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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 01/13/23 18:34
by bunniefuu
In a town in Sicily, Chief lnspector Marineo, is k*lled.

That same day, there's news of another death.

Marchioness Pecci Scialoia has k*lled herself.

Corrado Cattani replaces the m*rder*d lnspector and moves to Sicily with wife Else and daughter Paola.

During the investigations, Corrado meets Titti, the junkie daughter of the su1c1de noblewoman and gradually falls for her.

His marriage to Else has been on the rocks for a while.

Titti tells Corrado that a heroin trafficker called Cirinna, k*lled her mother and lnspector Marineo.

Titti, terrified of Cirinna and because of the dr*gs he gives her, had been too afraid to report him to the police.

Corrado won't use her testimony for her own safety and provokes Cirinna who out of frustration sets an ambush for him.

Corrado expected it.

Wounded, Cirinna ends up in jail.

Corrado's wife Else, confesses she's cheated on him.

The two decide to separate, but their child wants to stay with her father.

Now that Cirinna is in jail, Titti feels safe and is trying to detox herself.

She and Corrado have fallen in love.

Corrado's investigations have come a long way, coming dangerously close to the heart of the criminal organisation.

Through bank audits, the lnspector identifies the involvement of prominent citizens both in the drug trade and in the murders.

He seems unstoppable.

Until one day, Paola, his beloved daughter, is abducted.

Paola Hello.

We have your daughter.

Don't give away anything.

Don't tell anyone.

Or else your daughter dies a horrible death.

You'll hear from us.

Calm down Stay calm I have to stay calm.


Hi It's you.

I wanted to say hello to Paola and see how she is.

Hello Corrado.

Paola is well.

She's made friends with some girls her age from a good family.

She's staying with them at the beach for a while.

It's so hot here.

What's wrong? You sound in a bad mood.

No, I'm very busy I have a lot of work.

- My voice irritates you.

- Look, leave me alone I'm expecting an important call.

Okay, sorry.




- Good morning, sir.

- Good morning.

- Shall I make the coffee? - No, thanks.

Actually, I want to tell you that you needn't come every day.

Paola's staying with friends.

I'll be at work and won't be at home much.

- Choose your hours.

- Thursday and Saturday okay? Fine.

I'll get that.


Well, cop, are you going to obey? What do you want? First an answer.

Will you obey? Yes.


Then get dressed as you normally would, you bastard.

Go to the office, act like God and give orders to the fools you work with.

But remember that from now on, we give the orders that count.

My daughter - Dad! - Paola! We've made friends.

She's well, for the moment.

Let me talk to her.

Just a second.

Let me talk just for a second.

What does it cost you? One second, please! Prof.

Laudeo went overseas.

Actually, he was expecting your answer.

Can't I call him? I don't know.

I barely knew him.

Why, has something happened? No, nothing.


Listen, Santamaria, I won't breathe a word, but if you have something to tell me, do so.

Tell me Tell me! Please.

I don't even know what you're talking about.

Who are you talking about? The fellow who asked me to join his organisation.

Oh, yes! Have you heard from him? No, but I need to meet him and talk to him about a certain investigation.

Maybe you can help me find him.

His name is Laudeo.

Maybe you remember.

I keep ringing, but they say he's not there.

You want my opinion? He's all talk, or maybe someone sent him, in which case he'll call you sooner or later.

If so, call me.

I'm curious about his organisation.

I'll give you his number.

79 27 52.

79 27 52.

Thank you.

- lnspector! - Good morning.

It's the first time we see you in court.

To what do we owe the honour? You haven't heard about the latest developments? Your investigations into most of this town? You cast your net and it seems I'm in it too.

But since it isn't a pleasant situation I'll have to defend myself.

I'm just sorry I'll have to pay for a lawyer.

I'm sure you'll find one.

I'm innocent, so any lawyer will do.

You've got a good haul, but be careful, because big fish can capsize your boat.

I'll go all the way.

I want to see you in the dock.

Sadly for you, I won't be defending you.

Wait I think you could - I'll see you in court.

- Don't go Maybe there's something we Something we can discuss outside the court.

- Maybe somewhere else? - Somewhere else? I don't understand.

I don't see what we have to talk about.

Make yourself clear.

Olga! Are you going for a stroll? I must talk to you.

Are you unwell? Are you my friend or my enemy? Well Never your enemy.

Why do you ask? Do you know what's happened? I don't understand.

What's happened? Why are you looking at me like that? No reason.

Corrado, wait.

Come here.


Inspector Cattani! - We've been looking for you.

- I was questioning people.

- Don't you need us? - No.

You may go.

- You're without a car! - I don't need one.


Why did you come looking for me? Go.

Go! - May I help you? - I'm lnspector Cattani.

- I'd like to see Don Manfredi.

- Please come in.

Only in confession with the secret of confession can I talk to you.

I must talk to someone because things have happened I thought of you because I just did.

They've won.

They've found a way to break me Go ahead.

I now have to decide whether I condemn my daughter to death.

And because I won't condemn her, I want you to be my witness for all the sins I might commit.

Because they're sure to ask me to do something criminal.

And I will do it.

Someone must be able to help you.

Talk to your superiors.

No, it would just unleash a general manhunt and at the first hint, my daughter is done for.

Sir, look at this.


It's a joke.

Look at these bills.

Do they think we'll believe these bits of paper? I do.

There are countless pharmaceutical companies who'll issue fake bills to hide morfine shipments.

Do you think I'm not aware of that? And that I'm a fool? This might trap them.

They're cocky and have made a false move.

So what do we do, sir? Confiscate their fishing boat? Sure, sure.

But the boat isn't the issue.

At last we have the paperwork to investigate a large company.

In a few months we might arrest their entire board.

I don't doubt that.

Besides, up to now you've always been right.

Excuse me.


Am I disturbing you? Were you in bed? No, I had just dozed off.

- Are you tired? - As usual.

I've thought about it all day.

Are you running any risks because of your work? Well, the criminals don't exactly love me, but nothing special.

Paola's asleep? No, she's staying with her friends.

Can I have the number? Sorry, I'd rather you didn't.

What, I can't talk to her? Look, I'd like her not to be upset.

Paola is very upset about what happened between us.

I won't get her to side with me, but you mustn't either.

Okay? I just want to hear her voice.

Let's leave her in peace.

I won't allow you to keep me from her.

We're two disfunctional parents but for once let's just think about her.

I'm not against you.

Believe me.

And you mustn't be against me.

We might even find out that after all, things aren't irreparable.

- What do you mean? - I mean Our love for our daughter might help us to find each other again.

Find each other? Us? Don't joke about these things.

Trust me.

I had resigned myself.

Don't give me false hope.

It isn't false hope, is it? Listen when Paola has settled down, you and l will discuss this honestly.

- You still trust me? - Of course.

Certainly, Else, but please give me some time.

If you talk to me like that I'll do whatever you want me to.

After all, you're right.

Give her a kiss for me.

- Will you call me? - Yes, I'll call you.

- Soon? - Soon Bye.

Good night, dear.

You didn't feel like seeing me.

What makes you think that? My insecurity.

How's Paola? Why? What do you mean? I just want to know.

I was hoping you'd bring her.

Never mind, I'll call her tomorrow.

She's staying with a friend at the beach They're studying for their exams.

I'll call her when she gets back.

You don't want me to be friends with Paola.

You think I would be a bad influence.

Why do you talk such nonsense? It's just that I'm dealing with things I can't tell you about.

You're scared of compromising me.

Thank you.

But I'd always like to be involved in your danger.

And never stay to one side.

Sir - There's a call for you.

- Excuse me.

What do you want? It's Cirinna.

That boy will die in jail.

- He must get out.

- lmpossible.

Look, l Get this straight I can't do everything you want.


There's a surprise for you.

Paola Paola Darling, how are you? When will you come for me, Dad? Soon.

Soon, but you mustn't be afraid.

Understand? You must be brave because this will soon be over.

Understand, little one? Can you hear me? Answer.

Can you hear me? So, what about Cirinna? Corrado, are you sure you want to leave your wife? She might take Paola from you.

Is that what worries you? Sometimes it's hard to find a way out.

- For what, specifically? - Everything.

Inspector! - lnspector.

- Prof.


I've had a threatening phone call.

What did they want? To examine Cirinna and state that he has acute cardiopathy and needs urgent admission to a private hospital.

But he's fine.

- What did you reply? - All I could do was listen.

All the paperwork has been done and I should examine him in the next few days.

So? So tell me what I should do, sir.

I have no intention of giving in to the Mafia, sir.

But I need psychological and moral support.

To know I'm not alone and you're the only one here who can help me.

Morally Morally, I'm on your side.

But in practice, unless you obey those criminals, all I can do is give you an armed escort.

Is that all you can do? Who do I go after? Shadows? You have to name names and I'll act immediately.

But if you ask for my advice as a friend, I can't push you to commit su1c1de, can l? You If you do as they say, Cirinna will stay in our hands and you'll avoid a dangerous situation.

You consider me a friend and I consider you a friend and we try to spare our friends trouble.

It's a matter of principle.

Sometimes we can risk our lives for a principle.

You've done it! You see, Professor, you and I are people who have to survive, in order to try to win in the end.

But don't worry, my men will watch Cirinna better in hospital than in jail.

But you've had certain dealings with them.

And profits and debts must be paid, sooner or later if one wants to save one's skin.

After a thorough examination by Prof.

Cristina, this morning Sante Cirinna was moved from jail to Villa Rosalia clinic for further tests.

It seems Cirinna suffers from serious heart disease.

And now to overseas news Calm down, you idiot.

Calm down.



Three! Here, take a glass.

Give me one too.

Mum, what a great cure for a bad heart! That brings good luck! Wet my chest, my neck All over.

Let's drink a toast together.


Drink up, Mum.

This is like being reborn.

Drink up.

Cheers, boys.

Cirinna! Send everyone out.

- What does he want? - Nothing, he's visiting.

Now don't you worry.

- What's going on? - Nothing, Mum.

- What does he want? - Nothing.

Are you taking him back to jail? No, Mum! - What does he want? - Nothing.

I'm not going back to jail.

Don't you worry.

This is more civilised than that old jail, isn't it? I know this hospital.

My daughter was going to have her tonsils out.

I didn't know you had a daughter.

She's 1 2.

- Did she have her operation? - She will.

As soon as she comes home.

Is she travelling around on holiday? That's it.

Well then, all the best.

Removing tonsils isn't a big deal, even for a child.

But look at me with my heart problems and all the trouble I'm having with the law But it'll end.

I'm sure it will.

I wouldn't make too many plans for the future because you might die much earlier and It depends how things turn out.

I'm very confident about my health, lnspector.

So I'd say your visit was pointless.

We'll see.

Inspector The other day, I read about that oil baron's son.

The one they abducted.

They chopped him up, poor boy.

What a disgrace.

And then I wanted to ask if I can freely use the phone.

Hoping you won't have me spied on.

Feel free to use it.

Paola Oh, you're here.

I saw your car downstairs.

Sir, we're looking like a bunch of fools.

They were celebrating at Cirinna's dealership and flowers and champagne arrived at the hospital.

While we're seething with rage.

What would you like me to do? Put the heavy word on Prof.


He'll talk.

He isn't a criminal.

There are two possibilities.

Either the exam is correct or it's bogus.

So Prof Cristina was scared the first time and will be even more now.

Let's ask for a second opinion.

Which doctor would come and risk his life down here? What for? Why would they bother? Anyway, the court has accepted the report.

I wonder what kind of blackmail they used to turn a respectable man into a criminal.

Anyway, blackmail isn't a justification.

You're right.

You're staying here? - Need anything? - No.

You may go.

Where are you, Paola? Weren't you going to tell me that - Is it true he's out? - Yes, he's in hospital.

But it's as secure as a jail.

He's watched day and night.

When he tried to k*ll you why didn't you k*ll him? I'm a policeman, not a k*ller.

Sir, there's a call for you.

- Who's that? - Recognise me? Sorry for disturbing you.

It's the office.

What do you want? It's all been done.

You get out when you like.

We can close this matter.

What's the hurry, cop? I might be a womaniser but I'm not a fool.

No, we're not closing anything.

I'll need to get some satisfaction too, right? You've had yours.

Now it's my turn.

Otherwise it wouldn't be fair, don't you agree? We can't have double standards! What is it you want now? Did you think it would all end? It's just the beginning! Things must go back to what they were before you arrived.

As if you'd never existed.

Is that clear? Now listen to me.

Titti stays at home with her dopey manservant and now you say goodbye to her forever.

Or else Remember the oil baron's son? It was in all the papers.

Could you please answer? Yes, I remember.

Then do as I say.

Stupid shit.

Corrado - Come and eat something.

- Yes.

Pour me some wine.

I've found a solution for us For us three Me, you and Paola.

We'll go away, but no one will know where.

You know that isn't possible.

- Is it about the money? - No.

- I have plenty.

- No, it isn't the money.

Titti, I started a job here and I want to finish it.

There are unpunished murders.

One of those victims is your mother.

I can't live if I think you might be a victim too.

Nothing will happen to me or to you.

Okay? - Will I come out of this? - I'm sure you will.

But you must do as I say.

There are too people at the rehab centre.

I'd be happier if you stayed here at home.

I'll station two officers outside.

And if he calls you He can call me? You said that hospital is like a jail.

- So he's almost free! - Don't talk nonsense.

You know his trial will be a farce.

- You know that! - Calm down.

Calm down and listen.

Titti, look at me.

If he should call and ask about us, and our conversations, you must never let him know that I know he m*rder*d your mother and Marineo.

I've never given him reason to suspect that.

Remember, it's very important.

Okay? And if you talk about me, tell him I'm a pig, a bastard Whatever you like.

This is a vicious fight.

And we can survive only if we're smarter.

And if you trust me.

If you tell me to jump into the fire, I will.

But if he sends me the stuff here Let him think you're taking it again but send it to Don Manfredi.

Call Don Manfredi and give it to him.

Titti, will you do that? - Do you love me? - Of course I love you.

That will make things easier for me.

So in keeping with our station's traditions we'll hear from those people who are under investigation, who, very kindly and democratically have agreed to answer our questions.

Mr Terrasini, how do you view the Chief lnspector's actions? A lot of noise about nothing.

A beat up.

A lot of noise made for what reason? The issue is to know who might benefit from it.

I don't want to even think that this dirty affair has arisen from a personal matter.

An impertinent question, sir.

Does the Mafia exist or is it just a term? There's an anti Mafia parliamentary commission, an anti Mafia law So yes, the Mafia must in fact exist.

And what do you have to say about dr*gs, sir? I'm against dr*gs.

I don't use them or need them, thank God.

I'm sure the lnspector knows more than I do about drug matters.

But I fear that falling victim to his human qualities, and perhaps to help someone who's embroiled in that scene, he himself, has got lost in that world A world where neither we, nor the majority of our citizens has ever entered.

We have never walked down the dark paths he hasn't been afraid to venture down.

Under no circumstance could we stoop so low.

Those with a love for scandal might confuse reality with fiction.

The masses can be poisoned just as much with scandal as with dr*gs.

But one must not unleash hatred with impunity.

Calls for boycotts, like calls for lynchings are calls for criminal actions and crime isn't a sport.

In conclusion? I'd say that the worship of truth is dangerous.

And when we're alone in practising it, we should learn to exercise caution.

Nice program, sir, don't you think? Now we have a request, if it isn't too much trouble.

If I may say so, our first mistake was the fishing vessel then came Cirinna and his bad heart.

Now Ravanusa and Terrasini have the wind in their sails.

Maybe you have a plan I'm not aware of, but unless we act, they'll take over and toss us into jail! You're absolutely right, but you see, I needed to understand, to find a solution.

Don't think I've been indifferent to these events.

But now we'll start from scratch.

One, investigate Sicilfarmaci further.

Two, I'll have all their transactions audited.

We must know who's behind everything.

Put the squeeze on all the front men.

- They're your new orders? - And hurry.

They're old orders.

We've been hurrying for a while! And where are the results? I want to see real results! How about a couple of arrest warrants? The Prosecutor will issue them for Ravanusa and Terrasini.

- So why not ask him? - This isn't the time.

What's a better time than this? I'll be the judge of that.

May l? The morning report, sir.

Put it there.

Are you new? Yes, we asked for more men so they sent agent Settimelli Leo, sir.

Leo - I had a friend called Leo.

- Yes, sir, Leo De Maria.

There's a plaque downstairs.

Died in the line of duty.

Thank you, Settimelli.

Inspector, Judge Bordonaro on the phone.

He's a hard worker.

- lnspector, come over urgently.

- Yes, sir, right away.

I'm going to the Court.

I put the file there when you gave it to me.

And this morning it was gone.

The file with the statements, and cheque butts? Yes, everything we needed to prosecute those people.

I suspect someone in my office, but without any evidence There's no sign of forced entry.

Maybe they had a key.

Did you by chance photocopy the documents? There's a file in my office.

Let's go to your office so I can get the file.

Photocopies don't count in court but it's something.

- Good morning, sir.

- Altero, come with us.

- They're gone.

- How can that be? - We looked at them last night.

- And now they're gone.


- Yes, sir? - Who was on guard duty? - Settimelli.

- Go and get him.

Now I understand why Ravanusa and Terrasini were so outspoken the other night on TV.

- Settimelli is new, isn't he? - Yes, he's the one called Leo.

- What does he want? - To talk to you.


Some papers went missing last night.

Last night, sir? Last night someone removed documents from this cabinet.

- You were on guard duty.

- Yes, sir, I was.

So were you asleep? I never sleep on duty.

But I didn't see anyone.

- So how did the papers vanish? - I don't know.

- Wait outside, Settimelli.

- Yes, sir.

Stay with him.

I'll talk to him later.

It seems they've succeeded.

I'll get the truth out of him.

Don't turn around, sir.

I prefer anonimity.

- You're the one who calls me.

- You recognised my voice.

How did you get those files? We told you we'd get hold of the Prosecutor's files.

- You have someone in there? - We have friends there.

- Judge Bordonaro maybe? - No, but what do you care? - Did you bring your duplicates? - Of course.

Sure there aren't any more? You know what'll happen if you took other copies? I just want to know when I'll see my daughter and when this will be over.

You'll see your daughter precisely when all this is over.


A theft by persons unknown means Judge Bordonaro must start his investigations from scratch.

So who knows when the investigation will be over.

We must admit, with regret, that soap bubbles amuse children who blow them.

They're a source of fun.

But in the end, they burst without making a sound.

We mustn't give in, sir.

This kind of thing happens around here.

Our file isn't the first to vanish from a court or police station and it won't be the last! Let's start from scratch as if this were day one.

We have the two main witnesses You and Miss Titti and you two can't be bought.

They'll come up against a brick wall! Let's keep at them.

We must slam their faces into a toilet bowl! - Settimelli? - In my office being questioned.

He's still denying it, but he'll cave in.

- So what's going on? - We're continuing.

Inspector, they're accusing me of stealing that file.

- It has to be you.

- No, I swear! - You were on guard.

- No, I swear! Just a minute.

Someone else could have done it.

Maybe from the terrace.

- You think it's possible? - Why not? Check it out.

We must be careful before we accuse people.

Inspector, will I be suspended? Will I be investigated? What a disgrace for my family! We're a family I swear, lnspector! Settimelli, stay calm! We'll sort this out.

Thank you.

Sir, come and see for yourself, but it's impossible to get in from there.

It's regrettable, but Settimelli must be investigated.

- Everything okay? - Yes, sir.

How are things? - Why do you ask? - I want to know.

You could have come and seen for yourself.

I wasn't able to.

Now listen, Cirinna keeps calling me.

He's sure I've shut up and been faithful and keeps asking "Do you love me?" and I tell him I do.

"Do you remember?" and I say I do! But I can't bear to hear that voice! Why are we meeting here in secret? - We must, for now.

- Why? Because I consider it more appropriate.

- What are you hiding? - A lot.

I wanted to see you because Remember, no matter what happens I'll still think of you as I did before.

I love you.

You must trust me.

Go with them now.

I'll call you in a few days.

Another beer? Here's your beer.

Inspector, I have to talk to you.

An orange juice.

They've sent me to talk.

Let's talk.

It's about the deputy lnspector.

- Altero? - Did you tell him to look for the missing files at the Court? He's doing his job.

He's doing his job too well.

He's a nuisance A big one.

So it would be better Understand? What? Send him to Palermo tomorrow by car.

We'll do the rest.

Not that.

No bloodshed.

Understand? Understand, you little shit? No bloodshed.

I'll k*ll you.

I'll k*ll you right here.

And then I'll k*ll myself! Here, in front of everyone.

Understand? I'll k*ll myself.

I'll remove myself so this will be over.

I'll k*ll myself! You didn't think of that? Then go and tell them.

Tell them I'll k*ll myself.

Go and tell them! Good evening, sir.

Don't be alarmed, we're friends.

Forgive us for coming in like this.

We've come to get some clothes for your little girl.

Some Tshirts, underpants, a dress If you could give them to us.

Aren't you answering, sir? You seem to be miles away.

We've come only to do you a favour.

And also to tell you what you should do for us.

I'm not doing anything else.

Sir, what's got into you? What's this nonsense? Put that g*n down.

We felt something had changed but shit, not to this point.

You're exaggerating, sir.

Life is sun and joy.

Life is life.

You look upset, so here's what we'll do Let's forget about the deputy lnspector and that Miss Titti Pecci Scialoia Ieft with two of your men the other night And where did she go? Perhaps to meet you.

But we try to understand and forgive, but we had a deal and a deal is a deal, sir.

You mustn't see that lady again.

That's clear, isn't it? Now let's talk about that g*n.

You k*ll yourself and the child is safe.

Well done! But sir, are you so sure you'll save your daughter's life? I'm telling you before you do something stupid.

Sir, you think you're unlucky, but we're telling you you're lucky because we've come with good news.

Come and see how your daughter is doing.

Have you come to take me away? Please, I want to go with you.

Yes, darling How are you? They keep me locked up.

Day and night.

They never let me out.

You won't leave me, will you? Just a while longer.

Listen How many days? Not many, darling.

But you mustn't cry now.

You must be strong and think of me and Mum.

Please, you must be strong.

Don't cry.

Time's up, sir.

We need to talk to Dad, so you give him a kiss.

- Let go of me! - Sir! Here we are again, sir.

Please don't turn around.

Sir, it seems I'm a specialist in legal problems and conundrums.

So I've been asked to find a way to get your daughter home and make you happy.

You saw the child was unharmed.

Yes, I saw it.

So, the way we must find, must be totally credible.

Credible to the people, to the press and above all, to the judges because if they think you've been coerced, we've got it all wrong.

And if we've got it all wrong, it'll end badly.

So, to start with, we must demolish this castle of lies built around Cirinna.

That sh**t didn't happen the way you said.

You lied, sir and your lie must be refuted publicly.

But how can that be done? You have a great imagination.

Give me an idea.

- You need two fake witnesses.

- Good.

What else? Excuse me, sir Is it true you'll be on Santamaria's program.

- Yes.

So what? - Why bother? - He's always criticised us.

- I want to teach him a lesson.

Ignore him.

Don't go, it's a mistake.

You're making the mistake! What's wrong, Altero? There's something else I must tell you.

It's about I've been told Well, some people are saying that a person made a scene in a restaurant There was an argument and they say it was you.

- Which restaurant? - ll Caminetto.

- Don't know it.

- I'm sorry The person must have looked like you.

Inspector Cattani, you've turned this town upside down.

People assumed they'd open the morning papers and read about arrests and indictments, but nothing.

How do you explain that? Well, to start with, certain evidence has been stolen from us.

You yourself gave the news.

- Was it firm evidence? - Very firm, I'd say.

Allow me to be indiscreet What will you do now? We'll go ahead with our general investigation.

The judiciary will then press ahead in those cases where there is enough evidence.

Like the Sante Cirinna case, for example.

That's right.

You must forgive us, but we too have investigated the Cirinna case.

Go ahead.

Would you face two witnesses? I'm afraid I don't understand, but what's it about anyway? Mr Armando Bolla and Mr Gaetano Mercenise, both truck drivers.

Their truck broke down on the evening of 1 6 June within sight of the place where there was the sh**t between lnspector Cattani, Sante Cirinna and his friend Emanuele De Fazio.

What did you see? Well, my friend and l, saw very clearly, that the lnspector here, pulled out a g*n and first shot Mr Cirinna, then the poor guy on the bike.

I'm busy! He k*lled one guy and we all know what happened to the other one.

Do you realise the seriousness of your allegation? Of course we do.

Would you be prepared to repeat this under oath in court? We did that an hour ago.

In front of the Prosecutor, Mr Bordonaro.

Yes, with our hand on the Bible.

Why did you decide to come forward only now? Because things have calmed down.

- What about before? - We were scared.

Of whom? Let's just say we were scared.

Were you scared of being persecuted? And more! Witnesses disappear like fog when they're a problem.

It's happened before.

We still have the issue of Cirinna's g*n, which k*lled deputy lnspector Leo De Maria.

According to what we saw the lnspector took it out of the dead man's hand and said it was Cirinna's by putting it next to him.

So why do you think Sante Cirinna didn't tell anyone about this detail which we feel is so important? Cirinna has always said he wasn't the first to fire, but no one believed him.

Mr Cattani, what do you think of these sensational revelations? I must admit that your channel knows how to be sensational.

Mr Santamaria, we said half an hour.

And the half hour is up.

I apologise to our viewers I can only apologise for this unexpected interruption.

What's going on? Wait, we must talk.

Leave me alone! Those witnesses They've decided to talk in the interests of justice.

And you'd do well to go back home.

Now it's serious.

- What's going on, sir? - Leave me alone.

Judge Bordonaro wants to see you immediately.

Two clean witnesses gave me the details.

Facts that no one who wasn't there would know.

For instance, after the sh**t an AGl P tanker drove across the overpass.

And that's something Cirinna couldn't have seen from below.

Let's start again.

Did you fire the first shot? I saw them reach for their satchels and thought they were reaching for a g*n.

You thought? That's unreasonable use of force.

Maybe worse, if it's proved they reacted in self defence! It becomes homicide.

Is it true you swapped the g*n? It was the g*n of a dead hoodlum who didn't need it, but I needed it, to frame a live hoodlum.

So? It's unacceptable for an officer of the law to act like that! I'm afraid this is the world we live in.

There are rumours you're having marital problems because of your relationship with a local young aristocrat.

I haven't seen that person for a while.

Some say that's the reason for your animosity towards Sante Cirinna.

As I said, that's all in the past.

So you admit you had a close relationship.

Yes, I admit it.

And is there anything else you need to admit to? I'm getting the impression that you've falsified facts on various occasions.

What's your answer? As of now, you're under investigation.

I'm sorry.