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01x16 - Lovesick

Posted: 01/13/23 09:10
by bunniefuu
I've got a special power

that I'm not afraid to use

So come on this is my adventure

this is my fantasy,

it's all about living in the ocean,

being wild and free.

Coz I'm no ordinary girl.

I'm from the deep blue underworld,

land or sea

I've got the power if I just believe.

Coz I'm no ordinary girl.

I'm from the deep blue underworld,

land or sea the world's my oyster I'm the pearl.

No ordinary girl.


you fed him?

i'm sorry

-i just... -no,no,that's good

he's only been here for a few days

and he won't let any one get close to him

what's your secret?

maybe he just like my personality

these guys are morons

they heil on her every word

still i wish someone would have the hot to me like that

moron or not

don't worry,Cleo,someday someone will find you attracted

it'd come when you less expected,a bit like this


Cleo,can i have a word?

you think Cleo would waste her breath talking to you?

well she wasted on you daily

it's OK,Zane,we can talk

can i buy you a ??


so how is work?

you're starting to creep me out,Zane

what do you want?

nothing,well,the marine park library has research material on every sea creatures,right?

i guess

so,can you get me access?

probably,but why would i wanna do that?

it really burns me that some sea creatures are becoming extinct before they're even discovered

i'm interested in doing some research that could help save them

wow,i'm really surprise,Zane

i'll see what i can do

hello,how was your day?

awful,i'd surprise my ??

i'll get it


oh hi,i didn't expect you to call me

no,it's a nice surprise


yeh,i really enjoyed it

look,he still won't let me feed him

can you help out again,tomorrow?

of course,i'd love to

it's a date

Cleo's got a boyfriend

but she's so ugly

why wouldn't he be eating or sleeping?

i don't know,it's like he's depressed

he doesn't look so depress to me

well,not now you're here

can you try feeding him for me?

i've got knowledge

there you go,problem solved

well,i don't get it,but whatever you did works

so does that mean extra ?? for me?

where's Cleo?

she's not here,she's probably with her boyfriend

Cleo doesn't have a boyfriend,screw it

that's what you think

Kim,it's fine if you don't know where Cleo is,but sensible girls don't make up stories

she was on the phone to him yesterday

hi,i just go change

where were you?


before school?

sensible girls don't make up stories

B+,can you believe this?

it's incredible

B+,it's even better than Emma



thank you,Lewis

she didn't even see me taking

what are you looking at?

Cleo's boyfriend

it's official now

isn't puppy love sweet?

no,it's not

Cleo,thanks for getting me access for the library,last one

that's OK,saved any creatures yet?


oh,yeh,i'm working on it

see you

i guess you gonna have to go in fumigate now after speaking to Zane

he's not that bad

another biscuit,Lewis

i think Lewis has had enough

right,so what do you know about the ??

is that some sort of heavy middle band?

OK,history not really my thing

do you mind if we work on english assignment?


i'll get my notes

the male of this species is the predatory creature,Lewis

if you want the biscuits,you can just have them

i know what you're thinking

and don't

it's OK,i'll grab it


i'll accepted that Cleo have a boyfriend

but far away,and in the future

a boyfriend?

no,you know i love it

yeh,of course


i'll be there as soon as i can,bye

Lewis,i'm really sorry

do you mind if we do this some other time?

i'm needed somewhere else,see you

i think we should talk about this

i agreed,do you think is such a good idea...

have a biscuit,Lewis

and this is the latest phone bill

-yes -excellent

have you got one for Cleo's mobile phone?

no that's hers

it's the limit to how far our spark,Lewis

i completely respect that

-hi -hi,girls

Mrs. Sertori

what's up?

i'm searching through the Sertori's phone bills to find out who Cleo's mystery boyfriend is

so she has a boyfriend?

-oh yes -Lewis,you can't just go though people's phone records

they are privacy,Lewis

they encourage me

besides,it's their phone

oh,got you

there are been multiple calls to this number

ring this,and we got the guy's identity

hello,Zane's speaking

hello,who is this?


do you think,Ronny will ever do trick like that?

i doubt it

he's still not eating enough

he's getting weaker,he's ??

i can't get him to do anything at all

i could come here to feed him more often

i wonder that would help,but most dolphins when they've been rescued from the wild,like Ronny have,they'd learn to be hand fed fairly quickly

not Ronny though,he's just not a ??

poor Ronny

yep,still worry

it's amazing,he hasn't be trained to do that

i don't know what's gotten into him

it's remarkable,you have a strange effect on this dolphin

it's's like he's got a crush on you

aren't you got homework?


you know the rules,no homework,no TV

Cleo's got homework,too

so shouldn't she be doing hers instead of being out with her boyfriend

homework now

Harrison,is Bev,Bev Sertori,Cleo's mom

yes,well i'm worry about something important

as i'm sure you were aware that Cleo and Zane have been spending a quit a bit of time together lately


actually,i'm a bit worried

for more research?

yeh,it's been great

but i totally underestimated the intelligents of sea creatures

yeh,well some sea mammals must be a little too intelligent if you ask me

a little?

the thing that save me must have been really smart

what?is this about that stupid sea monster thing again,Zane?

it's not stupid

the only reason i got you access to the library was because i thought you wanna to save undiscovered and in danger sea animals

this thing is undiscovered

see,don't you get it?

you're so ??,Zane

you say that like it's a negative

hey,what was all your new found fish knowledge?

what do you know about dolphins?

enough to know they're not fish,they are mammals


anyway,did dolphins ever get crushes?


not exactly

they are instinct to ??


according to these stuff that i have complete social network in ??

basically what matter to them is families and finding food for each other

they...i don't know,bond over that sort of stuff

here,read it yourself i can't be ??

hey look at this

the marine park rescued a pregnant dolphin the other day,how cool is that

get a life,Cleo

i'm not the one hunting sea monsters

like it's ture

this isn't right

?? must be delusion or all sick

very sick

come on,let's get out of here before she sees us

tell her to meet us in Mako Island

where have you been?

since when do you care?


i won't have you flying away your future running around with you know who


what do you want about it,i've been doing research

is that what you calling at these days?

i'll spill it out for you,Zane

focus less on girls and more on your school work,got it?

Cleo,we know about you and Zane

have you been spying on me?

no...well yes,but we have to

how could you keep such a secret from us?

it's not a secret,why would it be a secret?

then why didn't you tell us?

what's the big deal?

it's not like he's gonna find anything on sea monster,is it?


i didn't realise he was still trying to track down that creature that supposedly saved his life

otherwise i wouldn't have let him do his research then



i've been patient with you

but this is it

we know about Zane Bennett

you too?

exactly where have you been all this time?

out in a ??

i'm tired of the secrets,Cleo

unless you could tell us exactly where you've been

exactly what you've been doing,and how far have you gone,then you're grounded

this is silly,you're being ridiculous

that's it,grounded



yeh,look,i know you really want me to be there

and i really wanna come,but...

Ronny's temperature's up

could be an infection

and i'm not sure if he've got the strength to fought it

alright,that's important

i'll be there as soon as i can

aren't you grounded?

aren't you a waste of space?

dad,Cleo's going out

what's going on?

i'm just going to the marine park to feed a sick dolphin

how blind do you think i am?

-what? -please,Cleo

no more,lying is worse than keeping thing from us

you are forbidden to leave this house

hi,is Cleo in?

she sees no one until the Zane thing both over

that's a good idea

i'll go and keep an eye on her

that includes you,Lewis

why can't Zane just stay away from her?

he can't keep his hands off her

i mean what is it with these rich kids,they just think that they can do whatever they want

well don't you worry about it Mr. ??

coz i'm gonna put a stop to it

Zane Bennett is going down

no,nothing could keep me away

dad,it's not my fault


she's runaway

Cleo's runaway


she was on the phone,and she said:

nothing could keep her away

she's eloped

Cleo's runaway to get married

still can get hold to Zane

i can't believe this is happening

do you think is time to get to the police?

no,i don't think that would be necessary,but i like you thinking that

come on Kim,come on let's go

Cleo has runaway with Zane

they've eloped

she tell us was research

she told me she was crazy about him

why would she lie to us?

calm down,we've got to solve this out,girls,where would they go

maybe the marine park

we'll drive there first

there,there he is

that'd be his wedding suit in the bag

been feeding in but he's losing more weight

makes no sense

Zane,have you read anything about dolphin's fasting?


like the ??,right

is that the pregnant dolphin they rescued the other day?

yeh,that's Junmanr

wait a minute

that thing you were saying the other day

about dolphins being instinct to ??

here it is,bla bla bla

does anyone understand that long winded tripe?

i yeh,i wrote that article,man

check this out


getting out of here

you tricky fella

that all he wanted to do

he was giving his food to Junmanr,all Ronny wanted was a girlfriend

aren't they gorgeous together?

don't be such a boy,Zane

this is cool,admit it

i knew it

stop the wedding


they just kids

this is unbelievable

i can't believe any son of mine would be so foolish

how can you married them,it's so obvious they are underage

who are you people?

we're their parents

i'm the dolphin trainer

excuse me,what's going on here?

we were helping a sick dolphin

like i said

why?what do you think was going on?

i can't believe you thought Cleo and me

but,Cleo and me?

nice to see you again,Don


but wait a minute,what about all the calls to Zane's house?

that was me

i was talking to Dr. Bennett about running a plastic to get rid of this b*mb on my nose

there's no b*mb

i like your nose just the way it is

so do i,no surgery

?? last to be meet

-Lewis? -no,Cleo,no

this is about honor,and integrity

you and me,Zane,out side right now
