01x05 - Episode 5

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sweet Home". Aired: December 18, 2020.*
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As humans turn into savage monsters, one troubled teenager and his neighbors fight to survive and to hold onto their humanity.
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01x05 - Episode 5

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm really okay.

Cha Hyun-su.

I need to speak with you.


Why are you only taking him?

What about me?

You're just being used.



Let me out, too!

It's vital the front gate be
properly barricaded, but it hasn't been.

And we only have wooden planks and chains
blocking the stairs.

Monsters could get through at any moment.

The same goes for where you were just now.

Why do you think I took your side?

I'll be straightforward.

You'll be taking on all the dangerous work
from now on.

If you don't want to,
then I can't help you.

What do you mean?

The guy in Room 1408.

Can you bring him here?

It was spring.

The flowers were so pretty.

All I wanted was to show my daughter
the pretty flowers.


it was just for one second, but…

You must miss her a lot.

The day she first called me "mom,"

the day she first turned over by herself…

I was so touched

by such small things…

Seeing those chubby cheeks…

made me feel like I had everything.

You have children?

I used to.

Before this happened to my leg.

I want…

the same thing as Hyun-su.

If I turn, please…

k*ll me.

I can't do as you asked.

I don't think

I can take care of them without you.

Is that so?

Is she not in there?


She's gone.

We should let her go now.



I heard you're a gangster.

Don't gangsters do anything for money?

I'll give you everything I have.

Just help me go outside.



I… No, you can't…

Open the door.

Is this okay?

I don't think we can stop him.

You're not supposed to…


Is this it?

Do you want me to starve?

You're glad I'm locked up in here,
aren't you?

I bet you're really enjoying this.

If I turn into a monster,
I'll eat you up first.

So do something, you stupid cow!

We have to save food!

Says who?

All that food is mine.

They said we're all going to share it.

Don't be ridiculous! You b*tch!

You should hold it in.

I do it, too.

Rescuing Han Du-sik is the main goal.

The kids are secondary.

Focus on the main goal.

If things go south,

leave the kids.

Are you playing with people's lives?

Then who should I have sent?

It was the best option.

We need that man in Room 1408.

And I've decided not to hesitate
any longer.

Let go of me.

I'm sure there's another way
besides using other people.

What I'm using is the golden hour.

Cha Hyun-su was critically injured,
but he woke up in just a few hours.

If willpower can affect the turning stage,

and he can fight it,

then he will be the strongest w*apon
we have.

This is what we call a w*apon.

He's still human.

I agree.

For now.

And you sent him to die?

It would be best if you
become accustomed to using

people on the verge of turning
into monsters.

You really are twisted.

I don't think you understand

how dangerous our situation is.

What did you think

about the voting results?

They're marked with Xs.

I was thinking of secretly switching them.

-But I didn't need to.
-So you didn't switch the votes?

It was unexpected.

I didn't think people would vote
to let Hyun-su stay.

That's because you made them feel guilty,
talking about m*rder.

Do you really think they voted not to
kick him out because of their conscience?

Well, the man with the sword
and the girl with the bat

may have felt close to him
because they were together.

But the others?

It's not easy to accept someone
you don't know,

especially when your life is at risk.

So what's your point?

You still don't get it?

Cha Hyun-su and Kim Seok-hyeon.

Do you think
they're the only ones turning?

No. Everyone's scared.

Because they don't know when they'll turn.

There was someone who knew about this
before the government announcement.

-Who's that?
-I don't know.

It was a blog I found by accident
on the internet.

What did it say?


It said it's a curse.

And that humans will never overcome it.

You believe a stupid blog post
when you don't even know who wrote it?

Under the circumstances, we shouldn't
ignore even the smallest clues.



What's "Crucru"?

-Is it your blog?
-Hey, Yi-kyung.


When is it?

Our wedding photoshoot?


Did you write you don't want
to get married?

No, it's nothing like that.

-Where are you going?
-There will be more infected people soon.

-So it's not going to be safe here either.

It's still safer than the outside.

-Do you want to come?
-To where?

A way to survival.


I think

there's a monster here.

Let's k*ll it.

We can k*ll it.

You're scared, aren't you?


Don't come!

Don't come near!

Don't come, Sang-wook!


Are you trying to burn
the whole building down, sir?

We can put out the fire later.
You're so harsh.

It will take ages to get
to the first floor.

My goodness. I'm not sure anyone
will still be alive by then.

Be careful.

Who's there?

He's alive.

The monster left him alive?

What are you doing?

I couldn't reach my son's hand.

I couldn't do anything

when the monster took my son.

It was too fast.

If I had caught my son's hand…

If I'd been able to reach that far,

would my son be still alive?

I can't forgive myself.

I'm having nightmares every day.

The monster in my head is telling me
that it's all my fault.

Maybe it will be better
to just become a monster.

No! It's my fault. I should've
held onto him!

I should've kept my son next to me!

No! There was nothing I could do.

It's not my fault.


Shouldn't we do something about her?

Just leave her be.

She never associated
with people like us anyway.

She even sent her daughter
to a school in Gangnam.

She should've sent her
to a school close by.

-Are you awake now?
-I don't need any of that.

Yes, you do.

Your bleeding has stopped,
but you're still injured.

Is it okay to let him go like that?

There's no need to worry about him.

I bet he could take on a tiger by himself.

You look pretty hurt, too.

No, I'm fine.

Move that hand.
It'll get infected if you don't treat it.

I'll do it myself. Give me a bandage.

Move that hand, kid.

You're turning, aren't you?

Yu-ri, get away from him.

Put that hand away!

Or else I'll make sure your heart
never beats again.

Get out.

I wouldn't have helped you
if I knew you were a monster.

Get out!

You have such a bad hobby.

I was just kidding.

You don't have to leave.

Why would I be scared of that
when I'm going to die soon, anyway?


You stay here.

You're going to the 14th floor, right?
And you said there are little kids there.

Yes, that's right.

Don't you need someone
who's not afraid of death?

-You're fired.

You've done well nursing an old man

with a bad temper.

I want to play superhero before I die.

Can you let me join you?

You're just acting tough.


Don't fool yourself.

No one really wants to die.

Is becoming rude one of the symptoms
of turning into a monster?

Let me give you some advice, kid.

Not being afraid of death

and wanting to die are different things.

I'm planning on living longer than anyone.

What are you doing?

What are you hiding back there?

Hey. Are you crazy?

You really…

don't care about me.


If I become a monster,

I'm sure I'll k*ll you.

You stupid b*tch!


I don't want to k*ll you
when I'm a monster.

That won't make me happy at all.

Jeez. You're talking nonsense.

My gosh.


Is that man outside the door?

No, he went upstairs.

So don't worry.

He went upstairs?


Son of a b*tch…


Son of a b*tch…

Have you been well?

What about the lady?




Is anyone hearing this?

We're in despair right now.

We don't know

what to do, what's happening,

or how long we can survive this.

But we are still alive.


We can't overcome this despair.


I'm sure there is an end.

And we will hold out and fight

until that end.

Rest in peace.

I'm going to fight a little longer.


will survive.


Over here! I don't think I'm turning!

Come and look at this!

Please help me!


Help me!

My goodness. You must've been scared.

Take care of him.

Why were you in there?

-Just in case.
-I would've lost my mind.

-I'm out now, so it's fine.

Are you really cool
or just pretending to be?

Hey, Yun-jae is kind and patient.

-Are you a fan of Hanwha Eagles?

How did you know?

I can tell he's from Chungcheong Province.

But you're not using
any Chungcheong dialect.

I lived in Seoul for a long time.

What is he so nervous about?

-I guess it was really tough for him.

Amazing. You guys are such hypocrites.

You pretended not to notice
when he was obviously

beaten up by someone,

but now you're acting all nice.

She hit way too close to home.

I feel like shit now. Damn it.


That stupid gangster!

He's going to hear you.

He's a m*rder*r.

That man's a m*rder*r!

You f*cking m*rder*r.

He has no criminal record

and has no motive.

There isn't any evidence
to prove it was intentional.

And as his future shows great promise,

the court has decided
on the following sentence.

The accused, Hwang Seung-jae,

is sentenced to 11 months in prison
and 2 years of supervised probation.

You shouldn't die like that.

You shouldn't die peacefully.


You don't deserve a humane death.


You f*cking m*rder*r…

You don't deserve to live.



Su-yeong, why aren't they
bringing back our dad?

They can't

bring Dad here.

They said it will be too sad
for us if they bring him here.

That doesn't make sense!




We were born human,

so we should die as humans.

Are you okay?

I should be strong

since I'm a mother.

What are you going to do now?

What do you mean?

It's not something
you can deal with alone.

It's not something to brag about.

I'll deal with this on my own.


I still want to congratulate you.

Dinosaurs used to rule the earth,

but they went extinct
about 66 million years ago.

But this also proves that there is
a possibility humans

could also go extinct at any moment.

However, our ancestors
changed in order to survive,

and called it "evolution."

But if we humans are forced
to face an apocalypse,

will we…

choose another form of evolution?

Or will we choose to remain human?
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