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3x15 - The Sixteen Year Old Virgin

Posted: 04/03/10 14:58
by bunniefuu
Gossip girl here, your one and only source Into the scandalous life of manhattan's ellite.

I spent 18 years accepting the fact my mother was dead.

I want to know my son.

Jack bass, chucks uncle.

Jack is the last person i would call for help.

I have feelings for you.

I don't want to ruin our friendship.

Is that rufus' scarf? Miss holland say Rufus left this at her apartment.


Is there any way That damien can have visitation rights? I can't have you spending time With someone mixed up with dr*gs.

From the day he brings his newborn girl home, A father lives in fear that someday she'll get hurt how about some breakfast? Waffles.


No, i'm good.


I'll eat at school.

I'll see you at 4:15, on the dot.

School, home, school, home.

I get it.


That someday she'll hate him Hi.

Um, i need a car.

Yeah, from d.





To the smyth hotel.

Okay, thanks.


And worst of all, That someday she'll grow up.

Chuck had an emergency meeting with his lawyer, But he hoped we could all meet up for some shopping later.

That sounds lovely.

This has been a wonderful week.

Chuck thinks so, too.

He mentioned what a great squash player you were.

And he likes a woman who knows her way around a haberdashery.

Actually i think there's something he wants to ask you.

Call when you're in the lobby.

Are you okay? Several female employees at the empire are suing me for sexual harassment.

What? Obviously there were incidents with room service at the palace, But that was my father's hotel.

I was a kid.

I would never do that now, not in my hotel, not to you.


Of course not.

They're scheming harlots Trying to get you to pay thef.

We have proo that two of those girl Weren't even in town on one of the alleged nights.

So we'll fight it.

Weave innocence, good breeding and doug jarrett, One of the best lawyers in new york, on our side.

It's a slam dunk.

A court case would be a p.



We ave to settle.

You'll take care of it? Settlements are for the guilty- Celebrities who run people over, the catholic church.

It's not fair.

The historical society is honoring my father tonight.

I can't have this overshadowing the evening Or anything else.

This way, the case will be sealed.

The press won't know.

No one will.

Elizabeth wouldn't have believed it, chuck.

That's not why i'm doing this.

But if it was, i'd understand.

You like her.

You want the first time She meets lily and the rest of your family to be perfect.

What is the point of having elizabeth in your life If you're not going to let her in? Not everyone's willing to wait Lily, what are you doing here? I'm just checking in.

How are things going with jenny? Oh, we have an understanding- She goes to school, she comes home mm.

She does not date boys with bags of pills.

Oh, i'm sure she's furious.

The hulk was furious.

There's no word for what jenny is.

Rufus, i need to ask you something.

One sec, lil.

Headmistress queller, hi.

I see.

Thank you for calling.

Jenny didn't go to school this morning.

Apparently, she's been cutting classes all week.

Who needs coffee after a wake-Up like that? Who's texting this early? Rufus.

He's freaking out.

He can't find jenny.

He thinks she's with damien.

This is not good.

Who, prince damien from the state dinner? I thought you thght he was dreamy.

Well, that was before he tried to kiss me After i told him not to.

Um, what? And now that creep's with enny? Yeah.

You know what's most attractive about a bad boy? No, i really don't.

Your parents refusing to let you see him.

Rufus is driving jenny right into damien's creepy arms.

I'm not gonna let that happen.

Your dad has called, like, five times.

He's obviously looking for you.

I know.

I'm just not sure i want to explain where i've been.

We agreed if this is gonna work, We gotta- We gotta keep it casual.

If my dad knows, then it's suddenly gonna feel serious, And you know how bad i am at lying to him.

You can't avoid him forever.

Hey, dad.

What? Oh, um, it's-It's 9:30.

I have latin.

It's a dead language.

It's not gong anywhere.

Why don't you just ditch it and stay here with me? I can't.

I have a quiz.

Come on, jenny.

Don't you think it's a little coincidental The last time we got to this exact same spot- You know, the place right underneath your kilt- That you had to go dissecfetal pig? I did.

Come on, damien.

You know i want to be here.


Why don't we just talk about it? What's there to talk about? I think you're an amazing girl.

I love spending time with you.

But when i date someone, sex is usually part of the equation, And if you're not cool with that, it's fine, But you need to say something.

You can't just shut me down every time we're alone together.

I'm not.

I it's just not a good ay.

I mean, i have a quiz, and then i have that other class.

You're younger than me.

I get it.

Could it be that you've never No.


It's not like that.

Look, i just don't like the first time with someone To be rushed.

And ve school.


Well, how about tonight? After your father goes to sleep, we can sneak out.

No rush, okay? Nice and slow.



Um, it's on, dalgaard.

I will see you tonight.

There's always a moment A father can't even let himself fear- The day his little j.

Decides to lose her big v.

I can't believe the fuss they made over you At turnbull & asser.

I should hope so.

Prince william and i Practically put the manager's daughter through college.

Well, i had a lovely time.

Actually, there's something That chuck has been meaning to ask you.

The historical society is Dedicating a gallery to bart tonight.

I understand it might be awkward for you to go to an event Where my father's being honored.

Lily would be there and - I'd love to come.

Charles, is is why i'm here.

I want to be s much a part of your life as you'll let me.


Bass! Mr.

Bass, did you pay off women you sexually harassed? Did you receive sex in exchange for promotions? Is it true? Look, this is e.

I'll explain later.

Somebody must have laked the story.

Let's just go.

Let's go.

I should have guessed.

Naughty nephew.

Uncle jack.

You won't believe what i just heard.

I'm shocked.

Yeah, i'm sure you are.

She's a teenage girl.

Cutting school to be with her boyfriend Isn't exactly criminal behavior.

I guess i'm still holding out hope That somewhere underneath that mop of blond hair Is my little girl.

I know.

Thanks for being here.

Oh, i'm glad i could be.

And i'm willing to put the past in the past if you are.

Rufus, we just need to talk.

Now? Well, the new york historicl society Is dedicating a room to bart tonight.

I was hoping you could join me.

Lil, i think this morning Has been a step in the right direction.

But i'm not quite in the mood to celebrate Any of your former husbands right now.

I'm gonna go try to get ahold of serena again.

Hey, serena.

Have you heard from her yet? Thanks for texting me.

Of course.

Parents can be such a pain.

See, if he wasn't so controlling and judgmental, Then i wouldn't have to be sneaking around like this.

No, i-I get it.

You're 16.

You should be able to date who you want.


So how are things with damien? They're great.

Um, he listens to me, And he-He treats me like an adult And really likes me.

I've never felt this way before.

So it-It's serious then? Well, it's about to be.

He's, uh, stayin at the smyth hotel, And i was thinking that tonight - Tonight? Uh, i'd say that is serious then.

Your first time- Tat's-That's monumental.

It is your first time, right? Are you nervous? Yeah, i guess a littl.

Jenny, the thing about your virginity Is that you can never get it back.

You know, i i always kinda wish I- I would've waited For somebody that would have stood up for me And fought for me, You know, like patrick swayze in "dirty dancing.

" "Dirty dancing"? It's great.

You should downloait.

All right.

But, see, the thing is, serena, That damien really is the right guy.

Okay, well, that's your decision, and i'll support you.

Uh, you know what? Obviously, you're not going to school today, And you should-Should commemorate today, so i have to get readyfor chuck's, But nate will take you to lunch.


I, um, what are you in the mood for? There he is.

I would have been here sooner, But i got distracted reading some of those protestors' signs.

I never realized how many sex puns you could make Out of the name "chuck bass.

" Don't worry.

It'll blow over in a couple weeks.

You expect me to believe it's just coincidence You show up te same time this lawsuit does? I came back to protect you.

See, i heard a rumor- Evelyn bass rose from the dead.

Oh, she wasn't dead.

No, it seems my father paid her To stay away from me all these years.


I get why you'd fall for all this, What, with your mommy issues, All those abnormal attachments to your babysitters.

Didn't help that i was nailing 'em, huh? But, chuck, i saw evelyn's bod in the casket At the funeral home.

And why should i believe anything you say? I tell you what.

Have her come by the party tonight.

The old evelyn and i never got along.

Maybe now we'll hit it off.

It might be fun.

I've never seea ghost before.

Well, hello, gorgeous.

And now it all makes sense.

You're the blood-Sucking reptile behind this lawsuit.


Harsh words.

But i'm innocent.

Whoever did this is more brilliant than i am.

My sources tell me reservations are already down 20%.

You're a lying ooze.

Little nephew is going to have to step down From his beloved empire.

And what? You think you'll somehow get it? Please.

That'll never happen.


I've already had everything of chuck's worth having.

And as always, The pleasure is yours.

Trust me.

I have a plan.

Telling jenny that damien is bad for her Will only make her want him more.

We have to show her.

And how-How are we gonna do that? J called him and invited him over for lunch.

What, are you crazy? You said the last time you were alone with that guy, H tried to rip your clothes off.

And he'll try to again, but this time, you and jenny Are gonna walk in rigt in time to catch him.

This-This sounds absurd.

Blar and chuck do it all the time.

Nate, i know it's not ideal, but jenny's gonna have sex With him tonight if we don't stop this.

We should just call fus.

What, so he can ground her again? Nate, this is gonna work.

It's 1:00 now.

Give me 45 minutes exactly.


I'm so glad you called.

You know what, dad? I think every girl Goes through a forbidden guy phase.

It's you know, it explains why vampires are So popular right now.

Well, if he were a vampire, i could slip garlic In her waffles, not that she'd eat them.

Hey, distract me.

I have, uh, noticed You've been sleeping out quite a bit this week.

Yeah, yeah.

Just at vanessa's, you know.

I fall asleep on the extra bed sometimes, studying late.

It's no big deal.

You always were a bad liar.

Obviously, you're seeing someone.


All right, you got me.

Um, it's actually, uh, - Vanessa.

Thank you so much for coming by.



I know i'm overreacting, But i just need family by my side, And i know you're practically jenny's sister.

No, vanessa's not family.

She's not a sister.

She's a-Sh's a friend.

She's a classmate, really, you know.



What's-What's going on? What are you doing? Rufus is in the other room.

All right, you know what? I think we need To set some guielines.

Guidelines? Well, you know, zones.

Zones where we're friends only, Zones where we're friends with benefits.

And here, where-Where my dad treats you like his own daughter And we've prepared thanksgiving dinner while watching "The sound of music," that's gotta be- I think that's gotta be a friend-Only zone.


I see your point.

And lily's, you know, the upper east side in general, Actually, that's a friends-Onl zone, too.

Uh, but downtown, You know, around school, that's friends-With-Benefits zone.

I'll draw you a map.

That's what i'll o.

It'll be much easier.

Sorry to drag you guys all the way over here, But i-I thinhave it handled.

See you later.

I am gonna gck to school.

Okay, you know, i'll come with you.

We can talk about what zone the subway is.

How about the subway is A no-Talking-About-Zone-Rules zone, okay? Better yet, classmate, A sitting-On-Opposite-Ends- Of-The-Car zone.

All right.

Still drawing a map.

You know, i've almost called you a million times.

Really? And why is that? To apologize.

The state dinner- My behavior was- Yeah, well, um, i actually wanted to apologize, too.

Uh, i used you, And-And that was wrong.

But, um, nate and i are over.

Uh, i have absolutely no feelings for him anymore.

Serena, i'm dating jenny, And i actually really like her, So i can't do this.

What? - Great lunch.

Sorry about Nate.

Me, too.

Nate, what's going on? We've had coffee and two entire desserts.

Can we go now? Uh-Oh.

Looks like this virgin queen's next accessory May be a chastity belt.

You're onna dream of the daysyo.

From now, on i will escort you to and from school, Queller will assign someone to walk you from class to class, And you will have lunch in her office.

Dad, i ditched class to be with my boyfriend.

So what? It's not like it's affecting my grades.

You can't keep treating me like a child.

Well, you certainly are acting like one.

If you think this guy- The one that brought dr*gs into the house- Is right for you, you're a child.

Yeah, and if you would listen to him, Then you'd know that they weren't his pills.

But you didn't.

You just jumped to conclusions, Like you always do.

You know, it's no wonder That you're marriage is going down the toilet.


I bought you a little something to wear tonight.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, it's beautiful.

Blair helped me pick it out.

As i recall, purple was your father's favorite color, too.

Actually, i only wear purple Because my father loathed it.

Or maybe that's what he wanted you to think.

Bart was playing with people's heads all the time.

Are you all right? Is it the lawsuit? Not the lawsuit, But, uh, who may be behind it.

My uncle jack just arrived in town.

Sounds like jack.

Will he be going to the party tonight? Uh, he's not invited, but he is a cockroach, And they tend to slip in through the cracks.

Charles, um your uncle and i we have history.

It's ugly history.

Look, i'm not going to let jack Determine who can and can't come to my party.

I'm sorry, charles.

I don't know if i have the strength To deal with him and meet your family at the same time I hope you understand.

I understand perfectly.

But since i can't spend the evening with you, Stay for a while.

Have a drink.

Of course.

I can see he's starting to doubt himself.

Why wouldn't he, with the bad press, the protestors? The "daily intel" says he's thinking of stepping down.

Chuck's not stepping anywhere.

Ooh, can i borrow that? Yeah.

Oh, and speaking of things we've shared nate, serena doesn't want to talk to you right now.

Well, did she tell you about her little plan to seduce damien - And have jenny walk in on it? - Well, it sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

Yeah, because it's a blair-Waldorf-Nut-Job plan.

I'll ignore that.

Nate, serena and i are getting ready for the party.

Now why don't you just apologize so we can all move past this And be supportive for chuck on his big night? No, i'm not going to apologize.

I did the right thing, okay? Serena may not get it, But losing her virginity is a huge deal For a girl like jenny.

Oh, and it wasn't for me? Why is that, nate? Because i was a huge slut when i was jenny's age? Look, i didn't realize i was on speakerphone, okay? I didn't mean to say that.

That's exactly what you meant.

"Dirty dancing"? Yeah, it's corny, but it's kinda good.

Come on.

It's totally good.

Yeah, baby's dad's an even bigge jerk than you.

Look, i have to go to this historical society thing To talk to lil.

Obviously, i can't let you out of my sight, So that means you're coming, too.

But i will be watching you all night.


Boycott! Boycott! Boycott! Pathetic! Suburban moralists in mom jeans.

I'd pity them if i wasn't scared they'd spill orange soda On my christian louboutins.

What are you doing Are you kidding? A d.



Sample? You've been watching too much cbs.

I should have thougt of it weeks ago.

A friend of mine at the nypd Says he can have it done in a few hours.

This way we'll know once and fo.

You know who she really is.

You can see it in her eyes- In your eyes.

Jack's gotten inside your head.

He has a point.

She turns up out of the blue, Doesn't know things about my father.

And when she hears that jack- The only person who actually met my mother- Will be at the party tonight, she bails.

Blair, she's supposed to be dead.


I was coming to tell you i changed my mind.

Chuck wasn't thinking.

I thought you were starting to open your heart to me, Like i was tu.

Chuck's not doing this.

It's just a big misunderstanding.

Look, if you are who you say you are, You won't mind me doing a d.



Test, right? I should have known you would never let me in.

You are your father's son.

We can drop it off on the way.

I think i'll just meet you there.

Looks like the protestors outside Aren't the only ones who think bass is an ass.

Well, i didn't expect to see you here.

You haven't returned any of my calls in weeks.

I'm here to support chuck.

Serena, i know that you are angry, And maybe someday you'll understand Why i didn't tel you i was- Doing my father when i came to visit him? Well, that's- Save your lies for your current husband.

I have a feeling you're to thank for the, uh, turnout tonight.

Well, people are here because they support you.

None of us believe slander.

Well, thank you.

That means more to me than you know.

Did you come here alone? I thought you would bring blair And maybe someone else that you wanted me to meet.

I'm solo tonight.

Me, too.

Thank you.

I didn't mean it the way it sounded.

What, that i was the concubine of the upper east side? Well, look, i didn't want to get into details in front of blair, But, come on, serena.

I mean, everyone knows the stories about adam handler, Uh, jake hendrickson, matt price Oh, the art teacher from prague.

I didn't sleep with all of those guys, nate.

Haven't you heard of locker-Room gossip? They lied or exaggerated.

Serena, i lost my virginity to you On a bar at the campbell apartment.

And somehow that reflects poorly on me and not you? Talk about a double standard.

No that's not what i was talking about.

Look, whatever your twisted guy logic is, There's still no reason for you to go behind my back with jenny.

Serena, i woke up the morning after i lost my virginit To find that the person i lost it to- The person i loved- Had left town, Never to be heard from again for a year.

So, yeah, i had a good reason.

Thank you, for coming.

Arnold, great to see you.

You look glorious, as always.

How dare you show your face At an event you know my wife is at.

Rufus, don't blow a gasket.

I just came to offer my apology.

Lily, i wasn't myself that night at te opera gala.

I'd had a lot to drink, Took some of those over-The-Counter pills They started keeping behind the counter recently And some meth.

Really, i was just in a bad place, But now i'm a changed man.

You expect us to buy that? It was worth a shot.

I'm not gonna make a scene, But if you so much as show up within 50 feet Of this woman again tonight, you're gonna regret it So i guess you found the scarf.

Can we go somewhere private to talk? Great.

Another lecture? Come on.

Did the upper east side crown Cut off the circulation to your brain? Damien's my boyfriend.

Jenny, you're 16.

Come on.

Yeah, and when you were 16, you were n love with serena, And everyone thought it was adorable.

Uh, you know what? Just.


I'll-I'll be right back.

Stay here.

Hey, dan.

How are you? You look amazing.

Is is a friends-Only zone.

I thought we agreed.

Well, that's-That's not a friends-Only dress.

Really? I-I thought it was perfect.

My bad.

Oh, and-And just so you know, I'm not wearing any underwear.

Go away, traitor.

Look, i'm sorry i called rufus, But it was for your own good.

I mean, you're a really special girl, jenny, Who deserves a guy who's gonna see that, You know, who's gonna be there in the morning.

Not like you're available.

Jenny, damien got aggressive with serena at the state dinner.

Shows what you know.

Damien only hit on serena to get her To take off the opera jacket with the dr*gs in it.

dr*gs? Is he dealing? Yocan't be with someone who's dealing dr*gs.

Why? It's not like you've never done any.

Stop pretending that you care about me.

™ª and he'll tell judith ♪ In fact, the only one who does just got here.


How you doing? - Good.

How are you? I'm sorry, man.

There's no way i'm letting you leave with her.

Really? Let's get out of here.


Looks like little j.

Is about to do Some dirty dancing of her own.


Hey, you okay? - Yeah.

What happened? It's jenny.

She ran off with damien.

The guy's a drug dealer.

What? - Yeah.

He's staying at the smyth.


All right, i'm gonna call you when i find 'em.

Where are my mom and rufus? So i went to holland's.

I don't know what i thought would happen.

But i guess a part of me wanted to even the score.

But when the time came, i couldn't go through with it, Because the truth is, uh, i love you, lily, And i couldn't do that to you.

I love you.

I've always loved you.


Jey ran off with damien, and he's worse than we thought.

Oh, god.


Don't give me that lawyer face.

People still showed up tonight.

Things can't be that bad.

Actually things have taken a turn.

We're getting att*cked by christian conservatives.

We have those in manhttan? The family travel council's organizing a boycott.

You'd be shocked how much influence they have.

That's the kind of thing That would only entice my target clientele.

I don't think the business has The luxury of waiting around to see.

I'm sorry, chuck.

For p.


, if nothing else, It needs to seem that you're no longer in charge.

You need to hand over operations of the hotel, At least temporarily.

Perhaps a family member i'll do it.


Give us a moment.

I promise you, jack that wil never happen.

Then i'll wait.

And when your beloved hotel is bankrupt and empty, I'll swoop in and give you fair-Market price.

I'm sure there's some copper pipes i could salvage.

This was your plan, wasn't it? No.

But i'm totally gonna reap its rewards.

You took what was mine.

Now i'm gonna take what's yours.

At least you know it's staying in the family.

What room is damien dalgaard in? I'm sorry, sir.

I can't give out that information.

Would you like me to call up? Well, i seriously doubt he's gonna answer the phone, Considering he's up there alone with a 16-Year-Old girl.

Oh, my gosh.

Thanks for showing up tonight And risking the wrath of my dad, Punching nate freaking archibald.

Let me give you a real reason to thank me.

Right under their noses booking a room at the empire was genius.

You sure you wanna do this? Yeah.

I told you there'd be a new scandal before the day was out.

But we can talk about that later.

What's wrong? A boycott.

Doug sayi have no choice But to sign my hotel over to someone else.

Jack nominated himself.

Of course he did.

I can take over.

I don't think signing the hotel over To my 19-Year-Old girlfriend would ease the public's mind.

What aboutily? - She's bass industries.

The last thing i want is my father's company bailing me out.

I don't see what choice you have.

The d.




What do tey say Looks like i've got another choice.

Damien, um, There's something that you should know before what is it? You can tell me anything.

I'm a virgin.

I just wanted you to know - In case - I just wanted you to know.

I kinda figured.

It's really not a big deal.

Well actually, i mean, it is it is kind of a big deal for me.

I mean i chose you, and that it means something to me.

Does it jenny, why don't we talk about this after? Okay? No, i don't- I don't want to do this.

Damien, where- Where are you going? I knew you were just a kid.

Well, the police are looking into it, But they don't seem optimistic That they're gonna find them tonight.

They're not at the hotel.

There was nothing any one of us could have done.

Jenny's mind was set.

Everyone will be happy to know that damien and i broke up.

Jenny, i'm sorry for you, but that's what happens- Whatever, dad.

Am i still grounded? Yes.


I'll just, um, Stay at home for the rest of the year.

All right, now i'm really tired, So if it's okay with you, i'd just like to go to my room.


You okay? I'm fine.

That's a relief.

So then you and damien didn't - No, we did.

Honestly, serena, i don't know what you were so worried about.

It was no big deal.

Would you min closing the door on your way out? I shoul have trusted you.

The test came back? It's hard for me to let people in.

I abandoned you when you were just a baby.

How could it not be? I want to change.

I want to trust you.

I need to, Because i need someone to take over operations of my hotel For a while.

What? It's mostly just a signing authority.

I'd still have a voice behind the scenes.

It just needs to look like i'm gone, Until the scandal subsides.

Charles, it's-It's too much There are other people who'd do a better job.

I don't trust those other people.

Those other people aren't my mother.

Look, it's not hard.

I'll show you everything you need to know.

You just have to sign these papers.

Hello, mother.

Lily, it's been six months.

I'm afraid it's time We check back in with the good dr.

Van der woodsen.

Can't we get someone else to do the tests? I mean, does it really have to be him? You know he's the right choice, And it's been too long already.

Please, darling.

For me.


I'll get on the next plane out.

Thank you, dear.

Lil? Hey.

Everything okay? Actually, that was my mother, And she is at canyon ranch.

And normally, i could ignore her pleas, but- You should go.

I think jenny and i need some time right now anyway.

Maybe when you come back, you and i can start all over.

I would love that.

Clean slate.


Clean slate.

So, uh, so, listen, I know your room is a benefits-Only zone but, uh, right now i-I need to talk to my friend.


I'll make an exception.


Well, you see, there's this girl, And-And under normal circumstances I'd tell everyone, "hey, everybody.

"I'm seeing this amazing girl.

I think it might be serious.

" But this girl and i- We agreed that that would be a mistake.


The thing is, keeping these feelings aside Is-Is-Is k*lling me, 'cause all i want to do is Tell everyone how happy i am.

How happy are you? Oh, i'm very, very happy, very happy, The kind of happy that people write embarrassing songs about.

Then, as your friend, i think you should tell people And as long as this is still a benefits-Only zone I'm sorry i didn't tell you i was callinfus.

No, it's okay.

My plan was dumb anyway.

Nate, i i'm really sorry i left the morning after we you know, i never meant to hurt you.

Oh, i know.

I wish that somehow, we could relive that night, Because this time i know that you lov me, And you know that i love you.

What are we celebrating? Te lawsuit? The scandal? The fact i just signed over my hotel? We're celebrating you opening your heart to your mother And me being the woman who encouraged you to do it.

And just like that chuck bass celebrating a new love.

Well? Do we have ourselves a hotel? We do.

Creful, Chuck.

It's an open heart That's vulnerable to the deepest wound.





, gossip girl.