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3x01 - Reversals of Fortune

Posted: 09/26/09 08:41
by bunniefuu
Three words, eight letters.

Say it, and I'm yours.

I That's all I needed to hear.

What do you say we just forget thinking and follow our hearts? You're a part of this legacy, too, Nathaniel.

I don't want to owe him or my family anything.

Serena, where's Charles? Mom, what's wrong? Bart's been in an accident.

My father's dead because of your father.

I will stand by you through anything.

Why would you do that? Because I love you.

Well, that's too bad.

There's something you need to know.

Just tell me one thing.

Was it a boy or a girl? I had enough trouble with the idea of mom and Rufus dating.

But now I share a sibling with my boyfriend? It's over, isn't it? Andrew got caught in aiptide.

Yeah, if we had known, we wouldn't have even bothered you.

Is it over? We've already lost one son.

We weren't losing another.

You got here to N.



? I'm starting in the fall.

Uh, I just transferred from B.


And tell me if what you feel for me is real.

It's just a game.

Chuck, why did you just do that? Because I love her.

You're famous because you are arrested.

The end of high school means the end of me on "Gossip Girl.

" Congratulations.

You have a clean slate until college.

Her dad is marrying Lily Bass, so I think that makes her richer than all of you.


I have something you might want to know before you go.

It's about Santorini, what you were looking for there.

You found my father? You were right.

I love you, too.

And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell.

You know you love me.

Welcome back, Upper East Siders.

After a long, hot summer away, I see it didn't take much time for you to dirty up The clean slates I gave you.

My inbox is overflowing, so let's get to the good stuff, shall we? Spotted Chuck Bass up to his old tricks.

Poor B.

I guess nothing good lasts forever.

I'm Chuck Bass.

I know.

I wasn't expecting to see someone like you somewhere like this so early in the day.

I'm in need of refuge.

It's too hot.

Oh, it's never too hot.

Care to test that theory? What if I have a girlfriend? Chuck Bass doesn't do girlfriends.

Where's your limo? I gave my driver the day off.

Then I guess we'll have to find someplace else.

As for a certain leggy blonde by a Hamptons' pool Looks like Serena left big shoes to fill and someone finds them the perfect fit.

Well, I found it.

And just in time.

The car's here.

Now it's time to go Get you dressed? Mm.

No, I'm not leaving.

I don't think we have a choice.

As soon as we get in that car, it means no more beaches and no more bonfires and no more stalking the barefoot contessa through 1770 house.

Our summer in the Hamptons is officially over.

So, uh a sit-in? More like a lie-in, at least until the sun goes down.

You're you're sure your dad doesn't know? Oh, totally.

I mean, we hid all the evidence.

Look, Dan doesn't even know.

He's too busy pre-readin all his books for college.

And I snuck onto his laptop and, uh, might've disabled his "Serena Van Der Woodsen" Google alert.

Yeah, you know what happens when we get back to the city? Then it's Serena's problem.

As now, we made her a promise.

And it is very important to keep those even if they were asked via drunken text from a Turkish pay-as-you-go phone.

Our bags are packed.

The house is closed up.

But the real question remains.

Now that you've spent your whole summer drinking your coffee out of Cece's China, will it taste as good coming out of your "welcome back, kotter" mug at home? Sure, it was great out here, but I like the real world, too.

Since we and Lily it's a better-smelling, higher thread count version of the real world, but still Yeah.

He you guys aren't ready? Serena's gonna be home by 6:00.

I I mean, how can she even greet us when she gets here? Isn't she taking a vow of silence for a month at the ashram? I don't know.

"She, pray, love" thing of hers is great and all, I I just highly doubt she can keep her mouth shut a whole month.

Even so, it's time to leave.

And I think her month is up.

Uh, yeah.

I need to meet up with Vanessa, too, 'cause she apparently has something to tell me about how she spent her summer.

Wasn't she in Europe with Nate? Ladies and gentlemen, here they are! Well, it's a good thing the flight attendants dim the cabin lights over the Atlantic.

Mm, even better thing that my car got a flat on the way to Heathrow, and I missed the plane that I was supposed to be on.

Otherwise I would've been sitting in seat 3B of an entirely different plane, making out with an entirely different passenger in seat 3a.

All right, so now that we're back on our own turf, do I at least get your number? Maybe your last name? A little mystery you never heard anyone.

Really? Oh, come on.


You gotta give me something to go on here.


Uh, well, we are going to the same school.

Yeah, and Columbia's kind of a big one.

I mean, especially when you factor in graduate school.

You caught that? See, you're a better detective than you think.

Well, my car is waiting.

Oh, are you done with that? I'll take it.

Yeah, sure.


On second thought You have a problem with the Buckleys? Yeah, well, that right-wing nut Jeb called William Van Der Bilt a deviant for lobbying against D.




Maybe that's because William Van Der Bilt called Jeb Buckley a cokehead and a cheater.

What, are you saying it isn't cheating if you get your congressional aide pregnant? Oh, my God.

You're Nate Archibald.

And you're Bree Buckley.

You pulled my hair during Clinton's inaugural ball.

Your redneck cousins tried to waterboard me at the Eastern egg hunt on the White House lawn.

It's good to see you again.

Yeah, take care of yourself.

Why not? It's better to wait.

How long? Oh, let's see Now.

What the hell is going on?! Blair I can explain.

Um, I'm sorry.

I didn't know he had a girlfriend.

Yes, you did.

She did.

I Shame on you, Ashley Hinshaw.

How could you do that? Pick up someone in a relationship?! Have you no pride? No self-respect? Okay, but I didn't know that you may have an Abercrombie campaign and the security code to Clooney's castle in Lake Como, but that doesn't give you the right to try to steal someone else's man! Now take your American girl hair and your pooreless skin and get out! Okay, you're crazy.



Oh, thank you.

It's been three hours.

I missed you.


Well, let me make it up to you.

Let's get out of here.

Or we get stay.

So, uh, Jenny will take Eric's room.

With Chuck at the palace, Eric will take his room.

Oh, sweet thank you.

I really didn't want to sleep under Chuck's dirty girl scout painting.

Oh, and, uh, Dan Yeah I'll thank you when we get back from Brooklyn and when Lily gets back, we'll join you.

Oh, Mr.

Rufus, there are some packages I couldn't put upstairs.

Oh,what are you doing? Recycling? What? Whoa, whoa.

Oh my God! Uh, it's not what you think.

So much for "eat, pray, love.

" Well, you know, I guess she got the "love" part right.

You can't say anything.


Dan? Hey Vanessa.

Uh, yeah, I was just about to head down there.

Serena is home.

Hello? Yeah, I'm gonna have to reschedule.

Oh, God.

Serena! Dan can't make it.

I think something's going down with his family.

Did he say what it was? As for Serena Van Der Woodsen? You left America a star.

Excuse me, please.

What the hell is going on? I don't know.

Please help.

But after your exploits in Europe Right here, Serena! You've come back a supernova.

Back up.

And yet, nothing explodes without a fuse.

I wonder what or who make yours.

Is, uh, Serena up yet? We were talking till late.

Uh, I think I heard her.

Whats up? Money your mother left us for emergencies.

Not to boast, but we haven't used a penny of it all summer.


Well, thank heaven for salaried servants and an account at the beach club, right? Oh, well, I'm glad I have the number for city harvest.

This is all a little much.

A little much? Mom wanted everybody to feel welcome while she was away.

Or she's trying to bribe us.

What? No.

In fact, she got us a special treat for tomorrow a table in our name at Van Der Bilt annual charity polo match in Greenwich.

Lily thought it would be fun, so we are gonna go have fun for Lily.

Please show your family support by mimicking my expression.

You know, there'll probably be photographers there.

Are you gonna be okay? You might create another mob scene.

Oh, no, no.

Yeah, I'll be I'll be fine.

I'm really sorry about yesterday.

I thought after the whole arrest scandal, out of sight, out of mind.

I had no idea it would be worse when I got back.

Oh, you've apologized enough, Serena.

No one's blaming you.

Now that those vultures have a first shot of your return, I'm sure they'll leave you alone.

It's not like you're gonna get arrest again.

No, of course not.

Um, I have to go meet Blair to go shopping.

You can't go to a polo match without a hat.

I'm I'm gonna walk you out.

Uh, thank you for the escort, but I think I can walk 15 feet without hurting myself.

There was nothing out of sight or out of mind about your trip.

I know what happened.

I I don't know what you're talking about.

Serena, there was no ashram.

I went to ashram on a tour.

Dan, I appreciate your concern, but the little white lies that I tell my family are none of your business.

Rufus is my family.

You didn't just lie to him.

You lied to me.

All those e-mails about the the benefits of Bikram? "Ten easy steps to colon cleanse"? Turns out goop is good for something.

What's really going on here? Nothing.


I it was just a few nights of harmless fun.

That's that's it.

All right.

All right.

Where'd you get that? They're all over the internet.

Whatever is going on, you can tell me.

Thank you.

I I have to go.

I know it's a buyer's market right now, but that doesn't mean there's actually anything worth buying.

Why don't you just stay at The Palace? I'm done living in my father's shadow and that includes his hotel.

And running his company? Lily was doing an amazing job overseeing the board before she left.

Why not let her continue? What about you? Any word from the Van Der Bilt compound since you've been back? Not a word.

Tomorrow's the family polo match.

I mean, when I skipped out on the internship at the Mayor's office, I knew they'd be mad, but now I'm getting the silent treatment.

So if they're mad already, why don't you call the girl from the plane? No, I'm not gonna use Bree to send some message.

You're missing one key detail sleeping with the enemy is hot.

Why do you think I had the whole Ivanka thing? Look, I don't want to stir up stuff with my family.

Look, if you think they're done trying to control you, you're wrong, and while you're waiting for your proof, why not take Bree Buckley out on the town? Have some fun with a girl you like and show your family that you're your own man.

Being accepted for who you are is crucial, Nathaniel.

Like Blair accepts me.

Wait, you do what? I go to Europe for three months, and you turn from Jane Austen to Anais Nin.

Is there anything Chuck Bass can't get you to do? It was my idea.


No, it wasn't.


We we had our honeymoon period, and it was perfect, but while other couples settle into a routine, we we determined to keep things interesting.

So Chuck plays the cheating bastard, and I play the scorned woman.

I even get to choose who to humiliate models, tourists, upper west siders, I don't know if anybody ever told you this, but the honeymoon is supposed to end.

It isn't real.

The real part is when you settle down with each other.

The 3-month milestone.

It is not a milestone.

It's a gravestone.

Settling down means death less sex, more silence.

We found a way to avoid that that works for us.


You guys sure about that? I mean, if you don't mind me saying so, I Well, I think I know Blair pretty well.

Look, I would so like to retire any mention of the whole "Jules and Jim" thing.

All right.

But listen, the games may seem like fun.

Are you sure Blair's not just playing for you? Cause if she's not doing it for herself, too Well, things could get mess.

If you love him,then lock him down.

Open relationships only invite chaos.

Trust me.

I know.

It's not an open relationship.

We're completely monogamous.

It's just one of our games, like the rest.

Yeah, until it isn't anymore, playing the scorned woman.

And actually being the scorned woman is a slippy slope.

B, college is about to start.

What happens when one day you don't get there in time, and he actually kisses someone else, or worse? He wouldn't.


I still have no idea why they're following me.

Oh, please.

Spare me, S.

I get every edition of "Hello!" and "Ok!" there is.

I know what you did this summer, and who.

Cristiano Ronaldo? I hope you got your sh*ts before you traveled.

Should I be worried? No.

No, I just had a great time.

I just wish that they would leave me alone.


Is that why you got your hair blown out? Listen to your quality problems.

Serena's being chased by paparazzi, my dad and sister are house-sitting a penthouse, and I have a farmer's tan.

All right.


You got me.

The good life is is actually it's pretty good.

What, uh, what was so important that you had to bring me here to tell me in person? I hope it's not about Nate.

Oh, we hooked up one night in Prague, but it was not a big deal.

But after I came back and started hanging out at this place Please tell me you're not working here.

I am so done serving coffee.

Thank God.

Just made some new friends one in particular.

He was here this morning.


So you are dating someone.

His name's Scott, and I think you guys would really like each other.

We actually met him here in the spring like 5 seconds.

He just transferred.

We've been hanging out,and,okay, maybe there's been a little bit of flirting.


Thank you.

Here, let me get it.

Okay, wait.

Why do you have a knockoff designer wallet? I thought you hated intellectual property theft.

Oh, it's to hold all your $100 bills.

Do you know how hard it is to break one of those things? I don't even know why they make them.

I'm kidding.

Sort of.

It not a knockoff.

It's a graduation present from Lily, as is what's in it.

And you know what? I I thought I'd never use it, but have you seen the stitching? Oh, my God.

Dan Humphrey's been seduced by wealth.

It had to happen.

Even Frodo eventually gave in to the power of the ring.

Oh,come on.

I'm still me.

I just have a nicer wallet.

And as for your friend, I'd love to meet him.

How about tomorrow? We can do Brooklyn things like go to the Dumpling Truck and play "signed or unsigned" on the promenade.

That sounds great, but I, uh, I have to do this thing for my dad, so Okay.

We'll find time.

Walk you to the subway? Nah, I'm I'm on the 6.



See? Still me.

You left these.



These are my friend's.


Humphrey, the camera people are in the trash outside.

Your trash.

All right.

Thanks, Vanya.

I don't understand.

Serena's arrest was months ago.

Why did they still care about her? Her clothes.

Her hair.

Her hair.

Her style.

What do you know that I don't know? Where have you been? I've been calling you for an hour.

I was with Nate.

Why? Nate.

No reason.

I've arranged a little go-see at a modeling agency downtown.

We should pick someone out together, take her back to my place.

Or we could just stay in.

Whatever you want.


It's fine.

We'll go.

We'll go.

I'll go get my purse.


I I see the cat's out of the bag.

And, uh, topless on Valentino's yacht.

Ooh, that's not fair.

Everyone's topless on Valentino's yacht.

What about this one where she's dancing on the table? Uh, well, that's what you do in Barcelona.

And the one where Prince Harry's doing sh*ts off of her that's what she did in St.

Andrews some of these pictures he the same guy in them, but you can't quite make him out.

I wonder who he is.

Where you headed, beautiful? Carter.

I was in the neighborhood.

No, you weren't.

Gossip Girl said you'd returned.

I wanted to see you.

Well, you've seen me.

Now you can go.

We need to talk.

No,we don't.


I know what you're doing.

You can't avoid what happened forever.

Watch me.

Oh, no! Spotted Serena Van Der Woodsen giving Carter Baizen the slip.

But what happened between them when TMZ was M.



? Something tells me the truth is just out of focus.

Well, you were right.

Your family? Wants me exactly where I used to be, except they actually gave me the wheels to get there this time.

Check this out, "Nate, most unfortunate you missed out on the summer.

Good thing fall internships begin next week.

" Sorry, man.

Don't be.

It's about time I broke off from them once and for all, and I think I know how I'm gonna do it.

I just don't know why he felt he had to lie to me.

I don't think it was really a lie.

Thank you.

He said he was taking the subway when he had a limo waiting, and not to mention, he told me he was helping his dad tomorrow, when Gossip Girl says he's attending the Van Der Bilt's polo match in a Dior suit.

Oh, is this the part where no one pretend to know what Dior means? I mean, why keep these things secret from me? Is he worried that I'm gonna judge him? I wonder why he might even think that.

I'm not judging! I get it.

If I had a limo that followed me around, I'd take it, too.

I'm his best friend, and I support him no matter what even if he were rich and dressed like Truman Capote.

Yeah, you should probably tell him that.

I should.

Too bad he's that polo match with his family? His whole family? Yeah, and Nate's family, and I'm sure Blair and Chuck will be there, if the m*rder-su1c1de I predicted hasn't happened yet.

Well, why don't you just call his dad? From what you've said, you sound pretty close to him.

Say you haven't seen a lot of Dan lately and you'd like to go.

You think I should invite myself to a charity polo match? Yeah.

Just show up, tell Dan how great he looks in his suit, and if he has room, you'd love a ride back to the city in his limo.

I've never been to a polo match.

Maybe you can get a plus one.


Needs a sandwich.

She looks just right to me.

Adam's apple.


Catalogue! Chuck, none of these girls are even worth humiliating.

Looking in the mirror will do that for them.

Is everything okay? What's going on? Nothing's going on.

Why? This is one-stop shopping, and you're acting like everything last season.

I thought you wanted to play.

I did.

I do.

I did.

The summer was great.

We had a lot of fun.

But maybe summer's over.


If that's what you want.

Is that what you want? I want you to be happy, however that's achieved.

Let's go home.

It, uh, looks Smaller? Yeah.

Your mom bought these for me for cotillion, with Cece.

How's she doing? Um, not great.

And the longer my mom's gone, the more I worry that grandma's treatments aren't going well.

But your dad's been doing a great job holding it all together.

At least, he's pretending to.

Well, having your summer plans change, stuck in charge of two kids that you didn't raise in a house that you don't own Yeah, I know.

It sounds like a reality show premise.

Uh It's gotta be getting to him.

Plus the whole thing with Serena.

The last time she went off the deep end, she got really messed up.


I wonder what really happened this summer.

Well, now that Rufus knows, maybe we'll find out.

What is it? Grandma? No, it's you.

I'm sorry.

He found out.

Uh, before I get angry, why don't you tell me what happened? Because I'd really like to not use my imagination when it comes to these pictures.

You don't have to if you look close enough.

I I'll shut up.

Rufus, I know I shouldn't have lied, but I was in Europe and I had just graduated, and I got a little carried away.

And what happens in summer stays in summer, right? Look, the only reason I didn't tell you is because I thought if I did, you'd think I'd gone off the rails again.

Did you? No.

No, ev everything I said to you last night was true.

I I'm done.

We'll put it behind us, then? And in what is perhaps an ironic twist, due to your current social status, the polo society has asked if you will throw in the first ball at the match tomorrow.

I'd love to.

I'll go call 'em back.

Your mom will be proud.

Yeah, I I didn't want to alarm my dad any further or anything, but, uh, there was one guy who was in a lot of those pictures with you who who was that? Carter Baizen.

We traveled together at the beginning of summer.

But then things got weird, and and now he's stalking me.

He he's been stalking me ever since.

And, uh, I don't know what to do.

He won't leave me alone.

So hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.

W what what are you saying? Look, if you hear from him or see him, just please keep him away from me at all costs.

I'm worried what he might do.

It's Blair, leave a message.

Hey, Blair, it's Dan.

I I know I'm not someone you want to hear from late at night, or any hour, but I need your help.

Uh, call me.

This just in an unlikely alliance is forming on the Upper East Side.

Yeah mom, everything's great.

I have been waiting all summer for reed to start, and tomorrow's the day I get to do what I came here for.

Too bad it may be too late to do any good.

Last year, I had to go to the white party as your date in a dress that I made myself.

And this year Oh, Mrs.

Jennifer Humphrey.

When did you get married? It doesn't matter, okay? It's engraved! Miss Van Der Woodsen.

Would you like me to tell them not to? Uh, no, it's okay.

I won't do anything worth publishing, not even a smile.

I should find Blair.

Well, the bad news is, your last name's Buckley.

But the good news is knowing this information made you a lot easier to find.

Yeah? Well, I knew you couldn't stay away.
Hey, there's someone I want you to meet.

Oh, my God.

Is that Grandfather.


So nice to see you.

You, too.

And who is this? This is Bree Buckley, my date.

And I believe this belongs to you.

Hello, Nate.

Would you come with me for a second? Okay.

Oh, hello.

How nice to see you.

How's your terrine? Bland.

How's your julep? Weak.

Isn't that Alexandra Richards? Yes.

Look at her, floating through the party with her perfect pout and flawless figure.

You know, if were still in the game, she'd be a great score.

But we're not, right? No, we're not.

Everything is so white.

Welcome to my world.

There's Dan.

How could you tell? You met him months ago.

Nice suit,right? And I guess I have a good memory.

Well, he's alone.

Now's your chance.

I'm gonna go to the bar.

You want anything? No.

I'm not gonna leave you here by yourself.

Let's find Jenny, someone to keep you company.

No excuses.

I'll be fine.

Just go.

Uh I'll wait by the bar and get us drinks.



What? Vanessa! What are you doing here? Nice suit.


What, you couldn't judge me enough in New York? You had to follow me to another state to do it, too? No, I came to tell you that I'm Humphrey.

Come on.

It's showtime.

If you don't mind, Dan and I are in the middle of something.

If you don't mind or even if you do Dan's coming with me.

I I have to go.

I'm sorry.

So am I.

Thank you.

Are you Rufus? I'm a friend of Vanessa's.

I'm I'm Scott Adler? Oh, right.

I'm glad you guys came.

It's nice to meet you.

I It's okay.

It's just a handshake.


I I'm sorry.

It's just,um I've always been a fan of your music.

Carter? Waldorf.

Can't say it's good to see you.

No, you can't, not after what I'm about to tell you.

The invitation you got to come this party wasn't exactly what you thought.

Spare me.

Where's Serena? This him? You've been served.

What the hell is this? It's a restraining order.

This says I have to stay away from Blair Waldorf.

Yeah, and until further notice, you'll find me by Serena's side.

Step within 100 feet of me and you'll be arrested.

And about how far you think he is from me? Yeah, I don't think he's far enough.

I agree.

Security! Hey! Hey, uh, what's going on here? Oh, your friends, uh, are trying to have me removed.

Right, because you're stalking me.

Look, you don't have to talk to him.

You told them was stalking you? You wanna tell them the truth or should I? What's the truth? Yeah, Carter.

What's the truth? Sooner or later, you're gonna be alone, with no one taking your picture.

What will you do then? Wait, Serena.

What what is he talking about? Miss Van Der Woodsen, the first chukker is about to begin.

You need to take position for the first throw in.

Yes, of course.

Thank you, Nacho.

Uh, goodbye, Carter.

Serena, wait! No, wait, wait, wait.

You gotta tell us what's going on! Later! I'm Chuck Bass.


I don't believe it.

Uh, well, all right, if she can't explain it, Then maybe Carter You found a bootleg copy of that concert? Wow.

Yeah, I bet I have a recording off the board somewhere.

I mean, I could get it to Vanessa for you if you'd like.

I'd love that.

In fact, um Hey.

I'm gonna borrow this horse.

Forget a grand entrance.

Everybody knows it's the exit they'll remember.


I just got your text.

What's what's going on? You didn't tell me that you were bringing me to a family event.

W so? Listen, I really like you.

And if your being here happens to piss off my grandfather, to be honest, I figured you'd like that.

You're right.

Hey, look, normally I'd totally be on board the "let's piss off grandpa train," but what don't you know is that currently, my family isn't speaking to me, which is something that, unlike you, I'd like to change.

Being on a row at a Van Der Bilt charity event doesn't exactly send that message.

I didn't know.

I'm sorry.

Look, my family is used to controlling me like yours obviously does.

And I rebelled, like you obviously do, except I took off to Europe.

A year into it, I found out that my cousin who's, like, a sister to me, got stood up at the altar, and I wasn't there for her because I was trying to prove some stupid point.

I'm just trying to find my way back in.

I happened to bump into you along the way.

Well, I'm glad you did.

And despite what it may look like, the main reason I tracked you down was because I wanted to see you again.

If that means keeping a low profile, I'm up for it.

I know that secrecy is a lot to ask for.

I really can't risk making my family more upset right now.

Hey, don't worry.

I'm good at secret relationships.

I've had a bit of practice.

I figured you weren't planning on riding all the way back to the city.

Why won't you leave me alone, Carter? You're not my boyfriend.

No, but I seem to be the only one you tell your secrets to.

Well, I guess that was a mistake.

Dropping your dress, stealing a horse? All it is is a cry for attention.

I don't need to cry for attention.

I'm getting plenty on my own, in case you haven't noticed.

Yeah, plenty from everyone except the one you want it from.

That's not true.

He didn't want to see you, Serena.

No, that's that's not what happened.

We spent a month chasing him down and then we found him.

Well, maybe he didn't get my message.

Or he didn't realize who I was.

Or he didn't realize who his daughter was? Serena,what if your dad didn't want to see you? Who cares? Who the hell is he not to want you? I would've stayed all summer with you.

But after that, you ditched me and ran again.

Well, there the two of you are.

I've been looking for you everywhere.

We were just discussing how we were gonna get back to the city.

Well, I'll get you home.

No, thank you.

We'll find o own way.

I'm not gonna be taking the internship, grandfather.

I hope you can understand that.

Of course I can.

How many times must I tell you, Nathaniel? I want to be your family.

Work wherever, date whomever.

I won't stand in your way.

I, uh, just want you to be happy.

I almost believe you.

That's enough for me.

And if I'm right in guessing that you two are hiding out here because Miss Buckley would prefer to keep her presence unknown Why search for a cab and risk being seen? Okay.

I'm giving it back in the morning.

Tripp, it's me.

Remember how we've always wanted to do something about the Buckleys? I think I may have found a way.

Excuse me.

Have you seen Mr.

Bass anywhere? You just missed him.

He left about five minutes ago.

Was he alone? Well, there was a woman who left about the same time.

Was she blonde? Tall, stunning and every man's fantasy? Spotted Blair Waldorf learning that just because you get out of the game doesn't mean someone isn't waiting on the bench to take your place.

I know stuff's going on with your family, so I'm just gonna go.

Ok, why do you come here? Honestly, right now I'm not sure.

Maybe people just change.

Maybe it okay if we grow apart.

Vanessa, I'm I'm not changing.

You're at a polo match in a $3,000 suit.

And your name's in the program.

And after I take a bus across the state line to apologize, you ditch me for Blair Waldorf and totally disappear.

Cece set me up with this suit, all right? And Jenny got a dress, too.

If you'd also like to make her feel bad about it.

As for Blair, it's not like we're shoe shopping or sipping Martinis.

There there's something going on with Serena.

And what is that? I I wish I knew.

All I do know is that Lily's mother is very sick.

My dad is struggling keep it together, not to mention my family is just generally in the middle of a massive transition.

So, please, please, give me a break with the "rich people suck" thing.

I don't care if you're rich, which you aren't, by the way.

Ride in a limo, break a hundred.

That's fine.

But if you're gonna be in this world, be yourself in this world.

'Cause I actually like that guy, and I hope he's the one who turns up at N.



What's so funny? Old habits die hard.

Don't worry.

I'll find my way.

Anybody seen a girl in an orange dress? Chuck! Where is she? What are you talking about? Do you really expect me to believe You don't have her stashed here? I came back from the party because I had a headache.

Didn't you get my messages? I must have left my phone on the table.

What if we need games? What if without them we're boring? We could never be boring.

You say that, but I know you.

You're Chuck Bass.

I'm not Chuck Bass without you.

Running to get here all the way from Connecticut was pretty exciting.

Do you know where Alexandra lives? How about we stay in instead? Well, that wasn't so much fun, was it? Depends on your definition of fun.

I'm sorry I brought you.

The Humphreys are going through a lot, and I don't even know if Dan and I are even still friends.

I know they're dealing with stuff, um, but they seem like good people to me.

And you and Dan have been friends for so long, maybe you shouldn't write that off because of one argument.

Let's not even talk about it anymore.

Are you sure? Cause if you need to talk I don't I think I've done enough talking for one night.

And I thought one of us should finally make the first move, maybe turn this night around.

I'm glad you did.

Growing up means one thing independence.

I'll be right back.

We all want it.

Sometimes we use other people to try to get it for ourselves.

Waiter, this glass is dirty, and I've been waiting far too long.

Well, I apologize, ma'am.

Surely there's some way I can make up for the poor service.

I can think of a few ways.

Sometimes we find it in each other.

The party you are trying to reach is not available at the moment.

Please leave a message.

Hey, it's Serena again.

I don't know if you're getting these message or if you even check this number, but I just want you to know that I'm not gonna stop trying to get your attention.

I'm gonna do whatever it takes for however long.


Sometimes our independence comes at the cost of something else and that cost can be high.

I hope I'm doing the right thing.

You wanted to keep Serena out of the papers.

Dad, this is the way do it.

You own all the pictures now.

Oh, not all of them.

There is still one photographer that my group hasn't been able reach yet.

Because more often than not, in order to gain our independence we have to fight.

Can you guarantee that these will run in Europe and Asia? I'll try my best.

Good, 'cause I wanna make sure my father sees these wherever he goes.

Never give up.

Never surrender.