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01x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 01/13/23 18:34
by bunniefuu
You'll head the office until this matter is completely cleared up.

But please, you must be cautious.

- Very cautious.

- Certainly, Commissioner.

So Cirinna will be set free! That's what everyone's saying! - They're reviewing the case.

- Reviewing? Are you saying those two witnesses told the truth? How much did they pay you? Who'll give me back my brother and the man I loved? So many had faith in you.

I received the report with the allegations against Corrado.

I don't usually deal with these matters but they know Corrado was one of my pupils and that I got him that job unfortunately.

Maybe he wanted to do something kind and he found that girl who needed help.

Addicts need their daily fix and to give it to her, and it's just my supposition, Corrado must have had contact with those in the drug trade.

And perhaps unwittingly, he found himself mixed up in the squalid world of traffickers.

A small favour every day, and you end up trapped and a victim of blackmail.

I I must confess that in this sordid affair, there's something that something that surprises me.

How a man like Corrado could have behaved like this.

He's betrayed his professional ethics and betrayed you at the same time.

We must forget Corrado and all this affair.

Would you like a good lawyer? Lawyers? Between husbands and wives? How sad.

What a mediocre end.

No, thank you.

Who is it? Guess.

I told you not to leave the house.

I wanted to see you.

Not tonight.

Please go home.

Unless you let me in, I'll lie outside here for the rest of my life.

I'll camp out here.

I mean it.

You haven't shaved.

I don't care if you lived here with your wife.

I want to stay here, I want to sleep here, and I want to tidy up.

Leave it alone.

You must go home.

I can't protect you.

I don't have the powers I had before.

Never mind.

I'll protect myself.

As long as I can always be with you.

Do you know I'm a man everyone can spit on? That's also why I came.

To tell you I don't care what people say.

Darling, get rid of that stubborn streak.

I'm here with you now.

And I won't budge.

So stop being a pain.


- Corrado.

- Oh, it's you, Else.

- Is this a bad time? - No.

I've been trying to call you all day.

I'm sorry.

- I can't now.

- Why not? I said I can't.


My wife calls me constantly.

So let's unplug the phone.

- Let's isolate ourselves.

- I don't want to be with you.

- Leave me alone.

- I wouldn't dream of it.

You should think about saving yourself.

You should go home and stay there.

But I want to be with you.

But I don't want you.

Is that clear? I don't want you anymore.

It's over.

You're scared of Cirinna.

You're scared he'll make you pay for laying hands on his property.

When he gets out he'll come straight to me.

Give me your g*n.

Don't talk nonsense.

Who would condemn me? He m*rder*d my mother and Marineo, he got me hooked on dr*gs Do you think they'll be able to touch me? - I'll have exacted justice.

- That's enough! - That's enough.

Go away! - Don't! Go! I told you I want to be alone.

Please tell me why.

Tell me why I'm no longer anything and that scares me.

- It's Cirinna, isn't it? - It's everything.

I'm finished.

I can save myself only if I cut all ties with everyone.

Even with me? Why did you treat me like that? Why did you treat me like that? What have I done? What have I done to harm you? Corrado Corrado Where is he? Did he leave? Corrado! He went away and left me here.

He did his duty and left.

Because this is where I belong! Don Manfredi, the girl's family has sent two lawyers.

- Why? - To take her away.

What? They have the judge's order to take her.

This is a humanitarian mission which has at heart the interests of Miss Pecci Scialoia.

Her family wants to cure her, protect her, return her to life.

We've already booked the best clinic and you, Don Manfredi, may visit her to provide comfort for her.

Will Mr Cirinna also be allowed to visit her? I don't understand your question.

Come in, girls.

They want to take Titti away.

She must undergo a series of tests.

- There's a court order.

- Of course.

The fact is, everyone's working to get that m*rder*r paroled.

Are you too, sir? - What about you? - I don't understand.

Then understand this The girl is here of her own free will, like the others.

And I won't hand her over.

You're going against her family.

She's an adult of sound mind.

No one can force her.

The judge will.

I want to leave.

Can't you see they're all in cahouts and who's behind all this? I simply want to leave.

- It's Cirinna.

- I don't care.

You have many friends here.

Think it over.

- A clean break.

- Think it over.



Bye, guys.

I'm leaving.

Hey, Antonio, won't you say goodbye? Go on.

Guys, say goodbye to Titti.

She's leaving.

I'm sorry, but I had to come.

The papers say you're suspended and under investigation.

So here I am.

You've changed.

You're pale.

You look tired too.

When did you arrive? An hour ago.

- It's so hot.

- Take off your jacket.

I don't believe what the papers say.

Or what our friend in Rome told me.

That it's all because of that girl.

I don't believe that.

When you're clean, you're clean.

Leaving your wife doesn't make you a criminal.

- Were there any calls? - No.

It didn't ring? How long have you been here? An hour.

I told you.

And you didn't hear the phone? No, why? They were to return her.

That was the deal.

- What this about? - She was coming home today.

Who? - Paola isn't here.

- Where is Paola? She hasn't been here for weeks.

She was abducted.

- Who, Paola? - Yes.

You know when you called and I made excuses? Well, she wasn't here.

I did everything they wanted.

I've become a criminal.

I would have even k*lled for them.

And now they must give her back.

Understand? I did everything they wanted and now they must give her back.

I want my daughter.

I want her back.

They'll give her back.

They're people with their own kind of honour.

- If she doesn't come back - She will She will.

Now go into that park, buy an ice cream and a comic and wait on that bench.

Go on, get out.

Didn't you hear? He said to go and wait on the bench.

Go on.


Go on.

Go on, get moving.


Let's go.

Corrado! They rang to say she's at the park.

Let's go.

Calm down You k*ller.

Let go.

Let go of me! Don't touch me.

She was r*ped.

She came back alive and that's a miracle.

Don't forget that.

But the doctor said you must take her away immediately.

It's the only way to save her.

Thanks for coming.

I must take my daughter away.

Tell Titti I haven't abandoned her.

I'll be back.

Yes, and sorry I misjudged you.

- You told the switch? - Yes, they'll hold all calls.

- Nurse - Yes? Where's Miss Pecci Scialoia? Room 31 0, but she already has a visitor.

- Where can I wait? - In the lounge there.


It's been so long, hasn't it? But seeing I've been let out on parole, I thought I'd bring you some flowers.

- For my funeral.

- What nonsense! Our life begins now.

See if you find me a vase for the flowers.

We'll call if we need you.

You know that You're looking more beautiful.

What's this? Your little foot's cold! Your skin's so silky.

- Stop it.

- You're sweating.

Is that better? Listen I've brought you some stuff.

Do you want it now? You know that in jail they did their best to make me doubt you.

But you didn't say a word and I'm free.

Then one night I didn't sleep.

I've decided I want to marry you.

Me, your wife? Why not? We We're not short of money.

Besides, we're young.

You know how many people will die of envy? Stop it.

I'm exhausted.

Can't you see I'm on a drip? Yes, calm down.

- I must rest.

- Yes, darling.

- I was told to rest.

- Yes, darling.

- I'm exhausted.

- Yes, of course.

Of course.

Get some rest.

Till tomorrow.

I'll leave it here.

You'll look beautiful in white.


Anna Caruso wants to see Miss Titti.

Where is she? You can tell me what you want to tell Titti.

- What do you want? - Tell me! - Leave me alone! - So you're not talking! Get out of here or you'll end up like a spy Iike your brother and your fiance! Get out.

A woman's place is in the home! She's still in shock.

She spends long hours in silence.

It's a defensive silence.

She's a child.

Must she be with the mentally ill? - For now.

- Why does she reject me? She had a huge shock and it's hit deeply.

Paola doesn't see you as a her father, but as a man.

And men are hateful enemies.

It'll take a lot of love and patience.

- Thank you.

- Goodbye.

- Quick, call a doctor.

- Call someone.

Hurry! - It was him! - You're sure? Yes, I saw him for a second.

No, I'm not wrong! - What's he come back for? - How should I know? Hadn't he left? Yes, because the investigation was in Rome.

All right, let's not panic.

Okay, I'm calm.

I'm calm! - Try to stay calm.

- I am! - I'll call you.

- Okay.

Let's be on the lookout.

If you see him, you must warn me and protect me.

Understand? I didn't know they had abducted your daughter.

- I wouldn't have allowed it.

- I'm not interested.

Such a thing has never happened.

They've always respected women and children.

Stop it! Are you trying to give yourself an alibi? My daughter was abducted and r*ped.

Also to defend the interests of people like you.

You can't always know where money comes from.

You're a money launderer.


And you know full well it's also bloodstained money, but I'm not interested in accusing you.

You may not believe it, but I'm greatly saddened.

Tell me about your little girl.

You must tell Terrasini and Ravanusa that I want justice.

They know what that means.

They'll give you whatever you want.

You mean money, of course.

You can become rich.

Scratch the surface and out comes the servant of always! So? What is it you want? The jailer.

They must hand him over within 24 hours.

That's what I want.

You tell them that.

Let's not be childish, Countess.

Why wasn't I told about the abduction? It was very sad, but inevitable.

If you'd known, you might have had a reaction like now.

Maybe by letting something slip.

Our relationships are very delicate and the town's equilibrium is at stake.

No Believe me, we thought long and hard before making that decision.

Well done.

So that's as good as saying you also made a decision about r*pe.

Was that also in your plans? - What are you telling us? - Certainly not fairytales! The lnspector's daughter was r*ped during her captivity.

Who gave you that information? Her father says so, which means it's true, and you know it! Get me Cirinna.

You never let him come here.

Yes, but tonight he'll have the honour of coming to my home.

I want the name of the bastard who r*ped the child.

Okay, but even if someone did, we can't let that cop walk all over us.

Cirinna Did you hear me or not? What did I tell you to do? To find who did it.

And that's what you must do.

Without talking shit.

Yes, but you mustn't treat me like this.

I've done my duty in full.

Cut it out.

You don't even know what time of day it is.

You don't deserve the luck we've had.

Because it was lucky that your Marchioness Pecci Scialoia jumped out of the window, the slut! Don't say that about her.

I won't stand for it! She slept with the likes of you so she's a slut.

I said don't say that about that poor dead girl.

Please Please! Please.

Do you think I'm going to cry? You were to return the child intact.

That was the deal with her father.

Otherwise, it's best not to return her at all.

You're right.

You don't let raging beasts roam around.

Now he's capable of anything.

You understand that, don't you? I'm leaving.

I won't take part in this conversation.

Countess, keep your mouth shut, please.

If you raise your voice, I might not do you that favour.

I'm in business.

I don't get involved in this filth.

What is this? I can't leave? This filth allows you to make billions, Countess.

Money isn't smelly.

You wear dark glasses and plug your ears, but life isn't just respectable pleasantries.

Each plays in their own way but it would be foolish to ruin a good game when one has played as a partner.

It might suit, but it's dangerous.

Should I feel threatened? What are you saying? What did you think? You trusted us and we in turn, trusted you.

Why change the rules? Or do you want to change them? That's not what I said.

We'll organise a trip for you.

Paris, London You get her the ticket.

And you'll forget about your sorrows.

Did the gentleman come alone or with someone? Countess, you must decide.

How can we contact the lnspector? Well? I'm waiting.

He came alone in a pale green campervan.

As I said, you're creating a serious problem for me.

Can you come? To Sicily? You must be joking! Impossible.

I must stay in Rome.

Besides, I can't deal with what happens in a small town.

The biggest problems come out of small towns.

That policeman! You got it wrong from the start.

How can I help you now? - Give an order in Rome.

- You're crazy.

What's the danger? If this situation continues, someone else might look at the investigations that maniac started.

It would be a disaster.

He'd got to our banking details.

He'd got solid evidence.

Listen here, sir, we were going to exchange information, transactions and moral support, but legally, you're on your own, so you find a solution.

- Whatever that might be? - I don't want to know.

- Is there anything else? - No.

- Good night then.

- Good night.

There's no one in there! Let's go.

Do you recognise my voice, sir? Inspector! How nice to hear from you.

Sir Your henchmen found my campervan so the Countess betrayed me, but I'm not surprised.

What did you do with her? Did you send her away? I don't understand.

Can I be of assistance to you? You certainly can! You must hand over the man who r*ped my daughter within 24 hours.

Do it, sir.

I can make you pay in many ways and then it's an eye for an eye.

Call Don Manfredi to confirm time and place.

And no, I'm not staying at Don Manfredi's.

I don't know about this matter, but if I can be of help I'll try to trace the person.

I'll have to make a phone call.

Yes, you make the call.

I'm sure you'll succeed.

- Get me Cirinna.

- Where is he? Find him! At home, the hospital, in hell, if need be.

Get him to call me urgently.

Anna I often ask myself what I could have done to avoid Leo being k*lled.

You did everything you could.

I'm ashamed I slapped you.

You were going to be married.

I feel a regret for not having had an idea or an intuition that might have saved him.

Don't torment yourself.

I was a step away from toppling them.

Once one of them fell, the rest would follow.

Like skittles.

But they made a counter-move and Someone tougher would have said "I'll crush you anyway.

Do what you like with my child.

" But I couldn't do that.

I couldn't do it.

This way you saved her.

No, because you see, now she must recover up here.

If she doesn't, it's worse.

I don't know what I'll do.

Don't say that.

I've changed, Anna.

I'm not the man I was.

Now I want to see what colour their blood is.

And they realise I'm not the man I was.

I heard it from the tone of their voice on the phone.

They're scared.

What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare? I couldn't breathe in my sleep.

But why don't you get some sleep? I'm used to night shifts at Don Manfredi's centre.

Don't worry.

Besides, watching a man sleep, gives me like a sense of tenderness.

I did it with Dad and Grandpa as a child at our home in the country.

It was like spying on their dreams.

I'd watch them breathe and how they moved and I'd try to figure out if their dreams were happy.

- How was my dream? - Like you are, lately.

Full of anguish, remorse and anger.

- Try to sleep now.

- I can't.

Try, even if not for long.


Talk to me.

Tell me about yourself.

It keeps me company.

I'm the first in our family who got tired of family funerals.

Grandpa was shot returning from the olive grove.

My uncle was found in a canal.

My father was k*lled right next to me in the car.

Then they took Leo and my brother.

Yes, there are many families like mine here.

The day of the Dead is a feast day with candy and toys.

Why talk about the dead? You said you want to see the colour of their blood.

I'll get it.

Yes? Yes, he's here.

I'll tell him.

- Well? - They called Don Manfredi.

Meet at the old tuna factory in an hour.

- You're sure about this? - Don't worry.

I'm here, cop.

Show yourself.

Switch off your lights.

There aren't any tricks.

Switch off the lights and come here.

Where are you? Hey, cop! Don't move.

Raise your hands.

Spread your feet.

When we make a promise, we keep it.

I brought you your man.

He's in the car.

Tell him to come out.

He can't.

He's tied.

Where is he? He's ready for the autopsy table.

I wanted him alive.

To do what? To question him? Who k*lled him like that? - Did you? - What do you care? First you tied his wrists then his ankles then you ran a noose around his neck.

Why this death? Maybe to make it look like a vendetta among yourselves, a gangland slaying.

That was your aim.

- Would you like that death? - I'm not like him.

Yes, but you deserve it just as much and even more, because you have deaths on your conscience.

Eleonora Pecci Scialoia, lnspector Marineo That had to do with sex and jealousy.

No, you k*lled them both in the palace.

- What are you saying? - What Titti told me.

- That's not true.

- Why wouldn't it be? Because if hypothetically, Titti had said such a silly thing, you, lnspector, would have arrested me.

You would have dragged me in front of a judge and I would have been stuffed Hypothetically, of course.

Yes but you see, it so happens that I loved Titti.

And I didn't want to run the risk that she'd be k*lled, you see? But she died all the same.

Who's going to pay for Titti now? But this wretch I know him.

I spoke to him once.

Whoever invented that ligature must have had talent.

To force the victim to k*ll themselves.

Well, Cirinna, be honest When you try to stretch your legs the noose tightens and chokes you.

So you try to resist but you realise you're k*lling yourself.

So you grit your teeth but you're out of breath, your bones seem to break, your heart pounds so hard that it'll burst.

Why shouldn't I leave you to die like this? sh**t me.

sh**t me.

You deserve that noose.

You've got the brains of a hen.

How could you not ask yourself why they sent you to this appointment? I can hear them now.

"Either the lnspector will rid us of Cirinna, "or Cirinna will rid us of the lnspector.

" They have a refined type of intelligence.

They've done things properly, maybe on the advice of a higher power.

Someone in a key position in Rome.

So, do we want to do them this favour? You Tell Don Manfredi there are two men in here.

One for the police, and one in the boot for the undertaker.

Don Manfredi - Good evening, sir.

- Good evening.

How much does that Cirinna know about your business? - Not much about the banks.

- Not much is too much.

Do something.

All right.

Maintain contact only by phone.

All it takes is one photo of us together to have problems.


Don't worry.

As for Cirinna, in case we close the matter soon, how do we Call me, my phone is clean.

- Bon voyage.

- Goodbye, Professor.

Who would have thought that Corrado Cattani He did well at the Police Academy, but I felt he had limitations like a lack of determination.

And to think that I recommended him for that quiet job in Sicily.

He seemed demoralised, with a difficult marital situation and he's ended up being such a problem for us! Don't let it worry you.

- More problems in Sicily? - Don't let it worry you.

Sante! Chiodo! How are you, Sante? Chiodo! Why did they arrest you? I hit a traffic cop.

They put me here to be by your side.

You haven't been abandoned.

I wrecked my life for that girl.

Anyone can show weakness, but we don't stop loving them.

They chose me because we grew up together.

Remember? My poor brother, you and I always together.

Of course I remember.

I'm the one who gave you work and money.

As if I'd forget that! I'm feeling better.

Exercise time.

Sante, it's sunny outside.

How about some fresh air? Why not? What are you doing? - Aren't you coming? - Of course I am.

Remember our games? You always won.

She was so lonely.

Are you really going to resign? I'm finished as a policeman, I know that.

But as a witness I'm still alive.

So am l, if you don't mind! I'll accuse myself to accuse others and to find out how far this all goes.

An interesting trial! Meanwhile, Cirinna has been nailed down by Prosecutor Bordonaro.

Multiple murders, drug trafficking, conspiracy.

We must go higher.

Cirinna is just a foot soldier.

- Yes, but - I know, Altero This can be the first step to see who's upstairs.

Sir They k*lled Cirinna.

No one saw anything.

The k*ller may be a friend.

I warned you to move him.

- I was going to move him.

- Well, it's too late now.

We should have watched all the suspects on the outside.

Do you realise how many agents we have? So what do we do, sir? You see, Altero? We keep acting like fools while the criminals create their apparatus and their heirarchies.

It's an organised force that becomes an institution.

Meanwhile, we keep dying because people must believe there's a Law.

I don't accept that.

- I know it's hard to accept.

- I'll forge ahead.

Then watch out for parked cars full of expl*sives.

I'm counting on the help of some policeman.

- Then find a better one than me.

- You haven't lost, sir.

Maybe not, but I've been put through a mincer.

You acted under extreme circumstances.

There's a surge of public opinion in your defence.

I have friends? Many.

Here are their names.

Remember, lnspector, we're still counting on you.

I'm sorry about your little girl, sir.

Thanks, Settimelli.

Will we meet again? Will you come back, lnspector? Of course, Settimelli.