02x04 - Tower of Gray

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x04 - Tower of Gray

Post by bunniefuu »

There is, of course, the feeling of fear.

It's a natural emotion
found in all animals.

What do you think causes fear?

There is the kind of fear born
of animal instinct,

and the kind of fear
born of a rational mind.

That is, one may perceive fear when
facing a foe stronger than oneself

and realizing there is
no way of fighting back,

or when encountering the unknown.

The sheer uncertainty can be terrifying.

If faced with such fear,

a person has a number of options
from which to choose.

One might struggle,
resist, flee, or accept.

But upon meeting Lord Dio,
a new, unexpected reaction arises...

One feels joy!

How do people act

once they feel joy in fear?

Our friend is currently on the plane

Joestar and the others have boarded.

They will find it utterly impossible

to reach their final destination
in one piece.

A rhino beetle?


It's a stag beetle!

Is it a Stand, Avdol?

Did Dio already send one of his men?

It's possible...

A Stand that takes the form of an insect.

It hid in the shadow of the seats...

Where did it go?

Jojo! It's right by your head!

It's huge! It has to be a Stand.

That insect is a Stand!


But I'll take care of it.

Be careful.

I've been told there is an insectile Stand

that likes to rip out
the tongues of its victims.

Star Platinum!

It dodged!

I don't believe it!

It's faster than Star Platinum,

a Stand who has the speed and
precision to grab a flying b*llet.

So it has to be a Stand.
That bug's a Stand!

Where is he? Where is he hiding?

But where can the user be hiding?

Here it comes!



Just in the nick of time,

it stopped the bug's needle
with its teeth, but...

It's after Jotaro's Stand's tongue...

It's him!

The Tower card of the Tarot...

It symbolizes destruction and calamity,

and the interruption of journeys.
This stand is called,

Tower of Gray.

Tower of Gray is responsible
for mass murders,

which he makes look like accidents!

They say the plane crash
in England last year

that claimed lives is his handiwork.

I've heard rumors of this Stand user,

but not that he's joined Dio!

It dodged it.

And not just a single jab,
but a two-fisted barrage of blows.

Its speed is incredible...

Even if you fired ten g*ns at me
from one centimeter away,

not a single b*llet would touch my Stand!

Not that a g*n could harm a Stand...

He has to be nearby!

Who is it?

Who could be controlling it?

Which passengers is it?

If we just knew who it is...

It's gone again!

Over there now!

What's it trying to do?

No, it wouldn't!


Got their tongues!

And now for the best part...


Its definition: complete slaughter!

He actually did it...

I'll incinerate that bug alive!

Magician's Red!

Wait! Avdol, wait it's...

What's with all the ruckus...

Something happen...

Look out!

Might as well take a walk to the bathroom.

What's this slimy stuff?

M... A...

It's b-blood! Blood!


We have to defeat it
before it causes panic

among the passengers.

But, Avdol,

a Stand like your Magician's Red

could cause the airplane to explode.

And Jojo,

we can't have Star Platinum
tearing any holes in the fuselage.

It'd be a catastrophe.

This calls for

a quiet, more discreet Stand
like Hierophant Green.

Noriaki Kakyoin, eh?

Dio has told me all about you.

Don't bother.

You think you have
silence on your side, but...

your Stand can't keep up with my speed.

Is that so?

Emerald Splash!

Emerald Splash!

Thought if you fire enough sh*ts
you'd get me, huh?

You haven't hit me at all!

Blast it! He's too fast!


You're just not quick enough!

No bingo for you!

And now, Kakyoin...

With this next attack,
your Stand's tongue is mine!

My Tower Needle will puncture
your tongue and rip it out!

Emerald Splash!

Don't you get it?

No! It's still managing to dodge
his Emerald Splash!

Once my Stand rips out
Hierophant's tongue, you'll go mad...

from the pain!

S'that right?

Once Hierophant's tongue's ripped out,

I'll go mad from the pain?

My Hierophant Green...


...will go mad all right...

Once it rips you apart, it'll go mad...

from pure joy!

I had already extended
Hierophant's extremities

into and under the seats.

My use of Emerald Splash
to move you into position

must've slipped your notice.

So it was you all along.

Seems repulsive Stands
have repulsive users.

It appears he wasn't implanted
with one of Dio's flesh buds...

Tower of Gray would k*ll travelers,
and make it look like an accident...

all for pay.

He was bought, blinded by greed.

He was Dio's pawn.

Something's wrong.

Is it me, or is this plane flying crooked?

No, I'm right.

It can't be!

Sir, may I ask where you are going?

I'm afraid the cockpit is
off limits to passengers.

I know that.


Oh! He's so handsome.

Move, bitch.

The shock!

Whoa, there.

Ignore that.

His disrespectful behavior
is clearly incorrigible...

But this is an emergency.

Please forgive him.



He got us!

Their tongues have been ripped out.

That beetle bastard...

The pilots never had a chance!

We're falling.

The autopilot's knocked out.

We're gonna crash!


My Stand is The Tower card,

symbol of accidents and
the end of a journey.

You will never make it to Lord Dio!

Even if you survive this crash,

you'll still be , kilometers
from Egypt!

Those loyal to Lord Dio will
follow you every hour of every day!

The world is rank with Stands

more horrific than you could ever imagine.

Lord Dio is the master of Stands!

He has the power to reign over all.

There's no way you'll reach him!

You will never make it to Egypt!

You stewardesses are real pros.

You didn't let out a single shriek.

And I never had to lose my temper.

Now, listen up.

This old man's gonna
land this heap on the water.

Make sure our passengers
have their life jackets

and seat belts ready.

Got it!

Old man.


I have driven a prop plane before, but...

Prop plane?

You know, Jotaro...this is
my third time in a plane crash.

Have you ever heard of someone
being in a plane crash three times?

No way in hell...

No way in hell I'm ever
riding with you again.


The plane landed kilometers
off the Hong Kong coast.

Jotaro and the others had no choice.
They diverted to Hong Kong.

...Thirty-five kilometers south
of Hong Kong, near Lamma Island.

Efforts are underway
to rescue all passengers.

Hong Kong!

Hong Kong Island! Kowloon!
The New Territories!

With more than islands in the area,

Hong Kong and its breathtaking night scape

is known the world over
as the "Million Dollar View."

Right. That's fine.

Please make sure the only ones
aboard are us and the crew.

Right. We don't want any more victims.


Hey, big guy!

You guys aren't from around here are ya?

Want some rice porridge?

Can't come to Hong Kong and not try
our dim sum or rice porridge.

We have some hot cola, too.

Rice porridge, eh? Not bad.

Did you know, Jojo?

Unlike in Japan, rice porridge
is a staple in Hong Kong.

One bowl, the popular way,
with pork and century egg.

Coming right up!

In that case I'll have—


You boys think we have time to eat?

We're going to my old favorite.

Hey, dandy guy.

Want to try some Hong Kong hot cola?


Everybody knows it's supposed to be cold.

Old man, who were you just calln?

Hm? Oh, I'll explain when
we get to the restaurant.

We need to work out a plan
that'll get us to Egypt

as safely and quickly as possible.

A plan?

Mr. Joestar,

we cannot allow any more
innocent civilians to be hurt.

The quickest way would be by plane, but...


Traveling by plane to Egypt is now
completely out of the question.

If we encounter another Stand user

like the last one on a commercial flight,

we'll cause a disaster
that will harm many people.

We'll have to get to Egypt
by either land or sea.

But if we fail to find Dio
within fifty days...

If we could've stayed on that plane,

we'd probably be in Cairo by now.

I'm well aware of that.

But it's to soon to panic.

A hundred years ago, Jules Verne
wrote the novel,

Around the World in Days.

That's a journey of , kilometers.

And that was the era of
steam engines and steamboats.

Even without a plane, in fifty days,

we can easily cover
the , kilometers to Egypt.

As for the route...

I say we go by sea.

We can charter a decent-sized boat,

and circumvent the Malay Peninsula,
to the Indian Ocean.

A Silk Road of the sea, as it were.

I too agree that is best.

Crossing boarders could bring trouble.

And we'd have to cross
the Himalayas and the desert.

We could lose a great deal of time.

The dangers are too many.

I haven't traveled to
those places using either route,

so I can't offer any advice.

I'll leave it up to you two.


Then it's decided.

The greatest danger that lies ahead
is the Stand users sent by Dio.

The question is, how do we sneak
into Egypt undetected?

This is how you signal you want more tea.

In Hong Kong,
place the teapot lid like this,

and they'll bring you some more.

When you've been poured your tea...

This means "thank you."

Pardon me. Sorry to bother.

I'm visiting from France,

and I'm having some difficulty
making sense of the menu.

Would you, perchance, be able to
tell me what these characters mean?

You're annoying. Get out of here.

Come now, Jotaro. Give him a break.

I've been to Hong Kong enough
to read a menu, at least.

Why don't you join us?

So, what sounds good?

How about some shrimp, duck, shark fin,

and something with mushrooms?

We'll have this, this, this...

And this, too.

Oh, and this.

This looks like beef, fish,
clams, and frog, to me...

Indeed, this is quite different
from our order.

I knew this would happen.

Well, it doesn't matter.

It's all on me, boys!

Besides, it doesn't matter what you order.

It's all delicious!

All right, everyone, dig in.

Oh, this is...

See that? And you were worried.

Well, they've certainly taken
a lot of time to prepare this.

Take these carrots, for example...

Cut into perfect little stars.

In fact, they remind me of something...

I remember now.

Someone I know has a mark,

a birthmark just like this
on the back of his neck...


Are you another...

Mr. Joestar, look out!

It's a Stand!

Magician's Red!


Another Stand user!

He has such speed with his sword...

My Stand is The Chariot card,
and his name is...

Silver Chariot!

Mohammed Avdol,
it appears you wish to die first.

I've carved a burning clock
into that table!

Before the clock strikes twelve,

you will be a dead man!

Would you like to be friends with me?

Something is bothering you.

Stick with me, and it'll disappear
from your heart.

That left arm is not a right arm.

To think you're trying to
use fortune-telling

to fight a fortune teller...
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