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10x05 - Uninvited

Posted: 01/11/23 06:39
by bunniefuu
NARRA TOR: Previously on Stargate SG


Where the hell are they?

(GRUNTS) We've been investigating the Goa'uld infiltration of the Trust for two years now.

I'm telling you it's a global conspiracy.

What are you guys saying?

You think that I've been brainwashed.

The technology is readily available to the Goa'uld who infiltrated the Trust.

You made good time, Colonel.

Yes, sir.

Well, it's a good thing I left early.

I took a wrong turn at the post office, I was driving for about an hour before my Special Forces training kicked in and I realized I was lost.

That, and the road ended.

Wiser men than you have done worse.

So, this is General O'Neill's place?

Actually, Jack hasn't been able to use it much, now that he spends a lot of time in Washington.

His loss.

Come on in.

Looks like I beat the others up here.

Walter just called.

Colonel Reynolds' team has been delayed offworld.

Teal'c's gone to assist.

Is there a problem?

Nothing they can't handle.

Unfortunately, it also means that Colonel Carter will be delayed until Reynolds gets back to take command of the SGC.

What about Jackson?

Still in England.

Seems he's met some lord or earl with a private library of ancient reference material on Merlin and Morgan Le Fay.

He's obviously quite excited.


Like a fat kid in a candy store.

I was a big boy in my youth.

Never did appreciate comments like that.

Yes, sir.

Sorry, sir.

Anyway, Vala's hitching a ride with the others, so until then, it's just you and me.

I'll be sure to stay out of your way, sir.

You won't even know I'm here.

Nonsense! Getting to know each other a little better outside of work and the pressure of the SGC is what this is all about.

Kick back.

Put our feet up for the day.

Well, that's kind of hard to do with the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance, sir.

Well, if anyone is going to make a difference in this battle, Colonel, it's you and your team.

Yes, sir.

I see what you mean about escaping the pressure.

We all need to stop for air now and then, or we'll burn out.

That's the one thing you people don't know how to do, so I'm making it an order.

Yes, sir.

I'm sure it'll be fun, sir.

You're damn right it'll be fun.

Come on in.

LANDRY: I've got the coffee on.

REYNOLDS: The first villager went missing sometime yesterday morning.

Another by nightfall.

They sent out search parties, armed men.

These people are capable hunters.

By all accounts, they've lived on this planet for generations and never encountered an animal they perceived as an unmanageable threat.

Perhaps it was not an animal.

So if an animal didn't tear these people apart, what did?

The people of P9J 333 have never before encountered an indigenous creature they believe capable of such an act.

So, you think this is some sort of motivational tool meant to strike fear?

An Ori bogeyman?

It seems to be working.

The people are terrified.

Any chance the Prior knew you were there?

I doubt this was a message directed at us.

Our mission was to covertly observe if the planet went Origin or not.

We didn't make contact with the population until after people started going missing.


Well, if this is some new Ori threat, chances are the Prior will show up to take responsibility.

On the other hand, if it's not, and it's just some vicious creature hell

-bent on eating the whole village, shouldn't we use our superior technology to help track it down?

You think I don't really care about the plight of some innocent people I've never met on some planet somewhere.

CARTER: I'm sorry, but Well, yes.

It just so happens I do have vast experience hunting rare deadly creatures of all kinds.

Let me guess, the rarer they are Please.

I am here to be helpful.

If you don't think these boys can use my expertise, that's fine.

I'll just stay here, and we can start on that quality time General Landry wanted us to spend together.

I've actually come up with a list of suggestions.

Teal'c, you and Vala head to 333 with SGs 3 and 25.

See if you can figure out what we're dealing with without being detected by the locals.

Good plan, boss.

Vala's experience notwithstanding, I want everyone to exercise extreme caution.

We should find out whether this is Prior related or not.

Is General Landry not expecting us at his cabin?

I'll let him know we're going to be delayed a little bit.

I'm sure Colonel Mitchell will be very pleased to hear he's got more special "alone time" with the General.

- Hey

- Colonel.

If this is a rare and deadly creature, we have to try and catch it alive, okay?

That is not our mission.

Do you have any idea what this could be worth on the open market?

- I do not.

- Okay, okay, wait.

I propose a fifty

-fifty split.

I think it's only fair.

I'm the one with all the contacts to unload something like this.

Anything less than that would just be, well, plain wrong.

Okay, name your price.

Well, say something.

It's called negotiating?

They're not coming.

Something is eating people on P9J 333.

Teal'c and Vala are checking it out.

- Really?

Maybe I should

- At ease, Colonel.

They've got SG

-3 and 5 with them.

They'll be fine.

Still, this was supposed to be a group thing, sir.

Maybe we should reschedule.

And put away that laptop.

You can't possibly still be writing mission reports.

And if you are, I don't want to read anything that long.

To be honest, sir, I finished an hour ago.

I thought so.

You don't have to be so uncomfortable around me, Mitchell.

Sir, no matter what, you're still my boss.

I just wish you'd relax and enjoy the peace and quiet of the great outdoors.

(g*n FIRING) Ignore it.

That was a large caliber, .

300 or.


They're hunting elk.

It's one of the only drawbacks around here.

Not a fan, sir?

Running around the woods with a g*n never seemed to me like a good way to unwind.

Looking to k*ll some innocent creature just going about its day?

No, I suppose not, sir.

Not if your day job involves running around the woods carrying a g*n.

Recognize the tracks?

I do not.

What we need to do first is dig a deep pit.

This looks like a very good spot.

Why don't you boys get started?


Don't tell me you didn't bring shovels.

(g*n FIRING) (ON RADIO) This is SG

-25 leader! We need back (MEN SCREAMING IN DISTANCE) It came out of nowhere.

Never seen anything like it.

Remain calm.

You will be fine.




Too good for me, sir.

Pandering to the ego of a senior officer, Mitchell?

No, truthfully, I always hated the game, but if you happen to have a PlayStation, I will happily kick your ass at SOCOM 3.


I want you to feel like you can be honest with me.

Yes, sir.

But I suppose that's easier for me than it is for you.

I am the General.

No, I think it's probably harder for you in some ways.

Lonely at the top and all that, huh?


More not knowing what people think of your decisions.

Relax, son.

I was thinking about what you said to me last week, about not being in charge of anything.

I'm just used to a clearer chain of command.

You could have picked any team you wanted.

You chose to make it your personal mission to get Colonel Carter, Dr.

Jackson and Teal'c back together.

That's true, and I wouldn't change that for the world.

You said you wanted to learn from the very best.

Yes, I did.

It's just After almost dying, like I did, there was a part of me that figured I could do anything.

Now, since coming to the SGC, I have learned that I can't handle any of this without the rest of SG


I believe in you, Colonel.

- Thank you, sir.

- But we're getting our asses kicked.

- Yes, we are.

- We're not going to get medals

- for participation.

- No, sir.

We win or we die.

I prefer winning.

Now, you started by bringing SG

-1 back together.

I need you to continue working together if we're going to have any hope.

Your job is to make sure that happens.

Very good, sir.


You want some dessert?

Come and get it.

You could have warned me.

I nearly shot you.

Then you should not have run off by yourself.

I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself.

I was trying to get help.

Then why are you not dialing the gate?

Because I thought I heard something growling.

I hear nothing.

That's probably because you scared it away.

That's good.

(GROWLING) Now we can Well, I'm flattered, but I don't think we have time for this.

Are you injured?

No, I'm fine.

Thank you.

So much for taking it alive.

Shame, too.

I've never seen anything like this before.


Sir! Son of a bitch! Mitchell! What are you doing?

I thought I heard a noise.

Me, too.

(MITCHELL LAUGHS) Well, that would have been a hell of a story, sir.

Yeah! Shotgun, huh?

Thought you didn't like to hunt.

I was up here last summer.

Had a black bear come right through the kitchen door.

Phones are down.

That happens.

Power could be out for a while, too.

That's quite a storm out there.

Thank you.

Well Night, sir.

Night, Mitchell.


Listen, maybe I'm not the only one around here who needs to relax.

I'll try not to sh**t you before morning.

Thank you, sir.

Same here.

What's up, sir?

Going somewhere, Mitchell?

Yes, sir.

The phones are still down, power's out.

I figured we'd head back to reality today.

Unfortunately, the storm washed out the road into town.

- The road

- It's the only road in and out of here.

Looks like we're roughing it until they get it cleared.

Yes, sir, but you're a powerful Air Force General.

You could order us up a chopper.

We don't use helicopters for our own personal transportation, Mitchell.

Right, sir.

Besides, I already checked.

There wasn't one available.

We'll be fine.

Just another day or so.


Thank you.

So, you'll be pleased to hear that all four members of SG

-25 are going to be fine, thanks in part to my handiwork with a Goa'uld healing device.

I'm sure Dr.

Lam appreciates the help.

I see you haven't gotten over your phobia of sitting in General Landry's chair.

What are you doing?

I think it's about time a woman sat here.

Actually, Dr.

Elizabeth Weir sat there all the time when she ran the SGC.

She did?

Good for her.

So, now that the deadly creature of P3

-whatever has been dealt with, when do we go?

I just got a call from the Silver Creek Sheriff's Department.

Apparently, there was a bad storm up there last night, and the road leading up to the area where the cabin is washed out and won't be reopened till tomorrow.

How unfortunate.

I'm sure Colonel Mitchell agrees.

I'm sure the boys are having the time of their lives, getting up to all sorts of mischief.

Oh, yeah, I can just imagine.

You're in for a treat, Colonel.

Yes, sir.

I can see that.

The fulvous whistling duck.

Very rare.

Endangered, actually.

Only spotted one once in my life.

And as good fortune would have it, their mating season is right now, and they love to come out after a good rain.

That's a good one, sir.

You know what?

The hat really sells it.

Oh, you're serious.

Well, sir, as tempting as a duck that whistles sounds, I was thinking about going for a run, work off some of that beer from last night.

You're missing the opportunity of a lifetime, Mitchell.

Are you making it an order?

Birding isn't something you have to have in your soul, son.

You have to come to it on your own.

Well, I gotta be honest with you, sir.

I don't know that I have it in me.

The plaintive mating call of this duck is unlike anything you've ever heard.

(IMITATES MATING CALL) Permission to leave, sir?


Thank you.

Here I go.

How's it coming?


Redden has just begun her examination.

She appears to be quite knowledgeable.

She should be.

She's been heading up the xenology unit at Area 51 for several years now.

And there goes my need for lunch.

REDDEN: Body cavity contains mammal

-like organs.


-looking tumors appear prevalent.

Let's get this out.

(BEEPING) What's going on?

Scans are picking up low levels of radiation coming from within the body.

The location is somewhere in the stomach lining here.

It looks like there's some kind of extraneous sac or abscess attached to the stomach wall itself.

Can I have a scalpel, please?

Thank you.

Attempting to remove it now.

Come on, you.

Son of a Thank you.

MAN: Help! Help! Get out of here! Watch where you're pointing that w*apon.

What's wrong?

(STUTTERS) Something att*cked us, man.

It came out of nowhere.

- It att*cked my buddy Mike.

- All right, all right.

Take me to Mike.

This way.

REDDEN: So it seems our large dead friend up in the lab used to look like this.

Native to P9J 333.

A docile herbivore, very shy, and completely harmless, according to the locals.

Well, it seems one of them, at least, has had an identity crisis.

Yes, well, something caused rapid and extensive mutation.

That something, I take it, was creature number two.


This little fellow apparently gives off a type of radiation we've never encountered before.

It lodged itself in the stomach lining of the host creature and began altering the host's DNA.

Yet the inhabitants of P9J 333 claim to have never seen or heard of any such mutation to any of the animals on their planet.

Oh, well, I strongly doubt that our smaller friend there is indigenous to the planet.

So the question is, how did it get there?

It was an animal, most likely a grizzly, protecting its young.

The witness is pretty freaked out.

His friend just got mauled to death.

He said it was a bear.

He said "a bear or something.

" I know it can get boring up here, Wade.

It doesn't mean you have to go making up things that are gonna get the locals all excited.

(CARS HONKING AND MEN HOOTING) Guess it's a little late for that.

Seal off the park before the place turns into a sh**ting gallery.

Look, I only got three deputies working for me, plus half a dozen volunteer rangers.

This is hunting season.

If I got a mad grizzly on the loose, I need it dealt with.

Best that I can hope for is that somebody kills whatever did this before it kills again.


You reported an emergency.

What happened?

Colonel, we've got a problem.

There have been no att*cks of this nature reported by any Jaffa settlements.

None of our other offworld allies are reporting any such contacts, either.

Except we now have an attack by yet another predatory creature, this time on a completely different planet.

Not to mention a world that's already been converted by the Ori.

If the inhabitants of P2R 866 have already accepted Origin, there would be no need for the Priors to inflict this creature upon them.


Which means that the Ori may have absolutely nothing to do with these creatures.

- So where are they coming from?

- I don't know.

But so far, to the best of our knowledge, they're only showing up on worlds we visit.

This sheriff doesn't think we've got a Bigfoot on our hands, does he?

He's a decent enough guy.

Probably just watches too much television.

On the other hand, we have seen real, live alien monsters.

He doesn't know that.


But he could just be looking for his 15 minutes.

He's not that sort of man.

Well it certainly would bring some publicity to the area.

Bump up tourism.

Whatever his motivation is, he sure got everyone's attention.

We've got a bunch of drunken hunters out there, all hyped up, looking for revenge and glory.

So are we siding with the hunters?

Or the bear?

I don't want to see anyone else get hurt.

Just checking, sir.

This I like, sir.

A man is dead, Colonel.

Yes, sir, I know, and I do sympathize.

It's just, you keep telling me to relax.

It has nothing to do with being here with you, sir.

Truth is, if I sit around with nothing to do, I get antsy.

I'm much more at ease offworld, in the thick of it.

I was flying air support out of Bien Hoa.

Caught some triple

-A in my left engine and I had to eject.

Ended up landing somewhere near the Laotian border, well north of the DMZ.

Cut my knee up pretty good in the process.

I was lost, bleeding badly, no food, no radio.

Half a battalion of North Vietnamese regulars were combing the jungle looking for me.

Tracked me day and night.

Followed my blood trail.

Obviously, you got away, sir.

Took me eight days.

So that's why you don't like to hunt.

I never felt more alive.

Yes, sir.

But I wouldn't call it relaxing.

Well, I'm kind of twisted that way, sir.

MAN ON RADIO: Sheriff Stokes, come in.

We're about a mile northwest of Silver Creek Junction.

We found another body.

It's been torn to shreds.

Colonel, respond.

I hear it, sir.


Victim number two.

The first mission, to P9J 333, was simply to observe and initiate first contact with the locals should they reject the Ori.

The second mission, to P2R 866, was purely covert surveillance of an already converted planet.

Two completely different missions, both to worlds not inhabited by scary creatures of any kind.


However, there was one single common element to both missions.

Both required teams to remain inconspicuous.

Stealth was key.

Then both teams would have been required to use a Sodan cloaking device

- in order to remain hidden.

- Exactly.

And we tested them for safety and started deploying them on missions such as these just over a week ago.

You think there's some sort of malfunction with the devices?

Yes, but we have another problem.

I requested a complete recall of all the Sodan cloaking devices, including the ones still at Area 51.

Turns out one of them is missing.

No abnormal energy readings, no power spikes.

All systems appear to be normal.

Looks like that one checks out, too.

How's it going?

Nothing yet.

Any word from Area 51?


Agent Barrett called in about an hour ago.

Said his team has detained everyone who had security clearance to the lab where the devices were being held.

We should have more answers after he's finished questioning them.

So he's made a full recovery, then?

Well, he's cleared for duty, but he still feels responsible for what happened.

VALA: Well, he was brainwashed.

It's hardly his fault.

Still, he's determined to find out how it happened and catch those responsible.

It is ironic that, not so long ago, the mere presence of the Goa'uld on Earth would have been cause for great concern.


Who'd ever think that we'd have bigger fish to fry?

Or that you'd use the word "ironic" in a sentence?


I am ready.


Go for it.


(BEEPING) Wait a second.

There's elevated radiation coming from within the area of the cloaking field.

Levels are climbing.

A lot of activity out here, sir.

I told you.

The last thing we need is for this place to turn into the O.



(g*ns FIRING) Or a vice

-presidential bird hunt.

Hold fire! Cease fire! You boys want to tell me what you're sh**ting at?

We saw something moving in there.

Hey, man, you crazy?

Where the hell's he going?

Turn that thing off.

Help me.

So you're sure you're okay?

I am fine, Colonel Carter.

No headaches?

No nausea?

Nothing that might indicate early symptoms of sudden onset monsterism?

I am fine.

Actually, you are.

There's no signs of radiation poisoning, no evidence of genetic manipulation I'm guessing this creature, whatever it is, requires sustained close contact in order to affect its victim's DNA.

Well, that's reassuring, for all of us.

Well, we're running some tests on it right now, but I would like to know more about what actually happened.

But I would like to know more about what actually happened.

You said it just appeared inside the cloaking field?

And then it just sat there like a lump.

The one inside the stomach of the mutated creature was quite active.

Yeah, I noticed.

It practically att*cked me.

And this one has actually been more active recently in its containment t*nk.

I suppose it's possible it was temporarily stunned by its transition to our dimension.

I'm sorry?

Well, that would explain why the people using the cloaks haven't been att*cked by the creatures.

No, no, I meant the "transition to our dimension" part.

The Sodan cloaking device emits an energy field around the wearer that puts them slightly out of phase with our normal dimension of space


Essentially, whoever is in the field is accessing a pocket of subspace, making them virtually undetectable.

So you think this creature is from an alternate dimension, and is essentially bleeding through?


It's definitely possible.

Ancient technology has allowed us to see extra

-dimensional life forms before.

The Sodan were using these devices for hundreds of years.

You'd think there'd at least be a label on the side in bold print that says, "Beware, may cause deadly, extra

-dimensional, radioactive, "monster

-causing creature to appear.

" Or, at least "Danger" would have been nice.

Perhaps the Sodan were not aware of such a flaw in the technology.

CARTER: It's possible this wasn't even a problem until we started using the devices.

I think I know why this is happening.

Actually, it went straight through.


You're going to be fine.


I've been shot! Yeah, you have.

Hurts, don't it?

Don't worry, I had worse.

I'm bleeding to death here! I need an ambulance.

Yeah, I can do that, as soon as I find out what you're doing running around in the woods with a Sodan cloaking device.

You're going to let me die?

I figure you're connected to the Trust.

Am I right?

Orders to spy on General Landry, myself and SG


Please, just get me to a hospital.

See, obviously, you're not a Goa'uld, otherwise you'd just heal yourself.

What are you talking about?


Snakes in people's heads.

Evil snakes, controlling their host bodies with megalomaniac take



-galaxy delusions.

I know what a Goa'uld is.

Do you know you're working for one?

That's who's running the Trust these days.

- You're crazy, man.

- Yeah.

That's what they keep telling me.

You know, they really should give you a personal shield to go with that cloaking device.

And half a brain.

We found a car filled with surveillance and recording equipment about half a mile from here.

I figure the most he learned is that Mitchell is terrible at chess and has some form of sleep apnea.

What else have you learned?

Well, sir, the reason the creatures are entering our dimension is our fault.

How's that?

When we first started using the Sodan devices, we noticed that they emitted a significant amount of radiation.

This is different from the radiation given off by the inter

-dimensional creatures?

Yes, sir, but not unrelated.

We made modifications to shield the radioactive emissions in order to make the devices safer for human use.

I'm guessing there was a practical reason for the radioactive output.


Redden tested the creatures for a reaction to the radiation given off by the unshielded cloaking devices.

They're repelled by it.

And the Sodan would have been protected from the radioactivity because of their symbiotes.

Exactly, which is why they never had this problem.

We thought the radiation was a coincidental byproduct of the technology.

When it was actually performing a vital function.

Do we have any idea how frequent this dimensional breach might be?

No, sir.

It appears to be a random occurrence.

But given how long the Trust operative was using the Sodan device to stay hidden, I'd say that whatever's on the loose in the woods around the cabin is probably a lot worse than a grizzly.

Two hunters dead, and now a guy with no ID.

You want to bring me into the loop here, Colonel?

Guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time, got shot for his troubles.

Bound to happen with all these yahoos running around the woods with g*ns.

Then why am I not being allowed to question him?

Because the Air Force is taking over this investigation in the interest of national security.

That's why.

So just a grizzly bear, huh?

Since when does the Air Force go after a bear in the name of national security?

There's nothing for you to be concerned about, Wade.

Things will be back to normal around here in no time.


MITCHELL: So we're talking about a little critter from a different dimension that burrows into a big critter, turning him into a rampaging monster.

In a nutshell.


How do we find it?

Well, I've calibrated a number of handheld scanners to pick up the creature's radioactive energy signature.

We should be able to track it within a 300

-meter range.

We've also devised a radioactive isotope package that gives off an energy wave similar to the ones emitted by the Sodan cloaking devices.

We're air

-dropping them in a perimeter around the park.

It should stop the creature from getting too far.

Isn't that dangerous for us?

Only if you come within 100 meters of the package.

They have a decay rate that will leave them inert in less than six hours.

It'll be dark soon.

We can't let this thing get away.

VALA: Right, so obviously, rule number one when hunting savage beasts like this is to never actually crawl through the forest looking for them, especially at night.

Always find a way to lure them to you.

So I suggest the best plan of attack would be to plant these isotope packages here and here Or whatever you want.

You'll operate in teams of four.

Each team will conduct grid sweeps, starting here.

No more than 300 meters apart, radio contact every 10 minutes.

- That's brilliant.


- You have your orders.

Move out.

But they didn't hear the rest of my plan.

We'll call it Plan B.

This won't work, you know.

All I'm saying is, why not take advantage of my vast experience, instead of leaving it up to No offense, amateurs?

A mighty Jaffa warrior once said, "The greatest strategy is doomed to fail "if there is no army to follow it.

" It is one, we are many.

That is why we will prevail.

(BEEPING) Excuse me.

Amateurs coming through.

(RAPID BEEPING) I'm picking up something.


-hundred meters, north


MITCHELL ON RADIO: Sam, what's your 20?

We're directly west of you.

We got a bogey just northeast of your position.

Can you zero in on it?

Got it.

Moving on target.

Colonel Mitchell, we have detected the creature.

MITCHELL: Teal'c, where are you?

Just south of your position.

We're all picking up the same target, sir.

Marines, secure perimeter.

All right, where the hell is it?

We should be right on top of it.

Look, no creature, no matter how vicious, is stupid enough to attack a group of this size, so, trust me, we've probably scared it off.

- Vala!

- What?

Down! (ROARING) Of course, I have been known to be wrong on occasion.

Holy Hannah, did you see that thing?

Do you think we scared it off now?

No, I think we pissed it off.

It's circling us.

Backs together! We have a contact in the area.

(GROWLING) (ROARING) Yeah, that's what I call relaxing.

(g*n FIRING) The hell you doing?

VALA: Rule number two, never approach a creature assuming that it's dead.

Allow me to explain to you a few of my rules.

All units, this is General Landry.

The target has been neutralized.

I repeat, the target has been neutralized.

You know what's strange?

I have never known a lone creature to behave so aggressively toward a large group.

Mind you, I've never encountered a radioactive mutant before.

Sir, get down.

Very funny, Mitchell.

This is not No.

Sir! Get down! (ROARING) VALA: Well, that explains that.

Odd behavior for one creature, but not for two.

Feel better?

VALA: Shall we see who's flopped their nuts?

A queen.

General, good timing.

Colonel Mitchell is about to run out of chips.

We need new blood.

Any word, sir?

Final ground sweeps have come up empty, and although it is a big park, our scanners do have a limited range, so we're dropping a fresh radioactive perimeter and sealing off the area for another week as a precaution.

I think it's unlikely that there's a third creature, sir.

Care to place odds on that?

I'm not much of a gambler.

That is obvious.

Okay! River comes up King of spades.

Possible Royal Marriage or King Kong in the works.

There's way too much Poker Channel going on here.

I'm out.

I'm all in.

I'm out.

A true warrior knows when to fold 'em.


I won?

I was totally bluffing! Well played, Colonel! Thank you, sir.

A true warrior knows when to hold 'em.

She took you downtown, homeboy.

I'm glad to see you're all having a good time.

Yes, sir.

Last night was the best time I've had since I don't know when, the look on your face when I said, "Sir! Get down!" What?

A hundred times, the man has told me to relax.

Not that much.

Yes, sir.

Well, it's good to see you relaxing, too, sir.


Now Deal me in.