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01x06 - One Degree of Separation

Posted: 01/12/23 11:28
by bunniefuu
Dear Three Wise Men of the Orient

This year I have behaved very well.

I have gotten good grades,

and I have obeyed my parents

most of the time.

I don't know, Albert.

You must have left them at the office!

I left them

in the kitchen. They were here yesterday.

Why are you leaving

important documents in the kitchen

when you have your own office?

Don't you keep any copies?

They were handmade plans

with corrections.

We don't have them on a computer!

- Did you ask Najat?

- Yes. She hasn't seen them either.

The council presentation's tomorrow, and

- Are you an idiot? No!

- Albert.

How many times do I have to tell you

to not touch Daddy's stuff!

Don't ever talk to her like that.

It's not her fault that you keep

leaving things where they don't belong.

Is that a letter to the Three Wise Men?

Can you only ask the Three Wise Men

for your own presents,

or can it be for somebody?

I think you can ask for anyone you'd like.


Dear Three Wise Men of the Orient

This year I actually don't want

anything for me.


Look. Look, look, look.


It's the first time

I've shouted at her, Bruno.

I'm the worst father in the world.

Well, just take her out

for ice cream later, and it's done.

- I don't know what happened to me.

- You're freaking out. That's normal.

It's our most important project.

Ramón and I have a lot at stake, but you?

I mean, you're

the new head of the studio soon.

- Shh. Shut up, shut up.

- All right, all right.

Crazy. All these years,

we thought Sunyer only put up with you

'cause you were married to Núria.

This one's not working.

- Do you have an eraser?

- Yeah.



- Wow, look at you.

- What?

So he's eating out of your palm.

Since he got back

he leaves Post-its all over the place.

Yeah, I don't know.

He's actually very romantic.

- "But"

- No, there's no "but."

- There's no "but"?

- There's no "but." You were right.

You were right.

Ramón is adorable.

We have good sex,

and we have a lot of things in common.

That's great, Bruno. That's great.

I got it. Not like with Àlex.

That Can you imagine

what that would be like?

Come on. A remake of an Iranian

Spider-Man is more plausible.

Take, for example,

something as easy as going to the movies.

Well, I'd choose All About Eve,

and what would he choose?

It'd be Frozen a second time.

Because maybe he didn't get it the first.

And, besides, he's allergic to dogs.

What would I do with Puchusky? Huh?

Àlex would have to take an antihistamine

at my place. He'd get sick of that.

You know, because they say

it doesn't have side effects, but it does.

And then he'd make me choose

either him or Puchusky.

And there's no way.

I will not abandon Puchusky.

He's the only thing

that gives me joy in life.

And we'd never go to any dinners.

How could I?

We'd all be there talking about

the new urban plans in Tokyo,

and Àlex wouldn't have anything to say.

And you'd make fun of him,

and then make fun of me,

and in the end I would stop seeing you.

And we would fight.

We'd argue every day too.

Because I'd see him as a burden,

and he'd see me as a nuisance.

And, before long, we would break up.

And I'd have no boyfriend, no friends,

no vacations, and no Puchusky.



- You up already?

- Your apartment isn't exactly quiet.

My bad. I'm really sorry.

No, no, no!

Don't you dare touch me with those.

- Yuck!

- No!

- You off?

- Yes.

There's a small problem at the bar.

We lost our caterer for New Year's Eve.

Wait. Shit. What happened?

A salmonella outbreak.

We have to find another one.

Two days before the party?

That's gonna cost a lot.

Everyone's already paid.

We can't serve chips.

I've contacted a couple of restaurants

that might be willing

to give us a fair price.

- Okay.

- Good morning.


I preferred

the architect, though.

No. Bruno was the last mistake of 2022.

- It's a new year and a new life.

- And what's new about Ibra?

He doesn't just want to f*ck.

He's interested in who I am.


And we also have a lot in common,

not like with Bruno.

I mean, can you imagine

my life with Bruno?

I mean, a concert where Rosalía

and and Bertín Osborne sang together

would be more plausible.

Okay. Just try and be careful

is all I'm saying.

'Cause you get excited

and then you get yourself hurt.

Ibra's different.




Well, tomorrow you guys

can f*ck in peace, I guess.


- Thanks.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

All right, Diego.

Here is your order.

What about the squid?

When are they getting in?

They're in a box in the warehouse.

Come back this afternoon. I'll have them.

No, I'll send my grandson to pick them up.

Well, and if we don't see each other,

happy New Year to you.

Happy New Year.

One minute, Diego.

We'd better go to the warehouse,

and I'll get them for you right now.

That way we don't have to bother

your grandson.

All right.

Why don't you just leave?

You've hurt her enough. Don't you think?

I have learned one thing.

When children want a gift,

we ask for it, but the grown-ups don't.

They never say what they really want.

If they said what they wanted,

everything would be easier, wouldn't it?

It happens to my mom.

She's always angry or sad or tired.

Please, bring her something

to make her laugh like she used to.

Well, we can't offer you much

at this point.

Unless we were to finish

a few of the dishes here instead.

- Is there a kitchen?

- We only warm up the customers here.

I can bring my microwave if needed.

Well, then, let's opt for cold menus.

And just use the microwave

for sauces and such.

This menu is the basic option.

Three types of hummus, salads,

puff pastries, canapés

And this menu has the smoked salmon,

plus the cod, caviar.

This one's better, right?

Sure, it's better, but it's twice as much.


It's, um We're on

a really tight budget right now.


Would you excuse me a moment?


I mean, sure,

it's amazing, but the price is insane.

What is it?

Hello, Núria, sweetheart.

Um, my parents just called,

and, uh, they're staying in Sardinia

for New Year's Eve

and wanted us to come out.

- Uh

- Núria?

I have to cater.

Um, since when?

Yes, Albert. There was a new client

last minute, um, and we decided to accept.

But But, I mean, you go with the kids.

And you guys spend the weekend

in the mountains.

- Yeah?

- No, no, no.

But I I mean, I'm sad that

you're starting the year without us, um

- Uh, we can stay here, right?

- No.

And make a toast

when you get off, at least.

No, no, no. Seriously.

Don't worry about me, all right?

I'll be fine, but I need to get back.

Ha Have a good night, okay?

No, but, Núr I I'm

I don't think we can swing it.

I have good news. That was my boss.

He mentioned we could give you

10% off on any of the menus.

And I'd be in charge of cooking.

So what do you think?


Jesus, Patri. You really scared me.

I thought you had to work today.

No, I took the day off.

I spent the last day with my parents.

- Oh.

- Where are you taking that?

It's for the New Year's Eve party tonight.

Do you mind if I borrow it?


Javi is preparing a show.

You'll love it. You'll see.

It's a a tribute for the songs

of the '80s, I guess.

I don't think I'll come.

- You're joking.

- I just don't feel like going out tonight.

You're just gonna eat the grapes

alone here?

We'll see. I might say, "f*ck the grapes,"

and go to bed early. I don't know yet.

Patri, I want us

to bring in the new year together.

You know how important it is for me.

It was important for me to come out

to my parents when I was ready to,

but you didn't care about that

- That's not true.

- For you, it meant nothing.

That's a lie.

- You only really care about yourself.

- Huh?

Vero wants to work in Ibiza.

Vero wants to see other girls.

- Vero wants a party and I have to say yes.

- No, both of us decided to do that.

Vero. And I wanted one thing,

just one thing, Vero.

You respect the most important decision

of my life.

And you couldn't have cared less.

You were accepted

by your parents, regardless.

- You don't need to hide now, all right?

- Ah! I get it.

- I should thank you, is that it?

- Yeah.

- Is that so?

- Yeah, actually.

- If it was up to you

- Thank you.

you'd have gotten married

to f*cking Marco Antonio

and be expecting your third kid!

- Get out of here.

- Patri, I'm sorry.

Get out of here, Vero.

Right now.

Your grandmother used to say

that a boy and a girl couldn't be friends.

That what Ramiro and I were doing

wasn't normal.

Now I understand why she said that.

Okay, so Dad was bisexual.

That isn't what matters.

I don't care if he liked men or women.

What matters is that they hid it.

How can I ever forgive that?

But, Mom, that was 30 years ago.

I mean, Dad stayed with you.

- You were happy together.

- Were we happy?

Did he choose me because

it was what he really wanted

or because he thought he should?

Well, he could have stayed with Ramiro,

and he didn't.

Oh, Álex, those were different times.

Two men couldn't

just build some life together.

Especially if one of them

was having a child with his wife.

That doesn't mean

he wasn't happy with you.

I don't know.

Grown-ups are a real pain.

They always say that when they were little

everything was cooler,

and now everything sucks.

It's as if they lost something

the day they grew up.

I guess that's the reason

they complain all day long.

My parents always complain

that they don't have time.

We don't have the time to waste.

Uncle Bruno always complains

that he can't find anyone to help him.

And my dad?

Listen, you just need to tell me

what you need, and we'll get it done.

It isn't a problem.

- Is something wrong?

- No, no. Everything's all right.

I wanted to give you this.


Did you really come here

to give me this?

'Cause my heart nearly stopped

when I saw you here, Najat.

I know it's not serious, but,

well, the office was on the way.

I was worried it'd get lost

if it was laying around the house.

I'm in the middle of a meeting right now.

I need to go.

Look, it's important that you read this.

- All right, um, anything else?

- No.

Well, thanks

for delivering the letter.

Lis, will you show her the way out?

We're ready, my love.

Well, are you sure you don't want us

to stay a little longer?

No, Mom. I'll be fine. I will.

- Well then, anem.

- That's it.

Isn't it "anem"?

Yes, Mom. That's it.

Well, anem. Anem!

- Thank you for coming.

- I love you.

Thanks, Mom.

- Oh, my love. Take care of yourself.

- I will.

- I love you.

- Oh.

- Now hurry. Let's go.

- You don't wanna miss your plane.

- Yeah, let's go.

- Yeah? Travel safe.

As soon as we get there,

we'll do a video call.

Yes, don't forget.

Come on, sweetheart.

- I love you so much.

- And I you!

Have a safe flight.

- Kinda dead in here today, isn't it?

- Mmm.

Everyone's saving up for New Year's Eve.

It would've been smart

to have shows today and tomorrow.

Listen, honey. I need to rest too, huh?

This skin doesn't

just take care of itself.

Can I have another one?


Hi, love.

- I thought you were in Ibiza.

- Yeah, well,

I came here urgently to solve a problem.



Well, in the end I wasn't sure

if Sunyer would take me back.

- Well

- Yes.

But then I told him I left

because I couldn't stand

working next to you. He understood.

- Hang on. You didn't say that.

- Yeah, sure.

Tell me you didn't say that.

Ramón, please

You're a dead man.

I knew it I mean, I knew it!

I just said

that I couldn't take the workload.

That I didn't feel valued.

And not only was I rehired,

but I got a raise.


Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

Uh, you want to go to that bar?

Yeah, have you been there?

I went there one time,

but, well, I didn't like it very much.

What are you saying? It's great.

Have you seen Keena Mandrah yet?

- Hey, let's go to La Federica.

- That's a bit far, isn't it?

Well, this way we walk a little,

get a little fresh air

- Let's go to La Federica, all right?

- You're in a funny mood.

- That's right. Let's go.

- Let's go.

- Then he told you

- Right. He said


Oh, Charmander!

- What's up? How are you?

- Man

- It's been a long time.

- It has.

- It's been forever!

- How are you?

- Yeah. Since before the pandemic at least.

- No, I think longer. Even longer.

Oh yeah. Hey, who's this?

- Oh, sorry.

- How you doing?

Bruno, Ibra. Ibra, Bruno.

I met Ibra when it was still cool

to go catch Pokémon around the city.

- Okay.

- Remember?

- Good times!

- Yeah.

I got really hooked.

We would meet up with a group every

weekend and spend hours and hours playing.

You going to Bar Bero?

- No

- No. No, uh, La Federica. Right?

Why don't you join us?

That way we can catch up.

- Do you mind?

- No, of course.

- No, I wish I could, but I gotta go

- see my guy.

Wait, hold on. You're seeing a new guy?

Well, we haven't been together very long,

but it's going all right.

Why don't you guys come meet him?

- Great.

- No.

No, I guess

If you guys are getting together, it's

likely a date. We don't wanna intrude.

It's not a problem.

We see each other every day.

Besides, he can get us all free drinks.

- Oh, he works there?

- He does. I'm sure you know him.

- Who is it?

- He's very popular. His name is Àlex.

- I know him, not personally.

- Yeah, see?

- I bet you didn't expect that, huh?

- That's great.

He's a sweetheart.

I'm sure you'll love him.

- Come on.

- Okay.


- Yes.

- You coming?

Yeah, of course.


- Calm and quiet today, huh?

- Yeah, it's really dead today.

And this is Bruno.

Uh, yeah. Yeah, we know each other.

- Oh yeah?

- Hmm?

Ah, that's right. We've met.

Àlex, with the two gyms.

Sure, sure, you looked familiar.

Sorry, I'm terrible with faces sometimes.

You good?

- I'm good, you?

- Great.

- Well, I'm glad.

- Yeah, me too.

Well, uh, want a drink?

- One gin and tonic.

- Make it two.

A beer.

And do you want it light, toasted, stout?


I hate alcohol-free beer.

- I see. Mm.

- Yeah.

Just a normal.

Well, I'll go get those.


- They like a girl from Berlin.

- Mm-hmm.

But I've asked them to wait a few weeks

to see if you come around.

I've already made my decision.

They're offering you 20% more

plus accommodations.

I'm really sorry.

It's Amnesia!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know it's Amnesia.

And thank you truly

for your interest in me.

But I can't.

She won't let you, huh?

I saw your profile.

Hello. We are Vero and Patricia.

Mm-hmm. We've been together

for seven years.

She runs her own business,

and I work at a flower store.

And we're doing great

- Yeah, we're great. Mm-hmm.

- Yeah, great.

Did it fuel or extinguish?


Opening your relationship is like a gift.

You receive it with enthusiasm,

but you never know what you're gonna get.

Some people get gasoline,

others a fire extinguisher.

What did you get, Vero?

According to this theory,

all of us are connected

to everybody on the planet

by just only six simple links.

In other words, I know someone

who knows someone who knows someone

and so on, until I get to, um

Ah! Ariana Grande!

That's why it's called

the six degrees of separation.

Well, six degrees, with queers

in Barcelona is how many? One?

I have an ex that always says,

if you're over 30,

it's statistically impossible

to walk into a bar

and not have f*cked someone there.

- Well

- Is that so?

Let's see, let's see, let's see

Let's see Uh

- Ah! Your ex is right. Ah

- Mmm.

Film kiss and in my heart an expl*si*n ♪

Red lights recording

Every word that I say ♪

Yeah, yeah ♪

- What was that for?

- I just wanted to.

Well, that's good.

Do it again whenever you want.

Baby, you're a star ♪

- Um, I'm sorry. I'll be right back.

- Sure

Hi, Àlex.

Why are you here?

- I think I owe you an explanation.

- You don't owe me anything. No.

I want you to know that it was

never my intention to hurt your mother.

A little late for that.

The last thing I intended

was to stir up the past,

but Rosa, she misunderstood me.

- I couldn't let her think that

- I don't care.

Àlex. I need you to know what

really happened with me and your father.

I'm working, so I can't.

Then I'll wait until you're done.

I won't leave till you hear me out.

Do what you want,

but it's a waste of time.

Everything okay?

Could I get a tequila?

Sure, honey.

A triple for my sea dog,

coming right up.

I think you need help.

I think I've got it, thanks.

I didn't mean with the boxes.

Big screen showing

How I feel to the world ♪

Bloodlines drifting through real life ♪

Kiss me through the cinema screen ♪

Yeah, yeah ♪

Kiss me through the cinema screen ♪

I can't.

Vero, Vero.


I thought I was in the wrong bar.

The name is spelled wrong

on the sign out front.

Yessenia, what are you doing here?

Well, we're on our way to the airport.

But I'm not leaving

until I talk to you first.

Listen to me, Vero.

I don't care if my daughter

is with men, women

The only thing I need to know

before I leave,

is that my daughter is in good hands.

Do you love Patri?

She is the love of my life.

But how do I know that?

We've been together seven years.

Being together doesn't mean

you love each other.

Well, I know I wanna be with her forever.

That is just a wish, not a reality.

I don't know what else to say.

It's very easy.

What does love mean to you?

When my parents found out that I was gay,

they beat me

and kicked me out of the house.

I know. I'm sorry.

I lost my family.

But I created a new one.

With Javi, with Àlex.

But, above all, with Patri.

I didn't know what a home was

until I met her.

Love is not a feeling.

It is a place.

A shelter capable of protecting you

from anything.

That's what Patri is for me.

So did I answer your question, then?

Take good care of my Patri.


don't wait too long to apologize.

She just wants to to forgive you, honey.

- Bye.

- Bye.


Do you mind if I leave early?

Go ahead, honey.

There's nothing happening here.

Okay, I'll go get my things.

- I love you.

- And I you.

Whoa ♪

Wanting to believe ♪

Oh ♪


What are you doing here?

I wasn't expecting you tonight.

Yeah. I know, me either.

But I couldn't wait, Patri.

Patri, I've come to apologize.

- Vero, I have to

- And not just for Christmas.

You were right, my love.

I've been selfish, and I've dragged you

into decisions that you didn't want.

I say,

to hell with the other girls my love.

- I just want to be with you.

- I'm



No, Vero, wait. Babe.


Look, I was down

and didn't wanna be alone.

Vero, try to understand, please. Okay?

Vero, wait. Just let me explain.

That's why there are three balls.

Well, another round, then?

- Oh, no, no, no.

- Oh Ah.

- We better get going now.

- But it's very early.

Yes, but I'd rather get rest.

It's just we have a very important meeting

tomorrow with the city council, and

To be honest,

we shouldn't have gotten drinks.

- Thanks for the drinks, huh?

- No, of course.

Well, uh, this was nice.

- It was.

- Yeah, it was great.

- Great meeting you. See ya.

- You too. See ya.

- Pikachu!

- Ciao, handsome.

- Well

- I'll see you later.

- Shall we, then?

- Uh, yes.

Oh, uh, give me a minute.

- Let me just use the bathroom quick.

- Oh. Me too. I'll come with.

Great, let's go.

Your boyfriend's really nice.

- Yeah.

- Hmm.

Yeah, well, I mean,

we'll see what happens.

Ah, no, it'll be great.

He's your type, so

My type?

Yeah, if I had to picture you

with someone,

he would be the first thing

that comes to mind.

It would be absurd otherwise.

How would you know?

You don't know what he's like.

- Well, I mean, you know what I

- No.

I don't know what you're trying to say.

I just think that you're a good couple.

You both look like

a couple from an Ikea catalog.

Ah. Well, you can't complain either.

Was it Ramón?

Ramón. Yes, absolutely not.

Ramón's a great guy.

So humble, so intelligent. He

How nice! This way you'll never be

short of conversation.

- No, no, not at all.

- Cool.

I always said I would never be

with an architect again.

- It's the best thing I did.

- Ibra's the same. Incredible.

The second I saw him, bam! Instantly.

Same for us! We met too and then, bam!

- That's how it is when you really connect.

- Right?

- Everything just flows, and it's all easy.

- It really is.

- You don't need those strategies.

- Yeah.

"Now I'll text, but now I won't."

- That

- "Now I'll pretend I don't care."

- "Now I won't text for a few days."

- How boring.

- So boring, I don't like those loops.

- Me neither. Awful.

- None of that. Phew!

- No, no, no.


- Let's go.

- Yeah. Yeah, sure.

Um, see you. Bye.

- Have a good night. Bye.

- See you. Bye, guys.

- So Bruno's a little weird, isn't he?

- Why do you say that?

I don't know.

He seemed a little awkward, I guess.

- You didn't notice?

- Mm-mmm.

How do you know him, again?

- I don't know. From the bar, I think.

- Hmm.

He seems familiar, but I don't know why.

- Hey. Should we get out of here?

- Don't you want to talk to him first?

No, not tonight.

- Javi, can you close the bar tonight?

- Yeah, no problem.

See you.

Good night.

Can you tell me what's happening

between you two?



What's the damage? Close me out.

You're good. It's on me tonight.



Be careful!

- Oh f*ck. Are you all right?

- Yeah.

- You okay? Come on. Get up.

- I'm okay.

Here we go.

I'm okay.

I am.

Let it all out.

You cry as long as you need, all right?

When the city council

entrusted us

with one of the most iconic theaters

on the Parallel,

we immediately understood

that it had to be top level.

At an aesthetic level with the legacy

of a unique city like Barcelona.

The New Arnau Theater will establish

a dialogue between past and future,

but above all between the stage

and the neighborhood that hosts it.

This will be explained further

by the director of the project,

let me introduce, the future director

of Sunyer Architects, Albert Costa.

And Dad is always sad.

He wasn't like that before.

He was always happy.

But ever since Ariel was born, he's not.

I don't think he loves him.

And maybe he doesn't love us either.

He yells at us a lot.

I don't like living like this.


Whenever you're ready.



Where the hell are you going?

- Home.

- Now? Are you insane?

There's a presentation!

f*ck the presentation.

I don't want it. In fact

Yeah, I'm done here.

I'm done.

Please, let Daddy

go back to being how he used to be

when he always wanted to play

and didn't make Mom cry.

- Dad's home.

- Julia? Artur. Come here, kids!

Come here, my sweethearts!


I love you so much.

I do.

Oh, I love you so much.

You hear? Forever.

And one more thing.

Since you have magic,

I'm also asking you to bring gifts

to all the people who are sad right now.

Make them believe in magic again.

And that way they will get what they want

and never be sad again.

And if anything else comes up

let us know. You have my number. Thanks.

- Thank you. It was great.

- You're welcome.

Thanks. We'll get you those details.

Thank you very much. That was great.

We loved it. Thank you.

- Congrats. Great presentation.

- Thank you.

- Thank you. Thank you very much.

- I'll show you out.