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3x14 - The Lady Vanished

Posted: 03/27/10 17:15
by bunniefuu
Gossip girl here.

Your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manhattan elite.

I love you.


That's not really the reaction I was hoping for.

What is that? - It's from my father, and it's been opened.

You don't get to judge me ever again.

Tell me that you didn't sleep with your ex-husband.

I did kiss him, but that's all.

You have the wrong idea.

I'm not some sort of trophy husband.

It's okay.

We all sacrifice our independence for love.

You took the wrong boat.

No, actually, this is the one with the cash.

Mine had the "E" in it.

I spent 18 years accepting the fact my mother was dead.

Your real mother would never turn her back on a chance to now you.

I don't have a real mother, Blair.

It doesn't mean you're alone.

I really think that we should try to take this slow.

Yeah, yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

This wasn't a date.

If you want one, you'll have to ask.

Get up and go at it, Upper East Side.

I hear little J.

is having foreign relations with a handsome attach�.

We always knew she had friends in high places.

But how low will she go? - What are you even doing here? - You said your stepmom hadn't gotten up before noon all week.

But if she does, - then you'll be spending the day hiding in my closet.


All right, I'll go.

I just wanted to make sure we're still on for tonight.

-Oh, yeah I was thinking Italian.

Maybe Morandi or Il Buco? I mean, if you don't want to go downtown, we could just walk over to Tony's.

Oh, well, not that I don't love popcorn and a movie, - but I mean, it's Saturday night.

I wanted to go out.

We are.

In fact, we have half a dozen deliveries to make - at some parties.

Again? You're the only dealer in town? No rest for the wicked.

I'm gonna have to leave these here for the day if that's cool.

Yeah, okay.

Jenny's drug way station.

I guess that's the one good thing about my parents being in this huge, unexplained fight.

I can think of others.

Hey, don't don't you wanna answer that? No.

Hello, father.


No, I can't this evening.

I have plans.

Just a friend.


All right, shall we take care of this? What? Nothing.


Since when do you cook? Honestly, I didn't even know we had a fridge until this morning.

Hey, hey, hey, hey! We're not heathens.


I told you I was good in the kitchen.

The cocktail olives I could've done without, though.

Not really a breakfast food.

I'm still hungry.

Doesn't Rufus make brunch on Saturdays? I prefer this breakfast.

Oh, God! Oh, God.

Chuck! Of course.

Not to be outdone.

God forbid.

Yes! That's it! God.

Yes! Oh, don't stop! God, Chuck! - Oh, God, that's it! Yeah! - Hello? - Hey, it's me.

Chuck? Oh! Where are you? Early meeting.

Look, I forgot my cell.

Can you stick it in my briefcase? - God, yes! Chuck! Don't stop! Uh - Blair is sort of in there right now.

Which is why I need you to grab it.

She can get curious, - and right now is not a good time.

Oh, God! Yes! Yeah, man.

Uh, will do.


Yes! God, Chuck! God, Chuck! Yes! - Oh, God, Chuck! - Blair? Yes, right there! Oh! - Haven't you heard of knocking? - I did knock, but you didn't hear me.

We heard you, though.

I'm sorry.

Was it awkward? - Are you trying to prove some kind of point? - Yes.

But I shouldn't have to.

I'm just glad I got Chuck's couch scotchgarded.

Now if you'll excuse me, Louis Vuitton is doing metallic booties for spring.


? S.

? Talk to me.

Tell me what's wrong.

Chuck and I aren't connecting right now.

You mean Not just like that.

But thanks so much for the constant reminder.


He's shutting me out In his head all the time.

Normally, I'd chalk it up to just him being him.

But last week he went through something, and If he's still upset, I just want him to be able to talk to me.

Well, how do you usually pull these things out of him? Pretty much what you just heard, sans fashion magazine.

I've tried all my tricks.

He's not interested.

I just wanna make him feel better.



Uh, Dan.

Bit overdressed, aren't we? I have an extra pair of board shorts if you want to join me.

Hit Ocean Drive? Um uh maybe some other time.

Just listen to me.

All right, I I know I screwed up, and I don't blame you for not returning my phone calls.

But I miss you.

And what I said at the hospital, well, I meant it as a friend, - only as a friend.

Dan, it's cool.

You don't have to explain.

No, no, no, no, no, I really do because I I really want things to go back to the way they were.

What do you say? We could hang out today, we could remind ourselves - how normal it can be between us.

Actually, the dorm's throwing - this huge south beach party tonight.

Great, I love parties.

And I'm going with Paul.

I love Paul.

Don't you think the three of us hanging out would be weird? - Weird? - No.

No, I'll bring a date.

What date? Well, if you would've returned any number of my 10,000 phone calls, you would know that I've started seeing someone.

I mean, it's not serious at all, but, uh - Look, it'll be fun and normal.

I promise.


The party starts in an hour.

Okay, great.

All right.


What's her name? Melissa.

Yeah, her name's Melissa.

It's a good name.

See you soon.


Hey, uh, do you know a girl named Melissa? Everybody decent in here? Oh, hey.


Got it.

What are you doing? Um, my phone's dead.

I was gonna use Chuck's.

There's a phone in the living room.

I know.

I wanted to check a tweet.


Wait, Chuck asked you to grab his phone when he called, - didn't he? - Chuck called? No.

I mean, yeah, he called.

But he just wanted me to put his phone in his briefcase - so he doesn't forget it.

That's it.

Oh, God, I miss that.

What? - Dating someone who's a horrible liar.

So much easier.

Chuck didn't want me to see his phone.

Hand it over, Archibald.


There's half a dozen calls from a number I've never seen, and a message.

One, two, three, four, five.

Jenny? I was just going out for a coffee Hi, Lily.

You're up really early.

Uh, you remember Damien, right? He just stopped by.

What is going on here? Or do I even have to ask? Lily, I'm I'm I'm so sorry.

Please, please don't tell my dad.


I want both of you in the living room now.

You, get dressed.

I shouldn't.

I turned over a new lea a new, non-meddling leaf from the trust tree.

If he want keep secrets, then But he shouldn't.

Something is bothering him, and he's not telling me about it.

What am I supposed to do, right? - Blair, put the phone down, and talk to him when he gets home.

What it's this number.

It's the same number he called me from this morning.

Charles, it's me again.

I know I keep calling, but you haven't returned, and there are things you need to know, things I need to tell you.

I'm still at the Algonquin but I'm checking out today.

I hope you'll change your mind.

Elizabeth Fisher was staying at the Algonquin.

Who's Elizabeth Fisher? - Her name used to be Evelyn, and she's my mother.

And just like that, we get the mother of all questions.

Chuck, how is that even possible? Bart told you your mother died.

He also told me kids wear suits to kindergarten and that blue chip stocks are great for birthday gifts.

He told me what he wanted me to believe.

Chuck ran into a woman at Bart's grave and tracked her down.

She told us she was just one of Bart's friends, but I guess You okay, man? - Why wouldn't I be? - You don't seem excited.

After all this time of thinking your mother is gone, now you have a second chance.

A chance for what? Why even come back? - She's here now.

Who cares why? - I've got a pretty good idea what her motivation is.

Throw this away.

Chuck, no.

Serena, just - You have no idea what happened 20 years ago, why she stayed away.

You have to at least let her explain.

No, I really don't.

I'm going to the bar for a drink.

If you're planning on doing any more sleuthing behind my back, I can leave you the combination for the hotel safe.

He's gonna be fine.

He's being crazy.

What are we gonna do? - Nothing.

You didn't see his face when he confronted this woman, and she sent him away.

He's had enough pain in his life.

If he doesn't wanna hear her story, then I'm gonna respect that, and so will you.

I'm gonna take off.

I don't really feel like playing the scared boyfriend role.

No one's asking you to play the boyfriend role.


Okay, Lily, what's so important that you couldn't tell me over the phone? Well, Jenny had a friend stay over last night, and I thought it would be a good idea for us to talk about it.

Whoo! So how long have you and Vanessa known each other? Oh, we've been best friends since we were kids.

I was actually talking to Paul.


Of course.

Paul and I met at a cabaret last semester.

And theme was fairy tales, so it's only appropriate - that I met my prince charming.

Actually, Dan was prince charming.

Where did you and Dan meet? - In the hallway, actually.

He Yeah, I was lost.

Uh, this building can be very tricky when you don't live here.

Let's go hit a beach ball around.



Are we gonna talk about what's going on here? - More drinks first.

I'm sorry.

But A Blair Waldorf apology without a caveat? Sounds serious.

Which is why I'm here if you wanna talk.

Or if you don't.

Even if she is my mother, she isn't.

It doesn't change anything.

The past belongs to the past.

I think we should go to Bart's grave one last time, drop that of and never look back.

All right.

Where do I even start? How could you let this happen? - I didn't let anything happen.

Jenny is not Serena.

And contrary to popular belief, children need boundaries.

Dad, I - Excuse me, sir.

The truth is, we fell asleep watching TV.

I know that sounds like "teenage excuses for dummies.

" I appreciate the fact that you're a concerned father is remembering when you were a teenage boy.

Pack your bags, young lady.

You're coming with me.

What? Where, dad? I live here.

Not anymore.

It's back to Brooklyn for you.

Dad, you can't do that.

Rufus - Jennifer, pack your bags or I will.

Okay, fine.

I'll do it myself.

Rufus, can we please talk about this? No, Lily, we can't.

You know, while she's packing her stuff, maybe I'll go grab what's left of my own.


Where's Melissa? Uh, oh, she's salsa dancing.

Paul? She seems nice.

I knew this was gonna be weird.

What are you talking about? - We're not really in a friendship groove here, Dan.

There's too much pressure.

Too much pressure? There's there's no pressure.

What could be friendlier than taking a mock photo? Come on.

Uh photo? Huh? Right.

That was you know, it's it's it's all these mojitos and the confined space and the heat.



Um, so photo? Yeah.


We come in peace.

Whatever you need, man, we're here for ya.

We made reservations at Kellari.

Greeks know how to do comfort food.

What do you say? Well, I guess I could use the walk And some food in my system.

You sure we're doing the right thing? It's his mother.

You know Chuck.

He just needs a little push.

Careful, S.

You may think you know what's best, but this time, you might just be pushing your Chuck.

What? Nothing.

O our drinks would be nice, - maybe some bread for the table.

You haven't eaten bread since middle school.

So, buddy, uh, how you holding up? You good? Yeah, I'm fine.

No, it wasn't me.

We we called her.

We think you're making a big mistake, one you'll regret for the rest of your life.

Why not just listen? - That's it.

Let's go.

Blair, you know I'm right.

No matter what he says now, he'll always wonder, and it will eat away at him.

Chuck, she's here now, and she wants to talk to you.

Whatever she has to say, it's better than not knowing.


Oh, my God.

I forgot our drinks.

No, Melissa and I already grabbed some.


And we got to talking.

He was surprised to find out we just met this morning.

This morning? - Right before you called and told me you wanted to get back together.

Back together? - How do you feel about salsa dancing? - No, no, no.

M Melissa, please.

Wait, Paul.

I I can explain.

Can you just wait one second? - No, no need.

We get it, even if you don't.

And whatever's going on between you two either do something about it or don't do something about it.

But, please, don't bring normal people into whatever this is.

This was a mistake.

I was brought here under false pretenses.

Your friend Serena told me that you know who I am.

"Friend" is a pretty loose term right now.

They're talking.

See? I knew if they got together - Shh! Eat your spanakopita.

I don't know where to start.

If it's all the same to you, - why don't we skip to the end of the story? - I'm I'm sorry? - What's he doing? - Oh, Chuck.

I know why you're here.

Yes, to-to talk.

Really? Well, we'll see how much you want to talk, because I bet it's not as much as this.

She she doesn't want the money.

She she won't take it.

She just wants to talk to him.

I'm going over there.

Serena, sit your ass down.


No judgment, no strings attached, but one.

I don't want to know your story.

I want to know you'll leave and never come back.

This is really what you want? I'm sorry, Charles.

You're right.

An expensive lunch, but it was worth it.

By the way, you were wrong.

What are you still doing here? Do you want my dad to k*ll you? Right.

Well, I assume you're not leaving without these.

I will be taking these, but I actually came to say goodbye.


Well, goodbye friend.

That's what you called me on the phone to your dad, right? - So? So I'm getting exiled to Brooklyn because of our relationship, and I don't even know if we have one.

Jenny You're in high school.

Your father's not completely out of line.



You know, wait a second.

I'm not gonna go write your name in a heart on my binder, okay? But you cannot expect me to start world w*r III with my dad without even giving me something to fight for.

What difference does it make? - Your father won't let you see me again.

Okay, now who's in high school? I fight with my dad all the time.

Last year I ran away.

I'm I'm not afraid to stand up to him.

Jenny? Jenny, what are you doing? Jenny.

Whose are these? They're mine.

Watch your step, little J.

Damien may be your drug of choice, but it looks like this love could be bad medicine.

Look, I can explain.

Oh, believe me, you will Right now.

Did you know about this? No, Rufus, I did not know about a giant bag of pills.

Jenny, what are you doing? I may be a bitch, but I'm not a little bitch.

I told you I wasn't afraid.

Are you taking these or selling them? I want the truth.

They're for a friend.

Jenny, please don't make this worse.

Okay, I don't get what the big deal is.

I know you didn't spend all those years on the tour bus reading.

There's a huge difference between sharing a joint with my bassist and getting caught with a sack full of narcotics.

This is serious, Jenny.


So let's just get it over with then.

Am I grounded for life? Military school? What? Probably both.

This goes way past that, Jenny.

See, I look at you and I don't see my daughter anymore.

The dr*gs don't belong to Jenny.

They're mine.

Actually, they're my father's.


Chuck, wait.

You were looking for a fairy-tale ending.

Next time rent a movie.

Leave me out of I.

I just wanted him to have answers.


You and I both know why you did this, and it has nothing to do with Chuck.

You're right.

I'm sorry.

I should go.

Hey, I'll go with you.

Nate, I need to be alone right now.

What do you mean, it had nothing to do with Chuck? Sorry, Nate.

Vanessa, hey.

We need to talk about this.

What? - Our our kiss.

What's there to discuss? We both had about five too many mojitos.

Why did you lie to me about dating Paul? Because I knew you had feelings for me, and I didn't want things to be awkward between us.

And if I was dating Paul, then you wouldn't get your hopes up.

Oh, come on, Vanessa, don't - No, don't get all Dan Humphrey on me.

Melissa? Really? - All right, fine.

Y fine.


It's clearly not my best plan.

And I I shouldn't have lied to you either, but I was trying to protect our friendship.

I didn't want you to feel weird around me.

That stopped being an option the minute you old me you had feelings for me.

I wish you'd never done that.

I think I need another mojito.

I'm I'll I'll see you around.

So after my mother left, uh, I thought my father just wanted to have a good time, but, of course, you know, it escalated, and he started going on these benders.

One day he disappeared for two days.

I thought he was dead.

And, uh, you didn't tell anyone? - I had no one to tell.

I mean, my mother certainly wasn't an option.

Then he came back in, filthy, with a broken arm and no recollection of what had happened.

Oh, my God.

The good news was I think it scared him enough that he got sober.

And I got my father back, or least I thought I did, until I saw these this morning in his room.

That's when I came over here, to see Jenny.

Jenny's really been her for me lately.

And wile we're clearing the air, I want you to know I didn't spend the night in your home last night.

Jenny was just trying to protect me.

By letting me believe that Damien slept here? I was trying to distract you from seeing the pills.

Yeah, I I still don't understand why you brought the dr*gs over.

I know it was completely reckless, and I'm sorry for putting you and Jenny in that position.

I I just thought I if I got the pills away from my dad that everything would be okay.

I'm sorry.

Do you want to talk? Or No talking.

Well, that was certainly a crazy story.

Where'd you get that, "intervention"? I I mean, it sounded so real.

They totally bought it.

Yeah, there's nothing to buy.

It's it's true Oh, Damien, they're upstairs.

They can't hear you.

Except for the part about my dad getting sober.

I'm so sorry.

I had no idea.

No one does.

I'd leave except I feel like if I disappear, he'd have absolutely no reason to ever come home.

I'm really glad you told me.

Well, the pills have been flushed.

It's time for Damien to go, and us, too, Jenny.

Just be happy you have a father who actually cares what you do.

Thanks, dad.

I really liked Damien, and he liked me.

You're young.

You'll get over it.

Get your suitcase.

Elizabeth? I'm sorry.

I I need to leave.

Can I just have a moment of your time, please? Charles was pretty clear about his feelings.

It's not for him.

It's for me.

Well, S.

, looks like Chuck's mom isn't the only one with baggage.

My dad left when I was a little girl.

I don't know when or if I'll ever know why.

But I want to know why you left.

I know it must not be easy, but I don't think you would have come back if you didn't want to tell your story.

I I was 19 when I got pregnant, nowhere near ready to be a mother.

We agreed I'd give the baby up for adoption.

But I saw a picture of you holding Chuck in the locket.

You you couldn't go through with it? No.

It was Bart who couldn't go through with it.

Once he saw his son, that was it.

He even asked me to marry him.

You weren't married? Oh, no.

And I wasn't about to be.

I didn't love him.

I told him that.

So he blackmailed you then, told you that if you left, you'd never see your son? I'm the one who told him to tell Charles I was dead.

It was the only way I knew that he'd never come looking for me.

And that way I could go on with my life as if he never happened.

But you must have had regrets.

And and knowing Bart, he wouldn't have made it easy to come back.

Right? Bart sent me money every year to keep me away.

But truth is, he didn't have to.

I didn't doubt my decision.

I know This wasn't what you were hoping to hear, but now you know why it's better if I just leave.

My son wants to hate me.

I don't blame him.

You know, I've I've known Chuck my whole life, and he's better than anyone I know at pushing people away.

I don't care what he says or does, but there's no child that doesn't want to know their parent.


Can I talk to you for a sec? Uh, yeah.


Excuse me.

Look, you're right.

I lied to you about Paul and then kissed you because I have feelings for you.

I'm scared, because I don't want to ruin our friendship.

And neither do I.

We're in this no-man's-land.

We aren't hooking up right now because we want to stay friends, - but we aren't friends right now because we want to hook up.

No one is really winning in this scenario.

It's like we're being so cautious that we're ruining everything.

We're hurting our friendship by-by not hooking up.

I think we should just throw down and see what happens.

If we go up in flames at least we know we burned trying.

I'm scared.

Dad, I'm sorry.

I know that I'm probably grounded until I go to college, but please, is there any way - that Damien can have visitation rights? - I understand that you like Damien, Jenny, - but you can't see him anymore.

Dad You lied to us to protect this boy.

And whatever's happening in his home life You know, I can't have you spending time with someone mixed up with dr*gs.

Lily, please.

You get it, right? - Jenny, I'm sorry.

Your father is right.

Okay, you're just taking dad's side - 'cause you guys are in a fight.

This has nothing to do with Lily and me.

Really? Because Lily's sleeping till noon every day, and you're spending your time hiding at the loft.

So just because you finally found something that you guys can agree on, - it doesn't mean that you're right.

Where are you going? I'll be waiting for you downstairs.

Let's just get this over with.

I wish you and Jenny would just stay here, and we could work through this as a family.

Jenny needs a break from this world.

She needs to be back in her old room, her feet on solid ground.

And I think I need that, too, at least for a while.

I'm sorry for not telling you about Elizabeth calling.

I wasn't trying to shut you out.

Then what was it? I was hoping I could find out who she was without ever knowing why she did what she did.

Writing the check was just a test.

But I wanted her to pass, not fail.

As soon as I handed it to her, I didn't want her to take it.


It's the front desk.

Hello? Okay, Patricia, hold on.

Elizabeth Fisher is in the lobby.

She wants to come up.

All right, you ready to go? Jenny? Jenny? There comes a time when every father learns you can't keep a bad girl down.

Nate, what are you doing here? Well, I thought you'd be here.

Where'd you go? Um, I went to see Chuck's mother.

Why? Because of my dad.

I've been trying to find him.

I just want to talk to him, to understand why he left.

I've come close to finding him.

I I tracked him down last summer.

But, um, he didn't want to see me, and he wrote me a letter explaining.

He was with my mother.

So that's why you've been avoiding your mom.

And I felt like somehow h his letter meant something.

You know? But the truth is, he knows who I am now, and he hasn't come to find me.

I think talking to Elizabeth made me finally realize that he just doesn't want to be found.

Why didn't you tell me any of this? Well Things have been so good with us, so fun.

I didn't want to bring any heaviness into it, you know, ruin things.

Yeah, I mean, this time has been incredible.

I mean, we broke my dresser.

And I'm enjoying every minute of it.

I just I want to be that person you can bring anything to, the good and the bad.

Me, too.

Did you ever think that maybe If that's the way your father feels, he's not worth finding? I know it's probably not the story you wanted to hear, but I wanted you to know the truth.

And I thought my father was the heartless one.


You have every right to hate me.

But I want to be in your life.

For a price, of course.

I don't want this.

I thought it would be better if you could hate me, but I think it's better if you know me.

I've decided to stay in new York.

I'm willing to wait as long as it takes.

I want to know my son.


It seems like all that money Should at least buy you a drink.

I was worried that it wasn't gonna be as good without Olivia.

Yeah, it's almost like she brought us down, I I would say, - if I had to grade us.

"A" minus? All right.

Well, I was gonna say "a" plus.

Well, minus for the first time, due to the elbow incident, but after that, plus.

Plus, plus, plus.

The reason, um, I was freaked out when you told me how you felt was because with us, it feels like it's all or nothing.

Yeah, I know.

If we hooked up, then it puts everything in fast-forward.

Like we'd have to be married - before graduation.

All of our friends would be getting their first STDs, and we'd be celebrating our first wedding anniversary.

So let's just take it one day at a time? Keep being friends? Yeah.

As long as we can keep doing this.

You're gonna be in a lot of trouble.


Well, you'd better make my punishment worth it.

So my dad might have flushed your stash, but I raided Lily's medicine cabinet.

She sometimes gets headaches.

It's a hell of a headache.


I figured we could go to the party and you could maybe sell those instead.

Or We could skip the party.

And do what? Rufus? No, miss Lily.

It's me.

Is that Rufus' scarf? It was turned in, lost and found.

He wasn't wearing it today.

I did not want to say this, but Dorota insist.

Miss Holland say Uh, Rufus left this at her apartment.

I'm sure he was just down there talking about rooftop garden.

Thank you, Vanya.

I'm sure that was it.


It's me.


I still don't know if this is your number, but I wanted you to know that I'm not looking for you anymore.

I thought maybe you wanted to know me.

But now it's me that doesn't want to know you.

I'm done.

See you tomorrow.

Enjoy your talk.

Call me in the morning.

Thank you.

I will.

Spotted Chuck Bass breaking bread with his mother.

Looks like our little boy lost is finally found What do you want to know? Everything.

For now, at least.

xoxo, gossip girl.