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10x19 - Dominion

Posted: 01/11/23 06:47
by bunniefuu
NARRA TOR: Previously on Stargate SG


What exactly do you want from me?

The code to an Ancient tablet that I helped Qetesh locate long ago.

CARTER: I take it the anti

-Prior device is working.

MITCHELL: Well, he didn't stop us from zatting him.

What the hell is going on?

I had to be sure this was working on her first.

We've got to go.

(CHATTERING) You're bluffing.

You have nothing.

I'll tell you what.

I'll bet you everything I have on this table against that cargo ship of yours outside.

Your winnings wouldn't cover the value of that ship.

- What if I throw in this?

- And what's that supposed to be?

(MEN GASPING) You've got your wager, as foolish as it may be.

I guess it's just my lucky day.

I thought this was an honest establishment.

It is.

And that's why it's necessary to have you searched.

I don't suppose we could call this even.


Hello, Mother.

It's good to see you.

It's been far too long.

I did not expect to see you again.

I had to return, Mother.

My work here is unfinished.

Who is this?

You really don't want to know.

Get out, all of you.

(MEN MUMBLING) I don't suppose you're going to let me just walk out of here?

I'm afraid not.

I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Mother, but your attempt to destroy the Ori was unsuccessful.

Am I supposed to take your word for that?

I've been personally supervising the construction of dozens of ships.

Now that our intergalactic gate is operational again, there's nothing to stop them from coming here.

We should have the entire galaxy converted in a matter of months.

Just because you've been building ships doesn't prove anything.

What are you doing here?

Where are your friends from Earth?

Friends come and go.

Have they abandoned you?

I'd rather not talk about it.

I really must know, Mother.

You do realize, in a traditional mother

-daughter relationship, I'm supposed to be the bossy one?

Oh, whatever.

Makes no difference now, anyway.

I've got it.

I figured it out.

Got what?

The answer you were looking for to the Clava Thesaurusy thingami


The Clava Thessara Infinitas?

Right, that's the one.

I know where it is.

The Clava Thessara Infinitas, literally, "The key to infinite treasure," is the Ancient tablet Athena was seeking from Qetesh.

Now, it supposedly holds the clues to the whereabouts of a vast storehouse of Daniel, this is very interesting.

Get to the good part! The good part?

I figured it out.

I know where the treasure is.

You solved the Clava Thessara Infinitas?

Yes, I most certainly did.

Daniel shared some of his findings with me last night before I went to sleep, and after a rather, well, nasty dream in which I appeared on a television program where it seemed you had to dance with supposedly well

-known personalities in front of a panel of judges, a shape came to my mind.

The symbol for infinity?

Yes, infinite treasure, infinity.

You see?

And it intersects with six symbols, which, when combined, correspond with a gate address.

Why would the Ancients use the Earth symbol for infinity to hide their treasure?

Actually, no one knows the exact origin of the symbol itself.

It's been found on Tibetan rock carvings dating back over a thousand years, as well as a host of other places.

For all we know, it could well have originated with the Ancients.

You can rotate that symbol any which way you want.

Yes, but this is how it appeared in my dream, and when we put these six symbols into the database, it came up with only one address.

Why does this all sound familiar?

Did Adria not send you information in dream form to lure us to the planet where the Sangraal was hidden?

Yes, but, no, this is different.

I came up with this on my own.

Okay, I suppose it is possible that Qetesh knew its location and this is simply a latent memory being dredged up by Athena.

There you go.

Do we have any idea what this Ancient storehouse actually contains?

No idea, sir, but it must be big if Athena was so eager to get her hands on it.

I feel very strongly about this, General.

What can it hurt to send a team?

I didn't send you that information.

That's what I tried to tell them, but they didn't believe me, especially when the reconnaissance team returned.



-3 and 8, they're coming in hot.

Open the iris.

(MEN GRUNTING) They're right on our tail! Shut the gate! Shut it down! Do it! Med teams to the gate room immediately! What happened?

It was an ambush, sir.

Ori soldiers made our position as soon as we stepped through the gate.

I lost two men, a couple more injured.

That's not possible.

That can't be.

You tell that to the men who died.

- Colonel, debrief in my office.

- Yes, sir.

I was so certain that I was right, I couldn't leave well enough alone, and the very next night I had the same dream again.

Only this time, the infinity shape appeared vertically rather than horizontally.

Note that, again, it intersects with six symbols, and that, again, the six symbols only match one address in our database.


What's the problem?

We need to investigate this.

- Vala.

- What?

- Do you not see what's going on here?

- No.

This is Adria telling us where to go so she can pick us off.

Next, you'll have a dream where the symbol is on a slight angle, and I'll bet it will still correspond to one single gate address.

- She's using you, Vala.

- No.

I would know.

Well, you didn't know before, did you?

VALA: Things just got worse from there.

Daniel, what's happening?

It's not looking good.

Most of the I.



Delegates think you've been compromised.

But I didn't do anything wrong.

I was trying to help.

It doesn't matter what your intentions were.

If Adria can manipulate you like this any time she wants to, then you've become a security risk.

They're talking about removing you from the team.


They're also not comfortable with the idea of letting you go, given everything you've learned about Earth's defenses.

I don't understand.

They're talking about confinement, Vala, at Area 51.

You don't believe me either.

You can't lie to me, Mother.

I can read the truth in your mind.

I'm just surprised.

So was I.

How did you convince them to let you go?

I didn't.

That's the funny thing.

VALA: I guess they thought a locked door could hold me.

Or they never imagined I'd make it off the base.

What do you plan to do now?

Well, I had just won myself a cargo ship when you dropped by and broke up the game, so Is that really what you want?

A life alone, always on the run?

That life no longer suits you, Mother.

You belong with me.

Return with me to my ship, and take up your rightful place as Mother of the Orici.

Adria, stop it.

I am not your mother.

I may have given birth to you, but we are not family, so stop pretending.

You just need time to think about it.

We will talk further on our way.

- Where are we going?

- To find the Clava Thessara Infinitas.

- You think it's real?

- I think Colonel Carter was right.

This might be knowledge from your time as a Goa'uld being dredged up through your subconscious.

Well, you're too late.

Despite the fact that they didn't trust me, they thought they should check out the second gate address anyway, just to be safe.

I overheard them planning the mission as I was leaving.

Yes, but there's something you're not telling me.

- I don't know what you're talking about.

- Don't play games with me, Mother.

If I have to force this information out of you, it will be quite unpleasant.

They were worried about an ambush, so they're taking the ship.

We can beat them if we travel by stargate.

Let's go.


Howdy! You didn't really think we'd invite you to a party and not disable your funky powers, did you?

I have no idea what's going on.

Don't worry, Vala, it's all part of the plan.

Don't you ever speak to me, ever again.

Lower your weapons.

Buddy, I think you've got the wrong planet.

Lower your weapons or we will all perish.

My master Lord Ba'al has targeted this location from orbit.

What are you doing?

Carrying out my orders.

Okay, that wasn't part of the plan.


Don't waste your time.

I've learned a thing or two from my Tau'ri friends.

This room is being flooded with the same kind of EM field they generate with that clever little device of theirs, the one that prevents you from using your mind powers.

You should know that won't hold me forever.

Of course not.

But that won't be a problem after I'm done with you.

They got the jump on us.

We had no time to react.

Exactly how did Ba'al manage to pull this off?

I don't know, but they had detailed intelligence.

He was aware of both our locations and intentions.

The bigger question is, what does Ba'al want with Adria?

Perhaps he intends to negotiate for shared control of the galaxy.

She doesn't strike me as the sharing type.

Either way, we do not want those two hanging out together.


We have to get her back.

- We're on it, sir.

- Wait.

How's Vala?


Is somebody going to fill her in?


Just not us.

This isn't right, you know.

I escaped fair and square.

Bringing me back here is tantamount to kidnapping.

Listen, we know you're upset, but you have to understand, this is part of a plan.


Why would I possibly be upset?

Maybe because I was betrayed and abandoned by the only people in the entire galaxy I thought were my friends.

Don't be silly.

We are your friends, and we did not betray you.

You didn't exactly back me up, now, did you?

What she means is, none of it actually happened.

What are you talking about?

This device is a slightly altered version of the memory implant technology we received from a race called the Galarans.

We used it to create a fictional memory and implant it in your mind.

And we knew you'd have trouble understanding all of this, so we took the liberty of making a recording before you underwent the procedure.


Tilt it up, all right.

Oh, yeah.

Thank you, now I can see.

JACKSON: We're rolling! Oh, we're on?

Why didn't you say so?

JACKSON: Gum! Thanks! Hello, gorgeous.

If you're watching this, you're obviously back at Stargate Command and you are probably thinking that everyone around you has gone completely

- wonko.

- Wonko.

With the possible exception of Daniel, who, let's face it, was always a little bit JACKSON: Vala! Sorry.

Seriously, though, substituting our memories was my idea.

Brilliant, I know, and incredibly brave, but it was the only way for the plan to work, so if you are watching this, you have obviously made it back, and let me be the first to say, well done.

And enjoy the substantial pay rise that's been promised to you if the mission succeeds.

JACKSON: Okay, that's enough.

Thank you.

VALA: Okay.

How was We heard that Adria had returned through the supergate.

Now, if the Ori are dead, we thought we might be able to convince her to leave quietly with her army.

We knew that she'd be able to tell if you were lying to her, so, as far as you were concerned, it wasn't a lie.

I escaped using a Sodan cloak.

You allowed me to be exposed to radiation so that you could carry out your plan.

Your plan.

And no, that was also part of the false memory.

We escorted you to the planet where Adria found you and we dropped you off.

You slept through it like a baby.

So, no I.



No Reynolds' men?

No television program about dancing with supposed celebrities?

Actually, that part was real.

How very disturbing.


- Comfy?

- You've made a terrible mistake.

Release me now and I will be merciful.

You're so much more pleasant when you lack the ability to snap my neck with your thoughts.

You're a fool, dealing with powers way beyond your means.

When my army catches up to you Don't waste your breath.

Your army has no idea where you are, and it'll be days before they even begin to question your disappearance.

Even then, all their queries will lead them to the Tau'ri.

If you intend to k*ll me, you should know the Ori will not halt their att*cks on this galaxy.

I have no intention of k*lling you.

As a matter of fact, my whole plan hinges on your being very much alive.

So you can ransom me for your freedom?

Far from it.

You can offer me something far more valuable, control of your army.

- They'll never listen to you.

- No.

But they do listen to you.

There's nothing you can do to make me bend my army to your will.

(CHUCKLES) Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Agent Barrett has some information regarding Ba'al's whereabouts.

I got a call from one of my agents, undercover inside Ba'al's operations here on Earth.

Apparently, the clones are planning to meet as a group.

Apparently, the clones are planning to meet as a group.

Where and when?


-112, today.

- Not a lot of notice.

- I just got the intel an hour ago.

How reliable is it?

My guy's embedded at the top.

He wouldn't break cover unless he was sure.

Well, we've been here before.

We have a pretty good idea of the layout.

- Take a Marine unit.

- Yes, sir.

Kind of a quiet spot for such a big meeting.

- I think that's the idea.

- I'm not seeing a lot of movement.

I think I know why.

Looks like somebody got here before us.

No wounds.

No sign of combat.

- Symbiote poison?

- I believe so.

Why would the Ba'als k*ll their own Jaffa?

I don't think the Jaffa were the intended target.

At last, the guest of honor.

(SHRIEKING) You two are about to become very well acquainted.

Well, you've got to hand it to him.

The man throws a mean dinner party.

Well, he knows we're coming after him.

He's covering his tracks.


(BEEPING) Stand back! I'm warning you!

- Just take it easy.

- We're not going to hurt you.


I thought they were all dead.

Apparently not.

And I believe I know why.

We've got a lead.

Once he woke up, our Jaffa friend was surprisingly forthcoming.

He confirmed the fact that Ba'al was behind the attack that k*lled all his clones.

Apparently, he had assembled them for what they thought was a meeting on the Adria situation.

Instead, he beamed in canisters of symbiote poison.

Quite the door prize.

Yeah, whatever Ba'al's up to, he doesn't want any witnesses.

Lucky for us, he didn't realize one of his Jaffa uses tretonin.

- Any idea where he is now?

- Actually, yes.

The Jaffa was able to provide us with the coordinates where Ba'al's ship is located.

The Odyssey is standing by.

You move out again in one hour.

Assuming for a moment this Jaffa's telling the truth and we actually find Ba'al's ship, how do you propose we capture Adria?

Same way he got her off the planet.

We beam in, tag her and beam out.

It's a big ship, Colonel.

How are we going to find her?

Well, actually, it shouldn't be that difficult.

We're assuming Ba'al has some sort of technology similar to our own anti

-Prior device.

Otherwise, she would have used her powers the instant he beamed her on board.

If we scan for those specific EM frequencies, we should be able to pinpoint her location with a fair degree of accuracy.

All this presupposes that we get the drop on him, and he doesn't raise his shields.


All right, then.

Good luck.

Vala, you got a sec?


You're welcome to sit this one out.


I mean, why would I?

You know why we're bringing Adria back, right?

Sure, to tell her to take her army and clear off.

And if she resists, we will take action.

By k*lling her?

- You're okay with that?

- Of course.

All right.


I take it we are cloaked?

- Pretty cool, huh?

- Yeah.

Colonel, the result of your scan is here.

This room shows a pronounced level of the same EM radiation generated by the anti

-Prior device.

Looks like you were right.

Let's go get her.

That's it.

Don't worry.

This will all be over soon.

(BEEPING) Jaffa! Odyssey, we are good to go.


Wake up.


It's not very comfortable.

Believe me, I know from experience, but we're not taking any chances.

It's over, Adria.

(IN BA'AL'S VOICE) I'm afraid you're mistaken.

Adria is no longer available.

LANDRY: (ON SCREEN) Ba 'al is in Adria?

Yes, sir.

It's the bad

-guy equivalent of cordon bleu.

It actually makes sense from his perspective, sir.

CARTER: Not only has he taken on a more powerful host, but Adria's also in control of the Ori army.

So he convinces them to do his bidding and not hers?

When you think about it, their goals aren't all that different.

Control of the galaxy, worshipped by millions.

And if the Ori are dead, he'll never be called to the carpet by the boys upstairs.

What do we do now?

k*ll them both.

Hard to argue with that logic.

It's a twofer.

Well, there's no guarantee that her army would stop fighting even if she was dead.

The only way to be certain is for her to order them to stand down.

Then how do we get her to do that?

Well, if Ba'al's symbiote is suppressing Adria's consciousness, we should be able to do the same thing.

- Swap Ba'al out for someone we can trust.

- The Tok'ra.

Doesn't suppressing the host go against their fundamental beliefs?

Well, I'm sure they'd make an exception in this case.

We've been trading intelligence with the Tok'ra since the Ori ships first arrived.

They want to get rid of them just as much as we do.

Get in touch.

See if you can set it up.

In the meantime, keep a close eye on your guest.

So, have you decided what you intend to do with me?

Well, we're still weighing our options.

Teal'c here had a good idea.

- I can imagine.

- No, you cannot.

I must caution you against doing anything too rash.

In fact, your best course of action would be to release me.

I think we have a difference of opinion there.

My whole plan was to order the Ori army back out of this galaxy.

You let me carry it out, we'll be rid of them forever.

That is our plan as well, only without your participation.

What do you mean?

He means we're going to bring in someone a little more reliable.

See, right now, you're like a Pinto engine in a '71 Mustang.

We've got to swap you out for a big

-block Tok'ra.

It takes a great deal of effort to suppress a consciousness this powerful.

The Tok'ra don't have the strength.

Not to mention the fact that I'll k*ll Adria the moment you try to remove me.

Well, that's great.

We can live with that.

Perhaps, but remember, I'm sharing Adria's mind.

You would lose all access to the knowledge I possess.

For example?

For one thing, I can confirm the Ori are dead.

And that's just the beginning.

With my knowledge and your pluckiness, we can accomplish a great deal.

Remember how we worked together to locate the Sangraal?

As I recall, your efforts were not particularly helpful.

Of course, it's your decision.

But it seems you only have two options: Work with me to our mutual benefit, or k*ll us both and miss out on everything I have to offer.

You're just in time.

The Tok'ra contingent's about to arrive.

I am Ta'seem.

I will be performing the surgery.

These are my assistants.

Welcome on board the Odyssey.

I'm Colonel Davidson.

I'm sure you know Colonel Carter, Dr.

Jackson, and Vala.


I knew you as Qetesh.

Things have changed a little since then.

News that the leader of the Ori army had been captured came as a ray of hope to my people.

That being said, the extraction procedure that we are about to undertake is extremely difficult.

Even though we have refined the process considerably, there remains a very real risk that Adria will not survive.

Well, the only other option we have is to leave Ba'al in and trust he's telling the truth, so Then we should begin immediately.

Zanuf, the symbiote that we brought, cannot survive outside of a host for long.

The infirmary is this way.

Time to go.

What about our arrangement?

Oh, you mean the part where you string us along till you overcome the effects of the anti

-Prior device?

We'll pass.

(MONITOR BEEPING) The sedative appears to be working.

Heart rate and BP are holding steady.

TA'SEEM: There it is.

Let's begin.

We will need to work quickly.

The symbiote's autonomic response can trigger complications, even under anesthetic.

Initiating the first incision.

I need suction.

What's up?


Just didn't feel like sticking around for the surgery.

You know, weak stomach and all that.

Hey, you sure you're okay with this?

Why does everyone keep asking me that?

Because she's your daughter.

And no matter what she's done, it must be difficult to see her treated this way.

Let's get something clear.

She's not my daughter, Daniel.

The Ori impregnated me against my will and forced me to bring her into the galaxy.

I was an incubator, a shipping crate and nothing more.

I'm sorry, but I find it hard to believe that you don't feel something.

I do.

Satisfaction at seeing their plan fail.

There, I've severed the primary nerve conduit.

You see how the filaments are retracting?

Now, moving on to the lateral (MONITOR BEEPING RAPIDLY) What is it?

I was afraid this might happen.

- Hey, what's up?

- Trouble with the surgery.

What happened?

Ba'al decided to be even more difficult than usual.

We were able to extract him, but not before he released a deadly toxin into Adria's nervous system.

Can't the Tok'ra symbiote heal her?

Unfortunately, we were unable to complete the implantation.

The host body was simply too weak.

Adria is unconscious at the moment, but when she wakens, she will suffer greatly before she dies.

The one thing we can do for her is an increased dosage of the toxin.

It will k*ll her instantly.

In the interest of patient care and for our own safety, I recommend that we administer it immediately.

Do it.

I'd like to be there.

Crap! (ALARM BLARING) Adria.

You and your friends were trying to k*ll me, Mother.

I can't let that happen.


-1, come in.

What the hell's going on down there?

I'm getting reports that all sections around the infirmary are being sealed off.

It's Adria, sir.

She's barricaded herself in.

Is there any way you can beam us directly there?


She seems to be generating some kind of EM interference.

We're going to need a cutting torch down here ASAP.

You got it.

There's an auxiliary control console on this level.

If I can get to it, I might be able to override it.


(MOANS) You can quit acting.

You're obviously not sick.

No, this body really is dying.

I just want to use what little time I have left as wisely as possible.

By doing what?

Destroying me and my friends?

Don't be silly, Mother.

If I wanted to k*ll you, I could have done it a long time ago.

No, I need time to prepare.

Prepare for what?


- Vala!

- Don't.

Vala, can you hear me?

Guys, it's Daniel.

I can't reach Vala.

Daniel Jackson, what is your location?

Just outside the infirmary.

Adria's locked them in.

We are blocked as well.

Colonel Mitchell is attempting to cut through one of the doors.

Well, you better hurry up.

I think I figured out what she's trying to do.

Adria's trying to ascend.

Adria, you don't have to do this.

Granted, this wasn't part of my plan, but I can still accomplish a great deal, perhaps even more.

More what?

More deaths, more enslavement?

Don't attempt to play on my compassion, Mother.

As you said, I'm not your daughter.

I'm an Ori.

Part Ori, part human.

That will soon change.


Carter, how's that override coming?

Well, it's not.

I mean, it wouldn't do any good.

What the hell does that mean?

She's not actually in control of the system.

I think she's just holding the doors shut with her mind.

Cutting torch will take too long.

- What is it?

- Your friends are very determined.

Daniel, I'm showing a coolant leak in the hallway you're in right now.

Spotted that, thanks.

It's Adria.

She's trying to distract us.

Well, it's a hell of a distraction.

That stuff's toxic.

You need to get out of there right now.

JACKSON: Yeah, that's going to be a problem.

Can you shut it down?

I'll have to re

-route coolant out of the entire section.

I'm on it.

Vala, if you can hear me, I really need you to open the door! Adria, stop it, please! That's it.

I always wondered if you had it in you to k*ll me.

Goodbye, Mother.

- Nice work.

- It wasn't us.

Adria let go.


- Jackson!

- I'm okay.

Where's Adria?

She's gone.

JACKSON: And once Adria realized she couldn't save herself, she had no choice but to ascend.

What do you suppose this means for us?

To be honest, I'm not sure.

If the Ori are still out there, then, presumably, she's joined the fight, but if Ba'al was telling the truth and the Ori are dead, then she just assumed all the power they once had.

Either way, we could see some incarnation of her again down the road.

Holding a serious grudge.

At least we may take comfort in the knowledge that Ba'al is dead.

Wouldn't put a deposit down on that just yet.

When we were breaking Adria out of Ba'al's ship, I ran across another clone guarding her.

k*lled him, but where there is one There may be more.

We captured and k*lled Adria and Ba'al on the same day.

- Are you telling me this is all a wash?

- No.

We dealt the Ori movement a serious blow today, and we rid ourselves of Adria for the time being.

That is definitely a step ahead.