2x13 - O Brother, Where Bart Thou?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gossip Girl". Aired: September 2007 to December 2012.*
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Privileged teens living on the Upper Eastside of New York City. You know you love me. xoxo
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2x13 - O Brother, Where Bart Thou?

Post by bunniefuu »

Here--your one and only source Into the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite.

I fired andrew tyler, that private investigator Thank you, but I don't think that that's enough.

Where's bart? I'm leaving him.

I'm doing it for me.

I don't expect anything Lily's at the ball with rufus humphrey.

You should figure something out and Down get here now.

I wouldn't change us Not if it meant losing what we have.

And what do we have, chuck? You tell me.

It was meaningful with you.

It--it was the greatest night of my life.

Mine, too.

Serena, where's charles? Mom, what's wrong? Bart's been in an accident.





, gossip girl.

More towers than trump, More bucks than bloomberg Bart bass definitely made his mark on manhattan.

The passing of a public figure can shake a whole town, But the real story is always the one happening in private, Away from the headlines, At home.




You need your strength.

I'm not hungry.

I'm saving room for later.

In times of great uncertainty, it's even more important That we continue our daily rituals.

You haven't eaten a cheerio since you've been here.

And we--we know that's gin in your coffee cup.

My point exactly.

Life must go on as it always has.

Come on.

How's mom? I took her some coffee and some toast.

She didn't sleep very much last night.

Or any night since it happened.

All she does is make lists and yell at people.

People mourn in their own ways.

What happens tonight when it's all over And there's nothing left for her to do? Maybe she'll move into the palace And hole up with chuck.

Ah, yes, the bottomless minibar And the comfort of the twins in room service.

It's scandal.

People mourn in their own ways, mother.

I've been assured by the hotel That if chuck isn't alive and well Well At least he's alive.


That's a nice picture.

Remind me to send a thank-you note to the photo editor.

Is that tuna? Grandma, please talk to her.

W-we're--we're doing comfort food.

Nobody's comforted by a tuna tower.


Darling, where are you going? Oh, out, uh, for a walk to the park.

Well, is that wise? Well, it's really hot in here with the cooking And the Cooking.

I'll--i'll be-- I'll be right back.

Oh, that's a good picture.

Lily should send a thank-you note to the photo editor.

How is, uh, charles holding up? Who knows? He hasn't returned any of my calls or texts.

But the hotel says they keep sending up food, So there's something alive in that room.

Oh, you should try some capers with tha And just a tickle of the sliced onion.

Maybe I'm underestimating his emotional bond With kim and kristi from room service, But I just think that at a time like this, He should be with someone who cares about him.

Not enough.

Not enough.

That is exactly why we are getting married, So that we can always be around to care for each other.

That's true.

It is.

Just delivered, ma'am, for your trip to paris.

Christmas in paris.

How can you even think of your vacation The day that we're putting bart in the ground? Because, my dear, in the midst of death, we are in life.


Maybe nate's heard from chuck.



I wasn't expecting to see you.

I know.

I was just coming to check in on you, See how you were.

I'm fine.

I'm just worried about my mom and eric And chuck.

That's, uh, that's nice.

I'm worried about you.

Thank you so much for being such a rock These past few days.

It's meant so much having you around, Yeah, well, it's not a problem.

It just--it feels natural.

It does, doesn't it? Hey, serena.

Aaron, hey.


Hey, aaron.

Uh, i-i just wanted to check in, see how you were.

Oh, yeah.

I'm--i was just telling dan.

I'm fine.

But it-it's good to see you a-and you.

But, um, I'm actually gonna go to the church With just my family, so I'll see you both there? Yeah, sure.

Sounds good.


That's great.

See you there.

Okay then.



I'm sorry we haven't spoken since the ball.

I really appreciate your messages.

All I want to say is that I'm here.

If you want me to keep my distance, I can do that, too.

I, um, can't imagine what you're going through.

Well, actually, you can better than anyone else can.

Everyone's so concerned about the grieving widow, But as much as I feel shock and loss, Mostly I feel guilt.

I'm sure you must be thinking a hundred thoughts right now, But, lily, you cannot blame yourself.

Why not? He was on his way to see me.

I was I was gonna end our marriage.

It's okay.

You hear me? Um, he left me a voice mail.


What'd it say? I don't know.

I haven't listened to it.

I've been too afraid, you know, To hear his voice.

Well, do you want to listen to it right now.

I'll stay with you.

Thank you, but I'll do it myself.

I have to get back.

Lil, I'm waiting for you this time.

Six months, Six years, I'll be here.

My condolences.

Skip the sympathy.

This is business.

My father met with you right before he died.

I want to know what you told him that night.

I worked formr.

Bass, not you, And what I have--you're not the only party interested.

I'm about to become very rich.

Yeah, congrats.

But there's someone else who's about to come into some money, And I think she might be more motivated than you are.

Lily? That bitch is the reason my father is dead.

I'll be in touch.

You can buy me a drink.

I'm sorry.

I can't stay.

If you'll excuse me I have to go bury my father.

They say that when someone dies, Their secrets are buried with them, But on the upper east side, Sometimes the dead still speak.

You have one unheard message.

Lily, we need to talk, And not about how my wife is making a fool of me With her old lover.

I know the real reason you were in that hospital in france.

Message deleted.

Alomst there, see you soon That was serena.

She'll be here soon.

Yeah, I got that.

Well, I got it first.

Yeah, well, it's probably my service.

Yeah, that's probably it.

Hey, jen.


I just talked to eric.

Uh, he said they're almost here.

That's old news.

Hey, eric.

Come here.

I'm gonna go pay my respects to your mom.

Thank you.

She'll really appreciate that.

How you holding up? Holding.

Have you seen jonathan? No.

Why? Are you guys back together? No.

No, i Just thought he might want to be here.

Yeah, that'll be fine.

Thank you.

I see daniel and his sister are here.

Will their father be making an appearance today as well? Ugh.

Why on earth would you ask that? I followed you to the park today.

Of course you did, mother.

We'll talk later.

Where is charles? We should have just driven him to the door And dropped him off on the steps.

No one should see him like this.

He needs to walk it off Okay, walk, chuck.

Bend knee, lift foot.

Maybe we should have just left him at the palace.

It's his father's funeral.

He needs to be here.

It shows respect.

Respect? My father wasn't showing much of that in his final days.

What's he talking about? Who knows? When we found him, His shoes were on the wrong feet.

Chuck, remember how in the eighth grade, You used to help yourself to the decanter In the captain's library? Where I first got my taste for single malt.

That's right.

And you'd have to go home to a 4-course dinner Without passing out in your consomm I Didn't want my father to think less of me What does that matter now? Chuck, Am I gonna have to stick my finger down your throat Nate'll hold back your hair.

What? No, no.

Sorry, blair.

You had me and then you lost me.

Just straighten his tie.

Thank you, dan, for being here for serena And for our whole family.

Of course.

I-i can't imagine it any other way.

You are a true gentleman.

Your father raised you kids right.

Thank you.

Dear, they want to know about the wreaths, Whether we should Hey! What the hell are you doing here?! Excuse me? He's just upset and loaded.

What are you doing at my father's funeral? You think he'd want you here? Chuck, if this is about the article, You know I didn't write it.

Do you think I care about your failed attempt At investigative journalism? My father is dead because of your father.

What, chuck? Look, I'm sorry about this Chuck, dan has been helping us, unlike you.

Helping us? Do you have any idea what his family has done? Daniel, I think maybe it would be best if you left.

No, grandma.

That doesn't make sense.

It's not fair.

Chuck is bart's son.

He doesn't have to make sense today.

It's okay.

I-i understand.

You have no idea.

Dan, I want you here.

Serena, it's okay.

Let him go.

I know you're upset, But we all really need each other right now.

Don't touch me, whore.

Charles, please.

You need to be with your family.

My family? I don't have a family.

If the lord is our shepherd, It looks like one of his lambs has lost his way Or maybe make that a black sheep.

We bring nothing into the world and we leave nothing behind, But that doesn't mean we don't leave A big ole mess when we go.

You're back soon.

I wouldn't have thought bart bass Would be one to have a short funeral.

Chuck threw me out before it even started 'cause according to him, uh, my My father "k*lled" his father.

What? Why would he say that? Well, i-i-i don't know, dad.

I mean, do you--do you have any wild guesses, any thoughts? Who knows? The kid's dad just died.

He's upset.

Yeah, that's what-- that's what cece said.

Cece's in town? That's nice for lily, to have her mom here.

That's right.

I always forget that you guys know each other.

Did you, uh, did you think of going today? To the funeral? Nah.

Why not? I mean, you're one of lily's oldest friends.

No, I know.

It's just better this way.

So how's serena? Um, that, uh, That would be a question for her boyfriend aaron.

You two have been spending a lot of time together Since the accident.

So? So like it or not, death changes things.

It clarifies them.

It brings some people closer together, pushes others Further apart.

I just thought maybe-- no, we're just-- we're friends.

Oh, wow.


Good? W-why is that good? Or bad.

I don't know.

Do you want to be more than friends? No.

We broke up p twe, and it's over.

It's very much over.

You don't have to stay that long.

Just let people shake your hand, say hello, You're done.

You don't have to convince me Oh, good.

Well, I just thought that after what happened At the church, you might not want to be Here.

This is exactly where I want to be I have business to attend to.

Okay, that's fine, but let's just find you a quiet corner, Get some food in your stomach.

I'm not in the mood for food.

You're really sweet with him.

Me? Sweet? No.

No, you are.

I mean, worrying about him, offering him food.

It's downright maternal.

I'm not maternal.

I've just been spending too much time with cyrus, And I'm turning jewish.

Come on.

I see kugel.

I found that sermon surprisingly thought-provoking-- All that stuff about life and death And our time on earth being so fleeting.

Darling, it's a funeral.

What was he supposed to talk about, the stock market? Hmm? What's the best pizza in town? Although, that is quite good.


No, I know, but I want to get married.

I know.

So do i.

That's why we're engaged.

No, but I mean now.


Tomorrow? We cannot get married tomorrow.

No, you can't.

Why not? Life is so short.

It's all uncertain.

I don't want to live another day without being your husband.

What do you say? She says that's crazy.

It is.

It's crazy.

Well, we'll do it at the apartment, Just the family.

Simple, elegant, fast.

Well, it is kind of romantic.


I thought you were supportive of this union.

I am, as something that happens in a vague, far-off future That never really lands on me because I'll be away at college, Not as what I'm doing tomorrow at 7:00.


That's perfect.

That's not what I was saying.


I don't have anything to wear.

Well, uh, what if someone made you something? I mean, what'd you have in mind? How about you minding your own business? I was thinking something in a jacket, very y.



Okay, mick and bianca, 1971.

Great reference.

Yeah, I hate to interrupt this fascinating chapter In "favorite moments in fashion history," but-- jackets are tricky.

I know.

But, um, I also know someone who owes you An all-nighter, and she would be honored.

Well, I think you should tell her that I said.


Thank you.

Thank you for giving me a chance to make amends.

I'll call the rabbi.

Now where is-- where is aaron? I want to come to buenos aires with me for christmas.

What? That's a plane ticket.

With your name on it.

I-i don't want to say no, but i-i-i have to.

My family is a disaster.

My--my brother is lonely, And my mom is losing it And chuck has publicly disowned us.

Are you sure it's your family you don't want to leave, Or is there someone else? Dan? Is my friend, aaron.

You--you don't have to worry.

I-i'm not--i'm not worried.

This trip is my gift to you.

And you going with me will be your gift to me.

But I already bought you a book.

I'll read it on the plane.

Just think about it.

Excuse me. May I please steal my daughter for a moment?

Mother, if you want to talk, now is not the time.

What does chuck know? Did you not hear what I just said? He knows something about you and rufus.

You should find out what.

Mother, I just came from burying my husband.

I do not have the time, inclination Or frankly, the mental capacity to go head-to-head with chuck.

And what he knew, he already told bart, So there's nothing to worry about, now is there? Let's hope not.

But you won't know until you talk to him.

I saw him head up the stairs.

Hello? Yeah, this is she.

No, I'm afraid that's impossible.

I'm rather busy right now, Which you would know if you read the papers.

I'll be right down.


You came.

I hope that's okay.

More than.

Can we talk? I have some explaining to do.

If you're looking for bart's will, you don't have to worry.

I'm not.

But you should be.

I'm going to find your file.

Well, it's not here, so you can stop ransacking the place And look at me.

I can't look at you, lily.

You disgust me.


Disrespecting your marriage, Betraying my father with rufus humphrey.

I did no such thing.

He was coming to fight for you.

Talk about dying for nothing.

The only reason he got in that car is because you called him.

If you could have just stayed out of it But you couldn't, could you? Because you're just like him.

You have to know everything, control everyone, trust no one-- Are you saying this is my fault? No, it's no one's fault.

Yes, it is.

It's your fault.

His blood is on your hands.

I'm so sorry.

As soon as that will is read And I get my money, You will never see me again.


Where is he going? Chuck.

Gotta go.

Can't talk.

Go where? Everyone you know is Standing in this room.

I don't want to be here We want you here.

I just lost my stepfather.

I don't want to lose my brother, too.

When are you going to get it? We are not related.

Just let him go.

No! Oh, don't even try to cheer me up.

Oh, I won't.

Andrew tyler was just here.

Bart's p.


? Don't tell me he was here to pay his respects.

No, he wanted me to pay him.

He knows about the hospital in france.

What? That's why bart was coming to see me The night of the accident.

Tyler told him.

Well, now he's going to tell the highest bidder.

You have to stop him.

Do i? I'm not sure.

You can't be serious.

Well, after all this time, Now you decide that the--the right thing to do Is to tell the truth? The truth is out.

That changes everything, doesn't it? No, it doesn't have to.

There could be no better time for a clean slate.

There could be no worse time, mother.

This is the last thing I want to come out.

Pay him.

Chuck! Stop! Don't go.

Or if you have to leave, let me come with you.

I appreciate your concern.

No, you don't.

You don't appreciate anything today.

But I don't care.

Whatever you're going through, I want to be there for you.

We talked about this.

You are not my girlfriend.

But I am me And you are you.

We're chuck and blair.

Blair and chuck.

The worst thing you've ever done, The darkest thought you've ever had I will stand by you through anything.

Why would you do that? Because I love you.

Well, that's too bad.

Spotted--chuck bass fleeing his father's funeral And blair waldorf shedding tears for the dearly departed.

You know, if you're about to apologize for chuck, It's--it's really all right.

I mean, he's upset, And there's bad blood.

It wouldn't be entirely true To say that I get it, But I'm fine not getting it.

That's really big of you But that's--that's not actually why I called.

Aaron invited me to buenos aires for the holidays.


W-- well, uh, I've never been, So I don't know how helpful I can be with travel tips.

I mean, I know that it's, uh, summer there, so pack a bikini.


When we heard about bart's accident, We were in the middle of a conversation.




About what it would mean If you--you sleeping with aaron and me sleeping with lexi? But that never happened, so So I mean, I guess now it will, right? At least for you.

Or Well, are--are you--are you asking me to ask you not to go? No.

Look, serena, if you want to go, go.

If you don't, then don't.

I-i-i can't tell you who to be with.

No, but you can tell me how you feel.

How do you feel about your boyfriend Who--who wants to take you to south america? Well, I mean, he's really great.

I like him a lot.

Well, that's your answer then.

You know what? This--this muffin is apricot, I think.

Yeah, it, uh, I wanted cranberry.

They gave me apricot.

I gotta go back.

Well What do you think? Mazel tov.

Blair, I know this is all happening awfully fast for you.

I just hope you know how happy I am Just to be with your mother, But to have you in my family I love you Very, very much.

I told chuck I love him.

Really? That's wonderful.

No, it's not.

It's horrible.

I thought that If I could finally say it, then Everything would change, But he is just as selfish and soulless as ever.

Only a masochist could ever love such a narcissist.

Help me.

You don't need help.

He just needs time.


Not enough.

Don't worry.

It'll all be okay.

You'll see, dear.

Well, how did it go with tyler? Serena's at breakfast, and eric's out with jonathan.

We can talk.

It went very well.


Thank you, mother.

This was the right thing.

I know it was.

If you say so.

But the closing of this chapter Leads us to the opening of the next one.

What are you going to do about The fact that you're in love with rufus humphrey? Well, I'm not sure I'm gonna do anything, At least not right away.

So you are in love with him? I was fishing.


Well, you caught me.

Considering the circumstances, I have tried with all of my strength to fight it.

It is a curse I do not wish on my worst enemy.

But I love rufus.

So that's why chuck was so upset.


Let me explain Don't bother.

You love rufus.

You always have.

And you married bart anyway, and now he's dead.

Well, i-i might have, Uh, fleshed out some of the more subtle nuances, But, yes, I suppose that's the gist of it.

So go ahead.

How could i? Bart's body's not even cold.

Whatever horrible things you're gonna say to me, Just go ahead and say them.

I should have seen this coming.

You once asked me-- Begged me-- not to be with rufus Because of you and dan.

Has rufus told you he wants to be with you? He has.

Well, this may sound strange coming from me, but If you want to be with him, you should.

Maybe it's your time now.

After all that you've been through, You should at least try.

And what about you and dan? I'm gonna try to make things work with aaron.

We're going to buenos aires for the holidays.

That is, if it's okay with my mom.

I think it's gre.



How was breakfast with serena? Uh, she's flying off to Buenos aires with aaron.

Uh, well, she hasn't actually decided yet, But he invited her, and she's not sure, so I think I tipped her in the direction of saying yes.

Why would you do that? Well, because she asked me not to.

And--and I realize now, Saying it out loud, it makes no sense, but i-i just-- I don't want to play some stupid game.

Why not? If you play the game, then aaron ends u Dancing the tango alone and serena would be with you.


Well, when you put it like that You still have feelings for her, right? Okay, so do you think you could put them into words And speak to her out loud? Yeah.

Yeah, if she doesn't leave first.

She's gonna be at eleanor's wedding.

You can carry the garment bag.


Where you guys going? Oh, eleanor's.

And no, we can't stop to talk.

We're late.

You're going, too? Yeah, um, I gotta--i gotta carry the garment bag.


Where are, um, jenny And dan spending christmas? With alison in hudson.

Come away with me.

Let's take that trip we didn't take last year, Figure things out.

I don't want to wait six years.

I don't want to wait at all.

Tonight? I'll make a reservation at that bed and breakfast in cornwall, And it'll be gray and freezing, But I don't care.

We're gonna be okay this time, lil I know we will.


You're the high bidder.

The only bidder, actually.

Well, if lily didn't spend every dollar she has, Maybe it's not worth it.

I was dealing with her mother.

She said lily wanted to stop hiding her past, come clean.

Well Tell me what's the point In me paying to know something If she's going to tell everyone anyway? Maybe there is none.

But you're about to become The richest kid in new york.

If I were you, I'd want to make that decision myself.

It's a pleasure doing business with you.

Oh, it's beautiful.

And so are you.

You know what could make this moment even better? If I told you I was going with you to buenos aires? Well, I am.

I talked to my mom and everything.


Um, is eleanor freaking? I have her jacket.

Is that jenny humphrey? Where are my clothes? Yeah, she's freaking.

Oh, dan, do you mind, um, waiting here for me? No, not at all.

Uh, I'm coming.

I carried the garment bag.

I'm gonna go check on my dad.


I'll see you later.



Dan, why are you really here? I don't want you to go with him.

Well, you're too late.

I already told him I would.

Tell him you're not.

Dan, it's not our time.

So what? It's you and aaron's time? You guys have a time now It's not about aaron.

It's a-- it's about our parents.

What about our parents? They're in love.

They--they never stopped being in love.


Well, that explains a lot.

I already asked my mom not to follow her heart once, And I just-- I'm not gonna do it again.

Even if I did, I don't think she'd go along with me this time.

So you're g--you're gonna give up on all of this, on us, For your mom? We've already tried it and failed twice.

Who knows if we'd work any better? Who knows if we wouldn't? Look, we've both changed.

Dan, we're We're connected.

We always will be, but I'm dating someone else now.

Serena, we need your fashion advice.

Hi, humphrey.

What are you doing here? He--he carried the garment bag.

I did.


All right.

Come on, s.

I-i should go.

We'll talk after the holidays.

I just can't believe You'd want this to become public knowledge.

What is that? Oh, it's exactly What you think it is.

But my mother-- lied to you And to mr.


Judging by the look on your face, I'm guessing it wasn't your idea to come clean.

Why on earth would she do this? I don't know.

But the next time you see her, I'd ask.

But until then, I'm more Than happy to further Her agenda.

Charles, um, I beg you Please don't turn away from the people that love you.

They're the only chance any of us has.

And your father never learned that.

I hope that you do.

Wedding vows of eleanor and cyrus.

I, cyrus, Take, you, eleanor, To be no other than yourself.

I give you my love.

I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine.

Ani l'dodi v'dodi li.

To the waldorf-roses! Congratulations! What do you think you're doing here? This can't be good.



I'm actually on my way out, if you don't mind.

There's something you need to know.

Isn't there always when you're around? Throughout my whole life, The only thing I have ever wanted is My daughter's happiness.

Now the means to achieving this might shift with time, But my goal remains the same.

Uh, since this is about lily, She can be the one to tell me or not tell me.

I won't allow your meddling to come between us again.

I gave her a chance to tell you.

She didn't take it.

In fact, she asked me to pay a lot of money To make the problem go away.

But you didn't do that, did you? The real problem Is that she's in love with you.

Why is that a problem? Because so long as she holds on to this, The two of you don't have a chance in hell Of making it work.

I want her to have that chance.

Don't you? So I guess the first time we actually sleep together Will be on an airplane.

Most guys get candles and lingerie.

My girl's gonna be sporting earplugs and a neck pillow.

Hey, you're gonna be fighting me for that neck pillow When your chin is on your chest And there's drool all over your shirt.

How did you know that I drool? I-i think this is gonna be good-- This trip, us, all of it.

No regrets? None.

Much better.

Well, thank you for telling me That you're in love with lily bass again Or--or still or whatever it is.

It would have been really useful information to have Before I tried to stop serena From flying off to south america.

I will never be with lily.

I don't understand.

Serena just said-- Serena doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.

Are you okay? What--what--what's all this stuff and your note? What, are you going somewhere? Nope.

Just out.

You can answer that if you want.

No, i-i don't--i don't want to.

I'm--i'm here now with you.

I know you still have feelings for him.

No, I don't.

No, it's okay.

I just want you to give us time, give us a real shot, Because I think I might be falling in love with you.

Hey, it's serena.

Leave a message.

Just tell me one thing.

Was it a boy or a girl? We hear chuck bass is not the only one Who lost someone he loved this week Our deepest condolence, Ms.

Wharldorf X.




, Gossip Girl
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