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01x07 - Five Minutes Before Countdown

Posted: 01/12/23 11:29
by bunniefuu
[people chattering]

[Javi performing "Un Año Más"]

Let's see, a pineapple juice

for my lady over here, right? What else?

Can I get you anything else?

I'll get these out of your way. Got it.

- [singing along]

- [Álex] All right.

Two gin and tonics over here,

which Vero has prepared

with all the love in her heart.

Two more gin and tonics?

All right. There we go. Careful.

[Álex] All right, be right back.

Àlex! Can we get five sh*ts, please?

- [Álex] Yeah, sure.

- [Ibra] Five.

[Álex] Okay, I'm coming.

Excuse me, excuse me.

Coming through. Behind you, behind you.

Excuse me.

My God. Two more gin and tonics

for the girls' table.

- Same as the other.

- [Vero] Coming up.

- Where should I take this?

- Table two.

- Got it. Wait the guys near the door?

- Exactly, those guys over there.

- Wow, that's a lot of alcohol, but

- [Vero] Hurry, come on.

[Álex] Excuse me.

[Javi] Five minutes

Until the countdown ♪

[men cheer]

We take stock of the good and bad ♪

Anyone want something to eat here?

Enjoy your night. Appetizer?

Five minutes before the countdown ♪

Over here? Here. There you are.

Sailors, soldiers

Bachelors, married men ♪

Lovers, wanderers ♪

[both singing along]

And the occasional clueless priest ♪

[singing along]

Among shouts and whistles

We Spaniards ♪

The tall, the short ♪

We, for once, do ♪

Something at the same time ♪

Ah, my little darlings!

There's only one hour left

till the end of the year.

Are you ready for it?

- [screams]

- [crowd cheers]

[cell phone chimes]

[cell phone clicking]

[line ringing]

- Where are you at?

- Hey. Just leaving my parents' place.

- Have you seen what time it is?

- Bruno, don't worry.

There's still plenty of time.

Hey, why don't I just meet you at the bar?

No. Are you crazy?

I don't wanna show up alone.

[chuckles] Don't be ridiculous.

If I stop by your house,

then we won't make it.

Well, why don't we just do New Year's Eve

here by ourselves, you know?

Huh? No! Come on.

We'll look like jerks if we don't go.

I don't think anyone

is really gonna miss us.

Well, Àlex specifically invited us,

didn't he?

I guess, but, still

Look, it it might have been

a group message or

Well, even if it was, Àlex went through

his contact list, one by one,

and, when he saw your contact, he decided

that he wanted us there tonight. Okay?

Well, if you put it like that

In fact, we should bring him a gift

to say thanks for inviting us.

Don't you think it's too late?

Well, there's gotta be something

at the house you can wrap up quick, like

- Oh! A bottle of wine or something.

- No, I'm not taking wine to a bar.

Well, it'll be a nice gesture,

whatever you pick.

See you soon. It shouldn't take me

more than half an hour.

- Yeah. Okay. Yes, yes, fine, whatever.

- Yeah?

Okay, see you soon.


[melancholy music plays]

[blowing noisemakers]

[engine cranks]

- [engine backfires]

- [women scream]

[Ramón] Oh, no, no, no!

I'm gonna take a shot with my daughter,

my little Valkyrie.

- Tequila!

- [crowd laughs, cheers]

- Need anything?

- Ah, yes, my darling.

- Could we get more cava over here?

- Did you drink the whole bottle already?

Hey, your mother did. I had a small glass.

- Small? It was huge, like your ass.

- Oh! [chuckles]

I'd better get you

something to eat and water.

- Agh!

- [Álex] Okay? Come on.

Can you bring some food

to my mother's table when you have a sec?

- All right, sure.

- Okay, thank you.

[Álex gasps]

- Two sparkling waters, please.

- Okay.

You all right?

We never should have sent out

all the extra invitations.

I told you, people don't confirm,

but in the end they all show up.

- Here, take this to seven.

- Okay.

- Okay?

- Got it.


You q*eer!

[all continue laughing]

Hey, can you please

tell the lady to quit stalling

and come help me

with the drinks over here?

- Sure thing. I'll be right back.

- Go.

- [slaps]

- [man moans softly]

My ass is not on the menu. Got it?

- [man chuckles]

- [Álex huffs]


- Keena.

- [Javi] Coming.

- They need you at the bar.

- I'm coming. I'm coming.

I love it when he acts like a sergeant.

One day I'll have to go out

and buy him a uniform.

[Javi laughs]

Oh, Montse!

Àlex, the sh*ts.

You don't have to remind me

every five seconds.

I'll bring them over to you when I can.

- [sighs] I'm sorry.

- [Ibra] Hey, hello.

[Bruno] Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.

No, no worries. We're already done.

- Um

- Happy New Year.

- [Bruno] Happy New Year.

- Listen

How is it tonight?

- Well, as you can see, we're slammed, so

- You are. That's great.

- Did you come by yourself?

- Yeah.

Well, I mean, no. Ramón is on his way.

- [Vero] Pigeon!

- Right.

- Yeah, yeah. I'm coming. I know.

- [Bruno] Yeah, um

Um, I'm sorry. It's just, um

Enjoy your night.

Okay, um, uh

Wait, wait, wait. Uh I got you this.

It's, uh, to say thank you

for the invitation. It's from both of us.

But you didn't need to get anything.

Yes, it's a little awkward, isn't it?

- Why don't I take it with me? Forget it.

- But it's already here, though.

- It's just a small thing.

- No, no, but I want it.

[Vero] Àlex!

I'm coming, one sec.

Can you put it in the dressing room?

It's behind the curtain to the right.

- [Álex] When I have a second I'll open it.

- Yeah, okay.

- Yeah?

- Okay. Well, I'll

- [chuckles] Okay. Thanks.

- It's nothing.

[Álex] Uh, excuse me.

Oh! Sorry. Sorry.

[cell phone buzzing]




Bruno. Hey!

Hey, what are you doing here?

This is a gay bar.

- [timer dings]

- Well, I was bored at home.

And I thought, "Why not spend

New Year's Eve heating Roquefort sauce."

Yeah, sure.

- And Albert?

- At the house, with the kids.

They wanted to go to Sardinia,

but in the end stayed here.

Well, if you don't hurry,

you won't make it.

Well, that's all right.

Not doing the grapes together one year

won't make a difference.

Are you sure? New Year's Eve

was always special for you two.


Well, we might have to get used

to doing things separately from now on.

Why do you say that?

You haven't spoken to him?

Yeah. Mmm, well, no. I knew

he didn't want to go back to the studio,

and I knew he was overwhelmed.

- But not to that extent.

- [chuckles] Yeah.

The problem isn't the job, Bruno.

He now needs to, apparently,

go find himself.

- And what exactly does that mean?

- Well, that's exactly what I asked him.

"If you wanna find yourself,

then, I don't know, get a Harley

or go to India like everybody else does,

but don't just throw it all away."

- [dish clatters]

- [Núria sighs]

Did he ever tell you

what we always do tonight?


I just know that you left the kids

with the grandparents, and

and then you celebrated by yourselves.

The most special moment was when we would

write down our New Year's resolutions.

And then read them to each other

to see how many of them were alike.

[Núria] Just before the chimes,

we would toast and promise each other

that we would do our best to keep them.

It was like every year

we renewed our family contract, you know?


But now it seems that

it isn't enough for either of us.

I really think

you guys will sort it out, Núria.

Because that is what you want, hmm?

You know what the problem is

with finding yourself, Bruno?

You lose others along the way.

[cell phone buzzing]


Hey. Happy New Year.

Hey. Núria is here.

- Here where?

- At Bar Bero, working.

Bar Bero? Um

Ah. Where your Àlex works?

No, look, Albert. He's not my Àlex,

and that's not the point.

Why didn't you tell me

you were in trouble?

What are you saying?

Well, she's convinced

you guys are getting separated, Albert.

What the hell's happening?

[melancholy music plays]

- Appetizer?

- [both] No, thanks.

- Wanna sit?

- Oh yeah.

You're not even gonna answer

your girlfriend's calls on New Year's Eve?

- Did she send you here to ask me that?

- f*ck. Look, we're not 12 years old.

Look. I'm really busy right now,

so, if you want something, ask Javi.

- Hello.

- Patri called me because she was a mess.

She felt terrible about your fight.

She needed affection, so I gave it to her.

That's it.

- I would've done the same for you.

- I would've never cheated on her. [laughs]

You're in an open relationship. The three

of us have been f*cking for days.

Yeah, the three of us together.

That was our agreement.

See, Patri and I made a deal,

and she broke it.

You broke it first

by outing her to her parents.

[Vero] That's not the same thing.

You stabbed her in the back,

but Patri's the bitch now because,

oh, supposedly we hooked up, wow.

Supposedly? [chuckles] You really think

I'd buy that you didn't sleep together?

Would it make any difference

if I told you we hadn't?

Because what's betrayal to you, Vero?

Making out, sleeping in each other's arms,

giving head?

Or is it anything Patri does

without your permission?

Did you f*ck or not?


You swear you're so open,

like, "f*ck the patriarchy."

Yet when it comes down to it

you're like a jealous old man.

If I'd have known that about you

before, Vero, I wouldn't have joined.

Vero, what about the grapes?

Should we hand them out?

- Hey. What are you doing here?

- Hi, love!

- [Álex] We could use some help.

- No, Flor has to be going.

What do you mean? It's almost midnight.

- Yeah, I'm going. People are waiting.

- Ah.

- ["Éste Amor No Se Toca" plays]

- Oh, this one's for you, ya q*eer!

- [crowd cheering]

- Whoo!

Call her and start the year right. Okay?

Are you all right?

I'm doing amazing.

[Javi] The storm breaks

The sky's already gray ♪

It'll be the last night

I spend with you ♪

- If you'll let me, I'll show you ♪

- Hey, did you get any?

I know how to sacrifice myself

I have my dignity ♪

And then you must have courage ♪

[Álex] All right, here we go.

Anything you need.

Say goodbye

Without saying goodbye to me ♪

Whoa ♪

Let's love each other one more time ♪

This one's on the house.

Don't worry about it.

And then you must leave me ♪

You have to go away ♪

You ♪

Don't be afraid

Choose ♪

To show your face and come closer ♪

And steal the last kiss from my mouth ♪

Leave ♪

This love alone ♪

Don't insist because I'll deny you ♪


Oh, I can't thank you enough, Najat.

I mean it. Thank you. Thanks.

[panting] Goodbye.

Yeah. Okay.

- Happy New Year.

- [Albert] You too!

No, no, no, no

Because now ♪


If you kiss me ♪

I'll be ♪

[all singing along]

In love again ♪

Oh, leave this love alone ♪


And steal the last kiss from my mouth ♪

[whispers] Ah!

Leave ♪

This love alone ♪

Don't you worry.

We'll make sure that he leaves.

Don't insist because ♪

I'll deny you my mouth ♪

Oh, leave this love alone ♪

[song ends]

- [crowd cheers]

- [Javi exclaims]

[Javi panting loudly]

[Javi] Thank you. Thank you.

I'm suffocating. [chuckles]

This song was not in the lineup.

It was a special request

from my friend, Jokin,

who has expressly come from Bilbao

to spend New Year's Eve with us.

- Let's hear it for Jokin!

- [crowd cheers]

And pay a little attention to him, queers.

He hasn't dipped for a year,

and he's insufferable.

I'm going to have a tequila.

I'll be right back.

- [crowd laughs and cheers]

- Ahh.

Ramiro, this is a surprise.

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year.

- I didn't know you could sing so well.

- [chuckles]

See, I'm a real "mosintress"

from head to toe.

[Ramiro] A what?

[chuckles] Never mind.

Come with me. This way.

[synth pop plays on speakers]


Ramiro was speaking to Javier.

They just went backstage.

They did?

Excuse me. Can I get a beer, please?

- Light, toasted, stout or alcohol-free?

- No, just normal.

- That works. Thanks.

- Okay.




Bruno, isn't it?

Yeah. But how do you know that?

Àlex told me about you.


[chuckles] Don't worry about it.

He's only mentioned the good things.


[cell phone chimes]



Come in.

[Javi chuckles]

Why didn't you tell me

you'd be here tonight?

- Because well, I wasn't planning on it.

- [chuckles]

I don't even know if this is a good idea.

But I was alone at the hostel, and


I'm looking forward

to starting the year with you.

[chuckles] You're adorable.

But, uh But I have to work, honey.

I can't give you much attention.

That doesn't matter,

as long as we can toast together.

Yeah, but I wouldn't want

you to feel uncomfortable.

If you're referring to Àlex

- His mother and his aunt are here as well.

- Yeah


tell them I'm here for you.

If they don't get that

They don't know, do they?

Look, Ramiro, the truth is I didn't think

I would see you again in my life.

Why not?

I thought that

we had a good time together.

Well, at least I did.

I did, and I I thought you did too.

Hey. How about we do this, huh?

In the morning, when I'm a little calmer,

and when the hangover has ended

Javier, if you have something to say,

tell me now.

- It's just not a good time right now.

- Javier.

Please, just say it.

The other night was fantastic.

[wistful music plays]

I wasn't expecting that.

And the truth is,

it's been a long time

since I had such a good time with anyone.

Well, same for me. Really.


But I don't think

it's a good idea to carry on.


Yeah, yeah. I understand. I understand.

Look, Ramiro. I don't want you

to think it's because of you.

You are a wonderful person.

But there's Àlex.

- It's very complicated.

- Of course, of course. No, I get it.

It's my fault, really, for thinking that

that [sighs]

Don't worry.


Anyway, I won't bother you anymore.

[Ramiro sighs]

- Why are you here?

- No, it's nothing. Don't worry. I'm going.

I'm sorry for the pain

I may have caused you.

And I hope you all have a very happy life.

I really do.


Need to tell me anything?


- Why are you sitting alone? Where's Ramón?

- Uh, on his way.

- Yeah, he

- You should wait with us in the meantime.

No, no, that's okay, thanks.

No, he'll be here soon.

If he doesn't hurry up, you'll have to

find someone else to kiss at midnight.

[both chuckle]

- I'm sure he'll be here in time.

- Well, I hope so.

It'd be a shame for him to miss all this.

After all the persuading

it took for me to get you here.

Wait, what are you saying exactly?

- You got a last-minute invite for this?

- Yeah, and?

The plan at first was just to have

a private party.

But people weren't confirming,

and Vero was afraid of falling short.

So yesterday she sent out a bunch

of invites, but to basically anyone.

Wait, so you mean Vero?

I thought it was Álex.

Well, Vero convinced him

to send out the message.

They thought a text coming

from Àlex directly would work better.

- I have to go.

- You're leaving right now?

Yes uh Mmm.

Puchusky, my dog.

- I haven't let him out, and I need to.

- Huh? Wait. But


[Javi] The poor guy felt ridiculous.

When he saw the way you shut him out,

he wanted to leave the bar

and never see you again.

Excuse me.

But I convinced him to stay longer,

and by the time you left he'd already

drunk half a bottle of tequila by himself.

I mean, he couldn't even stand.

I just wanted to see

that he got to the hostel safely.

Yeah, you fell into his bed then.

And? So what if I did?

Is it so terrible that I gave him

what I felt he needed?

What we both needed?

If you wanted to get laid,

there are plenty of candidates.

Look, maybe you can have any guy

you want just like that, but I can't.

Cut the "no one loves me" crap.

We both know that you have

several admirers out there every night.

So now I have to sleep with guys

that I don't even like?

No, no. Just not the ones

who've screwed over my mother.

- It's not that big a deal.

- He f*cked my father.

Only once. Only once,

and it's been 30 years.

And he had no intention of hurting her.

I don't know what Ramiro said.

I don't care.

I only know that he's suffered a lot.

And he's had to make horrible decisions

in the past.

But Ramiro is a good man, Àlex.

And I like him.

I like him a lot.

[somber music plays]

And I'd like to get to know him more.

But rest assured, sweetheart.

I've already told Ramiro that he and I

will never see each other again.

[Álex] No, come on, don't.

- Javi, wait. Come on!

- Hey!

- Do you need anything?

- No, I just got a a call.

I have another party.

- Wait. You're leaving?

- Yes. I'd better take this with me.

- But wasn't this for me?

- No. It was a silly gift.

- You're not gonna like it.

- You had the courtesy of bringing it.

- I know you won't.

- You don't know that.

- Let it go.

- Please, just let me open it.


[wistful music plays]

It's Bringing up Baby.

Mm-hmm. It was either this or Frozen.

[chuckles] Yeah.

But I thought that

I prefer this one.

- Well, I I'd better get going.

- But it's almost midnight.

- They're waiting.

- You won't make it in time.

- It's right next door.

- At least just stay for the chimes, then.

We'll toast together. Drinks on me.

Just one, okay?

- Just one, max.

- [chuckles] Yeah, okay.

Come on.

[electronic dance music plays on speakers]

- Did you two talk? Did he say anything?

- Um

- I'll meet you at the bar in a minute.

- Okay, sure.

- Hey, Bruno! [panting]

- Hey, hey, hey.

- Have you seen Núria?

- What are you doing here? And the kids?

Uh, with the babysitter.

Núria. Did she leave?

No, I don't think so. She can't be far.

- What's happening?

- I need to find her.

- Wait here. She'll pass by.

- I can't wait.

It has to be before midnight.

Ah! Ah, ah.

- Uh, I don't know. Uh, in the bathroom?

- What? Where's that?

- Right over there.

- Let's go.

Before leaving, he apologized

and wished us well.

But he didn't say

if he'd be staying in Barcelona?

The way he said goodbye,

I don't think we'll ever see him again.

It's better that way.

Yeah, it's better.

[Javi] Attention, boys, girls, and others!

We're down to the final 15 minutes

until our brand-new year!

- I might have a stroke! [laughs]

- [crowd cheers]

Just make sure that

you have everything under control,

'cause I don't want you to cry later, huh?

There are glasses of grapes

on every table.

- Do you all have your grapes?

- [crowd] Yes!

Ah! That's the way I like it,

nice and obedient. [imitates whip crack]

[Javi] It's time to take the seeds out

of the grapes if you don't want to choke.

But, of course, you have put

much bigger things in your mouth.

- And you're still alive?

- Hold this.

- What are you doing? Hey!

- [crowd laughs]

Aw, I'm sorry, honey,

but the stage is only for the stars.

I know. It'll just take a moment.

- I'm sorry. Excuse me.

- Wow. Look at him.

- [speakers squeal]

- Uh, hello. Uh, Núria?

Núria, it's me. I don't know

if you're around, but if you can hear me

can you come out?

Who is this Núria?

- Uh, Núria is my wife.

- Your wife!?

Well, you have the wrong bar. That or

you got it wrong when you married her.

- [crowd laughs]

- [Albert] No, I'm not wrong.

And she's here somewhere.

She's here, and I'm, um

[door creaks]

Marrying her's the best thing

I've ever done.

- [Javi] Aww

- [crowd] Aww

Hello, my love.

What is this, Albert?

- [sighs]

- No, no, no, no, no, no!

You started the show,

now you finish it. Come on.

- [crowd applauds]

- Let's go. Come on.

[Javi] Let everybody hear you. Come on.

[chuckles nervously]

I said [clears throat]

Yesterday I said

that I needed to find myself.

I already have. I'm in this.

You don't know this, but I kept

all of our New Year's resolutions.

They're all in here,

starting with the first year we met.

Look, um

Ten years ago, we both put down

[breathes shakily]

"To start a family."

[wistful music plays]

And then we had Julia.

And then came Artur and Ariel.

They're in here too,

and so are lots of other things.

Renovate the place.

Travel to the Atacama Desert.

Um be a size medium again.

[all chuckle]

- [chuckles]

- [Albert] Learn Japanese.

Well, we didn't do them all,

but that doesn't matter.

What mattered

was that we wanted them, together.

And especially,

the last one we always wrote.

[stifling sob] To love each other

more and better.

[Albert] It was the most important.

And the one I f*cked up.

[voice shaking] I'm lost, Núria.

I'm Forgive me.

I'm a mess, and I don't know exactly why,

but [huffs]

But one thing's clear.

That I want to keep writing resolutions.

- I want to write them with you.

- [sobs]

[Albert] This New Year

and all the ones to come.

So what do you say?


[breathes deeply]

- Yes.

- [crowd applauds and cheers]

[Javi] Oh, how lovely!

Thank you. Thank you, Núria and Albert,

for this wonderful display

of pure heterosexual love.

- I wish you lots of happiness.

- [scattered chuckles]

And that's enough kissing now.

You're stealing my show.

- [Albert chuckles]

- [crowd laughs]

[Javi] We're down to only 10 minutes left,

my queens!

- [crowd cheers]

- [Bruno chuckles]

Oh my God. Wow.

[electronic dance music plays on speakers]

[line ringing]

Patri, I'm sorry. I've been so stupid.

And I'm I don't care

what you did with Flor.

It's just, I don't know

why I get that way.

Just, please though, please though.

Just listen to me.

I know you won't make it for the grapes,

and I hate that so much, love.

But I don't want us

to start the year off like this.

I don't know about that,

but I know we'll be together.

I know there's a lot we need to discuss,

but it can wait until 2023.


[line ringing]



- [call fail alert chimes]

- Hey, Bruno.

- Hey, weren't you leaving?

- Uh, yeah, but

- Well, I was waiting here for Ramón.

- Ah.

- I know he'll get here at the last moment.

- Yeah [chuckles]

- [Ibra] Typical him.

- Yeah

Àlex, hurry! It's getting close to time.

Sorry. Do you have the grapes already?

- Yeah, right here.

- [Bruno] Yeah.

Do you know those two?

- [Bruno] I'm the godfather of their kids.

- [Álex] Oh [chuckles]

Hey. Can they go in there?

Uh, well, they won't be the first

or the last to get laid in that storeroom.

[Ibra chuckles] Are you saying that

from experience?

'Cause I'd be into starting

the new year like that. [chuckles]



I want to spend more time with the kids.

I want us to both travel again.


I want to quit architecture

and go back to painting.

I want our children to feel proud

of who you and I are.

I want to love you more and better.

I want to love you more and better.

[clock ticking]

- [voice mail beeps]

- Ramón, where the hell are you?

When you hear this,

call me, wherever you are.

He's still in the subway.

- Probably doesn't have a signal.

- Yeah, I guess.

Okay, a reminder for the slow ones

because there's always at least

one of you who messes this up.

First the carillon will play,

then the quarters sound,

and only then will you hear

the bells chime.

Did everyone get that?

Or should I draw you a diagram?

- Five minutes left till midnight!

- [crowd cheers]

I always feel super nervous

till I hear the bells.

[Álex and Ibra chuckle]

Don't you, though?

Well, no, for me,

it's a festivity like any other, honestly.

I prefer Saint John's Eve.

Ibra! Ibra!

[gasps] Oh shit! The chest game.

- What chest?

- The chest game.

Well, my friends and I do it every year.

Everyone chooses a resolution,

but it has to be something that you regret

not having done the year before.

Like getting something off your chest.

Well, yeah, but, like what kind of thing?

I don't know. Tell me something.

Like one of your regrets.

Anything you wanted to do but didn't.


No, well, I don't have anything.

Well, there must be something.

Yeah, but right now I can't think of it.

[Ibra] Well, you have four minutes

to think about it.

- You too, huh?

- Yeah

When I get back I want answers. Yeah?

[Álex] Sure.


Do you have any regrets?




Yeah, actually.

And can I ask what it is?

- No, it doesn't matter now.

- [chuckles] No, no, tell me.

- Down to four minutes! Aah!

- [crowd cheers]

I'm sorry. I said I'd buy you a drink,

and I haven't.

Would you like a cava or a cocktail?

Uh, beer is fine.

Okay. Light, toasted, stout, alcohol-free?

I hate alcohol-free beer, Àlex.

It's the first thing I told you

the day we met.

Sorry. I mean, it's just a habit.

[scoffs] No, of course.

It's normal that you forget, isn't it?

With so many orders you have,

at the end of the day

you can't keep track of them all. Right.

- Uh, where are you going?

- To find Ramón.

- You don't know where he is. Why not stay?

- Why are you insisting?

- Huh?

- All night you've been telling me to stay.

- For what?

- 'Cause I just wanted to buy you a beer.

- But why?

- Because, Bruno, I feel like it.

Why? To be polite?

You don't have to do that for me, Àlex.

So you don't want a drink or anything?

You wanna know what I want?

Sure. Look, I just want a beer.

A beer that's normal.

I don't want anything imported,

or any fancy bottle or anything, no.

Just a simple, fresh, cold beer.

I mean, that's all. [chuckles]

[wistful music plays]

But I don't know why the f*ck

I can't seem to ever find it.

And I don't get it, you know?

'Cause if I look around me,

everybody's drinking beer.

Wherever I go, my friends all have one.

And, well, I don't know how they do it,

but, if one day they run out,

I swear they get another.

They're so happy

'cause they're all drinking it.

But if you want a beer,

then ask me for a beer.

Don't you get that

your beer isn't for me, Àlex?

I loved tasting it. I mean,

I swear it was amazing, I mean

I love your beer, I really do.

But I can't stop thinking about it,

and I can't let myself drink it.

Not anymore.

For a few days I thought I could.

I thought that, if you offered it to me,

I could take it whenever I wanted.

And that's when you should have offered.

When I sent you that smiley.

When I sent you that smiley,

you should have asked if I wanted a beer,

but you didn't.

And now my beer is with f*cking Ibra,

and I have to make do with

a f*cking beer without alcohol

that's completely tasteless.

- Àlex, come on. It's time. Hurry.

- [carillon ringing]

- I will.

- It's time.

Come on, hurry.


[Javi] Now for the quarters!

[quarters tolling]

[Ramón sniffles, breathes shakily]


Ramón, wait, wait. Ramón!

- [Javi] All right, now swallow, everyone!

- Ramón!

- [bells chiming]

- Ramón!

Ramón! Ramón, wait!

Is that what I am to you? Huh?

A tasteless, non-alcoholic beer?

- I didn't mean that. I swear.

- f*ck you, Bruno!

[Bruno] I

Ramón, please!

[Bruno sobbing]

[sniffles] Ramón!

[bells continue chiming]

- [Dolo muffled] I can't!

- [Rosa chuckling]

- [bells continue chiming]

- [Núria moaning softly]

[both moaning]

- Last one.

- And 12!

- Happy New Year to everyone!

- [crowd cheers]

Happy New Year!

- [Vero] Happy New Year!

- Yeah!

["Un Año Más" by Mecano plays]

[Patri chuckling]


That's it, yeah!

[song continues]

[cheering continues]

This is going to be our year.

[song continues]

[song ends]

[wistful music plays]