We used posters, didn't we, sir? We put them up all over Rome.

Names, one night stands, shonky deals - Who's the target this time? - Well let you know.

I'd rather know earlier as I need to organise myself.

Sebastiano Cannito.

A delicate matter.

There's enough dirt to last a lifetime! And Prof.

Laudeos organisation.

Well Thats a bit more complicated.

Why? Because they're people that are hard to catch.

Anyone could be a member.

Managers, lackeys, important politicians, journalists There's plenty of roast but we might only catch smoke.

Does that frighten you, sir? No.

If the information is good - Don't worry about that.

- All right.

What about payment? The usual 10 million per edition.

You should go higher.

These are delicate matters.

I'd be risking my life.

I'd say you must double it.

When do we start? Mr Cattani, Mr Terrasini is at the bar.

I'll be right down.

Thank you.

- Here's the information.

- You're so quick! Is it interesting? Not bad.

There's some dirt I found in the archives.

Thats a good start.

I'd say so.

There's a building scandal involving Cannito.

- Corruption? - No.

Favours to his protectors.

Venial sins.

Good work, Cattani.

If you sustain any expenses in this operation No, no expenses.

It's my time and I have plenty.

There's the photocopier, but thats free of charge.

Yes, but You never billed me for my defence.

No, not for the paper or the typist.

So the rest is on friendship.

Isn't that what you said? You see, sir, these are small things for now So what do you think? Not a bad printing job, is it? Yes, it works.

Tomorrow 1000 copies will go to the usual addresses.

Okay, sir? Very good.

You've done a good job, Mr Maurilli.

It wasn't easy to be non specific but still get the message across.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you, sir.

The information I have will keep us going for another 3 weeks.

But then I'll need more.

We wont stop here, don't worry.


So I can go now? I'd just like to know if I must come back for my payment.

- Heres the bank cheque.

- Thanks.

I'm at your disposal.

Anyone around? Gone on holidays? Are you on strike? Chief! Anyone around? Isn't anyone here? Get down! Don't you remember me? Who owns these dogs? Quick, they'll tear me apart.

- What are you doing there? - I ran from the dogs.

- They wanted to eat me.

- Black, come here.

Grandpa knows me.

I came looking for lamp rims and a fan for my car.

I came to see if you have them.

No, we don't.

Try the Via Prenestina.

Well, thanks anyway.

I need a new car, but I also need the bucks! If I'm passing by, I'll look in.

You never know.

Leave me your number.

I'll call you if I get the parts.

I don't have a phone.

I moved recently.

I'll be seeing you.

Ministry of the Interior Special Squad Hello.

I'm coming.

- I'm Inspector Cattani.

- Go through.

One of my men was watching Sorbis villa.

They k*lled him last night with the owner of the yard.

This could compromise all our work.

But for now it'll be seen as a k*lling linked to car thefts and wreckers.

I've spoken to the Judge and the police.

But I'll have to face Cannito today.

Of course he knew nothing of this initiative.

How will you tackle Cannito? I'll lay my cards on the table.

If I lose, you carry on.

The evidence against Cannito is in the warehouse.

I was waiting to get evidence against Laudeo.

But weve run out of time.

We'll attack them one by one.

I'll have a difficult day.

I must know where to find you.

Very well.

I'll expect your call at home.

Hello, sir.

Mr Cannito is expecting you.

Thank you.

Who authorised surveillance on Sorbis house? Do you have good reasons? Yes, I do have good reasons.

- Will you tell me? - No.

So thats it I must also assume you're behind these lies! Ferretti Weve never spoken clearly.

I thought we didn't need to.

But things have changed.

I'm seeing another person in you now.


Very well I want your resignation.

And it's a friendly request.

I can order an inquiry into your actions.

And I assure you I will, unless you resign.

Open the inquiry.

I wont be resigning.

Very well We have nothing more to say to each other.

Thats right.

Ferretti Think what you're doing.

Think about what youve done in all these years.

I spoke to Cannito.

The situation is serious.

Will you be at this number? I can cancel a commitment.

- No, just give me a number.

- Wait a minute.

All right.

- I'll call you there.

- Yes.


It's very serious.

We must meet as soon as possible.

No Not a word.

No excuse at all.

Only threats.

His Excellency.

I'll tell the Head of the Secretariat.

Good morning.

Mr Ferretti, come in.

- Pasquali.

- Ferretti.

I need to see His Excellency urgently.

It's a very serious matter.

I'm afraid he was called away to the parliamentary commission.

I'll wait.

It could be a few hours before he gets back.

Cant you tell me? No, I'd rather wait.

This ones beautiful.

Do you like it? Yes.

You cant like them all! I don't know much about fashion.

These places are like t*rture for many men.

I'm sorry I insisted that you come.

I'll take this one and the blue one.

- Will you try them on? - Of course.

I'll give you a fashion parade.

I have an appointment.

My spare time clashes with his commitments! Hello Good evening, madam.

Yes, madam.

I'll send it over this evening.

Very well.


- How many lines do you have? - Four.

- I'm expecting a call.

- Yes, sir.


Yes, right away.

Mr Ferretti.

His Excellency wont be back.

Can I make an appointment? Actually, call me.

We'll find a time tomorrow.

Mr Cattani, please.

Cattani, we must talk.

Come to my place.

It's urgent.

- What do you think? - It's splendid.

If only all my clients looked like you! I'm not sure.

It seems a bit tight No, only slightly.

With a minor alteration it'll be perfect.

Then I want to try that one.

That will look perfect on you.

I cant make up my mind.

Corrado, what do you think? Where is he? The gentleman got a phone call and rushed off.

He apologises.

It's either this or nothing! I'd make do with this, if I may say so, Countess.

He drove off.

It was a 4 wheel drive.

- Hes dead.

- It was a 4 wheel drive.

Poor Ferretti.

Lets go, Corrado.

Hello, Cattani.

Mr Cattani will drive me.

Corrado, setting aside the emotions a death stirs up, I must say, I was disappointed in Ferretti lately.

He'd become ambiguous, shifty, and even disloyal at times.

He forgot he owed every step of his career to me.

I even suspect he had become corrupt.

I didn't know him well.

I would have staked my life on him.

Sometimes, those beyond suspicion are the worst.

But now he's dead and a scandal wouldnt benefit anyone.

Lets forget about it.

Are you still in contact with Terrasini? Occasionally.

Why don't you see more of him? Strange fellow, that Solicitor Terrasini.

Now he's tied himself to that Sicilian American buffalo.

You know him better than I do.

These are different times.

The wind turns.

And this is a bad wind.

It heralds a storm.

I'm afraid it'll wash up a lot of corpses.

Who'll pick up the corpses? The strongest Us.

I'm afraid.

Like the day of the Avellino earthquake.

Remember? The walls shook The noise of objects falling off the furniture.

Then we went out in the street.

It was raining.

People were shouting.

Then you took hold of my arm.

And then I realised that you weren't trembling, that you weren't clinging to me You were supporting me.

And you smiled at me.

That day, at that moment you helped me.

Help me now too.

- What can I do? - I need you.

You're the only person I trust completely.

I can tell you everything.

Paola will give us the strength to not lose ourselves completely.

There's been so much bitterness and misunderstanding.

I'm fighting an absurd, desperate battle.

I'm alone.

I must try to find some justice.

And prove that it still exists.

They k*lled a friend of mine a few days ago.

- Are you in danger too? - Yes.

That's why I want you to have everything I know and possess.

They're papers that concern Cannito.

I have a copy in Rome.

Make more, and lodge them with a notary you trust.

And if anything happens to me, mail them to addresses I'll give you.

God, Corrado! It's important no one suspects you.

Say we havent met since Paola died.

Don't call me.

I'll contact you.

You can say you despise me and don't want to see me.

And you know I have a woman.

Is there another woman? She means nothing.

It's part of the deception.

Is that really true? Yes.

How will all this end? I don't know.

It's like a disease.

A disease I must overcome.

Only then will the pain of Paolas death ease.