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01x03 - An Unexpected Visit

Posted: 01/13/23 18:01
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[birds chirping]

You sounded pretty scared on the phone.

I overreacted, ma'am.

You don't have to call me ma'am.

I just want to talk, Janete.

What made you call me?

How long has your husband

been losing control?

- Does he beat you, humiliate you?

- This is a mistake.

You should go.

Janete, I've heard many stories

Sorry I made you come here for nothing.

I know it's hard to ask for help.

It seems impossible

to get out of this prison, but it's not.

Believe me.

This time something was different,

wasn't it?

Whatever happened,

it's not your fault.

Ma'am, you know nothing.

It's my fault.

It's my fault.

[voice breaking]

My husband wants to be a father so badly.

But I can't conceive.

I'm barren…

[Janete sobs] I'm imperfect.

[Verônica] Calm down, Janete,

it's not your fault and never will be.

It'd be different with a child

in the house, but I can't have one.

Did you have a miscarriage, was that it?

- Was that it?

- It's a punishment.

It can only be a punishment

because I know

the horrible things he does…

[sobs] …and I can't…

He forces me to do those things to them.

[Janete sniffling]

What does he do to them?

[wheels rattling]

He hurts them.

Does he abuse them?

I only listen through the box.

[woman screams]

The box?

[woman wailing]

He puts it on me… I can't see anything.

It's awful.

- How does he do this?

- [yells] Over my head!

- He covers my head with the box.

- [woman screaming]

I run out of breath

and hear their screams.

- And the screams

- Janete, calm down.

The women…


[Verônica] Tell me one thing.

Does this all happen in this house?

No, not here.

Do you know where it happens?


In some sort of basement.

In the middle of nowhere.

On a ranch, far away.

I have to wear a blindfold

when I get in the car.

Does he tie you up?

And then what happens?

It's not what you're thinking.

He releases them later.

Have you seen him do that, Janete?

No, I stay in the box all the time,

but k*lling them?

That he wouldn't do.

He doesn't do that.

How does he trap these women?

It's me.

I speak to them.

I started writing down the dates here.

The last one was Friday.

Her name is Deusa.

Do you know the names of the others?

I don't remember.

Come to the police station.

You need to bring charges against him.

I won't go.

- You need

- No one will believe me.

People like him, people trust him.

- I trust you.

- I won't go.

This nightmare will end.

I don't even know

where this ranch is, Verônica.

How long has he been doing this, Janete?

Every time I have a miscarriage,

it gets worse.

[sobs] And now he's done it again,

and I'm afraid of what else he might do.

Do you have any friends, relatives?

- No, ma'am.

- A place where you can go to?

You can't stay here.

If I run away,

he'll k*ll me.

A box covering her head?

What kind of f*cking fetish is this?

- And she still helps the guy?

- He forces her to do so.

And she feels guilty.

[Nelson] And I thought my armpit fetish

was bizarre.

See if there are any complaints

from women approached at the bus station.

They arrive on this bus from Maranhão.

Verônica, do you know how many women

are r*ped per day in São Paulo?

I do. Over 30.

It's unbelievable,

but we have a date and a name.

What if this Deusa

didn't file a complaint? Hmm?

I'm calling the police stations

in São Luís.

- They might have something there.

- And what do you hope to find?

A woman saying she was r*ped

by a Lieutenant Colonel?

Nelson, you don't get it.

We are dealing with a serial r*pist here.

Brandão is a serial r*pist, if not worse.

I want to know everything about him.

Where he goes, where he doesn't go,

- if he owns any property, or

- Verô, for real,

messing with a high-ranking thug

like Brandão is su1c1de.

Help me, please.

I'm meeting Janete in three days.

I need something, any evidence

to get Carvana on the case

and get protection for this woman.

[doorbell ringing]

[wood sawing]

[hammer banging]

[doorbell ringing]

[lock clicking]

- [yelps]

- [woman laughs]

[sawing noises continue]

What are you doing here?

Is this how you treat your little sister?

[Janice] Oh, I've missed you.

Let me look at you. [laughs]

You look the same,

with the same little eyes.

You're not aging. Are you taking

formaldehyde to sleep? [laughs]

I'm sorry to show up like this…

I brought you a gift…

…without warning. I packed my suitcase,

took the bus without thinking.

Oh! [laughs]


I knew it!

I knew it! This is how I imagined it.

Your house looks like those

in magazines, Nete.


[Cláudio] Janice?

- You've grown up.

- [laughs]

Surprise! [laughs]


Nothing during this period?

Let me know if something comes up?

No, I know you don't have to.

But help me out. I'm a colleague.


Thanks, bye.



nothing at the stations in São Luís?

I've called more than 15, and nothing.

- And how about you?

- I got a special assignment.

Anita told me to scan all this.

- Can you help me?

- [laughs]


I remember that night as if it were today.

This naughty girl here woke me up

in the middle of the night

to say she was leaving with you.

- Do you remember?

- I do. [laughs]

I was so proud, Nete.

Of your strength, your courage,

your independence to run away like that.


She was so in love with you.

- Hmm.

- Dad was so pissed off.


All of Jales was dying of envy, though.

You're talking too much.

She even forgot the poor folks

of the family. [chuckles]

At the beginning,

she wrote letters every week.

Do you remember?

They were so beautiful.

She was all compliments.

"He's handsome,

he's perfect." [laughs]

Too bad you stopped writing.

I thought you didn't want to invite me

to the wedding.

But you didn't get married, did you?

And not even one little Brandão?

I thought there would be

tons of kids here!

Which hotel

are you thinking of staying at?

I came straight from the bus station.

I thought I could stay here.


But we don't even have a guest room.

[Cláudio] Don't worry.

The sofa is fine for one night.

Sure. Two nights maximum.

I can't leave Mom alone for a long time.

Why not? Has anything happened?

I know you don't talk to each other,

but Mom is very sick.

She has cancer.

And the treatment is very expensive.

I'm unemployed.

Our brother Jorge owes three months'

worth of child support.

Mom is in line at the public hospital,

but you know

what public health service is like.

I'll take a look at the bank

to see if I can help.

You don't have to. Don't worry.

[Cláudio] I insist on helping.

Here. This one is softer

for you to put between your legs.

- You haven't forgotten!

- Of course not.

Let's do like in the old days and gossip!

I wanna know everything.

No, Nice, I'm already falling asleep.

- Wake up!

- Ouch! I go to bed early!

- Stop it, Nete, come on.

- No, we can talk tomorrow.

Good night.

Good night.

Bigfoot's gonna get you.

[Janete] Stop it!


[door closes]


I'm sorry. She showed up without warning.

Rest, my little bird.

[woman screaming]

[woman groaning]

[screaming continues]

[Lila] Mom! Mom!

What is that, Mom?

This is for work, kiddo.

- Can I put it on?

- No!

Wow, you look beautiful with the braids!

I did them myself.

Do you realize how beautiful you are?

Come. I'll show you something.

Look at that mirror. What do you see?


Do you know what I see?

An amazing girl!

I'll teach you a little secret.

Let me see.

Do you think I wear an eyeliner

to look pretty?

Do you?


Oh, no.

I wear the eyeliner to be ready for w*r.

Like a warrior.

Warrior eyes,

Viking braids.

And medieval armor.

With or without a jacket?

With, because the weather here

changes suddenly.

Right. Aren't you coming with me?


Oh, Nete, please,

just while the hubby is at work.

I'm not working today.

They've changed my shift.

But she can go with you if she wants to.

Did you hear that? The hubby approved.

[laughs] Just for a bit!

You're an adult, right, Brandão?

You can warm up lunch alone, can't you?

Nice! I still need to go to the market.

There's nothing in the fridge.

Right. Go to the market,

and then you find me. What's your number?

I don't have a cell phone.

I don't like them.

- [Janice] You don't have a cell phone?

- No.

What's wrong with you, people?

You can pay in installments.

Even I have one! [laughs]

Call the landline.

Don't you know the number?

I wish you were coming with me. [kisses]

- See you later.

- See you.

Babe, try this.

Give me your hand.

- It's delicious. Mm-hmm.

- Good, right?

What's wrong?

Rafael's been in his room all day.

Did you realize that?

Rafa is sad, babe.

Okay, he made a big mistake,

but you were harsh on him.

- Swimming is his dream.

- How about Lila's dreams?

She needs to learn

how to defend herself. That's all.

It's true. It's always the woman's fault.

- This is hidden sexism.

- Ah! [laughs]

- Hidden sexism?

- [Lila] Mom!

- Watch out!

- Mom!

Look how cute this puppy is.

- Ah, it is so cute.

- Oh, cute.

Really cute, so furry.

A friend of mine posted this photo

on Facebook and I was wondering

Oh, Lila, for God's sake,

a dog in this house?

It's going to pee, poop all over the house

and who's cleaning up?

You, of course.

[cell phone ringing]

Hi, Carvana.

Okay, I'm on my way.

That was the station. I need to go.


- Babe, it's Saturday!

- Save some for me.

- Bye, honey.

- What about the dog?

[Verônica] I vote for the dog!

After a few chats,

Lucca explained the Polaroid scheme.

- So he didn't take the photos himself?

- No, he buys them from this "Carcamano".

This must be the guy

responsible for the scams.

- Where does this guy post the photos?

- In a "mascu" forum.


Masculinity, boss.

Our IT guy here found the crook

in the deep web and arranged a purchase.

It's the chance to catch the bastard

who tricked Marta and Tânia.

- Lima, are you in position?

- [Lima] Almost.

Attention there.

Total focus, okay?

Where are you?

I'm getting here now.

Parking the motorcycle.

We're meeting the suspect at 3:00 p.m.

at Formosa Street, Vale do Anhangabaú.

We're gonna make a backpack exchange.

One with money,

the other with the photos.

Lima will be the bait.

I will be directing from above.

[Anita] Lima, you are a go.

Okay, in position.

How about another team?

Do you want to do my job?

Too many people draws attention.

- It's a simple operation. No mistakes.

- None.

- I can partner up with Moraes.

- You have no experience.

- I've been in several operations

- I'm not risking the operation.


[Anita] Suspect in sight.

[Lima] I'm in position.

[Anita] Hold position.

I want him caught red-handed.

[Lima] What? Hey, kid! f*ck!

[Anita] Lima!

- What's going on?

- [Lima] Son of a bitch!

- Stop, kid!

- [panting]

Stop! Damn it!


Stop, damn it!

[Lima] It's over, kid!

- Son of a bitch! Stop!

- [g*n cocks]

It's over.

On the ground.

Hands behind your back.

See? I told you Anita was smart.

Let me see your face.

I'm clean, lady. I don't know anything.

A guy gave me a hundred to do this.

I don't know anything.

[yells] f*cking shit.




Look how smart she is. The guy was there.

Go back to the previous image.

The guy had to be very close to her

to take that photo.

Anita is here.

This one? This one

with the flowered shirt. Go there.

Damn, I'll publish this image and do what?

Arrest every tacky tourist in São Paulo?

Follow the guy with the flowered shirt

on the other camera.

Isn't that the guy?

It's the guy in the sketch, isn't it?

[Tânia] I don't know. He looks different.

But how different?

Can you…

- recognize him?

- I don't know. The hair, everything.

Wait, go back.

Go back.

This is Felipo, Verônica.

He used to do that same movement

with his neck.

Like a twitch.

It's him.

It's him.

[laughs] Damn, does the guy attack

dressed like Lady Gaga?

It's just a sketch, Carvana.

He disguises himself

to appeal to his victims.

I'll release the new sketches.

This should speed things up.

Speed things up for when?

One month, two months?

The Commissioner calls me

more often than a telemarketer.

- How about Ideal Love?

- Huh?

The website he uses to find the victims.

Maybe if we put a bait there, he'll bite.

That makes sense.

Better than waiting for someone

to identify that Lady Gaga.

- Yes, I can create a profile.

- [Carvana] Not just one profile.

Create 20, 50, 100 profiles, damn it.

We just need one,

but it has to be the right one.

It has to be what he's looking for.

I can help with that.

Does your bus leave tomorrow?

At eight.

I wanted to stay longer.

But I can't because of Mom.

By the way,

I got two thousand from the bank.

Yeah, two thousand is a great start.

[Cláudio laughs]

[Cláudio] I win!

- With a straight flush!

- I needed one card.


thank you.

If it's important to you,

it's important to me, little bird.

Come here.

You were awesome today, Verônica.

You should be an investigator.

Have you thought about taking the exam?

Yes, I have, but…

Oh, long story.

I have time.

Do you?

Since you do, why don't you get me

what I asked for about Brandão?

[both laugh]

I'll do it tomorrow.

I promise.

[door opens]

[door shuts]

[car starts]

[shower running]

Sorry, babe.

I had to rush to the station.

I only managed to get out of there now

because there was so much

I don't care.

- Are the kids in bed?

- They've been for a long time.

[dog whimpering]

- [Verônica] What's this?

- Hey, come here.

- Is he here?

- Yeah, he's here.

His name is Cupcake.

- You're so cute. Come.

- Cupcake?

You're handsome, but now, it's my turn.

- Not now, okay?

- [barking]

Stay there.

- You can see him later.

- [laughing] I love Cupcake.


[doorknob rattles]

[doorknob rattles]

[doorknob rattles]

[Cláudio] Our Lady of the Head.

She appeared to a shepherd

who had injured his arm in the w*r.

The shepherd heard Heaven's call

and built a church.

After that, his arm was fine.


A miracle.

Our Lady of the Head

is the protector of intelligence.


And of the sick.

Pray for your mother.

I will.

Good night.

[breathing heavily]



[Verônica] What happened?



[Carvana] Verônica!

Attention all units.

[Verônica] Mom!

Where's my mom? Dad!

[man] …critical condition

in the east zone.


[Lila] Wake up, Mom, wake up!

[Paulo and Lila chuckle]

[Paulo] You look scared. What's wrong?

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

- Hi, Mom.

- Hey, Cupcake.

- [chuckles]

- [kisses]

- Guys, what's this? Is it my birthday?

- Hi.

- Good morning, Son.

- So… about Rafa.

You know he's competing today

and I really want to see

his swimming competition.

What time is it?

It's now, um…

quarter to seven.

Aren't you late for practice, kiddo?

- Yay!

- I told you!

Go, champ.

You got it!

I have the best sister in the world.

[Verônica] I miss her, you know?

Remember how she reacted

when I said I'd be a cop?


she said you were a bad influence on me?

Poor thing.

[imitating] "No, not the police,

no way!

Find something else."

And you were like,

"This one was born to be a police chief."


I'm so sorry, Dad.

I'm sorry.

[Janice laughs]

I don't know how to thank you.

You don't have to.

I'll see if I can get more

and then I'll send it to you.

Yes, but more important than money

is your presence in Jales.

She's already forgiven you

for missing Daddy's funeral.

It would be good for her, Nete.

For you too.

We'll be going there soon.


Do you want a ride?

It's at 8:00 a.m., right?

[laughs] It's 8:00 p.m., not 8:00 a.m..

You misunderstood.


Aren't you late?

Have a good day.

- Have a good day.

- Have a good day.

[acoustic guitar song playing]


[Janice laughing]

You bitch!

Oh, no!

[both laughing]

I missed you, Nete.

- Me too.

- [chuckles]

Ah! What is the Wi-Fi?

I ran out of data. I wanted to find

something cool for us to do today.

We don't have Internet here.

You don't have Internet?

No cell phone, no Internet.

What do you do all day?


Nete, that's for old people.

Nothing matches the dates.

No r*pe reports that match the profile.

Nothing about Janete.

- They're not even married.

- Yeah, he isolates her.

What if she made it up?

Maybe she's trying to f*ck with him.

I saw how he treats her, Nelson. I saw it.


I got very attached to Janete.

I can't let her down.

Verô, the guy has a clean record.

He doesn't even have a speeding ticket.

And worse, it looks like

he's a hero around here.

[reporter] The as*ault was thwarted

in an action commanded by

Lieutenant Colonel Cláudio Brandão.

In total, five bandits were k*lled

during escape.

Several shells were found

scattered on the floor at the site.

He k*lled five people and is a hero?

- Great.

- Yeah, five thugs, right?

People have the hero they deserve.


I saw some beautiful bras in that store

I told you about yesterday.

Let's go to 25 de Março this afternoon?

Didn't you go there yesterday?

Yeah, but not with you, Nete.

Come on, you can give Brandão

a little surprise.

Look at all the clothes I have to iron.

You can do it tomorrow.

Ah, Nete, today you will enjoy

your wonderful little sister

who came all the way from Jales

to see you.


- It will be fun, I promise.

- [kisses]

- Come on, Nete!

- [Janete] Wait, I'm putting my boots on

I can't believe you're going out with me.

- One day just for me. You

- Wait, Nice.

- Let's go.

- I think it's too much.

You look beautiful.

You look hot. That's it.

I was thinking,

you know what I'm going to do?

- Let's go, Nete.

- Wait.

I'm going to buy some bras

to sell at the Jales fair, you know?

- What are you going to do with bras?

- I'll sell them to make some money.

- And do you think people will buy bras?

- Of course they will.

I didn’t tell you

because Brandão was nearby,

but they have this oil that heats up

in the back of the store.

Have you tried these oils?

I'm curious.

Maybe if I take some to Jales,

they'll be big sellers too.

They have many

Nice. Nice.

- What is it?

- Sorry, but I'm not feeling well.

I need to go back home.

What's going on?

I don't know. I need to go home, please.

- I'm sorry.

- Okay.

Is it a blood pressure thing?

[Janete] I don't know, I think so.


You know? All this time

I've been wondering how your life was.


I thought you had won the lottery.

Successful husband, a house in São Paulo.

A life.

While I…

remained single… [chuckles]

…in Jales.

Jumping from job to job,

taking care of our mother.

[sighs deeply]

I bought a ticket for you.

Will you come with me to Jales tonight?

I'll go.

But later, with my husband.

I'm not blind, Nete.


This is not you.

[crying] Where's my sister?


talkative, bright-eyed?

The one I've always admired so much?

[sobs] Your eyes

don't shine anymore, Nete.

You look uncomfortable all the time.

Afraid to be out on the street!

Concerned about being perfect,

pleasing him,

and saying the right thing all the time.

I am your sister.

I love you.

You can talk to me.

No, it does not match the profile.

Can you tell me what case this is?

The guy picks women up at the bus station,

all from Maranhão, between eighteen

and twenty-something.

The wife reported him.

And what does he do with them?

I don't know.

I've searched everywhere.

I looked for r*pe reports

but found nothing.

Isn't it strange

that no woman has reported it?

Do you think he kills them?

Who's the guy?


- A cop. Military police. [scoffs]

- [scoffs]

The guy is bloodthirsty.

He's put a b*llet in half of the world,

is full of medals.

Yes, my friend,

this one will be difficult.

But I trust your gut.

You just have to make sure

that this cop really did

everything his wife is saying.

Does she have any proof?

No, none, but the guy is very violent.


it doesn't mean he's a serial k*ller.

She wrote down the dates.

The gaps between the att*cks

are getting shorter.

This guy is escalating.

He's losing control.

I'm ready.

I don't know

how to thank you for everything.

Don't worry.

Now that we are back together,

I won't let you disappear again.

Next time I'll bring you a cell phone.

It's mandatory, so we can keep in touch.

Will you keep me updated about Mom?

- Promise?

- I promise.

[whispers] I'll always be there for you.

[kisses, sighs]

- Bye.

- Bye.


- I'll take you to the bus station.

- No, Janice can take a cab.

- It's late, I don't want to trouble you.

- [Cláudio] It's no trouble.

You are carrying a lot of money.

The city is dangerous.

I insist.

[car alarm chirps]


Call me when you get there.

[Verônica] February 15. Let's see.

March 22.

April 27.

May tenth.

Yeah, the dates match.

See if there is a Deusa on the last 22nd.

[man] There is no Deusa, but a Deusdete.

Print this out for me.

["Muito Estranho" by Dalto

playing on radio]

Are you parking?

You can just drop me here at the entrance.

I will park up ahead.

She is not lying, Nelson.

All the dates she gave me match the buses.

Not this name. Search for Deusdete.

I'll text you.

But don't just check São Luís.

Check those towns on BR-135, you know?

On the way there.

I'll call you back.


[music on radio continues]

[engine stops]

[breathing heavily]

[Janice panting]


[door slams]

[Janice] Please, don't.

[sobbing] Please.

I swear I didn't see anything.

I swear I won't say anything, I promise.

I won't say anything.

I didn't see anything.

I won't say anything.

No, please, I swear I didn't do anything.

I will never speak

to my sister again, please!



[indistinct announcement on PA]


How are you?

- Fine.

- Oh, sorry if I scared you.

But the girl who used to work at my house

had to leave,

and I was told

that I might find someone here.

- To work as a housekeeper?

- Yes.

I can offer the minimum wage,

on the books.

I have two children,

but they don't cause any trouble.

Oh, yes, of course. I'm in.

My husband is out there in the car,

can you come with us now?

- Now?

- Yes.

Sure. I was going to stay at my cousin's,

but I can call her when I get there.


[Verônica] Take it.


pay attention. Take a cab

and go straight to your cousin's.

- But what about the job?

- Don't talk to anyone.

Don't trust anyone here.


[Verônica] You need to listen to me.

I'm meeting Janete tomorrow

and I promised her you'd come along.

She's too afraid to report her husband.

First, we need to gain her trust.

Damn, you're asking for trouble.

He's a serial r*pist, Carvana!

I don't even know

if he releases them afterwards.

Any evidence?

I'm just asking you

to hear the story from her.

Come with me to meet Janete, please.

We've made a mistake with Marta.

Let's not do it again. Come with me.


What's going on? Cláudio, what is this?

What is this? Stop it, Cláudio! Stop it!

Let go of me!

Love, please. Let go of me!


Love, she gave it to me,

but I wasn't going to do anything.

You will not run away from me.

Cláudio, stop it.

Stop it, Cláudio!

[screams] No, Cláudio,

for the love of God!

[Janete breathing heavily]

Ah! Don't do it.

[ominous music playing]

[snipping continues]