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10x07 - Counterstrike

Posted: 01/11/23 06:40
by bunniefuu
NARRA TOR: Previously on Stargate SG


Wasn't Daniel telling me about a very powerful w*apon in the hands of the Jaffa on Dakara?

It's not a w*apon, technically.

But we did adapt it to destroy the Replicators.


Where are you going?

I want to see.

Can I hold her?

She's my baby.

Why She will be the beacon of light in the darkness to the warriors of the Ori.

She will lead us to glorious victory.

Wait, wait, wait, we're talking about a baby here, right?

She's been genetically altered.

She'll be a fully

-grown figurehead in a day or so.

Leave me.

Grab her.

Oh, yeah, like that's going to happen.

Six more worlds have fallen to the Ori.

According to those who witnessed the battle, the enemy is led by a young woman of extraordinary powers.

Mark this day, for the darkness of your world has been lifted so the light of Origin may shine upon it.

(ALL CHEERING) You have cast aside the shackles of the past to welcome a brighter future.

Now, hear the words of the Orici.

It's Adria.

The unbelievers amongst you sought to hinder our message.

They took up arms in an attempt to suppress the truth, but they failed and were vanquished.

A reminder to all that Origin cannot be extinguished.

It will flourish throughout this world and countless others.

The believers amongst you have been richly rewarded with truth, with Origin.

It is now up to you to help others see as you have seen, to spread the message by joining the armies of the Ori.

Sir, I'm picking up an energy reading coming from the surface of the planet.

What is it?

It's a wave of radiation, sir, emanating from the gate, spreading fast.

Get them out of there.

(ALL MURMURING) MAN: They're back on deck.

- What happened?

- That's what we're trying to figure out.

Sir I'm not picking up any life signs on the planet.

That's impossible.

What is it, a sensor malfunction?

All systems are operating normally.

There are thousands of people on that planet.

CARTER: He's right.

We're not picking up anything.

Vala, wait.

Look, we've still don't know what happened down there.

They're all dead, Daniel.

That's what happened.

I'm sorry.

What for?

Well, believe it or not, I know how you feel.

Adria was your daughter,

- and even though she was

- Relief.

That's what I feel.


What, you don't think I'd want to be responsible for the enslavement of an entire galaxy, do you?

It was hardly your fault.

I knew she was the will of the Ori even before she was born.

I could have done something about it, but I didn't.

She was your child.

Maternal instinct can only excuse so much.

Of course, I did tell myself that my relationship with her might prove to be an advantage, that at some point, some critical moment, I might be able to reach her in a way that no one else could.

And you might have been right.

I'm just relieved I'll never have to find out for sure.

HARRIMAN: Unscheduled offworld activation.

- Chief?

- Receiving Bra'tac's IDC, sir.

Open the iris.


What brings you by?

A matter that threatens millions of lives.

EMERSON ON RADIO: Lieutenant Evans, report.

There's no sign of residual radiation, sir.

No chemical or biological agents in the atmosphere.

The place is clean.

The weird thing is, whatever it was, it only seems to have targeted living tissue, 'cause everything else was left behind.

You said the wave emanated from the stargate.

That's right.

From there it spread over the entire surface of the planet before dissipating.


We know of only one device that would operate in such a manner.

The council is convinced our only hope for survival against the armies of the Ori is to attack them using the ancient device on Dakara.

The same device we used to wipe out the Replicators.

Except that now it strikes with new purpose.

To unmake living beings.

Hours ago, the first target was struck, a planet We already know about it.


-1 was there, doing recon.

They were beamed out before your w*apon could hit them.

The villagers weren't so lucky.

- That is tragic.

- It's mass m*rder.

Why the hell didn't you do something about it?

Our new leader, Se'tak, has convinced the council that this is our only hope for survival.

The more I spoke out against it, the more isolated I became.

I need to contact the Odyssey, let them know what's happening, and then I need to meet this man myself.

I am ashamed that my brothers have utilized these methods.

- They're desperate.

- There is no honor.

Freedom without honor is meaningless.

What's done is done, and there's still an opportunity here.

We've got an Ori ship sitting on the ground, unmanned and unguarded.

We must act quickly.

You know your way around this tub?

All the corridors look the same.

I haven't got my bearings yet.

There has to be some sort of control room.

I'm guessing it'll be in one of the forward sections.

We've got a lot of ground to cover.

Time to split up.

Can I ask you a question?

Just the fact you have to ask me to ask me makes me think I should say no.

Back on the Odyssey, you said you knew how I felt.

- What did you mean?

- What?

Well, with Adria.

You said, "Believe it or not, I know how you feel.

" What did you mean?


Ten years ago, my wife was taken as host by a Goa'uld.

The framed picture on the wall in your office, is that her?


Her name was Sha're.

We were married for just over a year when she was taken.

I swore I would get her back.

What happened?

I joined SG

-1 and searched for her for over two years, but in the end, I couldn't save her.

For a long time, I felt guilty that I'd failed her.

And now?

Now, I can at least draw comfort from the fact that she's no longer suffering at the hands of the Goa'uld.

I guess in a small way, I feel relieved as well.

Wow, check this out.

I'm no expert, but this looks important.

It appears to be a power generation chamber.

Exactly, which has me thinking it could be a good place to drop a little C4.

It would be our best opportunity to disable the vessel, should it be necessary.

Just in case we can't get this thing flying before the Ori come back, we win one for the home team while we're hauling ass for the gate.

A great Jaffa once said, "Exalted is the warrior "who achieves victory without battle.

" Winning shows strength.

Winning without fighting shows true skill.

You are a student of Ancient strategies.

No, Landry said it to me.

I think he was quoting Sun Tzu.

Or it could have been Dr.


LANDRY: I've already advised the Pentagon that I'm heading offworld.

I may be a while.

With all due respect, sir, you think you might consider taking along a few Marines?

This is a diplomatic mission, Chief.

The last time I checked, the Jaffa were our allies.

I can't go disrespecting them in their own house.

- Lf you say so, sir.

- Sometimes you make the right decision.

Sometimes you make the decision right.

- Patton?

- That one's Dr.


Now, if you'll excuse me, Bra'tac is waiting.

Guys, I think I've found something.

JACKSON ON RADIO: What do you got?

CARTER: I think it might be the bridge.

And it looks like the main command interface is a chair, similar to the weapons platform in Antarctica.

It would make sense that the technology would be similar to the Ancients.

Vala, you said most of the people on board the ship were simple villagers, right?

Yes, why?

I think it's likely the Priors who are flying the ships.

Unfortunately, that probably means the chair is keyed to their unique brain physiology.

MITCHELL: Don't sweat it.

Plan B is in place.

Okay, let's not jump the g*n just yet.

At the very least, I'd like to try to get some information out of this database before we start blowing things up.

I hear you, Sam, but it won't be long before the Ori come back for this ship, and we're not going to let them (FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING) Cam?

Cam, what's happening?

Not much, but we've got ourselves some company.

I am Bo'rel of the free Jaffa, and we have come to lay claim to this vessel.

Slow down, brother.

We were here first.

CARTER: Cam, report.

It's all right, Sam.

Just a little misunderstanding with some of our Jaffa friends.

- Go back to work.

- There is no misunderstanding.

We achieved this victory, therefore we claim the spoils.

What you have done is sacrificed the lives of thousands of innocents.

No one is innocent who joins with my enemy.

They were invaded by an army with massively superior firepower.

They should have resisted.

So die at the hands of the Ori or die at the hands of the Jaffa.

Some choice.

What was that?

Enough of this.

The ship is ours.

Now, lower your weapons.

That's not gonna happen.

Colonel Mitchell Sam, we've got trouble.

Odyssey, this is Carter, requesting immediate extraction.

Do it.


Something's wrong.

I can't get a lock on them.

Odyssey, what's happening?

EMERSON: We're getting too much signal degradation for a successful beam


As far as I can tell, the malfunction's not coming from this end.

Guys, we've got a problem.

The Odyssey can't beam us out.

Why not?

Well, I'm not 100% sure, but I think I may have activated the shields.

Why would you do that?

- It wasn't intentional.

- Oh.

Can you reverse it?

I'll give it a try.


-1, this is Odyssey.

Three Hatak vessels are moving into positions around the planet.

Don't chance it, Odyssey.

We can't risk losing another ship.

All right.

Be advised that we're leaving range to avoid detection.

- Get us out of here.

- Copy that.

The Ori, it turns out, are not invincible.

This first strike against them must be considered nothing less than a complete success.

BRA'TAC: But at what cost?

Leave us.

Unable to gather support from your fellow Jaffa, you dishonor yourself by seeking it elsewhere.

I'm honored.

General Hank Landry.

- The Tau'ri, your people

- Are pissed.

Your use of this Ancient device violates our prior agreement.

An agreement made with the former leadership that I no longer feel bound to.

So you're going to have your people go back on their word?

Much has changed since my predecessors consented to that agreement.

We now face an enemy powerful enough to have rendered our conventional weapons useless.

Your forces have proven equally ineffective.

This device is our only means of striking back at them.

Which includes slaughtering innocent people.

If future att*cks against armies of the Ori allow us to recover enough of their ships, we will then have a powerful fleet with which to strike back against them.

But until then, this device is our only option.

Incidental genocide is not an option.

Granted, the cost of victory is great.

But the cost of defeat would be even greater.

(FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING) All right, all right.

(GROANS) Where is the rest of your team, Colonel Mitchell?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You were speaking with a female.


She's back at the village, probably gone through the gate by now.

You are lying.

This is a message to all Tau'ri on board this vessel.

My name is Bo'rel.

My brothers and I have taken this ship in the name of all free Jaffa.

We have Teal'c and Colonel Mitchell in custody.

Surrender now and no harm will come to them.

If you do not identify yourselves immediately, we will have no choice but to assume your intentions are hostile, in which case we will deal with the prisoners harshly.

So be it.

Bo'rel, this is Daniel Jackson of Stargate Command.

Listen, there's no reason we should be fighting each other.

We should be working together.

I'm afraid that would not be possible.

Look, we're dealing with some very advanced technology, and we have some experience that might be useful.

You doubt our ability to fly this ship?

I'm just saying there's not a lot of time, and it would be in everyone's best interests if we pool our resources.

My orders are to take this ship and all on board.

You will reveal your location to me now.

(ELECTRIC BUZZING) That won't be necessary.

- JAFFA: Bo'rel, we have them.

- Well done.

Hold them until our patrols find the control room.

You're making a big mistake.

More Ori ships will be here soon.

Then they will suffer the same fate.

ADRIA: I think not.

ADRIA: I think not.


Hello, Mother.


We all know, darling, that you have telekinetic powers.

You can stop showing off now.

I've missed you, Mother.

They said I should forget about you, that you'd abandoned me

- because you didn't care.

- No.

I knew you'd come back for me.

How is it that you're even alive?

Everyone else on the planet was k*lled.

I was saved by this.

It holds a piece of the holy city of Celestis.

It protects me, keeps me safe.

Soon, the other ships will come for us, and once we're back with the fleet, I promise you, Mother, we'll never be separated again.

There are some who hold the Tau'ri in great esteem for the assistance they provided us against the Goa'uld.

I'm guessing you're not one of them?

While I recognize the contributions made, I question the motive.

I suspect it had more to do with self

-preservation than generosity.

We had a common enemy, and as much as the Tau'ri would have us believe that we could not have defeated the Goa'uld without them, I know better.

What is this device?

Haven't got a clue.

I will not ask you again.


Still nothing.


Find out what's happening.

Listen, we're not rejoining the fleet.

- You're coming with me.

- No, I can't abandon my army.

- It's not your army.

- Of course it is.

Well, as your mother, I'm putting my foot down.

You're too young to have your own army.

They look to me for guidance, for protection and for answers.

Tell me what happened to my people here on this planet.

No, don't.

He doesn't know anything.

Adria! (PANTING) You have a strong mind.

Wake up, Jaffa.

Welcome back.

Now, tell me, what happened to the believers who came to spread Origin to this world?

Yours is a backward people, too primitive to have created such an effective w*apon.

So tell me, how did it come into your hands?

Where is it?

- Stop.

- Don't interfere, Mother.

Where, Jaffa?

I didn't know you knew how to use one of those things.

Well, piece of cake.

Where is the w*apon?



If you continue to use this w*apon in violation of our previous agreement, our alliance is in jeopardy.

And what does this alliance do to benefit the Jaffa?

If it were not for the Tau'ri, we would still be slaves to the Goa'uld.

That was in the past.

Now we face a much more dangerous enemy, and every day, while we lose ground to the Ori, the Tau'ri homeworld remains curiously untouched.

We are the ones fighting this battle.

We are the ones dying by the thousands.

And yet you choose to test your new toy on a human world, not on one of a dozen Jaffa planets that have fallen to the Ori.

Why is that, exactly?

This discussion is over.

CARTER: The Odyssey tried to beam us out of here, but somehow the shields have been activated.

At first, I thought it was something I'd done, but after checking the controls, I realized it wasn't me.

MITCHELL: There's someone else on board.

Three mother ships are in orbit over the planet.

The Odyssey had to retreat in order to avoid being detected.

TEAL'C: Then the stargate is our only means of escape.



Come in.

MITCHELL: If you can hear me, we're getting the hell out of Dodge.

Too late.


I don't know.

I need you to rally your supporters, find out who's on side and who you can trust.

In the meantime, I'm What is the meaning of this?

We just received word.

The Ori ship has taken flight.

I might be able to override primary systems from the control room.

Scans are detecting no transmitter signals on the surface of the planet.

Is it possible SG

-1 escaped through the gate?

Well, if they had, Stargate Command would have given us the heads

-up by now.

No, it's more likely they're still on that ship.

Sir, if that's the case, and it's on its way to rendezvous with the rest of the Ori fleet,

- we've lost them.

- Maybe not.

We still may have a shot at rescuing SG

-1 provided that ship is headed where I think it is.

Major, set a course for Dakara.

The Ori ship destroyed three Hatak vessels before jumping into hyperspace.

I'm sorry to hear that.

The Jaffa on the planet reported no gate activity, no other ships in the vicinity, nor were there any survivors after the initial attack.

Not a single soldier of the Ori was left alive.

What's your point?

The only other people on board that ship are from Stargate Command.

You cannot possibly think the Tau'ri are responsible for this.

What other explanation is there?

We're not in the habit of conducting sneak att*cks on our allies, however much we may disagree with their tactics.

You were jealous of the power we command through the Ancient device.

You sought to redress that balance by taking the Ori ship.

When the Hatak stood in your way, they were swept aside.

- Se'tak, this is madness.

- We shall see.

Guard them.

MITCHELL: Here's a question.

Who's flying this boat?

I know Tomin will be happy to see you again.

Tomin's alive?

He wasn't on the planet with you?


I've been traveling with various ships.

As the leader of this great enlightenment, it's important that I make my presence known, especially now when the first inroads are being made.

Once the rest of the fleet arrives, I'll have a much harder time of it.

How many other ships are coming?

Many, many more.

By my estimation, the galaxy will be converted within the year.

Jackson, come in.

Jackson, Vala.

Can you hear me?

We're gonna have to go out there and look for them.

- Sam

- I'll keep at it.

Well, at least it's not raining.

I don't know why you're complaining.

You should be delighted.

As the mother of the Orici, you will be revered by all the followers of Origin.

While I appreciate the celebrity status, I have to admit it would get very tiresome very quickly, especially if I had to perform for the masses.

I'm not very good with crowds.

There will be no demands made on you.

All you have to do is accept Origin into your heart.

That could be a problem.

Perhaps at first, but eventually you will embrace the truth.

I don't think so.

You're my mother.

If I'm unable to convince you, how can I be expected to sway the countless worlds in this galaxy?

Until I have brought you into the fold, my mission here is a failure.

I can be very stubborn.

Then I'll be patient and very determined.

What about all the other people that refuse to bow down to the will of the Ori?

Are you gonna show them the same courtesy?

There is a limit to my patience.

And there's a difference between devotion and blind submission.

You can't expect to win the faith of your followers through fear and intimidation.

What would you have me do?

Give people a choice.

I'm trying to bring an entire galaxy from darkness into light.

In order to do that, all doubt must be removed or it will spread like a cancer.

It's that simple.

This is getting a little old, don't you think?

You will turn this ship back immediately.

Love to.

Unfortunately, we're not the ones flying it.

You lie.

Would you accuse me of lying as well?

We are unaware of who is in control of this vessel but suspect they may be on board with us.

We, in fact, share a common enemy.

Whatever's between us, we can finish that later.

Right now, we have to re

-take this ship.

That's more like it.

- Adria, listen to me

- I'm sorry, Mother.

The time for talking is over.

We've arrived.

Is that what I think it is?

Is that what I think it is?


My suspicions have been confirmed.

What are you talking about?

The Ori ship has arrived.

You would try to force us to give up the Ancient device rather than have us wield its power.

I'm telling you, my people are not responsible for this.

We will gather our fleet and lay siege to your world.

We will take back the Ori ship and avenge our fallen brothers.

You don't think that whoever is flying this boat is on a friendly trip, do you?


Me neither.

With the engines activated, there may be a significantly greater reaction to the C4.

The ship may well be destroyed.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

We must not allow this ship to launch an attack.


Colonel Mitchell Just trying to think of some appropriate last words.

What happened?


Yeah, I know.

Why not?

You should thank me.

I just saved your lives.

What are you talking about?


-1, this is Odyssey.

Do you read?

Odyssey, this is Colonel Carter.

We're gonna try and beam you out of there.

It won't work.

The shield is still active.

I'm trying to shut it down.

Please stand ready.

The w*apon is capable of firing through a gate but it is also capable of releasing a wave that will encompass this world and beyond, wiping out all life forms on any ships that happen to be in planetary orbit.

We will be perfectly safe here within this shielded chamber.

You will survive to bear witness.

The Jaffa have finally taken their rightful place as a true power in this galaxy.

JACKSON: It won't be that easy.

Why wouldn't it be?

I'm about to destroy the only real threat against us.

You're forgetting about someone.

What about the Ancients?

You know as well as I do they'll never get involved.

We have free rein in this galaxy.

Adria, listen to me.

I promise to stay with you.

I'll hear you out on the whole Origin thing.

I'll even try and keep an open mind.

Just let everyone else go.

It's too late for them, but don't worry.

I'll be keeping him alive.

We have plans for you.

We are ready.

My people may be on board that ship.

Not for much longer.

Fire the w*apon.

Odyssey, we're good to go.

- Get them the hell out of there.

- Yes, sir.


What happened?

The w*apon appears to have had no effect.

(expl*si*n) Come! Come! The area was evacuated.

The gate is unguarded! Fire again.

Fire the w*apon! There is news.

A cargo ship dispatched to the area has reported complete and utter devastation.

Dakara is no more.

Meanwhile, we received word that five more planets have fallen to the Ori, including Hebridan and Langara.

So far, we haven't heard anything from our allies on either world.

We are getting our asses whooped, and it looks like that Merlin device is the only shot we have at stopping them.

Then find it.


The council is in disarray.

The Jaffa nation is fractured, and without Dakara to bring us all together, I fear everything we have fought for all these years will be lost.

The w*r is not over, old friend.

If only I could have done more to oppose Se'tak.

There's nothing to be gained by second

-guessing yourself.

Can't remake the past, so look ahead.

Or risk being left behind.

She displays the wisdom of a battle

-seasoned warrior.

JACKSON: She's a mother.

Close enough.