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10x16 - Bad Guys

Posted: 01/11/23 06:45
by bunniefuu
NARRA TOR: Previously on Stargate SG


- What exactly do you want from me?

- The code to an Ancient tablet.

- Do I know you?

- You did a long time ago.

Athena, Greek goddess of w*r.

Qetesh double

-crossed her when they partnered up to search for the Clava Thessara Infinitas.

Now, according to legend, it would allow he who possesses it entry to a vast storehouse of riches hidden away by the Ancients prior to their Ascension.

The Clava Thessara Infinitas, "The key to infinite treasure," a cache of Ancient wealth and weapons.

You do realize the last cache of Ancient stuff we picked up is what got us in trouble with the Ori in the first place.

So, what, just leave it out there for someone else to find?

I thought you believed the Clava Thessara Infinitas to be a hoax, Daniel Jackson.

I did, yes, but the research Athena did is actually quite compelling.

Now, after cross

-referencing her research and our cartouche, I was able to generate a gate address.

Possible location of the treasure?

I'm not sure, but we sent a MALP to P4M

-328, and the images it sent back are particularly interesting.

Now, the hieroglyphs on the wall are all out of order and from various different dynasties.

At first glance, they don't make any sense.

It's a code.

Sounds like it's worth checking out.

Go ahead.

Should we not wait until Colonel Carter returns from Washington?

She's still there briefing the President on the scenario that played out in the alternate reality, where the stargate was made public.

That's taking longer than it was supposed to.

Well, it could be a good way to examine what might happen here.

Sounds like President Hayes is having a hard time just getting past the fact that he wasn't President.

Well, I'm going to set up my camera and take some high

-res stills of these glyphs.

Give Ansel Adams there a hand.

Teal'c and I will check out the perimeter.


Well, I'm sure that's a very witty popular culture reference, but He's a photographer best known for his black


-white images of California's Yosemite Valley.


Good one.

Is it me or did we just step into an architectural time machine?


This is a display case.

Hey, can you read that?

I do not recognize the language.

Well, we ain't in a pyramid.

We're in a museum.

- Colonel Mitchell.

- Yeah.

- Do you hear music?

- No.



- Pack it up.

- What?

- I'm pulling the plug.

- But we haven't even got started yet.

- This is not a tomb.

- It's a museum.

Well, that would explain why the hieroglyphs are all jumbled.

And there's a pretty big party going on next door, so

- Right.

- What kind of party?

The kind we do not invite ourselves to.

This is a first contact situation.

When a civilization reaches a certain level of development, we don't do those in person.

We send the MALP to make contact.

And if they are into the idea of extraterrestrial visitors, then we get to go to the party, not before.

Basic protocol.

Cut that out.

What's the harm?

We're already here.

We could go and just not tell them we're alien.

- It's not going to happen.

- That wasn't a good one.

Clear out.

Okay, that's not good.

If they found a gate, they most likely found a DHD, no?

We didn't.

Well, they knew enough to build a pretty convincing replica, so they must have one lying around here somewhere, no?

No, they could have just fabricated it from drawings.

If indeed they did possess an authentic DHD, would they not display it near the authentic gate?

Good point, good point.

- We're stuck.

- No, we're not.

Well, when we fail to make the scheduled check

-in, General Landry will dial in, at which point we'll ask him to send a naquadah generator and a laptop with the dialing program, and that's that.

We knew that.

I thought that when I said that we're stuck that you would know that I meant until then.

Well, then you should say what you mean.

I don't think you want me to start doing that.

I don't think you want to start thinking what I think.

Anyhow, F.



, we don't need the dialing computer.


-case scenario, we can always dial the gate manually.

Right, kick it rotary style.

Still need a power source.

- What about the MALP?

- No.

- Say we

- Don't go there.

Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that.

So, therefore, next check

-in is in just under six hours.


Muscles, that means we have time to go to the party.

No, it does not.

It means we stay here out of sight, and remain as inconspicuous as possible.

With a bit of luck, the people on this planet will never even know we were here.

(MOANING) Don't tell Sylvana.

She is like a sister to me.



There's nothing to be alarmed about.

We (SCREAMS) (WOMAN SCREAMING) How come they get to go?


They're rebels! Whoa, no.

No, no! (g*n FIRING) (ALARM BLARING) (GROANS) Drop the w*apon and kick it over.

MITCHELL: I'm not going to ask twice.

Get on the ground.

That goes for everybody.

You two under the table! (WOMAN SCREAMING) Stop screaming, young lady, and get out here! All right.

Now, we're not going to hurt anyone, but I need you to stay calm, quiet, and on the ground until we figure this out.

What the hell happened?

We had a little misunderstanding.

Yeah, I can see that.

Might have been easier to just pose as party guests.

- They thought we were rebels.

- What does that mean?

I don't know! I didn't get a chance to ask a lot of questions.

Why are all the outer doors sealed off?

One of their guys shot that case.

It must have triggered a lockdown.

And for the moment, it would be good if it stayed that way.


- See what you can do.

- Okay.

Excuse me?

Don't sh**t.

Then don't stand.

Please, let all these other people go.

I'm the one that you want.

MITCHELL: No offense, buddy, but you're not.

Well, the Viceroy and all the other Chancellors were able to escape.

I'm all that's left.

- Keep me, free the others.

- Listen Look, I know you believe that bringing us to our knees will make you heroes, that the people will follow your lead and rise up against us, but harming innocent civilians will get you nowhere.

I know you're going to find this hard to believe, but we're not rebels.

- We're explorers.

- What?

You see, we're from another planet.

Actually, a whole other star system, really.


Another planet?

You see, you have a large ring back there in an exhibit.

It's called a stargate and it's an interplanetary transporter.

I understand.

You don't want to make your demands to me, but please, I implore you.

You are not going to get what you want by hurting people.

ON RADIO: This is Lourdes Malay.

I'm a member of the Council Security Detail, and I'd like to talk to whoever is in charge.

- Could you just

- Oh.


We have a senior negotiator on his way.

I'd just like to let you know we're going to do everything in our power to get you what you need.

We don't need anything.

I'm sorry?

Look, there's been a terrible misunderstanding.

You see, we're not rebels.

Then release the hostages.

That's not a bad idea.

It's a terrible idea.


Well, it doesn't matter what we say to them.

They think we're rebels.

We shot a security guard.

We took hostages.

If we let those people go, they're going to come in here and k*ll us.

The lady's making a lot of sense.

This is not how you make first contact with people.

Not intentionally, no, but all we've got to do is stall for five and a half hours till Landry dials in.

Then we bolt, and those people can believe what they want to believe.

And no one gets hurt.

I, too, believe that to be the best course of action.

Okay, do you understand how dangerous this could be?

This is an alien culture of which we have no knowledge.

We don't know how they're going to handle a situation like this.

We don't know if they're going to wait six hours.

Once we start posing as kidnappers, there's no turning back, and if we get captured, we are hooped! Jackson, I hear what you're saying, but I don't think we have a choice.

As far as I can see, these people are not going to be open to the idea that we are peaceful aliens out on a jolly jaunt just to look around.

I can't free them quite yet.

MALA Y: If this is some kind of mistake, I suggest you release them now.

Listen, one of your people has been seriously injured.

I suggest you send in medical personnel to take him out of here.

You've sealed off the museum.

How do you expect us to get in?

I managed to stop the bleeding, but you should get him to a facility as soon as possible.

(YELLS) Let him go.

- Jackson?

- He's okay.

Are you people out of your minds, or are you just plain stupid?

Are you people out of your minds, or are you just plain stupid?

Do you know anything about hostage negotiations?

This is no way to gain our trust.

My name is Quartus.

I've taken command of this operation.

Look, we have one of your people here who needs help.

We're willing to let him go, and this is how you repay us?

QUARTUS: I am the Chief Negotiation Officer for the Federal Security Council.

I promise you, things will be different.

My only concern is meeting your demands and freeing the hostages.

See, that's funny.

That's what the last guy said.

I can offer you many things, but if any of the hostages die Just don't try any more stupid stunts.

We don't want to hurt anyone.



If that changes, you should know that there's no escape.

We have you completely surrounded.

Hey, Mitchell.


- You okay?

- VALA: They zapped you.

Oh, I got that, thank you.

What did I miss?

Well, the real negotiator got here and wants to know what our demands are.

Any ideas?

- A jet to Algeria?

- How about a real DHD?

No, we need these demands to make sense.

I mean, something these rebels would actually say.

Excuse me?

- Did you really come through the ring?

- Yes, we did.

It's a portal, isn't it, to other worlds?

Yeah, I'd be happy to show you how it works, once we get it up and running again.

You want them to free your friends.

- I'm sorry, what?

- Your demands.

If you want to pose as the rebels, the first thing they usually do in situations like this is ask for the freeing of their imprisoned compatriots.

- WOMAN: Don't talk to them.

- No, it's okay.

- What's your name?

- Cicero.

I'm a researcher here at the museum, and I believe you.

You want to get on the radio and explain that to the folks outside?

Oh, I've tried.

I've suspected as much for years.

I've published dozens of papers, written a book.

No one listens.

My colleagues think I'm a bit of a joke.

Oh, Daniel, you've found a kindred spirit.

On most planets, found along with the ring is what we call a DHD.

It's a dialing device, similar to the one you have back in the exhibit.

Do you have the real one here?

We've found fragments of it, but the one in the pyramid room is a reconstruction from some diagrams we found.

Yeah, we know.

That's why we're stuck.

Well, if one of the fragments is the power source Cicero?

Stand up.

I need you to take us to your lab.

Of course.

Wait a second.

I'm going to need a primer on these rebels first.

JACKSON: And after they're freed, we'd like the Viceroy to call a referendum on dissolving his government, and finally, we want to make a public statement on the Gainord transmitters, to address the people of this proud nation.

That's unacceptable.

Excuse me?

Believe me, I want this to end well for both of us, but as you should know from previous attempts at political terrorism like this, the Viceroy would rather sacrifice the hostages before bowing to such demands.

Remember to thank Cicero for his wonderful intel.

What about freeing the imprisoned rebels?

That'll take time.

Oh, absolutely.

We recognize that, sir.

You take all the time you need.

(LAUGHS) Yeah.

You run that through the proper channels, you talk to whoever you need to talk to.

We're in no rush.

I'm sure the hostages would disagree with that.

They're fine.

We're not going to hurt them.

Unless you get cute, in which case there's gonna be k*lling and whatnot.

All right.

I'll see what I can do.


We have a man on an auxiliary channel who claims to be inside the museum.

Says he's a security guard.

Who am I talking to?

Jayem Saran, sir.

Night guard, second


QUARTUS: And you're inside the museum right now?

Yes, sir.

How did you escape the initial attack?

I wasn't there, sir.

I was doing my rounds.

By the time I got on the scene, the fight was over.

There was nothing I could do, sir.

No need to apologize.

Engaging them would have been a mistake.

I always wanted to serve on the Council's Guard, sir, but some mistakes I made when I was a kid messed up my record.

- Listen

- I've been a guard at this museum for 10 years now.

I know it like the back of my hand.

We have a complete set of schematics out here.

Not to worry.

Yeah, well, I'm sure you do, but I am on the inside.

I can be your ears, your eyes.

You know what would be the most help?

Standing by for your orders, sir.

Find a safe place, stay there,

- and wait until this whole thing is over.

- What are you going to do?

That's not your concern, Guardsman.

Our plan just doesn't involve you.

- Don't get in the way.

- Very well.

Jayem out.

Our radios must be compromised.

He doesn't want me to stand down.

He just needs it to look like I'm standing down.

The Viceroy's attempt to separate the governing council from the Circle of Heavens is controversial, but the majority of the people are on his side.

Hang Hang on.

They think we're some kind of radical religious sect?

That's right.

The rebels are growing stronger every day.

Unfortunately, you couldn't have picked a worse time to be mistaken for them.

How's that?

They've had a string of successes against the Council and its members.

The Viceroy needs a win to show his might.

The Viceroy needs a win to show his might.

If this is handled badly, it could turn into a bloody mess very quickly.

Keep that positive thinking going, Cicero.



My co

-worker has an archive on the other side of the building.

It's possible other pieces we found are stored there.

Lead the way.

What were you and Heren doing in the hallway?

- What?

- In the hallway.

Before you came out screaming, what were you doing?

Looking at some of the other exhibits.

But the museum is closed.

We were told everything outside the lobby is off


- We were?

- Did she kiss you?

- Me?


- You did, didn't you?

You hardly spoke to him all night.

I didn't think you were interested anymore.

Why do you always do this?

Why must you always try to take everything that is mine and try to make it your own?

He was hardly yours.

I hate you! (BOTH SCREAMING) What the hell are you doing?

Stop it! She started it.

I think you started it when you kissed Heren Shut up! Shut up! You're hostages.

This is, like, a life


-death situation here.

Start acting like it.

Oh, please, you're no rebels.

We're not deaf, you know.

Everyone in this room knows it.

That doesn't matter.

You're hostages! We're your We're your captors.

We're heavily armed! There's rules.

There's a whole school of etiquette to this.

Don't eyeball me.

An artificial stable wormhole.


Yeah, pretty darn nifty, huh?

And the galaxy is populated, other people on other planets?

- A couple of galaxies, as a matter of fact.

- Amazing.

Hey, when you guys found the gate and the pyramid, there wasn't a stash of advanced alien weapons, was there?

- No, I'm afraid not.

- Yeah, just a shot in the dark anyway.

You know, if we Well, will you look at that?

- Is that what I think it is?

- No, it's a Goa'uld naquadah b*mb.

For the record, that's what I thought it was.

Yes, I'm sure you did.

Well, it seems in pretty good shape.

If it's real, and if the naquadah core is intact I assume these cases are connected to the security system?


So we can't get into the case?

You won't be able to access it without a security card.

- And you have one of those, no?

- Not for these exhibits, no.

Well, not to worry.

You happen to be standing next to one of the best thieves in two galaxies.

No, not him.

So, if anyone can get this b*mb out with no security card, it is me.

Watch and learn, boys.

Removal of treasure from a sealed glass enclosure.

(INHALING) Step one, identify the tamper circuit and try to bypass it.

When circuit proves inaccessible, go to step two.

Cut a treasure

-sized hole in the glass.

You just happen to carry one of those around with you?

One must always be prepared to liberate treasure, Cameron.

Step three, examine the base of the object for pressure switch.

When found, bypass it.

And finally, we reach in (SIGHS) All right.

Removal of treasure from a sealed metal enclosure.


MITCHELL: You rushed it.

VALA: I did not.

You were showing off, and you rushed it.

This is an alien security system that I've never experienced before.

And the fact that I got this far is very impressive.

- How do we get one of those cards?

- Oh SARAN: You don't.

Throw your g*ns on the floor.


(SIGHING) And the little ones on your legs.

- Well, don't just stand there, Cicero.

- Huh?

Pick them up.

Oh! Right.

Good, now come stand over here.


They tried to make me get them a key card.

Yeah, I heard.

- Toss over your communicator.

- Okay.


You got us.

You're in control.

That's right.

I am.

- You press the big button to talk.

- Yeah.

I know how to use it.

Murderous rebels, come in, please.


I have your two friends.

Let the hostages go, or I'm going to k*ll them.

Excuse me?

Your friends, I have them at gunpoint.

If you don't let the rest of the hostages go, I'm going to k*ll them.

- Who's calling?

- SARAN: Who I am is of no importance.

Oh, I disagree.

Tell him.

- Jackson?

- Mitchell, what's going on?

Well, we got ourselves a bit of a John McClane here.

- What?

What are you talking about?

- Die Hard.

A security guard got the drop on us and I think he wants to trade.

How do you want to play this?

Well, the two of us for all those hostages, doesn't seem quite fair now, does it?

Now, that's enough.

Slide it over.

SARAN: Okay, there.

You've got proof that I've got them.

Now let the hostages go.


You heard me, right?

I'm I'm going to k*ll them.

Yeah, but if we let the hostages go, we're all dead, so, no.

But Oh, I see.

What is it?

They must know where we are.

They've probably sent someone to come rescue them already.

They're quick.

I'll give them that.

- Really?

- Yeah.

I've just got to stay one step ahead of them.

- You any good with a g*n?

- I've never fired one.


No, of course not.

Uh, okay.

Okay Yes.


I'm going to go get into position down the hall, and when their friends come looking for us, I'll "get the drop on them," as they say.

CICERO: Seems like the smart thing to do.


All right, if those two try anything, sh**t them.

Of course, yeah.

- Sorry about that.

- That's all right.

Happens all the time.

He's a night security guard.

Has been since I started working here.

- He would never have k*lled you.

- Yeah, we got that.

He means well.

Yeah, I'm sure he does, but we can't have him running around out there.

We'll be right back.

Can I do anything?

No, we got it covered.

Just stay here.


Disarm, rebel dogs.

He left himself wide open from behind.

That was a mistake.

One of the hostages is a nurse.

She was able to stabilize the wounded guard.

Oh, finally, some good news.

It is my belief these men in fact are not rebels, but common thieves.

Now, if we rise up against them and (SCREAMS) Please remain calm, as we attempt to rectify this most unfortunate circumstance.

What have you done with Cicero?

- You k*lled him, didn't you?

- No, he

- Actually, where is Cicero?

- I don't know.

- What did you do with his body?

- He's fine.

He probably just went to the bathroom or something.

Try selling your lies to someone else, filthy rebel scum.


This display case, we need to get into it.

You're security.

Where's your access card?

It's safe.

Hidden away in a place you'll never find.

No, no, no No! (BEEPING) Enter your access code, please.

That is a rare, priceless artifact, and if you think I'm just going to stand here and let you steal it, you're out of your minds.

Do whatever you want to me.

I'll never tell.

It is not a rare and priceless artifact.

It's a b*mb.

Now, we don't want to hurt anyone, but we need its power source to get home, and the sooner we do that, the sooner everyone can leave.

- So, what do you say?

- You'll have to k*ll me first.


- What are you doing?

- I'm activating it.


Why would you do that?

Well, if we can't have this device, we have no reason to live.


So, what, you think it'll take down the whole building?

Well, absolutely.

I mean, anyone within a few miles will probably be incinerated.

Maybe more.

And all because he wouldn't give us the code.


- You're crazy.

- You ever meet a sane rebel?

You make a good point.

Make your peace with your maker.

Okay, okay.

I'll do it.

You made the right choice.

That's interesting.


Well, I'm not sure I can turn this off.

- You actually turned it on?

- Yes.

Why would you do that?

Well, a number of reasons.

Firstly, to see if it was real, and secondly, we needed to make it look convincing.

- We did?

- We needed to fool him.

What does he know?

He wouldn't have been able to tell the difference, Vala.

Actually, I probably would have.

Oh, please! You didn't know it was a b*mb until I told you so.

I had suspected it.

- No, you didn't.

- Check my service logs.

- Stop talking.

- I specifically made a note What's the countdown clock set to?

An hour, give or take a few minutes.

- It's not that big a deal.

- Oh, really?

Once we interface it with the gate, establishing a secure connection should completely deplete its power source, which would mean it won't explode.

We now have less than 50, give or take a few, minutes to get that done.

- Maybe more.

- Count on less.

(BUZZING) MAN 1: Put your hands up! MAN 2: Get on the ground now! Teal'c, a door on the south side just opened up.

MAN: Stay on him! What do you see?


It would appear he has escaped.

He what?

He left.

He just left.

Why would he do that?

(SCOFFS) Looks like he slipped right through your fingers.

He was working with us, you idiot.

How do you think we got our g*ns back?

It's so sad that you feel the need to lie to me.

What the hell does Cicero think he's doing?

I know it sounds crazy, but it's true.

The pyramid ring acts as a connection point between many worlds.

Many of us had thought so for some time, but were unable to activate it, to prove it.

They aren't rebels.

They don't know anything about our world.

Their demands would prove otherwise, Cicero.

I told them what to say.

I told them what to demand.

- You did what?

- All they need is time.

Our ring is broken, and once their friends realize they're stuck here, they'll send help.

Their friends?

Others are on the way?


They just needed to stall a bit, so I told them what to say.


They just needed to stall a bit, so I told them what to say.

I know, it maybe wasn't the best thing to do, but a chance for us to actually communicate with beings from another world This may be the greatest day in the history of our planet.

JACKSON: You guys, I'm starting to get a little worried.

Welcome to the club.

No, this Quartus guy has checked in with me every 10 minutes like clockwork.


And it's been over 20 minutes now.

The silence is starting to make me feel uneasy.

How goes it on your end?

- How goes it on our end?

- I think I have it.



There's a 70% chance that if we dial manually, we'll be able to establish a connection, and a 50% chance the b*mb will just go off.

That's 120%.

Well, there's some crossover, where we establish a wormhole and it blows up.

Jackson, did you catch any of that?

Yeah, 100% chance we should have brought someone that knows what they're doing.

Yeah, I heard.

Daniel out.

Well, I'm going to need your help dialing this thing.


This one.

Up the top.

- Have you spoken with the Viceroy?

- Yes.

The Viceroy has denied all of their demands.

We have to end this now.

SARAN: What does that thing do?

Is that a b*mb?

Why is it lighting up like that?

Are you activating it?

You're going to k*ll us all, aren't you?

Your restraints won't hold me forever.

You might as well set me free and turn yourselves in, 'cause if you don't (MUFFLED SCREAMING) Much better.

I don't know why I didn't think of that earlier.


We are about to have company.

Guys, we need to get out of here now.

Just a little bit more.


- Let's go!

- MAN: Go, go, go! Go, go, go! (BEEPING) MITCHELL: Teal'c, Jackson, fall back to the gate.

We have a connection.

Good timing! Okay, I want to thank you guys all for your patience today.

I suggest you stay on the floor with your hands on your head until your police have figured out you're not the bad guys.

(GLASS SHATTERING) (PEOPLE SCREAMING) MAN: They're heading down the hallway! (g*ns FIRING) Run! (MUFFLED SCREAMING) They've got a b*mb, sir! It's set to go off.


Connecting a wormhole to the gate has depleted the naquadah core to a point where it's no longer a threat.

Don't believe them, sir.

They're devious.

And they speak in code to each other.

Cicero told you who we are, didn't he?

Let him in.

He told us who he thinks you are.

Oh, my.

Look, we never wanted to hurt anybody.

We just want to go home, okay?

And that ring is how we do that.

Please, just let us leave.

All we have to do is walk through that.

Once we're gone, it will shut down, and no one will be harmed.

I promise.

- I'm afraid I can't allow that.

- Crap.

Look, we all know what you're going through.

We've all been there.

Hell, when I first heard there were alien worlds and races out there, I freaked out.

I was afraid.

Afraid of how advanced they might be, afraid of what their intentions were, afraid they might come to my world and k*ll me, and I'll be honest with you, there are worlds and races out there who do mean you and your people harm, but we're not one of them.

And you're lucky you ran into us before you ran into them.

Now, I will admit that our first contact was not ideal.

In fact, it could well be our worst.

But you do not want your first foray into interplanetary relations to be a violent one.

We're a peaceful people.

But we do not take acts of aggression lying down.

So you let us walk through that ring, and when and how we meet again will be under your control.

Prevent us from leaving, and it won't be.

Please, Quartus.

This is the future of our people.

Lower your weapons.

Thank you.

This is Colonel Mitchell.


-1 is returning a little early.

Transmitting iris code now.

It's true.

Everything they said was true.

I don't believe it.

- And neither will anyone else.

- What?

You are a hero, Jayem Saran, night guard, second


- I am?

- He is?

Four rebels att*cked a private function with several key councilors in attendance, but you foiled their plan.

You k*lled them all and saved all of the hostages.

You're going to cover this up?

You can't do this.

I could easily say he saved all but one of the hostages.

I want to talk to the Viceroy.

I'm a hero.

JACKSON: We've tried making a connection twice, sir.

No luck.

Could it be a problem with that gate?

Say, as a result of some tampering with the gate to get a connection?

Hey, I saved our hides, thank you very much.

We don't think so, sir.

Our attempts to dial should have worked.

They have undoubtedly buried the gate.

So they just stuck their heads in the sand?

Even after everything you told them?

Maybe they figure they've got their own issues to deal with before they start dealing with the ones out here, sir.

Unfortunately, we don't have that option, do we?