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01x01 - When Alex Met Bruno

Posted: 01/12/23 11:24
by bunniefuu
[telephone line ringing]

[ethereal music plays]


[automated voice] The number

you have dialed is not available.

Please leave a message after the tone.

[line beeps]

[man] You see?

In the end I decided to call you.

[alarm chimes]



["Contemporary Love" plays]

All this time spent

debating whether to call you or not,

- only to get your voicemail.

- [cell phone chiming]

I haven't heard from you for two weeks,

and I thought, "You should call him."

"He must not have seen my Insta messages

or my Grindr messages."

I know you're really busy with work,

and you're not paying attention.

And sometimes I forget

that not everyone is like me,

'cause I can't stand having

a red notification on my screen,

that's why they make them red,

the bastards, so you can't ignore them.

You know, tell me

what your inbox looks like,

and I'll tell you

what kind of person you are.

And you're one of those people

who has 340 unread messages

and who doesn't even bother

to filter your spam.

I know you're one of those people

who doesn't answer right away,

that's why I sent

you the WhatsApp messages.

And I know you've read them,

because they all have

the double check mark on them.

All 23 of them.

But you haven't said a thing.

And it's strange,

because the last few weeks

were quite different, weren't they?

- You're not calling that bastard Lolo?

- [whispers] No. No way!

[man] I loved it when

you would send me a picture

and make me guess where you were.

- I cooked up some lentils.

- Mom, I'm on a diet.

[chuckles] You might be on a diet,

but you always ask for seconds.

- [phone chimes]

- [woman chuckles]

[man] You could send me the photo

at any time of the day or night,

and the game was on.



I would ask you questions,

and you could only answer

with "yes" or "no."





And we could spend hours with the game.



And I adored it.

Especially when you asked

the last question.

You always had the same answer.



- Hey!

- Wait, Mom. What are you doing?

You're always tapping away, you look

like a hamster with a bag of seeds.

I remember the day you sent me

the photo of the bricks.

It was just a wall. That's it.

There were no clues. Nothing special.

[cell phone chimes]



[man] And I responded

without a second thought.

I got it right on the first guess.

I had recognized

it was the wall in your room.

And you responded with, "This is magic."

And it was.

It was. For a few days it was.

And the next day you made me breakfast

and I ate those muffins you made with jam.

Me! I don't eat anything with sugar,

and I'm more of a toast person.

But, you know what?

I didn't want to destroy

the magic that was still there between us.

And, as soon as I left,

I sent you a message.

A very simple message.

Just a smile.

A smiley.

And with a smiley,

I was saying

that I wanted to do it again tomorrow.

That I already missed you,

that I finally had found someone who fit.

That I had found someone

I felt sexy with, funny, witty

Someone who would laugh at

the same things that I do.

[wistful music plays]

Someone that I didn't

have to pretend with.

Who loved me for who I really am.

Someone that I could look at pictures with

of me when I was four years old,

and who would laugh and say, "Wow,

how I've gotten more handsome with time."

And I'd think, "He'll be saying

the same thing in five years,

in ten years, in twenty years."


[man] What are you doing?

Someone that I could dream up

the cheesiest things in the world with,

and deep down have us both hope

that someday they might actually happen.

[wistful music continues]

[rain pattering on windows]

All of that was said with that smiley.

And you could have responded

in so many ways.

The keyboard of your cell phone offers you

an infinite combination of characters

that you could have used

to just say one thing,

"Yes, I feel the same way."

But you never did.


You know what the worst thing is?

That one day we'll bump into one another

out somewhere

and I'll smile at you

so as to not seem spiteful,

and you'll say,

"No, I think we should just be friends

and not ruin everything that we have,"

and all of that bullshit.

All that bullshit you say

so you can f*ck one guy,

and then another and another

before complaining and saying,

"Oh, it's just no one can find

their ideal guy."

Well, I don't know If I was ideal,

but you had a guy

who could have loved you.

And you treated him like shit in the end,

and I was an idiot for thinking

it might actually have been real.

And that what we had actually was magic.

So why don't you just go f*ck yourself.

You f*ck your cell phone, your magic,

and your f*cking muffins with jam

that no one can swallow, you assh*le.

[handset rattles in cradle]


[whimsical music plays]

That's a long message. Who was that?

I have no idea.

[man] Wasn't it for you?

I don't know, it was some hysterical guy

yelling at his boyfriend

about an industrial pastries thing

I don't really get, to be honest.

If you were anyone else then I'd think

you had hurt a guy and didn't remember it.

- I've broken many hearts.

- [laughs]

Only, I'm kind enough

to remember them all.

- Yeah. You have never.

- What're you laughing at?

[both chuckle]

- I think it was crossed lines, wasn't it?

- No way.

That only happens

in movies by Howard Hawks.

You know? "Operator, operator."

"This woman is calling from Seattle.

She lost her dog."

- Yeah.

- Nothing like that happens.

But it's weird

that he'd call the wrong number.

Well, he called from a landline.

Maybe he misdialed one of the numbers

or something.

- Would anyone do that?

- Sunyer is waiting for you in his office.

- I don't think he's in a very good mood.

- [sighs] You don't say.

Lis. Lis, Lis. Uh, Have you ever called

a boyfriend from a landline

so he wouldn't know it was you?

I did. Just once.

I was 15. Typical girlish reaction.

- Why?

- No, forget it. Thank you.

- Thank you for that, Lis.

- Anytime.

Your stranger is very mature, huh? I mean

So is it really, really freaky

if I call him?

- [groans] Why would you?

- I don't know

I mean, what if he regrets

the things he said to his boyfriend

and this way I could give him

the chance to act like it never happened?

It would be like going back in time.

Yeah. What is it you always

say about time travel movies?

If you change the past

you screw everything up.

- Exactly.

- But, no But, no, listen.

I'd wanna be called back

to know it was the wrong number.

Didn't you say this guy was hysterical?

When he wasn't screaming he seemed nice.

Plus, he said he believed in love.

- Bruno, don't project.

- I'm not projecting

- Yes, you're projecting.

- No, I'm not.

- That's why you're overthinking it.

- No.

It would be easier

[whispers]to hook up with Ramón.

f*ck that. No way.

- Yeah? Why not?

- Just no.

- He's our best architect.

- And?

He's been crazy about you

since you started.

Albert, I'm not hooking up

with a co-worker.

Especially one who's 35

and still collecting Pokémon.

Oh, that's great.

Hey. Maybe your mystery man

collects dead bodies in the basement.

You're so dramatic.

- I'm dramatic?

- Incredibly.

Look, delete the message

and forget the guy.

[Bruno scoffs]

Oh, by the way. There's a costume theme

for the dinner tonight.

- I don't think I'll be able to make it.

- No, no, no, no. Don't bail on me.

Bruno, we have Bayona,

Sauquillo, Oyarzabal is coming.

- Even Oyarzabal, Bruno.

- Listen

And yet we haven't seen

our college classmates in over ten years.

Don't you think there's a reason?

Yeah, and I haven't been out

for ten months, not even for a water.

Great. You can go by yourself, okay?

Nobody there will miss me.

- I will miss you, Bruno.

- But you see me every single day.

Yeah, but we don't party like we used to.

- [sighs]

- You remember the old days.

f*ck, remember how much fun it was?

And you don't want to feel that again?

Just for one night? Just one night.

- I wanna enjoy my day

- Please, Bruno? Please, Bruno. Come on.

Just the dinner.

- That's it.

- That's all.

The theme for dinner is famous architects.

- And whose idea was that?

- Mine.

- Yeah.

- Don't pick Gaudi, okay?

- Yeah.

- I'm going as him.

[Albert] Good morning.

Maybe it is for you.

You're so nice, and you always

get involved with the biggest pricks.

- I have bad luck. That's all.

- Sure, bad luck. Always the same story.

It's my fault?

Just look at the last few guys

you went out with.

Look. Let's just be friends.

A relationship would end

and would ruin what we have.

But you get that, right?

Couples always break up,

but friendship is forever.

Look, monogamy's for repressed guys.

It's joyless.


You wanna be stuck with someone?


- And we'll get bored in bed, then what?

- Let's just be friends.

[both] Let's just be friends.

Let's just be friends.

But we could keep f*cking, if you want.

I have a really great time with you.


- Don't you see the pattern?

- Sure. They're all assholes.

- Sure. Assholes with perfect figures.

- And?

[dog barking in distance]

Listen. If you want different results,

you can't do the same thing as before.

According to Einstein.

[door groans]

- Patri, it's just us!

- [Patri] Close your eyes!

Patri, look. Cut it out.

I'm here with Àlex.

[Patri] I don't care!

Close your eyes or I won't let you in.


- [Patri] Are you ready?

- Yes. Come on, already.

[Patri] One, two, three!

Don't you love the parquet in here?

I need to install it in the small room,

but then it's done.

- It's amazing.

- Isn't it?

So does it smell a little funny,

or is that just me?

No, it's 'cause I burned

a little white sage and incense

to cleanse the energy of the apartment.

Ah, well, yes. It is really clean, yeah.

But this isn't the flooring we picked out.

- You loved it the most.

- Yes, but it was the most expensive.

We can't just go over budget, Patri.

Ah Oh, my love. Don't ruin it, huh?

It's gonna be fine.

We'll figure it all out!

When's the move-in date?

[Patri] The construction manager says

in January.

And hopefully at that point

your friend will be happier.

I am happy about this.

I know what will cheer you up. Follow me.

- Ah, this is here too.

- Mm-hmm.

A plant is the first thing

to go into a new apartment.

And you made it a plaque.



Welcome to our new life together, my love.

[ethereal music plays]

[cell phone buzzing]


- [whispers] Now's a bad time.

- [Patri] Do you like it?

I know you're gonna be

happy here together.

And now it's your turn.

I could never get a loan for a house.

That's not what I mean.

I'm with her now.


Why don't you swing by the bar?

Sounds great. Yeah, me too.

I'll see you later. I'll see you then.


- [latch clicks]

- [door opens]

- Puchi?

- [dog barks]

Hey! Who's this little guy?

Have you been taking a nap

in Daddy's bed, huh?

- [Puchi whimpers]

- Let me see, huh?

Oh, you're so tired, aren't you?

Oh, my pretty boy, I could eat you up.


[soft jazz plays]

[Puchi barks]



JUST ME 34, 160 M AWAY


[man] Hi.

Hi, how are you?

[dance music plays]

- [man] Hi, honey.

- Hey.

Hello, hello, hello!

- [Álex] Hey.

- How are my little pigeons doing?

Your little pigeons are sick of you

always getting here late.

- Okay.

- I'm sorry.

I had to attend to

a matter of critical importance.

Hold on to your wigs, girls!

Oh jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way ♪

Oh what fun it is to ride ♪

- No, Javi. We agreed no decorations.

- Oh, what a sacrilege, honey!

I told you.

Decorations are tacky, all right?

Come on. Show a little Christmas spirit.

Don't try too hard, honey.

She doesn't have that.

Lesbians lose it

when they eat their first p*ssy.

But not to fear,

Javi is here to save Christmas! [chuckles]

Javi, it cost a lot already

to get the bar looking like this,

and you're gonna ruin it

with cheap decorations.

Um, I'm sorry. It cost me a lot of money.

You hardly contributed.

- [Vero] That's a lie.

- [exclaims] She says it's a lie.

But, if it were up to her,

this would be Maleficent's castle.

I really think she has

the vision of a dog.

Everything she sees is in black and white.

Come on, let's stop arguing. Votes for?

Attention, s'il vous plait.

Espumillón, dix points.

- I'm picking up the tree tomorrow.

- No. No, no, no.

- No trees. No!

- Sorry, sweetheart.

Welcome to the dictatorship

of the gayarchy.

No, Javi, no.

Besides, Àlex's vote doesn't count.

He's not a partner.

What do you mean, it doesn't count?

The next time,

I expect you to take my side.

[door closes]

[Àlex chuckles]

Hey. Cover me quick. I'll be right back.

Do you know who that is?

- No idea.

- Hmm

Forgive me for being so persistent.

I know what I want.

And I'm flattered by that, really.

Okay. So then, what's the problem?

Look. She's gonna support it.

She'll see it as a betrayal.

Hmm. And wouldn't it be worse

to betray yourself?

- [sighs]

- Look.

How about this, huh?

I'll leave you the contract.

Read it over carefully,

and tomorrow you give me an answer.

- Just let me have a few days.

- There's no more time.

We need this sorted before Christmas.

Don't let me down.

This chance comes once in a lifetime.



Hey, so that bastard Lolo hasn't shown

any signs of life yet?

After my message,

he must have blocked me even on LinkedIn.

Well, don't worry.

There are plenty of other fish

for you in the sea.

And you won't have any problem catching

a tuna with a good belly. [chuckles]

- It's not that simple.

- Don't be ridiculous.

Most of the customers in this bar would

give an arm and a leg to be with you.

To f*ck. Not to be with me.

Oh yes, poor little thing,

you are so right.

How awful! It must be so difficult.

You know what I'm talking about.

Look, kid. Don't complain about

being full on cake

when there are those of us who don't even

have any bread to put in our mouths, huh?

Or, rather, a good baguette.

[both chuckle]

[narrator] Those two rocks are linked

by Akai Ito, the red string of fate,

to remind us that even rocks

without a heart are capable of loving.

[cell phone chimes, buzzes]

[pan flute playing melancholy tune on TV]





[pan flute continues]



[cell phone clatters on table]

[Puchi barks, whimpers]



DECEMBER 9, 2022, 11:05

[playful suspenseful music plays]

[phone ringing]

[Àlex] Everything was easier before.

You'd meet a guy, you'd f*ck,

meet again a few times,

and if you understood each other,

you'd just decide you were together.

Straight people do it.

If straight people do it,

we should be able to do it too.

I have a lot of friends who've been

together for many years, all right?

- They're in an open relationship.

- Not all of them.

- [phone continues ringing]

- Lesbians don't count.

They don't? Well then, yes, all of them.

[phone continues ringing]

Bar Bero?

You there?

Uh, hi.

Hi, yes. I'm sorry, but, uh

You don't really know me 'cause

Well Well, I was calling

because I heard your message.

Uh, about muffins?

- Oh

- Yeah.

At first I wasn't gonna call you back

because you seemed so upset.

But, after what you said,

then I thought that,

you know, it was important

that I tell you something.

You dialed the wrong number.

[music ends]

No. You're wrong, Bruno.

It's true. I don't know

why you ask for my opinion

if you always follow your knob.

[kids chanting] Knob, knob



It's a part of a door.

They can say "knob."

Really. [groans]

All right, hold on.

So you called a guy that you've never met

before and haven't seen or anything?


And in the end

he turned out to be really kind.


Nice meeting you. Well, I'm Àlex.

- [sighs]

- Well, listen, Àlex.

Things with that guy didn't end well,

but there will be others.

Yeah, I still can't f*cking believe it.

- What was that?

- [sighs]

No, no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

It's just, that before this guy,

I knew this other amazing guy.

He had a really great body, was nice.

I thought I had won the lottery

with him, honestly.

And what happened then?

He asked me if I would strangle him.

I mean, when he was about to cum.

And he tried to get me

to choke him like a m*rder*r.

[chuckles] Well, to each their own,

I guess, right?

Yeah. Well, that's what I thought.

But, after that, he didn't want to cum

any other way, said it's not gonna happen.

I didn't wanna have to do that every day.

Especially not at the beginning

of a relationship.

Think about it. What about later on

when you really do want

to k*ll him though? [chuckles]

[chuckles] Man! And when I told

that guy that it was over,

he said that I was a bigot

and a h*m*.

Yeah, I mean,

the same thing happened to me

with a guy who wanted me to pee on him.

I don't think I've ever drank

so much beer in my life.

- And that's why you ended it?

- No, not me. He ended it.

Because he said

it was too small, in the end.

- Your penis?

- No, bladder!

- Said my stream didn't last long enough.

- [chuckles]

[children chanting] Penis, penis

- Bruno!

- Sorry.

- [woman] Seriously?

- I'm sorry.

They don't even know what it means.

[woman chuckles] Here.

Look, take Ariel for a second.

Julia, you need

to go brush your teeth now. Move it.

No. I want to know

how Uncle Bruno's story ends, Mom.

- [woman] Really?

- It ends badly, as always.


Sorry. But it ends badly, right?

Look, almost all the guys I hook up with

either don't want to commit

or are in an open relationship

or cheat on their boyfriend.

And I don't want that.

You're a bit of a romantic, then.

- Right?

- [chuckles] No, no.

I just want to be happy, I guess.

[pan flute continues on TV]


[crowd chattering]

Do you know the legend

of the red thread of destiny?


Well, it's an ancient Japanese story

that says there's an invisible red thread

that binds people

who are destined for each other.

It says that we all have one tied

around our little finger,

and that it can never break.

- But how do you know it's red?

- What's that?

I mean, if it's invisible,

nobody would know what color it is, right?

- It's absurd.

- Yes, sure, but it's a legend.

It isn't meant

to be taken literally like that.

Yeah, well, but you did.

- Yup. Well, okay [chuckles] yeah.

- Ah

All right, I mean, isn't it

a beautiful metaphor though?

That right now

there's a stranger out there who is

going to be the most important person

in my life.

I feel like I trust the future.

It seems like

you're the romantic one here.

[Bruno chuckles]

- Don't you think that's beautiful?

- Hmm.

Hey. Are you on Instagram?

- No.

- [Javi] Hang up now. I'm alone.

- Um, Twitter?

- No, I'm not on Twitter.

- Facebook? Grindr? Anything?

- Nothing like that for me, no.

All deleted.

I deleted them. Why do you ask?

Well to meet, I guess.

I'd be open to meeting up.

Yeah. Yeah, but I don't know

what you look like.

Yeah, I'm not sure

what you look like either. [chuckles]

Yeah, that's fair.

[Àlex] Hmm.

- Do you know Bar Bero?

- What barber?

No, the Bero. It used to be a barbershop,

and now it's a bar. Bar Bero.

Ah, yeah, I saw it once.


Well, I work there.


- You're going on a blind date?

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.

- Great. When is it?

This evening. And I'll bring a book

so he'll recognize me.

Wait. What do you mean, this evening?

What about the reunion dinner?

You're so annoying.

I won't be late. Don't worry about it.

Okay. What if he's insane though?

Isn't it risky?

Great, you too?

Look, I have a good feeling about it.

I'll go, we'll have a beer, and that's it.

What's the worst that can happen? Huh?

- [Ariel retches]

- Okay.

[whimsical music plays]


[sniffs] Oof.


f*ck. What do you feed this baby?


- Don't laugh.

- [laughing] Hey! Okay, okay

I'd better give you one of mine.

- No, no. You're crazy. It'll be too large.

- What are you saying? We're the same size.

We were once, Albert.

The verb tense is important

in this case. We were.

Yeah. I'd like to see you

take my place with three kids. Hmm?

Come on. I wish.

What are you talking about, Bruno?

Don't be ridiculous. Come on.

Look. The most action that I get

is jerking off in the bathroom

while the kids watch

Dora the Explorer, all right?

Lately I've been cumming

more with her than with Núria.

- Seriously?

- It's true though.

Now when I hear her voice,

I get a hard-on. Like Pavlov's dogs.

Well, now with the new sitter

you should have more time for yourselves.

Sure, if she's Mary Poppins.

[chuckles, sniffs]

Okay. Look, I'm going home to change.

Yeah, yeah, sure.

- Oh. You better be at the restaurant.

- Yes, you pest.

- 9:00 p.m. Don't forget the costume.

- [Bruno] Bye, Núria.

- [Núria] Oh, are you leaving?

- [Bruno] Yeah, I'm going home to change.

[Núria] Kids, say goodbye to Uncle Bruno.

- [Bruno] Bye, kids. I'll see you later.

- [kids] Bye.

- [Bruno] Be good.

- [inhales]

[Núria] I hope your date goes great.

Let us know, okay?

[Bruno] Yes, I will. Have a good night.

I'll see you later. Come on, kids, let go.

I'll wait and buy the sea bass tomorrow

and freeze it.

The Christmas prices are ridiculous.

Well, it's what the market sells us.

It's not our fault.

- You want some sardines?

- No. I'll check out now.

- [vendor chuckles]

- [POS beeps]

And have you heard about Ramiro?

Montse's daughter says she saw him

the other day in the neighborhood.

Are you sure?

He hasn't stopped by to see you?

Well, I'll leave you in good company.

- And save me a good sea bass, okay?

- See you later.

Don't worry.

I'll save you the best one we get.

- Need anything else right now?

- What? You're leaving? Stay a little.

No, I can't tonight. I have a date.

- [woman] Oh.

- And I wanna stop home first.

You have a date? And what do I tell Ibra?

Who's Ibra?

He's the new guy

who works in Mercedes' shop.

He has dark hair. He's really fit.

Looks like a model, with great eyes.

- Mom, what'd you do?

- Me? Nothing!

Come here.

I might have shown him a photo of you

the other day, but it was an accident.

I was just looking at it with Mercedes,

the thing on the phone.

That Insta What's it called?

- You have Instagram?

- I saw your profile.

And, since he was there, I told him.

- "Look what a beautiful son I have."

- Don't show my photos.

Ibra is very hardworking, and he's cute.

I know you'll hit it off.

Look. Ibra!

- Come here. [chuckles]

- No, Mom. Please don't

Good afternoon, Ms. Rosa.

Ibra, this is my son, Àlex.

- Hello. Hey.

- How are you?

I'm Ibra.

- Your mother talks about you a lot.

- Yes, she does. Too much though.

- Why don't you go and have a drink?

- Mom, stop.

- And chat about how your day is going.

- Ignore her. No problem.

- I have to work anyway.

- Well, that's a pity.

Look. Let me give you his number

so you can see each other.

- What do you think?

- Sure.

- That works.

- Right?

- See you later, Àlex.

- Yeah, see you.

[upbeat music plays]


Don't I have a good eye?

I know your type.

Your aunt says he has a girlfriend,

but I think it's a lie.


He's straight though?

He's too handsome to be straight.

If anything, he's bilateral, you know.

[chuckles] "Bilateral." Okay.

I'll call you tomorrow, huh?


- [Àlex] Bye, Aunt Dolo.

- Bye, have a good day.


["Got Me Looking at You" plays]

You know I got it ♪

Dancin' in the sun ♪

Fancy life like a superstar ♪

Turn up the music

Show me what you got ♪

Watch me now

I've just begun ♪

[singer vocalizes]

Rock it loud

Make it hot ♪

[singer vocalizes]

Turn it up

Another notch ♪

[Àlex blows]

[Bruno sighs]

I don't get you, Vero!

And it doesn't matter how you spin it.

I still don't get you.

Well, maybe you would get it

if you'd just let me talk.

You guys can't still be arguing

about decorating.

That's not what we're fighting about.

She's leaving the bar.

She's leaving Bar Bero!

Don't listen to him. It's not true.

It is. She's gonna go

be a big VIP manager in Amnesia.

- You're moving to Ibiza?

- [Vero] No. I haven't accepted it yet.

But she'll obviously take it.

You see the look on her face?

That treacherous bitch face

she has going on.

Javi, stop it!

It's only a few months this summer.

And, besides, just think of the publicity

for the bar I can do there.

You see? She's already imagining it!

She can already see herself there.

If I knew you'd be like this,

I wouldn't have told you.

And what exactly

do you expect from me, Vero?

'Cause it was you who told me

not to sell my father's barbershop

and to instead turn it into a bar.

And now we're swimming in debt

as a result of it all.

And you decide to leave me high and dry.

The bar has consistent business,

and it's turning a profit.

It's no big deal

if I leave it for a few months.

But you do know this isn't

just a business, don't you, Vero?

It was our dream.

It was yours, and it was mine.

But you want something else

'cause you don't care about that.

[somber music plays]


You gonna yell at me now?

Is this what you want?

My whole life,

I've wanted a job like this.

I promised I'd pick your side, didn't I?

What's Patri think about it?

Well, I haven't told her yet,

and I'm worried what she'll think.


Yeah. Yep.

Does Dad look handsome? Look. Puchi.

Be good, Puchi. I love you.

- [exclaims]

- Why don't you answer your phone?

- [Puchi barks]

- It's the weekend, Ramón.

- I can't find the project.

- Uh, which project?

Our project. The Arnau Theater.

Sunyer wants to send it to City Council.

I can't find the final.

- It's gotta be on the server.

- It is not on the server.

Here. I only could find

version 4, 4 final,

version 4 final approved,

and 4 final approved definite.

- And version 4 final approved def-def?

- It's not there anymore.

There's no def-def.

I think I might have erased it.

Check the recycle bin.


Ramón, tell me you didn't empty

the server's recycle bin again.

I do it to save memory.

No, Ramón. It's because you have OCD,

and when you see the full trash icon,

we end up here.

- Tell me you saved a local copy, please.

- Uh Yeah, I'll send it tomorrow, I guess.

- Would you double-check?

- No, I'm on my way out.

- Please, Bruno. It'll only take 5 minutes.

- No



Five minutes. Hurry. Let's go.

["Eres" by Massiel plays]

[singing along to stereo in Spanish]

- [doorbell rings]

- Mm.

[continues singing]

Hello, Rosa.

Don't tell me you've forgotten my name.


[Vero] But who is this mystery man?

I barely know anything about him.

He didn't say much.

But his voice gave me confidence.

- You haven't sent each other a photo?

- No.

- So you can recognize each other?

- I decided to take a lesson from Newton.

- Einstein.

- Ah, whatever.

- [crowd chanting] Keena, Keena, Keena

- What's taking her so long?

- I'll go check.

- [chanting continues] Keena

Pardon me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry.

Keena! Your audience is getting impatient.

[Javi] I'm coming. Turn on the music.

- [chanting] Keena, Keena

- Excuse me.

[chanting continues]

- [feedback]

- [theatrical music plays]

Ladies and gentlemen and others.

I now give you all

the one and only Keena Mandrah!

[crowd cheering and whistling]

- [crowd chanting] Keena, Keena, Keena

- [man] You are gorgeous!

- Thank you, thank you, thank you.

- [chanting continues]

Thank you. Okay, now.

Okay, okay, enough. You're gonna

wear my name out like that. Huh?

- [chanting stops]

- Yes. Keena Mandrah, that's me.

Welcome, everyone, to Bar Bero.

As you may know,

we don't do haircuts here anymore,

but if you can't control yourself,

you might end up bald.

So now I'm looking at you.

I know you get carried away in here.

- [Javi chuckles]

- [chuckles]

[Javi] Oh, so many new faces.

Oh! Honey, what's your name, huh?

- Mine?

- [Javi] Yes, you.

- Modesto.

- What is it?

- Modesto.

- Ah, Modesto.

[doorbells jingle]

[Javi] Do you always speak so softly,

or are you living up to your name today?

[women chatter and laugh]

- You're just too far away.

- "Far away"!

Not as far as you, honey.

From reaching your dreams.

[Javi and spectators laugh]

Oh! My girls, there you are.

The women's section. You're late, girls.

My short-haired girls are here.

- They've all been to the same hairdresser.

- [Vero] Hello, my love.

[Javi] It must be

a copy-paste job for their stylist.

So, beers for everybody?

- I would love a cocktail.

- That's a strong way to start.

Let's just say

we're toasting to your new floor.

- Any excuse is good enough for you.

- Uh-huh.

So then? Four gin and tonics?

- Well

- [both] Yes.

[Javi laughs]

And where was the kennel

that you escaped from, honey?

In Cala Calobra.

[laughs] And what's that?

A spell in Harry Potter?

[all laugh]

No, it's a village in Ibiza.

Ah, Ib Ibiza! Yes, Ibiza.

Of course it had to come out.

Ibiza, Ibiza!

- Pearl of the Mediterranean!

- [doorbell jingles]

[Javi] The club of Europe.

What are you doing here when you can be

in Es Cavallet, surrounded by hot guys?

Who fooled you into coming here?

I would rather be here with you!

- Oh, how cute!

- [crowd cheers]

- This is a surprise.

- [Javi] Round of applause.

- Your mother told me you work here.

- Oh yeah? Did she?

What'll you have?

A beer for now, thanks.

After that, we'll see.

Oh, I wish everyone had

the same opinion as you, honey.

I say this because my friend has decided

to do the opposite of what you've done.

She's going to work in Ibiza.

And she's going to leave poor Keena

lost in the city.

Alone, completely abandoned.

- Evicted like a stray bitch on the road.

- Aww. [chuckles]

- [spectators] Aww.

- Alone!

[spectators] Aww!

No, no, no, no, no.

Don't hold it against her.

Well, at first I was angry too,

because, well, I'm a bit

- Because I'm very stupid.

- [spectators laugh]

And because I love her dearly.


More than she could ever imagine.

It's because of this

that I decided I can't ever be the one

to stand in the way of her happiness

like that.

- Please excuse me for making a scene.

- [Vero mouths] No, no

[Javi] I'm really sorry.

And I wish you the best

in your new life, Vero.

I wish you the best.

Now please help me

give a round of applause

for the brand-new VIP Manager

of Amnesia in Ibiza, my Vero!

Of course, honey! And congratulations.

My dear, may you be very happy.

["Ya no te hago falta" plays]

Patri. Patri, wait.

Patri. f*ck!


Don't be Bruno. Don't be Bruno.

[Àlex sighs]




[song continues]

[song ends]

[wistful music plays]