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02x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 01/13/23 18:35
by bunniefuu
It was a vast plain.

The landscape was strange.

The house was strange too.

It was huge.

I was in this house with only one room and no windows or doors.

The smoke-stained walls closed in on me.

And when I looked, the walls turned into men.

I tried to run and then I saw a window.

See? There was a window, after all.

- Like in all dreams.

- It wasn't a dream.

I was on my bed wide awake.

I couldn't wait to tell you about it.

- Don't think about it now.

- Wait, I'm about to escape.

The window opens and there's the sun, but it's also night.

The window overlooks the sea, so I jump to escape the men.

But I walk on the sand, hidden by the waves, like when you dive in.

I can't open my mouth to shout or the water will drown me.

Now I'm here and it's all over.

Don't think about it.

I can't, Mum.

I keep seeing that dream.

How can I forget it? Dad and I are here to help you forget.

That's why were here.

Good morning, I'm Ettore Ferretti.

So what do you want? I didn't ask to meet for personal reasons.

Why did you call me? To check some notes that concern you.

Shall we take a stroll? Inspector Corrado Cattani, 38 years old.

Sent to investigate a colleagues m*rder in Sicily, finds the k*ller is a mafioso called Cirinná and has him arrested.

During the investigation, he identifies the brains behind the local organised crime.

But just when the law is about to take it's course, he invalidates his investigation by recanting everything during a televised public admission of abuse of power, forgery, and concealing evidence.

Cattani justifies his behaviour by stating he was under duress following his daughters abduction.

She was tortured and it seems, r*ped.

- Forgive the term - Yes, they r*ped her.

Cattani admits he gave in to blackmail and acted contrary to his duty as a police official.

You can't imagine how hard it was to cover up their crimes.

I can imagine, but you know how hard it is to cancel what happened.

Cattani was summoned by Judge Bordonaro who's investigating the matter.

He's been suspended and is under investigation.

He's living in Switzerland close to his daughter, whos in a neurology clinic and to his estranged wife.

You came to tell me this? I can explain, if you'll give me a bit more of your time.

Do you know this man? Sebastiano Cannito, Head of Z Division of the Secret Services.

Your one-time friend and protector.

Is that still the case? I still don't understand what you want.

You will.

This is Prof.


You know him? Yes.

I met him in Sicily.

He's the secretary of a strange organisation called Itala.

An organisation for the study of Italic popular traditions.

- A nice facade.

- Yes, he asked me to join.

I'm sure Sebastiano Cannito belongs to this organisation.

And maybe politicians, newspaper editors, important bureaucrats, businessmen, bankers - Do you have the evidence? - No, or I wouldn't be here.

I'm just drawing my conclusions from recent events.

Cover ups, appointments that are puzzling, murky business deals, arms trafficking And every time, right next to a politician, a banker or a judge, you'll always find the names of Cannito and Laudeo and his organisation.

Maybe it's a kind of mutual assistance.

No, they're wheeler-dealers, traffickers Unscrupulous brokers.

But the point is do these people operate only for their private interests or do they have wider political connections? Do they just want financial power or are they trying to create a network of covert power that is trying to overthrow the institutions? You still haven't told me what it is you want from me.

I'll have the case against you closed and have you reinstated.

We're starting with a breach.

Cattani, the stakes are very high.

If I'm right, its about saving the countrys institutions.

We'll work together, in secret.

- Why did you think of me? - Why? Because you're honest.

Loyal, intelligent and tenacious.

And because you were Cannitos friend and that he may feel remorse towards you just as you may be bitter towards him.

Brutal, but clear.

What's your relationship with Cannito? I'm his deputy.

I get it.

The usual internal battles.

Power struggles, rivalries.

Not for the reasons you think.

It's not my concern.

I have my daughter to look after.

I'm only interested in Paolas welfare.

I understand.

You've disappointed me.

I didn't expect you to refuse.

- Reconsider.

- No chance of that.

I have scores to settle as a man, not as a policeman.


Yes, we could go to Paris, then to Brittany.

We can stay with my cousins.

The sea is different there.

Paola, remember the beach that disappears? When the tide goes out there are crabs everywhere.

I know, I've seen them.

- We don't have to go.

- We'll do whatever you like.

When can I live with you again? You already are.

Mums here and I'm in Geneva.

I mean when am I getting out.

I'd let you out tomorrow.

That's all I want.

It would be lovely to all be back together.

Yes, I know, its up to the doctors.

What did that man who insisted on seeing you want? To get me back in.

What did you say? I told him I'm not interested.

We have the evidence.

I don't have any doubts.

Neither do I.

Call me before you leave.

I might be able to get you an escort.

My colleagues will die of envy.

Let's make sure everyone knows someones watching your back.

Thank you, Inspector.



Who asked you to keep Cattanis child in your home? Judge Bordonaro, I didn't know them! So you kept a child prisoner in your home without knowing who the favour was for? Do you think the court will believe you? Manrocco, we also have evidence that they paid you.

If you talk, I can get you mitigating circumstances.

I am talking! What more do you want to know? I've been telling you for 4 hours, Judge.

Three men came and said they needed the barn.

I don't keep animals in it anymore.

I didn't even see the child.

Would I ask for their names? You could see they meant business.

Could I refuse? Under duress, Judge.

You'd never seen them before, so why would they choose you, Manrocco? Can you tell me why? Would they abduct a child before knowing where they'd hide her? Where did your wife and mother get the money to buy the shop? You'd better talk, Manrocco.

You keep asking the same questions, sir.

Aren't you tired? I am, and you can k*ll me, but I'm going to sleep now.

Nothing Manrocco won't talk.

I tried everything when I questioned him, but he's too afraid.

All we have is Cattanis testimony.

And hes under investigation, poor man.

If we want to get anywhere we must spread panic.

What if I leak that Manrocco has talked? It's a dangerous game.

They'll k*ll him in 24 hours.

I'd keep him in solitary under 24 hour watch.

Inspector Cattani used to say a great truth.

We policemen are like fishermen casting a net.

But when you haul it in, you might find a mine caught in it.

What would you do in my shoes? I'd resume the bank audits with the Finance Police then I'd order phone taps on Solicitor Terrasinis phones and on those of his friend Ravanusa.

In short, I'd look for more concrete evidence.

That'll take years and we'll lose both the evidence and the witnesses.

No, we don't have the time.

- Your coffee, Judge.

- Thank you, Madam.

- Sugar? - Thank you.

- Are you taking her out? - Yes, she can come with me.

- Dad, you said we'd go boating.

- I know, but I can't.

- Next Sunday.

- Dads busy.

Sorry to commandeer your husband again.

Don't worry, sir, I'm used to it.


Bye, Dad.

Now you'll worry till they get back.

Yes, after the abduction of Cattanis daughter I'm not at ease.

They won't stop at anything.

But we must try to live as normally as possible.

The inquiry into Cattanis daughters abduction is going very well.

Can you trace who ordered it? I can confirm the child was held at Manroccos home.

- We've established that.

- In what way? - I'm afraid thats sub judice.

- Will there be more arrests? We're counting on the cooperation of the accused.

So the rumours were correct.

Manrocco is talking.

Everything will be clear in the indictment.

One more question.

Will you interview Inspector Cattani? I'm afraid I can't say more.


Manrocco has started to cooperate with the law.

So why are you telling me? I think it might interest you.

You're on the wrong track, Judge A wrong and dangerous track.

Are you threatening me, Terrasini? Far be it from me! As a legal man I know the law.

Besides, I'm so relaxed, I don't have a lawyer with me.

What have you to say about Paola Cattanis abduction? Nothing.

Inspector Cattani formally accuses you of financing a large drug ring.

Yes, I'm supposed to have a bank account with the name of a flower.

May I get up, sir? But the Inspector retracted everything at the time.

Under pressure from his daughters abductors.

That's of even greater concern.

An inspector who can't assess risks and behaves more like a father.

That's dangerous for our institutions.

No, he lost his head among the smell of oranges and his passion for Titti Pecci Scialoia, remember? So why did he come back to accuse you? Obviously so he could look at himself in the mirror.

Unless he can persuade himself that someone is responsible, that there's a persecutor, how can he live with the idea he didn't protect his child and that he made many mistakes and lost his head? No, believe me, he's driven by remorse.

Whoever ordered the abduction and those deaths should feel remorse.

You're right, sir.

And it's up to you to find him.

I'm sorry to inconvenience you, Countess.

Take a seat.

I need a small clarification.

If I can be of assistance A shop in the building you built in Via Mercati, identified by the number 14 - Yes, my company built it.

- That's right.

We know that shop was sold to Lucia Manrocco, whose husband is in jail accused of holding prisoner in his home the daughter of Inspector Cattani.

I can get my sales office to do a search.

What exactly do you want to know? The method of payment.

How the property was bought.

I can tell you that right away.

Two thirds of the price with a bank loan.

And one third at settlement, usually with a bank cheque.

My accountant has the details so you can trace the bank that issued it.

I bet it's Ravanusas bank.

It could be.

Inspector Cattani ordered an audit of your bank.

And inconvenienced my customers.

So Inspector Cattani made an enemy of you.

What nonsense.

I never saw him as an enemy.

He was a man of no consequence.

- What do you mean by that? - Exactly what the words say.

What exactly do you want from me? Don't get excited.

Settle down.

I simply want answers to my questions.

- We can take our time.

- I can't.

I'm a busy man.

I can't spend my days in your office.

I'll be the judge of that, if you don't mind.

There are more important people than you, in Italy.

I know.

But you still have to tell me whether the Fiordaliso and Jasmine accounts belonged to you and Terrasini.

You're subjecting my client to undue psychological pressure.

I'll stop if your client tells me who the accounts belonged to.

I don't recall.

How can you forget the names of your main customers? Billions went through those accounts.

I don't check on my customers.

Not even those customers who wrote the cheque with which the Manroccos bought the shop? What are you saying? That money went through your clients bank.

Manrocco isn't just the owner of the house where Paola Cattani was held.

He might also be a precious witness.

Be specific, Judge.

What did this Manrocco fellow say? He's a man who knows a lot.

He's a jailbird, isn't that right? But there is a perfect correlation between the events were looking into and Inspector Cattanis allegations.

Cattani retracted on a TV program.

But now hes confirmed everything.

You believe a man full of hate whose daughter was abducted and r*ped? Who told you the child was r*ped? - Everyone knows.

- No one does.

- And neither should you.

- What do you mean? - Who ordered the abduction? - I'm not involved.

- But you knew it was ordered.

- No.

That child was r*ped and you knew it.

You knew about the abduction.

Who ordered it? - I don't know.

- Terrasini? I know nothing.

I just repeat what people say.

I know nothing nothing.

Very well As you wish.

But I have enough evidence to have you arrested for conspiracy.

I can accuse you of organising Paola Cattanis abduction.

What evidence can you bring against Mr Ravanusa? You'll read it in the arrest warrant Sir When I sign it.

May we suspend the interview for a moment, Judge Bordonaro? We're all a bit tired.

Let's have a chat a more friendly one.

Barduzzo, we'll take a short break.

Go and have a coffee.

So, shall we have that friendly chat? Let's start from before Paola Cattanis abduction.

There are plenty of things I'd like to clarify.

According to me, this is the most important proposal we've had in the last few years.

Our friend Frank Carrisi and his American group want to invest over 300 million dollars in strategically important electronic equipment.

You'll appreciate the implications of such an operation and the details of the project are at your disposal.

A good idea, but how would we proceed financially? The money will come from the U.


via a bank we can trust.

We must tread carefully.

It isn't easy to bring in such an amount.

We must try to keep a low profile.

Mr Ravanusa could have clarified things.

- Why isn't he here? - He's very tired.

He had a long interview with Judge Bordonaro from which he emerged exhausted.

We can believe Ravanusa.

I never considered him important.

Sure, he's a wheeler dealer through his bank, but he doesn't decide, organise, or give orders.

He isn't as important as Terrasini.

Terrasini is at a different level.

Ravanusa says he's the link between some of the largest financiers who control everything Building companies, tenders, transport, car dealerships.

They're in the wine industry, but also in the drug trade.

Ravanusa was explicit.

When he got to contacts with government, he didn't hold back.

He gave a name that's very important.

You know who I mean.

Sir, when contacts are named, the situation gets red hot.

What should I do? Skirt around them? No, but you must cover yourself somehow.

I'd rather attack at the highest level.

Yes? Judge Bordonaro? Who is he? Where's he calling from? Very well, put him through.

Good morning, Judge.

What can I do for you? I need to see you confidentially.

It's urgent.

- What's it about? - The Cattani case.

Remember? Yes, but if you could tell me why It's a delicate matter.

We must act right away but I'd rather discuss it face to face.

- Could you come to Rome? - I can leave right away.

Very well Thursday at 5pm.

I'll expect you then.

Excuse me, Judge - Have we met before? - No.

I'll be there on Thursday at 5pm.



- There's a call from Italy.

- Put it through.

Cattani, it's Judge Bordonaro.

I have new evidence.

I questioned Ravanusa.

I'm going to Rome to see Cannito.

- Ravanusa named Cannito? - Yes.

Cancel that appointment.

Yes, make up an excuse.

- Cancel that appointment.

- Why? I can't talk over the phone.

I'll come to Rome so we can discuss it.

But you mustn't meet Cannito and don't confide in anyone before you talk to me.

Let's meet on Thursday at about 5.

30 at the Rome North toll booth, okay? Your medication, Paola.

I hear you slept well.

Yes, very well.

- Must I keep drinking this? - Just a while longer, Paola.

No, it doesn't matter.

Don't worry.

I won't take it anymore.

And you, hurry back.

Last time you left I was always tired.

But I could never get to sleep.

This time you won't even notice I'm gone.

Paola, come now.

Don't ever leave us, Dad.


Why would I? You're the dearest thing in the world to me.


Thank you.

That was my secretary.

I must say, it's strange.

Very strange.

- You know Judge Bordonaro? - Not personally.

He asked to see me on Thursday as a matter of urgency and now my office tells me hes cancelled.

I don't understand.

Would you know? I know what hes looking into.

It's that old matter Cattani was involved in.

Yes, an ugly matter It's threatening to find its way here from Sicily.

Now don't worry, sir.

I'll go down to Sicily to see Terrasini.

That's why I thought it was worth flying down to tell you directly.

Thank you.

I find it rather unusual.

How do you feel about it? I have a bad feeling.

Particularly because the Judge has decided to leave.

He cancelled his appointment with Mr Cannito - But he didn't cancel his flight.

- Then it's worse than I thought.

That's possible.

However, if Bordonaro has discovered something, we'll make him keep it to himself.

- And your American friend? - Mr Carrisi will be here soon.

We have found our agreement here in Sicily.

Things will go well in Rome too.

I guarantee our organisations support and the support of Mr Cannito, who is critical to the deal.

That's what I think too.

So it's best not to have any complications caused by a small town prosecutor.

What else can I do for you gentlemen? Anything special youd like, sir? I appreciate the offer, but a coffee will do.

You've influenced me.

I've taken some precautions.

Here's a photocopy of Ravanusas interview.

- Where's the original? - I'm taking it to Rome.


Good morning.

He's just gone past.

Go ahead and smoke, sir, if you must.


I couldn't smoke on the plane.

Want one? No, thanks.

Luckily, I kicked the habit.

It's so expensive! How far to the Rome North toll booth? It'll take 45 minutes on the ring road.

I have to be there by 5pm.

It's 3.


We'll have time for coffee! Can you wait to take me back to Rome? If you don't take too long.

I knock off at 8.

Damn you! You bastard Your change.


Where are you going? I'm a police inspector.

Whats going on? They've k*lled a judge 4 kilometres from here.

- When? - Half an hour ago.

Here, Inspector.

- Can I go through? - Certainly.

But if you're going to town its not worth your while.

- You'll get held up.

- That's okay.

Let him through.

The Judge arrived from Palermo on the 3.

30 flight.

- Was he carrying anything? - We found nothing in the car.

It's very strange.

He was to go into town but he came onto the motorway instead.

- It would help to know why.

- Yes, of course.

He was meeting you, wasn't he? I knew when I saw you arrive.

I've been watching you.

There's some other news you won't have heard.

I'm afraid it will bring you more sorrow.

Altero was k*lled in an ambush in Sicily today.

They got too close to the fire.

And they burn't them straight away.

Who did they get close to? Cattani, why were you meeting Bordonaro here? Won't you help me even now Altero and Bordonaro are dead? No.

And you know why? Because they were the last friends I had.

You're all the same.

I'm not interested in your dirty power games.

I just want to save my daughter.

She's all I care about.

Not true.

You left her to meet Bordonaro.

Yes, I knew he was in danger but I got here too late.

There's nothing more to say.

You've got it all wrong.

I won't have anything to do with you lot.

- I hope we meet again.

- I doubt it.

- When does she finish? - In 15 minutes.

Shall we go? - What now? - I'll stay here.

But how will we tackle our problems when Paolas better? Do you think we'll have to? Perhaps it won't be necessary.

If we Should we get back together? Yes.

I believe only you and I can save her.

It's her only hope.

Are you sure? We can't keep deceiving her.

Yes, if we want to save her.

Let's hold hands.

I had great fun.

Mum and Dad promised to be with me always.

They love each other and I love them too.

And I'll go back to school but it'll depend where Dads next posting will be.

That's his job.

He always changes towns.

I don't like changing house much.

But sometimes I do.

We must keep loving and respecting each other as a separated couple.

So Paola will keep believing she has a happy home with Mum and Dad who love each other.

I'm not buying that blackmail.

It's over! You need to accept that or it'll be hell for you, for me and for Paola.

It's over for good.

Well never have a home together.

Our marriage is over.

Oh, my God! I'm ruining your lives.

You don't love me anymore.

You can't wait to leave.

That's not true, darling.

I'm just a problem for you.

Go away! I don't want to leave.

I want to be with you forever.

I swear.

Paola, please don't do this.

We'll get back together.

We must accept what were told.

But Paola refuses to talk.

She hasn't spoken for 8 days.

- She refuses to talk.

- But she'll listen to us.

She needs our love.

You still won't talk? How about a walk? Won't you go out? You can do whatever you like.

Mum wants to know if youd like to see her, either alone, or with your father.

Theyre getting back together.

Your mother told me so.

And they'll stay together forever.

Won't you see them? Please accept my condolences.

She was a child.

An innocent child.

I feel for you, believe me.

- I'll go with you.

- No, we already decided.

Paola will stay with me.

I can't leave Paola like this.

Please go.

I don't want to see you again.

- Why must you attack me? - You got what you wanted.

Now she isn't here to force you to be with me.

Leave me in peace.

I'll be with her.

I'll ask her to forgive us.