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10x17 - Talion

Posted: 01/11/23 06:46
by bunniefuu
MITCHELL: All the way over northeast.

Another here.

MAN: Yes, sir! Another one here.

JACKSON: Medic! He's still breathing.

Sam! Mitchell! We've got Bra'tac here.

He's in rough shape.


Jackson, we have numerous bodies here.

- How many?

- I don't know.

Oh, my God.

Cam! Medic! It's Teal'c.

NISAL: I am tired of this rhetoric.

How long can we talk of reforming councils and ridiculous trade policies?

The Ori are taking our planets by force.

Dividing our people through religious ideology and fear.

We must fight back now.

We all agree, Nisal.

That is why we are here.

But entering into a w*r without leadership, without proper organization, would merely be mass su1c1de.

We must learn from our mistakes in overthrowing the Goa'uld.

For generations, we have plotted and fought for our emancipation.

Never once did we plan for what we would do with that freedom after it was ours.

The resulting infighting and weakness after our victory over the Goa'uld is what leads us to this vulnerability at the hands of the Ori now.

(ALL SCREAMING) (MONITOR BEEPING) It's nice to see you conscious again.

How long have I been You've been out for quite a while.

About two weeks.

It was pretty touch and go there.

It took three rounds of surgery just to stop the bleeding and repair the damage to your spine.

I have to admit, I was more than a little worried that you wouldn't walk again, but it looks like you're gonna pull through this.

The others will be glad to hear that you're awake.

At least one of them has pretty much been here ever since they brought you in.

Of course, I don't know where they are right now.

He was awake for a few minutes.

Does he know about Bra'tac?

I barely got a chance to tell him what he's been through, or what he's going to have to go through to get back up on his feet, for that matter.

Been there.

It's not a good place.


What has transpired?


Lam thinks you should rest.

But we need you to be on your feet and back in fighting form as soon as possible.

Tell me.

We counted 32 dead and 12 more critically injured.

(PEOPLE SCREAMING) MITCHELL: Most of the villagers have scattered to the hills.

CARTER: When you didn't check in, we came to investigate.

MITCHELL: We can't be sure, but it looks like three separate expl*sive devices are responsible for the damage.

And what of Bra'tac?

He survived.

If he is here, then I wish to see him.

- Teal'c, you're in no condition

- Now! Listen, you are very lucky to be alive.

Give it some time.

Is he badly injured?

I wish I could tell you that he was going to come out of this, but, right now, I just don't know.

BRA 'TAC: For generations, we have plotted and fought for our emancipation, but never once did we plan for what we would do with that freedom after it was ours.

- Teal'c.

- General Landry.

I have received further intelligence from Jaffa with close ties to Parnon,

- the Jaffa that organized the summit.

- And?

It is believed that a Jaffa named Arkad is responsible.

I have knowledge of him.

We once engaged in battle, as opposing First Primes.

He is a warrior without honor.

Which would explain why he chose to b*mb a peaceful leadership summit.

It is believed that Arkad has slowly and quietly been building support for himself as a new leader.

A leader that would deliver the Jaffa nation into the hands of the Ori.

So, he would obviously be opposed to the organizing of a council also meant to lead the Jaffa, especially one that was intending to unite them against the Ori.

Arkad is dangerous and must be eliminated.

- Teal'c.

- General Landry, Arkad must be found and k*lled before any more innocent Jaffa are senselessly slaughtered.

I'm not going to order you and SG

-1 to hunt down and k*ll someone based on what seems to be rumor, at this point.

Would you be so cautious, General Landry, if it were a team of humans that had been k*lled in that bombing?

I know what you're going through right now, so I'm going to let that pass.

Arkad is a monster.

In the past, he has existed solely on the fringes.

But now, if he is allowed to continue to use fear and tyranny to gain control of a significant Jaffa army and a fleet of ships, believe me, he will become as much an issue for Earth as anyone else in the galaxy.

Teal'c, you've done a tremendous job getting back on your feet, but Dr.

Lam is saying you're not ready for active duty just yet.

I'm asking you to give it a little more time.

I have given it enough time! The resources of this facility are not going to be used to fulfill one man's personal revenge.

I'm just saying, if Arkad is responsible and Teal'c's right about him being a bad man I've already issued a new memo to all teams to consider the investigation a top priority.

I don't think a memo's going to cut it as far as Teal'c is concerned, sir.

I take it you've tried to talk him out of leaving?

Yes, sir.

Like sticking my foot out to trip a freight train.

I can't say that I blame him, sir.

I don't either.

He's here of his own free will.

He can leave if he wants to.

So, I was thinking we could Zat him, toss him in a holding cell until he comes to his senses.

I was thinking it's not too late to go with him.

I offered.

He doesn't want us to.

He said he would stay in touch.

Let us know what he learns.

You don't really believe that.

GIRL: My father says the sticks honor those who died.


Do you know who did this?


My father says they are cowards.

They must pay with their lives.

They will.

I promise you.

(MONITOR BEEPING) (WHEEZING) Help! Help! We need some help in here!

- He's awake.

- That's a good sign.

Let's extubate.

Just relax.

It may be a little difficult for you to speak right away.


Teal'c of the Tau'ri.

Don't think I don't know who you are.

What do you know of the bombing at Dar Eshkalon?

A bunch of Jaffa died.

Don't expect me to shed a tear for you and your kind.

I don't care what you and your friends from the Tau'ri have done.

You Jaffa enslaved my people for generations.

And don't tell me that you were only following the orders of your masters.

You lived like kings compared to us, and don't think that we will soon forget.

I rejoice.

Rejoice at the sight of you murdering each other like the fools that you are.

(CROWD GASPING) Tell me what you know.

You think anything you do at this point really matters?

We are all fodder for the Ori.

I saw a man with a scar across his face at Dar Eshkalon.

He purchased expl*sives on this planet.

You want to buy something from me?

I think we can work out a deal.

I can pretty much get you anything you want.

I want a name and where I can find him.

Or what?

You k*ll me, you get nothing.

(CHOKING) You underestimate the satisfaction I will get from your suffering.

He was a student of mine for a while.

I knew from the beginning that there was something wrong with him.

I underestimated him once.

Never again.

Teal'c and I both faced him in battle many times and many times we managed to defeat his armies, but he always escaped.

Yeah, he sounds like a real charmer.

You know what?

You're tired, you should rest.


There is more I have not told you.

Has Teal'c ever spoken of his mother?

Not much.

I know she's dead.

Teal'c's mother was k*lled shortly after Teal'c commanded an embarrassing victory over Arkad's fleet.

The m*rder was never resolved.

For no apparent reason, someone slipped into her village and slit her throat in the night.

And Teal'c believed it was Arkad's revenge for the defeat?

It was never proven.

But still, knowing Teal'c, I mean, why didn't he go after Arkad immediately?

He was First Prime of Apophis at the time.

Teal'c's actions were chosen for him.

Now, given what Arkad has done, Teal'c will stop at nothing to bring an end to him.

Yeah, and that doesn't sound like any great loss.

As long as it is Teal'c that is the victor.

LANDRY: Where's your confirmation coming from?


-22 recon, sir.

I thought you should hear this.

We've been maintaining contact with anti

-Ori rebels on P8T


That's a predominantly Jaffa planet that's already succumbed to Ori control, right?


This group we've been monitoring opposes Ori occupation, quietly so far, but is keeping us apprised of their intentions.

Anyway, they say several hundred Jaffa, including a few of their inside men, are regularly being ferried by mother ship to another planet to mine raw naquadah.

That makes sense.

The Ori warriors will be able to make ships, weapons, supergates.

Yes, but here's the interesting part.

The Jaffa say this is not being done for the Ori.

- At least, not directly.

- Well, how is that possible?

It's an Ori planet.

Somebody's building weapons right under their noses?

Apparently, a Jaffa named Arkad has muscled his way into a relationship with the Ori.

Says he'll police the planet, get even more Jaffa planets to fall in line.

Well, that's in line with the intel we have.

Yes, it seems Arkad is planning a fairly major play to impress his new friends.

Word's floating around that this weapons

-grade naquadah is being stockpiled in various locations for use by Arkad, in a coordinated attack on Earth.

(GROANS) t*rture me all you want.

I'll tell you nothing.

Though you hide among humans, I know you are Jaffa.

That is your symbiote lying on the ground in front of you.

That is your symbiote lying on the ground in front of you.

I serve the Ori.

When I die, I will ascend and join them in everlasting glory.

That is untrue.

You will not convince me otherwise.

That is most unfortunate.

I have medicine that would save your life, should you tell me what I wish to know.


Then there are some things that you should know.

The Ori do not ascend their followers.

Arkad is a coward who will die by my hand.

Also, I have implanted an expl*sive device within your symbiote pouch.

It is set to detonate within a matter of moments.

It is the same expl*sive that you used to k*ll 12 warriors, who had gathered for a peaceful summit.

They were sinners all, who chose the path of evil.

Ten seconds.

Where are you going?

I am leaving.

You are about to explode.

(SCREAMS) So, what does this Arkad have to gain by attacking Earth?

Maybe he's trying to up his street cred.

Well, it could be revenge.

It's possible he blames us for what happened at Dakara.

For all we know, it was the Ori who instructed him to try to weaken our resolve.

They must know a direct attack on Earth is risky because of the Antarctic defense system.

Well, right now, we have no way of detecting, let alone stopping, a cloaked cargo ship.

They could go after whatever targets they want.

Not to mention the countless casualties that would be created that would throw the rest of the planet into chaos.

Primed and ready for an Ori attack.

I thought the Jaffa were all about honor and meeting their enemy on the b*ttlefield.

- Yeah, apparently not this guy.

- So, what do we do?

It sounds to me like Teal'c has the right idea.

HARRIMAN: Unscheduled offworld activation! (ALARM SOUNDING) Receiving a transmission, sir.

On screen.

ARKAD: Warriors of the Tau'ri, I bid you greetings.

This is General Landry of Stargate Command.

To whom am I speaking?

My name is Arkad.

I am the leader of the Illac Renin.

It's Ancient.

Loosely translated, it means "kingdom of the path.

" What can we do for you?

I wish to be granted safe passage to your planet so that we may meet in person and discuss certain issues that concern us both.

By now, you have undoubtedly learned of a plot to brazenly strike at your planet in a most cowardly manner.

I want to offer my assistance, as I believe I am uniquely capable of stopping this most dishonorable attack.

He no doubt fed you the information about the attack so that he could then claim to be the one who could prevent it.

Yeah, we figured that.

But what we don't know is why.

And given the very real threat that's out there, the IOA wants us to hear what he has to say.

He is a serpent.

You must not trust him.

- I'll let you know how it goes.

- I already know.

Nothing good will come of it.

Arkad, I'm sure you know of SG


Lieutenant Colonels Mitchell and Carter, Dr.

Daniel Jackson, and Vala Mal Doran.

It's an honor to finally meet you all in person.

I have looked forward to this day for some time.

Let's sit down, shall we?

A shame Teal'c is not here.

We have not had the pleasure of seeing each other in many years.

We couldn't guarantee your safety if he was here.

Surely, he does not still hold a grudge for past battles we once waged in the name of former false gods?

No, I think it has more to do with recent events.

I assume you are referring to the tragedy at Dar Eshkalon?

Yeah, in which your good buddy Teal'c came this close to dying.

Bra'tac sends his regards, as well.

I don't think he'll mind me speaking for him when I say that he'd love to s*ab you in the eye with a really big knife.


-two other Jaffa weren't nearly as lucky as they were.

You must understand, all of you, that there are those out there who would have me falsely accused of such cowardly actions.

So, you're saying you had nothing to do with it?

I fully admit I was against a gathering.

But those in attendance were assembling to form a council that would directly oppose my campaign to lead all Jaffa.

Into the arms of the Ori.

The reason we fought for freedom is so we could believe in what we want and not be subjugated by anyone.

And you don't see the Ori as forcing their beliefs on you?

I see Origin as the organized religion and the source of salvation all the Jaffa has always sought.

I think we're getting a little off point here.

I agree.

I assure you, no matter what our philosophical differences, I would never authorize the type of attack that befell the summit at Dar Eshkalon.

But you just happen to know some guys, less respectable, less honorable than yourself, who took matters into their own hands.

As a matter of fact, yes.

And I have learned of similar att*cks against your planet being planned by a radical sect of Jaffa, who see the Tau'ri as a powerful force in the galaxy, who oppose our peaceful movement toward embracing Origin.

- And you can stop them?

- Yes, I believe I can.

I do not agree with their tactics, but at least we see eye to eye in basic beliefs.

I can use my influence and my resources to choke off their ability to function effectively.

Or you can fund them and allow them to do your dirty work for you while you take the political high road.

Let's cut the crap! We all know you're here for one reason.

- Make your demands.

- I have no demands.

I understand your mistrust, but, please, I implore you.

Believe me when I say I will use all of my vast resources at my disposal to thwart this most heinous threat to your world.

All I ask in return is you allow the Jaffa people to believe in what they choose.

If they decide to follow in the ways of the Illac Renin, that should be up to them.

If you feel it is your responsibility to do battle with the Ori on behalf of the humans of this galaxy, then that is your prerogative.

Stay out of your way and you won't attack us?

General, my fleet is more powerful than any Goa'uld has ever marshaled by tenfold.

If I was to attack this planet, it would not be in the manner currently being planned by these radicals.

And it would not end well for you.


You don't say.

Whether or not our people ever see eye to eye, I would like to believe that they could coexist peacefully.

Your planet has played an instrumental role in the very reshaping of the nature of the galaxy.

I merely wish to avoid any unpleasant conflicts between our two respective nations, before they arise.

I take my leave.

LIZAN: I told you where to find Bak'al.

He's the Jaffa scum that I sold the expl*sives to.

That's all I know.

I do not believe you.

I don't know anything about Arkad.

You despise Jaffa.

Why protect him?

I'm not afraid to die.

I have no intention of k*lling you.

Not until you tell me where to find Arkad.

Why should I tell you anything, knowing death is my reward?

That may sound sensible for the moment, but, believe me, in time you will change your mind.

The IOA is taking the threat of these att*cks against Earth very seriously.

So, what do they want us to do?

- Nothing as far as Arkad is concerned.

- Sir?

They want us to leave him alone for now.

Let him go about his business.

We're supposed to let him muscle us?

Obviously, we need to assess his capability, determine if these threats are credible and who's really behind them.

If we can prove that Arkad does pose a direct threat to our security I'm sorry, sir.

We're supposed to, what?

Find WMDs in his back pocket?

Right at the moment, we need to play the intelligence game, not get into an all

-out w*r with an enemy that may have the capability to inflict severe damage on us.

We need to find out what we can.

- We're on it, sir.

- Not so fast, Colonel.

I plan to put a number of teams on it right away, but, at the moment, I have another mission for you.

In his mind, Teal'c may have severed his connections with us when he set out to k*ll Arkad.

But he's been part of the SGC, so he'll still be perceived as acting on our behalf.

If he succeeds in k*lling Arkad, even if he tries and fails, it will be hard to convince people that he was acting alone.

So you want us to try and stop him?

The IOA is adamant that Earth, and specifically the SGC, take no action against Arkad.

I've been charged with ordering you to find Teal'c and stop him at all costs.

Hey, no one really thinks that Arkad gave the SGC the whereabouts of his home base of operations out of diplomatic courtesy?

What, you think he did it to draw us into a trap?

I doubt that.

It's more likely that he knew that if anyone was determined enough to find him, they could, and he wanted to make sure we'd be blamed in the event of any attack against him.

Regardless of whether we were behind it.

MITCHELL: Speaking of determined, has anyone thought about the speech they're going to give to Teal'c?

No, I didn't think so.

Odyssey, this is Mitchell.

We are down.

All right, everybody knows what to do.

Field generators are in place.

Trip sensors are ready.

I'm glad you're so sure about this plan.

One way or the other, you know he's coming.

He'll want the element of surprise, so I figure he'll use a cloaked ship, try to sneak in the back way.

- Well, that's what we would do.

- Exactly.

He just doesn't know we're going to try and stop him.

You know, regardless of who's going to try and stop him, this is Teal'c we're talking about.

You know, Bra'tac seems to think that if it suits Arkad to attack Earth, he'll do so no matter what his agreement with us.

It's possible he just didn't want us coming after him yet.

So, he leaks the information about the plot, pretends to act towards stopping the attack, and, with the time that he's bought, gets his chicks in a row.

That's a pretty good theory.

And it's ducks, by the way.

The only problem is, we have to prove it to the IOA.

Well, what would be the harm in us just failing to stop Teal'c from k*lling Arkad?

It wouldn't be entirely on purpose, and not out of accidental incompetence either, if you catch my drift.

Yes, nudge nudge, wink wink.

But if Arkad is the one planning these att*cks, then I think our best chance of stopping them is keeping Arkad alive.

Why's that?

He may be the only one that knows all the pieces to the puzzle.

- Good point.

- Thank you.

How do we get Arkad to tell us all the pieces of the puzzle?

Oh, that's the easy part.

See, we capture him, lock him in a room, and thr*aten to let Teal'c k*ll him.

- Genius.

- Thank you.

It has occurred to you that it could take days before Teal'c shows up?


He could also have been here already and k*lled Arkad, for all we know.

Half of SG

-3 is watching the gate.

We'll get some activity, one way or the other.

Speaking of which Colonel Reynolds, come in.


-3, you've missed your scheduled check in.

Please respond.

Stay here.

MITCHELL: Hey, somebody got to Baker and Reynolds.

They're unconscious, but they're still alive.

Hey, Teal'c?

Teal'c, I know you're out there, buddy.

If you can hear me, I don't know what you think is going on here, but we're here to help.

MITCHELL: Okay, that was a lie, and I feel terrible about it.

I hate myself.

TEAL 'C: Why have you set a trap for me, Colonel Mitchell?


That's crazy talk, man.

Why would we set a trap for you?

I intend on k*lling Arkad.

Do not try and stop me.

Teal'c, it's Daniel.

Listen, now just hear me out.

Now, apparently, there's a radical group of Jaffa poised to attack Earth.

Arkad claims to have the means to stop them, and he says he'll help us if we leave him alone.

It is likely Arkad is behind those att*cks.

Yes, I know, I know.

We figured as much.

But we just think it's best for ourselves and you if we all just step back and consider all the angles.

I am not acting on behalf of Earth.

The IOA is worried it may still look that way.

Unfortunately, that is no longer my concern.

I will avenge the deaths of the Jaffa at Dar Eshkalon.

Arkad must die, no matter what the consequences.

I do not wish to harm any of you.

But if you try and stop me, I will.

So, now what?

Well, he's got to be headed for the pyramid.

Drop the stick.

Drop the stick.

I do not wish to harm you, Colonel Mitchell.

Then drop the stick.

You know, I don't think anyone here wants to get harmed.

Probably me more than you.

Look, Teal'c (GRUNTING) (GROANS) Okay, all right.

We can talk about this.

The time for talk is over, Colonel Mitchell.

ARKAD: After all these years, still as predictable as ever.


You've gotten old and slow.

Get up.

(GROANS) I remember when you were a true warrior, the pride of Apophis, feared by all those who opposed you.

Do you remember, Teal'c, how powerful you were then?

Do you remember Co'rak?

You had us on the run.

You bombarded the planet from space and you left no survivors! I lost my parents that day, my sister, yet I still admired you.

One day, I thought I thought I would be so brave.

I would have the courage to bring my enemies to their knees, like the great Jaffa warrior, Teal'c.

Fight! Look at you now.

A legend.

You defeated the mighty Goa'uld themselves.

You brought freedom to all Jaffa.

You gave us the chance to seek salvation, but you, you rejected it yourself.

Your punishment must be to have gotten so soft and frail.

Have you spent so long with humans that you've become so much like them?

It's a shame you won't live to see me bring the Tau'ri to their knees.

(GRUNTING) Before you die, I want you to know the truth.

I had my revenge for the day that you att*cked Co'rak and you slaughtered my family.

I k*lled your mother.

(GROANS) Teal'c! There was a time when you would have come away from such a battle without a scratch.

I'm alive.

Arkad is not.


Just finished reading your report, Colonel.

Everything in order, sir?

Arkad set a trap for you, took you prisoner, and you were fortunate Teal'c was there to rescue you.

Arkad was k*lled and Teal'c injured in the process.

Yes, sir, that's what it says.

This is going to be a tough pill for the IOA to swallow, son.

I believe I also mention that Arkad admitted to planning the att*cks and they were going to go through with them regardless of what we'd do.

Yeah, it's too bad you weren't able to learn more.

Arkad took credit for the m*rder of my mother.

If he was responsible, he was too much a coward to do it himself.

The one who did died by my hand.

You never told me.

Still, Arkad got what he deserved.

There are many more as corrupt as he was.

And we will hunt them until they are no more.

I would not like to be the one who opposes you.

I have learned from the best, old friend.

I have not said this to you before, and I should have.

You are the son I never had.

I could not be more proud.