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02x05 - Birth and Rebirth

Posted: 01/13/23 17:34
by bunniefuu
Breathe, Freydis.

- Breathe.

- Don't touch me!

It's almost time!

Breathe, Freydis.

Let's lie you down.


Don't touch me! Don't touch me!


Murderers! I don't trust you!

Freydis, let me help you.

You are here now, Freydis,

but you must let us help you.

I need nothing from you.

You want the newborn

to be safe, don't you?

We are safe. The gods will protect us.

Leave. Leave!

Arabic is

the language of scholars.

It is exact so that scholars

across the known world

can exchange ideas, debate,

and argue without ambiguity.

When you can

understand this, you can open all doors

Even those that are difficult to open?

You are learning faster than I expected.

We hit something!

What's wrong?

The rudder is broken! Lower the sail.

We need a metal band to hold it together.

Can you fix it?

Without a forge, no.

There is one in Kodak.

- How far is that?

- Not far.

A day by water, but reachable

over the mountain in a few hours.

Then we camp here. Leif and I will go.

Do they have a market?

Perhaps we can all go.

No. You must watch the boat.

And be alert.

It's dangerous to be on shore.


There must be a reason

why you brought me here.

Send the

Valkyrie Eir to my side.

And fill me

with strength

in this moment of need.

Do you not care

about her and her child?

Freydis has been well taken care of.

She is strong.

But what about the people?

They listen and watch, Harekr!

Since the m*ssacre, they are confused.

I'm not worried about the people.

They know they made a mistake.

And like children, they seek forgiveness.



I told you.

He was attracted to a girl on the outside

and is still struggling with her loss.

But it is passing.

I hope so.

What am I doing wrong?

Do not aim at the fish.

Aim at where the fish will be

when the arrow strikes the water.


Now five more.

We are hungry!

As lovely as you are

I am more interested

in that medallion around your neck.

It is just a necklace

my father gave to me.

I don't think so. I've seen a similar one

before in Constantinople.

We both know

that necklace is very special.


Leave! Leave!

Have mercy on me.

Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity,

and cleanse me from my sin.

What did Godwin

tell you about the Bear?

I have never heard that name.

Thank you, Princess Gytha.

She would have appreciated your visit.

I'm sorry for your pain, Earl Godwin.

I hope that it will pass.

I do too.

Seeing you here has helped.

Raiders have been here.

So much for a thriving market.

Look for some metal.

What do you think?

There's enough to work with.

Let's get the fire going

and see what we can do.

Someone's coming!

Is he a Pecheneg?

Looks Varangian.

Something smells good.

I mean you no harm.

Just so long

since I've seen a boat on the river.

I am surprised. Whose is it?

It is mine.

It's a fine boat. Where are you heading?


If we can get past the Pechenegs.

Your timing is good then.

They are not as bad as before.

How so?

There's been no trade, no one to rob,

so many of the tribes

have moved east to the Volga

where the spoils are better.

You are a slaver.

I am. My name is Gestr. You?

My name is Baggi.

You must be a powerful man, Gestr.

It is one thing

to keep slaves in Novgorod or Kiev

where laws protect your property,

but to do so out here,

where only the powerful rule,

I respect you.

I see your boat is missing its rudder.

It is being repaired in Kodak.

So there are more of you.

Just two.

They are wonderful craftsmen there.

Is this your Pecheneg sl*ve?

- He is our guide.

- A blind Pecheneg, your guide?

You don't know who this is, do you? Huh?

This is the Khan's missing brother, Kurya.

When your guide's brother

became the new Khan,

he stole your man's wife, blinded him

and forced him to listen

while the Khan r*ped her all night.

The next day while the Khan slept,

Kurya's wife freed him

and helped him escape.

And for her actions,

the Khan butchered her,

and now drinks wine every night

from a silver cup made from her skull.

And put a bounty

on his missing brother's head.

He's worth money?

A great deal of money.

It is time for you to leave.

Yes, of course.

Enjoy your meal!

Safe travels, my friend.

Was what he said true?

Do you have a bounty on your head?

- Yes.

- Then why the hell did you come back?

- To k*ll my brother.

- We don't have much time.

Time for what?

He will be back with others.

- What makes you think that?

- He had a dozen rabbits on his saddle.

He's feeding more than himself.

What do you see in Mariam?

She has a wealth of knowledge.

And she's taught me to read and write.

Greenland is a hard place.

We have to be more animal than man.

Mariam has shown me a way of being

that is beyond that.

A world of thought and ideas.

I see something else. You love her.

And if I do?

She's dying, my friend.

I've seen you hurt

once before with Liv's death.

I don't want to see you

hurt again the same way.

Don't worry about me.

I can handle it.

We will need everyone

when the Varangians return.


Unlock the women.

No, they are my property.

Get in your locker.

Get in your locker or I'll cut her throat!

Gestr, the Varangians are thieves.

They will be back to take everything.

No, you are thieves! All of you!

Move. Now everyone off my boat!

- I thought of Freydis today.

- Really?

I'm not sure if I want to hear about this.

When I return

from Constantinople with my riches,

I'm going to buy a boat,

sail to Jomsborg and marry her.

What makes you think

she'll want to marry you?


I think my successes

will prove to her my worth.


I know that look.

You know something you're not telling me.

Help me with this.

We have to bend it while it's hot.

Whatever you do,

do not release it, understand?




Freydis is carrying your child.

How long have you known this?

Since we left Norway.

She made me promise not to tell you.

You bastard. I thought you were my friend!

I am your friend,

which is why I haven't told you.

You can release it.


it's my child.

And she is my sister.

She understood

that if you knew you were to be a father,

you would not leave her.

And she's right.

And you,

you waited till I could not

go back there to tell me.

Because you would have.

Future king of Norway.

And that would not have helped you.

Or her.

Hello. Hello. Hello.

My son.

My beautiful boy.

You are a pain,

just like your father.

I will call you Harald.


No one knows what the fates intend. Hmm?

One thing we both know

Freydis will be a good mother.

I got this one.

Do not come near.


No, no, no!


Don't take him.

Please don't take my son, please.

He's not your son.

He's mine.


The son of the chosen one!

Freydis has blessed us

with a boy.

The first son of Jomsborg.

We have truly been blessed by the gods.

He is strong like Thor and Vidar,

but I urge you all

to pray for our Freydis.

The birth was very difficult.

It pains me to tell you

she is gravely ill.

- No!

- Pray she will recover.


But if it is the will of the gods

that she does not,

know that she has left us her gift.

The chosen son of Jomsborg!



It sounds as if he's made

his decision about the future.

No. He wants you back.

- But he feels betrayed.

- Betrayed?

He betrayed us!

You broke the rules!

- Just tell him you made a mistake.

- Hmm.

It is all he wants to hear

and everything will be like it was.


Welcome back! I see you brought friends.

What is this?

After you left, he went crazy.

He k*lled Gestr and threatened us all.

We want to collect the bounty on him,

but we cannot get close enough.

We can help you with that.

Come. Have a drink.

What is wrong with him?

He ate bad mushrooms.

He will be lucky if he survives the night.

Come. Come have a drink with us

while your friends have some fun.

My husband makes the most beautiful wine.

It is excellent.

Who wants some wine?

- See? I told you.

- Mmm.

It is an old family recipe.

- It is good!

- Nectar of the gods.

So, is it true

what they say about Varangians?

That they are the only men Pechenegs fear.

- Who says that?

- Everyone in Novgorod.

The stories they tell are legendary.

Tell me one.

I've come to ask for your forgiveness.

You know my intentions

for these people, Jorundr.

How they must be used.

I was confused.

And I am ashamed.

Your mother says, uh,

a pretty refugee

was the cause of the confusion.

She made me believe that, somehow,

we could all live together as equals.

- This woman was k*lled in the attack?

- Yes.

But I see now

it was meant to be.


Then I accept your admission of guilt.


I need to know I can trust you again.

I need you to k*ll Freydis.

k*ll her? Why?

Well, I have her child.

She's of no use any longer.



what would the people think?

They will think that she died

of natural causes after the birth.

And any power

she has over them will die with her.

Can you do this?

- Yes.

- Ha!

For Freydis.

Odin is watching over her.

Jorundr, tell Freydis

we are praying for her.

Hope she recovers

Make an offering.

Pray for her.

Freydis. It's me, Jorundr.



Freydis! Freydis! Freydis!

Freydis, it's me! Freydis!

- I'm here to help!

- Where's my son? Where's my son?

He's being well looked after.

- You must bring him to me.

- I can't.

- Then get out.

- Listen to me! Harekr intends to k*ll you.

- I must get you out of here tonight.

- What about my baby?

He's safe. I promise you.

No harm will come to him.

I am not leaving without my son.

I have a boat ready on the gulf

beyond the temple of the forest,

I will slip you out tonight,

but trying to bring your son

is asking too much!

I am not leaving without him.

I'll find a way to get your son.

Don't touch the food.

It is poisoned.

Here. Have more!

You're having a feast without us?

Welcome, brother! Come!

- Welcome!

- My brothers!

Drinks and women!

Smell you from a mile.

I see you, brothers.

I like your hair.

What is that noise?

Who's in there?

It's a trick!

Take the women and k*ll the men!

k*ll the men!

- Let her go.

- Put your weapons down!

Or I will k*ll her!

Take the Pecheneg!



Put them back on!


Take them.


Leave them and I will give you this.

It is from the emperor in Constantinople.

It grants safe passage

and great treasure for the holder.

Bring it here.


First let them go

or I will throw it in the river.

Do you really think

you can bargain with me? Huh?

Did you forget,

it is the one with the power

who sets the rules?

And that's not you!

Release me! I own you!

How dare you let them do this to me?

This is my boat. They are my property!


I have my rights.

We must re-attach the rudder.

Where is my son?

I need you to both wrap up in this.

I must carry you out.

There is no need to guard the doors

any longer. The priestess is dead.

- Leave us.

- Yes.

Did I m*rder an innocent woman, Agnarr?

How could I not suspect her?

Her engagement to Godwin,

it was all too convenient.

Why would a man so ruthlessly ambitious

want to marry a woman with nothing?

It does not make sense to me.

I pray that God

will release me from my guilt

and guide me

to the answer I'm looking for.

I have stopped praying for answers

and went looking for my own.

I've learned that Earl Godwin

has frequently convened

with a man called Cooper.

He owns an alehouse beyond the walls.

What does this man know of Earl Godwin?

"A, uh, finer man

has never walked this Earth."

I trust that you encouraged him

to be a bit more honest.

Godwin was seen paying a man

a large amount of coin

a few days before

the attempt on your life.

The assassin?


A man by the name John Barr.

- The Bear.

- He's from Sussex. Where Godwin grew up.

I'm going to find him.


We are going to find him.

Why have we stopped?

I heard something.

Stay quiet.

What are you doing, Jorundr?

- I'm removing her body.

- Why? I didn't ask you to do that.

The people won't believe the gods

would let Freydis die in her own temple.

They will suspect something,

so I intend to bury it.

Did you really think I would believe that?

You betrayed me once,

why would I trust you now?

If you felt that way, then why did you

let me leave with her? Huh?

So I can now get rid of both of you!

No. You cannot k*ll her!

He is a traitor.

Hold him.

Come on!

Come on!

She's gone.

Search the woods for her.


You, you, this way.

This way!

Search the river!