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3x12 - The Debarted

Posted: 12/19/09 12:13
by bunniefuu
Gossip Girl here, Your one and only source Into the sandalous lives of manhattan's elite.

Bart's been in an accident.

My father turned his first profit by the time he was 22.

I hope to do it by the time I'm 21.

Oh, you're in love with her.

It's all over your face.


Blair told me you were responsible For sabotaging me at cotillion.

Tripp is divorcing Maureen.

We're going away together.

It is a huge mistake.

You wanna talk to me about mistakes? You don't get to judge me.

Please don't get in the car.

Serena, you coming? And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell.

You know you love me.





, gossip girl.

On lonely street Little runaway girl Do it again Do it again If you don't mind I do.

Serena, I can't stand this.

I love you.

Tripp, everything is ruined, already It's too late.

Serena, it doesn't have to be, Tripp! They say that there are no accidents.

Sometimes, reality comes crashing into us.

Other times, it dawns on us slowly, Despite our best efforts to ignore it.


I brought your favorite.

Oh, you're up.

I haven't been sleeping well.

I know, hence the breakfast in bed Which will taste just as good in the living room.

I'm not hungry.

Stop trying to pretend, Chuck.

I know why you're upset.

Today is a day like any other.

In fact, I'm going to a meeting.

I'm looking at a property on the lower east side.

I can't be resting on my laurels.

The empire's doing well.

It's time to look ahead.

Well, since I canceled my day, I am now completely free, so I'm coming with you.


I thought you were getting ready for that co-op meeting.



It slipped my mind.

You cleaning out the closet again? I thought you did that yesterday and the day before.

Well, Vanya has organized a clothing drive-- "coats for Kiev.

" Vanya's from Minsk.

Lil, none of this is making much sense.

Does this have something to do with serena? What, other than the fact that she won't speak to me? That she's holed up with some married politician, Acting like some sort of teenage Rielle Hunter? Well, if it's this upsetting, let's do something about it.

Where is she? Let's bring her back.

Would you represent us at the co-op meeting today? It's about the rooftop garden.

You know how strict Those green people are about attendance.

If it'll help you out, I'm totally free.

I had a feeling you might say that.

What's that supposed to mean? Nothing.

I'm sorry.

Look, I know our family's going through a lot, And I love That you've made us your priority.

It's at park avenue autumn.

No, no.

Of course, sir.

I'm thrilled.

I'll be in touch with an answer.

Thanks again.

You've been ducking work all week.

Who was important enough for you to finally take their call? - Barney Frank.

Really? He asked me to serve on the finance subcommittee.

Oh! that's so exciting.

Hey, maybe--maybe this will all blow over.

Unfortunately, it has to blow up before it blows over.

It's only a matter of time before Maureen goes public.

And I can't hide out here forever.

Well, if being together means everything will fall apart, Then so be it.

It'll be hard, but we'll figure it out, Even if that means starting over.


Starting over.


We'll get through this.

I'm gonna go into town and get some supplies.


Don't be too long.

Um, this building is a homeless shelter.

"a," gross, and "b," really? I'm not a huge advocate of the downtrodden, But I am a fan of not stepping on them when I'm at John Derian.

If you turn these into lofts, Then where are they going to live? I don't know, blair.

One step at a time.

The owner of the building's waiting inside with the specs.

I-I'm sorry.

Far be it from me to be overcome with the holiday spirit, But this whole scrooge act? You should be at home today Or laying flowers on your father's grave.

I know today is the anniversary of his death.

Why don't you take the car And meet me at the hotel later for lunch? We'll have our quiet time then.


Pretend like you never get sad And all you care about is making more money.

But just so we're clear, I know better.

And you, chuck bass, are not your father.

I know.

We make our own fortunes, And then call them fate.


Can you meet me right now? I think we should talk.

And what better excuse to choose a path Than to insist it's our destiny? But at the end of the day, We all have to live with our choices You did the right thing, son.

No matter who's looking over our shoulder.

Spotted--an "it" girl with an "it" bag.

Looks like the roadie to success Is paved with cruel intentions.

Can I hold the baby? - Oh, it's beautiful! I've never seen one in the flesh.

Because it's not in stores yet.

Even the waiting list is still waiting.

I guess it pays to be Lily Bass' daughter.

Well, her name is "humphrey" now, And I got this through my own connections.




! Twins! - You have the same bag! - how did you get that?! Well, great minds shop alike.

Although in the future, J, we should probably coordinate.

I'll take tuesdays and thursdays And alternate wednesdays? How about you take yours back to the store? You know I have first dibs on designer everything.

I'm--I'm sorry, Jenny.

But my mom brought this back for me from Paris.

It had its own seat on the plane.

Well, since you apparently love your new bag More than your old friends, I guess you can carry it Across the street.

Enjoy being B.



S with a hunk of leather.

So who wants to hold it first? Okay, that was totally humiliating.

That was kind of the point.

If we wanna turn Carmen and Jane against Jenny, We've gotta make them see that she is the meanest queen ever.

Consider the mission a success.

I had to pinch myself to keep from crying.

I know it's hard, but you have to stick with the plan.

And if the plan doesn't work? - If it does work, We'll make sure you end up the new queen.

You better.

But in the mean time I'm keepin' the bag.

Are you ready for phase two? Olivia called it, you know.

I mean, and I was--I was too stupid or too stubborn To realize that she was right about Vanessa.

And now my window's closed.

She's all off into This Paul Hoffman guy.

Dan, do you really think If you went toe-to-toe with paul hoffman That you couldn't take him down? You're using him as an excuse.

No, no, he's a.


he's a.


he's a handsome guy, a sophomore.

He and vanessa have a lot in common.

He's a douche.

Listen, you have two options here-- You can man up, go to w*r and fight for the girl you love, Or just forget her and move on to a palate cleanser.

So you're saying my only choices are Extreme emotional vulnerability with a good friend, Or meaningless sex with a stranger? - Yeah, pretty much.

All right.


We were just talking about you.


Uh, we're going up to my country house this weekend, And I wondered if you wanted to come.

And there's a hot tub.

It's kind of a writers retreat.

And Paul's coming.

Oh you know, that sounds-- that sounds so tempting.

But I think, um, I got a lot of homework So I think I'm gonna stick around here.



I'll call you when we get back.


See ya.

Dude, what was that? You should totally go.

You can box paul out of the hot tub - Or get with Willa.

Willa? Oh, yeah, she's so cute.

Look at her.

And she's a drama major.

Actresses are crazy.

Willa! - yeah? Yeah, you know what? Um on second thought, I'd love to go.

It sounds like fun.

Really? - Yeah.


We're meeting at the dorms tonight.

Come find me.

Will do.

You're welcome.

Looks like I won.

Hi, I'm rufus humphrey, lily's-- Husband.


Holland Kemble.

We'd been placing bets on when you'd show up, and I had today.

Oh, why? Did Bart used to come to these meetings? Nope.

Not once.

But an attractive man like yourself Moves into the building based on your comings and goings, It doesn't seem like you have a boardroom to run Or a hedge fund to manage, So we figured it was just a matter of time.

I-I-I think you have the wrong idea.

I'm not some sort of trophy husband.

My family's just in transition.

It's okay.

We all sacrifice our independence for love.

At first it seems totally worth it.

It's just later after you've given everything up That you realize you have nothing left to offer.

That's when your husband starts banging his yoga teacher.


That was probably an overshare.

Ladies and gentleman, Let's begin.

You said you were getting groceries.

Where are you? I'm with my grandfather, actually.

He got wind of what was going down and called.

Honestly, I'm relieved to get his advice.

Well, I'm glad you're working things out, But you left me alone.

And there's no coffee or cable.

And I came here to be with you.

I know, and I so appreciate you being patient.

You're there for me 100%, and I'm the one who's a mess.


But your life is pretty complicated, And I knew what I was getting myself into.

Thank you for understanding.

I'll see you tonight.

Wait, tonight? Deep breath, Tripp.

If we handle this right, you'll be able to keep The career you worked so hard for And get the woman of your dreams, And I'll still have my marriage.

Why are you okay with this? - We both share A dream we're not willing to give up on.

I was hoping you'd come to your senses, and now you have.

I do care about my career, But not as much as I care about Serena.

I just wanna make sure I'm being clear about that.

It's my personal opinion that Serena is just a phase.

A few years from now, We'll look back and all this will be a faded memory.

Well, that's where our opinions diverge.

I'm willing to take that chance.

I guess now we see if Serena's willing to bet against you.

I'm thinking a personal appeal, woman-to-woman.

I liked what I saw today.

Seems like the right property at the right time.

You have the cash.

You should've signed at the site, Be moving forward by now.

There's just a few things I need to figure out first.

Like the building's residents? They're not your concern.

And if you want the write-off for '09, You need to be breaking ground by the new year, so Ho ho homeless.

No disrespect, But I don't need your advice.

I've been doing pretty well without you.

Oh, yeah.

The empire.

Nice hotel.

Thank you.

But to be honest, I haven't seen anything in the last year That suggest you have what it takes.

If anything.

You've been a disappointment.

You opened your heart to Blair, And it made you weak.

You cannot be One person at work and another one at home.

If you're soft, you're soft.

And well, let's face it-- You're soft.

"I love you, too.

" Hey, I'm sorry to call.

I know you probably don't wanna hear from me after Thanksgiving.


No, of course I do.

I've been thinking about you.

Just worried.

Is everything okay? Where's Tripp? He's out.

I'm at the cottage, and the heat died.

I know you've been here before.

So do you know how to restart it? You know, I've actually, um, only been there over the summer.

I don'tI don't know how to help you.

Okay, heat is optional, But please tell me there's a microwave or Wi-fi.

I'm--I'm starved and bored out of my mind.

Ever read "the old man and the sea"? I prefer Fitzgerald to Hemingway.

Yeah, I've never read it either, But go look for it on the bookshelf.

It's blue with a yellow bookmark.

Oh! And the location of your secret boyhood pot stash.

Just don't tell grandfather.

Tripp and I hid it there a couple of summers ago, So it might be a little dusty, But it's the best I can do Till Tripp gets back.

Where is he, anyway? - Actually, he's with your grandfather Getting advice on the difficult days ahead.

Nate? Yeah, just, um listen, stay warm, And if you need anything else, just give me a buzz.

Like a lighter? Hey, I'mI'm really glad we can still talk.

Yeah, me, too.


Hello, Serena.


You have no reason to be here.

Get out or I'll call Tripp.

Who do you think told me you were here? Tripp and I aren't getting divorced.

You can have him in private, But I get him in public.

He keeps his career, I keep my pride and position, And you get Whatever you're getting.

Screwed, I think they call it.

Y-you're asking me to be your husband's mistress? It's a time-honored political tradition.

I'm Jackie.

You're Marilyn.

I love Tripp, and I'd do anything to make him happy.

What makes him happy is being with me.

I know Tripp would never send you here.

He knows that I wouldn't agree with this.

He was skeptical, it's true.

But he didn't know that I have this.

Where'd you get that? The more relevant question is what your stepfather will say When he finds out your mother is a cheating whore.

Your mother and father alone in his hotel room What do you think they were doing? I don't know.

The letter doesn't say.

Knowing Lily, I think we can assume the worst.

I'm pretty sure Rufus will.

Okay, then.

You think about my offer.

Honestly, with this letter, I could've forced you out of the picture altogether.

But it's not what Tripp wants, so I'm being pragmatic.

I hope you'll decide to do the same.

I thought you were meeting me for lunch.

I had too much to drink.


Well We'll just order room service.

Look, I really don't need you to take care of me.

I know How hard it was for you to let your guard down To let me in.

But you've changed.

I'm buying that building.

Chuck - Don't tell me what to do.

I'm not.

Just talk to me.

Blair I need you to get out of here now.



Maybe there's hope for you yet.

You know, Jenny said that if she was chosen to be queen, Then things would be better, But if you think about it, things are actually kinda worse.

Blair never banished a girl for getting a gift.

It is almost Christmas.


There could be wish list carnage.

Think about it.

Did someone mention christmas? Happy holidays, ladies.

See, that's why I was so mad at Sawyer, Cause she ruined the surprise.

It's Y.



For everyone.







! Oh, my god! Best gift ever! I love you! I love you, too! Jenny, where did you even get the money? My mom's generous, but she wouldn't give you The price of a smart car to spend on purses.

Come on, ladies.

Let's go buy matching lipstick.

Chuck's having such a difficult day, And since I'm sure you are, too, I thought you might have some words of advice.

Cyrus says it's an essential part of life, honoring the dead.

But Chuck refuses to visit Bart's grave even today.

On the anniversary of his death.

Do you know that Chuck's never been to his mother's grave once? I can understand not going on the date she died It is his birthday after all But Bart refused to tell him where Evelyn was even buried, Said it was morbid for a child to visit a cemetery.

Lily? Mm.

Are you listening? - Yes, of course I am, Blair.

And I will go see Charles and talk to him.

Thank you.

Hello, Mr.



What brings you here? I was just looking for backup from Lily.

Bart's 1-year mark.


Lil, why didn't you say something? No wonder you're so upset today.

Bart's death was such a tough time.

Thank you for standing by me.


I don't know what I would ever do if I lost you.

Well, I'm not going anywhere.

It's not that I believe Maureen, But Tripp hasn't returned any of my texts or messages, And I need to talk to him.

I think that you should be open To the idea that at least some of what Maureen was saying - Might be true.

Why would you say that? I've risked everything to be with Tripp.

I have to have faith.

Your grandfather just loves to talk.

Tripp will be home soon, and he'll explain everything.

Serena, my grandfather's in Bermuda.

What? When we got off the phone earlier, I called my mom, just to be sure.

I don't know where Tripp is, but he's lying - to you.

Will you excuse me? I have to go.

Look likes the love nest has become a hornet's nest Sir, how long till we get to Nassau county? And here comes Nate to stir it up.

Come in.

I, um, I'm ready to go.

So I don't know if you got a car Or we're taking the train or what.

I told Paul and Vanessa we'd be a while.

I'd like your thoughts on something While we're still alone.

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, sure.

What is it? It's a performance art piece I did.

It's kind of Karen Finley meets Daryl Hannah in "Legal Eagles," But without Clothing.

You're, uh You're naked there.

Hello, Charles.

How are you? Busy.

I told the front desk not to bother sending you up.

I'm on my way out.

Well, wherever you're going, Will you put it off for a few hours And come with me to the cemetery? I can't.

It's business.

Well, we both know that your father was a complicated man.

And I honestly think that he thought It was just easier to be alone.

And you know what? There are moments that I think I agree with him.

But we're not that way, I'm afraid.

We need each other.

And right now, I need you To do this with me.

I'm sorry, Lily, But I believe The way to honor my father is to work.

Sometimes we need to do something To show people how we feel, Even when they're not here to see it.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's Serena.

Excuse me.

Mom, it's me.

Serena, are you okay? You sound upset.

I'll be fine, eventually.

I know how mad you are that I chose to go with Tripp - Rather than following your advice.

Well, I never wanted to punish you, just protect you.

You don't need to explain.

Right now I just need my mom.

Okay? Of course, darling.

Maureen has my letter from dad.

What? I don't know how she got it, But she doesn't want to leave Tripp, And she's threatening to show it to Rufus.

Oh, my god.

What does Tripp say? I don't know, because I can't get in touch with him.

And it doesn't matter anyway, Because I know he's lying to me.

Oh, Serena, I'm so sorry for that letter And what happened with your father.

I'll tell Rufus everything, Which I should have done already.

Look, just get home, And we'll fix everything, okay? I promise.

Thank you, mom.

I love you.

I love you, too.
So much for the day of the dead.

Yes, I'm afraid I have to attend to the living right now.

Look, I hope you'll consider what I said, Maybe do this for both of us.

They should be yellow roses.

They were my mother's favorite.

Serena, where are you going? Away from you, liar.

I'll find a cab.

Serena, wait.

Tell me it isn't true.

Tell me that you're getting a divorce, That you spent the entire day talking to your grandfather And that you didn't send Maureen here, And Nate is just jealous.

I can't even look at you.

Serena, let me at least drive you.

I'll take you back to the city.

We can talk in the car.

You know I want to be with you more than anything.


Let me explain.

I'll get in the car, but no talking.

I'm done talking.

Dream, little girl On lonely street Little runaway girl Do it again Do it again Tripp! Run, run, run away, little girl Get your fun in this trashy world Empty-hearted boys by your side Lick your lips and su1c1de Maureen? Something terrible's happened.

I need help.

Oh my god Serena! What happened? Where's tripp? Tripp? Is he okay? No, Serena, Tripp's not here.

He was driving.

This is Tripp.

Leave a message.

Tripp? I need to see you right now.

You meet me at the hospital or I'm going to the cops.

What is that heavenly smell? I am christening the kitchen with a little bolognese.

I figured you could use some comfort food today.

Are the kids home yet? Not yet.

Well, since we have a little alone time, There's something I want to tell you.

Sounds serious.

It is.

Oh, god.

It's 5-1-6.

It might be serena.

Hello? Mm.


I'mI'm s.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

It's 100% me.

It's not you, you know.

Um, and yourthis performance thing is amazing.



you're a-a great kisser.

Uh, I just.



You know what? I gottaI gotta take this.

I'm sorry.

Serena's been in a car accident.

What? Yeah.

I-I don't know much, but we gotta go.

What happened? Wait.

Where are you going? - I'll explain on the way.

Come on.

What? What now, Blair? I'll see you there.

Arthur, change of destination.

We're going to Nassau county.

What are you doing? We're almost there.

Everyone's waiting.

I'm sure they're gonna have a backup offer lined up.

Would you just leave me alone?! You get to the L.



Stop looking at me.

What were you thinking, Tripp? Have you seen her? Is serena okay? You left her alone in a wrecked car And you moved her? What happened to you, man? You know, you were-- You were the good guy.

You were the honest one.

Nate, you've gotta understand-- - Oh, I fully understand.

I called 9-1-1.

Oh, come on.

Are you serious? Look, I know we're family, But what you did is unforgivable.

When the cops start asking questions, I'm telling them the truth.

The truth is that Tripp was with me.

I told you to stay in the car.

I think the days of you telling me what to do Are behind us, don't you? I've spoken to William.

He's got Tripp's back on this one.

If anyone starts asking questions, I'm ready with a statement That says Tripp was with me all night.

What about serena's statement? With her history of drinking and dr*gs, Not to mention her unstable family background And the many, many men In any case, your grandfather is very well liked By the sheriff's department around here.

Coming, Tripp? I'd love to see her.

You don't think you could help me get Spotted-- the fall of a politician You stay the hell away from her.

And the rise of a hero.

Poor congressman.

You've been vetoed.

I am so sorry.

I guess I had to learn the hard way.

Well, like mother, like daughter.

Is Rufus here? Well, um, he's coming, But I asked him to look for your health insurance papers.

They're somewhere in my desk.

Mom, my insurance card is in my wallet.

You didn't tell him, did you? Well, I was going to, And then the hospital called.

And, um, with Maureen and who knows what else, I didn't know what we'd be walking into here.

I-I just need to rest now.





Nice outfit.

You, too.

You were so right about this one.

What are you doing out here? Come on.

I'm sorry, Mrs.


Charles, the doctors say there's nothing more they can do.

We have to let him go.

Chuck, stay.

Be here with us.

How's Serena? She's gonna be okay.

Lily's here? Eric's here? Everyone's here.

Chuck? My father always thought I was weak.

And in the moment that mattered most, I was.

I couldn't be there when he, uh I left, ran away.

I've been Pushing myself To prove him wrong, and Been pushing you away.

I don't think you ran away Because you couldn't handle death.

I think it's because you couldn't handle feelings.

But you're not like that anymore.

You're strong.

You carry people.

You carry me.

You're becoming a man in a way that Your father never was.


Let's say good-bye.

You always Thank you.

You want a sip of my coffee? - No, thanks.

I was just offering.

Just declining the offer.

Eric, I'm sorry.

Jenny, can we stop this? So I'm assuming you set sawyer up with that bag.

Me and Kira, yeah.

I heard you talking to that shopgirl on the phone.

I knew you were listening to that call.

Which is why you were ready with the bags for Jane and Carmen.

You are starting to scare me.

Right back at ya.

And I wouldn't have had to do it If it wasn't for your smear campaign.

Which you totally deserved.

Hey, truce? Yeah.

Come on.

Let's go buy serena One of those hideous stuffed bears at the gift shop With the "get well soon" balloon.

Maureen, hi.

I-I-I'm actually on my way out.

I know you must be surprised to see me, But if you have a moment I've been having some difficulties in my marriage, And I'd hate to see anyone Suffer through the same pain that I have.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Somehow this ended up in my coat pocket at thanksgiving.

Just read it.

I mean, imagine if Serena would have hit her head A little harder or the car rolled or the-- Vanessa I love you.

I love you, too.


That was not the reaction I was hoping for.

Dan, sometimes when people are under a lot of emotional stress, They say things that they don't really mean.

Yeah, I was, uh, I-I-I think I-I read that somewhere.

I'm gonna go see if Serena needs anything.

Yeah, I'm up at brooklyn, now I'm down in Tribeca Right next to De Niro, but I'll be 'hood forever I'm the new Sinatra And since I made it here, I can make it anywhere Yeah, they love me everywhere Rufus? Sinatra sings, "New York, New York, it's a helluva town.

" But on the upper east side, Sometimes it just feels like hell.

New york Concrete jungle where dreams are made of I think I might need some advice.

Even when we're sure we've earned that happy ending It doesn't always come.

Second thoughts creep in.

Secret missions sneak out.

And only sleeping beauty finds her prince.

Hey, you're late.

These guys are texting.

They're waiting.


It was a hectic night.

Do you even have it on you? Well, can I hold it? The queen bee likes a thrill, yeah? And, uh, this time, I want to go to the table alone.

By the way, those handbags totally saved my ass, So, uh, thanks for making that happen.

Don't thank me.

You earned that money.

And I needed it.

It's not easy being queen.

Or cheap.

Stick with me, Jenny Humphrey, And you'll have enough cash to underwrite your entire kingdom.

In this city, nothing is for certain.

The night can push you forward into a dark future Or plunge you into a mysterious past.

Lily? Charles.